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"Rest a while, and I shall sing a song for you."

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a character in “Atherea, Age of Peace.”, as played by AngelBell


Name: Takira
Dominion: Wild Animals and Forests
Powers: Is accepted among all animals, and is able to call animals and enchanted plants to aide her
Special Power: Can transform into any animal
Animal Friend: Arabian horse called Turka

Face: Very soft face, rounded and delicate
Body: Small, slender, with snow white skin
Hair & eyes: Hair is extremely blonde, almost silvery, and her eyes are dark gray, very clever looking
Other: She is very short and skinny
Equipment: She carries a celestial dagger, though it is mostly for show, she does not hunt or hurt living creatures unless forced; she wears a gray-black cloak constantly


Takira is sweet and happy, accepting of all, and is very respectful. When she does speak up, her voice is loud and booming, though she does not enjoy doing so. She has a tendancy to daydream or be late when called, as she is often off playing with animals. If someone harms someone she cares about, she becomes furious. She reveres Mora Ven like a mother, and adores her to no end.


A silver dagger carved with runes that glow blue if she is threatened.


Takira began her life as a simple druid, living happily in the trees, keeping from battle and hiding when things frightened her. Mora Ven found her one evening, and adopted her as a sister. She once threw her dagger into the flames of the Grim Forge, and was left with the ability to call flowers with each step she takes on mortal lands, transforming her into a Goddess of Living Beings. Once she was no longer afraid to venture out, she used her newfound abilities and raised many forests and plains teeming with animal and plant life many places, from mountain ranges to valleys to lakesides.

So begins...

Takira's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Aron Character Portrait: Alexy
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A shade running through the woods.
She doesn't know what she is doing....she is entering in a conflict as ancient as the gods.She was running toward an unknown future.
Death?Defeat?Fear?Countless battles?
She was ready....death...a liberation,a way to enter in the Underworld...
"Shall Death be respected..." Not once such sentence flashed in the mind of Luna: her belief considerated death as a miracle,a promotion to be earned.
Thus who waste the life by poisoning themself,however they can't dream to pass a calm eternity.

There....she heard the voices...She slowed down,becoming silent and utilizing nature as a veil to maintain her invisibility.
She saw,with her black eyes,men,women and a flashing light behind the Goddess,daughter of Luna.

"the moon... mother...mother was effected by one of the old gods powers... which one, I cannot say. I am uncertain"

That sentence sconquassed upheavaled Luna's mind,forcing her to say something....yet another,stronger sense for malice forced her to remain silent.
She focused at the others,recognizing a dwarf,that was smashing something made of steel,a man trained by pain and technic,a knight followed by a wolf.

"So....these are supposed to defeat the Old gods...."She muttered to herself."Eyes are the window of the soul....the greatest deceiver ever"

She thought.She decided to make her entry.She rised from the bushes and revealed herself to the nature

Five meters of distance

She slowly walked toward the group

Two meters of distance

She knew that some of them recognized her presence.

She stopped,looking at the group.She appeared as Luna.She had enough games....the rise of Luna

"Fear isn't the solution....nor death: I greet you....I,Luna Duskstalker,last of the Cult for the Darkened eyes are open: we mortals don't have a chance against such powers."She stopped,to see if they were following her.
"Yet....Gods created us not to fight them...but to fight their enemies: Instead of facing Fury,war,death We should play clever: strike their followers and force their gods to join our cause.This is my plan....Luna Duskstalker,whose relatives were slaughtered merciless by the Light and left by the Death god....Arktorious..." She whispered the name of the dead god in a forced respect.

She looked at the group.Will they follow her?

She further walked,reaching Caylim.

"As I heard,Luna has been captured....If you want my opinion the Hidden sun is going to be the best ally....for me and for you."
"Fear not: I shall help you,Caylim,daughter of the Moon"

She said,fearless and proudly.Luna Duskstalker was reborned....with the mission of seeking justice.

The setting changes from House of Mora to The 5 Holds.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Barromier Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Luna Duskstalker Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Alexy
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The group had journey for a few days. During those few days, some of them grew close. Alexy and Barromier had introduced themselves to Luna Duskstalker. They told her some stories about their history and how and why the came to join the group. Alexy just wanted to help and try and know more about his idol, Rolaf, while Barromier was asked to help by Mora, not directly, to manage their machinery that he destroyed furiously.

They came to camp beside a road in the forest of tall trees, Wildlands of the Kitsune.

Caylim was feeling calm for that moment. Nothing has gone wrong for the few days. Rolaf has recovered fully and so have the others. There only flaw were only some negative energies that can be felt released by Athos. Caylim turned looked beside her to see Luna Duskstalker.

"I'm sorry that I have been cold to you, Luna Duskstalker" Caylim said

Caylim poked the campfire with a stick "you are right" and smiled "if we wish to survive we have to think positive.. there is still hope..."

A wolf came out from the darkness of the forest, dropped a bow on the ground. Barking and howling, he leapt all around it and started to grab Alexy's cloths on the wrist. Caylim turned to the wolf and recognize it as Taie, one of Takira's wolf. She examined the bow on the ground and was shocked "Takira's bow!" She ran to the wolf and pulled it by both cheeks "where is she, Taie?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Barromier Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Luna Duskstalker Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Alexy
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Luna followed her new-made companions,even if she liked to stay alone,little further than them.
She now knows the dwarf,Barromier,an engineer and Alexy,volounteer to the war.She often focused on the silent Rolaf,the knight.
The only interesting thing he found was that he was silent...maybe more than her.
Another figure that attracted her was the mysterious cloacked man: She thinks he is....imprevedible,unknown...maybe because they just met.
Few times she talked during the journey: she started to speak more during the camping.

"I'm sorry that I have been cold to you, Luna Duskstalker,you are right.if we wish to survive we have to think positive.. there is still hope..."

She turned to Caylim and looked at her with mercy.

"Hope is immortal,unlike us....however it seems that sometimes it leaves us....I should say sor-" Luna was interrupted by a barking wolf,that dropped a bow.
She followed Caylim and observed the bow,suprised....a mastercrafted oak bow,surely indistructible and probably enchanted.

"Takira's bow!" Caylim said,looking at the wolf.Luna had the time to think..."Takira....the Goddess of Nature?"
She thought,while Caylim asked to the wolf,Taie,where was the goddess.
Luna looked at her back; Barromier,Alexy and Athos,then she grabbed her Moonsilver blade,following the wolf in the deeps of the wildlands.

The setting changes from The 5 Holds. to House of Mora


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Barromier Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Luna Duskstalker Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Alexy
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Taie sighed gratefully and began to sprint through the woods, barking and howling to keep their attention. Here! he wanted to scream, She's over here! He pounded the earth, praying that Takira was where she had fallen before. She hadn't even made it back to the hold before fainting on the ground, and Turka was to afraid to carry her without her being fully conscious. Finally, Taie slid to a halt in a clearing and bounded over to the small goddess, who sat on the ground, leaning back against her horse calmly.

"Taie," she smiled, "you're back. Did you bring them?" She looked up as the group came running through the forest, and stood shakily, "Hello, Caylim, everyone." She stumbled slightly, but was able to keep her feet, "I'm glad to see you alive."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Barromier Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Luna Duskstalker Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Alexy
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She ran as fast as she could,careful to turn when the wolf turned,with her Blade.
She never turned back: she was ensured only to see Caylim by her side: they followed the bark of the wolf,hoping to quickly reach the wounded goddess.

There she is,the wolf stopped bringing them in a green glade.Magically the trees were placed as circle,like to hid the goddess from the world.

"Taie,you're back. Did you bring them?" The goddess of nature said,looking at the wolf,Taie.

"Hello, Caylim, everyone.I'm glad to see you alive."The goddess stumbled and Luna with a flash move reached the goddess...however Takira could keep balance,so Luna moved further.
She moved her hand over her breast,to salute the goddess.
"Am Luna Duskstalker,Goddess.You seems to be wounded,allow me to mend them" Luna said,positioning the Moonsilver blade on her back.
She looked at the Goddess: she appeared to be young,way too young and skinny.
She noticed her cloack and a dagger,but didn't noticed any important wounds.
She was preaparing to heal the goddess: afterall she could summon the plants to her aid.
Probably Luna doen't need help from her magical forces.
"By the way,Takira....what happened?" Luna asked looking the goddess with a certain curiosity.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Barromier Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Luna Duskstalker Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Alexy
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"I have no flesh wounds, worry not, it is merely exhaustion." Takira took her sister's hand, trying to calm her, "I came on Turka, we were nearby anyway. The Dark Ones, the Old Ones...appeared to us. They are attacking soon, and I...I didn't know what to do. Mora needs help, Aron is awake, and I've...done something. Something inside of me is very awake, and very angry. And I need help. Can you come home? Please?"

Furrowing her brow, she felt as though the trees were telling her that some had been lost, yet they still lived. "Were...there two more with you? I think they've been lost in my forest. I'm sorry, I'll lead them out." She gently touched a tree beside her, and it all began to move, shifting, creating a path for the lost two to follow and find them all.