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a part of Assassins, by Krisuvial.


Krisuvial holds sovereignty over Laveen, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Laveen is a part of Assassins.

5 Characters Here

Faithy-Jane Smith [0] Innocent, warm girl and also smart
Damian "Grape" Thrower [0] Think I give a fuck? I'll be chalkin' you off someday.
Night [0] Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning.
Kable [0] Draft beer, not people.
Kimi Tokeke [0] Is it my turn to die?

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Blackness. A flash of light. This is what she first saw. Night time. That is what she first realized. The door behind her showed that it was dark outside. The room infront of her was filled with lively people, lights that kept flashing, and music that was loud. Too loud, it hurt her ears and her head, and the lights burned her eyes, the scent in the air burned her nose and her skin. It was all too much. A man, at least a foot taller than her, lightly touched her arm, she ripped it away. It was like acid, searing through her body. "Geeest...offfh..." Her words slurred out as though she were drunk, she wasn't sure how to make them come out clear. Her vision started doubling as she tried to focus on the mans face, trying to recognize him. Nothing, not that the dizziness was helping her memory. Stumbling towards the bar, he grabbed her again, this time she let him help her, even though the pain was excrutiating. "Thansks..." She managed to get out. Looking at him, squinting her eyes to see his face, "Whoo... are you.. by the way..?" Her words getting better, but it took her time.

The man gave her a look of astonishment, and fear. "Night...What...?" He had begun to talk, but then there was a look of pain on his own eyes. "Hey, are you alright?" Night said, she was about to offer to wipe his mind, but wasn't sure if she could manage it in her state. As she thought this a woman came over to the two of them and placed her hand on the mans shoulder, "Kable dear, you must learn to better control your emotions, you wouldn't want anyone to think that you were weak now would you?" Evil was the only way Night could describe the womans smile, nothing was kind about it, nothing caring. "I'll leave you two alone, along with the rest of your group. You shouldn't be able to leave here, my guards are very well trained." She looked towards the door, nodding at several men gathered there. Night's mind raced, she had no idea what this woman was talking about, or about what was going on. Shaking her head, she closed to eyes to the light. Her head still hurt, and her body still burned, but her nose had stopped burning and her ears were fine, she also assumed her speech was back to normal. "Don't bother the Innocents, or we will have problems." With that, the woman turned gracefully away, she was gorgeous, even Night could admit to that.

Turning back to the man, who she guessed was Kable, she asked him again, "Are you okay? Do you need me to help you? I assume she was a mind manipulator, I guessed because of the pain in your eyes." Why did she know these terms but she didn't even know her own name? Why did she know what an innocent was? Or Pures, or Deads? She didn't understand, more questions than there were answers. It bothered her, but this man might be the key to finding what she wanted to know. "I can wipe your mind if you want me to..." She trailed off as his faced whipped to look at her, he grabbed her face and pulled it close to his, he looked deep into her eyes. "Wha..." she started, but he cut her off.

"What did you do, Night?"



As soon as Kable walked in the door he felt a shift in the air, and it all seemed to focus around Night. He just didn't understand why. He was trying to probe her mind, do anything he could to get a hint at what she was thinking or doing, maybe she was trying to manipulate things outside of her again, but all he could pull was a blank. She was usually good at blocking his probes, but it was usually with a thought or an image, never with nothing. This was new. He probed harder, putting all of his focus into it, so much so that he barely saw the stumble in her step. That never happened. Night was flawless, she didn't trip, she never fell, she was graceful. A ballerina of sorts, at least with her speech and her walking. He grabbed her arm, immediately she ripped it away. Also, very unlike her. Night and Kable were very close, they shared everything with one another, and neither of them was afraid to touch the other, especially when each depended on the other one. "Geeest...offfh..." Her words cut through him, he felt pain from her brushing him off, as though she didn't care for him anymore. She walked on, again tripping, almost to the point of falling, he attempted to help her again, sighing with relief at finding no resistance this time. Maybe he had imagined it. As he thought back he remembered her words. Did I imagine the slur in her speech as well? he thought. This was all alittle much for him to take in, it didn't make it any better that he drawing a blank from her mind. Like there was no her.

Just as she thanked him his own mind went blank, and them images of his past flooded his mind. Not again he thought. Internally groaning at his emotional pain, he just needed to push through it, just to think about Night, and maybe it would go away. It didn't, nothing helped. It never did. Lilith never cared about what she did to Kable, and she knew that this was what could take him down the most. Lilith had placed a hand on his shoulder, it caused a pain to go through his body, almost made him double over in pain. It was part of the mind manipulators powers, if they touched you while they messed with your mind, they could cause you physical pain much easier. The pain he felt blocked out the words that she said to him. All he noticed was her hand leaving his body, and then the memories receeding as she walked away.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to help you? I assume she was a mind manipulator, I guessed because of the pain in your eyes." Her words weren't slurred or slow now, maybe he had imagined them. Her voice helped sooth his pain. "I can wipe your mind if you want me to..." Her words triggered something in him. It finally clicked, it all made sense. He walked closer to her, grabbed her face. "Wha..." she began, but he didn't let her finish. "What did you do, Night? This was all wrong, this could not have happened. He turned his thoughts to Jacob and forced the words She wiped her own mind.... at him. Communicating the thought. They needed to figure out what to do.


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Kimi felt herself chuckle as she ran through the streets. She took her arm out and jumped over a small trash can and re-loaded her gun. The Deads where closely behind her. She knew there was a club near by here, along with a small store and such, though, she didn't care much. I mean, they where out of her shooting range. One of the Deads peered over the trash can and she jumped up, and clombered it with her gun barrel. It knocked him a couple of feet back and she nearly hit her back.

She started to laugh. "You bastereds don't know when to stop do ya?" She said smiling as she swung the gun back and forth. They started to run near her before she raised her gun in one hand. Her eyes glowed red, piercing the dark night. "Ring around the rosey." One Dead's head blows up off of his shoulders. "Pocket full of poseys." Another Dead's chest made a pounding sound that echoed through the alley before he dropped. "Ashes, ashes..." Another shot was blown from the gun, killing another.

"You all fall down!" She sang as the last of the closer Deads fell to the ground. She quickly put the gun in the pocket and grabbed her eletric pole and extended it, running towards the others that where far off. She slamed the pole against one of the Dead's belly, sending him flying with force. Another dead race towards her and tried to grab her legs. She smiled and jumped, slamming her pole onto it's head, catapolting herself over and hitting the rest as she flew.

She turned to the biggest ones. "Game Over." She said as she smiled, pulling out her gun in one swift move and blasting it. It echoed through the streets as she put her gun away. She raised her hand above her head. "YAY!! I WIN!" She said laughing and smiling like a little kid. She looked down. "Lets see, counting today, that would probably be about..." She put her finger right below her lip to start thinking. "Ah... I would say I am about 500 away from breaking the 10,000 mark!"

She put her pole away in the brace and shoved her hands in her pocket, taking wide steps with her upper body laid back, as if it was just another boring day. She had her coat buttoned up and her hair pulled back into a half pony tail and half down. She walked as she sang the twisted but sweet melody to 'Still Doll' by Kanon Washima.


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Damian "Grape" Thrower

The sound of tires rool down passed 22 onto the 24ft. As it pulles up you knotice it is a dark purple '69 GTO Judge. This was a somewhat rare color for a Judge. Thus realising someone famous or rare is in the car. Yet you cannot see him or her due to the dark tinted glass aswell as the lack of ligh outside. Stoping at aproximently one and a haf miles down the street you would knotice it come to a stop at a suppermarket with purple LED lighting named "Pawn". You would then notice a ragged character looking somewhat like a gangster better gang afilliated by the indication of a purple rag hanging from his left bottom pocket. The unknown charecter would enter the veachal with little to no problem makeing sure no one was to be looking this direction....The veachal would begin again only this time it was in reverse for a short period. Then going forward to the "Back" of the store.

"Now onto buisness CJ.... whats our take this week" Damian stated as he looked to the kid in the side seat as he parked into the gradge. " Well Dam weve not been doing good seince all these ninjas be staren shit on our corners." At that moment they were inteupted with gunshots. Both men imidiatly ducked low. "You see what im talking bout...endless shootingsbe going around" stated the now pissed off CJ. "Alright..well listenthat only means we need to clear off these corners....but first we need to watch our supplies and have a good time." Damian staed as he opend his door. The sight of a well structerd muscular african american wearing a tight purple shirt with some dark black jeans and a pair of purple jordans. "Alright dam you got a point" Cj stated as he opend up his side of the door then followed damian into the pawn shop.


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She noticed his eyes go blank, that was the first sign. The second was that another man came to then quickly through the crowd. He's telepathic she thought. That wasn't something that she liked, she wanted to know what people were saying at all times, not have them communicate through their minds. It made her nervous, and nervous was not her strong suit. The men kepts their eyes focused on the people in the room, on her, on the floor, anywhere but each other, making it even more obvious, which made her even more nervous. Especially when the one that was named Kable stepped closer to her. She started shaking, this wasn't good, she needed air. I'm getting worked up...I can't control it much longer. she sighed, her body getting weaker. When she was a young Pure she had angered one of the oldest of the vampires, one of the originals. This particular Elder had the power of curses. He could curse anyone with the most dreadful things, for Night, he had cursed her with Turning. Whenever she didn't release enough, or got too worked up, whether it be sexually, angrily, nervous, any of those, she would transform into a beast. It was a dreadful sight, no one wanted to mess with her when she turned, she could kill almost anything. In order to keep herself calm she had to have sex, fight/kill, or things like that. She needed to release. When she had wiped her mind, this had not been wiped, her memory of this. The elder had made sure that she couldn't do that.

"I've got to go...I need air. I can't be here...I can feel you two talking about me in your minds. I'm going to be sick..." with that she ran off to the nearest bathroom. Kable looked to his brother and shook his head, "She's getting nervous now brother, feeling crowded with all of these people, and she can't stand when I talk to others like that... and" he sniffed the air, A dead was killed near here....I can smell it... We'll need to find where..."


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Kimi started to walk down the streets when she stopped. She turned back. It was a vampire... whether it was a Dead or a Pure, she didn't know and really didn't care. She started to walk towards it. It was a dead. I guess she didn't kill it. Oh well. In one swift motion, she took her gun out and shot it. This time it was a dead. SHe decided that it was too early to retire home and started to walk north. She stopped by a small club.

She knew the owner, and frankly, they didn't get along. Not shocking. She kept humming the tune and sat by the wall by the door. She remebers the conflicts that she had with the owner of the club, oh yes, wasn't thoose fun times. She got up and went inside. The first thing she did was smirk before yelling. "HELLO MY FELLO VAMPIRES!" She said as she kept walking. She didn't give a shit if they heard her or not. She kept walking. Her red eyes beated across each person before she saw a girl darted to the bathroom. She looked at her.

She kept walking, knowing that anytime now, that she would be either kicked out, or the owner would be nice enough to allow her to stay. She went into the back room to find a group of vampires. She looked at them all. She looked at Kable, before Jacob, then Saya, followed by Erin. She didn't say anything but instead, leaned down by the door. She took out her gun and a dirty rag and started to clean it, unawear that she had the scent of the Dead and Pures saturated on her clothes. Even though her and the owner had some conflicts, the owner would let her stay here to clean her weapons for a heafty price. In her belt loop, was a bag of what seemed to be gold. Hell, she was ready to pay her price.

She smoothed out and wiped the dirt and blood off of her gun and raised it to the light to see if anything else was on it.


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Faithy went out in the dark and closed her flat door, it was green and the paint was flaking off. ''I really need to paint over that....again.'' She sighed as the door had not closed correctly and slammed the door shut again, it closed and stayed closed. ''And I need to replace this bloody door.'' She kicked it then turned and held the rail to walk down the dirty,wet steps. It had been raining, again, twice in a row too. As she told her last step above her was the flickering lamp light, the counsil had not fixed it yet so she got a torch out and started walk away from the light, the next one was a mile away and the shop to get her groseries for a night was 2 miles, she always did the same routine. Get home from work, have a bath, watch some TV, look in the fridge to see was was missing, wrote it down and went go to get it. Sad really, in the time before the vampires and her adulthood began she was with her parents shopping, in the park, feeding the duck and travelling. Not anymore, the saviage death of her parents scarred her and she decided to wake from the fairytales, there was no such thing as happy endings, she realised this from her parents death and dreamed not more, she just lived to survive, not survive to live. She carried a bag of basic needs and objects, except one, A silver dagger with a switch to reveal a hide part of the dagger that shot out UV light once it penitrated the skin and the vampire would burst into flames and slowly become ash. She designed it herself, she was smarter than she looked, but she wanted to keep it that way, she didn't want others requesting her creations, yes, she has more locked away in a room with a sercret door with a mechnisim only she knew how to use, but her creations she made were only to make time go faster and it was a hobby of hers and that is what she wants it to stay, a hobby. She never liked taking a life even if it was not quite living. ''Almost there, I must get some more milk'' She said as she walked in a fast pace and as she popped into the shop to buy what she needed she came out again and sighed as she held flowers. ''I need to place my mother's and father's grave.'' She started walking into a narrow, dark passage to the cemertery.....
