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A Celebrities Life.



a part of A Celebrities Life., by Pizzahutmarioparty.


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Japan is a part of A Celebrities Life..

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Mayumi Sato [0] "I'm so excited to meet you all!!!"
Ayame Moriyama [0] "I always change the flavor, so I never get bored!"
Livinia "Livi" Hoyt [0] "Baby, I'm bad news."
Hisoka Kuzuki [0] ''I'll do this, not for myself, not for the fame, not the money, but for him.''
Itsuki Nanashoshi [0] " I will carry this dream, for the both of us."

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After going through all of her bags, carefully unfolding each one of her expensive articles of clothing and hanging them up in the ample amount of closet space provided, Livi found herself at a loss of what to do. The magazines she'd meant to pack must have been left at her old apartment (or stolen from her by the all-knowing Daichi who knew this situation would come up and wanted her to socialize). She stared out the window for a bit, undid and then redid her bed, changed into her simple sleepware, replied to texts, and tried memorizing the random bumps on the ceiling before she finally gave in and realized she was not going to win this battle against herself. "I want a TV put in my room by the end of the week" she texted to Daichi prior to untangling herself from her sheets and going to the doorway. She eyed her bedroom from just outside her room for a moment longer, thinking that it mirrored her personality rather well.

She then slunk out back into the living room to see what everyone else was doing, hoping they wouldn't be loud, pushy, obnoxious, overbearing... you get the point. Her now bare feet glided atop the cold floor with jaguar-esque quietness, an impressive feat for such a tall girl. She offered a large (albeit fake- but nobody else could tell that) smile, though she was displeased to find that they were going to be having an elaborate supper tonight. "Hmm, that reminds me. Hisoka, how did you get your hair so that it's natural color?" Itsuki had said, which brought a genuine smirk onto her lips for the second time that night.

"I agree. I swear, if my hair looked like that I'd book 30 times more jobs. Do you regularly have it professionally done?" she inquired, half joking, half serious, her naturally husky voice as quiet and calm as it always was.


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"Hmm, that reminds me. Hisoka, how did you get your hair so that it's natural color?" Itsuki said and Hisoka smiled lightly, which was rare. "I agree. I swear, if my hair looked like that I'd book 30 times more jobs. Do you regularly have it professionally done?" Livinia asked in a calm voice, only making Hiso's smile wider.

" Actually, my hair is natrually colored like this.'' he said playing with a peice of his hair.'' And i haven't ever really had my hair cut, just the split ends trimmed. My mom always said my hair looked better longer on me, and i kinda agreed.'' he said shrugging and trying not to show ho big of a momma's boy he really was.

He twirled a bit of hair on his finger, his violet eyes looking over Itsuki's hair. '' Is your hair natural Itsuki?'' he asked turning to Livinia." Oh and by the way, Nice dress.'' He said giving her a wink a smirk playing on his lips.


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#, as written by X64
"Oh no no, don't worry about it. You don't have to be so polite, honestly...I don't deserve such a polite greeting. I am really glad you admire my singing, it motivates the band to know other people enjoy our songs." Ayame was genuinely surprised to hear that she didn't think that she deserved a polite greeting. One of his eyebrows lifted as he looked curiously at her, but he didn't pursue the subject. Ayame practically jumped with her in surprise as Hisoka seemingly came out of nowhere. Whew, that guy gave me a scare! Hey wait a minute....isn't he...? Ayame knew that he'd seen this guy somewhere, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He was concentrating so much on trying to remember where he had seen this guys face that he didn't even notice that he was staring at him.

"Well..." "Surprise me!"
''I couldn't help but overhear that you two were talking about food, can i have some?''

Ayame was jerked back to reality as he heard them talking to him. At Itsuki's comment, he smiled. The smile just barely had a hint of sadness in it. His brother had almost always asked Ayame to surprise him....for a split second, Ayame was reminded of him in Itsuki.
"Of course!" He answered, to both of them. "I'll get started right now!" Ayame picked up his bags once again as a beautiful young woman entered the living room. Ayame left them to thier conversation, nodding a friendly hello to the beautiful young lady on his way past her.

Hm, what's for dinner.....I don't know, but I miss Daisuke....Daisuke.....that's it! Ayame looked so proud of himself as he reached the last room that wasn't taken. If I'm missing my family, then they might be too. Besides, that drive up here was really long, so I bet they want something that's filling. I have the perfect dish for this! I'll make Nikujaga! (Japanese stew) Ayame thoughts went out the window as he opened the door to his bedroom. He could only stare, slack-mouthed, as he walked a few steps in. This....this must be why no one else wanted it..... He stared, incredulous, at the pool that surrounded his bed. He walked up to his bed and placed his bags on it. Hurriedly, he took his cell phone out of his pocket and sent a text: Why is there a pool in here?!?

Tanaka was riding home in one of his limosuines as he felt his phone vibrate. He fished it out of his pocket, flipped it open, and suddenly got a look of supreme confusion on his face. Has the kid never seen a pool before...? For a moment he just stared at the screen, then shrugged and put his phone away.

Ayame eyed the pool once more, almost as if he expected it to rise up and try to eat him. Really? Was the pool really necessary for this room? Ayame sighed, gaining back his composure. Well...there's not much I can do about it. At least I have cooking to look forward to! Putting on a smile, Ayame stood up and turned to his bags. He opened one, and carefully moving the clothes around he looked for something specific. Finally, he found it. It was a plain white chef's coat, in pristine condition. Completely forgetting that the door was still open, Ayame took off his t-shirt and put on the chefs coat. Then, he left his room, quietly shutting the door as he did so. He made his way into the kitchen, surveying what he saw.


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Mayumi pouted as Ryou and Livi left, Man they're no fun... She walked into the kitchen sulking the whole time, looking for something to do. She smiled as she heard they're conversation, they were talking about Hisoka, she'd always thought he was really cool, but then again she admired everyone.

Mayumi smiled brightly at Ayame and jumped up and down excitedly,"Hey Ayame, your so cool!" She shot a friendly smile at Hisoka and did a slight wave of her hand,"I'm meeting the coolest people, Hi Hisoka your cool too." She didn't want him to be mad at her again she was just naturally happy and overjoyed about things, it was something she couldn't help. But she knew sometimes she could go a little overboard....

Maybe I should try and be considerate of other peoples feelings, but it was really hard not to be happy, she was standing in a room with the beautiful Livinia and Itsuki, the chef Ayame, and the cool laidback Hisoka, how could she not be excited?


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His Mom? That's interesting... "Is your hair natural Itsuki?''
" All natural~ I got the green hair from my mother, it's pretty easy to handle. It gets in my face a lot though, so I have to put it up or ill probably end up walking into things." She snickered when Hisoka attempted to hit on Livi, at least that's how Itsuki took it. No surprise though, Livi was stunning...she was a model after all. Itsuki caught Ayame's smile from the corner of her eye, although it didn't seem completely happy. She didn't think to much of it though and there went off the chef.

,"I'm meeting the coolest people, Hi Hisoka your cool too."
Itsuki laughed, Mayumi must of really admired them. " Trust me Mayu~ I don't think we are as cool as you make us out to be." It was good to be living with a cheerful person, it kept things bright. Most of the people in the house seemed....dull or not to pleased to be here, Itsuki could understand that to a extent. " Well I am off to the kitchen, it's not every day you see a chef cook~" walking back to her room she grabbed her laptop and headed into the kitchen. She sat down in a chair, far away enough where she won't get in Ayame's way, but close enough to see what he is doing. Of course Itsuki also had to be doing something else, she couldn't just sit there, she placed her dating sim game into her computer and it began downloading. The download didn't take to long, so she began playing...occasionally glancing up at Ayame.

Girls voices could be heard from the computer and the occasional male voice. Hmm...shy type, Active type, and the tsundere. Interesting, ill take...the shy type's route first.
" It's a shame you didn't win Iron chef, everyone loved you for your personality and you were enjoyable to watch." She figured she should start a conversation.


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#, as written by X64
Well, the kitchen is awesome! It's not spread out like the Iron Chef kitchens were, but it sure looks pretty darn close..... Ayame thought as he stood there. He was so wrapped up in thought, that he didn't see the girl jumping up and down in front of him until he heard her voice.
"Hey Ayame, your so cool!"
"Wow, you really think so?" He asked her, surprised. He smiled back at her, getting over his surprise. Noticing her talking to Hisoka as well, he gently took Mayumi by the shoulders and ushered her out of the kitchen, near Hisoka. "Forgive me," He told her, "I'm very sorry I'm acting so rude, but it's getting late and if I don't start now then we won't be able to have dinner before we fall asleep." He was apologetic as he told her this. Without another word, he went back into the kitchen, rolling up his sleeves. He pulled some hairclips out of his coat pocket and put them in his hair, placing his hair out of his eyes. Although it looked plain-out silly, it was more to prevent hair from getting in the food than for his sight. He went over to the sink and washed his hands thoroughly, especially under his nails. This was all done within five minutes, and so he began searching for and pulling out the ingredients for dinner and even dessert. Once all the preparations were ready, he began. As he was slicing his vegetables, he heard someone pull up a chair. He glanced over, seeing Itsuki with her laptop.
"It's a shame you didn't win Iron chef, everyone loved you for your personality and you were enjoyable to watch."
He laughed a little bit, placing the now-sliced vegetables in a pot of boiling water. "I'm glad you think so," He called out, "but to be honest I was never going to win. I mean, it's not like I didn't try my best. It's just that someone without any formal training simply doesn't stand a chance." He started slicing meat, adding that to the pot once it was done as well. "It sure was fun though! It makes me happy that so many people enjoy my cooking, even if its not at its full potential yet." He turned his head to Itsuki, smiling at her for a moment before going back to what he was doing.
As he cooked, he was thinking of a song he used to sing for Daisuke when they were little. Some of the other boys had made fun of him for it, but he never cared. He didn't care that it was a girl's song, it was cute and Daisuke liked it. Daisuke used to like that song a lot....for the longest time it had been his favorite.

"Dango, dango, dango, dango, dango, daikazoku
Dango, dango, dango, dango, dango, daikazoku
Yancha na yaki-dango yasashii an-dango~"

Ayame began to sing as he worked, starting to work on making the rice and miso soup as the Nikujaga simmered. For dessert, he made Kuchi Dango (sweet skewered dumplings). He sang softly, so that he could hear if Itsuki spoke to him.

(The song Ayame sang is called "Big Dango Family." The link is just for the melody, not Ayame's actual voice. ^^)


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At the smell of the wonderful cooking, Ryou's stomach growled as well. Rubbing the back of his head, he took a seat on the couch, quietly listening to the other's conversation. As his phone buzzed, Ryou looked to see who was calling. He was actually expecting his manager, but instead it was one of his band members. It was about time they called anyways.

"Yo, Ryou. How are you doing so far? Did you unpack yet? Who else is there with you?" they all asked at the same time.
"It hasnt been that long since I've been here you know. I'm doing fine. It looks like everyone else is getting along... And yes I unpacked already. The room is fairly big. Uh... well there's Itsuki from No Limits, Hisoka from Secret Chaos, Ayame from Iron chef, and the two models Mayumi and Livinia." he answered, tapping his fingers silently.

All he heard was chattering on the other line, and couldnt fully understand what they were saying. Ryou sighed before hanging up. Yup, he was one hundred percent sure the others called just to find out who he was with. Nothing more. Resting his head on the couch, Ryou closed his eyes. For some reason, he felt so worn out.


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"but to be honest I was never going to win. I mean, it's not like I didn't try my best. It's just that someone without any formal training simply doesn't stand a chance.It sure was fun though! It makes me happy that so many people enjoy my cooking, even if its not at its full potential yet."
Itsuki smiled as the smell of food started to rise, instantly she knew it was going to be a great dinner. " Well, you don't need 'special' training just to stand a chance. Talent comes from the heart, not from some teacher that tells you how to cut a apple. True it helps to know those things, but the real talent is you." She scratch the back of her head " Ah Dang, it's not like to me say those kind of things."

She went back to playing her game when she caught Ayame singing...That sounds like...oh wow. literally stopping what she was doing, she looked at Ayame. Sure enough...he was singing 'Big Dango Family'. Not able to control herself, she started giggling. " I-I never would of thought you would know that song. Normally I hear it from women, my mom sang it to me when I was little...before I went to bed. I haven't heard it in so long..."
She was giggling between her words, still surprised he knew that song.
Finally gaining some self control over her giggling, she cleared her throat. " Sorry, I bet I looked like a idiot laughing..." her eyes drifted back onto the laptop.
Perhaps staying here won't be to bad, for now at least...though normally on first days everyone is on their best behavior. I wonder what their true colors are...if they haven't already shown them.


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#, as written by X64
"Well, you don't need 'special' training just to stand a chance. Talent comes from the heart, not from some teacher that tells you how to cut a apple. True it helps to know those things, but the real talent is you."

"That's very nice of you to say, Itsuki. I'm really glad you think so." Ayame answered, taking a moment to smile at her. He continued cooking and singing, and he was finally almost done. However, he stopped in surprise when he heard giggling. "Huh?" He turned to see Itsuki trying to gain control of herself.

"I-I never would of thought you would know that song. Normally I hear it from women, my mom sang it to me when I was little...before I went to bed. I haven't heard it in so long..."

Ayame blushed, stammering, "I, I, uhm...uh..." He really wasn't sure what to say. He was half-afraid that she would make fun of him for singing a cute song. He saw as she cleared her throat and gained a bit of composure.
"Sorry, I bet I looked like a idiot laughing..."
"N-no, of course not." He told her, "I'm going to go set the table." He said this rather abruptly, quickly grabbing the necessary items and rushing out to the dining room. He was still blushing as he set the table, laying out something like a feast upon it. There was Nikujaga, white rice, Miso soup, some sushi, and the necessary assorted condiments that went along with each. To drink, Ayame prepared Matcha (green tea). For dessert, there were Kushi Dango.

"Dinner's ready, everyone!"


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Mayumi smiled as she smelled Ayame's cooking, and heard him yell for everyone to come. She looked over at Ryou who was sound asleep on the coach, she smiled and went over into the kitchen to get his food for him and set it on the little table in front of him, she shook his shoulder gently not wanting to startle him,"Dinner's ready Ryou."

She ran up the stairs to Livinia room, she stood in her door way and smiled brightly,"Livinia dinner's ready." She walked into the room shyly and stood with her eyes full of excitement,"Ayame's cooking is so good, I'm really excited to see what he made."

She'd never really been a big eater but her favorite food was miso-soup, I'm in a house with a chef, a fellow model, and the coolest singers, this day could not get any better!!


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Livi nodded her head casually without much emotion at all in response to Hisoka's apparently natural hair. While she'd complimented it so thoroughly before, she still couldn't decide whether she actually liked it or not. It was one of those things that she'd either love or hate and it was hard to tell the difference between the two sometimes. She looked it over with part-critical-part-impressed eyes, noting the overall sheen and glossiness of it. After her moment of skepticism, she finally made the decision that it was, indeed, beautiful, well-managed hair. Her hawk-like orbs watched as one of the musician's fingers twirled the very same hair with an intense amount of focus and it didn't falter until she noticed that he'd turned his attention to her. She immediately snapped her eyebrows up and looked at him expectantly in a way that said "What? No I was not just staring at you. I've been participating in normal conversation this entire time" in case he was now looking at her to confront her on her staring, but it wasn't necessary because he only had said "Oh and by the way, nice dress." followed by a clever wink and handsome smirk.

Relieved and very much so amused, a smirk of her own found its way to Livi's mouth, an almost smug look glossing over her face. Being hit on was something that made her feel tenfold times more comfortable- it was something she was used to, not at all alien like all of this social chit chat that'd been happening so far in the few hours she'd been in this house. Hisoka's flirting made her feel more at ease than anyone's compliments and reassurance had thus far. Still, she didn't say anything, and instead just turned her attention to Itsuki who confirmed that her hair, too, was natural. The girl went on to chat with Mayumi and then the blond man who was now in the kitchen (was he their designated chef...?) and Livi noted with a pang of envy how socially equipped Itsuki was. She sure was charming, that was for sure.

She was left there standing with Hisoka for a little bit, and felt most at peace about this. If she could associate with the lifestyle and mentality of anyone here, the musician would probably be it, what with how the press portrayed him as a cold, heartless bastard. That was something Livi could relate to. "It feels weird to be living with Secret Chaos' acclaimed singer. I'm actually surprised you agreed to do this. From what the magazines say, you're quite the aloof, lone badboy." Livi said cheekily, a challenging tilt of her head and raise of one eyebrow only adding to the "I'm-kind-of-making-fun-of-you-but-in-a-mostly-harmless-way" vibe that Livi had learned to master in her 20 years of living.

It wasn't long before Mayumi had pranced up and announced that dinner was reading and that some "Ayame" character was a great cook. She wondered how Mayumi knew the man's name, but dismissed it as she approached the kitchen and overheard the conversation at hand. "Oh, so he was on a reality cooking television show... That makes sense." she thought while taking a seat at the flossy dinner table with all the poise and elegance she possessed.


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Hisoka sighed and followed Livi to the table.'' Looks absolutly great!'' he said staring at the food hugerly."It feels weird to be living with Secret Chaos' acclaimed singer. I'm actually surprised you agreed to do this. From what the magazines say, you're quite the aloof, lone badboy." he heard Livi say, Hiso looked at her and smirked.'' Yup.That pretty much explains me. Though, i didn't agree to this. i didn't even know till about three days ago.'' he said a frustrated glare on his face.

''Miki had set it all up saying,'It'll be good for your rep and you might even make new friends!''' he said in a high pitched girly squee, which almost fit the sound of Miki's voice. She had a tendency to get on Hiso's nerves, but he loved her like a little sister.'' If it was up to me i would be some where much more important.'' he said, thinking of he nine year old brother suffering in the hospital.


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"N-no, of course not." Itsuki was confused to why he seemed in such a hurry, hopefully she didn't offend him in some way. Though her thoughts were instantly cleared when she heard the words "Dinner's ready, everyone!" Almost instantly she got up from her seat, leaving her laptop on the chair...of course still on. " Food~ Food~ Food~"

Arriving at the table, she took her seat. " Man, it looks great Ayame. Give yourself a pat on the back, I guess this should be expected from a good cook."
''Miki had set it all up saying,'It'll be good for your rep and you might even make new friends!'' At first Ituski had thought there was a new arrival at the house, but soon found out it was only Hisoka. " You make a good girl, I thought some one had arrived at the house that was new. Of course I don't mean that in a bad way." Itsuki was ready to dig into the food with full force, but she closed her eyes and said a quick prayer in her head.
Let me live a great life and have a good time with these people, also let Rena wake up soon.

Re-opening her eyes she smiled widely and began eating, but made sure not to look like she was a starving animal who just came across a feast.
Swallowing a bite she took, she couldn't help but cue~ " It tastes just as good as it looks...I wish I could cook like this. Oh, I almost forgot...what bathroom will be the boys bathroom? There are two...I don't mind sharing a bathroom with a guy, but for poor Mayumi's sake we should know what bathroom the girls can use."


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#, as written by X64
After calling everyone to dinner, Ayame snuck off to his room. He went over to his bags and took off his chef's coat, once again forgetting that his bedroom door was still open. He changed into a plain t-shirt, although this time it was dark green. After this, he went back to the dining room and sat down. It seemed like mostly everyone was there, so he went ahead and dug in. All that cooking sure made him hungry, and it was painstakingly obvious. He ate so much that one could wonder where he was putting it all! Of course, he had practically made enough for an army so there was plenty to go around. He didn't talk to anyone, simply because he was stuffing his face the entire time.
This however, wasn't to say that he had bad table manners. He just ate. And ate. And ate. To anyone who didn't know Ayame well, it was probably almost shocking to watch.


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'' Yup.That pretty much explains me. Though, i didn't agree to this. i didn't even know till about three days ago.'' Hiso had said, his obvious contempt very clear. He went on to impersonate the voice of who she assumed was his manager, and Livi smirked while retrieving an almost comedically small portion of the delicious meal the blond man had prepared for all of them. As she did this, she murmured a quiet, polite "Thank you very much," while still not interrupting the conversation at hand. " You make a good girl, I thought some one had arrived at the house that was new. Of course I don't mean that in a bad way." Itsuki had said, and at this Livi couldn't contain her snickering, which probably didn't help Itsuki's case as she tried to take back the unintentional insult. "I actually am in a similar situation. My manager thought if best for me to interact with other aspiring celebrities so as to boost my approval." She admitted after she'd finished chuckling at Hisoka's expesne.

Livi took a bite of the food when she saw that Itsuki had begun to eat, an was startled to find how insanely delicious it was. Livinia tried her best to make herself dislike food, and had succeeded in doing it. She didn't very much like the taste of anything anymore because it made her feel guilty... but this... this was delightful. She licked her lips and stared across the table at the magic man who'd made it in disbelief. She was going to gain so much weight if he kept cooking such delicious dishes, she realized with horror. With that thought, she calmly placed her fork back on the plate and avoided staring at the contents on it with an insatiable gleam in her eye, instead deciding to savor the taste in her mouth. Time to excercise that control she'd worked so hard to obtain. "This is delicious." she said in a purposefully nonchalant sounding voice, to hide the sincerity that might make her look like a baby or something. She took a second bite.

Itsuki then said something similar to what she was actually thinking and discussed the bathroom situation. "I also wouldn't mind sharing a bathroom with whoever. As long as the men don't piss- oh, I mean, pee- all over the place, I think I'll be fine. Wait, how is the cleaning going to work? Are we going to have to devise a schedule or something of the sort? I haven't lived in a place that didn't have room service for the past four years of my life so I'm really not sure how that should be handled."
