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A Farewell To Kings

A Farewell To Kings


The land of Briliron is thrown into chaos (worse, this time around) as revolts spring up to topple monarchies around the world.

3,125 readers have visited A Farewell To Kings since Penny Pincher created it.


The world of Briliron has always been at war with itself. The monarchies of Sepharim, Jilican, Kaelath, and Prilacia have always been at each-others' throats. And even when peace treaties were signed, they were still at each others' necks. Just the same, the peace treaties always lasted a few years anyway until newer monarchs found something to squabble over. Alliances had a terrible habit of falling apart and world-control schemes nearly almost always failed- even when it looked a lot like it was going to succeed this time around. It is often claimed that there has never been a time in the recorded history of Briliron where not a single war was being waged. When Jilican and Sepharim, the oldest Kingdoms, first came into contact with each-other, they attacked! War is just as much a fact of life in Briliron as the sun rising each morning.

But that, or at least, it is said, that this will change.

After centuries of constant warfare and strife, it seems the people of Briliron have finally grown tired of being pawned around by their Kings and Queens. It should even be noted that every single kingdom has had rulers from the same family line dating back to the founding of the kingdom itself! The people have literally been bossed around by the great, great, twenty-six-more-greats, grandchildren of the people who started bossing them around. But now, some people are starting to say "enough is enough! No more death, no more taxes, no more war, and no more Kings!" Its the dawn of a new era in Briliron, far more interesting than those before it. Revolutionary parties of all sorts have sprung up throughout the land. Necromancers, Conjurers, and those who would see their favored form of government come to rule- called Warlords by the populace- have amassed varying amounts of followers and leaped into action.

The first warlords sprung during an uneasy cease-fire between the four Kingdoms. They started in Kaelath, mostly just going after each other and then getting squashed by the state. Hearing of this, bandits in Prilacia said "I bet we could do it better than them." Warlords rose in Prilacia and Kaelath, sometimes getting crushed and other times retreating to the Kingdoms of Jilican and Sepharim to amass followings there. Adding to the carnage and chaos even further, the five Kingdoms once again declared war on each other. This time for the blame of the Warlord problem.

With different revolts springing up all over the place and the five Kingdoms once again fighting it out, in addition to their home-front troubles, Briliron is in for one hell of a nightmare. Is it finally time to bid the Kings farewell?



The world of Briliron is home to all sorts of races and creatures, each residing together in one of the Kingdoms. No single race belongs to any single Kingdom, though with the exception of Jilican and Sepharim, the monarchs have always been pure-blood human. Jilican and Sepharim have a long history of half-Elf and Half-Orc leaders, including the occasional full-blood Orc and Elvish leaders. Their monarchs aren't nearly as picky when it comes to life partners, much to the resentment of Monarchs from Prilacia and Kaelath.

Technology in Briliron is largely on par with the late 1700s or early 1800s of Earth. Steam power has just been discovered, though its potential not yet realized outside of a few extraordinary inventors. The printing press makes knowledge and books easy to come by. The introduction of Telegrams allow information to travel quickly across kingdoms. Breach loading rifles are widely used by the armed forces, which are much more accurate and powerful than the muzzle-loading musket that civilians tend to have.

The ability to use Magic in Briliron is a rare and exceptional trait. So rare that there exists no formal education or classification of the art. Magic is typically viewed cautiously by the populace, since scientists are continuously baffled by it. Some with magic try to hide it to avoid being shunned. Others use it to help their Kingdoms, be it militarily or scientifically. And still others choose the path of the Warlord and use the trait to raise forces of undead or elementals.


Prilacia is a Kingdom founded and based on faith in a higher power. Separation of church and state, or any other form of secularism, is completely unheard of. Anything short of complete devotion to the chief religion of Prilacia, Sparonism, will see you either exiled or executed. While the religion is based on peace and the living of life by turning the other cheek, Prilacia nevertheless acts just as aggressively towards its neighbors as its neighbors act towards Prilacia. The seat of Monarch of Prilacia doubles as the head of the church of Sparonism. Prilacia takes part in the slave trade from the Barren Wastes, largely because they don't belong to the church of Sparonism. The Kingdom of Prilacia's strength lies in its religious fervor. No citizen will deny a call to arms or stop fighting until he drops dead if he goes in the name of the church.

1. Large City, Capital: Mt. Sparonis (Holy City of Sparonism. Also the most well defended.)
Status: Normal
2. Small Port City: Ibiedien
Status: Normal
3. Medium City: Kedilanna
Status: Normal
4. Small City: Nathiel
Status: Normal
5. Medium City: Yeratram
Status: Normal


Sepharim might as well be underwater, some people say, their love of the sea is that strong. Sepharim's fleet is among the largest and best maintained, with their trade contacts spanning the globe. Even in the perpetual state of war Briliron finds itself in, the need for trade at the hands of Sepharim's bulging independent merchant fleet to keep money flowing is undeniable. The only thing keeping Sepharim from bringing the world to its knees by stopping trade is their own reliance on foreign goods as well. The desert that makes up most of Sepharim does not yield many resources, after all. Sepharim takes part in slave trade from the Barren Wastes, as its a business enterprise they would soon not be without. The nation's strength lies within its well-equipped and well funded navy.

1. Medium City, Capital: Etiraviel
Status: Normal
2. Small City: Jeriek
Status: Normal
3. Large Port City: Onew
Status: Normal
4. Medium Port City: Agrirerith
Status: Normal
5. Large Port City: Astethiel
Status: Normal


Kaelath is a Kingdom built upon rich military tradition. People like to say that the first swords were forged in Kaelath, even though Sepharim and Jilican are the oldest nations. Others point out archaeological digs have revealed only clubs and bolas from ancient Sepharim and Jilican settlements. Regardless of this, Kaelath's pride and joy is its military. To the point where there is a "Parliament" (more accurately described as a Military Junta) serving directly under the King himself. Law, order, and justice are the chief concerns of the King and his entourage of military cohorts. This is shown heavily in the lifestyle in Kaelath, as crime rates are the lowest in the entire globe and the justice system the most efficient, if brutal and occasionally misguided. The Kings, despite everything, are dedicated secularists with little regard for religion at all, leading to resentment for and from Prilacia. Kaelath's strength lies with its incredible military discipline and clever generals. Kaelath does not take part in the slave trade of the Barren Wastes, they get their labor from criminals and exiles from Prilacia.

1. Large City, Capital: Girat
Status: Normal
2. Medium City: Kauwen
Status: Normal
3. Small Port City: Ocaykor
Status: Normal
4. Large City: Vaviel
Status: Normal
5. Small Port City: Zaerd
Status: Normal
6. Small Port City: Ethiralian
Status: Normal


Jilican is a Kingdom built on Industry and manufacturing. Every significant technological marvel, (aside from the blade, allegedly) has originated within Jilican's borders. Might through machinery is the King's motto and he lives by it to the best of his ability. Rifles, Printing Presses, Steam Engines, and other sorts of devices are all manufactured within its borders, the workforce capable of assembling them available nowhere else. Much to the embitterment of Jilican, they are forced to trade these marvels to Sepharim's independent merchants in exchange for other things not available on their continent, Sepharim in turn trading these things to all other nations for a substantially large profit. Despite being the most technologically advanced, Jilican is largely viewed as completely backwards. For instance, they're still operating with feudalism. Only now largely with factories instead of farm estates. They partake in the slave trade of the Barren Wastes only sparingly, the feudal workforce accomplishing things well enough as it stands. Jilican's strength lies in its technology, as there are still a few marvels they have yet to share with everyone else.

1. Large City, Capital: Elialin
Status: Normal
2. Small City: Yierith
Status: Normal
3. Medium Port City: Nydieweth
Status: Normal
4. Small Port City: Ererilin
Status: Normal

Barren Wastes

The Barren Wastes are just that. Barren Wastes, nothing more than sprawling deserts where advanced civilization never seemed to get to. Various sentient creatures inhabit the land in small villages, though they are unceremoniously enslaved by three of the Four Kingdoms. Most of these creatures are of the common races, Dwarves, Elves, Humans, etc, but this does not seem to phase their oppressors in the least. There is little of interest in these sprawling desert plains, though some do speak of life beyond it...Likely a fool's tale, no doubt.

Character Sheet:
Code: Select all
[b]Age:[/b] ( No immortals that look like children, please. )
[b]Gender:[/b] ( Keep it normal, please. )
[b]Race:[/b] ( See Rule IV. )
[b]Appearance:[/b] ( Text or picture. Please have a thumbnail. )
[b]Kingdom of Origin:[/b] ( Kingdom or area your character was born in. )
[b]Allegiance:[/b] ( One of the Four Nations, Independent, or Neutral. )
[b]Profession:[/b] ( Your character's job. Mage, Blacksmith, etc. If you are a Warlord, your allegiance  [i]must [/i]be Independent. )
[b]History:[/b] ( Your character's story up to this point. )
[b]Personality:[/b] ( A brief or lengthy description of your character's personality. )
[b]Weapons:[/b] ( Weapons your character uses. A commoner will not likely have a blade or gun. )
[b]Magic/Abilities:[/b] ( Magic your character uses or skills your character is adept in. Or both. )
[b]Troops:[/b] ( If applicable. Keep it relatively small for Warlords. Please be detailed if you have troops at your command. )

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Rule II: Literacy
A minimum and maximum number of paragraphs per post, I'm told, is really just dickish and plain rude. As such, there are no such things here. Does that mean you can post one liners willy-nilly? No. Does it mean you can write me a book per post? Good Lord, no! All I ask is for you to find some median between the two and call it a day. Just be good with your spelling, grammar, and all those other good things and everything will be right as rain in the world. Writers block happens and I'm alright with that. In fact, it'll probably hit me before any of you. So I apologize in advance.

Rule III: Activity
If you send me a profile you agree to stay active, simple as that. Do not join for a short period of time. If thats what you're looking for, tough luck. I would expect at least two posts from everyone per week. As a fellow living, breathing human being, I understand that some of us actually have social lives that they may take greater interest in than this particular roleplay. If you're going to be gone for a week or more without giving me a heads up, tell me. Elsewise you'll end up removed and your character will meet a very gruesome and untimely end. In addition to that, have some some courtesy. If you're going to be gone for a few days, tell us beforehand and free your character so that he might be NPC'd instead of dispatched and replaced.

Rule IV: Profiles
I really don't want to see "fallen" Angels, Angels, Demons, Half-Demons, Half-Angles, Nekos, or any thing of those sorts. Comprende? Demons are bad-ass creatures that are the very embodiment of pain and suffering and everything else that's bad in the world. They do not take the form of some prissy anime boy with red eyes and a weird haircut. Angels are the embodiment of justice, valor, honor, and respect. They do not take the form of a dainty little girl with giant wings. Nekos are just flat out stupid. Telepathy is also prohibited, here meaning the passive reading of a person's thoughts.

Browse All » 5 Settings to roleplay in


Briliron by Penny Pincher

The crazy world where we all live, and will likely all die.


Prilacia by RolePlayGateway

The Holy Kingdom of Prilacia, built on faith and spirituality.


Sepharim by RolePlayGateway

Sepharim, the Mercantile Kingdom of Trade and Commerce.


Kaelath by RolePlayGateway

The militant Kingdom of Kaelath, built upon Law and Military Tradition.


Jilican by RolePlayGateway

Jilican, the Feudal Kingdom of Science and Industry

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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The heavy fog that usually plagued Fort Ironworth every morning had rolled in once again, cruelly interfering with the vision of its defenders along Lake Orion. Undaunted, Field Marshal of Kaelath, Marius Lepidus still saw it fit to walk along the battlements as he did every morning. The fort itself was rather spacious, enough to house over four-hundred and fifty men and enough supplies to keep them reasonably well armed and fed. It was not the most luxurious life, but military service was hardly so in the first place. If the soldiers wanted to live comfortably, they had to earn it. Bullet by bullet, kill by kill, victory by victory. Marius had done it himself, albeit over the entire course of his young adult and adult life. Most of these men planned to resolve after two or three years of service anyway. Marius' thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he shortly stopped walking along the battlements, standing still. Something had caught his attention, or rather, the lack of someone had caught his attention. There were supposed to be watchmen along the walls, especially at this time of day. Yet he hadn't seen any of them for quite some stretch.

Marius grunted and shook his head, continuing on. Either someone was playing hooky, or one of the watchmen had about-faced too early. In either case, he'd have them flogged before returning to duty. There was no room for slip ups, especially on this vital front in the war. The last thing Marius wanted was to be forced to resign after failing to defend Kaelath's side of Lake Orion because some watchman couldn't keep their head screwed on straight. Maybe if he was lucky, he'd be killed in battle instead of forced to resign. At least that way he would keep a small portion of his pride, even in the afterlife. Though according to the Prilacians, he and his comrades in arms are damned to hell-fire for all of eternity. A notion he found amusing, if not down-right ridiculous.

Marius found his private thoughts interrupted again when he came upon a peculiar sight littering the battlements in front of him. A shattered, but still lit lantern, and a discarded rifle. A sinking feeling gripped Marius' gut, the hair on the back of his neck stood straight up as he. He stooped over suspiciously to examine the rifle. Grasping it in his hands, he noted the small cuts on on side of the rifle. Almost as if a soldier had raised it in defense against a sword, multiple times. He stood up, dropping the rifle and placing a hand on the hilt of his officer's sword. Now Marius was incredibly certain something was amiss, but he was more concerned with the sound of footsteps as if was running up from behind him.

Marius turned himself around to face the assailant, just barely able to duck a horizontal slice aimed at decapitating him as he turned about. He could feel the blade graze the hair atop his head as he withdrew his own. Standing up again, Marius took a few steps back to gain some space between he and his would-be killer so he could properly engage in a sword fight. His foe was wearing leather armor, but aside from the blade the assassin carried that was coated in dried blood, Marius took note of the armband bearing the Prilacian Coat of Arms. This lead Marius to two conclusions. Either Prilacia was attempting to cut the head of the snake by killing Marius, or they had dispatched numerous agents to clear the watchmen off the walls so they could launch a surprise, early morning offensive.

Taking into account the missing watchman, Marius decided it had to have been the latter. In which case, he needed to dispatch the man as soon as possible. Parrying a stab at his gut, Marius gritted his teeth and prepared for what could only possibly be the most hellish morning at Fort Ironworth he endured thus far. All before breakfast, no less.

The setting changes from Kaelath to Briliron


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Droplets of sweat fell from Falkrin's brow as he tinkered with a small musket he'd been building. It'd just been practice, and he couldn't think of any practical use for it other than disassembly. Alas, he slid his goggles up to a resting position on his forehead and grabbed a white cloth, wiping the char-colored grime off his face and hands. Mornings were tiring, but voluntarily so. Falkrin had been criticized for his lack of motivation to do anything other than mock people he deemed to be idiots, so he began to do some extra engineer work to quell his detractors. Overall, life went on as it had for many of his adult years: lacking in any large amount of strife or back-breaking work. Sometimes religious folk would knock on his door to chew him out for his heathenish behaviors, but he didn't particularly care about such nonsense.

A sudden knock on the oaken door provoked an audible, drawn-out sigh from Falkrin. "No thank you, my good sir or madam!" He shouted bluntly, "I'm quite busy working on a project of utmost importance!"

"Open up or miss out on the news!" Replied a familiar voice; it was that of Brycius Corrodus, a young man that had befriended Falkrin the previous year. He was a pleasant, handsome fellow, very popular with the ladies. Falkrin admired him in a strange sort of way.

Damn you, the sun's only just risen, Falkrin thought as he walked hastily to the door. With a loud creak it swung open, causing Falkrin's oily hair and beard to flow in the short gust of air it caused. "Come in and take a seat, lad." Brycius nodded and walked over to an old wood table Falkrin had set in the center of the room, sitting in one of the little armless chairs. Falkrin followed suit, slouching slowly into another chair, which creaked loudly as he did so.

"So, there's been another murder nearby." Brycius was casual in his speech, seemingly unsurprised by the news.

"Really?! It's those damned religious fanatics, likely!" Falkrin growled, obviously upset by the news. Something he'd said was apparently funny, because Brycius was instantly jarred into laughter. "What's funny?!"

Brycius tried to catch his breath. "You're... You're just so biased!" He said, wiping tears from his eyes. "It's become quite funny." Falkrin didn't appreciate the comment; his face turned beat red at the sound of it.

"Well, I at least worry about important things." Falkrin replied angrily. "All you're concerned with are women."

They continued conversing for a while, over some nice tea that Falkrin eventually decided to make. When it was Brycius' time to leave, Falkrin tipped him and began to tidy up his workspace.


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Theda rose early in the morning before dawn to do her morning prayers and call a blessing onto the soldiers who would be on their way to the other side of the lake. It was a pivotal point. They had decided to launch an early morning attack in hopes to catch the Marius's men off their guard in the fog.
They stood at the edge of the lake together and in the formal language, she spoke.

"May God bless these men in their mission to slay the heathen marshall and his army if it is God's will. If they does not return here safely, may they return to Heaven."
She touched the marshall before her on his forhead with her the back of her fingers, then his lips, then touched his heart, and back to his lips completing one of many holy hand symbols.

"Good luck and God speed." she said to him.

He nodded his thanks and they were off quickly. More soldiers came to the shore and watched the soldiers who were going on the mission silently slip out in several large boats through the mist that was turned golden by the dawn. There were soft mutters of prayers and holy hand symbols made before everyone scattered and began their business about the camp. Theda was on the boat with the marshall and walked along the deck, admiring, so it seemed, the lake. Really she was observing the bottom of the crystal clear lake, scoping for boulders and other elements that could help them in battle. Water was not her forte, but another mage on the boat with her, Dante, was an expert.

"Do you think he will succeed?" Dante asked, breaking the silence that had lingered thus far through their stroll and on the whole deck for that matter.
"It is not usually the will of God to harm others, but hopefully so."
"Why would God allow such a man as Marius to live?" Dante pondered aloud, kicking his feet at the ground as if to figuratively kick Marius's head itself. His foot accidentally connected with a cannonball for one of the small cannons on board and grabbed his foot in pain, making an unmanly squeak for such a swaggering young male. All of the soldiers nearby shushed him desperately
The loose cannonbal rolled in front of her and she lifted her hand willing the cannonball to continue rolling in front of her as she spoke.
"Perhaps he's a test.." she lifted the rock with the invisible hands of her magic and directed the cannonball back on top of the pile of ammo. "But it's a test we shall surely pass."

Another soldier agitated with both the mages talking shushed them again, "For God's sake, be quiet! We are here.." and sure enough as he finished his sentence they touched shore.

Theda gazed in astonishment at the looming sillhouette of fortress before them, then glanced over at Dante. His mouth was sealed shut and anything he was about to say back to the soldier who scolded them was swallowed back down his throat. Ladders were thrown over the deck and the first soldiers filed off the boat slinked silently towards the fortress. Soldiers climbed the walls by way of rope, and made it to the top in no time flat, having rehearsed numerous times back at their own training camps. The first few watchmen were killed without a sound and thrown down on the other side of the wall.

The marshall signaled the mages to start coming once the watchmen were down off the wall, since the mages climbed much slower then the rest of the soldiers. Dante and Theda squirmed side by side up the ropes, Theda making it to the top first and helping Dante up when he got to the top.

"It's because of the armor.." he mumbled, as he grabbed her helping hand and climbed on to the top of the wall. She briefly smiled, but the lighthearted moment was cut short by the first sounds of alarm in the camp.

"Intruders! Intruders!"

Soldiers stumbled out of their rooms putting on armor as they headed straight for the intruders coming over the fortress walls. Theda and Dante put on their winged helmets and were ordered to split in opposite directions. Theda saw her first weapon of choice on the walls: torches. She yanked one off the wall and led a group of her fellow soldiers down the west end of the wall. The Kaelan soldiers from the camp came up the watch tower and were immediately met by wind of fire spat in their direction by the mage, then the soldiers behind Theda came forward and threw the flaming men out of the way.

The setting changes from Briliron to Kaelath


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It was a truly stunning and fair weathered morning.
To either side of her tall, beautiful trees proudly stood sentinel over nature's greatest secrets, their lush leaves gently saying in a calm, chilled breeze.
From above the thick green canopy shafts of shimmering early morning sun beat down like bolts of lightning, constantly changing and shifting as the caravan wagon she rode in moved and bounced.
From below, at the very bases of these mighty woodland giants, a thin fog swirled and seeped out onto the earthen trail, painting the land with haze, bringing a smell of salty sea and sweet moisture with it.
She sat on the back of a small Merchant's wagon, her legs dangling over the edge, feet saying mere inches from the ground as the moved.
From this little perch the fog looked as if it were the hazy maw of some great beast, constantly moving to catch her and swallow her legs whole, but never being able to.
She laid back in the little Wagon, leaving her legs over the edge and enjoying the waning early morning silence as more and more of the traveler's children began to wake.
Her eyes slowly closed and a warm, forgotten smile crept across her lush lips.
It was in a place like this she could forget everything, the war, the warlords, her father, her duty, her guilt, it all melted away and vanished into the fog-beast's mouth.
Unfortunately, life has a way of knowing when one is escaping her, and she's very fast to remind a person of their plights.

"Lady, is the king really your dad?" The voice belonged to a young boy, no older than Nine.
He'd crawled into the back of the wagon alongside her while he thought she was asleep, and once she opened an eye to return his stare, he coward a little, knowing what he did was "Wrong".

"You shouldn't sneak up on a woman you think to be asleep,~" Her honey-smooth voice had a sing-song quality to it for the time being. "Or a man either, or another child, it's very rude.." her grin turned wicked. "And could just get you gutted like a bore!"

The boy went a little pale and scooted back away from her, obviously not questioning her statement. "But...But is it true, m'am?.."
With a sigh she began to sober up from her good mood, and push herself into a sitting position.
She'd been the talk of the caravan since she begged a ride from the capital.
Many of the adults recognized her, some still doubted, but mostly it was the children who talked, and the adults played into it around the nightly campfire.
The rumor last-night, was that she was truly an old hag, a old-as-dust witch who'd eaten the princess to take her form.

"Yes, it's true, in a sense..I was the princess, the king was my father, but not anymore..." She twirled a lock of her platinum air between her fingers as she trailed off.
It still didn't really make sense to her, the events at the castle.

"He's not your dad anymore? Like..He kicked you out? That must be sad..Are you sad?" Innocence only a child could present.

"Yes, I'm very sad," She sighed. "But he didn't kick me out. I don't know if you'll understand, but my father has changed since I was born..He's not a good man anymore, he's a very, very misguided man, who's doing very, very bad things because he's afraid. I don't like these bad things, I don't approve of them, and I think I could do things better, so I renounced my Royal name, and left the castle."
The child's face twisted in confusion, something told her he got the gist of it, but..
"What's "Renounced" mean?" she just giggled and patted his head in the condescending way all adults seem to do without realizing. "Go ask your father, go, off with you!" She waved her hands. "Shoo, shoo, let a woman wake up in peace!"
The child returned the giggle, and leaped from the wagon to a full off run to his family's wagon.
"You sure have a way with children, my lady." it was the driver, he'd been listening to the entire thing, and for some reason it was a little embarrassing to her.
"Please, don't call me that, Rania is my name, I'd be delighted if you used it...And perhaps I do..Maybe that can help me win over the adults..."
Doubt that, Lady Rania." She rolled her eyes and groaned, he wasn't going to listen at all.

The family-like squabbling and games of these travelers meant a lot to her, it was something she had never experienced before.
It was so carefree, and unconditional, she was starting to think perhaps the people of Kaelath were much more friendly and intelligent than her father thought, that maybe it would be an easy task to win this country.
It was just as she was allowing hope to settle in that disaster struck as it always seemed to, the child from earlier let out a shriek of terror, quickly followed by a man.

"RAIDERS! We're under attack!"
Dread sunk it's sharp fangs deep into her skin, she grabbed her blade and jumped from the back of the still moving wagon to greet these bandits.
There were five in the immediate area, all well built, muscular men in their late twenties-early thirties. No doubt others hid in the trees.
She drew her blade with no hesitation, tossing the ornate sheath aside which drew the attention she wanted.

"Ooohh..What a fine blade we do 'ave 'ere boys." The bandit nearest to her spoke, he most have been in control of at least this little strike-team. "That sheath alone'd fetch a pretty bit'a money..Not to mention the sword, or the beauty that's holding it..Her ass'd make a fine lotta coin.." The other four laughed in agreement. "Only after we're done with it first."

There words didn't effect her, she remained calm even as she noticed the men from the little caravan party they'd been in backing away, leaving the bandits all to her.
One against four, they have higher ground, probably stronger as well..What a fun situation..A quick ending is the only possibly positive solution.
All brawn, no brains was the assumption she worked off of and it quickly turned out correct.

She motioned for them to come closer, while holding a rather provocative pose, any intelligent man would have seen it as a trap, but these horny dogs ran right for it.
As soon as the leader was in striking range she thrust out her blade, it's thick steel sinking its teeth into the flesh of his neck.
Shock gripped the other three for a moment, and in this moment she kicked the corpse from her blade, sending it right into the middle man, while lashing out and leaving a large gash in the chest to the bandit on her left.
The bandit on her left struck, lunging in with a thrust from his cutlass.
She jumped back just in time, sending him off his balance when his blade met air, and using this advantage she lunged forward, her blade once against tasting the flesh of a jugular a torrent of blood erupted from him, along with inhumane gargles.
The wounded man fell back, the middle man freed himself of the corpse and launched at her, wildly flailing his sword about.
His slashes came closer and closer as she took to evasion, this man seemed to have an endless font of energy, and without to many options she waited until he aimless swung his blade again, catching it in her hand.
She held in a hiss of pain as the blade dug into the soft flesh of her palm, summing a trickling stream of crimson, and stunning the man.
Apparently, he'd never seen anyone harm themselves so willingly, what a final sight as her blade came up, catching him between the legs, cutting up through sensitive flesh, embedding deeply into his trunk as bones broke.
The last man dropped his blade and turned to run, still clutching his wounded chest.

"Never retreat.." He wrestled the broadsword from the grip of her slowly dying victim. "..You'll only die without honor, instead of in a fair engagement!" She cocked her arm back and let it sail with all her might.
The blade found its mark, piercing his chest with solid force, and pinning his quickly failing body to a tree.

All around behind her the men and women alike cheered for her victory, panic leaving their body as the clattering of boots and weapons were heard from the rest of the bandits who beat a hasty retreat.
So...This is what winning people's affection in like..Not having it handed to you simply because of your birth..Maybe this won't be so hard..


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#, as written by Zetta
Supposedly - according to several experts on the rising Warlord situation - a man named Tain Rrevar, operating from the middle of nowhere, gave orders to his vast network of spies, in an attempt to infiltrate and destroy the mighty nation of Kaelath. In part, this was true, except that Tain Rrevar was never at the actual hideout, unless an important meeting was called for. A decoy Tain Rrevar, at this time of day, a decoy Tain Rrevar was sitting in the main hall of the underground tunnels used for hiding the Warlord's troops, and distributed information to various high-ranking spies. Some would relay the messages - and Tain's plans - to the major informants in each of the Kaelathian cities. Others would carefully pass the information on to the real Tain - without even knowing that they were doing it - so that he could make his plans. As far as Tain could tell, it would be another month or so before he could take his first city, and then the others would fall like dominoes.

However, the real Tain Rrevar had a more interesting lead to follow: a certain Kaelathian royal who had renounced her title. From what Tain had read from the recently-delivered reports, she had all of the necessary training that royals had, but detested the throne. "She'll be a good cause to unite behind, in the best case, and a scapegoat at worst," thought Tain, who was traveling with a certain caravan at this time. He had even let it slip - obviously, not in person - to a group of bandits that there were some particularly good supplies traveling in the caravan. The bandits did attack the caravan, but the girl managed to repel five of them with some rather surprising skills as a swordsman. At least, Tain thought to himself, it wasn't his men raiding the caravan. Still, he'd have to defend himself, especially now that the raiders were quickly closing in.

Tain - who, at this time, was posing as a traveling mercenary by the name of Derin Alvar- grabbed his quarterstaff, and hopped from the back of the wagon. From the looks of the bandits converging on the caravan, they weren't particularly well-armed compared to Tain's own spies. Still, they were using swords, so Tain could easily take them down. Raising his quarterstaff in defense, he engaged the first bandit. The first bandit charged towards him, and attempted to stab the so-called mercenary in the ribs. Tain, prepared for his strike, caught the bandit's blade between one of the multiple iron rings at the tip of his quarterstaff, and disarmed him with a swift spin of the blackened wood staff. As the bandit's sword clattered across the ground, Tain kicked the bandit's chest, and rammed the edge of the quarterstaff - which was tipped with an iron cap - into his left temple. Another bandit, picking up the sword of his unconscious comrade, lunged towards Tain. Apparently, this bandit hadn't learned his predecessor's mistake, as Tain blocked his attacks without much difficulty, and quickly dealt with this other bandit. Still, there were several others bandits.

Tain, bored with having to fight unskilled opponents, invoked his illusory powers. To the bandits, fog rose from their feet, and voices wailed around them. There seemed to be a black figure at the center of the fog, and it slowly turned its gaze at each of them - all of them would feel the figure looking at them - to reveal its ghastly, alabaster skull. Suddenly, the figure lunged towards each bandit. Frightened by the mercenary's display of skill, and the somewhat-realistic apparition of death, the mercenaries fled into the forest, screaming.

Tain could hear cheering from where he stood. Judging by the fleeing bandits from the other wagons, he could guess that his target had dispatched some of the raiders. If she was able to gather this kind of support easily, then she'd easily be able to be the leader of a proper army. Perhaps, she might prove herself, with sufficient time...

The setting changes from Kaelath to Briliron


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The Crimson Rose rode through the thick fog that was created by Antonia the ship's shaman. Anne had heard one of Sepharim's trade ships were going to be making their way from Jilican to Sepharim early in the morning. Anne couldn't pass up this opportunity, she most of all knew Sepharim always had some of the best imports. She had worked for their Navy for so many years that she knew exactly how the convoy formations would be and the best way to board the ship without even being noticed.

The fog was so thick it slightly blocked the sun, allowing Anne to see. She stood at the wheel and addressed her crew as they were about to make their move. Her voice was soft, yet clear "Our goal is to take the ship quietly, lets save the pistols for only emergencies. lets try not to kill those who don't see us, the more prisoners we take the better chance we have if we get caught." The crew nodded and then got into position to board the ship. Anne looked at Grace and said in her motherly tone "If anything goes wrong, you take this ship and leave." Grace nodded, but she didn't mean it if anything did go wrong Grace would fight and Anne knew it. Anne kissed her daughter on her forehead and then as the ship slid into position next to the merchant ship she grabbed a rope and swung over.

She landed quietly as to not awaken the crew, she walked around and then walked over to the wheel of the ship where the captain was standing oblivious to the fact that she was right behind him. She placed her Rapier against his neck and said softly, I can slit your throat before you can even make a sound. He put his hands into the air and said softly "alright, what do you want." Anne whistled and the rest of the boarding crew came aboard and she then said "I want your cargo." One of the crew men walked over to her and tied up the man. Anne ripped a piece of the captain's clothing and shoved it in his mouth to keep him quiet. She walked around the deck looking for the hatch that lead to the cargo hold. She eventually found it and signaled her crew. They quietly made their way down the stairs and found that the crew was asleep. They quickly tied them all up and threw them on deck. One of Anne's men quickly came up and said "Captain, you might want to see this!" Anne made her way down, that is when she saw them chained up like animals three slaves all of them humans. The men looked at her and said "what do we do with them captain?" She then said "start loading the cargo onto the deck, I will talk to these three."

Anne walked over to the one in the middle, she looked young. No older than seventeen as far as Anne could tell, she placed her hand on the girl's chin to get a good look at her and she cowered away. The girl next to her yelled to Anne "Don't touch her! She doesn't like to be touched!" Anne backed away and said "alright, well then I guess, your the one I should talk with." This other woman was in her early twenties, she was protective of the younger girl. It was clear in her eyes and in her speech. Anne smiled and said "I am Captain Anne Le-Sida, I was just here for the cargo of this ship, not slaves however the way they have you all here seems wrong." The woman nodded and said "We just don't want to be like this any longer." Anne smiled and then said "alright" She walked up the stairs and found the captain, she turned him over and grabbed his keys. She went back to the cargo hold and unlocked the three slave's chains. She went back up to the deck and said to the men "Is everything here?" They all nodded and Anne gave a whistle and watched as a wooden board was placed on the deck connecting the merchant ship and the Crimson rose. The crew began bringing over Cargo, Anne then looked at the three slaves and said "well come on" They quickly made their way across, Anne then looked at the captain and his crew who were all tied up, she smiled and said "Well gentlemen, It was a pleasure lets do this again some time." She ran across the board and then told Grace who was Captaining the ship, set a course for Ocaykor. She nodded and the Crimson Rose disappeared into the fog from which it came.

The setting changes from Briliron to Kaelath


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Gunshots and yelps of surprise soon overtook the Fort as Marius continued to fend off his attacker with his blade. The fight having gone on for nearly a minute with no opponent gaining headway. Upon the nearby battlements, he could hear the soft clatter of two ladders hitting the wall. He needed to work quickly, fortunately an opportunity to end the sword-fighting spectacle presented itself soon enough. The Prilacian agent made a lung at Marius' chest, the Field Marshal narrowly side-stepping it. Marius grabbed the man's arm by the elbow, pulling him forward and plunging his blade through the man. The sword exited out of the man's back, having pierced him directly through the stomach. The man gave a startled grunt, dropping his blade and relaxing, not yet dead but soon to be. Marius yanked his sword from the Prilacian, grabbing and keeping the man up-right by the neck. A Prilacian infantryman poked his head over the battlements, unable to process what he was seeing before Marius did something that those who know him should have expected.

Yelling, followed immediately by attempted killing.

"Get out of my fort!"

Marius shoved the bewildered and mortally wounded Prilacian assassin over the battlements, into the equally bewildered Prilacian foot soldier precariously balanced upon a ladder. The fact that the Prilacian foot soldier still had his hands on one of the rungs of the ladder ultimately spelled disaster for their endeavor to mount the walls of Fort Ironworth. The ladder tipped and fell backwards, sending the assassin and the soldiers on the ladder plummeting back to the earth. Marius highly doubted any of them would die from the fall, not counting the assassin he had run through, though broken limbs were more than likely. There was still the matter of the second ladder, nearby. Another Prilacian soldier beginning to clamber over the walls.

Marius would have preferred to have a free hand when using his pistol, but he really hadn't the time to locate his sheathe and properly put away his sword. Marius yanked the small, breech-loading pistol from his holster and took aim at the Prilacian. The bullet tore through the air, finding its mark in the left of the Prilacian's skull. The would-be invader jerked with the motion, before falling backwards and knocking a host of his comrades down with him. At this point, Marius opted to just discard his blade momentarily to reload and knock out the other ladder so his troops could secure the wall.

He flicked the gun, opening up the mechanism and yanking a cartridge out of the small pocket within his holster. He crammed the bullet in, flicking the gun shut once more as he approached the ladder's position. He hadn't allowed them much time to clamber up the ladder, though one was now starting up again. Leaning over the battlements, Marius fired off another shot. This one smacking the ladder-mounting Prilacian in the shoulder and sending him reeling away. Marius had to withdraw and duck behind the battlements shortly after, unless he saw it fancy to stay in the path of the return-fire a few Prilacians had offered him.

No sooner did Marius finally meet a host of friendly faces. Kaelathian soldiers stormed down the section of the walls Marius had been in, which were not currently occupied with invading Prilacians thanks to the efforts of their Field Marshal. They fired their weapons down at the Prilacians who had failed to capture and hold the walls, keeping them at bay well enough. One of the lieutenants ducked down next to Marius, both taking cover from the Prilacian's consistent return-fire.

"This section of the Fort's wall is secure. Send more troops down that way," Marius ordered, gesturing in the direction he had come from, "And keep the rest of those God-fearing lunatics off the walls.."
"Aye, Field Marshal."

With the disciplined soldiers of Kaelath, ever more strengthened in their resolve by the presence of Marius, finally storming down the walls and out of the courtyard to meet their foes, there might be hope of keeping the walls of Fort Ironworth secure yet. These were not the same sleepy-headed watchmen and crew the Prilacians had dispatched on their entrance, these were the core fighting force of the infamous Kaelathian Military. Slamming another cartridge into his pistol and grabbing his sword from among scrambling feet, Marius joined his subordinates in their race to keep the walls of Fort Ironworth secure.

The setting changes from Kaelath to Briliron


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Breaching the fortress had been the easy part of the invasion, but the Kaelathians now had their wits about them and morale restored by their charismatic field marshal. It was time for the Prilacians to step up their attack. The two sides were dead locked, having two walls in each of their control and the battle was now moving to the middle of the court on the ground level. Theda moved down to there herself, walking calmly into the frey. Once the torch was spent she had been using as a flame thrower Theda took out her real weapon: her white branched staff. A staff was the most useful and efficient way to conduct magic, even though it could be done by hand. The staff drained less mana from a person. She also removed a dagger with a white wooden handle from her boot and held it in her other hand as an extra defense.

The first Kaleathian soldier to approach her charged sword drawn, ready to attack. With a wistful movement of her staff though, his stride was abruptly ended and he fell at her feet snared to the ground by glowing green roots. The phantom tendrils grew over the soldier's torso and coiled around his neck where they held until he breathed no more. Theda did not stop, stepping over the man and continuing her steady stride. She had her eye on the Kaelathian gunmen on the opposite walls.

Dante who was also on the ground level, saw Theda's concentration on the gunmen in front of her and paying little heed to those beside her. He immediately ran to her side to cover her. He put his black staff horizontally in front of him with both hands and a blue essence shield formed. The bullets shot at them were flattened against the aura-like protection and any swords lunged at them were repelled with such force they flew out of their holders' hand.

Theda stopped as soon as she felt close enough to cast her spell. She raised her staff in front of her and the small branches at the tip of her staff crackled to life with fire. She pointed it at the gunmen and yelled in the formal tongue unknown to the Kaelathians, "Ignite!"

Their guns exploded at the barrel as the gun powder inside was instantaneously ignited by her magic. The men dropped their mangled guns and screamed in pain from their bloody hands and scathed faces. Her magic had added more punch to the explosions and the useless guns continued to fizzle on the ground as if doused in acid. Theda felt invigorated by the success and tingling of mana flowing through her. She turned to her side that Dante was guarding from the other gunmen intent on doing the same. A few of the soldiers having witnessed what happened to the others, dropped their guns and scrambled out of the way in terror. Those not aware or quick enough to drop their guns were wounded the same as the other gunmen. Many nursed seered eyes and broken fingers and were vulnerable as the Prilacian marshal ordered his soldiers to take advantage of the moment to attack the wall.

Dante evaporated his blue shield and pointed back to the wall in front of them recuperating from Theda's first assault on their weapons,
"Look! Over there! Marius is there, he has a pistol in hand!"

Theda looked in the direction Dante was pointing and focused her pale green eyes on the famed heathen marshal for the first time. Her face scrunched up with a look of anger she rarely showed, if ever. The flames on her staff reignited more hot, turning them blue. She took aim, this time intending to do more than just wound this godless beast. She would mangle him - kill if she could, to stop him from ever resisting Prilacian authority and denouncing their God again. "Ignite barbarian!"

The setting changes from Briliron to Kaelath


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Rania watched as the last body gave way to gravity's relentless call, falling to the ground with her blade sticking up from it.
Adrenaline was fading fast, reality was kicking in, and like always it was a little less than a comforting thing.
She'd never actually seen a bandit, outside of Parliament anyway, and they were always cleaned up and shackled.
She couldn't understand how this happened, the king himself ordered constant guard patrols along all major roads in Kaelath, and most minor roads as well.
They were supposed to be safe, they were supposed to be protecting these people, Kaelath.

"It's the war, isn't? He pulled every damned guard or solider he could to the front lines simply to assail Prilacia forces? All bet all important trade and Royal passage roads are more heavily secure than ever though.."
She groaned aloud in frustration, on one hand she could understand the tactical move, on the other she couldn't understand how he left his country weak and defenseless especially in the middle of this warlord crisis.
She was mostly lost in thought at this point, standing still as stone in front of a corpse and still bleeding freely from her hand.

"Part of me always thought Royals bled blue..I'll be damned. You ought'a get that cut there looked at Princess."
The sudden voice startled her, jarred her from her thoughts and brought her back to reality once more, and though it took a second to actually process the words, once she did she couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Well, I don't know. I'm not a royal anymore, remember? Though I have a feeling the royal family may indeed bleed green.."

The man raised an eyebrow at her. "Green? Why green?"

Rania squatted down beside the corpse before answering, her hands rifling through all the Ex-Bandit's pockets. "Oh, I don't really know..But for some of them, like the woman who was my Aunt, green just seems more appropriate...Like slime, you know?...Here." She tossed a small coin bag over her shoulder and in the Caravaner's general direction.

The man, thoroughly confused be her actions, but rather pleased by the contents of the bag was a bit suspicious. "What's this for then?"

"Weeelll.." Rania's long, slender fingers wrapped around the hilt of her sword, her only real possession, and with a firm tug pulled it loose from the corpse with a small spurt of blood. "For allowing me to ride with you all..And in hopes of a little work on your part." She said as she stood. "I'm not exactly the strongest woman in the world, you can keep whatever other money is on the lot if you'd do me the favour of lifting these fellow up and propping them up by the trees that line this little road, while I go gather their blades."

"Lifting them up...? A most unusual request, but nevertheless, money is money and he complied even though his better senses told him he'd regret it later.

A good deal of shock and fifteen minutes later he did indeed regret it.
"Was that necessarily, or should I be worried about you..."

At the moment, Rania looked like a bit of a macabre angel.
She was covered in blood head to toe, even her silky blonde hair was coated in red. Yet she seemed rather please with herself as she wiped her hands on her coat.
"It sends a message." She said while stepping away from the impaled corpse of her last dead-victim. She'd run 'em all through with their respective blades, effectively pinning them up on the trees that lined the little road.
To her it was a clear warning for, and to bandits. Any traveler that saw it would probably realize bandit activities were in this area, and any bandit who saw it would realize his life was soon to end.

"Oh, yes...Quite the message..."Beware all ye' travelers, for beyond these trees a very dangerous and rather crazy woman does reside.." I'd say that'll turn most men a'running back to big cities. The one's that aren't dumb enough to turn around and look at their wives a bit to suspiciously at first.."


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#, as written by Zetta
Once the vast majority of the bandits were taken care of, Tain made his way to the first car, where (as far as his intelligence had told him) his target was staying. Some of the members of the caravan gave way when they saw him. Perhaps it had to do with their knowledge of his fictitious career as a mercenary, or the bloodied iron caps on the end of his quarterstaff, but several people were cautiously eying him. The former royal had just recently finished talking about green blood or something - Tain really didn't care - and gave some coin to the caravan leader.

Oddly enough, she had asked the nearby caravan members to help prop up the unlucky bandits. "Not bad, I'd personally have left them along the road to rot, but this works just as well," thought Tain, who - after propping his bloodied staff against a wagon - volunteered to help lift several bodies. Once they were finished, the caravan leader started to complain about the royal's action. Tain had no choice but to object. In his eyes, the whole prospect really wouldn't stop him, or any of the other warlords that were of his caliber, but it was nevertheless admirable.

"To be honest, this really isn't going to stop anyone but untrained bandits. I'm typically more than a match for most swordsmen, but these bandits probably don't know which end of the sword is pointy. If there was a group of highly-trained bandits, or a warlord's elite forces, they'd actually have more of an incentive to attack us. The fact that there was a conflict here, with blatant evidence lets them know that at least one of the caravan guards have been injured. If I were the commander of a warlord's elite troops, and if I saw the bodies of deceased bandits - I'd follow the caravan and attack in the dead of night. Besides, I've already sent them a message. I let three of them go, and they're probably soiling themselves and babbling about apparitions and death as we speak. It's only going to fix the problem temporarily, at best. The real solution is to give a proper escort with the caravan, but we all know that isn't going to happen until the damn war stops," said Tain, grabbing his quarterstaff and cleaning the blood from the iron parts with a somewhat clean cloth.

The setting changes from Kaelath to Briliron


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Zenu feasted on the remains of the wild animal she had slew just moments ago, teeth clenched into the muscle of the animal, and head reeled back to bring a plentiful bite of the beast. Her "soldiers" that Ira's paid bandits were, declined the bountyful feast, and they had went on ahead to terrorize the small village that the summoner himself was having a more...cooked meal in.
In this context, he could claim he had nothing to do with these warlord attacks, and if the mercenaries were planning to betray them, Zenu fancied the thought of beheading them with her stone sword.
"Zenu Kill! Zenu Rule!"

The faint sound of cheers had caught her attention and couldn't help but smile with blood stained teeth. After the sounds of a struggle they had emerged victorius and the cheers of the townspeople that they give them! Such efficency at which the bandits had worked! Zenu was proud to call herself the leader of her underlings; just giving them the first taste in victory. She stood up, from her meal, holding a slab of meat in one hand, continously eating the raw flesh of the animal and her sword in the other.
As she walked, many of the teeth that hung around her arms had clattered against each other, and bounced off the many animal hides that she had wore. Yet her eyes had caught a dark red substance that had coated the forest floor and she just had to follow the trail. Many years of experiance thought this to be a large, wounded animal, for the massive quantity of blood. She threw away her own meal on the ground and crouched low to the ground

Yet in the clearing she caught the sight of something else entirely different. Her men, impaled on stakes, pined to walls and the group that had been there. She had no attention to the two other men, though on any other day would have made a move on Tain, the fellow barbarian, Zenu's eyes were beheld on the woman, a small thing, covered in blood. The blood of her soldiers.
This person intrigued Zenu, angered her, and the sun that danced off her blade annoyed her. Death was in order. The barbarian walked from the trees, unwilling to the word of Tain for a night strike, and plunged her sword deep through the spine of Rania's guide, the large stone blade protruding out the man's stomach covered in wet blood. The squelch of the organs only fueled Zenu's excitement and rage and with two hands grasping the blade's hilt, raised it up from the ground into the air with the guide, amazingly, still on it, and swong the blade with all the strength she had toward the blood covered Rania. The blade was too far to hit her but instead the body was flung from the blade to the royal, used as a cruel, meat projectile.
"Zenu will kill you all!"


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They'd all been laughing, joking, making light of the dire situation they'd been in moments before.
Rania had turned her back for a moment, a child had asked for her attention. It couldn't have even been thirty seconds, but when she turned back all she saw was the mangled corpse of her driver, and first true friend, hurdling at her.
She didn't react quick enough to even try and weather the impact, it hit her full on knocking her to the ground. In the process of that, she let go of her blade, which landed a bit away from her.
For most people this was where panic would rear it's head and cloud all judgement, but Rania was long trained to allow no such thing.

"Shit..This is bad, I'm trapped under a corpse easily twice my weight, my blade is just out of my reach..And this...Thing, that attacked me..Not good. Far stronger than I am, crude tactics can easily catch a person off guard. I don't know if she's fast yet, but I highly doubt grace, and her speech alone is an indication of her intelligence. So is a frontal assault in broad daylight.."

A plan was already forming as she began to "struggle" to get the corpse off of her.
In truth, she was only wiggling from it slightly, inching towards her sword, if she could reach it before this beast came to finish her, she had a chance.

"Damnit, I can't get up!"

The setting changes from Briliron to Kaelath


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Many of the soldiers had already discharged their weapons into the Prilacians advancing on the walls before the Ignite spell had reached them. A few weapons were ignited, leading to a spread of panic along the walls. Marius struggled to keep his troops together as they cautiously reloaded and continued to try and hold off the Prilacians marching on the walls. The ignite spell was a dirty tactic, but a brilliant one, Marius would later admit. Maybe if the King wasn't a superstitious nutcase, he'd have his own squad of Battle mages running amok blowing up guns. Alas, he didn't presently and for the foreseeable future he probably wouldn't. Marius cast his gaze into the courtyard, where both forces were in a deadlock for its control. He scanned over the carnage, spotting a Prilacian Mage dispelling the shielding on another while gesturing wildly at Marius, probably telling her to light him up like she had the others. He didn't have much time, what he did know was that he had to get the gunpowder and bullet out of his gun immediately.

He took aim, recklessly, at the mage who had shielded his companion and pulled the trigger. At the same moment, the spell connected with a slow to reload soldier behind him, causing Marius to recoil forward, nearly stumbling off the edge of the wall. He tossed away his pistol, not too keen on using it any longer, unless he wanted his fingers blown off. Now armed with only a sword, he ordered the soldiers accompanying him to discharge their weapons and stick only to their bayonets for the liberation of Fort Ironworth's walls. None of them dared shoot into the courtyard, for risk of shooting their comrades. Regrouping and running forward, Marius and his men swept across the Southern Wall, descending into a bloody melee as they battled to wrest control of the wall. Once they were done here, they'd have the Prilacians trapped in the Courtyard.


Seeing as how they were engaged in a melee and would seldom need ammo anyway, the remaining soldiers with loaded weapons in the courtyard discharged their weapons into the closest Prilacian. Seeing their Field Marshal sweep across the Southern Wall to trap the remaining Prilacians in the Courtyard, the soldiers gave a hellish war cry as they slammed at their opponents into melee with new-found resolve.

The setting changes from Kaelath to Briliron


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Theda cursed to herself as the quick marshal disappeared out sight into the melee. She glanced behind her shoulder to communicate with Dante, but found him instead on the ground moaning in agonizing pain. He was holding his shoulder and his arm was completely limp with his black staff laying his loose grip. It looked not only as if he had taken a bullet, but that soldiers had already obliviously stepped on the poor mage in the chaos. His onyx eyes looked hazy and were beginning to roll back into his head.

"Dante! Oh Lord, no!" Theda's cold look of war turned to that of worry in an instant. She knelt beside him to begin a healing spell, but something metal, which could only mean a weapon, made contact with the wing of her helmet, flipping it off her head. She fell forward on her hands and knees over her companion, then turned over. Kaelathian soldiers were surrounding them, determined to subdue the mage together. She would have to put healing aside, she could only keep Dante from being harmed anymore.

In fluid motions, she rooted, stunned, and made fatal blows to soldiers as fast as her mana could keep up all while staying beside her companion. But there were beginning to be too many enemies too fend off. The Prilacians were becoming outnumbered in the Courtyard and were literally being pushed over the walls out of the fortress.

"Retreat!!" Theda heard a voice through the turmoil behind her. With the men around her rooted to the ground, she searched behind her where the voice came from. Her marshal and the third mage stood on the Southern wall, the mage creating a safe blue aura which no Kaelathians could get in as Prilacian soldiers escaped over the wall. Theda's heart pounded in panic. She was so far from the Southern wall, and too many enemies were in between for her to go through with Dante.

The third mage noticed Theda on the other side of the Courtyard and waved to her.

"Come! LEAVE him! He is DEAD!" he beckoned desperately.

Theda looked down at Dante. He was definitely on the border between this world and the next, but she could not possibly leave him if there was a chance. The third mage saw the resolution in her eyes as she looked up, and a great sorrow crossed his face. Theda made the holy gesture touching both her forehead and her heart to her lips. He made a holy hand gesture back, meaning "God have Mercy" before turning to leave with the marshal and those that could escape.

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Briliron by Penny Pincher

The crazy world where we all live, and will likely all die.


Prilacia by RolePlayGateway

The Holy Kingdom of Prilacia, built on faith and spirituality.


Sepharim by RolePlayGateway

Sepharim, the Mercantile Kingdom of Trade and Commerce.


Kaelath by RolePlayGateway

The militant Kingdom of Kaelath, built upon Law and Military Tradition.


Jilican by RolePlayGateway

Jilican, the Feudal Kingdom of Science and Industry

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Marius Lepidus
Character Portrait: Falkrin Platehearth
Character Portrait: Anne Le-Sida
Character Portrait: Theda
Character Portrait: Ira Mesa
Character Portrait: Melian Dieuleveut


Character Portrait: Ira Mesa
Ira Mesa

"This world needs to change."

Character Portrait: Theda

War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good.

Character Portrait: Anne Le-Sida
Anne Le-Sida

"The sea has been my home for so many years, I need nothing else."

Character Portrait: Falkrin Platehearth
Falkrin Platehearth

"Faith is blinding; our minds must remain open."

Character Portrait: Marius Lepidus
Marius Lepidus

"The sinews of war are not gold, but good soldiers."


Character Portrait: Anne Le-Sida
Anne Le-Sida

"The sea has been my home for so many years, I need nothing else."

Character Portrait: Theda

War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good.

Character Portrait: Ira Mesa
Ira Mesa

"This world needs to change."

Character Portrait: Falkrin Platehearth
Falkrin Platehearth

"Faith is blinding; our minds must remain open."

Character Portrait: Marius Lepidus
Marius Lepidus

"The sinews of war are not gold, but good soldiers."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Theda

War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good.

Character Portrait: Ira Mesa
Ira Mesa

"This world needs to change."

Character Portrait: Marius Lepidus
Marius Lepidus

"The sinews of war are not gold, but good soldiers."

Character Portrait: Anne Le-Sida
Anne Le-Sida

"The sea has been my home for so many years, I need nothing else."

Character Portrait: Falkrin Platehearth
Falkrin Platehearth

"Faith is blinding; our minds must remain open."

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Briliron by Penny Pincher

The crazy world where we all live, and will likely all die.


Prilacia by RolePlayGateway

The Holy Kingdom of Prilacia, built on faith and spirituality.


Sepharim by RolePlayGateway

Sepharim, the Mercantile Kingdom of Trade and Commerce.


Kaelath by RolePlayGateway

The militant Kingdom of Kaelath, built upon Law and Military Tradition.


Jilican by RolePlayGateway

Jilican, the Feudal Kingdom of Science and Industry


The crazy world where we all live, and will likely all die.


Briliron Kaelath Owner: RolePlayGateway

The militant Kingdom of Kaelath, built upon Law and Military Tradition.


Briliron Jilican Owner: RolePlayGateway

Jilican, the Feudal Kingdom of Science and Industry


Briliron Sepharim Owner: RolePlayGateway

Sepharim, the Mercantile Kingdom of Trade and Commerce.


Briliron Prilacia Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Holy Kingdom of Prilacia, built on faith and spirituality.

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Most recent OOC posts in A Farewell To Kings

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Gee, Awesome? "Maybe"? :) I hope so! Just a little at least. Lol.

Snap, that'd be cool to have another character in Kaelath. :D The more the merrier, right? It would be a good start to getting everyone's characters in the story working together(or against each other, which ever way they swing) somehow. The important part is people's stories start coming together..

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Thanks Moon :D Your character's pretty awesome too, maybe...I should send one of the generals to Prilacia-Kaeloth border.

(Thinking of how country would freak at the sight of a demon)

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

btw, cool character! :D

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Lol, I thought your last comment was funny! ;) Perhaps no one feels they can top it is all.

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Why do I feel like I've killed the OOC? D:

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

YEAH! Finally. Made. My. Character.

WOOOOOOO! Take that homework and reality!

Nows I'm a go to sleep! :D Penny, feel free to PM if I've described anthing wrong in the history :S

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Busy, busy, busy. Apologies for the wait, I'll have a post up soon.

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

@ Zetta: singing in public games?
You got raged at by the tryhards, didn't you. xD

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

You could always have him hop and a ship and come to Kaelath.

Oh, and Hazeon, I haven't really playing Gears of War. Well, I have played it with friends, but that's multiplayer and I spent more time singing into the mic.

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

I'm starting to feel that I should've put my character in Kaelath.

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Sorry about the misspell, happens when I don't pay attention. ._.
If you're a fan of/have played the Gears of War series, twenty points to you for at least one(subtle) Cole Train-Tain reference within the RP. >.o

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

I do puns all the time, so I catch 'em pretty quickly.

And yeah, that's where spy networks and underground storehouses will probably help.

Also, it's Tain. But Tain with a stain on a train would be kinda cool. Except that I doubt that most places in this RPs have trains.

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Oh god, that's probably one of the worst puns(I don't do many) I've done in a long time.
And I didn't even realize it till you pointed it out, Zetta. XD

It would be very mutually advantageous, mostly because though she may be able to kill some bandits and give a rousing speech, possibly implement a new system of justice..The whole keeping the kingdom safe and a military working and keeping tabs on all the other kingdoms...Yeah.
She won't hesitate to castrate poor Train if he gets in the way of her political ideals though(She's really not that violent, it just sounds good.).

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Heh. General lines. I see what you did there. :P

And yeah, Tain is basically gonna keep tabs on Rania. He actually knows how much he'll need a proper person to rely on for all the people-stuff. He can organize a network of spies, but he knows that if he builds a kingdom around secrecy, it's no better than the current state of affairs in Kaelath.

Basically, the situation's mutually advantageous for both of them.

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Sounds great Wheatley!
To be honest, I was hoping for something along those general lines.

Edit: Yey Zetta.
I sort of figured Rania and Train would somewhat get along.
Either that or he'd hate her for being similar competition and attempt to kill her on sight,

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Hey Haze! I`m gonna submit my charry in a couple of hours. Can I still do that thing (Battle) with the lowest level general involved? Maybe Zena (the general-Barbarian) would have been eating at an inn, relaxing as the bandits had their fun, heard the triumphant cheers and thought it was her ΒΈ"soldiers" celebrating. Then she sees you, battle happens, Tain could come in as well.

Still up for it or Nah?

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

I did my first post and edited it to fit your post a little better pennypincher! I hope that it's acceptable. :)

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Sorry my post aired on the long side. ^^;
But I kinda wanted to get it all out at once, instead of breaking it up into a few smaller posts.
It's kind of like the prologue to her whole warlord journey thing, I promise the next post won't be so...Long.

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Perfectly acceptable. Nothing wrong with being observant.

Intro post is up now that I think we have enough people. Post away, Warlords, Pirates, and Neutrals.

Re: [OOC] A Farewell To Kings

Alright, I edited the sheet, however I did add the skill of reading people. It is not the same as telepathy, seeing as the person reads the other person's body language and emoticons.