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Cellica Lazurin

Gemini's Zephia

0 · 982 views · located in Asteria

a character in “Astrologia Eclipse”, originally authored by Mineczka, as played by RolePlayGateway



Trial of Bahamut | Unknown Artist Crystal Tower | Nobuo Uematsu Waltz of Chihiro | Joe Hiashi (Studio Ghibli)
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Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◆ Morgan (Fire Emblem) ❘ Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ◇ Lufia
Credits ◆ Template owned by Hellhound, images are not mine.
Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◆ #CD13FF ❘ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇#E170FF


⌊ Cellica Ikarii Ameya Lasurin ⌉
⌊ Cell • ic (Like Ick)• a (Uh)| Heavenly, Celestial⌉
⌊ La • zu • rin | Azure Lily ⌉

⌊ Princess • Zephia • of Gemini ⌉

⌊ Female, 25 ⌉

⌊ Man-spawn, Zephia of Gemini ⌉

⌊ Ophiuchus ⌉

⌊ Pansexual ⌉


      ✦ Passionate ✧ Graceful ✦ Perceptive ✧ Brazen ✦ Protective

      Taking qualities from her mother was something Cellica was almost destined to do, as she often remained attached to Elaine's arm throughout her childhood, afraid of her own shadow almost. It wasn't uncommon to see her greet someone by merely running away from them and burying her face into the chest of her mother. Whom only laughed lightly and rubbed her head. Cellica was almost coddled as a child, kept safe from the majority of the dangers of the world. But, as she grew up, the girl's personality flourished as she spread her wings far and wide. As she got older, her passion grew in in spades, as she went from a little princess, hiding in her castle, to a warrior princess whom will knock your teeth in for endangering her home. With her passion, came her want to protect the innocent, her people, and especially her family. Thus, she often can become the cause of various fights within both the Geminian courts, and possibly rulers.

      However, that doesn't at all peg her as an idiot, as, she is perceptive and intelligent compared to her brazen actions. When faced with a puzzle, she steps back, watching it, and then working it out. While she can figure many things out, she is an absolute idiot when it comes to running an economy, and trading. Being taught those qualities in school, she still found herself to be poor at best at it, and often looks to her brother for that. Instead, she was more knowledgeable in diplomacy, and being able to read another's body language and inflection, often through their eyes. And when she sets aside that burning passion of hers, she actually can solve problems between others, as a median between the two. Her linguistic skills, though, aren't just in politics, as she's well versed within the arts, being a good singer, which she does within many of the festivals. Let alone her skill with poetry, which she often writes each day, as a morning exercise for her mind.

      However, stepping back one moment, Cellica is protective of her brother, and often bears the consequences of that bold protectiveness upon her body and mind. As, her left arm bears a massive scar, and damage, as she had gotten between her brother and a wolf. It did plenty of damage as it nearly tore her left arm off without much of a struggle. If it weren't for her brother's quick thinking to zap the wolf, Cellica would have likely lost her arm that day. While, yes, her arm recovered, the damage remains both on her body, and mind, as use of her left arm is severely limited, let alone the fear she has of the maw of wolves. Due to that incident, Cellica would never step foot even remotely close to the Wolf enclosures.

May the Wind be strong beneath your wings. And may good tailwinds bless your flight.


      Cats - That wolf incident killed her liking of dogs.
      The Blue sky - "We all share one thing, the sky. Let that bring us together, so we may dance within her winds."
      Poetry and Song - Often, when she visits an new location, Cellica will learn their songs.
      The Winds - When it's windy, Cellica controls them to be under her wings, as she dances across the sky, relaxing herself.
      Family - Her most treasured gift, having her family always with her, Cedric beside her, her mother, within the winds, and her aunt, the rains and storms that clear the air.
      Dogs/Wolves - A wolf almost ripped her arm off... Not again.
      Cedric - Cellica doesn't hate Cedric, but the two butt heads a lot, it's more his stubbornness.
      War/Bloodshed - Much like the people of Gemini, Cellica detests war, and the horrid destruction it brings. As it tears families apart, villages, communities, all washed within a sea of blood. Cellica will do anything she can to expunge the endless wars.
      Fire (To a degree) - "Fire, it's warmth brings life, yet, it's components bring ruin, as many creatures flee from the Ifrits."
      Pepper - It hinders her voice, as she prefers a clear voice, it's not something she likes to taste.
      Singing - Often referred to Gemini's Troubadour, Cellica is well versed in her songs.
      Poetry - This goes hand-in-hand with singing, she has quite the vocabulary.
      Swordplay - Especially with the Esper Wings, Cellica is well endowed with the ways of a sword, thanks to her mother's teachings.
      Fisticuffs - With her tutor, Alys, Cellica learned a method of attacking larger opponents, using their own strength against them, often staring death in the face, and keeping a simple smirk
      Synchronize - When Cellica is near Cedric, often when they're in the same room, she can kind-of sense his actions, and sync with him quite well, without even needing to talk.
      Left Arm - Being that she has limited use in her left arm, she cannot do many things with it, such as: Lift it above her shoulder, Grip with less than three fingers, and most hand-eye-coordination tasks.
      Nice Job breaking it, Hero. - Cellica has a bad knack for charging in head-first, often times, when she thinks she's going to make a situation better, she, in fact, makes it far worse for herself and possibly everyone else.
      Brutal Honesty - Cellica seldom hides the truth from most people, and is quite honest with everyone, and isn't scared to throw a few insults where needed.
      Heart too big - Despite her rather rough-and-tumble approaches to most ideas, Cellica is often the type to forgive quickly, even if the person in question did many, many atrocities.
      A bit jumpy - Cellica jumps to conclusions really, really fast, which often leads to her: "Nice Job Breaking it, Hero." Flaw, as, while she's smart, she's also hot-headded and might not look at the information before making her conclusion.

"You know... We have more in common than you realize. The same Earth... The same air.... The same Sky. Maybe, if we look to what's the same, rather than what is different... Well... Who knows?"

      ✦ GALEFORCE ✦

      Cellica's greatest feature, her winds. While it's gone by a different names over the many years, ranging from: "Skyfall" to "Wintry Winds" Cellica nicknamed it "Galeforce" as she often uses the air around her to do many things, ranging from simple wind conjurations and manipulations, to mild compression of the air, and keep her breath strong. Cellica's winds are adaptable, allowing for her to almost be a jack-of-all-trades, but the master of none. However, she has much to learn, in hopes that some day she can become a great Zephia like her mother, Elaine.

      Thanks to her adaptability, her winds adapt with her, with her greatest feats being her immaculate control of the winds allowing them to sweep across the landscapes gracefully, fill one's sails across the ocean, or, be the wind beneath her own wings, gifting the feeling of flight, much like a bird, dancing across the sky. However, she can swirl her winds, creating a scary phenomena, a Tornado. While Cellica's tornadoes are weak, she shows quite the potential with them, but, can only at most make an EF-1 tornado. Moving the air into one takes time, as she must swirl the air to gather enough powerful gusts to form the tornado, but she can do it, however, she must be the center of it, and if she passes out, the tornado disperses immediately. Galeforce is strong, but much like the winds, unstoppable, if Cellica sends a wind through, she cannot stop it, no matter what she does, and can only control a wind within 100 feet of her. Adding in, the compression she makes often lose their pressure over time, or could explode.

      Despite the great power of Galeforce, it comes with many drawbacks. Starting us off, Cellica can only use her power for at most an hour (Fifteen minutes if used heavily), before painful spasms come across her body, which can render her ineffective due to the contractions of those muscles. But there's more, she cannot move her winds through a solid object, in other words, walls deflect her winds greatly, and if the air were unable to move well, she cannot create a strong wind. Let alone the altitude problem, if she is in a low atmosphere area, the winds are not strong, and cannot come to her beckon call. Topping it off, should the air be freezing, or extremely hot (90°F and above there about), it makes it hard for her to get a feel of the molecules to get them moving in the pathways she wants. Add that, with her rash actions, and this is her biggest strength, and greatest weakness.



      Born on the Eighteenth day of the Fifth month, Cellica and Cedric were born to the Lazurin house to Elaine and Felix of Gemini's royal house. With that in mind, their mother knew they were the next in line, as her sister, Vespera, did not bare twins. The two began to become schooled in how about to run the country, along with readying them for their rulership. Much to Elaine's dismay, they were to consume the fruit of the World Tree, which slowed one's aging. A tradition of Gemini's, a dark one at that. As it could do one of two things, lengthen their lifespan past the normal human boundaries, or, painfully kill them, and force them to age faster to where they whither away in a few days. As the two ate the fruit, they could feel their mother's anxiety behind them. But, as they convulsed in pain. As it altered their genes, the wings of Espers sprouted from their back, and soon, they rose, shakily. From that day forth, the twins became rulers of Gemini, as they touched the Gemstone together, taking the powers of the twin Espers.

      With their newfound power, they began to truly learn from Elaine and Vespera, the twin rulers that preceded them. Though, One Summer's Day, the Twins had a harrowing trial... As Cedric was cornered by a pack of Dire Wolves, he had battled them back well, but was exhausted, as one lunged, he saw his sister, Cellica, come to aid him. The Wolf got her arm, shattering the bones of her forearm, the wolves were driven back, but at the price of Cellica's forearm. The recovery was slow, as Cellica's bones shattered in three places, but, eventually her forearm recovered, however has suffered long-term damage from that incident. Now with her left hand and forearm severely damaged, Cellica lives on with Cedric. However, five years ago, they were confronted by war, as the two kingdoms, Ophiuchus and Chamaleon had begun to do battle, over many years of tension, the two began open battle, dragging all the kingdoms in with their war. The first test for the twins as Rulers, as they were destined to decide the possible fate of their country on but a simple war between two kingdoms.

      However, their first trial got harder, as Elaine and Vespera both passed, now, without their Parent and Aunt to guide them, as the war raged, they supported only their allies mostly from the backlines, though, engaged within the front alongside their allies, before wreaking Havoc in the enemy backlines. They sided with Ophiuchus in the end, feeling the need to help their ally since their grandmother's time. Thus, the Twins sent in their declaration of war against Chamaleon, and joined the war against those whom threatened the lands.

So begins...

Cellica Lazurin's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou Character Portrait: Dante Aquarius Character Portrait: Cellica Lazurin
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Faust Capricorn
Ruler of Capricorn | dialogue : #E82E55 | thought : #8D757A


Faust had little to say as arguments continued to develop across the table, although she tilted her head at the thought of the war continuing after they had performed the rituals. It was more than foolish, to spend so much time strengthening the gems only to weaken them again in a petty fight with another Kingdom. She could only hope that they would banish the thought, but with how things were currently progressing, that was only wishful thinking. She watched as the king quickly silenced everyone at the table before he spoke once more. He seemed a father chiding his children for failing to get along with each other, and perhaps that sentiment wasn't far from the reality of the situation.

And it would appear that the King would enact a punishment fitting of their negligence, as in heartbeat the scenery of the table, piled high with food and surrounded by rulers, was quickly replaced with a less welcoming landscape. The others who surrounded her were those who had outright refused, reluctantly or not, to do the ritual, and their unfortunate counterparts. For a moment voices spoke, shining some light on their situation, until they could no longer be heard, leaving the nine of them to their own devices.

Faust wasn't worried about how her kingdom would fair without her. No, the kingdom would be more than fine in the hands of the Council. In fact, she was more worried about being stranded on an island with people who, previously, would rather see them all destroyed than to preform a simple ritual that would save all their kingdoms, and she certainly didn't doubt that they would kill one another even if it meant that they'd all be left to rot on the island. There wasn't hope for cooperation among people like that, and she was a little wary of their intentions.

Shio was the first to speak, and Faust sighed in response, "If you want to make it up to me, it would do us all a favor if you refrained from getting yourself mauled by whatever beasts here that are eager to rip you apart." Dante seemed to quickly take charge of the situation, which was surprising after he almost guaranteed the destruction of all their kingdoms with his outburst earlier, but Faust wasn't in the mood to be petty, nor was she in the mood to die on this waste of an island. He apologized and that'd have to be enough for now. "I don't imagine that monsters are all this island has to offer, and if there's enough supplies to be found in order to make bows and arrows, even rudimentary ones at best, then I could help in hunting game."

The others seemed as pissed as Faust expected them to be, especially the Ruler of Cancer, who just sat there stewing in his own irritation. Hopefully he wouldn't cause any more problems for them when they were just starting to work together, or even worse, get himself killed.


Though from this distance Iuliana couldn't hear what the rulers were saying, it was clear that many of them were arguing over one thing or another. A smile quickly spread across her face; it was an exciting though indeed, to see such magically gifted people go at each other in a fight, if the King would even let tensions rise to such a height. To her disappointment, the King put an end to the arguing with his louder, almost deafening voice. Boy, was he upset, but that was expected when he had called every ruler to talk of peace, yet the only thing they were eager to do was kill each other.

However, what was not expected was the chanting that began to fill the small space, nor the blue light that enveloped several rulers, including Faust, before they all vanished. As if they were never there.

Soon after, Laurenz had returned to their carriage. "Excuse me, dear Iuliana, maybe it's just the overbearing heat playing tricks on my mind, but I do believe I just witnessed our ruler disappear."

"Well, I think we best send a message to Aurora since it seems she'll be in charge of things for a while."


Iuliana Ardelean : #8B7C9F | Laurenz Capricorn : #BA6866


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou Character Portrait: Dante Aquarius Character Portrait: Cellica Lazurin
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Cellica #CD13FF | Speech
-------- #D552F9 | Thought

Cedric #982BFF | Speech
--------#AB51FF | Thought

:// Other Colours used:
Fenris Lazurin #C9081B
Lilyana Veslos #0077FF

Cedric grew restless as the rulers began to dispute each other as partners. This, was lead off thanks to his idiot of a sister, causing his restlessness to vocalize, "Cellica.... Just stop...." He muttered to her, sensing the heat of her passionate words, even if she weren't looking at him. As she continued her tirade, Cedric spoke one more, repeating himself in hopes it'd help. However, one comment stuck out:

"...when yours makes you just a few wrinkles short of an old perverted man."

Those words hung for a mere moment, before Cedric could hear a response, however, Cellica wouldn't hear it. As Cedric shot from his chair, hand sparking from the electric charge as he snapped to his Sister, "That is enough, Cellica!!" His words, were loud and fierce much like his father, whom slowly walked towards the tables, ready to come stop his daughter. As Cedric's words were leaving his breath, his grip took up Cellica's left arm, clamping it hard, and discharging the electricity through the arm, a loud and short scream came from Cellica, as she felt the electricity rocket through her arm, and the grip on the injury she's had for years. Falling into her chair from the pain, the Twin wormed herself free from his grip, in obvious pain. Cedric turned to the other rulers, "My apologies, your highness, for my sister's outburst." His words were far more formal than Cellica's, as he turned to the others, "On behalf of my sister, I apologize for her actions and words today. As they were unwarranted." Soon, he sat back down, listening to the King once more.

However, the twins felt something, an unsettling feeling that only came once before. That day, as they got that unnerving feeling, the war between Chameleon and Ophia broke out. It had rest on the Twins' minds heavily, as soon the two were soon blinded by light. As their senses recovered, they were no longer sitting at the table, with their father nearby. The island of Curses, as the two looked around, they noticed Dante, Dauphina, Nuocolo, Anemone, Faust, Eino, and Akai with them. As Cedric looked, he could hear the rumble of something in the forest, he gripped the two swords of his Esper wings, as Cellica looked to the rest, hearing these words,

“You have been transferred to Island of Curses in order for you to work together and solve your problems. This is not a relaxing holiday as the forests are inhabited by the worst creatures that walk on this land. If you wish to stay alive, you can not go wander alone. Have someone to watch your back, share your resources, work together for safety. And if you do not? If even one of you faces their death in here? Then we fear none of you ever steps their foot outside of this island again.”

With those words disappearing like the swift wind, Cellica turned to the rest, taking out her spare knife, thumbing the blade gently as to check the edge, before walking to Dauphina, "Dauphina, here." With those words, Cellica held the knife to her friend, "I'm sorry, it's not much, but every little bit helps." As Cellica did that, it was obvious she ignored everything Dante had said, though, Cedric hadn't. As he looked at Dante, speaking with reason,

"Look, Dante. I know Cellica is an idiot. But right now, we're not in a position to have a petty squabble. We need to survive, or, our lands will be in more danger than the war could produce." Cedric wasn't trying to start a fight, as he looked to the others, "Even if it's forced, we need to get along for more than five minutes. Unless, of course, the idea of dying on a rock in the middle of nowhere is pleasing to you." It was apparent, Cedric was a better leader of the twins, as he acted on more on reason and logic. Though Cellica cut in,

"I'm going to fly up, see if I can scout out anything for some shelter, along with a steady supply of food and water, let alone act as eyes in the sky for any game. Stay in the open, and if possible, make a fire, smoke rises well into the air and should be easy to see for anyone far away..." Her words weren't as strong as Cedric's, as the weight of her words crashed around in her head, much like the seas that surrounded the group. Especially what she said to Dauphina, she said it without thinking, and thus, felt the need to amend. As her wings had spread, a gust of wind had swept under them, sending Cellica high into the skies once more. With Cellica in the sky, Cedric remained on the ground, his fingers still tingling from his outburst earlier. Even still, he was to do what he could to ensure everyone survived.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou Character Portrait: Dante Aquarius Character Portrait: Sanctuary A. Virgo
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                    Dante felt his head throb as he listened to everyone and took in the situation. Only two people fully accepted the fact they would be stuck here for potentially quite a bit, which meant every little bit helped. He took his time addressing people as they spoke up, hand running through his own white locks. Part of him had the sudden urge to tug it all out.

                    "Thank you Dante, I appreciate your kindness and authority at this moment. If I may offer, I am very well trained in harvesting the bounties of the sea and would be very much willing to take over a position regarding that. I must admit, I am not in possession of a weapon. I should not need a weapon to deal with the fish, however. Perhaps in the future for protection."

                    Dante nodded his head, taking in what she had to say. "Right. What would you prefer to have in your possession to fish then? I'm sure we can figure out some way to make a net or whatever you need. Weapons are definitely third priority next to building shelter and a fire. Quite a few of us brought our weapons, so it shouldn't be too bad for the time being." He agreed, offering his assistance where he could. Gold eyes glanced at the dejected and emotionless Prince of Scorpio. Before moving onto the next, he took note of everything he could of the male... He wondered if he could even offer something to the survival situation.

                    Why did you bring us here?! Take us back this instant!" His attention shifted to Nuocolo. Was he having some sort of mental break at the idea of this? Dante couldn't blame him, and simply decided to leave him to his own devices. The look on his face seemed to mimic Dante's at the table before hand, and he knew better then to try and speak to quell such rage.

                    Faust spoke next, and even she was seemingly on board for now with some sort of game plan being formed. He was relieved to say the least, despite nothing showing on his face. "I don't imagine that monsters are all this island has to offer, and if there's enough supplies to be found in order to make bows and arrows, even rudimentary ones at best, then I could help in hunting game."

                    "We can definitely see what we can do. It shouldn't be too hard, at least. Just need sturdy things. If worse comes to worse, we can make it out of the monsters." He joked. "Anything else you might be interested in?" Dante's tone wasn't authoritative anymore. He wasn't a ruler, but someone from the military trying to figure out the best course of action. Right now, that was getting everything everyone might need sorted and figured out.

                    He barely paid any attention to Cellica and what she was doing, looking out towards the palm trees and forest. He remembered how to make a more primitive axe from his days of survival, but it would take time. Dante rubbed his neck, under the scarf that somewhat revealed the misshapen looking flesh covered stump. Jacket removed and used to tie around his waist, he sighed. "I can most likely make more primitive tools. I remember how to from when I was younger and taught in the military as a lad." Dante commented, though to no one in particular.

                    "Look, Dante. I know Cellica is an idiot. But right now, we're not in a position to have a petty squabble. We need to survive, or, our lands will be in more danger than the war could produce. Even if it's forced, we need to get along for more than five minutes. Unless, of course, the idea of dying on a rock in the middle of nowhere is pleasing to you."

                    Dante stopped, at that, and slowly turned around with a bland scowl. "Have you not heard a single word being discussed? We are trying to survive. It'd be more helpful if you spoke up what you could do, rather then continue to dwell on things that have already transpired. We can get to that when were rescued, but do you really think any ships would come to an island we were just stranded at? This is a punishment, not something to be rescued from." He pointed out. "In the end, we're moving forward. It's better off to build shelter and hunt for our food where we can. The beach is the safest bet until we grow accustomed and can handle going out into the forests or anything else that might be here. While most of us have training experience, and have lived in the worst and most grotesque conditions, others have not. We need to make sure we're prepared before venturing anywhere else, or arguing. What your sister said, however, will never be excused. You should truly muzzle her, for if I were a weaker man, you might have made me break with such a small trigger." Finally, Dante took a moment to call himself again, shaking his head. Perhaps what he said wouldn't make sense, but it didn't matter. With a wave of his hand, he dismissed the current topic of discussion again and moved on.

                    "What skill set will you offer? It seems like we have a large enough hunting party, if we find the proper materials for the weapons we'll need." He found himself finally turning to Anemone with a quirked eyebrow. He listened quietly, allowing her to speak in peace.

                    "With all due respect, who died and made you the leader?" Anemone said, crossing her arms. "Not that I am against helping given our situation, I myself am proficient enough in hunting game and even preparing it to consume. However... Dauphina, Faust, need I remind you that he's an enemy? I understand that these are dire circumstances with which we find ourselves, but I feel as though you two are much too ready to follow under this... person."

                    When she placed her fingers the bridge of her nose, he almost scoffed at what she said next... But controlled himself. "In any case. If it's food we need, cooking or hunting. I can manage. But I'll only work so long as the members of our side are paired with another ally, at the least. So that none of you get any ideas of pulling the wool over our eyes."

                    He paused, at that. "Yes. That was.. Quite respectful. Unfortunately, I'm willing to abandon my title as a ruler for Aquarius. I'm no more than an orphan who had grown up stranded without food or shelter at the moment. But an orphan who has severe military training and rose through the ranks. I could care less if you are so concerned that I'm an enemy. As far as I'm concerned, you're nearly as batshit as I am. But right now isn't the time to let your own social justice interfere with others like how it interfered with Scorpio's safety. You're assistance is greatly appreciated, and needed regardless of how you may feel towards me. Also, friendly reminder from the ruler side of me, that you allies outweigh us in numbers. If any of us are in trouble, it would be Cancer, Scorpio, Leo, and I. Between yourself, Capricorn, Pisces, and both Gemini twins, it hardly seems fair." He grimaced back at his group, before turning back to Anemone.

                    The male shrugged. "But ultimately, I'm not the boss of any of you. You can partner how you please, but Akai and I will be sticking close together, and my Dog will be as well. If you chose not to work, then I suppose we'll all be trapped here and your country will fall back into perfect ruin and all your hard work will be lost." He turned away, a glance back to the palm trees as he looked down to his sword.

                    It was strong, like any sword from Aquarius, but he wondered if it would do any good in at least starting to cut down some of the trees. "Should we forage for supplies first, to make what we need? Or explore further down the beaches and see where our territory ends and this island's begins? The edges of the forest should provide hopefully plenty of sticks and wood to begin with shelter without us going too far in."

                    And just like that, the floor began to glow once more, he had hoped they'd be sent home... But when the ground no longer glowed, but armor appeared next to his dog as well as a collar, he took it as a blessing. At least his beloved friend wouldn't end up slaughtered. Sighing, he shook his head before reading the note as he crouched to the wagging dog, climbing all over him for attention of some sort. Virgo was a kind soul, he'd make a note to help her at some point, or give her a gift in return... Something equal to the worth of the only thing he could truly say was a love that resembled something normal in his life. His best friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou Character Portrait: Dante Aquarius Character Portrait: Cellica Lazurin
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Dialogue color: #6A0888
Thought color: #666666

Akai barely had time to blink as Dante pulled her up and grabbed the dog food. As he started to talk and give orders Akai tried to focus on him. She didn’t care if others thought she would once again just follow Dante blindly but with this she could trust him. She knew enough of his past to know he’d be a great partner in survival situation. He was right about being in relatively safe spot. With her better hearing, she did agree the forest hold out creatures they didn't want to anger. Others might hear his words as angry and demanding but Akai could see the kindness behind those words. He wanted to keep them safe. Akai nodded at Dante’s apology. She wasn’t able to speak properly yet but she knew Dante didn’t need those words. She would talk to him properly later, maybe when they would go to gather resources.

Before she could reply she felt Dauphina’s arms around her. Surprisingly she didn’t mind that either. In her current situation she felt her friend caring and comforting her was just what she needed. Dante’s words getting her mind back in place and Dauphina’s hug letting her body relax. “Thanks Dauphina” she whispered.

As they talked about the weapons, Akai checked the secret pockets of her outfit and with one hand pulled out a sai, and with another one of her throwing knives. “It seems I have my weapons.” She talked slowly, still trying to calm herself down and focus on the matter on hand. “I guess I can give these to people without weapons to use as…. well knives.” She looked at the knife and was about to offer it to Dauphina but Cellica did it first so she hold it out for Faust. “If you want?” she was a bit hesitant but tried to work together.

Still feeling nervous, she touched the wedding ring on her neck. No one seemed to pay much attention to her which gave her time to think. She needed to calm down and stop feeling so weak. If they were in Leo or even in Aquarius, she would have known what to do but she wasn’t used to tropical countries. Fausts words were in her mind [color= #E82E55]"If you want to make it up to me, it would do us all a favor if you refrained from getting yourself mauled by whatever beasts here that are eager to rip you apart."[/color] She wasn’t that weak. She could fight. She had to step up.

"Should we forage for supplies first, to make what we need? Or explore further down the beaches and see where our territory ends and this island's begins?” “I think,” her voice was still weak as she tried to get herself to be heard. “I think we should focus on supplies and shelter. We don’t know how long we will be here and how the weather gets. We can use vines and small trees to make traps, maybe catch rabbits or something. Tying vines and straws could work as nets. And if we find sharp rocks we can use those in spears or knives. ” she looked around the area. “I’d say we build shelter in somewhere between the palms, we can use palm leaves to cover up the shelter and it gives extra camouflage for us. I can, no I will take charge in the concealment. And I can do that to all of your clothes too if you want.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou Character Portrait: Dante Aquarius Character Portrait: Cellica Lazurin
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Faust Capricorn
Ruler of Capricorn | dialogue : #E82E55 | thought : #8D757A


Faust failed to stop herself from scoffing as Anemone spoke. Ally or not, she was being more than a little silly. Whether someone was an enemy was rapidly becoming irrelevant the longer they spent on this island, but if she was being frank, Faust didn't expect anything more out of her. Wordlessly, she took Akai's knife whenever it was offered to her. Definitely wasn't her weapon of preference, but it'd have to do for now until they could forge weapons she was more experienced with. Or until they were let off the island, whichever happened to come first. She spoke up once more as Dante proposed a question.

"I don't see why we couldn't do both. We have enough people that we would be able to split ourselves into similarly sized groups; one could work on building shelter and gathering supplies, the other could go and survey the island for anything that could potentially be a point of interest. We'd cover more in a shorter time span, and no one would be venturing out by themselves. We could also split the groups in accordance to each other's skill sets to further expedite the process."

Faust paused as she looked out towards the island from their vantage point. Beyond the palm trees lied the forest, and beyond that were the rigged rocks of what where undeniably cliffs. She wasn't completely unfamiliar with the terrain, but even if she were it wouldn't be the easiest thing to traverse, especially with the slickness of the water making any especially elevated land dangerous. Hopefully, they would have no reason to go that far into the island, though the possibility was always there.

"However, that is only one suggestion. Ultimately, I'm up for whatever the majority of the group decides we would be better off doing, but I do hope that we decide quickly as the amount of daylight time that we have is quickly decreasing. I would hate for us to be free pickings for whatever beasts come out during the night." If anything, she was more concerned about how long this fragile alliance of theirs would last. They all seemed rather capable of surviving in the wild, with the exception of Scoprio, who she thought the least qualified person to be in this type of situation at the moment. Perhaps he would surprise her, but it wasn't an outcome she'd be willing to bet on.
