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Alionya's Heir

Alionya's Heir


The era of peace in Alionya is over. An evil usurper has taken the throne, and the people are suffering. They have only one hope now, the only heir left by the former royal family.

1,736 readers have visited Alionya's Heir since Raven Lyer created it.


The kingdom of Alionya.. A once great nation full of happy, prosperous people led by a benevolent king, named Enoch. A king who ruled kindly and fairly, like his father before him. He was a truly wonderful man, and was a descendant of a general who unseated the great tyrant in years past. Yes, he was indeed a great man that came from fine stock... But now he is just dead. Killed before the great throne by a usurper known simply as Regent. A vile, evil man descended from the once terrible tyrant, come to take control of what he believes is rightfully his. Using the vast treasury of the kingdom, and support of a undisclosed nation, this man, named Regent, has effectively taken over Alionya, plunging it into a period of despair and misery.
The only one who could hope to challenge this man, the one shining light in this seemingly endless darkness, is the last heir of king Enoch. A princess who had been sent away by her father for fear that she may be caught in the many assassination attempts of Regent. But, where is she now? Will she come back to Alionya and save the poor citizens from Regent's iron fist, or will she flee the land, hoping to find safety? Who will help her along the way? Who will stand in her way? The future of Alionya rests upon the answers.

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Alionya by Raven Lyer

A once great and prosperous land, now a cold and miserable place.


Maliuysa by RolePlayGateway

A mountainous land that was once as dark and cold as Alionya is now. However, after the death of the emperor, it has seen a time of prosperity and happiness.

St. Aliquara

St. Aliquara by RolePlayGateway

The capitol city of Alionya.


Selithia by RolePlayGateway

The capitol city of Maliuysa.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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#, as written by Valor
Nym had to stop herself from scowling at the woman that insulted her magic. Kyruu didn't approve of this either, curling round behind Nym in a protective manner, his deep growl sending a nervous chill through the horses of the group, moreso of the one that the spoiled sounding woman as he glared at her mount.
"Don't Kyruu..." Nym murmered, placing a flat palm against the muzzle of the lion, unafraid of the fangs that she touched. She glared over Frederic's shoulder at the woman as she insulted the woodsman, before declaring herself to be the princess of this land. She was unimpressed by this princess. Her father had told her that the King of Alionya had been a great man with a heart of gold, it seemed that heart had not been passed on down to his daughter. Unfortunate.

"My sheild wavers as I fear facing a man I know holds great strength, and do not want to risk sending that power back to him and those he rides with. Surely, a future ruler of this land would understand that kind of fear?" She replied, watching as the princess then demanded that they leave now - obviously having no time for lower class folk like themselves. She did not appreciate her sheild having been broken, but she would let that slide for now.
Her eyes turned to Frederic as he addressed the woodsman, commenting on her presence, though was unamused as he did not use her name.
"How did you end up with the Alionian heir? You seem quite content, which can only tell me that you haven't been with her for long. A few moments has already nudged me towards the end of my pretty long fuse..." She did not care too much that she was insulting the princess in saying this, she was already questionning whether Alionya would be happier under the rule of such a spoilt woman.


Leo watched as everyone was coming together, preparing to strike together. His gaze wandered along the stone wall as he and Sage walked, nodding to those he knew. He looked out for his wife and sons as they moved; without a doubt that they would be involved with this war. He listened to Sage, understanding why Cye was chosen, and coming to terms with Ryuu. Leo just had to face the fact that he was kept to help at the front line of the war, instead of being able to go and search for his daughter and bring her to safety. He just had to hope Sage was right in saying that Nym would be safe.
With that realisation, Leo sucked in a deep breath, pushing aside the niggles in the back of his mind to go ask to be allowed to search for Nym and to take at least his wife from the battlefield.
"Where do you want me then, Sage?" He asked, the sooner they got on with this, the sooner he'd be able to have a somewhat restful mind.


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She was still close enough to the young girl and the archer to hear what Ryo said, her eyes trailed to him and she eyed him, his words were of little merit to her, after all he had tried to attack her and Frederic in the tavern, he should be so lucky Frederic spared his life she thought. Her eyes moved to Frederic whose expression told he knew this young girl standing next to her and soon he was asking the archer a variety of questions. The young woman had said something to the lion next to her and Quorra eyed them both, frustration written quite apparent on her features. When the girl asked her a question Quorra raised a brow and remarked. "Even when faced with fear we must know and believe in our strengths, never wavering, always believing we are the greater even in battle. If you waver they know your weakness and you could die. And don't misread me, I have fears but my father taught me to never show them when I am facing a foe." With that Quorra nudged the sides of her horse and saw that neither Frederic nor Ryo moved, "It seems you have business with this man and young girl Frederic, when you're ready I'll be over there." she didn't wait for anyone else to speak as the horse trotted off, she turned her eyes away from them all, her cheeks now burning red.

Brushing away the hair on her shoulder Quorra sighed heavily and ran her fingers along the bridge of the horse's neck. Whispering softly to the only ears that would listen and the being that wouldn't argue back. "Why was I given this destiny, of all the ones to survive and to be despised by them. I can see it in their eyes" she stared ahead as the horse stopped to nibble on a patch of grass, her hands releasing the reigns. The wind picked up and rustled her hair bringing it once more over her shoulders, but she didn't brush it away this time. "Should I just go it alone?" she questioned the horse, but no answer came and it plagued her that she felt this way. "My father.." but the words stuck in her throat and she fought the urge to cry, her lower lip quivered but she pursed it so it wouldn't. Doubt rose in her mind, she'd not had time to learn how to be a great ruler, how was she even sure she could bring peace to the land, restore what her father had built. Who was to say when she assumed the throne that she didn't rule as The Regent was. Shaking her head Quorra glanced back at the group.

"You wouldn't even be here had I not made myself known," she was far enough they'd not hear those words uttered. Lifting her chin slightly she returned her gaze ahead of her and the horse. There she waited, in silence letting her thoughts gather, her hand reached up and touched the pendant. It was the only thing she had left of them. "How else am I to act when it is all I've ever known." bringing her hand to her forehead she groaned. "I can't even wish them ill tidings even though they said those things, I must be going insane" she chuckled lightly. She thought of Frederic, but shook her head. "We are so oddly matched for this quest I fear one of us will kill the other before it's over..." the red tint grew apparant on her cheeks again. She smirked, but then frowned once more, awaiting when and if the others would join her.


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Gael was unusually tempted to slap the so called royalty girl. She was not only rude, but struck him as a person with a superior attitude towards everything. He, however, knew that would be the death of him if he even so much as transmitted the motion that he had a want to strike against the woman, so that would be left as it was. Could aiming a bow at the three be considered hostile, most certainly. However, in this day and age he felt it was something that could be seen as a safe precaution. She also was quick to attack the young girl for her magic inexperience, and that also didn't sit too well with him, but then again, out of the sake for remaining diplomatic rather than confrontational, he let it alone. At least the Alyionian seemed willing to avoid being rude, as did the Maliuysan. He was polite, something that he could deal with, and was quietly glad to see the woman step out of the way, though out of a lack of patience it seemed, and he seemed a bit more at ease now that she was not acting out of anger and being rude in the process.

"A fair question, I am Mael Gerloch. The young female I encountered no more than a few minutes ago, she had found the remains of an Alyionian military caravan. May I ask of your name, then?" Gael was trying his best to remain polite with the situation as it was, these three, even if he was one to attack anyone in sight for whatever they had, would not of wanted to end up trying to fight these three. The Alyionian was the least dangerous in his opinion, at least in a relative sense, as he would still probably win in a melee. The other two didn't appear to have to get within swinging reach to do damage, something that removed his range advantage. That, and if he acted brashly, then it was possible that the girl could end up being assaulted as well, something that he would prefer not to have occur. She had nothing to do with his activities, and hardly deserved the same fate. He did hold himself accountable for what he did, good and bad.


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#, as written by Soki
Ryo watched calmly, the talking between everyone. He let out a quiet sigh of relief to see that no violence would occur. It was a great weight off his shoulders as he stayed behind with Frederic, instead of following the princess, he'd rather be near someone that threatened to kill him then a woman who showed no humility ever. Then again, what was he to this group? No more then a glorified mascot, being he was out matched in every way by Frederic. He wasn't really needed, though at least he had the honor of coming along. He shifted alittle in the saddle trying to get more comfortable, as he kept his lips sealed and waited for what to do now.


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Frederic now found that he was becoming quite irritated with the princess’ behavior. Her spoilt attitude seemed to know no bounds, and it was starting to make Frederic doubt that her reign would be better for Alionya.. She wasn’t too dissimilar to the Regent now, all she lacked was the bloodshed in her wake. Frederic’s attention turned again to the woodsman before him. “Well, Mael Gerloch, I am Frederic Balentyne of Selithia. It seems Nym here does trust you, so I shall for now. Though, if you should try to attack me while I ask my questions, I’ll make you light up like a sun at night. Now, I’ve guessed as to why you attacked the caravan. I’ve heard stories of what happens here during the night. Yes, you’re quite famous around here.. Though, they usually speak of multiple bowmen taking out any soldiers that dare cross here. May I ask, are you an enemy of this kingdom, or at least of the land that was once a kingdom, or are you simply the enemy of the Regent?” Frederic spoke politely, doing his best to hide a scheming smile. He knew why the man was here, it was all too clear to him. Perhaps he could convince the man to join their side. Then, there would be more people to deal with the spoilt attitude of the heir.


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Reala watched the scene unfurl with interest.
After leaving the regent, she had been trying to focus in on the scent of particular emotions as a way of tracking down the princess. For a long time she hadn't been able to get any trace whatsoever, the place was abandoned and desolate. However fortune seemed to have struck. It was not emotions she smelled, it was the voices she heard.
Conceiling herself in the wild shrubbery, she had been watching the princess and her companions ever since the girl appeared out of nowhere.
If she had been prone to emotions, Reala would have found the entire situation rather amusing. The heir to the throne, the one person everyone was resting their hopes on, couldn't even keep hold onto the few companions she had gained. The girl did seem to have a rather arrogant air about her, but at least she wasn't as bad as the regent. Perhaps the princess needed a friend right now, and that was what Reala was going to be. She herself needed to find out if the girl was worth protecting or whether she should just hand her over to the regent. She needed to get close to her.
And whilst she was a good distance away from the rest of them, it would be a good opportunity to gain her trust quickly before the others could intervene.
Standing up, she used her unatural speed to run so she was standing next to the princess and her horse. She still had her head turned towards the others so she had not been able to see Reala coming.
"Forgive the interruption, your highness." Reala said out loud, giving a respectful bow to the real heir of Alionya.


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Quorra was watching the others, by their expressions and the way their mouths were moving, they'd all nearly come to an agreement that she was by far worse than the Regent himself. Sighing heavily she slid from the saddle seeing as though the others were busy speaking amongst themselves, letting the horse nibble on some grass again she was so focused on her own situation Quorra had not heard anybody approach until she heard a woman's voice behind her. Her head jerked towards the voice and her body followed suit until she was facing the woman or....Succubus. Raising a brow she saw her bowing and glanced at the others before returning her gaze to the Succubus once more. "You know who I am?" perhaps it was an idiotic question to ask, but it was the most reasonable. Already she'd jumped to conclusions and said things out of place landing her damn near in exile so playing stupid for a moment seemed like the most logical thing yet. But this was someone new, the question was were they Allie or Enemy.

To break the ice she replied. "You're not interrupting much, I've managed to alienate myself from the group and perhaps prove that I'm no better than that bastard Regent." biting her lip she moved over to the horse and slowly ran her fingers along his muzzle, scratching lightly, yet keeping her eyes upon the Succubus. "What are you doing out here? I'd heard the Succubus served the Regent, any that opposed him were killed."


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Reala watched the young heir with interest.
She did have a resemblance to her father but it was obvious the princess was quite young. And Reala also got the impression that she didn't feel too certain about her companions, perfect. She was tempted to smile as she asked if she knew who she was, poor girl.
"Princess, I have been working closely with the regent practically since the start of his reign. Believe me, there is no way anyone could ever be half as bad as him."
She sighed slightly as the princess asked what she was doing out here. Succubus? That was a great insult but clearly the girl had never met a wraith before.
"Slight species error your highness. Although I have heard of the Regent employing a Succubus or two, I am a Wraith, something entirely different." She said, keeping her tone respectful but still putting her point across firmly. "And I'm not going to lie to you princess, I was sent here to kill you."
She watched the girl carefully, stepping slightly closer to her and staring into her eyes. This was going to be quite easy, with the tension between her and the others the princess needed someone to believe in her.
"Whether I do so or not, is completely up to you." She said softly. "But I'm not an idiot princess, I will not help unless I can be certain you are worth helping. So all I ask in return is a promise, one that will not only assure me that you are worth betraying the regent for but will also show that you will be a better ruler than any of your ancestors."
The others still did not seem to notice them so Reala could continue to push without interruption. If she could get the princess to make this promise, then she would really be able to act like she trusted her, like she could be her friend. Besides, she really wanted to know if the girl had any potential as a ruler at all.


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Mael wasn't the only one seeming to doubt the girl's differences between her and the Regent, and her trotting off hadn't triggered any sense of guilt at all. He committed the name the man gave to memory, a Frederic Balentyne of Selithia? Quite the name, in a length and grandeur sort of sense. When he mentioned that if he attempted to make any sort of preemptive strikes, he chuckled a bit at that. Attempting to strike at a distance he was not as trained for, and against a dangerous foe? That would be begging for a sword in the chest. "If nothing else, believe I am not foolish enough to strike now." Which was true, and he calmly listened to the fact he was known around these parts as several bowmen who would take down the caravans. When questioned on being an enemy of the State, or merely the Regent, he noted the way the words were phrased. He wasn't royalty, but he could see hidden purpose. He answered, not lying of course, and playing with the questions phrasing a bit. "I bore no ill will towards the kingdom which used to rule here. But, this Regent, I would consider him an enemy, though the chances of me getting a clean chance to put an arrow in to him are almost laughably nonexistent." He hid a great deal of venom when mentioning the Regent, the man had slighted him greatly early on in Mael's life, not directly of course, but his actions caused it.


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Quorra sized Reala up but listened when the woman explained she worked for the Regent. "working closely with the Regent?" but Reala continued speaking about how she was a Wraith and not a Succubus. "I'm sorry I've never seen a least not until now that is." When Reala confessed she was actually here to kill Quorra she was shocked, but remained standing where she was rather than step back or panic when Reala moved closer to her. The words that Reala next spoke had her gasping slightly but more in a you've got to be kidding me fashion. Her cheeks flared red. "How can I rule better than my own ancestors? The Regent holds the throne and if you can't tell the others would rather leave me here than help me. I..."

she sighed calming her nerves and frowned. "I've not been nice" the words Reala spoke rang in her ear and she gathered what Reala wanted, somehow she just knew. "You want immunity for your kind. If you serve me and I gain back what belonged to my family you're asking that I free you...even your people. Reala, I don't know what the Regent has been making you do, but from your words it must be bad enough to even contemplate betraying him." Quorra glanced at the group who seemed in their own little world and quite content with it. "I will promise this for the sooner I accomplish this the sooner they can go back to whatever it was they were doing before I came alone. It's the least I can do for them since they are helping me after all." returning her gaze back to Reala Quorra nodded then reached out her hand for the Wraith to take. "I promise, but you must also promise no deceptions, no lies and from here on in a life of good. I cannot change your past or heal the wounded memories of what the Regent has forced you to do, but if you help me I will ensure the Wraiths have a place. Interested?"


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#, as written by Soki
Ryo kept quiet through the whole ordeal, though he did turn to look at the Heir to Alionya, only to see another with her, this brought alarm to his senses. He tapped Frederic on his shoulder and indicated towards the other person chatting with the Would-be-queen. "Look, we've an unexpected guest.." He stated calmly. He didn't move from where his horse rested, he didn't think any type of movement would be a good idea right now. He shifted in the saddle, and gripped his weapon tightly, waiting on whatever Frederic decided to do, he was by no means the leader here, and would like to keep it that way. He did however feel the need to speed things up, like something really terrible was brewing. He couldn't place his finger on it, nor did he want too all he did know was that things were going to get very gruesome before this little quest was over.


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Reala looked at her carefully.
"It is not surprising you have not seen my kind before, unfortunately it was not until the Regent took power that we have been allowed in Alionya... or any kingdom at all..." Her voice trailed off slightly as she remembered all the prosecution her people had faced over the years. Ever since Technos...
She looked back at the princess, raising an eyebrow as the girl blushed, saying she had not been nice.
"From what we have been able to observe over the years, it is perfectly natural for creatures with emotions to make mistakes in their youth, and it often prepares them to be better later on. Do not concern yourself with what others think, just follow your own instincts."
Whether she had said this to comfort the princess or whether it was merely stating an observation she was not sure. After all, the princess wouldn't be much good if she didn't believe in herself. What use was an heir who wasn't ready to rule? Besides, she needed to help as much as possible.
Reala could not help but blink as she continued to speak. She already knew what she wanted, that was impressive. She looked down slightly at her next words.
"Very perceptive princess. And yes the Regent has made me do things that I will regret for eternity but... it is more what he threatens that makes me cautious of betraying him."
She watched the princess more carefully, looking at her hand. She had made the promise, Reala had to take it. Things were working exactly how she wished them to. Taking hold of the girl's hand, she stared her directly in the eye before sinking down to one knee and bowing her head respectfully.
"I am at your service, your highness."


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Make mistakes....Reala hadn't been there to see Quorra's mistakes. But she was glad someone seemed to realize this and show a little sympathy in regards to her. Quorra listened intensively as Reala accounted how in the past her people had not been allowed in Alionya for reasons unknown, but were given access when the Regent took over. She let that process that the Regent was only doing so in order to use them to his will and destroy the ones that refused. She felt unhappy with that notion and was now glad Reala had chosen to help her. Right about now she needed someone who understood her, that she could talk to and not get snide comments from or glares when her back was turned. Quorra knew the others probably wouldn't want Reala with them, but she had just given a promise to the woman and was determined to keep it. When Reala took her extended hand Quorra was a little shocked, and even more so when she went down on one knee and pledged her loyalty to her.

Feeling slightly embarrassed she gave a nervous chuckle and asked. "Oh, you don't need to do that, please rise." she glanced at the others and saw that Ryu was looking in their direction and sighed heavily. "Well we wont be alone for much longer, I'm sure he's alerted the others that you are here." Her eyes focused on Reala again. "I'll do everything I can to keep you safe if they attack, for now it may be best not to fight back in case they get the wrong idea."
Quorra released Reala's hand so she could get up off her knee and held her arms at her sides awaiting to see what the others would do. "They could just ignore you too." she tried to assure her. "When we're back on the trail I'd like to hear more about your people and how it used to be even if it's bad. I think it'll be healthy to get to know more about others so I can have an idea on how to rule properly an fairly. Don't you think?" she asked, a small smile spread across her face.


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Reala looked up as she was asked to rise, wondering why it embaressed the princess to have someone kneel before her.
Surely she should be used to that. Or at least, she should be getting used to it. After all, it was the best, and most common way to show respect to a royal. But then she saw where the princess was looking and she understood.
The other's had seen her. It did not matter, she had earned the princess's trust. If the others continued to follow then it would merely be more lambs to the slaughter and if they didn't, the princess would still follow her anyway. They were of no concern to her. She would be surprised if they would treat her with any kind of respect, she only expected contempt from them.
"Do not concern yourself with my safety princess. And I shall of course not fight back, if you command, but I am still capable with dealing with them." She said.
She stood up as the the princess released her, looking at the others.
"They will not ignore me, it is too well known that Wraith have been helping the Regent, especially when they learn who I am." She said, watching them more carefully. Her hand rested on the fear gun at her hip, just in case they made a wrong move.
But when the princess started talking about learning more about her people, Reala looked back at her.
No one had ever asked about her people before. Even the Regent only seemed interested when she talked about harvesting emotions, and that was mostly because she was particularly gifted at harvesting pain, one of his favourites. No one really cared about the Wraith and because only a few members of other races actually remembered when the Wraith fell from power, no one was entirely sure where they had come from. To most people, the Wraith were just an abominable race of evil creatures who had always been there on the sidelines.
"The fact that you even wish to know about my people proves you are going to rule well, you do not seem to have been taught common predjudices, that is good." She said, starting to feel slightly strange. The princess did genuinely seem different, like she really wanted to help, and for a moment, a flicker of guilt ran through her mind. But she shook it away, the price for betraying the Regent was too great, she had to continue.

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Alionya by Raven Lyer

A once great and prosperous land, now a cold and miserable place.


Maliuysa by RolePlayGateway

A mountainous land that was once as dark and cold as Alionya is now. However, after the death of the emperor, it has seen a time of prosperity and happiness.

St. Aliquara

St. Aliquara by RolePlayGateway

The capitol city of Alionya.


Selithia by RolePlayGateway

The capitol city of Maliuysa.

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Character Portrait: Regent
0 sightings Regent played by TraitorsHand
"Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise"

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Character Portrait: Reala Shadowstone
Character Portrait: Mael Gerloch


Character Portrait: Mael Gerloch
Mael Gerloch

The whistle of an arrow, breaking the tranquility of the woods, is your only warning.

Character Portrait: Reala Shadowstone
Reala Shadowstone

"Darkness is my addiction... but evil is not my master..."


Character Portrait: Mael Gerloch
Mael Gerloch

The whistle of an arrow, breaking the tranquility of the woods, is your only warning.

Character Portrait: Reala Shadowstone
Reala Shadowstone

"Darkness is my addiction... but evil is not my master..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Reala Shadowstone
Reala Shadowstone

"Darkness is my addiction... but evil is not my master..."

Character Portrait: Mael Gerloch
Mael Gerloch

The whistle of an arrow, breaking the tranquility of the woods, is your only warning.

View All » Places


Alionya by Raven Lyer

A once great and prosperous land, now a cold and miserable place.


Maliuysa by RolePlayGateway

A mountainous land that was once as dark and cold as Alionya is now. However, after the death of the emperor, it has seen a time of prosperity and happiness.

St. Aliquara

St. Aliquara by RolePlayGateway

The capitol city of Alionya.


Selithia by RolePlayGateway

The capitol city of Maliuysa.


A once great and prosperous land, now a cold and miserable place.


Maliuysa Owner: RolePlayGateway

A mountainous land that was once as dark and cold as Alionya is now. However, after the death of the emperor, it has seen a time of prosperity and happiness.


Selithia Owner: RolePlayGateway

The capitol city of Maliuysa.

St. Aliquara

St. Aliquara Owner: RolePlayGateway

The capitol city of Alionya.

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Alionya's Heir: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Alionya's Heir

Re: [OOC] Alionya's Heir

Alright anyone looking for a new roleplay check mine out please I have plenty of spots open but I need consistent people

Re: [OOC] Alionya's Heir

If anyone's interested I put up a roleplay I have a lot of slots open

Re: [OOC] Alionya's Heir

As the Regent I play a very small part in this Rp, well at least in the beginning so Pm me when the Regent needs to show, such as when the group gets close to the fort blocking the bridge, or whenever it is that Sage decides to initiate the war.

Re: [OOC] Alionya's Heir

Sorry for not warning anyone about being away, some family stuff came up. I will try and give more notice in the future.

Re: [OOC] Alionya's Heir

Sorry everyone but Sage is sick so the rp is on hold currently

Re: [OOC] Alionya's Heir

All I can say to that is WTF? o.O' what does Golf clubs have to do with this roleplay?

Re: [OOC] Alionya's Heir

Hey guys, some family stuff has come up so won't be online for a few days.

Re: [OOC] Alionya's Heir

Hey Angelwolf, glad to see your interested in this rp I can't wait to see your character

Re: [OOC] Alionya's Heir

This looks awesome, I'm definately going to submit a character.

Re: [OOC] Alionya's Heir

I accidently hit my enter key before filling out his information, so if you read it earlier sorry about that, but it has been fixed now.

Re: [OOC] Alionya's Heir

Is it possible to be the heir? If not i'll be one of her buddies:3

[OOC] Alionya's Heir

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Alionya's Heir"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.