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Zac Taylor

"I may talk to myself but, I'm not crazy... or at least I'm not trying to eat your face off."

0 · 655 views · located in Badlands

a character in “Aftermath: Survivor's Struggle”, as played by cheater0611


Zachariah Taylor

"So two guys walk into a bar. The second guy turns to the first guy and goes, 'why didn't you warn me?"

_______________________________________________________Just the Truth______________________________________________________
Nickname: Zac

Age: 23

Gender: "I'm sure I'm a guy but, I do like watching chick flicks and I'm a sucker for a decent romance novel. So it could be debated."

Originally from: Connecticut

Former Occupation: "I was once part of the illustrious career of cleaning up after a whole bunch of stupid people," "You looked after the special needs?" "No, I was a janitor at a mall."

Physical Description: Zac stands roughly 5'11" and weighs 180 lbs. He doesn't really have much in the way of muscle mass or tone, but he isn't really lanky and gangly either. His black hair almost makes it to his dark blue eyes. He has a few scars on his body, most of them are burns on his fingers to prove that he was a smoker. He seems to have a constant smirk on his face. If you catch him while he thinks nobody is watching him, he might be muttering under his breath.

Personality: Zac is the type of person who is really good at hiding on how his mental health truly is. He's also the type of person who you instantly like or you hate his guts. He is a happy go lucky person and often has a joke to crack. Due to this people often think he doesn't understand the severity of situations. Zac usually does and tries to make others smile and laugh in times where it might not seem appropriate. It's merely his way of trying to keep the people around him looking on the brighter side of things. He also has a knack for listening to people's problems, because of this he has developed somewhat of a slight disorder. He's pretty open about it. He talks to himself to help him think things through. Whenever he's caught doing it, Zac merely slides it off with a joke.

Equipment: Zac is wearing a black t-shirt with a dark blue long sleeve shirt underneath, a pair of khaki colored cargo pants, his white socks, and his pair of steel toe boots a half a size to big. He does have a backpack, it's a hikers one, so it has several different clasps to prevent it from falling off. In the bag are a slew of protein bars, multi-vitamins, a couple bottles of water, and 4 pairs of socks. He has a Colt 1911 tucked into the small of his back and a crowbar somewhere on his person. It changes locations depending on the situation. In his pants is his wallet which contains a few bucks, his ID, some cards, house keys, and more importantly a book of matches. He also has a few packs of cigarettes tucked away in his pockets.

Outbreak: Zac was at work when he first got the call about his sister going into the coma. After a few days of similar cases being reported all over the world he resigned himself to the fact that his sister wasn't going to awaken or for anyone else for that matter. His employers shut down the mall after the fact that most of Zacs' fellow employees also fell into coma's.

During the final days of the coma period he often walked down from his place and strolled around the mall. He didn't steal anything, he was sure that life would return back to normal soon. Zac was in front of a sports store when he received a phone call. He couldn't handle the news, he dropped his phone and dropped to his knees. Tears were streaming down his face. He started cursing God and after a few minutes he picked himself up and wiped his tears away. He grabbed the nearest trash can and started looting his former place of employment. He would have roughly 20 minutes before others started showing up and started taking for themselves. He decided to head west, get away from the coast and the major cities.

So begins...

Zac Taylor's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Owens Character Portrait: Elizabeth Dawson Character Portrait: Jenifer Drop Character Portrait: Zac Taylor Character Portrait: Sgt. Thomas Henderson and Gunner
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#, as written by Kaaaat
☣ Alexandria "Alex" Owens ☣

"Don't worry, Beth. I found one!" Alex called over towards the front of the barn, addressing Beth.

Alex clutched onto the first-aid kit tightly. After rummaging through vacant shelves and cabinets, she managed to find it squeezed between various supplies in a rotting cardboard box. The kit didn't have much inside of it except for basic medical tools; nevertheless, Alex thought she could make it work.

"Here we are, Zac." She muttered quietly, walking over to the wounded man. Dried blood ran across the edges of his arm, cracking as he moved.

She quickly bent down to his level, opening the kit to display its contents. Medical gauze, scissors, a sewing needle and thread, disinfectant, and probes populated the inside. Since Alex didn't have any advanced sterilizing liquid, the disinfectant would have to do. She took the small bottle of disinfectant and poured a small amount onto the base of the box. To sterilize the materials, she laid the medicals tools out to soak in the liquid.

"We'll just have to wait a few minuted for the medical tools to sterilize. After that, I'll sew you up." She managed to crack a reassuring smile. "Just try and relax. It will be over with before you know it." She took a small cloth out of the kit and poured the disinfectant across it. "For now, I'm going to clean the blood up." She met his gaze. "It might sting a bit." Carefully taking the cloth, she grazed the fabric and started dabbing it across his wound, cleaning up the blood.

After cleaning the wound, she could now see the gash clearly. Alex winced.

"Truck eighteen."

Her eyebrows raised at the familiar voice. She turned towards the sight of the sound. Some of the passengers stirred amongst themselves, most likely frightened. Could it be-

"Sarge is that you?" Zac cut off her thoughts.

"Hello?" Whispered the familiar tone of Jenifer in the loft. How did Sarge find her with those flesh-crazed creatures outside the barn?

Alex quickly grabbed her backpack, yanking out a small flashlight. She shined it up at the loft through the darkness. She smiled.

They had made it out alive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Owens Character Portrait: Elizabeth Dawson Character Portrait: Jenifer Drop Character Portrait: Zac Taylor Character Portrait: Jeffrey Dawson Character Portrait: Sgt. Thomas Henderson and Gunner
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Everyone was tired. Very, very tired. Especially Jeff. But he was more mentally exhausted than he was physically. Probably because he had to secure the entire group while at the same time keeping a very close eye on Beth and because it's been long since he had a chance at getting a shelter and a group. Beth looked too lonely whenever they tried to stop for a rest. Jeff figured she needed companions to lift some of her burden. Anytime soon, and Beth might break down of severe stress from the burden of having to take care of the living child inside of her and to take care of this old fart.

Sigh... Jeff sighed heavily. He was resting against the wall of the barn, the small blanket covering on his legs. he raised his wrinkled arms up to block the light shining right above him. He used to do that whenever he visited the beach during the holidays. The sun used to cook the oil off his fat stomach he accumulated over the past year. He knew it was stupid to believe that but hey, it's the time of his life. He could do whatever he wanted. Jeff smirked at the stupid remarks he used to make back during the years. But that life is long gone and shattered now. The future he could see now is either him dying and everything ending, or his daughter dies and he has no more reason to life. However, that was not about to happen. No matter what happens, he will protect his daughter. Even if it meant leaving first. He knows that it's selfish, and he may have chose some other choice when this vision happened in his mind, but he still thinks that it better to leave first than feeling the pain of seeing his beloved daughter leaving first.

"Truck eighteen." A faint but loud enough voice echoed throughout the building. All voice ceased, and there was only dead silence. Jeff didn't whose voice was those, and no matter how he tried to remember, he couldn't remember a similar voice. Maybe his old friend who was probably dead by now did, but it was impossible. His voice was much more arrogant than this. Seconds later, a similar voice answered.

"Sarge is that you?" That was definitely Zac, but from how he answered with 'Sarge', he assumed that it was the Sergeant who was driving the truck. Then another voice cut in.

"Hello?" This time, Jeff recognized it immediately. The owner of this voice was the arrogant girl from the truck who actually cared about her appearance rather than survival in a life-or-dead situation and nearly abandoned the old man in the sinking truck. [Oh, no, it's that girl again. Who was it? Jenifer, was it?] He pondered about this when a flashlight flickered on and shone onto the entrance. There stood the man in military suit and a young girl, who was both catching their breaths. Jeff quickly stood up, and slowly walked towards them. He was relieved that the Sergeant was alive, but the girl? Not very much, but she's still human.

"Glad to have you back, Sarge."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Owens Character Portrait: Elizabeth Dawson Character Portrait: Jenifer Drop Character Portrait: Zac Taylor Character Portrait: Jeffrey Dawson Character Portrait: Sgt. Thomas Henderson and Gunner
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#, as written by Tempest
☣ Sergeant Henderson ☣

Henderson gave a sigh of relief and smiled slightly at the people welcoming him back as he helped Jenifer climb up onto the upper level of the barn before he heaved Gunner up next to her. A final look around the lower level and then he climbed up, letting the older man give him a hand.

"Thanks." He said, nodding to the man, before glancing about the space at the survivors who had made it this far. "Not many huh?" He said with a heavy feeling in his chest. "Thanks for your welcomes, I appreciate it."

The truck had started with twenty one people and now there looked to be no more than nine. Not good odds but at least he had managed to save a few. He found himself a space near the girl who had navigated and was now acting as nurse, leaning back against a hay bail with a grunt of pleasure.

"Right everyone. I am sure you know this but we need to be damn quiet." He looked around at them. "It looked like you already set up a sentry rotation. If that's the case those of you who can should probably get some sleep. Gunner and I will take the first watch."