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Ranae Amya

"Sorry about the nosebleed I didn't mean to ruin your shirt."

0 · 698 views · located in Avolair Acadamey

a character in “Avolair Acadamy”, as played by peachyme123




Ranae Amya
Meaning~ Resurrected, Night Rain





Vampire Type: B

Ranae has a verity of swords. Such as the sabre, and the katana.

Speed- Good. It could be better, but Ranae falls ill to many times to be great in this subject.

Strength- Weak

Hand-to-Hand Combat- Good

Distance Weapons- Poor

Stealth- Mastered. Has practiced many times in this subject.

Agility- Great

Signature Ability
Healing power- Good. This is a power in which Ranae can heal the person she gives blood to if they have an injury, but it takes up a lot of energy afterwards.

Ranae is always wanting to talk to new people, or let's just say sometimes her personality demands attention. She can be very optimistic on her good days, but will still have this depressing aura around her. She tries to let as many people has she can into her friend bubble without even knowing them, but like everything that does have it's punishments such as manipulation. Even when trying to be friends with someone most of the time they will automatically think she is a type A vampire and be on edge because of her fangs.

Romance for Ranae has never even entered her mind she is completely oblivious of that lovey dovey world. Some people have asked her out before, but she just thought they were trying to be friends. Of course she said yes to the 'date' the boy asked her out on, because she thought it was some type of friendly outing. Later when this boy tries to hold her hand or sneak a kiss she will automatically think that he was a creep and punch him in the face. So she's never had a first kiss or even hugged the opposite sex.

+Bubble baths
+Strolls in the forest
+Meeting new people
+Playing video games
+Diet Soda

-Small spaces
-Dark chocolate
-Small animals
-Humid weather
-Chick Flicks

~Burning to death
~Spilling diet soda on her laptop
~Biting a human

Ranae can read facial expressions easily, and tell their emotions.

Ranae doesn't know when to not trust someone. She let's people in to easily.

Ranae lived in a big vampire family of 12 ever since she was little. The parents of the family had took her in when she was 2, and she easily adapted at her young age. The only hard part was the other kids. They had made fun of her because of her difference, and labeled her as the misfit. Her 'parents' told her just to ignore it, but it's not as easy as said and done. It just got worse when on one of the other children found her coughing up blood in the bathroom, and then soon after everyone called her the blood barfer hence the name labeled on normal vampires blood sucker. And whenever she gave blood to humans the kids would look at her with faces of disgust. Ranae hated to be judged, so she tried her best to never give blood to another human again. Finally when at age she started to go to the academy.


So begins...

Ranae Amya's Story

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Character Portrait: Vehemens Character Portrait: Ranae Amya
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#, as written by BiaD
The girl's words stung him. "Why do you keep on trying to kill me?" and "What have done to you to make you hate me so?", the questions were right, why?

"Because you don't fear me." Vehemens answered with a surprising calm tone, well Puppy didn't fear him as well, and he wasn't trying to attack him, but the girl didn't know that. "Besides that you splashed me with water, I hate water." he said with an angry face. He was still near the door and was not making any movements towards the girl, "So she doesn't splash me with water again" he thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vehemens Character Portrait: Ranae Amya
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Ranae's red eyes flicked with anger at Vehemens response. "Because you don't fear me." Vehemens said with a calm tone. "Besides that you splashed me with water, I hate water." Vehemens made an angry face.

Ranae's eye's narrowed into a icy glare. "Why would you want me to fear you?" She said with an equally calm tone. "At least I'm not trying to kill you! Someone needs to control your anger if you don't!" Ranae's voice raised with her anger.

"You should think it's a good thing that someone finally isn't scared of you, so you could be their friend. But you here are trying to strangle the life out of me." She calms down, and talks in a softer tone.

Ranae gets off of the hard ground, and looks up into Vehemens blue eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vehemens Character Portrait: Ranae Amya
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#, as written by BiaD
"I don't need friends." Vehemens spat "And you should fear me, for your own safety" he added. He was now walking away from the girl, it was right that killing a roommate might give him some problems and no benefits, so he should stop trying, but he slowly said "And never stop me again when I'm burning stuff, I'll promise I won't burn the school down." yet, he silently thought.

"I say what about we make a deal, I won't try to kill you and you don't stop me from burning stuff." Vehemens proposed as he raised his hand in order to make a handshake "Also don't trow water at me again." he added with a scowl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vehemens Character Portrait: Ranae Amya
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Ranae rolled her eyes when Vehemens spat. "I don't need friends."

'Everybody needs friends you dork.' She thought in her head.

"And you should fear me, for your own safety" Vehemens added. Ranae flipped her hair out of her eyes as she listened to him speak. "And never stop me again when I'm burning stuff, I'll promise I won't burn the school down." Vehemens said slowly.

"I say what about we make a deal, I won't try to kill you and you don't stop me from burning stuff. Vehemens proposed. Ranae pondered about it for a minute. 'Should I really trust him?' She thought to herself while looking at his raised hand.

"Also don't throw water at me again." He added with a scowl.

"Fine! As long as whatever you burn isn't mine! Also I'm keeping the water just in case you break the deal! I promise I won't spray you unless you do something to offend me." Ranae gushed the words out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vehemens Character Portrait: Ranae Amya Character Portrait: Casteil
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#, as written by BiaD
"Fine! As long as whatever you burn isn't mine! Also I'm keeping the water just in case you break the deal! I promise I won't spray you unless you do something to offend me.", the scowl deepened at those words, but Vehemens was tired and he had to content himself with this.

"OK, we have a deal." he said, he was going to his bed (kicking his wet coat in the way) but he remembered that Puppy wanted to talk to him, he should check if he was still looking for him. So instead of going to his bed the demon went to the door, opened and looked around seeing if Puppy was still around.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vehemens Character Portrait: Ranae Amya
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Ranae threw Vehemens a cold gaze. "OK, we have a deal." Vehemens said, and walked to the door.

She was about to flop down on her bed, and get comfortable but then... 'Grumble Grumble.' Her stomach protested begging for food. 'I haven't ate since yesterday.' Ranae remembered in her thoughts.

Turning her gaze towards Vehemens who was now walking out the door. 'He's not going to hurt you Ranae.' She convinced herself.

When finally plucking up enough strength she started towards the door. ' I wonder what they have to eat at the cafeteria?" She questioned in her thoughts, but suddenly out of nowhere Ranae's feet tangled up with Vehemens kicked jacket. Losing her balance she collapsed into Vehemens back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vehemens Character Portrait: Ranae Amya Character Portrait: Casteil
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#, as written by BiaD
" Master your awake !" Cas.. Puppy stood up "Was he waiting here all along?", Vehemens wondered. " y... yo.... you look a little damp? " the demon traded the confusing look with an angry one, but then a stomach grumbled. " Master..... The cafeteria should have something prepared if your hungry "

"That is probably a great idea Puppy, lets get movin..." Vehemens was starting to leave the room, but suddenly something hit his back making him crash onto Puppy. When Vehemens grasped his surroundings again he was on top of Puppy and a small height on him announced that Ranae was probably laying on top of him.

"Do you have a death wish?" Vehemens growled, very slowly to Ranae as he tried to lift himself up from Puppy, which was difficult due to the girl on top of him

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vehemens Character Portrait: Ranae Amya Character Portrait: Casteil
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'CRAP! RANAE YOU ARE SO STUPID!!' Ranae screamed in her head when she realized the she was laying on Vehemens.

"Do you have a death wish?" Vehemens growled. 'Come on Ranae put on a poker face, and pull yourself together.' She talked to herself in her head. Slipping off of Vehemens, Ranae brushed her hair from her eyes.

"Sorry I wouldn't have fallen on you if you didn't leave your stuff on the floor." She murmured with a pout, but held out her hand to help Vehemens up.

"Well I'm going to the cafeteria if anyone want to come with." Ranae said looking at both of their faces.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vehemens Character Portrait: Ranae Amya Character Portrait: Casteil
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#, as written by Amun
Before he knew it casteil was on the floor with Master on top of him. All he could do was stare in a mix of shock and fear, the Aura form Vehemens was over powering. Once coming to and noticing that his hands were placed upon Master chest, he quickly removed them so not to offend him. Cast slowly slipped from underneath him, made easy due to his small frame.

"Sorry I wouldn't have fallen on you if you didn't leave your stuff on the floor." She murmured to Vehemens, she seemed to be a bit unhappy with what just happened.

" we're heading that way as well" he said with an unpleasant look towards Ranae " I'll clean that up after we eat" He Added.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vehemens Character Portrait: Ranae Amya Character Portrait: Casteil
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" We're heading that way as well" Casteil gave her an unpleasant look. " I'll clean that up after we eat" He Added.

Ranae had caught that look he had given her. "Who are you to give me a dirty look?" Ranae's words were filled with venom. "After I even got burned for your sorry ass." She said motioning towards her bandaged wrist.

She flipped her hair and started walking down the not waiting to see if they were coming with her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ranae Amya Character Portrait: Casteil
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#, as written by BiaD
When both off them got away of Vehemens he finally standed up. "Sorry I wouldn't have fallen on you if you didn't leave your stuff on the floor. Well I'm going to the cafeteria if anyone want to come with." wait, what! So now it was his fault? Vehemens was getting ready to answer her when Puppy answered for him " We're heading that way as well. I'll clean that up after we eat". Yes he was right, Vehemens shouldn't get himself worked up, he should calm down, now Vehemens was glad to have Puppy around, but that still didn't excuse Ranae and her behavior.

"Ok, now let's go Puppy I'm starving". Vehemens patted Puppy in the shoulder as he walked by, the guy was kind of submissive, but he was useful and didn't find a way of annoying him every five seconds like someone. But Vehemens had to let that go, he shouldn't go on a murdering rampage before classes even start.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vehemens Character Portrait: Ranae Amya Character Portrait: Casteil
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While Ranae fast walked to down the hall she thought to herself. 'Gosh Ranae, the one moment you and Vehemens are at peace you have to go and ruin it!

After a few moments curiosity got the better of her. 'Why would I care if these fools followed me.' Ever so casually Ranae flipped her hair over her shoulder and stole a glance behind her. To Ranaeś surprise they were actually there, but because of Ranaeś fast walking they were a distance away.

I cold feeling crept through Ranaeś stomach, and then she realized that she felt lonely...

'Snap out of it Ranae!' She screamed at herself in her mind. 'Vehemens is a bad person that you should not be friends with!'

All of the sudden Ranae stopped her mental argument, and remembered Vehemens comment about not needing friends. A smirk flooded her face. She had a plan in mind. 'I will make you realize that everybody needs friends even someone as mean as you.' She thought.

Ranae had set a new goal.