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Nicholas Owen

"I wish I could have done something now..but I can't."

0 · 711 views · located in Tokyo; Japan

a character in “A Tragedy”, as played by ChampagneWit



I'm not that strong but i'm smart enough to know when I should hide and flea.




Normal || My Demons | Starset ||
Angry || Sleepwalking| Bring Me The Horizon ||
Emotional || Arise | Flyleaf ||



β™” || Name || β™”
Nicholas Owen
"My dad won the 'Guess It's Gender' challenge so he got to name me."

β™” || Alias || β™”
Nic : Everyone calls him this, its just a shorter name for his first.

β™” || Age || β™”

β™” || Role || β™”
Anteiku Waiter

β™” || Kagune Type || β™”
Ukaku : Shining Feather
"Just like my parents."

β™” || Gender || β™”
"I'm pretty sure that's obvious."

β™” || Sexuality || β™”
"Don't get me wrong, I like girls a lot but only in a sense of friendship."

β™” || Nationality || β™”
1/2 Japanese; 1/2 Australian
"I grew up in Japan so no, I don't have the funny accent."

β™” || Face Claim || β™”
Utsutsu Hasegawa : Pupa

β™” || Height || β™”

β™” || Weight || β™”
143 lbs

β™” || Hair Color || β™”

β™” || Eye Color || β™”
Brown : Red

β™” || Skin Tone || β™”

β™” || Birthmark/Piercing/Tattoo/Scar/Noticeable Features || β™”
Green Hair Clip : It was given to him by his grandmother who was a peaceful ghoul, it's his sort of good luck charm that calms him down in most situations.

β™” || Personality || β™”
|| Generous : Deceitful : Escapist : Organized : Responsible ||

Nicholas appears to be a very calming and nice young man, who often helps his elderly neighbors and knows the kids around in his apartment well. If there is a problem he doesn't mind fixing it or settling an argument so both parties are equally satisfied, to be frank he plays the good guy role too well and it makes a person wonder. Nicholas doesn't talk about his past with anyone, he rather not get into that sort of thing and lose the illusion of his seemingly good life. Dealing with sadness and fear isn't something he shows openly, he tries to hide it behind a smile or a strong stance but if you look closely enough you can tell by the way he shakes, that there is something wrong. Nicholas is quite deceitful with the way he hides his feelings and makes everyone to believe that he is alright and that nothing could hurt him.

Nicholas is a very organized person, he hates clutter and keeps his apartment very clean. The environment itself just makes him feel safe and free of caring, he feels safe at best when alone in his apartment. Nicholas likes to involve himself in others problems, to be a figure who can help them through it and give advise. It isn't that he is more concerned for other's but more that he does it to avoid himself and his worries, in all truth he hates listening to people complain. He is also responsible, being accountable for anything he may do wrong or that upsets others.

Although to others Nicholas seems like a strong individual, he is actually far from it. He wants others and himself to believe that when it comes down to it, he could save someone or take charge of a situation but when facing his fears, he wouldn't be able to do a thing. Nicholas is very easy to intimidate and make worrisome, he honestly wouldn't risk his life for something or someone if he knew his chances were low.

β™” || Likes || β™”
βœ“The Night Sky : He often likes to watch the stars on the balcony of his apartment.
"It's calming really."
βœ“Horoscopes : He has an App on his phone that will give him his horoscope daily and he follows them exactly.
"It hasn't failed me so far."
βœ“Decorative Sweets : His mother owned a floral shop that sold sweets, she would often let Nicholas help out around the shop and look at all the pretty wrappings of things.
"Of course I can't eat it but it's still lovely to look at."
βœ“Cell Phone : Takes it everywhere and anywhere with him.
"I love it too much to live without."
βœ“Drama TV Shows : It's possible to catch him crying and pressing a pillow to his chest like a security blanket when watching his tragic drama's.
"*Sniff*..I-..It's too s-sad.."

β™” || Dislikes || β™”
βœ—Reading : He actually has prescription glasses for reading but refuses to wear them so his sighting is a bit off.
"Uhm...That says 'Hopeless' right?"
βœ—Calculus : He takes his high school courses online at home, his least favorite course is calculus.
βœ—Violence : He doesn't like to get himself into fights because he knows there's always the chance he'd lose and he rather not.
"Violence doesn't solve problems but I'd be lying if I said I've never gotten into one."

β™” || Fears || β™”
βœ„Large Bodies of Water : Nicholas had an experience as a child as to where he thought something in the water was trying to drag him down into the bottom of the lake.
"It must have been just my imagination but still...You don't get over those types of things easily."
βœ„Drowning : Again, this fear has to do with the bad experience as a child.
"No amount of swimming lessons could convince me to try swimming again."
βœ„Being Eaten : Nicholas witnessed his parent's being eaten by a Kakuja.
"I'd endure any pain possible..anything but THAT.


β™” || Bio || β™”
Nicholas lived a happy and partially normal childhood, according to him he thought it was rather peaceful for a ghoul until nearing the end. His mother, Mimoi, was a Japanese ghoul and his father, Arthur, originated from Australia, he was a ghoul as well. As he grew up Nicholas was showered with affection by both his parents but more so his father, Arthur couldn't deal with making people sad and so he often spoiled his son. On the other hand his mother was quite the opposite, she believed in earning things instead of handing them right over, Nicholas would have to prove he deserved things in her eyes but in all she was still a great mother who had that caring nature all good mothers had. Nicholas took online classes for schooling and was accompanied by one of his parent's whenever he went outside. His father was a regular business man and his mother worked in a florist shop, they like other ghoul parents, hunted for Nicholas.

When Nicholas was eleven years old, his parents had brought him to a vacation house on an island filled with other visitor's. The island was rather popular so there was a lot of hotels for visitors to stay in but his mother's family allowed them to borrow a home they had bought a while back for vacation uses only. Nicholas was swimming near the shore while his parents were on the beach relaxing a bit, he somehow ended up going further, and further away from shore, and when he tried to swim back he didn't seem to have the strength. No matter how hard he tried, he seemed to just sink further down. His father was the one to pull him out, he was a skilled swimmer. Still being a child at that time with an imagination, Nicholas believed there was something in the water that actually wanted to kill him. He got frequent nightmares and never swam again, avoiding all types of swimming areas.

Arthur and Mimoi died when Nicholas was about thirteen years old. His parents were victims of a murder, they were eaten by a pair of Kakuja's. Nicholas's mother being knocked out cold after being hit in the back of the head, then eaten. Then Arthur was next, the Kakuja's that had attacked them had already ripped off Arthur's left arm, he was already too weak to fight back and he was eaten. All while this was going on, Nicholas was hiding in his room, under the bed, and staying there like his mother had told him to. Nicholas has no idea why the Kakuja's didn't check the rest of the house for more ghouls, he couldn't understand how a ghoul could do that to another ghoul. After that incident Nicholas was taken in by some close friends of his parents, he lived with them for about three years and now he works at the Anteiku Cafe as a waiter, living in an apartment of his own and taking online classes for his last year of high school. Nicholas still has constant nightmares of the blood he saw the next morning when he came out of his room and the terrible screaming, he is terrified of Kakuja's.

So begins...

Nicholas Owen's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ukyo Akihito Character Portrait: Seraphine Malikov Character Portrait: Song Tanabe Character Portrait: Yuuji Torai Character Portrait: August Burke Gloeckner Character Portrait: Brie Watson
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--------Date; May 12th
----------------Time; 8:45 AM
---------------------Weather; Cloudy ; Slight drizzle
-----------------------------Location; Tokyo ; Anteiku
Rhiannon had already woken up that morning, at a time far earlier than she preferred, and got dressed in her uniform, getting ready for work. Her car was an old one, one she had gotten for a cheap price since she was saving most of her money for a professional camera, so the car practically looked like a piece of crap, but no one seemed to bother her about it.

The drive from her small apartment to Anteiku was a mere ten minutes, fifteen if the stoplights decided to turn red on every turn. Today, all the lights were green, so she made it to work early. Rhiannon's stomach wasn't feeling very well when she began to walk through the doors though. She had some time to go down to the fridge to get her 'meal' before working. If she went to work while hungry, who knew what would happen to the costumers...

That's right, Rhiannon was a ghoul, but unlike some, she didn't crave the killing of humans nor the wanting to create chaos. She was peaceful, and actually envied humans more than anything. However, a ghoul was a ghoul. Nothing would change that. Rhiannon's attempts to digest human food had, overtime, ruined her health as a ghoul, and her fighting capabilities. Her rinkaku could hardly be called a way of selfdefense. It couldn't be used as a weapon either. All that human food and lack of actual human meat made her too weak to hunt for herself, therefore making a job at Anteiku hitting two birds with one stone; she had a source of food (although only when she desperately needed it) and a source of money.

Rhiannon didn't wave to anyone inside the cafe since she really began to feel the hunger. Thankfully, Anteiku wouldn't actually open for human customers for another 15 minutes, because if there were any humans in the room, they'd see a girl with ghoulish red eyes stumbling to the back of the cafe. 'I-I need to eat...' She thought, trying her hardest to contain the monstrous hunger. She found herself disgusting, ugly, and horrifying when she was truly hungry.

Once she made her way towards the secret fridge, the one that stored all the meat specifically and only for ghouls, she opened it up immediately. She could feel that urge to feast on something living nearby. No matter how human she wanted to act, a ghoul would always hunger for human flesh. Rhiannon grabbed a package and tore it open as quickly as possible before grabbing the piece of red meat and stuff it in her mouth. A satisfying feeling came over her.

The heavy breathing slowed down, the red in her eyes faded away to their usual hazel color. The girl had an urge to cry as she chewed the food, and then swallowed, but it was something that had to be done. She wasn't going to cry over something that silly. After heading to the bathroom afterwards, to clean up her face, fix her hair, and try to look normal again, she cleared her throat, and headed back to the cafe floor, where they would open shortly.

Rhiannon put on her usual normal-looking smile. At first glance, or maybe even second or third, Rhiannon looked just like a normal person. "Sorry about that sight." The waitress apologized to those who were in the room. She was about to recommend opening the shop early before the news on the TV caught her eye.

"-and yet another attack by a ghoul had happened, despite CCG assuming that they'd take care of the situation." On the TV, a man holding a microphone was speaking into the camera in front of what looked like a crime scene, but nothing could be seen due to the angle the cameraman chose. "The body appears to have been opened, and with the condition the rest of it is in, it appears to be the work of a ghoul, but not just any ghoul, a kakuja. The woman who was murdered this very morning has been confirmed to be a ghoul, and it has been known that only cannibalistic ghouls, or kakuja, eat their own kind. Lately...-"

"Huh..." Rhiannona murmured. "It looks like they're becoming more active lately. I didn't expect the population of cannibals to be so high though..." Rhiannon sighed with a shake of her head and had a seat at one of the vacant tables. The rising population of kakuja was a concern nowadays, but it wasn't only for humans. The lives of ghouls were at stake too.