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Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake


It is present day Japan. Demons and humans coexist peacefully. There is a dojo in the woods of Amato-ku where demons and humans learn how to handle swords. But an evil is looking for the strongest fighter to abuse their power.

1,546 readers have visited Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake since Aniihya created it.


It is present day of an alternate timeline in Japan. Demons and humans live peacefully together. In the woods of Amato-ku not far from Kumimoto is an ancient looking dojo, run by an old demon named Mizaki Ichizumaru and her colleagues. They teach the way of the samurai to both demon and human students in these modern times. But the number of students is decreasing with only more traditional families sending their children there.

Meanwhile, the company Fighter Corp. is preparing for a competition for demons and humans to show their skills in hand to hand combat as well as sword fighting. A couple of the students at the school have registered for participation too. But what they dont know is that the strongest fighters will be abducted for their DNA and blood to create a powerful army that is supposed to take over the world. Now it is up to the Amato-ku students and teachers to stop Fighter Corp. from reaching its goal.

Amato-ku samurai school: The school is said to be built on the ruins of an old village that burned down over 1000 years ago. The school is a building made of stone and wood with three dojos, a dining room, a kitchen, dorms for the students and a recreational room in it. Outside is a training ground and a garden. Behind the building is a shrine and a tea house. The school grounds are surrounded by a stone wall. For regular school the students go to Kumimoto three times a week. They either take the bus or are driven there by one of the senseis. There is only a dress code for inside the dojos and the tea house: Socks and a hakama or kimono. Otherwise students are free to wear what they like.

Character sheet:

Race (Human or Demon, please specify what kind of demon)
Fighting style (you may make up a clan specific style if you like)
Year (there are 5 years in total, first year is ages 13-15, fifth year is ages 18-20)(if teacher then just write what years and styles you teach)
Strengths (max two, nothing too overpowered)
Weaknesses (minimum two)
Optional classes (pick two: Short swordfighting, philosophy, literature, greatsword/odashi handling, strategies, intensive training, history, principles of the samurai)
Weapon/weaponset (please stick with japanese weaponry such as katanas and wakizashis)
Alignment (evil, good or neutral, only affects how your character deals with bystanders or shows mercy)

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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The sound of the wind blowing through the trees was all Andoru could hear as he stood in a small clearing surrounded by woods not far from the dojo. He came here often to meditate, and practice as usual. It was close enough for him to smell food cooking, but far enough from prying eyes, at least he felt far enough away, he was always concerned with others watching him practice. That if someone other than sensei watched him and he performed badly they'd make fun of him. Though it was never the case it was always a small fear he held with him, a piece of the past not easily gotten rid of. He closed his eyes and felt the breeze flow around him kicking up small fallen leaflets here and there. And as the leaves began to fall once more towards the ground, He reacted. Within the blink of an eye his left hand gripped the hilt of his sword, as his body shifted into his iai stance, he drew the katana from the saya and split a single leaf in two and re-sheathed the blade. He opened his eyes in time to watch the two pieces of the leaf light with a small flame and turn to ash upon the wind. "Still couldn't get a second cut in time." he thought to himself as he shook his head. He took a deep breath to attempt to calm his mind. "Those" thoughts were his old self. He had to remind himself again. He took another deep breath and exhaled to blow a bit of his red hair out of his face. "It's getting late." He said to himself as he pulled his red kimono a bit tighter. "Sensei will get mad If I don't come and help cook dinner." He shifted the position of the katana at his hip, and began the short trek back to the dojo.


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Mifune watched as the teacher went toward the kitchen, "I'll join in later Sensei, I'm going to practice a bit." he said and stepped in the middle of the training grounds, Mifune closed his eyes imagining a 'shadow copy' of himself in front of him he concentrated for several minutes until he opened his eyes: his eyes went a dark green, his shadow stretched forward and a copy of him arose form the shadow it was completely black and shadowy copy of him. Mifune was dead serious as he looked at it, he pulled his box forward "Mugen Ittoryu!" he said as he pulled the box upwards causing the swords to fly a couple feet in the air then fall down blade first towards the ground, they blades stood there like gravestones scattered around the training field. The shadow did the same and grabbed a sword with his left hand and dashed forward towards Mifune, and swung his swords, Mifune grabbed a katana with his right hand that was besides him and blocked. Mifune then pushed back and tried to slash its feet, but the shadow jumped and kicked Mifune in his chest, Mifune stumbled back, as the shadow tried to stab Mifune in the chest, Mifune moved forward as his he was willing to get hit but spun towards his right on one leg and back handed the shadow in his face, the shadow stumble back and swung his sword, Mifune stepped back stepped forward again, and slashed downwards to upwards the shadow the shadow reacted and tried to block but saw that Mifune didn't have the katana on his right hand; Mifune had let go of the sword while slashing letting the blade fall and grabbed it with his other and and slashed the Shadow upwards, it dissipated and reappeared in front of Mifune "1 point to 0" Mifune said.

--To be continued till next post since this post is already 380 something words long xD--

(OOC Note: The Shadow is a technique expert use to train by themselves imagining a copy to fight with, only those with complete or great mastery of the technique and have a close relationship -no not like boyfriend girlfriend- can faintly see the opponent he/she is fighting, ones who don't just see the user fighting the air xD.)


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#, as written by Aniihya
In the kitchen, Misaki was making supper. She already had some sashimi done and the rice was cooked. The steam vegetables were already in a bowl. All that was left to make was some meat. Making this kind of supper reminded her of old times.

Flashback 1000 years ago: Misaki was making food when a servant came running to her. "Lord Misaki! We have a murder in the town! The perpetrator has been brought to the castle." He said. Misaki then answered: "Give me a moment. I will be in the main hall in a minute." Misaki then finished preparing the food and went to the castles main hall. There, the servant, some guards and the murderer were waiting. "So you have committed a murder. What is your standpoint?" She said in a calm tone. The murderer then answered: "That human traveler who was staying at the inn disrespected me! He ignored me when I told him to make way. Humans are such lowly beings." "Lowly beings eh? Just because demons like you are inferior to me and devils doesnt mean I treat you like trash. I still have honor. But do you know what the punishment for murder is when it isnt self-defense? You will be eaten. I will eat you." Suddenly fear overcame the convict. "Go on. Fear just makes you taste better." Misaki said. She began to step towards the convict. "Let him go. He should get the feeling how it is to be hunted." The guards then took off his shackles and the demon man tried to flee. He was outside and climbed up the roof. But with a single jump, Misaki had caught up to him and punched him, throwing him back down. He then tried to flee for the city. In town, he could feel the powerful presence of Misaki. She just stood there, a distance away. Her horns had grown large and a psychotic smile stretched across her face. Suddenly with one step, Misaki shot forward at speed up to the guy and tore his head off.

With the head in her hand, Misaki addressed the people of the town: "You see this? This is what happens if you murder someone! The punishment will be death. After that the people watched in terror as she fed on the demon man right before their eyes. It was the start of the myth: "The Merciless Queen" But nowadays no one knew the origin of the myth anymore.

Back to the present: Misaki had just finished making supper and set up the table, putting the food on it as well as eating utensils. Kids! Supper is ready! She then sat down at the low table on a cushion and looked graceful and noble. She seemed like a kind motherly figure.


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"Ah forgive me Sensei. I should have arrived sooner to help you cook." Andoru replied as he entered the dining area. "What are we having?" he asked her after bowing in reverence to her rank as master. "Should I round up the rest of the students as well?" he asked her as he took a seat at the table and attempted to tidy himself up as best he could. His thoughts wandered back to his old home. His family, forcing him to always look presentable at the dinner table. Never wishing to hear him speak only to be seen. They had "Old tastes" as he called it. "Sensei? Ae you ok you seem a bit pale today?" he asked yet another question of her. barely giving her time to answer any of his previous ones.


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Mifune was about to start another 'round' but was cut off with the Ichizumaru saying "Kids! Supper is ready!" then he snapped back into reality with a slight jolt, "Opps I completely forgot about that...hmm~ sorry." Mifune muttered. Mifune then stood up straight and began to pick up his katanas, he finished picking them up in about two to three minutes, then he adjusted the straps on the box then went inside obviously leaving the box behind the wall and entered the dining room he saw Andoru Sanada, a senior to Mifune himself, he was a Master/Mastering of a Iai technique Mifune recalled, "Good morning/evening (I don't know which xD), Andoru-dono." Mifune said with a bow and then sat on the cushion and waited for the others.


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#, as written by Aniihya
"Its nice that you came, Mifune. And you too Andoru." Misaki said and smiled. "We might do a little field trip to the beach tomorrow. There I will she how we could fight back in my day where collateral damage could be used due to sparse use of land." With this, Misaki meant that some demon blade masters were able to tear into the landscape as if it was nothing and that some could chop through a couple trees with one blow.

(OOC: I hope Maci comes back soon because she has been gone for quite a while and where are the others?)


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Andoru bowed in respect to Mifune as he addressed him. "Please Mifune. There is no need to address me with proper titles. I'm just another student like you." he replied politely with a small smile. Mifune was younger that was true, but Andoru had watched each student under sensei, and each was as skilled a warrior as he was, though not all in the same way, each had strengths and weaknesses like himself, preferences in weaponry and fighting styles included, but beneath all this lied one truth. That they all sought mastery in their arts, and that made them family to one another, and sensei, their master, and mother to some degree. "But not all demons were that strong right Sensei. I mean if that were true then how could a normal human have defeated any of your kind?" he asked her. Andoru had a facination with demon culture. the demons were as varied as the human race but the ancient demons possessed such awesome power that it boggled his mind how anyone could stand up to them in battle. "Mifune, how was your practice today?" he asked him, noticing a small bead of sweat still clinging to his brow. Andoru tended to notice small things like that about people. It was one of the qualities that made him a superb swordsman. notcing the smallest details in an opponent, in order to strike when the time is right.


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(OOC: Sorry i had 10 exams these past weeks it been a total hell i hate my school but im done know...)

"Its was fine I managed to get a point, at least, ehehe." Mifune said looking towards Andoru, "We're going to the beach that's cool, I've needed some time to kick back and relax... wait I said that wrong...." Mifune said, Knowing Sensei we have something big has happened... going to the beach such a rare occasion, I wonder how thats gonna turn out Mifune thought, "I wonder where the others are their gonna miss supper, and not even I am that stupid to miss out on it, well just once and I never did it again... since I don't 'That' again...." Mifune said as shivers ran down his spin, he then turned to Ichizumaru...

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Amato-ku by Aniihya


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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Misaki Ichizumaru
Character Portrait: Karma
Character Portrait: Mifune Zetsunoko
Character Portrait: Suridamaru
Character Portrait: Zetsumei


Character Portrait: Zetsumei

"Well then...lets begin"

Character Portrait: Suridamaru

"I'm just gonna take this her- OH! Thats YOUR phone? It just appeared in my hand... I swear... heehee."

Character Portrait: Mifune Zetsunoko
Mifune Zetsunoko

To use not one but hundreds of swords, that is my Mugen Ittoryu!

Character Portrait: Karma

"I'm Karma, but I'm not a bitch."

Character Portrait: Misaki Ichizumaru
Misaki Ichizumaru

Misaki is the headmaster of the dojo.


Character Portrait: Suridamaru

"I'm just gonna take this her- OH! Thats YOUR phone? It just appeared in my hand... I swear... heehee."

Character Portrait: Karma

"I'm Karma, but I'm not a bitch."

Character Portrait: Zetsumei

"Well then...lets begin"

Character Portrait: Misaki Ichizumaru
Misaki Ichizumaru

Misaki is the headmaster of the dojo.

Character Portrait: Mifune Zetsunoko
Mifune Zetsunoko

To use not one but hundreds of swords, that is my Mugen Ittoryu!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mifune Zetsunoko
Mifune Zetsunoko

To use not one but hundreds of swords, that is my Mugen Ittoryu!

Character Portrait: Misaki Ichizumaru
Misaki Ichizumaru

Misaki is the headmaster of the dojo.

Character Portrait: Suridamaru

"I'm just gonna take this her- OH! Thats YOUR phone? It just appeared in my hand... I swear... heehee."

Character Portrait: Karma

"I'm Karma, but I'm not a bitch."

Character Portrait: Zetsumei

"Well then...lets begin"

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Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

Sorry all for my inactivity. I hadn't even realized i was accepted into the rp. Ill begin posting right away. Thank you for the opportunity. hope all goes well.

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

your character has been accepted already days ago.

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

Well, since no one seems to be posting, maybe I should go ahead...if you would accept my character

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

Not sure if you got my message but it's cool Aniihya with your idea

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

It would be good but I will only be able to reply tomorrow after my classes at the university.

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

I would, but I'm thinking of using Zet's character, so I sent them a PM asking, and havnt gotten a reply back, but if you want, I will post right now.

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

Actually, I think we needed a teacher more of a student, since the low students can be kinda told by the intro, that there are fewer students now.

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

Lol er....I made a teacher but if you guys want I can make a student as well, I can play double characters

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

im vsure aniihya cool with it
Can't have a scool with 3 sudents

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

Hey I'm planning on making a character if thats ok for you guuys?

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

Sounds interesting, I could make a few things up xD

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

Sure, I like the idea, maybe could I have Karma in denial. But yeah, awesome idea.

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

You're the GM, Annihya! I'm cool with it.

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

Why dont we make a thing that the thugs come back in the evening and the students wake up to the sound of violence, just to see Misaki tearing through the thugs with her bare hands, partially feeding on them? The courtyard might be blood red and the sight of Misakis true demon nature might be a bit very scary to the students. And the next morning its like a dream where the courtyard is almost completely clean and Misaki acts like nothing happened. But the students check every corner of the school to find that there are still small specks of blood that werent cleaned up.

How about that?

Re: [OOC] Amato-ku Samurai School: Remake

Sorry it took em awhile for my first post, I was busy with family yesterday, and today I had school, so I'm seriously sorry. But I'll always be able to post, just not during the day, High School.