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Chiyo Saito

"What IS legal anyway?"

0 · 1,396 views · located in The World At Large (Avatar)

a character in “Avatar: A Tale of Two Flowers”, as played by HeartfeltWords


Name:Chiyo Saito


Element: Earth / metal

Weapon(s) if any: She often carries an inch-long metal piece which she bends at will into useful tools

History: Chiyo is the eldest child in the Saito family out of four other children. Her mother passed when she was only seven or eight and the youngest was under a year, so Chiyo considers herself the woman of the house. Her father, Bunta, has owned and run a used tech shop, Scrappers, for as long as she can remember. It doesn't generally do very well--according to the books anyway. Sometimes, her father does well off the books. Not everything has to follow the rules, Bunta often told his daughter. More often than not, Chiyo has had to follow this thought to help their struggling family scrape together another meal. Her bending has often been helpful to call coins to her hand from people's careless pockets and purses. And if a stone rose up suddenly in front of them and tripped them--well it would be rude not to help them up, and they shouldn't mind being a few coins lighter after she helped!

Her father, also a skilled bender, can make (Chiyo is convinced) any sort of tech imaginable. Sometimes, the government just doesn't know what could be helpful! Sometimes they don't need to know, Bunta would say. Her father often buys things from customers as well--but he kindly never bothers them with questions about where items came from. He respects his customers and they respect his business, Bunta would tell her.

Chiyo wants nothing more than to one day help her father run Scrappers--even though she knows she's a little strange. Once when she was small, she lost her temper at her sister and--fire may have incidentally happened to eat up her favorite stuffed Owlcat--so what of it? She couldn't let those weirdos take her away from her family. Not when they needed her. They were her responsibility. And that was that. She never told anyone and she was careful to try to keep her temper in check from then on.

Now that she's 20, her father has promoted her to partner of Scrappers! Her long-awaited dream. She has big plans for this place--big plans! And they wouldn't need to scrounge if her ideas worked. Would need to worry about listening for the Police Airships overhead anymore either. They were all too stupid to catch them anyway--but Bunta still made sure all his children were on alert for the sound.

Appearance: Image

She wears her hair long, but don't let her pretty looks fool you--she's no pushover. She prefers to wear black, rather than the traditional green. Her father likes to keep to greens though. She often ties her long hair behind her head in a heavy ponytail, and at her hip she keeps an inch long metal rod--finding it useful in a pinch. Chiyo has an athletic build, from a lifetime of tough streets and tough work. She is approximately 5'5' and her weight is none of your business. Her eyes and hair are a light, almost amber, brown like her mother's--she's told. She's also told she looks young for her age--which she doesn't appreciate.

So begins...

Chiyo Saito's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chiyo Saito Character Portrait: Rukasu Ryugamine Character Portrait: Izaya Mizukami Character Portrait: Wen Li Character Portrait: Rokoro "Rook" Heijiri Character Portrait: Meiji "Mei" Naoki
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As Li drank water Ru gave him, for the most part ignoring his comments except for a slight scowl, she heard an engine. Her muscles tensed and she looked in the direction of the sound. There was no way to say for certain whether or not this car was going to be a danger to them, but Li was almost certain it was. As the car came into view, her question about the driver's intent became clear; the car was moving too fast to be just a random driver passing by.

She dropped the water bottle and slid into the hole that Chiyo had put their car. In her peripheral vision she saw Ru bend a wall of ice between them and the attackers, though the sound of a gun and Chiyo suddenly wobbling told her he hadn't been fast enough. Chiyo hadn't dropped right away which meant she was most likely sedated and not shot by a bullet. As Li rummaged through the trunk of the car for her own guns, she heard Izzy blast fire above.

When Li looked over the edge of the hole it looked as if Ru was taking care of the one who had charged at them well enough and Izzy had been aiming at the one with the gun. However, he had paused over by Chiyo. Her hands instinctively loaded her own rifle with three bullets and she peeked above the surface of the hole. Looking through the scope at the other rifle shooter, she aimed for his hands. It would be simple to shoot and kill him, however with the other already showing that she was someone who enjoyed fighting and if she sought revenge after losing her partner, there may be no stopping her. Li steadied her own rifle and breathed to steady her hands, letting the sounds of battle mute to her. With one more breath she pulled the trigger, watching the bullet as it met its targeting, hitting the man's gun where his hand was holding. This would not only damage the gun, but also create a big enough shock to make him drop the gun. She shot two more bullets at the two tires she could see, puncturing them.

Li then threw one of her smoke bombs between the woman and man, clouding completely around them. She climbed out of the hole, noticing that Chi's badgermole was dragging her away out the of the fight, and whistled towards Ru and Izzy.

"You two get the car out, I'll hold them off," Li said, walking past Ru to the edge of the smoke cloud. Her hands gripped her rifle like a staff. As she saw one of the attackers nearing the edge of the smoke, Li quietly stepped forward, bringing the butt of her rifle up and driving it down towards where their head should be. Without hesitating and waiting to see if she made contact or not, she ducked down, spinning and knocking her leg against their ankles, breaking their stance and knocking them over.

She pulled away, further into the cloud herself; far enough away that the person she had attacked couldn't see her. She remained crouched and low to the ground, quieted her breathing and listened. There were steps behind her, at first they were fast, but slowed as they got closer. She was guessing it was the man, running into the cloud. She looked and saw a shadowed figure. It was hard to tell if the person had seen her or not, they were coming near her, but not directly at her. Staying low, she pulled away some so that her own vision of them lessened then circled around to where she knew their back was. With no indication that they knew she was there, she rushed forward, slamming the butt of her rifle between their shoulder blades. She rushed back again, once again disappearing into the shadows and quietly listening for any nearby sounds.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chiyo Saito Character Portrait: Rukasu Ryugamine Character Portrait: Izaya Mizukami Character Portrait: Wen Li Character Portrait: Rokoro "Rook" Heijiri Character Portrait: Meiji "Mei" Naoki
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The Avatar had gone down, but that was the extent to how well this mission was going. Apparently the protectors of the chosen one were no slouches as they responded quickly to the threat. Rook wasn’t expecting the Avatar to be able to bend his car into a hole as fast as she did though, stepping back as the front of the vehicle was dipped into the earth and the back tires were lifted into the air. It removed any potential for a quick escape, which meant that they would have to deal with the extra security before they could progress with the job. Rook grunted slightly as he swapped out magazines for his standard 5.56, sliding the hammer back and leaning out from behind cover once more.

He was greeted with a wave of blue fire as swore to himself and threw his body back into the car, feeling the heat of the flames wash over him and threaten to sear him alive. I hope the suit doesn’t get tarnished. Rook thought to himself as another wave washed over the car. Waiting a few seconds to make sure another blast wasn’t coming, Rook leaned back around cover and took aim. He scanned the perimeter, sparing a glance at Mei and her fight and seeing that they were in full swing. Where was the enemy fire bender? Izaya Mizukami, he had to have launched that attack from a relatively close position. There he was, bending over the Avatar and a...badgermole? He was too close to the Avatar to risk firing recklessly, so Rook switched to single shot, slowing his breath as he centered the crosshairs on Izaya’s head.

A glint out of the corner of his eye forced his attention to swap as he quickly realized the barrel of a gun being pointed in his direction. “Fuck!” Rook yelled as he moved, almost too late as he felt the shock reverberate through his gun as the round ricocheted off the weapon. Rook fell to the ground, scrambling to put his back up against the vehicle as he calmed himself and looked at the weapon. The round nicked the railing, destroying the sight he had equipped for the weapon but otherwise leaving it intact. These things aren’t cheap bitch. Rook thought to himself as he tapped his ear. “Mei, I’m getting too much heat, do something about that.”

Within a few seconds, flames washed over the area directly in front of the car as Mei flipped into view, Rook popping his head up to take a glance at the situation. Mei had broken off her combat, standing in front of the car as a smoke bomb covered the area between them and the targets. “Fuckers, using smoke.” Mei stated as the snarl on her face could be easily heard through her voice.

“So, turn it to our advantage.” Rook stated, tapping to his chest. Mei looked back, her eyes lighting up as she reached for her incendiary grenades, popping the pins and throwing them into the smoke clouds. The last Rook had seen of the Avatar was of her being dragged away by the oversized rodent, so she shouldn’t be anywhere near the explosion radius. As the grenades went off, the smoke quickly turned into a fiery maelstrom as Mei charged forward, the flames rearranging themselves around her as she went in search of more prey.

Rook broke from cover, pulling the damaged sight off his weapon and relying on iron for the situation. He couldn’t quite see anyone, but Mei would deal with that soon enough as he kept up with a light jog, his weapon sweeping right and left.

Mei rushed through fiery smoke, her eyes darting left and right in search of one of the White Lotus assholes to fight. So far, they had yet to actually show themselves but the cloud was dissipating and there was a lot of open ground for them to deal with. “C’mon...where are you
” Mei stated, making the waves of the firestorm around her move and shake with her every action. Finally, she had made it to the other side as she saw the slightest glimpse of someone. The foggy character stood before her, and she grinned with excitement. “Challenger number 2!” She shouted, running out of the clouds to be greeted with the target Izaya charging up a lightning blast. Before she could really think, lightning was being shot at her. Her eyes went wide as she reacted out of reflex. Her fingers were stretched outward, meeting the lightning at the point of contact and instantly she could feel her entire body on fire.

It wasn’t the good kind of fire either as she let out a small yell, contorting her body to allow the lightning to arc anywhere else but herself. She let out a primal scream as she expelled the lightning in another direction. “FUCK?!” She heard Rook state as she glanced over. Rook had fallen over backwards to avoid getting blasted, the scorch marks just a few feet from him evident of the kind of damage that could have been inflicted. She only looked for a second more before her eyes turned to rage and peered at the target who dared try that trick with her. Now she was sore, pissed off and wanting nothing more than to rip the man’s arms away from his torso with her own two hands.

“You...fucking...what?” She breathed heavily as she lowered her body and charged the man, wreathing both hands in fire. He responded with a quick raise of the eyebrow, making a slight backstep and throwing his hands forward. His fire was the same color as the sky as he threw wave after wave of flame towards her. Snarling beneath her mask, she brought her own flames to bear as she shot forward with the same intensity, weaving to the side as fire sprouted beneath her feet to ironically make it seem like she was gliding on ice. She circled the man, Izaya, as they both continued to fire at each other before Mei growled once more, akin to a wild animal as opposed to a person. Once she saw an opportunity, a brief window, she shot towards the man, leaping in the air to deliver a roundhouse kick.

The attack was meant more to prod than it was to connect, gauge the man’s level but already he was showing his merit. He ducked, slicing upwards with a thin wave of fire but Mei wasn’t so easy herself. As the wave came up, she twisted her body and narrowly avoided the blow. Even as she was landing, she felt the hit before she saw it, the heat making her sweat under her mask as she bent backwards and nearly landed on her ass. More blue filled her vision from Izaya’s fist mere inches from her face, a blow that could have done some damage had it connected. Despite the situation, and her initial annoyance, she found herself smiling as a quick laugh escaped her mouth. She bent backwards even more, using her hands to prop herself up and delivered a double kick with a healthy helping of ember towards the man.

He threw himself to the side, barely getting touched by the attack as he rolled several times to gain distance. Instead of just getting up, his feet lashed out in a wild breakdance routine that sent fire blazing all around him, preventing Mei from getting close enough to do anything without getting charred herself. Instead, she decided to opt for his trick, shooting wave after wave of fire at him once he had managed to right himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chiyo Saito Character Portrait: Rukasu Ryugamine Character Portrait: Izaya Mizukami Character Portrait: Wen Li Character Portrait: Rokoro "Rook" Heijiri Character Portrait: Meiji "Mei" Naoki
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With a heavy, jerking motion, Izaya managed to hop up from his position on the ground and regain his feet
 Only to be met with a barrage of flame. Whoever this woman was, she was not kidding around. Still, she was too aggressive; clearly doing what most firebenders did, and substituting rage for skill. Sure, she’d gotten a few lucky shots in, thus far
 Maybe even singed his arm hair off
 But that stopped now. With a downward chop of his hand, he ignited a blade of blue flames that rent her first wave asunder, clearing the way for her next.

Moving his arms in a circular, fluid motion in front of him, the leftover flames from her first wave would mix with his and begin churning together. Blue would overtake red as the flames submitted to his will and formed into a massive sphere. As her second wave broke upon it, Izaya spread his arms out to either side; Bursting the sphere of flame apart, spreading streams of flame to either side. Her flames followed his, again changing color as he took hold of them. Moving his arms around his body in a fluid manner, he slipped into a style of firebending that more closely resembled waterbending. Bending the streams of flame around him in a circle, so that he looked to be surrounded by a sea of fire. Each wave she sent at him broke upon the seathing circle, and was swept away in the current, further adding to the already impressive mass.

Izaya wasn’t overly surprised when the waves of flame stopped coming. No matter how bull-headed his opponent had to be, she had to be smart, or experienced, enough to notice that she was just feeding him more ammo to be used against her. Staring at her, through the flames, he’d like to think there was a curious expression behind that mask
 A perplexed look before a mind trying to process the image before it; Fire being bent around like water, a glowing see of liquid flame whirling around her enemy. Somehow, he doubted she’d ever seen anything like it.

With the attacks no longer coming... Well, it was now or never. Izaya spun about, the current of flame changing direction to follow his motions, compressing the flames from a stream into a single wave. Coming to a stop, now facing his opponent, Izaya’s arms stopped their fluid motion and instead flung outwards, in a striking gesture more befitting a firebending style. The massive wave of blue flames his enemy had so generously contributed to shot outwards with his motion. Flames washed over the ground before him, a cresting wave of flame many sizes larger than a single firebender could generate on their own.

Not the type to expect his first plan to go particularly well, Izaya’s stance shifted again; his arms now snaking about his body as he fell into the cold calm that came all too easily to him. Lightning sparked along his body as he moved, arms jerking this way and that in serpentine fashion. His goal was to generate the largest amount of lightning that he could -a strike that would obliterate his enemy, provided she survived the tidal wave of flame from before. It was a bit risky -it would take a moment longer than was wise- but he wanted, needed, to end this quickly.