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When an usurper takes the throne, chaos reigns.

2,633 readers have visited Belenaria since Marine3950 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

inheritance cycle


The Continent of Belenaria...

This continent is a mixing pot of many races. To the south, The Ranagi Mountains hide the vast, underground cities of the Dwarves. To the north, the many tribes of the Kul' Darin (cool-dah-reen) hunt across the frozen earth. To the East, the Eldari Forest plays host to the two sects of the Elven race, the Wood Elves and the High Elves. The western coast is where Humanity has split into two countries, Berethia (bear-aith-iya) and Tiandtri (tee-ahn-tree). In the center of the continent, the vast Diadris (dee-ay-dris) desert surrounds a massive rocky spire where Dragonkin roost.

The Dwarven race is a stalwart bunch. The average dwarf never grows to be taller than four feet, though they easily reach two hundred pounds of bone, muscle, and body fat. They inhabit the Ranagi Mountains, and are seperated into thirteen seperate clans. A representative from each clan is chosen to govern the whole of their race in a group called the Thrin' Vaal (thrien-vahl). They are reknowned for their exceptional smithing abilities, and create the best armor in the land. Dwarven armor is as much of a status symbol as it is a functional piece. They can see well in darkness, thanks to their underground lifestyle. When dwarves fight, they do so with brute force in mind, wielding maces, hammers, flails, and axes. What few spellcasters there are in the dwarven race are healers.

The Kul' Darin are a primitive race that inhabits the frozen northlands. The average Kul (cool) stands around six feet tall, their wirey frames mostly bone and lean muscle. They live in nomadic tribes, lacking a true form of central government. Instead, each tribe has a cheiftain who makes all decisions pertaining to the tribe, which can have anywhere from a few dozen members to a few hundred. They are unphased by the elements, and are always physically fit. They never engage in direct battle, but instead perform guerilla tactics. They forego heavy armor for loose-fitting leather garbs, and fight with slings, hand-axes, short bows, stone spears, and daggers. Their shaman, on the other hand, are masters of the elements, considered to be among the most powerful mages on the continent, capable of creating massive storms, conjuring infernoes rivalling a dragon's breath, and freezing entire armies in their tracks.

The Elves are a magestic race, and most live in the dense Eldari forest. On average, Elves stand around 5.5 feet tall, their graceful figure showing only lean muscle. Their skill with magic is vastly superior to most. They govern themselves through the High Council, a group of twelve elves. All elves are capable of at least basic magic, though the High Elves are more skilled in arcane wisdom than their Wood Elf cousins. On the battlefield, High Elves armor themselves in chainmail, and fight with the finest swords on the continent, while their Wood Elf cousins fight in leather armor, and armed with daggers and the finest bows ever seen. Both of the elven sects seek strategy over power, and speed and grace over strength.

Humanity is an adaptable race. Given enough time and resources, a human can overcome any obstacle, weather any storm, or defeat any opponent. Their walled cities can take weeks, if not months, to capture. In addition, humans can be trained to perform almost any task, which makes up for their lack of superior capabilities. Humans are ruled by kings and queens, whose bloodlines often continue for generations. Humans are innovators on the battlefield, creating new weapons, armor, and tactics to combat whatever new challenge arises. Their weapons are not as well forged as those of other races, and their mages are not as well trained. However, the way a human army uses their weapons makes up for this. They will fight with any weapon available, and in any armor, and their expertise in siege warfare makes them valued in any extended campaign, offensive or defensive.

Dragons are a deadly combination of beauty and power. Males can grow twenty feet long, wingspans twice that, while females can grow thirty feet, with wingspans up to 75 feet. They mate for life, and will protect one another to the death. Often, the only threat to a dragon is another dragon. Male dragons are considerably smaller than their female counterparts, but are far more aggressive. Females, on the other hand, are usually fairly docile unless defending an egg. However, despite their power, dragons have little in the way of numbers. For every dragon, there are more than 500 other sentient beings. The Dragonkin roost near Dragon Neck Spire in the Diadris Desert, but Dragonkin can live anywhere in Belenaria. To slay a dragon is a major feat, to befriend one an even greater feat.

The Dwarves, Elves, Humans, And Kul' Darin have always been fighting. For the last hundred years, however, there was relative peace. However, recently, tensions are flaring again. The king of Tiandtri was with his son, prince Ephram, when they went missing. As the king had but a single child, the only viable monarch was the king's step-brother, Stephan. Stephan quickly declared war on and conquered Berethia. Among the casualties, a member of the Elven Council, the reigning party of the Elven races. Enraged, the Elven army prepares to march. The Elven army is outnumbered at least ten to one by the combined might of the human armies, and their troops will be tired from their march. However, even with low morale and minimal rations, a single elf is easily capable of fighting ten humans.

The Dwarves and the Kul' Darin are quickly sucked into the war, which has dragged on for a year now. The Elven army slowly advances toward the capital of Berethia, the city of Censtran. However, it is the coastal city of Florence where the war is fought now...

Character sheet:


Weapons (usual)
Armor (usual)
Magic Training

Personal History

Toggle Rules

1. Have fun.
2. Unless unavoidable, please try to post at least once a week, and make your posts at least 200 words long.
3. Don't autohit others. Let them react to you, Don't react for them.
4. You can't travel the entire continent at once. Remember that when you decide where your character will start out.
5. Please settle your arguements with PMs. Keep the OOC clean.
6. Swearing is ok... to a point. Don't flood your post with swearing.
7. Romance is ok, but PLEASE keep it PG.
8. If you decide to make additional characters,
A. You need to remember they exist.
B. You need to use Them just as often as your original
C. Please don't make them throwaway characters that will die seconds later.

This is essentially an Open RP, but there is a plot line. Do whatever you want so long as it
A. doesn't severely enrage others
B. stays within site and local rules
C. isn't forbidden by the rules I set forth

These rules are subject to change.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Mark saw the Kul' move out of his path, and Mark spurred on his ride, just missing being hit by a massive boulder thet the Kul' had thrown. In response, Mark heaved his fireball into the forest, setting it ablaze. Mark turned back to face the trail, and urged his horse onwards. His family... He needed to protect them. If Ephram truly would understand, then Mark was sure that he would be welcomed.
* * * * *
Ephram and Ashton waited. It wasn't until Ephram saw the pillar of smoke rising from where Myra had been sent that Ephram realized something had gone wrong. Ephram pointed to the smoke, and Ashton nodded. Toghether, they mounted and rushed their horses towards the fire.


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Character Portrait: Myra Hannail Character Portrait: Rahl Mountainwalker
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Myra's face dropped, "Mark, please we were sent to find a spy..we had no idea you weren't doing it willingly.."

It was too late. She saw the fire ball form, saw Rahl jump out of the way, the boulder come at him and watched Mark spur his horse on. Fire was launched at the trees and Owen's reflexes are all that kept the pair from being swept up in the boulder.

Owen leapt and trotted out of the way. They came up beside Rahl. "Forest is burning. He wasn't a spy by choice. He was forced into it. Damn it!"

She kicked Owen, spurring the stallion into a run. He was fast, faster than Mark's horse. "Wait! We can help!" Myra was yelling. Leaning in against Owen's neck she spoke to the horse. "Alright, show him what we can do."

Owen took off into the brush. He ran, faster than one would assume a horse could when dealing with shrubbery and undergrowth. They overtook the rider on the road and with a great jump, Owen landed in the rode a few feet in front of Mark.

"Stop! Listen to me! We can help your family, there has to be some way to help them and keep the armies from being slaughtered."

Myra was watching Mark, hoping he would stop, take a moment to listen or at least not launch anymore magic at her or anyone else.


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Mark was riding his horse at full gallop. His horses hooves thundered along the trail. Once they had broken out of the forest and danger, Mark slowed his horse. Suddenly, thundering hooves approached from behind, and Cathleen and her horse leapt over Mark and landed in front of him. Mark reined his horse in. "Stop! Listen to me! We can help your family, there has to be some way to help them and keep the armies from being slaughtered." Mark sheathed his dagger and shook his head. "Look Cathleen, if that actually is your name, I already told you. I either deliver the information and keep my family, or I don't. There is no damned middle ground. I can't do both." Mark shook his head, tears streaming down his face. Mark looked at the rider in front of him. "Move aside."


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Myra frowned, "There has to be another way." She sighed. He seemed resigned that he had to deliver the information. At least now she knew what was being passed on. She could at least warn Ephram.

Behind them a fire was burning in the underbrush where Mark's fireball had hit.

Myra walked Owen backwards. "Go, go and help your family but you can always come back. Ephram can use those who believe in what he is doing."

"What the hell are you thinking? You don't know anything about are letting him go? When did you turn all diplomatic?"

Myra's thoughts whirled. Where was all this coming from? She knew she felt terrible for a man who had seen so much and yet could do so little to stop it. She knew what it was to feel helpless, useless and backed into a corner.

She watched him head off down the road. Once he was out of sight she turned Owen back towards where they had left Rahl, where the fire burned.

The horse's hooves pounded hard as she rushed back. She stopped near Rahl and held out her hand, "Come on, he is gone and we have to do something about these flames."


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Character Portrait: Myra Hannail Character Portrait: Ephram Character Portrait: Ashton
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"Go, go and help your family but you can always come back. Ephram can use those who believe in what he is doing." Mark nodded, pushing through the tears. He spurred his horse on, and rode on to the capital.

* * * * *

Ephram and Ashton arrived to meet a fire that threatened to envelop the entire forest. Ephram turned to Ashton. "Ashton, head back to camp and find as many Kul' Darin shaman as you can. Wind specialty." Ashton nodded, and spurred her horse in the direction of the camp. Ephram looked into the inferno, and gritted his teeth. Who had done this? Were Rahl and Myra in there? Was this a trap? Were Imperial soldiers somewhere nearby? Ephram looked around. If there were soldiers, he couldn't see them through the smoke.


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Character Portrait: Myra Hannail Character Portrait: Ephram Character Portrait: Rahl Mountainwalker
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Myra steered Owen through the thick smoke. For his part the stallion kept his calm making it easier on his rider. He never did spook easy and in many situations where other horses would have bucked their rider, Owen seemed almost at peace.

Her lungs burned, the smoke making her cough. "We have to do something..." The fire was getting out of control, burning hot to her left and making it very, very hard to breathe. "Must be near where it started..." It was suddenly much harder to breath. Owen tossed his head as if echoing her thoughts but he kept moving.

Myra frowned, she was fairly certain she could hear horse hooves some close and now some that sounded as if they were moving away. "Who's there? You have to go the fire is starting to get out of control!"

She was trying to keep an eye on Rahl and guide Owen. It was getting harder and harder to see. The smoke and ash was making her eyes water. Owen kept moving, somehow knowing not to run and lose the Kul'Darin man who was near by. A figure appeared as they moved out of the heaviest of the smoke.

"You!" She coughed hard. "We have to get out of here." Blinking Myra saw Ephram.

"The spy...he is gone...he caused the fire to get away but...." Her body was wracked with a fit of coughing. She had been in the worst of the smoke and now was paying for it. With a shake of her head, Myra tried to inhale but was finding the task of breathing more and more difficult. She hunched over Owen's neck, the stallion's muscles a comfort under her cheek.

"Have to choice..." Myra was gasping now. She looked to Rahl for help but knew that the man couldn't explain it to Ephram and that right now the fire was more important. Watery eyes looked at the shaman as the courier struggled to get enough air in.

Her arms wrapped around Owen's neck but she knew that she wouldn't be in the saddle for much longer. Her body slumped slowly off and to the ground. Half crawling, half crouching Myra tried to make it to a place were the air was clearer.


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The smoke was starting to effect Ephram's breathing. When he saw Myra without the spy, he assumed he had escaped. Then Myra fell off her horse, spouting an incoherent mess of words. Ephram oved over to Myra, and picked her up in his arms. Carrying her back to his horse, he set her behind the saddle, and mounted. Wrapping Myra's arms around his waist, Ephram turned his horse and rode out of the fire.

Ashton had gathered as many people as she could to fight the flames. Once the forest was clear, Ashton gave the signal. Suddenly, a massive wind blew into the forest. Then it, and the flames, were gone. Somewhere in the forset, Ashton heard the crash of a falling tree, no doubt uprooted by the gust. Looking into the sky, She saw rain clouds in the distance.

As night fell, Ephram called Myra, Ashton, Rahl, and Anna May to his tent. Looking at the assembled group, Ephram spoke. "What happened to the spy? Does anyone know anything about what happened?"


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She had escaped the fire with very little time. She had left Ephram go with no choice, she had to plan ahead. The fire, people would be burned.

Anna may shook her head no, starting to worry about Myra's condition. That smoke inhalation must not have been good. She was quietly whispering a spell to try and counteract the damage from the smoke and then heal the tissue. A soft golden light appeared and began to swirl around Myra softly. Hopefully the spell would work.


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Character Portrait: Anna May Character Portrait: Myra Hannail Character Portrait: Ephram Character Portrait: Ashton Character Portrait: Rahl Mountainwalker
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Myra barely comprehended what was going on. She was lifted and then moving. Owen followed Ephram's horse as if they were tethered together and once they arrived back at the camp he moved towards the stable but did not enter. Instead the stallion paced and pawed at the ground as if waiting for someone to come and tell him his rider was alright.

Myra felt warm. Her lungs once heavy and burning, struggling to move and bring oxygen in slowly began to loosen. She could see light behind her eyelids. Her breathing started in great heaving moments and as her body began to feel more normal it slowed and steadied.

Myra coughed and began to move in the bed. Her eyes opened and she found Anna May standing over her. “I...the spy he got away...had to.” She coughed a bit more. Her breathing was normal again and she pushed herself upright. “Thank you.”

She knew the dwarven woman healed her, had known she was doing poorly when she was on the road. “Truly Anna, thank you.” There was someone at the door of their tent. They were being summoned to Ephram's tent.

Myra sighed. She smelt of soot and ash but this couldn't wait.

She exited the tent, stopping at the stable to calm Owen. The horse rubbed his nose roughly into her shoulder. “I know, I know. I am sorry. I am fine my friend.” She stroked his nose. He was set for the night and Myra stood at the door of Ephram's tent. A deep breath and she entered.

He asked if anyone knew what happened. Myra relayed the story about him finding her, the ruse she used to get him talking, what she learned of why he was a spy and the information about the tunnel that he was carrying. She also stated that it was Mark who had set the fire in an effort to escape.

Her hands played with her braid. “I had to let him leave. He had family in danger and he was so desperate that there was no way to stop him.”


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Ephram nodded. "I am glad that you reported this information to me. This is not good. He is probably in the city right now. Our plans have just changed alot." Ephram shook his head. "I had hoped to take the city swiftly, with few casualties. Now, our only option is a concerted frontal assault. We have to break the siege." Ephram turned to Myra. "I need you to ride over to the elven camp. Tell their commander that our plans have changed, that we will assault their southern and eastern gates tomorrow." Ephram collapsed onto his bed. "The rest of you, get some rest. You will all need it."


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Character Portrait: Anna May Character Portrait: Myra Hannail Character Portrait: Ephram Character Portrait: Ashton Character Portrait: Rahl Mountainwalker
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Myra felt terrible. Following the spy had not gone the way anyone had hoped. Sure, they had learned a great deal and now tactics could be changed but she had found out the spy was doing so out of urgency and protecting his family, not maliciousness. The fact that he actually sided with Ephram made it almost unbearable.

Myra played with her braid as Ephram talked of changing to a frontal assault. She didn't know much about military tactics but that sounded more dangerous and with more chances for high casualty numbers than their previous plan. Myra dropped her braid as Ephram turned to face her.

"Elven it...." She stood there for a moment. "I should have something from you, so they don't think I am making it up. They don't know me and might think it is a ploy. Perhaps a letter with your mark? Something to prove that what I tell them comes from you?"

She felt guilty asking it of him as she watched Ephram lay out on his bed. He was clearly tired and there was still more to be done in the morning but she knew from experience she could not just walk into a camp and expect them to listen to her without proof of who sent her. He ordered the others to rest and Myra waited.


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Anna May sat there quietly, hand combing through her hair. She listened quietly. "I am not resting till' you rest sir." She said, rather firmly, hand on her mace. Her auburn eyes were set and it was obvious that she would not be swayed from her decision.


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Character Portrait: Anna May Character Portrait: Myra Hannail Character Portrait: Ephram
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Ephram nodded ad Myra. She was right. Tensions were high, and he could not afford to risk the elves not knowing about the changed plans because they had killed his messenger. Ephram removed the ring his father had given to him, the symbol of his authority, and, according to his father, the "Key to the salvation of our kingdom". Ephram shook his head at the second part. He got up from his bed, and gave the ring to Myra. "If anyone questions you, show them the ring. There is no other like it in this world." Ephram walked back to his bed. "Once you have explained our situation to the elves, you should consider resting at their camp. Night is the enemy's ally as much as it is our own. Godspeed." Ephram collapsed onto the cot. He was tired. He needed rest.


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Character Portrait: Anna May Character Portrait: Myra Hannail Character Portrait: Ephram
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Myra couldn't help but smile as Anna May proclaimed her desire not to rest until Ephram did. She had more bravery in her than some of the biggest warriors.

Myra paled a little when Ephram removed his ring and placed it in her hand. She had simply wanted a letter with his seal but based on the exhaustion on his face it was clear that this would be quicker. Myra backed towards the tent's entrance. “I will go, I will tell and be back first thing in the morning.”

She looked at the pair. “Rest well.”

Myra turned and pulling off her glove, slipped Ephram's ring onto her thumb. Pulling her glove on again she took off in a jog towards the stable.

Approaching the fence, Myra clicked her tongue. She heard Owen's nicker in response. “Sorry boy. Gotta go.” Climbing the fence she made her way across to where he was being kept. Releasing him and saddling him up, Myra opened the gate and led Owen out.

Smoothly she was astride his back in her saddle, heels at his sides. “Let's go.” Owen could sense the urgency and headed off at a slow run to the entrance of the camp. Myra nodded to the guards and as soon as he hit the open road Owen he began a full on run.

Myra hunkered down, sitting as low in the saddle as she could to and let Owen have free run. “You know the way...just get us there quickly. Things are too tense for us to be between the camps at night.”

It wasn't long before the pair entered a thicker part of the forest, forcing Owen to slow his gait. Myra watched the sides of the roads, knowing the elves would have scouts out to watch as people approached the camp. It wasn't long before she was rewarded for her observations.

Owen manoeuvred between some trees and stopped. Two elves stood there. “Your business?” There was the softest of noises behind her and a glance over her shoulder confirmed for Myra that two more elves stood there. There was no telling how many watched from the flora around her.

“I come on business for Ephram. I bring a message for your leader.” The faces looked at her, no emotion passing over them.

“Your proof?”

Myra slowly raised her hands, showing she was not armed. Removing her glove, Ephram's ring was clearly visible on her thumb. “I wear his ring as a sign of good faith. I have important information about a spy and compromised plans. It is urgent.”

One stepped forward and took Owen's reins. They were led into the camp. Myra slid out of her saddle and Owen was led away. The three others escorted the messenger to a tent. Myra took in the sights around vaguely, her attention was on her job. She was a good messenger for a reason.

A voice called out, bidding them enter, at least she assumed that is what it said. She was happy the scouts had spoken common. Myra silently prayed to whatever god would listen that they had a translator in the camp.

“I come with news from Prince Emphram....” Myra stepped into the tent.
It was over an hour later when Myra was taken from the one tent and led to another where she could sleep. She had told the elves everything she knew, from following the spy right to when Ephram had sent her to them. They listened, questioned and went over the orders for a frontal assault. Myra kept repeating what she knew, did not speculate or try to help. It was not her job. They talk amongst themselves,ignoring her and then would question her again. Again, Myra would repeat what Ephram told her.

Now, she laid her tired body out on the cot given to her and closed her eyes. Between the spy, the fire and the trip here, Myra's body was in desperate need of rest. Her sleep was sound, deep and undisturbed.

Early the next morning, Myra woke, exited her tent and began to inquire about Owen. Finally finding someone who understood her she was led to where he was held all night. She gave her thanks and as the sun fully rose, Myra was on the road back to Ephram's camp.

She arrived back into camp, most were up and having breakfast now. Myra left Owen in the pasture and headed towards Ephram's tent. A light wrap on the canvas and she waited for a response.


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Ephram had slept soundly through the night. He had woken at sunrise, and had finished putting his armor on when he heard a soft rapping at the entrance to his tent. "Come in." In walked Myra, looking rested. "Glad to see you back. What news do you bring?"


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Myra began to play with her braid. "Well I told the elves what I knew and about the change in plans. I repeated it a few times but they have finally agreed. There is talk that final strategy needs to be discussed before everyone moves out but they will be ready."

There was a silence in the tent. Myra shuffled her feet a little. There really wasn't much to tell. Ephram wanted the elves brought up to speed, to change the plan and they were. Her shoulders moved as she shrugged. "I am afraid that is all."

Pulling off her glove, Myra removed Ephram's ring. "There were no issues, one look at your ring and they believed me." She smiled. Obviously she had returned and was alive so the ring had worked. She held it out for him to take.

"If you don't need anything from me I would very much like to wash up before you start issuing orders for battle or moving out or whatever the next step is. I will of course be here for relaying orders for you between the different groups."

Myra assumed that with the number in both camps there would be a number of seperate factions. Messages might need to be relayed. She wondered again why she was still in the camp instead of back at headquarters waiting for her next regular job.

She couldn't complain much. She did prefer to be on the road, in the open. The issue was more Myra had never pictured herself in a camp about to go to war against the crown. Although depending on who you talked to Ephram was the crown. The whole thing made her head hurt.

She backed up towards the door of the tent slowly. "Give me time to clean up from the road and I will be ready." Myra waited for him to dismiss her.


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Ephram nodded, taking the ring and putting it back onto his finger. "Go wash up." Myra left, and Ephram followed her out of his tent. Ephram turned to one of the guards outside his tent. "Find Ashton for me." The guard nodded, then took off towards the training grounds.

About an hour later, Ephram stood in front of his assembled troops. He cleared his throat, and began to speak.
"You men and women have served me loyally, and for that I thank you. It was your courage that won us the battle at Tirea, your valor that carried us to victory at Felica. If it wasn't for your trust in me, our march here would've collapsed under constant Imperial attack. Now, I ask you to continue your efforts here at Florence. Our enemy has had time to fortify their walls and gates, and their men are well rested, but they fight for the wrong reasons! They fight because they are threatened by their superiors, but WE fight because we seek to right the wrongs that have been done to us! That is what shall carry today!" Ephram looked at a dwarf in the front row. "Guther, are the engines ready?" The dwarf nodded. "The catapults are loaded as per your orders, and the rams' wheels were oiled this morning." Ephram nodded, and looked to another soldier, this one a Kul'. "Raaffi, are your healers ready?" The Kul nodded silently.

At this, Ephram raised his spear into the air. The assembled men cheered, and began their final preparations for battle. Cavalry mounted their horses, engineers ran to their engines, mages, shaman and healers took a small sip of drink to calm their nerves. Ephram nodded to Ashton. She ran over to a group of magi, and spoke briefly with them.

The magi summoned an illusion, a mighty dragon that took to the sky, and flew over to the elven camp. A few minutes later, they walked over to Ephram. He raised his spear again, and the army marched out of the camp.


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Character Portrait: Anna May Character Portrait: Myra Hannail Character Portrait: Ephram
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Myra walked out of Ephram's tent. She reached down and grabbed her pack from the ground and headed off the the nearest spring. She needed to bathe and needed the time to prepare herself for what was to come. She walked out of the camp and into the forest.

Heading down she found the bank of the stream. Walking a little more, Myra found a secluded area and dropped her pack. Her clothes ended up in a pile as she stepped into the cold water. A gasp escaped as the temperature took her breath away but Myra fully submerged herself. The water rushed over her head and the world went quiet.

War was immanent. She knew that. Breaking the water's surface, Myra inhaled and ran her hands into her hair, pushing it away from her face.

Swimming, Myra took her time to let the dirt and dust of the hard rides fall away from her. Tired muscles and joints relaxed in the cold water. After a bit, Myra reluctantly made her way to the shore again. Stepping out she used her spare blanket to dry her body before donning her fresher set of clothing.

Once dressed she washed her dirty pair of clothes, watching the dust swirl in the water as it left the material. Laying the wet clothes out she let them begin to dry as she worked on her hair. The bone comb moved through the dark strands leaving them smooth and silky. Myra braided it tightly and tied it off.

Gathering her stuff she inhaled and steeled herself for the next step. The camp was a buzz. Everyone was preparing to head off. Myra headed off to find something to eat and then to check on Owen. Strapping his saddle and her bag on, Myra listened to Ephram's speech.

Cheers and banging of weapons sounded in the air. Myra led Owen out and then slid into the saddle. Riding him slowly through the crowd she placed him to the right behind Ephram. Giving the man a nod, she let him know she was ready to follow and for anything he might need her to do. A dragon, an illusion but a convincing one flew overhead.

The march began and Myra kept Owen at a steady pace. There was no need to wear the stallion out before the battle had even begun. There was no telling when and if Ephram would need her services.

Tension was thick in the air as the army marched out down the road and towards the capital. Myra wondered what had become of the spy and what would meet them once they arrived.

Her eyes scanned the figures around her searching for the dwarven woman. Surely Anna May had to be close by. Myra had gotten the sense that she wouldn't be far from Ephram's side.

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Northlands by RolePlayGateway

The frozen home of the Kul' Darin

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ephram
Character Portrait: Anna May
Character Portrait: Myra Hannail
Character Portrait: Ashton
Character Portrait: Rahl Mountainwalker
Character Portrait: Rickie


Character Portrait: Rickie


Character Portrait: Rahl Mountainwalker
Rahl Mountainwalker

A Kul'Darin earth shaman.

Character Portrait: Ashton

"You will pay. I swear it."

Character Portrait: Myra Hannail
Myra Hannail


Character Portrait: Anna May
Anna May

Who are you to judge the living and the dead?

Character Portrait: Ephram

"I am a royal thorn in my step-uncle's side."


Character Portrait: Anna May
Anna May

Who are you to judge the living and the dead?

Character Portrait: Ephram

"I am a royal thorn in my step-uncle's side."

Character Portrait: Rickie


Character Portrait: Ashton

"You will pay. I swear it."

Character Portrait: Myra Hannail
Myra Hannail


Character Portrait: Rahl Mountainwalker
Rahl Mountainwalker

A Kul'Darin earth shaman.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Anna May
Anna May

Who are you to judge the living and the dead?

Character Portrait: Rahl Mountainwalker
Rahl Mountainwalker

A Kul'Darin earth shaman.

Character Portrait: Rickie


Character Portrait: Ashton

"You will pay. I swear it."

Character Portrait: Myra Hannail
Myra Hannail


Character Portrait: Ephram

"I am a royal thorn in my step-uncle's side."

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Northlands by RolePlayGateway

The frozen home of the Kul' Darin

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Most recent OOC posts in Belenaria

Re: Belenaria

we carry on, unless anyone hates the idea of continuing without him.

Re: Belenaria

So what is the plan then? Do we keep going or do we drop the game?

Re: Belenaria

7achary has recently PMed me, informing me that he will no longer be able to participate in this RP.

Re: Belenaria

waiting for 7achary to post.

Re: Belenaria

Thanks. I replied.

I think that could've gone WAAAY better.

Re: Belenaria

I have edited my post appropriately.

Re: Belenaria

Should I wait to post then? At least till you guys get things clear?

Re: Belenaria

7, mark didn't throw the fireball. All he is doing is holding it.

Re: Belenaria

your explanation makes sense. posting.

Re: Belenaria

I believe Rahl is trying to find out from the guards at the road out of camp if anyone had left recently and which way they were headed. I think and 7 can correct me if I am wrong but Rahl is hoping to not go running off down a road without first asking the guards the rather important question of who has left and where were they headed.

The guards would respond that the courier, that being Myra and the man who is the spy both left recently, she first but both headed off towards the capital.

This would mean that Rahl would likely head off down that road, thus pulling up the rear and coming up on the spy from behind while Myra is watching for the spy to come down the road.

Re: Belenaria

sorry. trying to figure out what 7achary was trying to do with his post. it makes my head hurt.

Re: Belenaria

Anyone? Hello?


Re: Belenaria

Alright, posted. Bring on the spy. :)

Re: Belenaria

It is fine Marine. Life gets busy. I will wait till chocolate posts before I post again. Give her a few days :)

Re: Belenaria

Once Again, I am sorry about my inactivity. I have so many things going on. Projects, choir, social activity, and the ever-present finals. Actually meant to post, but it deleted and I just kinda raged out. I'm back now.

Re: Belenaria

Alright, so I guess we can each post with what we do for our part of the plan? Get it moving? I know Anna May might stay close to Ephram but maybe have her set up alone so you aren't linked to his character?

Re: Belenaria

We pretty much already have a plan, we could just implement it with our characters. Everyone in different spots, so we can each do our thing without god modding anyone's characters.

Re: Belenaria

Sorry for the double I assume Marine is very busy with real life and such. We need him to post to move forward I imagine. Thoughts here though on maybe how we want to pull off this little game of catch the spy? Marine, do you plan on playing the spy or would you like one of us to take the lead on that?

Thoughts from any and all? Assuming we are all still here of course.

Re: Belenaria

Apologies for the short post. I wanted to get the information out but not assume/pull others along into the tent too much.

Re: [OOC] Belenaria

I slept all Tuesday and I'm packing tonight. I'll be on a bus for a few days then I will post, I promise.