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Kisa Yukki

"Not all those who wander are lost."

0 · 941 views · located in The Capital

a character in “Avatar: The Resurgence”, as played by Lalit



“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

“The day I understood everything, was the day I stopped trying to figure everything out. The day I knew peace was the day I let everything go.”

“I wonder if fears ever really go away, or if they just lose their power over us.”

[ Time To Say Goodbye | RWBY ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #FFB5C5 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #CDB7B5



      Kisa Yukki
      [Ki • sa - Many Lives ]
      [ Yu • key - Eternal snow; snow ]

      Anyone may have a nickname.

      The (real) Avatar





“To seek greatness is the only righteous vengeance.”




      120 lb



      Pale Ivory

      Kisa has donned an attire that consists of a red zip-up top, with black gloves, black, low-heel, calf-high boots, black shorts underneath a short gray apron skirt, and gray elbow protectors, though she switching up her outfit quite often, these are her 'normal' or 'favored' clothes. She wears a strange headband with a metal middle that has an engraving on the center. When asked what it means she often says that it stands for the will of fire.

      The red clothe on the band that keeps her short candyfloss hair from her face matches her shirt. Kisa was born with an off birth mark, in the form of a purple rhombus on the center of her forehead. Her family shamed her for the strange mark, some saying she was destined to fail life, and others saying she was destined for grand things. A sign from the Gods some had said.

      The most notable trait of Kisa's appearance is her hair. When she was younger she wore the teases long and free, enjoying how many compliments she received for it, but on the day of her families death her hair had been hacked off, and she has kept it short ever since.

      Her body could be considered one that is desired by a gymnast, through she looks younger than she'd like, she doesn't mind not having a large bust or hips. It can be considered an hour-glass in shape and is only accented with her height. She stands roughly five foot five, almost six and with a weight to keep her body proportioned, her body is athletic and what one would consider as 'in shape' after many years of working out.



      ✦ Strong ✧ Courageous ✦ Idealist ✧ Leader ✦

      This girl is a bit of an odd ball. Kisa has always been able to read people and see things about them that others can't. She is quick witted and willing to speak the truth when no one else will, she has a knack for showing the harder side of life that people want to ignore. Most people take notice of when she butts into a conversation, since she more than likely has something important to say.

      Kisa is a firm believer in the idea that scars never go away, that time cannot heal everything. This goes as part of the mindset she has that people need to face their problems and that it is by doing this that they can grow as a person. Never being one to shy away when problems arise up her direct and no nonsense attitude in life makes it so that she very rarely has an issue that is not dealt with quickly. Since she himself has many problems she has an amazing ability for empathy, talking over people's problems when they need too and helping them confront them. 

      She has always been very protective of those around her, she cares for everyone in her own way, sometimes she says harsh things in hopes it'll make them stronger, and other times she will be understanding and caring. She is hard to figure out, so not many people try, but in all honesty, she doesn't want people to understand her.

      Kisa is the kind of girl who stands up for what she believes in. She doesn't let others push her around. She's headstrong, with as much willpower as an Ox has strength. Some say she was born a natural leader, but she disagrees whole heartily, she doesn't want to be a leader of anything or anyone except herself, she doesn't want to end up responsible for something that happens to someone else ever again.

      Kisa, athough headstrong, is not the kind of person who enjoys human interaction. She prefers to be left to herself, only allowing those who have taken the time to get under her skin, to get anywhere near her. She's strong and smart, capable of making decisions and carrying them out precisely, as well as backing up her choices against anyone who would dare to oppose her. She can speak to a crowd and captivate everyone's full attention, but she has a little trouble with the one-on-one interaction, through she doesn't like to interact with large crowds, it's not avoidable most time. The young woman likes to seclude herself and doesn't take compliments very well. Should she do something for you, don't thank her. She'll merely say it had to be done and wave it off.

      She doesn't even fear for her own safety, but that she'll fail in keeping the others safe. Though Kisa seems like an impenetrable fortress, underneath all her built-up walls, there's a soft, vulnerable girl. She may not show it, but she grows easily attached to people.

      She is very imaginative, creative, and extremely crafty. She likes to think out of the box, no matter how ridiculous her ideas are. She is extremely good at lying and fibbing and shes mostly and extremely, painfully, stubborn. Though she doesn't stand for any injustice, she understands that the world is often filled with injustice, and there isn't much she can do about it.

      Sunlight - Being able to relax in the heat of a warm sun is what Kisa call's peace. She could lay around for hours in the sun and relax, she takes great joy out of that luxury.
      Clear Water - While she doesn't swim often, there is something very satisfying about seeing the sun shine on glistening clear blue water.
      Silence - While she doesn't mind being around other's she takes great joy about echoing silence - the kind that makes your ears ring and a smile form.
      Sleep - If she could sleep for days, she would. She is actively working out always, but sleep is such a wonderful thing.
      Work-Outs - Staying in shape is satisfying. She likes the soreness she gets after harder workouts, and how they clear her mind and heart from anything that would weigh her down. It brings her peace of mind and body.

      Pain - Something that is chilling and exhausting. Pain comes in many shapes and forms and Kisa has had her fair share. If she can ever keep others from experiencing the pain she did, than she shall take on the pain to herself.
      Destiny - Such a flimsy thing. Whose to say what another person is destined for? Whose to say that someone is destined to lead a rebellion, to save the world, to bring peace to those around them. Whose to say someone can be a leader if they don't wish to lead.
      Darkness - A simple fear, one wrought by the pains of night, one that cannot be avoided if invoked by demons of the mind. One that cannot be cured as easily as some would think. Light can not wash out all fear when darkness has touched ones mind and heart. This fear is painfully real.



      Boxing - Kisa has been boxing since she was a child, her father was all about her staying in shape and being at her physical peak. She enjoys the movements and how she can mix up different styles.
      Hacking - She has always been outstanding with technology - though growing up in a world where everyone rely's on technology seems to have helped - but she is better than most people. Though the quality of her skills are not currently listed, they are good enough for her to be confident when hacking into her local bank to make a more than generous donation to a local orphanage.
      Out-Door Living - For the last year Kisa has taken to living outdoors, traveling in the wilderness and trying to find her 'inner self'. Because of this she can survive in most situations. She is hardened for survival in the most unorthodox situations.
      Strategist - Being in the wilderness with no one to rely on but herself has turned Kisa into an outstanding strategist. She has gotten herself into some sticky situations, and had to think on her feet at a moments notice to get herself to safety. If she were to have more time to sit down and plan something out she would be near unstoppable.

      Headstrong - Kisa doesn't like to back down, she has a knack for going all or nothing when committing to something. She doesn't like half-assing anything and pushes for others to finish something that they've started. If not it'll just be a waste.
      Stubborn - To say she is stubborn is a bit of an understatement. She is close to being pig-headed because of her level of stubbornness, Once she sets her mind to something she doesn't back down easily, even in the face of reason. Choices are hard to make, but after you've dedicated ever fiber of your being to something it's hard to back track and change your desired path.
      Socially Awkward - After being away for so long, not only is she socially broken, she is also emotionally retarded and out of the loop. She has long since forgotten how to interact with normal people in this day and age, and would still prefer to be left alone than to be stuck into a room with people. While there are people who she would surely be able to talk to and relate, she still prefers her own personal company, because no one will understand her like she understands herself.
      Truthful - While some would not view this as a flaw, per-say, but what some don't know is that the truth hurts. Kisa has a habit of saying things the way she seems them. If she notices someone else's flaws, she'll point them out and then try to explain why that person is the way they are. She tends to profile those around her in a way that would seem cruel is you don't know her well enough. She isn't scared of how someone will view her if she is being 'rude' by default because she was speaking the truth.

      Darkness - A fear wrought from a dark childhood with no hope of light in sight. Kisa has and never will be able to fully get over this fear. Do not be mistaken, it is not the dark of night that brings forth fear in her heart, but it is the darkness that is so black, so horrid, that it clogs your lungs and blinds you.
      Drowning - A more recent fear from a near-death experience. She'd like to blame this whole 'destiny' crap, but really it was her own stupidity. Then again how could she have know destiny would tackle her when she was going for a swim.
      Fear - Odd? Yes. The very idea of fear makes her stomach flip. She doesn't like fear, it can make or break you. It can either destroy you and turn you into a definition of weak, or it can harden you to a steal-cold warrior.

"If you wish to know peace you must first know pain."



      having just 'become' the Avatar, Kisa isn't exactly a master at any form of bending yet, unless you could Air bending which seems to come to her as naturally as breathing. There are a few things she's learned out of scrolls she found on her travels, or by sheer luck.

      Earth Block ♢♢ Earthbenders can bring up blocks of earth and launch them at their enemies.
      Earth Line ♢♢ As an offensive attack, earthbenders can create a line of twisted columns and propel it forward.
      Earth Shelter ♢♢♢♢ This can be used by earthbenders to create a shelter or dome which can provide an instant shelter in the wilderness or to trap enemies that cannot Earth bend.
      Earth Smash ♢ Earthbenders can easily destroy rocks and boulders with punches and kicks, even if they have a small amount of muscle mass.

      Blazing Rings and Arcs ♢♢ Spinning kicks or sweeping arm movements create rings and arcs to slice larger, more widely spaced, or evasive targets.
      Blocking Fire ♢ A skilled firebender can defuse and extinguish an oncoming fire blast from another firebender by using a swift kick, jab, or any other defensive maneuver, allowing them to stop attacks.
      Fire Bomb ♢♢ Considered a short range attack, a firebender can create a flame at the end of a limb and thrust the flame down in an explosive burst.
      Fireballs ♢ A basic ability, jabs and punches produce miniature fireballs and missiles of flame. These can be charged up (refer to charged attacks) to create larger, slower bursts, or swiftly and repetitively fired to keep opponents off balance.

      Literally none.

      Air Blast ♢♢♢♢ A more offensive maneuver involving a direct pulse or jet of strong wind from the hands, feet, or mouth. The force of the attack is generated more from the bender's own power, rather than assisted by momentum. The blast can reach further distances with greater accuracy and is used to inflict greater damage.
      Air Swipe ♢♢♢ The air swipe is both a defensive and offensive technique in which an airbender conjures a crescent-shaped wave of compressed air capable of deflecting colossal projectiles or redirecting them back to the attacker.
      Flight ♢♢ The ability to fly was originally exclusive to the flying bison and air lion turtles; however, Guru Laghima successfully unlocked the ability as well by releasing himself of all his earthly tethers, achieving true and complete freedom. The technique is so rare that he was the only airbender in history to have ever achieved it until Zaheer, also unlocked the ability four thousand years later, by letting go of his last earthly connection. Being able to fly without an aid such as a glider grants the practitioner more stability and freedom in the sky, while also permitting the use of bending mid-flight. Although a powerful technique, the ability is hindered by additional weight and the currents of the wind.
      Enhanced agility & speed ♢♢♢♢ Air movements can also be used as a levitation aid. Airbenders jump high and far by riding on strong gusts of wind and can slow or deflect falls by creating cushions of air. The constant movement required by this art makes airbenders naturally flexible and agile. Even without bending they can easily maneuver around an opponent by ducking, jumping, and side stepping, appearing to flow around their opponents without expending any energy at all, letting the opponent tire themselves out and thus creating exploitable openings. Airbenders enhance their movement in battle; they can run swiftly by decreasing air resistance around them and even sprint across or run up vertical surfaces by generating a wind current behind themselves to propel them forward. This conservation of energy combined with high stamina gives them an advantage in prolonged combat.

"Look upon ruin and behold these ways."



      Once upon a time, Kisa had a family, a mother, father, and older brother, she had been happy, and nothing could have ruined it. Expect for her family's death. Her brother is missing now, and she is alone in the world. She has nothing and no one, and she believe that she doesn't need anyone. This belief is what makes her content with living alone in the wilderness, but she is being forced back into society, not as a citizen, but as a hero.

      A young woman with long candyfloss hair stood atop a cliff, the breeze blowing gently onto her. Her clothes were rugged and worn, some with miss-matching patches. Clearly they were a byproduct of many years in the wilderness. They were colored with sweat and stained with dirt, but despite how dirty the young woman looked, she had a strange air of pureness around her.

      She took in a deep breath, emerald orbs closing as she relished in the freshness the ocean brought. Spreading her arms wide, a laugh like jingling bells echoed around her. Despite the utter despair the world was swiftly falling into, the young woman here on this clifftop was at peace with herself and her soul.

      Suddenly the wind changed directions. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked up at the sun as a strange feeling quelled in her stomach.

      "Who are you?" A voice so distant it didn't sound real echoed around her as an odd feeling of desperation filled her heart.

      Kisa Yukki shuddered as a cold chill swept down her back, invisible fingers prying at her skin as a warmth seeped to the birthmark on her forehead, and then as if someone had flipped a switch, the peace was broken. The ground beneath her bare feet shook with a vengeance, and the waves crashed into the cliff side in a new found fury.

      Her breath hitched as she stumbled backwards, the wind picking up and whipping her hair every which way, seemingly wrapping around her body and lifting her up. The warmth spread through her limbs as checks of earth literally lifted into the air around her. Her heart took on an erratic beat as panic numbed her mind. She didn't understand what was happening, she didn't know what to do and fear gripped her mind, freezing her. The ground was giving way as ancient voices screamed in her ears with the wind.

      She was so confused she didn't process the fact that she was literally floating in the air, and she didn't even notice the fire and rocks spiraling around her body. She didn't notice the water lifting up to meet her. She just wanted it all to stop.

      The flip switched back at once, and her world turned black.

      The pick haired woman flew towards the water below, body limp and mind gone.

      She woke in a foreign land, a fallen city that looked abandoned and broken, vines covered the buildings around her and trees taller than anything she had ever seen blocked out the sun, and stopped any viability of the sky. She felt so lost. There was no wind, there was no noise. There was nothing. "Hello?" She called, her voice echoing and fading away.

      Fear was such a consuming feeling. It numbs your body and mind, it eats away at you until you are nothing but a shell of your former self.

      Kisa had been consumed by her fear.

      She stumbled and fell a lot as she ran from seemingly nothing. The desperation to find light, to see the sky, was all she could think of.

      As she ran, time seemed to pass sluggishly. However, soon a light presented itself to the woman. So far away at first she thought she had imagined it, but as she drew nearer, hope filled her veins.

      As soon as she cleared the treeline it felt as if she could breath again.

      The site she was met with was not what she expected in the slightest. Before her stood a group - more than a group really - of people. All of different ethnicity's and cultures. In the front stood two people Kisa had only heard rumors and stories of. The closest to her was a tall woman with dark skin and graying hair. Laugh lines marred her beautiful aged face and she wore the finnest of Water Tribe cloths. Behind the woman stood a tall man, dressed in yellows and oranges with a goatee and blue arrow upon his head.

      Kisa's breath hitched.

      She knew who these people were, they were the Avatar's. Her mom had once told her all about these people and the adventures they went on. How they had saved the world countless times and brought about era's of peace. They were the one's people turned to when things started to go to hell.

      As far as Kisa had heard, a young man had been named the newest Avatar. She had heard tales of him leading a rebellion against those who despised benders. None of it had been relevant to her however. After all, Kisa was a non-bender. She had never really payed much attention to any current events anyway.

      "Kisa Yukki," The woman spoke calmly, a aura of power surrounding her. Kisa's knees felt weak. She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

      "You have been chosen, Kisa." Avatar Aang stepped forward, his eyes kind.

      She felt faint.

      "Pure of heart."

      "Pure of mind."

      "And pure of soul."

      "The world is crumbling into chaos, the people of this era have forgotten the ways of old and have given up on the spirit's the surround them." The man spoke clearly and his voice shot chills down her back. She found herself standing up straighter. A strange feeling was awakening inside of her.

      "A impostor has claimed the role as Avatar, but his judgment is clouded and his ideals tainted. He will bring nothing but suffering." Avatar Korra looked enraged at the thought of someone who was not the Avatar claiming the rights to the title.

      "You are needed" Every cell in her body seemed to vibrate.

      "Kisa Yukki," She took a step forward, her arm rising. "You are the true Avatar of this age." Her fingers tapped Kisa's forehead - right over her birthmark - and it was as if she had been shocked, a strange feeling formed in her stomach.

      "Bring peace to this world." She felt like she couldn't breath as her vision dimmed, their smiling faces the last thing she saw before-

      Kisa's eyes shot open in the dark depths of the water she had sunk into. Her normally green orbs glowed with light as did the mark on her forehead. Despite the water filling her lungs, she had never felt more alive. The beam of light the shot into the sky was the only hint that the true Avatar had claimed her birthright, and the people in this world didn't even notice.

      Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ✦ Sakura Haruno

      Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ✧ Lalit

      character basic form © aurei
      modified form ઽ૮૨Α
      edited, modified form Luna Delta; ઽ૮૨Α; Star★Child

So begins...

Kisa Yukki's Story