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Im but a Reaper of men living in the shadow of a star....

0 · 644 views · located in The Empire

a character in “Archon Academy”, as played by wolfoftheage



Eye ColorBrown
Hair Color:Black

Student File

Alignment: Guardian
Rank: Command Sergeant major
Class: D

Physical Description
Delryn Generally never leaves his uniform unless it is required of his mission....That being said when he does leave he wears extreamly bland and normal looking cloths nothing significant or remarkable about them.


Before being taken in by the empire


Alignment Ability: Burst calculations- This ability allows Him to make on the fly trajectory calculations in a matter of Fractions of a second. Quick enough to let him be able to shoot another bullet out of the air.

First Ability:Trick shot-By affecting the bullet itself with his aura Delryn is able to ricochet the bullet of of various surfaces changing the trajectory to allow him to attack with deadly precision from odd angles of attack. Combine this with his Burst calculations and it is a truly devastating ability
Second Ability:Magic Bullet-Delryn channels his aura into the round making it much more resilient to magical barriers and through most forms of armor. It takes a moment to prepare but once done the bullet is near unstoppable however charging the round as such does not last long as the decay of the spell happens rather rapidly making it something that has to be timed perfectly.
Third Ability:Caster Shells-Few gunman have access to these shells and Delryn is no different each shell is charged with a specific effect however unlike most others Delryn Has a modified Rifle allowing him to load his shells with a more deadly range than the simple gunslinger
Specialization:Pinpoint shots- Delryn prefers precision over quantity He is no means slow but he would rather take time to ensure his shot is on target rather than suppressing his opponent

Michale has a custom made battle rifle giving him good medium to long range engagement ranges. which takes both the standard powdered mana rounds and A single caster round
He also carries two semi automatic pistols powered in the same fashion


Delryn was born in a more war torn section of the world and an orphan at that. He unlike most did not attend school or university's he at the young age of thirteen was handed a rifle and taught how to use his aura to kill as part of a resistance movement It was there he was discovered by the imperials captured at the age of 15 most were amazed at his level of control with his aura let alone his ability to make more dramatic and seemingly impossible shots. The empire took him in instead of killing him, re-purposing him. After his time in Archon Delryn has become an Empire loyalist Putting his skills to use to them as they have spared his life and given a purpose he understands to fight for. It was after he arrived at Archon that he met another gun wielding guardian named Daniel. Daniel took Delryn under his wing showing him a few of the tricks helping him become more efficient in his management of his aura increasing his shot capacity as time passed the two developed a bit of a mentor student relationship Delryn growing rapidly though his focus never switching from his long range and precision shots. They shared as much that Daniel himself Taught him how to use Caster Shells. Now in his sophomore year Delryn is pushing forward Trying to move out of his mentors shadow.


[font] Delryn is an interesting individual The empire has given him defined purpose and it is with this that he has found a new Lease on his Life. In the field he is cold and calculated caring only on his marks destruction but outside of a mark Delryn is very sympathetic towards life in general and is not a fan of collateral damage. His distance from his targets have given him a bit of a complex but when death is always a trigger pull away that tends to be the case. Delryn is a product of war and sees himself as such he dosent have freinds only brothers in arms but truelly only one person he would call his freind. Daniel is that man

So begins...

Delryn's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethelyn Drake Character Portrait: Daniel Williams Character Portrait: Michale Sear Character Portrait: Delryn
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Michale had barely made it in time for formation. But he had made it and more to the point thanks to the extra uniforms he had changed and was just as presentable as he had been that morning before his misfortune. Delryn smiled as they where dismised slowly looking around as he made his way to the right side of the field where Ethylyn would be waiting...Part of him hated her, she was stuck up and came off as more deserving just because she was fortunate however another part of him thougut she was...attractive. but now wasn't the time for that now was the time for training. Michale rubbed his hands together as he got a few paces from Ethylyn and saluted "Cadet Michale Reporting as ordered for Magus training Ma'm!" He said as he stood there waiting for the instruction to begin.

Delryn surveyed the situation as the two groups moved into their respective fields. magus on the right and Guardians on the left. who was going to shine this year...Who was he going to recommend to Artemis for a SDU trial run....At the rate things were moving he wasn't sure he wanted to recommend anyone but...Something told him that wasn't a choice. Delryn slowly set up two spotting scopes so he could watch without interfering. and he would pray that no one would come and find him today for some meeting or briefing. He really just wanted today to be a quite day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Daniel Williams Character Portrait: Delryn
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she never did understand why her superior would call her Darlin' or why said to stand there looking pretty 'one cannot simply stand there looking pretty, impossible' Suna simply stared at Daniel through the small opening in her shawl her red eyes blank and calculating. He offered her some coffee but shook her head no, she was too tired for talking and coffee never set well with her, instead of waking her up it just made her more tired and sometimes give her a very bad headache. but it seemed Daniel wasn’t going to take a no for an answer so she simply took it with both hands speckles of blood had seeped through the cloth on her knuckles though she decided to ignore it 'no point in worrying about that' then her mind began to work faster now as she put two to two together on how Daniel was acting towards her, her eyes widened just slightly 'is this what Mother calls flirting and having a 'good time' or is this just friendly talk he doesn’t honestly think he can persuade me to join him in-'her thoughts were cut off as Daniel spoke again and a shot of electricity flew towards her, without even noticing her body as it acted on its own from countless years of training. Suna set the coffee miraculously on Daniels head jumped on to the rail and was gone the electricity hit where she had just been standing a few seconds ago.

Suna landed in the field somewhat surprised at the fact that her three golems melded together but looked up at Daniel remembering the small smirk on his face before it had attacked her. now there were more targets and she started counting them, 7 in all it was larger than before standing on four legs, her eyes quickly calculated what she saw before her 'four legs for greater mobility and speed and guessing from the fact that 3 golems are now 1 its voltage is at a higher output meaning its best i don’t let it touch me, nor to underestimate since it shot of electricity from where it stood to the platform which means it doesn’t have to have physical contact to electrocute me'these thoughts ran through her head within a few seconds of looking at her golem, but her train of thought ended when it attacked her its movements faster than before, it lashed out with one leg and Suna dodged it though she could feel the sparks of the electricity even though she didn’t even touch it.

Suna's eye narrowed if just a little at this and landed on her hands doing a back hand spring. She slid back on her feet her body angled in a way similar to that of an animal. then with a flick of her wrists three small kunai knives slipped in between her fingers and jumped back sending six kunai in total at the golem each half of them were sheathed in her aura but Suna was well aware that it would dissipate if not thrown at the right moment. Thankfully Suna wasn’t an amateur in such things either the kunai hit a target on its large body or hit its normal armor only scratching the surface. the majority hit one single target and only one missed its intended target, when Suna noticed this she let out a sigh of irritation 'i really am out of shape' completing her backflip she landed on one hand bringing her legs down slightly bent at the knees as she jumped up over its head.

Her body did a barrel roll her arms outstretched for balance (not that it was needed) , making sure her feet pointed downwards. The moment her feet struck the second target its body caved in but didn’t break really as a flash of bright light appeared and a small shock wave followed soon after. Suna jumped back watching as it got back up shakily to its feet and a shot of electricity flew at her again and she dodged it once more but with very little room for a mistake as it almost got her. Then her shawl flew away loosened from the shockwave and being the way she was Suna darted for it and it was the first time she wasn’t seen with it, her neck exposed as bronze skin showed a wicked scar spanned the width of her throat missing her main artery by a millimeter. If someone saw the scar they would most likely think that was why she always wore the shawl but to be honest Suna couldn’t care less about her scars but more on the sentimental value it meant to her. Suna managed to grab it and quickly wrapped it around her shoulders then loosely around her head just when the golem grabbed her foot and slammed her to the ground a bolt of electricity coursed through her body, thankfully just like before her anklets absorbed most of the electricity but it didn’t mean she wasn’t hurt from her whole body being slammed into the ground, a mini crater formed by the force in which her decent came.

Her breath was knocked out of her chest and she couldn’t breathe for a moment but soon enough she could breathe again. Suna got up swaying on her feet a little and spoke her voice wasn’t the same monotone as usual but with a slight edge to it "this ends here and now" growling she quickly glanced around her and she noticed how a third year had destroyed his last golem with the shot cannon as did all of the third years strangely enough none of theirs melded together and they walked off the field. Then Suna remembered Daniel mentioning the shot cannon before and she put the two together "that little no how I could have not noticed this Mother won’t be happy at all i let a golem grab me" annoyance in her voice. the golem rushed at her with surprising speed and she dodged each and every one of its attacks her aura slowly building up in her hand a glowing ball of energy formed it was larger than her first one but not by much. The orb shot off into the air with speed but then Suna disappeared only to reappear just above the orb she swung her leg out a seal formed at the base of her foot and kicked the small ball of energy straight down with the power from her kick added to its already powerful blast it cut straight through the golem destroying it completely, leaving only a few remains of it.

Suna landed lightly on her feet but stumbled a little her breath a bit ragged but that soon returned to normal as she walked away from the golems remains over to the platform a medic scurried over towards her trying to examine her and she lashed out pushing him away from her "I’m fine" she glared at the medic which scared him considering Suna never glared but on one occasion and they didn’t meet a very fine end to their day but ended up being dragged away from her. And she was in fact fine, right before the golem had slammed her into the ground she had sheathed her body in her aura making sure it was strong enough to break most of the impact, hence why there was a small crater where she landed. It had been a long time since Suna ever felt this upset or upset at all and she plopped down near the base of the platform her glare not as scary as before while looking up at Daniel daring him to make her golem assemble once more and attack. She brought one knee up to her chest her arm rested on the top while her other leg was stretched out in front of her arm rested on her lap. Surprisingly enough there were still a couple of second years fighting their first golems while a couple others fought off the second golems that melded together.

Suna frowned thinking over her battle, looking through her mind’s eye of what had just occurred. ‘I’m out of shape, I underestimated my opponent, but then again considering the fact that my skill set is more suited to the silent killing I would have had some trouble fighting that golem
was it because I have too much too early in the morning’ she thought to herself. Looking around Suna watched the remaining cadets fight off their designated golems with great difficulty for some while others did it with some ease but not quite. She then spotted something shine in the distance, like a kind of reflective lens ‘is someone watching us, I wonder who’ she quickly dismissed this thought as irreverent and closed her eyes to take a small nap.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethelyn Drake Character Portrait: Daniel Williams Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw Character Portrait: Michale Sear Character Portrait: Delryn
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Michale stood there watching the other cadets prove their mettle. Perhaps this really wasn't the place for him, He wasn't some form of combatant He was clever and smart not a killer. Michale stood there watching the others dispatching the other target quickly while he hopped that he would be forgotten and allowed to slip through without embarrassing himself. Unlikely but perhaps just maybe he would luck out.


Delryn had been watching from a far. a single spotting scope looked over the two fields and on the ground next to him were sevral folders of all the personal on the fields in front of him. He had initially read Michale Sear's to see how the student had excactly made it through the selection process. And he had to say he was rather surprised at the results. but whear the kid went from here would be up to him and defiantly wasn't an SDU potential any time soon.

however Cadet Ironclaw was another story, He was on the cusp in his mind A troubled past with a few unfortunate events and more importantly ability. This was his candadite this was who he would present to Artemis. Derlyn slowly began to pick things up as he made his way down to the middle of the two training zones things seemed to be calming down and now was a good moment to introduce himself.

He had just gotten to the middle of the field when he felt it. That energy It had been a long time since he had felt it. Memories Flooded his mind as he stood there for a moment frozen. Then after the initial wave had passed he blinked and shook his head slightly as he heard the comments around them.

Delryn slowly put two fingers in his mouth and gave a sharp high pitched whistle as he called everyone in around him. tapping a watch on his wrist and looking in the direction the energy had come from. Part of him wanted to leave He should be there...The man is to big of a target. As everyone finally gathered around Delryn looked at all the faces. "For those of you who asked that Is General Ruller, and thats not his full power either. so dont get any cute ideas. Now then Allow me to properly intruduce myself to you. I am Command Sargent Major Delryn, I am normally the man responsible for handling any problems you might have as well as ensuring that any punishments given out are fair. I have to say there is a lot of potential in this company and even more in these platoons. "

Delryn gave a small pause as he looked over to Daniel and then to Ethylyn. "However i think we have seen everything that we need to see outside for the moment after all Im sure most of you are somewhat tired unless you train every day....Is that correct Cadet Ironclaw?" Delryn asked Ralen directly as he moved over to Daniel awaiting the cadets answer handing the His file to Daniel making sure the label was away from Ralens prying eyes.
Michale ran over as the man stood in the middle of the training fields whistled although he couldn't help but note the power he had felt if just briefly It was rather impressive to say the least...Far more powerful than anything he had ever felt in his life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethelyn Drake Character Portrait: Daniel Williams Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw Character Portrait: Michale Sear Character Portrait: Delryn
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Rallen had dealt with the golem relatively quickly and had moved on wasn’t hard for him to send out the energy to obliterate the golem though of course he ended up taking another pill after word. After the he had spent some time just watching the rest as they went about their own targets. The moment the new man had yelled out to form up around him Rallens eyes quickly found the man and looked him over. He had never seen him before but odds where he was an officer of some kind, that or he was just a cadet yelling out some bull as to confuse everyone but that would just be dumb. Rallen let out a shrug at the thought and walked over with the rest of the group taking a spot around the middle of the crowd.

Rallen looked over the group around him a bit rather quickly just before he turned his attention to what he assumed was the officer. He raised a brow at the man’s choice of words and how he ended up directing a question to him. at first it came off as a negative, painting a target on his back if anything, but then a thought crossed his mind and his face turned into a smile. This way at least most of the people would go after him instead of his friends, or at least he thought. “That is a matter of opinion sir, after all not ever one is built the same.” Not his best answer but what could he say he was tired. He watched the man pass a file on and frowned a bit. His probably, why else would the guy call him out if there wasn’t some bigger reason. Rallen didn’t bother to try to read it all and all it wouldn’t really matter the way he saw it. If it was his there was something coming if not then it wasn’t one way or another he couldn’t do anything to stop it from this point. “And it’s just Rallen sir I’m not a fan of having a title.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethelyn Drake Character Portrait: Daniel Williams Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw Character Portrait: Delryn
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Delryn gave a small smile at Rallen's reply as he turned to face the Cadet once again. Most wouldent say Delryn wasn't physically imposing, but there was defiantly something in his eye's they way he looked at everyone like prey, it had made plenty of people uneasy. "Well Cadet Ironclaw Its not a title its a name your surname Not everyone has one, you should take pride in it. and besides it is tradition to address people by rank and their last name. not something im going to be responsible for destroying. And for the love of god don't call me sir, and dont any of you dare salute me. Im not an officer, Im a senior Enlisted Member." Delryn said then thought on what Rallen had said, as he tried to decide if they could move the group of cadets without running into the generals bout. "Do any of you have any questions at the moment? Now is the time to do so..Ill answer anything Ive been here for a few years And might be able to answer any questions you have burning inside your skulls." Delryn asked trying his best to be a bit more freindly than usual. most where young and came from some level of privliged life and they were not used to what would be infront of them. they were his responsibility to some degree.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Daniel Williams Character Portrait: Delryn Character Portrait: Artemis Halken
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she woke up not long after falling asleep to a shrill whistle. but also from the fact that she felt a hand closing in on her and in an instant Suna held a young cadet on the ground his arm twisted behind his back. Suna growled what seemed to be a warning and soon enough after he pleaded for her to let go of him she did, by jumping back landing on her feet with ease. she then headed towards where Derlyn stood besides Daniel and briefly overheard a few names mentioned between Daniel ad Artemis who just arrived. the mention of her name peaked her interest but not enough for her to want to eavesdrop on the two. ' ill look into that later when i get the chance'she thought to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kai Cavelier Character Portrait: Delryn Character Portrait: Artemis Halken
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Kai glanced over when he heard the whistle. Picking his gear from off the ground again he wandered over to the group that was gathering round the CSM, taking up a position at the back of the group, Seeing as he could easily look over most people. Hearing that the General was in a fight, he could only blink slightly. He did notice the odd shift in interest in one or two of the Magus, but he did not suspect it was to that degree. Though he did notice the darker clouds over central campus but again paid no heed. It was bound to happen eventually, there was no possible way the General would of ever made it through the rite without a challenge, it way always just a question of timing. Now the question was answered. Someone had stepped up to the plate. During his wandering gaze he noticed Artemis had arrived. No order was given to fall in, so he simply turned his attention back to the CSM and shook his head. He had no questions or at least did not feel the need to ask any of them


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw Character Portrait: Michale Sear Character Portrait: Delryn
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Michale stood their as the odd girl called out her number then seemed to fall asleep. "Michale looked at the number on his screen and let out a small sigh. as he walked up to her and showed her his number. "It would appear that today it is you and me." Delryn said giving the girl the once over she was a upperclassman and seemed to be more than comfortable in her skin. Which all things considering didn't put things into Michale's favor. Michale gave a small shallow swallow as he nodded to her. "Well I think its safe to say Im ready when you are." Michale said as he carefully took off his blouse and laid it on a bench and ensured all his belongings were there. Truth was Michal had never really fought in a stand up fight before. He had scrapped but never fought and usually it wasn't on a level playing field. something was telling him not only was this going to be painful but he was going to need to find someone to teach him how to fight.


Delryn looked down at his phone then shot Artemis a nasty look as Rallen called out the same number on his screen. Before putting the phone away and approaching Rallen. "Looks like its you and me......" Delryn said calmly as he continued "So do you want to show us what you really can do or would you rather just do this get it over with and move on...Because I would be more than happy to wait if you wanted to get your....Accsesorie. " Delryn said coolly His tone was rather neutral and he sounded honoest enough. Delryn slowly unslung his rifle and cleared it out handing it to a Sargent who wasn't fighting then did the same with his side arm. "You will have to excuse me for removing my weapons but those are going to be reserved for real bouts a skill i hopefully wont have to use." Delryn said to Rallen as he turned taking off his blouse last and handing it to the Sargent with nothing but a t-shirt several scars could now be seen on his lower biceps and a few old wounds on his neck