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Alison Lowe

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a character in “Another Cinderella Story”, originally authored by Sunflower, as played by RolePlayGateway


"Life isn't always what you want it to be."

Alison Lowe

Aly || Commonly Used
Nerd || Always Used


|Birth Date|
June 21st


|Sexual Orientation|


Alison is a very intelligent young woman. Ever since she was a child she would always be the top in her class because she tends to focus a lot on her studies. Because of this not many people seem to like her because they think she is nothing but a nerd. She tends to keep more to herself and wishes for nothing more than to be noticed like a normal high schooler. She is very sensitive and compassionate about everything she believes in. Most of the time she keeps her opinions to herself, even if it meant that someone would get hurt without knowing the information because no matter what she always gets blamed for everything.

Alison was born into a wonderful family, a loving mother and a father. Though around the time she was five years old her mother died, leaving her to live with her father. A few years later he married another woman who hated Alison with every molecule in her body. Whenever her father wasn't around the woman would always abuse her and force her to undertake doing everything for her, pretty much becoming her maid. This also went on with her two step-sisters. If it weren't for her father being happy with this woman, she wouldn't have any sort of hope in the world for finding happiness in the world.

Though her last bit of happiness seemed to dissipate into thin air when her father passed. She was then forced to become her step family's personal maid 24/7 and was always the person they took their anger out on. She would be emotionally abused. Finding herself not able to handle everything that was going on, Alison began cutting herself and began hiding in her books even more than usual. All she wants is a normal life, some friends at least and she would at least be happy.

|Face Claim|
Selena Gomez

|Dialogue Color Code|

Sunshine and Whiskey

So begins...

Alison Lowe's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Purple || Location: Jason's House

When Alison heard Jason chasing after her, she stopped right in front of his bedroom door and turned towards him when he finished speaking. With a sigh and nodded her head and dropped her purse down on the desk she was standing by. "Just don't pull something like that again," she stated before starting to strip out of her clothes.

"Now, don't judge me but I didn't realize you had a pool," she stated as she removed her final article of clothing, leaving her standing in her bra and underwear. Alison smirked and stepped out onto the balcony, knowing that this was probably because of the alcohol in her system because she would never ever be caught dead doing something like this, but she figured that since she was there she mind as well enjoy herself.

Alison glanced over at Jason and spoke, "Come on," she stated before climbing up onto the edge of the railing and diving into the pool. As she did the dive, it was in perfect position, as if a professional swimmer were taking the dive. Once she hit the water, she made her way back up to the surface and glanced up at the balcony, not believing that she just made that jump.

Once again all eyes were on her and people were talking about her. But honestly, she didn't care and once had to be because of the alcohol in her system.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
Location: Jason's House
Dialogue Color: Blue
Jason's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He couldn't believe after almost leaving, Alison decided to strip to her underwear and jump off the balcony into the pool. He watched as water splashed up and she rose above the water. He quickly took notice of the attention of about everyone focused on her. Without any other thought in his mind, Jason took a running start and jumped over the balcony. He wasn't a professional diver as what Alison had just shown off, so he did a simple cannonball. The impact was tough, but insane. Jason had never down that before, and can see why so many people at his parties have actually done such a risky jump. Adrenaline rushed through his body as he broke through the top of the water. At first he had no idea what was happening, but he gained focus and realized all attention on Alison quickly vanished and many people cheered for Jason. He didn't want to take the attention away from her like that, but he didn't want people to make fun of her or anything harmful. He was afraid of that.

Jason hopped out of the pool and saw that his trunks were a bit low. With one yank the swim trunks were at the right level, and tight. The water still shook. And in the water Jason found Alison. "I can't believe you just dove off like that. It was really impressive."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Purple || Location: Jason's House

When she noticed Jason jump off from the balcony, she cheered along with the rest of the crowd for him. She knew the guy had guts but she never thought he would follow her off the balcony the way he had. Though once he popped his head up out of the water, she smiled over at him. "I can't believe you just dove off like that. It was really impressive," she heard him compliment and a huge grin became plastered upon her face. That was the first time in a long time she was complimented on her diving. The last time was by her father, way before he passed away.

"Well, my freshman year, before I moved to this school I was on the swim team and I was the high diving expert on our school swim team," she responded. "That dive," she started as she pointed up towards the balcony, "That was nothing," she finished as she laid back in the water, floating on her back and stared up at the sky that was beginning to dim, meaning the evening was beginning to settle in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
Location: Jason's House
Dialogue Color: Blue
It was a surprise to Jason that Alison was on a sports team. Jason never thought of her as one to do sports. Maybe class council or debate, but when he would see her in the hallways around school he never thought she was part of a team. He thought she was always lonely. It upset him. Even as he thought of it while looking at her enjoying herself, he felt sad. But with no warning, Jason was shoved into the pool by two people. His front side slammed into the water, and he started to sink. He emerged out from the water and was next to Alison. He gazed over her body as he started to tread water while next to her. He felt as if his feeling for her went deeper than friendship. He obviously wanted to get her into his bed, but at the same time he didn't want that. He just wanted to simply be with her. Just to have her near him. He shook the thought out of his head. There was no need to worry about that right now. As his sight was going back up to her face he heard some few people shout "Get a room!" Jason wasn't opposed to the idea, but he looked at Alison and raised an eyebrow. Did she even feel the same way for him? Jason knew this situation wasn't a problem because whenever someone said that while he was around some girl that obviously had an interest in him, they would have sex. It was just the thought of being with Alison that gave him butterflies. He felt as if he almost loved her so soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Purple || Location: Jason's House

ImageAs Alison laid there in the water, staring up at the sky, she noticed someone pushing Jason into the pool and couldn't help herself not to laugh. She glanced over at him with a slight smirk, "Sorry, that was funny," she stated just before she heard people yelling. "Get a room!"

Alison just rolled her eyes and ignored their comments, keeping her attention on Jason. People were dicks and that was just one of the many reasons why Alison just hated people. All while growing up she was somehow betrayed or left behind by everyone in her life and Jason was no different. Eventually he would get tired of her and leave. When the weekend ends he would probably just go back to ignoring her in school, that's how things always happen for Alison. No matter how hard she tried, she always ended up alone...always.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
Location: Jason's House
Dialogue Color: Blue
Thunder was heard in the distance. People started to complain about the rain coming in and decided to go inside. Jason didn't want to get caught in the pool with a storm coming. He swam over to the edge and hopped out. He turned to Alison who was still in the pool "I think we should get inside before it starts raining. And uh... your underwear is soaked. Maybe we should go up to my room if you don't want people looking at you. That's only a suggestion though." He didn't want to sound like a creep trying to sleep with her, even though he wanted to, but he didn't know if the attention would scare her. He knew she could care for herself, but yet Jason just couldn't help but worry. The wind picked up and Jason reached for a towel on a nearby chair, drying himself off as the wind helped.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Purple || Location: Jason's House

ImageAlison laid there in the pool as people began running inside to get away from the storm. She figured she mind as well go inside too. She climbed out of the pool and shrugged her shoulders. "As long as you bring up a bit of alcohol we can go up to your room. But no funny business," she warned before turning on her heels and making her way into the house and went upstairs to his room.

Alison sat down on the floor so she wouldn't get any of his furniture wet while she was waiting on herself to dry. There was no point in drying herself off with the towels that were already pretty much drenched with water, so she figured she would just air dry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
Location: Jason's House
Dialogue Color: Blue
Jason couldn't be happy that she took him up on the offer. As they went upstairs Jason snagged a few bottles of beer and some vodka. He left his bedroom door open just a bit. He bent over and placed the bottles on the floor next to Alison. He grabbed one beer as he stood back up. He cracked the bottle off on the edge of his dresser. With no hesitation he took a sip, placed the bottle to the side, and turned around, dropping his swim trunks. He knew she could see his backside, and he also knew this counted as what she called "Funny Business." He opened his dresser and pulled out boxers. Within a second later the drawer was closed and he slid the boxers on. Jason turned to Alison as he picked the bottle back up and took another sip "Do you wanna change into one of my shirts and boxers and we can let your clothes dry on the balcony?" It seemed as if he was trying to get her naked, but he was just trying to be helpful and not such a creep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Purple || Location: Jason's House

ImageAlison smiled when Jason came up to the room and set the alcohol down beside her. She immediately went for the bottle of liquor and opened it up, taking a swig of it before setting it back down beside her. "Do you wanna change into one of my shirts and boxers and we can let your clothes dry on the balcony?"

Alison smirked and just shrugged her shoulders, "Sure, though I believe it would be smarter if we let them dry by a's um, still raining outside and I don't need to lose my underwear because of the storm," she stated before standing to her feet.

When she was handed the shirt and boxers, she stepped into the closet and closed the door behind her. But unbeknownst to her she hadn't closed it all the way, giving just enough room for Jason to see things if he were looking in that direction. She stripped down out of her bra and underwear before pulling on the boxers and the shirt and stepped out of the closet.

Alison placed the bra and underwear by one of the vents in his room before lifting the liquor bottle back in her hand and taking another swig from it. She plopped back onto his bed, still holding the bottle, making sure she doesn't happen to spill anything. "Nothing that happened up here leaves this room, got it," she stated to Jason with a stern tone, showing that she was serious about what she was saying.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
Location: Jason's House
Dialogue Color: Blue
As she walked into the closet, Jason couldn't help himself. He turned, taking a quick peek and almost instantly covering his eyes with his hand like a child. He was definitely surprised by what he was. He took a sip while he waited for her to come back at. When the closet doors creaked slightly, Jason turned his head and watched as Alison walked out in his clothes. He couldn't help but smirk. "Nothing that happened up here leaves this room, got it." With that being said Jason responded with a simple "Got it," and continued to look at her.

The rain outside landed like bullets upon the windows. There was no telling when the storm would end. Sounds from downstairs resonated their way up into Jason's room. With a thud Jason fell back on his bed. He watched as the ceiling fan spun around. He sat up and looked over at Alison "Wanna play some truth or dare? It wouldn't be a party without it." Jason wanted to learn some more about her, but at the same time he wanted to keep it light at fun. It was a party after all and everyone had been drinking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Purple || Location: Jason's House

ImageAlison laid there on the bed staring up at the ceiling as the silence surrounded the two of them. She so desperately wanted something to talk about because Alison honestly hated this awkward silence thing. Though just before she was going to say anything, Jason happened to beat her to the punch, "Wanna play some truth or dare? It wouldn't be a party without it."

Alison smiled and just shrugged her shoulders, "Not too sure about the dare part, but we could just ask each other questions and we must answer with the truth, no matter what the question is?" she responded. Alison has no problem answering questions, the dare part is what worried her. Ever since she was a kid she never really liked playing truth or dare and when she did she would always choose truth. Alison wasn't going to do anything stupid just because of a game, it just wasn't worth her time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
Location: Jason's House
Dialogue Color: Blue
Jason realized that Alison killed the fun part. Even though she took out the dare part of the game, Jason still had some questions to ask her. "I'll start I guess. I've been wondering... have you ever had sex with anyone? If that is a little too personal just tell me and we can just skip that. I really don't wanna hurt your feeling here." The thought popped into his head. Jason knew that anyone and everyone in the school knew that he had slept with a good amount of girls. But he knew none of those girls really meant anything to him. They just wanted to be known as the girls who slept with the most popular guy in school. That sent chills down his spine. He didn't want to be known as the most popular guy. If he screwed up everyone would hate him. It wasn't worth it.

The party was still going on downstairs. There seemed to be no end to it. With that, Jason bent over the edge of the bed and grabbed his drink. He took a quick swig before placing it back on the floor. He dropped back onto the bed and turned to look at Alison next to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
(Sorry just uhh... ignore this)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Purple || Location: Jason's House

Alison let out a sigh after hearing Jason's question but decided to answer anyway. Besides, it's not like her virginity was something she was ashamed of, she is actually quite proud of it. "Um, no, I never have. I've never even made out or had my first kiss before either," she responded before taking another much needed swig from the bottle of vodka.

Her words were beginning to slur and she began to feel slightly unbalanced and dizzy. The vodka was definitely beginning to get to her and honestly, she didn't give a shit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
Location: Jason's House
Dialogue Color: Blue
Jason could definitely tell Alison was drunk. He watched as she downed more vodka. He listened closely to her words, or what counted as words. Without any hesitation Jason rolled over onto Alison and moved his face towards hers. Within a second he was kissing her. He didn't even think of the consequences, but he was falling for her. He took the vodka bottle out of her hand and put it on the end table, next to the lamp. Several seconds after that Jason got off of her and stood sat up on the bed. He spoke softly "Sorry. I shouldn't have forced that. You said you never kissed anyone yet, so i just thought... sorry. You probably wanted that with someone you cared about. Or even loved."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Purple || Location: Jason's House

Alison definitely was far from expecting what was going to happen next. When Jason pinned her down to the bed and locked lips with her at first she just laid there, having no clue what to do. But in the end she went to kiss him back, but it didn't happen before he pulled away from her. She was definitely drunk.

She glanced over at him and listened to his words before sitting up in the bed and wrapped her arms around his neck before placing her lips upon his once more. Honestly, if she were sober at this point, she wouldn't be doing this. Though deep down she felt this was something that she needed to wanted to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
Location: Jason's House
Dialogue Color: Blue
The aroma of alcohol filled the air around the two of them. Jason really picked up the scent off of her. He knew that she wasn't thinking straight, but at the same time he liked how she was. As he was about to stand up he felt Alison wrap her arms around him. Before he could do anything, they were sharing another kiss. This time he wasn't going to say anything. He wasn't sure if the kiss meant anything, but he couldn't argue with it. He wrapped his own arms around her waist and fell back onto the bed with her on top of him.

There were so many things wrong with this moment, but Jason didn't know whether to stop, or keep going. He didn't know what Alison wanted. He knew that she was drunk and there was no sense in having her cooperate. With no second thought Jason continued the kiss. He let his hands glide across her smooth skin as they made out upon his bed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Purple || Location: Jason's House

Alison found herself getting caught up in her drunk feelings for Jason. All she wanted to do was lose her virginity right then and there and that was exactly what she was planning on happening. Of course Alison wasn't thinking straight and would most likely hate herself for this decision, but what else could she do?

Well, of course there were other things she could do like, stop what she was doing and just leave, right? But that was far from going through her drunken mind. When she is intoxicated, she thinks one thing at a time and goes for it, no matter how bad of a decision it might be later on. At this point, she just doesn't care in the least.

Alison began to remove her clothing, starting with the shirt she was wearing and ending with the boxers, revealing her tanned, nude body.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
Location: Jason's House
Dialogue Color: Blue
The night was turning around. Jason thought that there was no one that getting with Alison would happen, but here he was. But that was the problem. It made him feel awkward that he was about to have sex with a drunk Alison. It sickened him. As he was about to turn away he noticed the situation become even worse for himself. His eyes couldn't move away from Alison's body. He was excited, but knew it was wrong.

Music was still blaring from downstairs. Jason could hear it loud n' clear. But even with such a distraction he couldn't turn his focus from her. His hands slid over her smooth skin. He couldn't help himself as he felt her. Without anymore hesitation Jason took a deep breath and knelt on the bed. He slid down his boxers and threw them into the corner of the room. He fell upon her and locked lips with her


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Todd Character Portrait: Alison Lowe
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Purple || Location: Jason's Front Yard

Alison seemed to sleep well throughout the entire night without realizing that she needed to get back home before her step mother found out that she wasn't there. The next morning she woke up, finding that she was lying in the bed with Jason. She glanced down at her nude body and immediately started cussing herself out in her mind.

The brunette began to slowly climb out of the bed and retrieve her clothing from the top of the dresser and pulling them on quietly, being careful not to wake Jason. She then sneaked out the room, down the stairs, and out the door before starting on her run down the street back home.

Upon her arrival, she was relieved to find that her step mother wasn't awake, or at least she thought she wasn't. When Alison stepped into her room she noticed the woman she dreaded to see standing there before her.

"Alison Janet Lowe! Where were you all night?!" her step mother exclaimed as Alison began to have a mini heart attack.

Alison just shrugged her shoulders and went over to her bed. "I wasn't gone all night. I got up early this morning to do something for school," she stated as she set her purse down on the bed and turned her attention back over to her angered step mother, who clearly wasn't believing her lie.

Though just as Alison expected, her step mother came swinging at her. Alison was pushed down to the floor as she continued to kick at her ribs and face, causing her ribs to sting with major pain and a couple places on her face beginning to bleed.

The petite brunette laid there on the ground in pain with tears steaming down her face when her step mother finally left her room and went into the main part of the house. Alison laid there for a few minutes before forcing herself off the ground and limped her way across the room with her purse slung over her shoulder and walked out the door.

She made her way through the yard and started on her way back to Jason's. She honestly wasn't sure why she was going there, but anywhere would be better than staying home. She was sick of it all.