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Dormus Executes VIII (Edward Buoy)

Listen, I'm sure we can settle this, though you'll have a few holes in you if this gets ugly.

0 · 338 views · located in Our Solar System's Stellar Neighborhood

a character in “Baby Steps”, as played by Carcino


Name: Dormus Executes The 8th (Enrolled as Edward Buoy
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Occupation (And Rank, if Navy or Marine. None needed if a family member of a scientist or such): None, is a Thief enrolled as a Scientist and is incognito.
Description: Dormus, a name that was passed down since the Medieval era to now. The name holds title to many grand thieves, and the current generation is no exception. Every one of his ancestors have preformed grand feats of thievery, and his is to steal the Hyperion. This feat is nearly borderline completely impossible, and even insane, thus a perfect way to make his place in his family tree, the first one to teal an entire space ship. He is equipped with a Shiv like weapon that seems like it has been used for a very long time, he has a pistol, which holes 6 bullets per clip, usually he has 3 clips on him. These weapons are concealed in one of his pockets of which he has at least 8 concealed on his suit which is a mixture of red and black colors made mostly for being concealed in the dark and to hold many items including his very small list of weaponry. Though to be the one to execute this plan he cna't just waltz in and steal it, he has enrolled as a Scientist named Edward Buoy using his knowledge he attained from the smartest men he knows combined from his studies in college making the perfect disguise. The look he has while he is disguised as a Scientist a standered white lab coat with some green incents on the coller and he had ded his hair green and put on a pair of gasses to complete the look.
Ship You're On (Hyperion, Thunderchild, or Apollo): Hyperion

Dormus Executes VIII: Image

Edward Buoy: Image

So begins...

Dormus Executes VIII (Edward Buoy)'s Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Natalie Darron Character Portrait: Admiral McCart Character Portrait: Lt. Markus Worf Character Portrait: Lana Marietta Character Portrait: Kirill Tsvetkov
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ImageGrand Admiral McCartImage

ā€Veris. Thank you. I am confident that those diagnostics are already in capable hands and are being attended to. Please notify me when the pods return.ā€

McCart finally allowed himself a moment ofā€¦ jubilation, as he stared out over the Bridgeā€™s primary windows. Such awe. Such wonder. Planets unknown to mankind, around a star previously just a blip on a telescopic image. A message on the Admiralā€™s inbox came up.

"Congratulations old man, how does it feel to be the Grand Admiral of the first space expedition outside our solar system? Forget Mayor of Lockhart, Admiral. I'd be surprised if you weren't nominated for president. Congratulations in advance."

McCart joyously shook his head. He was content with the message.

[color=DarkSlateBlue]ā€Congratulations to you, too, Hunter.

It feelsā€¦ overwhelming. Weā€™ll talk about it more over a bottle of wine sometime.

And president? President of what? I do have dual-citizenship, you know? President of Texas, or were you thinking something moreā€¦ D.C.? Or maybe President of Toy Land? President of St. Henryā€™s Home for the Senile?

I suppose we shall see.

The uproar that had erupted on both the Bridge and the Relay was most definitely echoed throughout the whole of the ship, indeed the whole fleet. It seemed almost like a deafening buzz of applause and cheers, right for at least 15 minutes. From the FCC, the Admiral could see the various smiling faces of the young men and women aboard. It inspired a ā€˜kinkā€™ of pure ecstasy in the old man for a moment. He remembered Katie at that moment ā€“ sheā€™d love to be here.

He waited for a moment to allow the hum to die down, slightly. At what seemed the apex, he stood up from his chair and stood just in front of the navigational module, using it as a pulpit above his congregation. From his raised position over the Bridge, he stared off into a few of the eyes that caught his own. Raising his right hand as if calling a cab, he called the attention of Captain McCoy.

ā€Veris. Bring up a camera and focus it on me. Iā€™d like to address the fleet. Broadcast to all public facilities,ā€ the Admiral said to his trusted side.

A small, spherical pod was discharged from the ceiling of the Command Level and kept itself in hover around the Admiralā€™s FCC. Itā€™s lights turned from green to red, indicating broadcasting. The screens and holo-modules of the Bridge, likewise, manifested the Admiralā€™s face. It was safe, at least to McCartā€™s mind, to assume the case was the same on the Thunderchild and the Apollo.

Clearing his throat, the Admiral began to speak, culling the roars of the crew to attention.

ā€Ladies and gentlemen, damen und herren, madamoiselles et monsieurs, damas y caballeros: myā€¦ fellow children of Gaia, my fellow Earthlings. Welcome to Kepler-62.ā€

The crew burst into cheering once more, forcing the Admiral to humbly stretch out his hand as if to understandingly snuff their cheers away.

ā€After over two years, we are finally at our destination. Many of us have just woken from cryosleep today. Many of us havenā€™t been in cryosleep for awhile but with all the busy-bodying, I bet it feels like cryosleep.

ā€œWe are all the very first humans to use hyperspace, leave our local system, and see with our very own eyes the horizon of another star. Before us lies perhaps a system filled with destiny.

ā€œFor the time being, we will engage slowly. Apollo shall work on deciphering which of the planets will be the safest to engage and then Iā€™ll determine whoā€™s going where and when.

ā€œCongratulations. Now if there be life out there other than our own, letā€™s introduce ā€˜em to our King.ā€

At that, the Admiral initiated a track from his personal datacore, and broadcasted it to each of the ships public facilities.