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Carly "Tigress" Lowery

"Sometimes... I need to let loose. And trust me, its not pretty for any and all parties involved."

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a character in “Avengers and X-Men, Part 2”, as played by Starlight77


Carly “Tigress” Lowery


“Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

Carly Stark Lowery

Carly. Stripes. Tigress.


“I turn 17 in December, by the way. Thought you outta know.”


120 Pounds

Tigress, at first glance, seems to be a perfect example of teenage girl. Long, dark brown hair, smooth, flawless skin, a pearly white smile, natural curves, and a slender body shape all contribute to that. But, taking a closer look, the average mortal may be rather shocked at their findings. Upon her head, along with her normal ears, is a pair of fuzzy, round tiger ears. Sprouting from her tail bone is a long, thick, furry tiger striped tail. Her canines are extra-long and really sharp, and upon further inspection, you will see that they were made to bite through bone, flesh, and steel. On each of her finger tips are inch long claws that are harder than almost every earthly substance, excluding adamantium of course. They retract, along with her fangs, for easy concealment.

Tigress’ usual attire consists of jeans, sweatpants, t-shirts, button ups, sneakers, sweat shirts, and combat boots. She doesn’t enjoy showing her shoulders or back because they are both riddled with hundreds of scars, varying in both size and length. The scars are white and beginning to fade, but are still not a pretty sight. And if you ask her how she got the scars, she’ll either refuse to tell you, shred you to pieces, or walk away and cry alone in her room.


Naturally, being part cat, Tigress’ attitude and personality mimics that of her feline counterpart. Unpredictable. One moment, he might be happy and energetic, and in the next moment she’ll be grouchy and sullen. But with Tigress, one thing never really changes. She’s got a snippy, sassy attitude, not to mention she can be very defensive. She suffers from hypertymesia, meaning she remembers everything. Well, except for what happened to her before the age of 7, but more on that in her history.

Tigress is very brave and courageous, but that’s mostly because she can be rather arrogant. She thinks she’s better than those around her, and that can get her into trouble.

Tigress’ hates talking about her past and rarely does.

~Feline Attributes~
Along with her changed appearance, a few other things come with the ears, tail and claws. Her senses are heightened sharply and she can see in the dark. She’s stronger than ten men put together and more flexible than a noodle out of a pot. She’s very fast, reaching speeds of up to 75 mph when sprinting. She’s an avid swimmer and can move around in the shadows in complete silence.

Tigress, when not being able to control her emotions, can shift into an over-sized tiger. The tiger is about 5’6’’ at the shoulder. She does not like shifting into her tiger form because the shifting process is extremely painful. She can feel the fur pushing through her skin and her bones breaking and snapping into place. When in her tiger form, she goes completely feral and usually has to be knocked out or sedated.

~Elemental Control~
Tigress, if focusing hard enough, can control the four elements and most of their sub-elements. She, however, has little to no control over the element of fire, and usually panics internally when around fire.

+Playing Guitar+

-Thunder and Lightning-
-The Extreme Heat-
-Loud Noises-

~Thunder and Lightning~
Ever since Tigress was little, she’s been afraid of the thunder and lightning. When she was little, she never had anyone to comfort her and tell her what the loud sounds where. The thunder hurts her ears and the flashes of lightning hurt her eyes. If there is a thunder storm, she likes to hide somewhere small and dark.

~Doctors and Needles~
Since Tigress spent her childhood in a cage being poked and prodded by needles, she has grown up with this phobia of doctors and needles. If you even come near her with a needle, she flips out and will do anything to get away from it. Tony usually has to sedate Tigress to have her vaccinations done.

It was programmed in her DNA to be weak to electricity. The scientists who made her who she is today knew that they needed a least one easily exploited weakness if they wanted to control such a powerful being. The pain created by electricity multiples by tenfold when felt by Tigress.

~Loud Noises~
Tigress’ ears are super sensitive, so it’s only natural for her to hate loud sounds.

~Her Tail and Ears~
Tigress’ ears and tail are the weak points on her body. Tugging on her ears hurts a lot. Pulling on her tail could break it or dislocate it, causing terrible pain and days to fix.



So begins...

Carly "Tigress" Lowery's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carly "Tigress" Lowery Character Portrait: Jessie ( Shadow )
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'' Tigress, you can share a room with either Storm or Rogue, who'd you want to share a room with? I need to know so I can direct you to the right room.''

Tigress thought quietly to herself. She knew a little bit about Storm, but had never met her. But one thing she knew was that Storm was a fully grown woman, and Rogue was around her age. But Tigress know of Rogue’s strange, dangerous power.

“I think I’ll room with Rogue… I mean, I’d rather room with someone my age then someone ten or so years older than me…” Tigress muttered to herself. “Alright, lead the way.” Tigress gestured down the hall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carly "Tigress" Lowery Character Portrait: Jessie ( Shadow )
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Jessie stood up and started walking up the stairs with Tigress behind her when she heard Tigress say, “I think I’ll room with Rogue… I mean, I’d rather room with someone my age then someone ten or so years older than me...” Jessie smirked and said, '' Good, not like you had a choice between the two anyway, I was only joking. '' Jessie smirked and looked back at Tigress when she said, “Alright, lead the way.” Jessie saw as Tigress gestured to down the hall.

Jessie turned a right,then walked past a few dorm rooms,then took a left and then past two other doors, and then stopped.
Jessie sighed and opened the door and walked in. She dropped Tigress's back pack and duffle bag near an unused bed. She turned to Tigress and said, '' Well, Rogue won't be back for a while. She's in the shower now,so you have enough time to unpack and do whatever it is you do.'' Jessie walked over to the door and said before she closed the door behind her,'' If you need me, I'm only two doors down to your left. I'll be taking a quick shower, so after that I'll be able to help you.'' Jessie closed the door and walked to her room, she plopped down on her bed, took her pillow and put it over her face and screamed into it. She took a deep breath and screamed into it again, she wasn't exactly the happiest about Tigress's appearence. Then she stood up and looked around her room.

Jessie stretched and heard her leather uniform make a small stretching sound. She cracked her neck and quickly took off her leather uniform, and her tank top and walked into the bathroom for a nice, hot, steaming shower. Jessie got out and was in her room again in five minutes flat. She plopped back onto her bed, dressed in a red long sleeve tee, skinny jeans, a belt, her black hoodie and her combat boots. She laced up her shoes and grabbed her I-Pod touch and laid on her bed, listening to Flyleaf. Jessie put her legs on her bed and relaxed as she was waiting for Tigress to come for her.

As she was waiting, Kitty came in sat on her bed. Kitty looked at Jessie and said, '' So, how's Tigress?''
Jessie sighed and said, '' Not so good. I have to help heal her burns in a few minutes. Then after that we can do whatever we want.'' Kitty thought for a moment and then nodded. Jessie just closed her eyes and listened to her music. Kitty stood up and walked over to her bed and plopped down on it to get some more sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carly "Tigress" Lowery Character Portrait: Jessie ( Shadow )
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'' If you need me, I'm only two doors down to your left. I'll be taking a quick shower, so after that I'll be able to help you.''

Tigress nodded, sitting down on the bed for a moment. She sighed as Jessie walked out of the room. Tigress immediately went to unpacking her things and putting her clothes into drawers. Tigress quickly changed into a pain of faded jeans, a black camisole and a blue and black flannel button up. She grabbed an elastic and quickly walked out of the room, but not before shoving her smart phone into her pocket.

Tigress quickly strutted her way down the hall, her tail swishing back and forth behind her. She caught a few glances as she walked by; whether it was her tiger-tail or her looks, she will not know.

Tigress pushed the door to Jessie and Kitty’s room open, and walked in. “Hello, fellow freaks slash acquaintances.” Tigress said, snickering slightly. Tigress quickly pulled her hair into a ponytail, exposing her slender neck. She usually didn’t put her hair up because it made her seem more childish then she already is. “I’m ready for you to… help me out.” She muttered and began to unbutton her shirt so Jessie could get to her back. During this entire process, Tigress realized she was blushing madly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carly "Tigress" Lowery Character Portrait: Jessie ( Shadow )
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Kitty watched as Tigress pushed the door to her and Jessie's room open, and walk in. “Hello, fellow freaks slash acquaintances.” Jessie jolted her eyes open as she heard someone come into the room. She watched as Tigress quickly pulled her hair into a ponytail, exposing her slender neck. Jessie smiled as she watched Tigress slowly and awkwardly walk over to her.

I’m ready for you to… help me out.” Jessie smiled and blushed, at knowing how awkward this could get. Jessie sat up and took her ear buds out and put her I-Pod to the side. She watched as Tigress began to unbutton her shirt so Jessie could get to her back Jessie sighed and looked at Kitty and said, '' Okay, first. Kitty, get me a bowl of cold water and a damp cloth please.'' Jessie took a hair tie and put her hair in a messy bun and rolled up her sleeves. She looked at Tigress and said, '' No need to be nervous, okay? I've done this a bunch of times, and I've gotten a lot better at this since last time.'' Jessie waited for Kitty to come back with what she asked for.

A few minutes later, Kitty came back with the items. Jessie cracked her neck and said, '' Thank you, my dear. Now, can you get me a towel for Tigress, and something for her to bite on, like a belt?'' Kitty nodded and got a towel and one of Jessie's newer belts that she had nearly ever worn yet. Jessie looked at Tigress and said, '' I have to pick you up and move you onto the bed, okay? Easiest way to do this.'' Jessie carefully picked Tigress up by the waist and lightly laid her on her stomach onto the bed. Jessie sighed and said, '' At first this will feel weird, but it feels better after a few minutes.'' Jessie took the bowl of water and put her hands in it, she took a deep breath and moments later, Jessie had her hands covered in water, it was suspended and staying to her hands.

Jessie sighed and moved her water covered hands over to Tigress' back and moved her hands over the burns.
Jessie looked at Tigress as she was healing Tigress's burns and said, '' Does it feel better when I do this, or only hurt more?'' Kitty looked at Jessie and said, '' I'mma wait in the lobby down stairs. You need your privacy and concentration.'' Jessie nodded as Kitty scooted out of the room, Jessie looked back at Tigress and continued her work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carly "Tigress" Lowery Character Portrait: Jessie ( Shadow )
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'' No need to be nervous, okay? I've done this a bunch of times, and I've gotten a lot better at this since last time.''

Tigress huffed slightly and crossed her arms. “I don’t know if it’s just me, but that didn’t sound very reassuring…” Tigress shifted her weight from one foot to the other, still feeling very awkward about the whole situation.

'' Thank you, my dear.” Jessie said as Kitty came back with needed supplies. Now, can you get me a towel for Tigress, and something for her to bite on, like a belt?''

Tigress seemed to jolt from a daze. “A belt?! What would we need such a thing for?!” She questioned, though she knew she wouldn’t be answered.

'' I have to pick you up and move you onto the bed, okay? Easiest way to do this.''

“Or I could just-“ Before Tigress could suggest anything, Jessie picked her up by the waist and put her on the bed, stomach down. Tigress put the belt in her mouth and immediately buried her face in the blankets of the bed, trying to hide just how much she was blushing.

'' At first this will feel weird, but it feels better after a few minutes.'' Tigress swallowed hard and nodded, her face still hidden.

Tigress waited and braced herself, tightening up the muscles in her back and shoulder by accident. As the frigid water made contact with the burn, there was a ripping sound as Tigress’ sharp teeth tore through the thin leather of Jessie’s new belt. '' Does it feel better when I do this, or only hurt more?'' Tigress lifted her head and spat out the hunk of torn leather that was once a usable belt. Tigress’ face was scrunched up with pain.

“I-It.. still hurts a bit… but it’s starting to feel better..” Tigress muttered, her claws sheathing and unsheathing as to deal with the pain. Eventually the pain ebbed into more of a numbing pain than a piercing one. “Its feeling better… thanks for everything, ya know? I’m sorry for suddenly coming here. Charles knew I was coming, but I should have told you guys…” Tigress sighed, “Don’t forget about the one on my back, too…” She muttered, letting her chin rest on the bed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carly "Tigress" Lowery Character Portrait: Jessie ( Shadow )
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As Jessie was healing Tigress's burns on her back and shoulder she heard Tigress say, “I-It.. still hurts a bit… but it’s starting to feel better..” Jessie smirked and said, '' Good, means it's starting to work.'' Jessie moved her hands from Tigress's shoulder to her lower back and started to heal that burn as well. Jessie stopped when Tigress said, “Its feeling better… thanks for everything, ya know? I’m sorry for suddenly coming here. Charles knew I was coming, but I should have told you guys…” Jessie sighed and said, '' It's alright, no big deal. I kind of showed up out of no where last year, remember? So, don't worry.''

Tigress sighed, “Don’t forget about the one on my back, too…” Jessie sighed and said, '' Well, I'm done! You can dry off and put your shirt on, now that I'm done healing your burns.'' Jessie stood up off of the floor and walked over to her dresser and put on some makeup. She looked at Tigress and said, '' So, how's Peter? I haven't heard about him in a while. '' Jessie walked back to her bed and plopped down on it. Kitty walked back in and sat on her bed, and crossed her legs and started to hum to herself. Jessie smiled and said, '' So, what ya do?'' Kitty smiled and said, '' Oh, was with Bobby. We had to talk about.......a few things.'' Jessie smiled and nodded.

Jessie stood up and said, '' Well, Tigress. What ya wanna do? Your burns are as good as they'll get. If they still hurt by tonight, come back and we can do one more session to completely heal 'em. If not the should heal by themselves in about two to three days.'' Jessie cracked her back, and laid on her back, on the bed and sighed. She looked at Tigress and smiled and looked around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carly "Tigress" Lowery Character Portrait: Jessie ( Shadow )
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'' Well, I'm done! You can dry off and put your shirt on, now that I'm done healing your burns.''

Tigress sat up and nodded, grabbing a towel and whipping her back and shoulder off. She picked up her shirt and put it back up, buttoning it up. She undid her hair and rustled it around a bit before retying it up. She sat down on the bed, crisscrossing her legs.

'' So, how's Peter? I haven't heard about him in a while. ''

Tigress suddenly blushed and puffed up her cheeks in annoyance. “That is none of your business. I didn’t come here, asking about you and Spyke. I was going to, but I managed to control myself…” She huffed out, mumbling at the end. Tigress listened, her ears flicking, as Jessie and Kitty exchanged words.

'' Well, Tigress. What ya wanna do? Your burns are as good as they'll get. If they still hurt by tonight, come back and we can do one more session to completely heal 'em. If not they should heal by themselves in about two to three days.''

Tigress hummed and shrugged. “I don’t know… you could introduce me to some other people.” She suggested, shrugging again. I looked at Jessie who was smiling in her direction. “What’s with you, miss happy-go-lucky?” Tigress muttered and smiled, leaning forward and poking Jessie stomach hard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carly "Tigress" Lowery Character Portrait: Jessie ( Shadow )
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Jessie watched as Tigress hummed and shrugged. “I don’t know… you could introduce me to some other people.” Jessie sighed and said, '' Sure, I still gotta introduce you to a few more of my team mates and friends. So, in a few minutes we can get to that, k?'' Tigress looked at Jessie who had smiled in her direction. “What’s with you, miss happy-go-lucky?” Tigress muttered and smiled, leaning forward and poking Jessie's stomach hard. Jessie smiled and shrugged saying, '' Eh, nothing. Just thinking and stuff, you know, the normal.'' Jessie smiled and sat up and stretched, she looked at Tigress and said, '' And why the poking, eh? What'd you do if I poked you, huh?'' Jessie smiled and poked Tigress, really quickly and stood up and walked over to the door.

Jessie looked back at Tigress and said, ''So, shall we be going, girls?'' She said as she kept the door open and waited for the other two, to walk out. As Kitty stood up, Jessie smirked and said, '' Remember, we got '' that thing'' to do in a few hours.'' Kitty perked up even more and said, '' Oh right!! That, I'll be there!'' Kitty smiled happily and jogged out of the room and into the hall. Jessie smirked and waited for Tigress to come as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carly "Tigress" Lowery Character Portrait: Jessie ( Shadow )
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''So, shall we be going, girls?''

“I don’t see why not…” Tigress muttered standing up. She rolled her shoulders as her tail swayed behind her.

'' Remember, we got '' that thing'' to do in a few hours.''

Tigress’ ears immediately perked up. She tilted her head to the side slightly. I wonder what secret they are keeping… Tigress was so deep in thought she missed what Kitty said.

“Are we gonna get going, or what, Jess?” Tigress smirked slightly as she called Jessie “Jess”.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carly "Tigress" Lowery Character Portrait: Jessie ( Shadow )
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Are we gonna get going, or what, Jess?” Jessie smirked and said, '' Sure, let's go!''
Jessie closed the door and walked down the hall with Kitty and Tigress behind her. She passed many new and old students, some who she knew and some she didn't, but none-the less, she smiled and waved at each of them.

Jessie walked down a hall and passed a few doors, and then down a stair case, then turned another right. Jessie looked around and said, '' Hank, ya here?'' She said as she walked into what was a Science room. Jessie looked at Tigress and said, '' Come in, got someone you got to meet.'' After Jessie said that, a tall, dark figure slowly walk into the room.

Jessie smiled and said, '' Hank, this is my friend, Carly also called Tigress. She's a lot like you. You guys can get along pretty well, I think.'' Jessie smiled as Hank walked into the dimly lite room. He was tall, had blue fur, blue skin, yellow eyes, an animal like snout, and an ape like stature, and he was dressed in slacks, a white, long sleeve button up shirt, with a brown vest over it, and a white long, lab coat. Jessie smiled at him and Hank said '' It is a pleasure to meet you, miss Lowery. I've talked with your father plenty of times, and I have wanted to speak with you personally, for a while now. '' He stuck out his blue, fur covered hand out to Tigress in hopes of her shaking it.

Jessie sat down in one of the small, brown leather chairs and sat back. She stretched with a yawn and looks around, and smiled at Kitty, who sat down in one of the chairs next to her. Kitty smiled and said to Jessie, '' Jess, what are we gonna do about Tigress? I mean, can she join or not?''
Jessie sighed and said, '' Not sure, she'll have to pass the test to see if she can join. Ya know, to see if she meets my standards, since I am the leader of both our team.....and well, you know....'' Jessie's voice softened as she didn't want Tigress to get any ideas of what she was talking about.
