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Two girls buy a very good-looking robot. Love triangle, anyone?

1,484 readers have visited A.I. since KeiraHigurashi created it.


Two sisters living alone in a mansion left by their late mother and father wanted companionship besides themselves. And a dog would definitely not do...

And so they ventured out into the world.

They were about to lose hope until they came upon a shop with very human-like robots in the window. When they walked in, they instantly spotted a boy that looked around their age. He was very handsome, and both sisters could feel their face turn red as he turned to them with a grin.

"Oh, hi, there! I'm Aruto!" he said, cheerfully.

They both told him their names, and his grin grew wider as he winked. "Nice to meet you!"

Then, an old man walked out from a door behind the counter. He noticed the two sisters and gave them a smile. "Ah, I see you have your eyes on ARUTO version 1.0. He's my newest creation," he said, while patting Aruto's shoulder fondly.

He's a robot?! Both sisters thought in shock. He seemed so life-like!

"For you two lovely ladies, I'd be willing to give you him for a year free of charge. How's that sound?" The old man asked. "Then when the year's over you can buy him if you're satisfied, or give him back."

Without a moment's hesitation, both sisters gave a huge yes, and so, hand-in-hand with their newfound companion, they headed home.

Aruto - KeiraHigurashi
Sister 1 - Hiro
Sister 2 - Hisako

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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#, as written by Lexeya
"Hiro! If you want a ride to school then you better hurry, I have to leave here in ten minutes if I want to be on time for work!"

Briskly making her way down the redwood stairwell of their family's mansion, Hisako pulled her winter jacket close around her as she prepared herself to brave the sub-zero temperature of the wintery outside, her long white hair pulled back into a messy bun. It was almost hitting eight o' clock, and the elder sister still had to make her way to her morning part-time job as a waitress at one of the maid cafes in the city, her uniform already packed inside the small duffel-bag that was slung over her shoulder. The heels of her boots clicked against the redwood flooring that circulated through most of the mansion itself as she made her way into the kitchen, to grab herself and Hiro an onigiri left over from last night's dinner.

However, the very moment Hisako stepped inside, she came to a halt as she simply stared at the scene before her. The slender muscles of his bare back moved fluidly as he stood before the fridge, fishing around in its chilling contents as he looked around for perhaps something to eat as well as she. His recently bought pajama pants rested low and hanging around his hips, a small corner of his boxers showing underneath as he moved. Hisako's cheeks quickly heated up at the sight before her as she was caught off-guard by the sudden unfamiliar sighting, before her thoughts turned to someone else; Hiro. Quickly banishing all previous naughty thoughts from her mind, Hisako angrily gritted her teeth as she bellowed.



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Aruto turned slightly, then grinned. "Oh, hi Hisako-chan!" He closed the fridge, and placed his hands on his hips. "I know you told me to wear a shirt, but I was getting a little hot," he said, fanning himself to make the point clearer. "And I definitely know I'd get smacked for going around without anything, so you should be glad I wore these!" He laughed, tugging at his pajama pants and raking his red bangs back and out of his face.

It hadn't been that long since he had been taken to the mansion. He liked the place, it wasn't as stuffy as the old shop he had lived in formerly.


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#, as written by Lexeya
"Well, put on a shirt and go stand in front of a fan or something, you're indecent!" Hisako cried as she quickly slipped off her winter jacket and used it to cover Aruto's bare chest, all the while trying not to stare too much at him. It had been a few weeks since they had bought Aruto from the quaint little shop in the city, and Hisako still couldn't believe that she had actually convinced herself into buying it, or at least renting it, from the old man who worked there.

Perhaps she had bought it for herself, since she had never really had a guy in her life, but although the boy seemed to look older than he was, the kind ol' shopkeeper explained that the boy was modeled to be sixteen years old. So, not only did the elder sister feel stupid, but also like some kind of pedophile. Now, they had a man..robot..thing living them in their house! If Hisako was anymore ashamed she would wear a paper bag over her head.

With her younger sister Hiro, in the house as well, Hisako made it her mission to not allow her innocent sister to see sights that she was too young to see; like a boy's bare chest.


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"Hiro! If you want a ride to school then you better hurry, I have to leave here in ten minutes if I want to be on time for work!"

Hiro chewed the corner of her lip as she dumped her bag out to quickly make sure she had everything. If she forgot anything again she would be completely devastated. Once she ran through her check list three times in her head she packed everything away again. Hiro ran a hand through her long white hair. "Im coming!" She called softly from her door.

Hiro through her bag over her shoulder then ran down the stairs quickly. in the kitchen she froze and her eyes went wide. Aruto stood before her sister shirtless. She shook her head and looked at the floor, her cheeks beat red. "Im ready sister." her voice was quiet as she kept her gaze down. It was improper to stare, and she didn't want to cause discomfort.


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"Indecent...?" Aruto tilted his head cutely at her, then looked up to see Hiro. He waved at the sister with another grin. "Hey, Hiro-chan!" He blinked, seeing she wasn't looking at him. Hisako wasn't looking at him either. What was the big deal about the shirt...? he wondered. His past owners had wanted him shirtless every day of the week. So what was up with these two?


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#, as written by Lexeya
"Ah! Hiro-chan!" Swiftly tossing the coat over the still half-naked robot, Hisako hurried over to her younger sister's side as she gently turned her away from the scene before them and over to the front door. "Come on, Hiro, lets get you off to school. I'll just have to bring your lunch by later.." It was the end of summer and the first day of school for Hiro, and Hisako kicked herself for already having it fall apart for her little sister. As if their lives weren't chaotic enough, they had a moron shirtless in their kitchen.

Looking back over at the dumbly staring Aruto, Hisako opened the door for the young Hiro as she gently ushered the girl out into the front yard. "I'm taking Hiro to school, Aruto! Don't mess up the house while I'm gone and for goodness sakes, put a shirt on!"


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Hiro gave a small wave to Aruto as she was ushered out the door. she gave a bright smile to Hisako. "it's alright. you don't need to worry so much. One lunch isn't so bad to miss, besides, you have a lot to think about with work." she chewed her lip slightly as she spoke. it was a nasty habit she had developed after their parents died.

Hiro looked at the ground and took a deep breath. The first day of school was never easy. she forced herself to smile slightly and twisted a strand of her hair around two fingers. She knew her older sister worked hard to keep her in school and it made her feel slightly guilty. To make up for it she would do the chores around the house. Besides, cleaning helped her keep herself calm as she was prone to nervous attacks.


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#, as written by Lexeya
Hisako frowned ashamedly at her younger sister's attempted reassurance, making her way over to the car as she lightly jingled the keys in her hand. She knew that Hiro was just trying to cheer her up, to not make her feel so bad for her obvious mistakes, and Hisako didn't mind that she did this. ...However, she just wished that her little sister didn't have to make her feel better about herself all the time, only meaning that she made way too many mistakes.

As she saw Hiro's almost painfully forced smile at the mere thought of starting school again, Hisako sighed heavily as she carefully smoothed her hand over her younger sister's identical snow-white hair, giving her a small smile of her own. "Come on, Hiro-chan.. You have to be positive about school, or else you're going to end up not having a good time, you know?"


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Hiro looked up and sighed softly nodding. "I know. I will try." she looked at the car. "It's just the first day and all." she shrugged fidgeting with the strap on her bag. "I will be okay. I just have to get used to school again." she gave a brighter smile and got into the car. She knew she needed to be positive.

"Today should easy anyway. it's the beginning day so it should be pretty easy to get through." She was still nervous, but she often was so it was pretty Normal for her. She relaxed into the seat with her bag on her lap.


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Aruto shrugged as they left the mansion and went to go put on a shirt. After slipping one on, he instantly felt bored. When he was back in the shop, he used to dust a lot . . . especially the places Dad couldn't reach. And so, Aruto tried his hand at cleaning the place. But he got bored again. Then he got an idea... since Hiro didn't have a lunch, maybe he could make one and run it over to her school...? He grinned, thinking, That's what I'll do! and went to the kitchen....


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#, as written by Lexeya
"Now, if you get lost on your way to classes, just go straight to the front office and ask for help from the secretary working there, okay?" Nervously straightening her younger sister's collar every twenty seconds, Hisako stood with Hiro by the car that was parked outside of the quaint little school. Looking around the crowded courtyard, a small frown marred Hisako's somber features as she saw the other children ushered off into the school by their respected guardians, a small twang of grief briefly coming over her as she thought back onto her own parents. Quickly shaking the sudden collision of both happy and painful memories from her head, Hisako turned back over to her sister...adjusting her shirt collar one last time before she stood back with a weak grin.

"So, I guess that's all I have to tell you then. ...Oh, come here!" Hisako cried as she quickly pulled her younger sibling, resting her chin upon the top of her head as she warmly embraced her, tears springing to her eyes as she tried forcing them down. "Y..You be good, okay?" Is this what mothers felt, when they sent their babies off into the big, bad world to either find success or failure? Hisako was sure this came pretty damn close, if it wasn't. Her heart ached, but soared happily with pride as she finally pulled Hiro away by her shoulders, smiling through tears as she gave a little sniffle. " me if you have any problems and I'll come pick you right up."


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Hiro nodded as her sister spoke. "I know sister." she gave a weak smile. As her sister fiddled with her collar over and over again she just stood and let her do it. Hisako fixed her collar at least 10 times before she hugged her close. Hiro smiled softly and hugged back. "Don't worry sister. I will be alright." she squeezed her sister before being released. "I'll be good." she rubbed her eyes hiding her own tears.

Hiro pulled her bag over her shoulder and started walking. She checked her schedule once more and sighed. she had Science first class. Not her favorite class, but not the worst one she had. she managed to locate the class and take a seat in the back, trying to go unnoticed. when her name was called she raised her hand then let it fall quickly again. her class was simple enough, mostly just introductions. she was quiet and kept to herself. When the bell rang she stood and headed for her second class, getting lost in the halls.

She looked around not recognizing a thing. she bit her lip and panicked running into the closest girl's bathroom. She took a few deep breaths and steadied herself before walking out to try again. this time, she found the room, managing to only be around 10 minutes late.


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Aruto finished with a satisfied grin. Luckily, his Dad had put in a few good recipes in his head (literally), because he had been told that women liked guys that could cook and since pretty much all of his owners were girls... He then put it in his backpack and headed off to Hiro's school. I can't wait to see her face when i show up with this~! he thought to himself.

Once he arrived at the school, he noticed Hisako. "Hey, Hisako-chan!" he said, waving and grinning before going into the school and searching for Hiro. Then he stopped in front of a door, this time, he was sure it would have his co-owner in it. He burst through the doors, placing his hands on his hips and a huge grin on his face. "Hiro-chan, I brought your lunch!"


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#, as written by Lexeya
As Hisako turned around to head back over to her car once she had sent Hiro off, she stopped instantly at the almost painfully familiar voice that sounded behind her, one that was becoming increasingly bothersome. Spinning around on her heel, Hisako caught a slight glimpse of the red-haired menace as he made his way over to the school's entrance, the pack that he had moved in with on his back. As the realization dawned on the young woman, Hisako quickly took off at the boy, successfully tackling him down..just in time for him to throw open the doors.

"What're you doing here, Aruto?!" Hisako hissed, holding tightly onto the boy as he squirmed underneath her. Toharu Academy was one of the best high-privileged high schools in all of Japan itself, people didn't just simply walk in the door without making an appointment first. Hisako worried that if the school found out about Aruto being part of Hiro's family, they would see it fit to pull her out of the academy itself, one that had provided tuition for the first two of the four years! She couldn't allow anything to mess up Hisako's chances, especially not some noisy robot.


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Hiro heard her name and turned to see Aruto and her sister struggling with each other. She walked up to them and gave a small smile. "Aruto, Hisako, why are you here?" she asked softly tugging on her hair. She heard Aruto say something about a lunch and her face burned red. "o-oh... you didn't have to do that!" she chewed her lip not wanting to be a bother. "Th-thank you though!" she added also not wanting to seem disrespectful.

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Character Portrait: Aruto
Character Portrait: Hiro
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"ARUTO! Put on your shirt, Hiro's in the house!"


Character Portrait: Hisako

"ARUTO! Put on your shirt, Hiro's in the house!"

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Character Portrait: Hisako

"ARUTO! Put on your shirt, Hiro's in the house!"

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