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Rhiannon Prinsloo

"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

0 · 939 views · located in California

a character in “Beverly Hills High School”, originally authored by uniquest, as played by RolePlayGateway







"There's a little bit of devil in her angel eyes."











Full Name
Jacqueline Rhiannon Prinsloo
"Almost everyone knows me as 'that one girl that seems to fuck everything up whilst not seeming to give a damn'. I kinda have a reputation at this school."

Rhiannon (common; liked) Jackie (family only) Coco (Rarely; accepted) Hookah (rarely; adored) Babe (friends; adored) HHS fuck-up (explains Jacqueline in 1 word) Prinsloo (used by the authority and shit, sometimes A & B listers) YG Blood (sometimes)
"I've got more nicknames than I can count. Some of which are based on my exotic personality i.e, hhs fuck-up, coco, young blood .. though hookah would have to be my ultimate fav. Others, like rhiannon, jackie, babe, and prinsloo are some of the generic ones."

Date of Birth
October 31, 1997
"Pretty fucking weird how I was born on Halloween. If i'm not some sort of sinister I don't know what is."

Zodiac Sign
"Don't assume you know me by what you heard. I grow daily. Your source might have outdated information."

45% Namibian //18% Welsh // 20% Dutch // English 17%
" helped a lot. You should try it."

Bisexual; Heteroflexible
"I'm not into labels. As long as you have two eyes and two legs, I really don't give two shits."

Sexually Active?
Must you ask [???]
"Do you even know who you're asking? Jacqueline Rhiannon Prinsloo. C'mon, I've lost my virginity at the age of thirteen. Sex defines me, well, not in a slutty type of way. I can tell you that I'm not a slut. I'm just.. unstable. A fuck-up. A bitch that fucks everything up. As I was saying, sex is great. Sex,sex,sex. I'm pretty sure that's the only thing going on in the minds of today's generation of teens."

Relationship Status
"Though I've had numerous boyfriends, I'm not ready to settle down. I just don't do committed relationships. They're waste of time. You only live once, do it by living wisely."



How old does he/she appear
Fairly young; early twenties i.e, 20-22
"I look my age, if not just a tad bit older. Prob somewhere in the early twenties. It helps when I'm sneaking into clubs and shit."

"It sucks know that I'm getting older. It seems just yesterday I spoke my first words: Vagina. Ever since then my parents knew that I was a Devils' child. Haha, I'm just curious of what they think of me now."

5 ft 8 in or 173 cm
"I'm like a walking Empire State building if you ask me."

51 kg or 112.5 lbs
"I have one helluva high metabolism. Believe me, if I didn't I'll be one fat ass. Just saying."

32-24-34 in or 81-61-87 cm

Bra Size
"Sadly, I have no tits which is why I'm thinking of getting a boob-ey transplant. I don't know. If my father ever approves of it."

Dress Size
4 (US) or 34 (EU)

Body Build
Ectomorphic; slim, skinny like sticks w/ long legs
"I eat so much, it's redonkulous. My mother always told me that my weight is going to come back and bite me in the ass- literally. But oh fucking well, McDonalds is life.. yolo. That's my motto."

Shoe Size
8.5 (US) or 39 (EU) or 6 (UK)

Shape of face
"I have a square-ish looking face; the typical bony jawline, forehead, cheekbones, and jawline are almost the same width.."

Distinguishable Marks-Tattoos?
Tattoos- x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x
"I remember when I first asked my dad if I can get a tattoo and he said yes, but what he really wasn't expecting was for his daughter to come home with twelve tattoos; all in different areas around my body. He was pissed! But I soon explained to him that memories are forever, tattoos are permanent. The inspirational speech didn't seem to help, otherwise I still wouldn't be grounded."

Physical Disabilities
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, "ADHD";A chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.
"If you have not noticed though I'm pretty sure you have by just looking at me, I do have ADHD, and I'm not afraid to say so. I'm very hyper, always jittery, and on the constant move. I can almost never stay in one place for so long. I just can't. I like moving around, jumping, skipping, whatever it takes to control my hyperness. However, I do take stimulants two-three times a day, but we all know that it barely works."

Eye Color
Hazel; blue
"My eyes are practically mysterious."

Glasses or Contacts
Yes; reading glasses

Tann-ish, white

Hair Color
Blonde; ombrรฉ


"I usually let my hair express itself; however, if I'm not lazy I might just spice it up a bit. It all depends."

"I have an dark, edgy type of clothing style that defines me in so many ways. I usually like to stay away from bright colors."

Accessories or Jewelry
Barely- beanies, dark shades, gauges; depends what she's wearing.
"I barely where any jewelry or accessories. The closest you'll see me wearing is a beanie and dark shades. I was never a huge fan of bangles and stuff, however, i love gauges. Though if I was wearing a certain outfit that is in need of excessive jewelry, i'll wear it no problem."

Standard Outfit/s

["You don't know what to expect of me generally when it comes to a certain outfit. Tomorrow I may even come to school wearing a onesie if I feel like it. My clothes are just very edgy and comfy."

Overall Attractiveness
"I don't want to brag, but I'm pretty hot. I'd date myself if I was ever up for it."



Grade Point Average
four point eight [4.8]
"Wait for it...wait for it..BOOM! A four point eight grade point average. See, I'm not as retarded as you think I am. I'm in advance classes, I get good grades, well, only when I actually try and we all know that's less likely to happen. Cheating does pay off i guess. Ha! I'm kidding. My good grades are all on me. And Casper Hopkins as well. Cool kidd, cool kidd. He's got a bright future ahead of him. I'm being the least bit sarcastic."

Drives and Motivations
Her exotic personality
"Y'know, I've been told so many times that I have a very... interesting personality and that I'm always fun to hang out. I actually use my personality to motivate me through tough times. My personality is what gets noticed, it's what separates me from basically being normal because no one wants to be normal. Normal's boring, and I'm not the type of girl to be caught up with boredom. Generally, I like to have fun."

Immediate Goals
"Growing up I have always dreamed about working for the Circus. However, I've grown up, partially. And if you haven't noticed, I have an interest in music, the development of music, making music, music in general has always been my thing. When I graduate I want to work in the record industry, in dreams of producing my works. I'm really not a big fan of actually going to college. I'm not like my brothers. That's not what I want to do."

Long Term
"Hopefully by then I'll be a famous musician and record producer. I'll travel the world, see new things, explore. I have not found if I'm willing to marry anyone by that chance or even have children. It's never been in my interest. I like to spread my wings and soar. I can't be tied down all the time. I like running solo on things most of the time."

How the character plans to accomplish these goals
"Well, no matter how much I hate the general idea, i guess I'll stay in school, I can tell you that. Get my education. Blah, blah, then I'll break the news to my parents that I have zero interest in going to college, and of course that'll break their little sympathetic hearts, but they'll get over it eventually. Then, I'll pack my bags and start my music career. Whether or not I'll have the support of my parents."

Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? Twenty years?
"Living under a bridge with a hobo named Kevin. Ha! I'm kidding. I see myself living the dream as a famous musician with the support of adoring fans. I'll be single of course, no children. And, yeah. I'll travel a lot."



Beatboxing [x]; making music in general
"What most people don't know is that I can actually beatbox. And it's funny because what is a skinny, five feet eight inch white girl from new york be beatboxing? I'm actually really good at it. At least that's what I like to think. It takes skills to accomplish something as difficult as beatboxing. It isn't easy I can tell you that. You have to have rhythm, and you have to explore sound with you mouth. But in general making music is what I do best. It's a well-known talent of me."

Plays a musical instrument?
Yes; vocals [x]-[x]-[x], drums [x], acoustic guitar [x]
"I enjoy singing. I sing every were from showers to in my car.. I sing whenever and wherever possible. I think my parents are getting tired of it. The best thing that happened to my singing career is that I even got to sing a duet with Pharrell Williams [x]. Other than singing, I can play the drums and the guitar fairly well. Not better than Caspian I can tell you that, but I'm getting there gradually, but surely. I have less rhythm in my hands. "

Plays a sport?
Yes; captain and striker for the girls' varsity soccer team
"I give my soccer team my full dedication in leading them to victory this year. I'll give them my full support and be the best teammate to them as I can be. I'm not setting up for losing this year. Other than soccer, I really don't have any sport that I'm interested in. I have yet to figure out if I want to try out for the swim team later in the year."

Spending habits
"I have a really bad addiction to Starbucks, as I'm often told. I drink about five Caramel Macchiatos' in a day. I don't just want coffee, I need it. How else am I suppose to stay fully awake during all my classes? It's very important that I am stoked with some type of caffeine beverage, I even have a doctor's note explaining my condition. I don't know what else I'm supposed to say, besides the fact that I just love coffee."

Often to rarely
"Let's be honest- I'm not a crack head like my friend Caspian. I rarely even smoke pot with him, and most of the time is because he doesn't want to be the only one. He needs company or some shit. I don't know. What I do know is that I don't always smoke. Smoking always leave my breath with this tangy very rancid taste in my mouth that is always unflattering. It's provoking."

"Oh, yeah. I drink though it depends on the type of alcohol we're talking about. I don't drink beer [x] nor I'll drink hennessy [x] because last time I drank that, I was leaning of the toilet puking up a storm for hours and hours on. Therefore, I try my best to stay as far away as possible from the overly heavy drinks. I'm not looking forward to getting a hang-over. Like I said, I drink, but expecially vodka [x], it's my favorite."

"Do you really need to ask this? I mean come on.."



Greatest Joys In Life
Her eyebrows
"Yeah, everyone knows that I have the best eyebrows at BHHS- in all of Beverly Hills to put it simply- eyebrows on fleek. Believe me when I say that they're NATURAL. Some fake ass bitches take the attempts to get their eyebrows this thick, but I'm sorry honey makeup ain't gonna work. I grew up with fabulous eyebrows, and that's a fucking blessing that I'm going to cherish for the rest of my sinner days..."

Greatest Fear
Growing old


Life Philosophy/s
"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
- Walter Bagehot

"We're all just stories in the end so make it a good one, eh?"
- The eleventh doctor

"Be a Fruitloop in a world full of Cheerios."


"Jacqueline Rhiannon Prinsloo brings nothing but smiles to Beverly Hills High. From her good looks to her enigmatic personality, it seems hard to resist her. Though most love her, others scold her for being so different from the world. She doesn't believe in fairy-tales, marrying She your one true love thus having a happy ending in the end. No, Rhiannon believe that there's more to it than just living the life that everyone expects you to live. She recalls that life is a journey, with problems to solve, lessons to learn, but most of all, experiences to enjoy. Life to her is nothing, but a never ending mystery.

Rhiannon has the confidence-span that only goes on in on. She's a confidence girl. She's not afraid to voice her opinions, or say what's on her mind whether or not it'll be appropriate. Confidence is key to doing the unknown that you had no idea you'll be doing. She would even come to school wearing only her bra and panties; if she could, she would. She's a bold individual. Her confidence and courageousness borders between being a good thing, to being narcissistic.

The next thing people often notice at first hand is Rhiannon's witty side. She is humorous even when she's trying not to be. She knows how to crack a smile out of someone by only quirking her eyebrows. It's difficult being in a bitchy mood around her because she always knows how to break you. Rhiannon is a great girl. Nothing can bring her down. She's always on the move that makes it harder to keep up with her.



Favorite color/s
Purple, Black
"I'm a huge fan of both purple and black."

Least color/s
Bright, Exotic colors
"To put it simply- I fucking hate rainbow colors, like orange, green, yellow.. Not to sound like I'm emo or anything, but why the hell they gotta be so damn bright? We know what color you are, you don't have to go blinding everyone. I don't know. I just hate really really bright colors, it gives me anxiety."

"I don't have a favorite genre of music I generically listen to. I like to expand the varieties, or just listen to the 'Today's Hit Radio'. The upbeat, pop is mostly my thing. "

McDonald's [x] and McDonald's [x] only
"I know that this is a big no-no for models, but who fucking cares? Mickey D is hella good. If I can- I'd eat it 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 7 days of the week, 12 months in a year.. Everyday. My mom hates it when I try to stuff my face, but I can't help myself. The best part though is finding extra fries at the bottom of the bag; that's fucking life right there."

Ermm. Does Dr. Suess [x]count?
"Psh! Reading? I do can do that. The last time I read was six. Six years ago. Or maybe it was seven... Honestly, I'm not really a big fan of reading. Reading is useless. I'm not and never will be addicted to it reading. I can quit every time I read the very first line, and that was the title."

Form/s of entertainment
American Horror Story [x], Watching Mtv; Awkward [x], Girl Code [x], Social media; Vine-[x], Twitter-[x], Tumblr-[x], Instagram-[x], Youtube-[x], Partying, and Modelling
"I hardly watch television,




What was your Childhood Like?
Normal; supportive
"Like any other teenager, my childhood was practically normal. I have two loving parents, two older brothers, an older sister, and a young sister. With a family of seven, life couldn't get any better for us. My parents often supported us. My siblings often annoyed me. We were indeed the average 'American family'."

Childhood Hero or Idol
Madonna [x]

Dream Job
Musician and Record Producer

Schools Attended
Pre-K - Little Red SchoolHouse NYC [x], Elementary (K-5) - Trinity School [x], Middle & Freshman (6-9) - Horace Mann School [x], High School (9-12) -Hollywood High School [x]
"My parents had sent me to some of the most elite schools in the United States though I never understood why. Hollywood High is probably the first and only diversity I've ever went to."

Currently Living With?
Both parents and four siblings
"I live with both parents and four siblings all together."

Destiny's Golden Retriever (Maximus "Maxx") boy gender, alive- [x]; Siberian Husky German Shepard mix (Lucky, prior to his luckiness) boy gender, alive -[x]; Siberian Husy (Maisie) girl gender, alive- [x]; Russian Blue Cat (LuLu) female gender- [x]; Beagle (Belle) girl gender, alive- [x]; Texel guinea pig (Professor Smittenwell) boy gender, alive- [x]; Palomino Quarter Horse (Aladdin), boy gender, alive- [x]; American Saddle back (Chestnut), boy gender, alive- [x]

Part-time model for TeenVogue [x] and Seventeen magazine [x] full-time student at HHS
"When I'm not at school. I mostly modelling for magazines and the like. I usually don't start my modeling until during the summer because my parents don't want it interfering with my school work. My salary is about 50 dollars an hour or so."

Filthy Rich
"As a surgeon and a part-time realtor, I would say that my mom makes around 800,000 per year plus that of 500,000 in investment. My dad; however, makes around 37-80 thousand a year just as a traveling agent, but as a lawyer he make about an average salary of over 400,000 per year. Both of my parents are exceedingly wealthy pupils. They both had recently been nominated as one of the few top billionaires in the United States. "

Address:3331 Clerendon Rd
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Nestled serenely in the private Mulholland Estates, this elegant 6-bedroom, 6-bath tennis court estate is a perfect California lifestyle home with a luxurious indoor/out living flow for entertaining. Grand formal foyer and living room with soaring high ceilings and double height windows. Gourmet kitchen opens up to cozy family room, wood paneled office/library, formal dining room. All French doors open up to unique patios/fountains surrounding the home. Secluded backyard luxuriates in a resort-style setting. Beautiful views from the balconies, veranda, heated pool/spa. Gym located adjacent to the N/S tennis court. Impeccable attention to detail throughout. This home is truly a must see. Owner holds California real estate license.

Front view, Front Door
Sitting Room
Living Area
Dining Area
Breakfast Area
Office Area
Laundry Room
Master bedroom (Parents' bedroom) w/ master bathroom and closet
Destiny's bedroom w/ closet and bathroom
Thomas' OLD bedroom w/ closet and bathroom
Matt's OLD bedroom w/closet and bathroom
Rhiannon's bedroom w/closet and bathroom
Behati's bedroom w/closet and bathroom
Home gym
Home Theatre
Tennis Court
Pool w/ hot tub & spa


Catherine's black 2015 lexus ls
George's 2016 acura rdx and silver 2015 lamborghini aventador
Matt's white 2015 ferrari f12 berlinetta
Thomas' black 2016 porsche 911
Rhiannon's silver 2014 vanquish Aston Martin and Ducati Diavel
Behati's baby blue 2016 fiat 500

New York City, NY


Father || George Prinsloo || 43 || Lawyer and Traveling Agent || Currently Alive

Mother|| Catherine Prinsloo || 38 || Surgeon and Realtor|| Currently Alive
Relationship: "."

Brother || Thomas Prinsloo|| 24 || Stanford college student || Currently Alive
Relationship: "."

Brother || Matt Prinsloo|| 20 || UCLA college student || Currently Alive
Relationship: "."

Sister || Behati "Bea" Prinsloo || 16 || HHS Student || Currently Alive
Relationship: "."

Sister || Destiny Prinsloo || 6 || Elementary Student || Currently Alive
Relationship: "."



Spent the summer how?
Ask her sister, Bea
"Wanna know what I did over the summer? Ask Bea. I was so wasted I hardly remember, HA! I'm just kidding. But seriously, ask my sister.."

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Senior [12th]
"Senior quote: I want to thank Google, Wikipedia, and whoever invented copy and paste. I'm out bitches!"

"I am my own brand of bad ass, love me or hate me... I can walk past your ass as if you evaporated out of thin air."

Place on the Social Ladder
The B-Listers

Are you happy?
Most Definitely
"Hellz, yah. We got young blood baby!"

If you could be apart of any other clique which would it be? Why?
"Are you shitting me? Us rebels have most of the fun at BHS because rebellion is the only thing that keeps you alive. "

This may or may not be a secret as i'm sure everyone knows what I'm capable of- a rebel without a cause. Anyhow, I just wanna put that out their that I slept with a girl last year, no strings attached. I was just a little intoxicated, or maybe a lot.. we weren't in control of what we were doing, as most teenagers are. It was fun though, fucking was pretty fun; exhilarating be it girl or not."

Do you plan on joining a club or sport this year?
Yes; captain of the girls' soccer team and varsity center-mid fielder, advertising manager of the Highlights.
"Honestly- I'm not that big on participation. Why should I be anyway? My after school activity revolves in sleeping; however, my counselor and every other fucking adult in this whole fucking planet just had to think that it'd be best if me, Jacqueline Rhiannon Prinsloo, join an extra curricular activity. That's just fucking bonkers!"

Best Subject

Worst Subject

01- Visual Communication Design- Advanced
02- Photo Art- Advanced
03- English 8
04- American Government & Economics
05- Physiology
06- Physical Education (Soccer 1st Semester) (Basketball 2nd)
07- Probability/ Statistics
08- Film/ Cinema
09- Lunch


โ€ข Username - uniquest
โ€ข Timezone - Pacific Time (PT)
โ€ข How Often Do You Post - I am mostly always here; however, considering that I have school and all, I'd try to at least do a quick log in and out just to read up on the posts and post whenever I'm able to. :)
โ€ข Excreta- I'm an Honer student, so most of the time I won't be able to post exceedingly.

So begins...

Rhiannon Prinsloo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaliyah Jauregui Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill Character Portrait: Bradley Arthurs Character Portrait: Tristan Elliot Character Portrait: Fabian Ashdown Character Portrait: Friedrich von Kรถning
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0.00 INK

F A B I A N__A S H D O W N

August 1st, and instead of basking in the glory of the Los Angeles sun, Fabian instead found himself in bleak and bleary Scotland, ankle deep in mud and grass and hunting fucking grouse. His father stood somewhere at his back, having a chat with Prince Charles and the Duke of Norfolk, while packs of hunting hounds sniffed about at their feet.

Once in a while, a bird would be spotted, and there would be a scramble for triggers and the cracking of guns. Normally, he'd be right in the middle of the fray, rifle aimed and finger hovering over the trigger, but today, he decided to stand back and watch.

And if he had a scowl on his face the entire time, well, nobody cared to point it out.

He wasn't sulking. He's too dignified for that (or at least that's what he believes). He just wasn't in the mood for killing fat, defenceless animals just because his esteemed father thought it would be a wonderful idea to go hunting eleven fucking days before the start of grouse season, andโ€”coincidentallyโ€”on the very day of his flight back to Los Angeles. Tristan Elliot's party was also that night, which irked him even more because he'd already picked out the perfect outfit a week before.

That's one flight canceled and one perfectly good outfit wasted. Thank you, father, for your magnificent timing.
โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• โ•โ•
Sighing, Fab took his phone out of his pocket, pulled up Snapchat, and snapped a few quick pics:

There he was, looking dapper in a bespoke charcoal grey hunting coat, his rifle nestled at the crook of his arm and a mop of curls sticking out of a beagling cap that he quickly coloured purple.

'purple for pride right? ;)'

Then another with Prince Charles laughing in the background with a hand on his father's shoulder.

'sorry can't go, hunting w/ royalty x'

And lastly, the vast emptiness of the Scottish moors. Andโ€”to his surprise and amusementโ€”Prince Harry at the very right, making kissy faces at the camera. Oh yeah, the girls are definitely going to love that one. He thought as he typed out a quick caption. He then hit 'add to stories' and sent it to the Royals and whoever else he considered relevant.

'harry sends his love xxx'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karina Montalvo Character Portrait: Lateefah Walker Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill Character Portrait: Tristan Elliot Character Portrait: Angelina Etxeberria-Rivera Character Portrait: Fabian Ashdown
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0.00 INK

A A L I Y A H ~ J A U R E G U I
"And this is why you're not in FIDM."

Location|| Beverly Center Mall
iPod|| Control by Halsey
Mood|| Unimpressed


Aaliyah scrolled through her Instagram feed idly as Deanna went to go try on her selection and Shailene was still rummaging around in the store. Dolce & Gabana was not her favorite place to be, not that she didn't appreciate the art of the place, and so Aaliyah was very certain she wasn't going to find anything that she would want here. So, she had no need to look. Besides, the others needed their outfits. She was certain about what she was going to wear considering the fact that she planned on taking the dress off the second she got to Tristan's. In the middle of that train of thought, she received the notification from Fabian about not being able to attend.

While some of the others might have literally gone crazy when Fabian had initially been introduced, Aaliyah had just shrugged off his family's title and simply introduced himself. Not that she didn't take his title seriously, but he was a student still. He was just another kid in a building filled with kids and she saw no need to suck up to him. She saw no need to suck up to anyone and Fabian was cool enough. She liked his style, that was for sure. But at the moment, all she could feel was sorry for him. The last place Aaliyah herself would ever want to be on a day like this is somewhere where the sky was gray when she knew damn well LA was going to be bright and sunny. No amount of hanging with actual royalty would make her feel better about that situation.

To: Fab
Ur sure we don't need 2 send a rescue party? Make up some random excuse?

Just as she sent that text, Aaliyah received the notification about Tim's message and snap and was going to answer but Deanna came out of the changing room in a horrendous (if you asked Aaliyah, anyway) dress. Shailene remained silent on Aaliyah's left, but Aaliyah's raised brow spoke volumes for the both of them. "What about this one?" Shailene would have spoke, but Aaliyah cut in quickly. "Sure, if the plan was to dress like it was your last night on the Titanic back in 1912." The cut didn't fit the tall girl, the color did not complement her tanned skin, and the whole look in general looked stiff and unappealing. Granted, Deanna hadn't been shopping for today's look, but as many times as the two of them had been seen together, Aaliyah would not be caught dead beside one of her friends in some outfit like that.

Her input taken into consideration (since Deanna pouted her way back to the dressing room and Shailene snickered off in another direction), Aaliyah returned her attention to her phone to see what Tim was talking about. Only to bite her lip slowly to one, keep a chuckle from escaping but also not to make any other sound of surprise...because...he's not fair. The snap of him shirtless was not fair and he was being a tease when she had been trying to be nice about the "unwanted" sibling and she had the right mind to send something back. She could have, but as she bit her lower lip again, decided against it. He wanted a show for tonight. She'll give him one.

To: Tim
Cute show. Hope u can put ur money where ur mouth is.

To: Riley text. No welcome back. No nothing? Rlly?

L A T E E F A H ~ W A L K E R
"Chill. She's just Kylie Jenner."
Location || En route to Beverly Center
IPod || Me & My Girls by Fifth Harmony
Mood || Excited


Lateefah grinned in glee once she and Karina separated and waved off her best friend's compliment with a laugh. Not that she didn't know she looked good or anything like that, but still. Her smile waned just a little when Karina rushed for them to not hold the others up and her brain was quick with wanting to respond with, Them bitches can wait, but she didn't say it. Instead, the two girls headed towards the vehicle with Karina climbing into the backseat and Lateefah reclaiming her driver's seat. She gave a warning glance to Bella who hadn't even done anything, but Lateefah knew that out of the others, Bella was the mouthiest and she would be real quick to kick the skinny bitch out of her car if she said one rude thing to her friend.

Which was why she was grateful that Tori was the first to interact with Karina. "Last I checked, she was. Pretty sure Aaliyah said something about it on her Instagram." She said, pulling her phone out to see if she could find said post. Chanel hummed thoughtfully before grinning, scooting over for the tiny brunette. "Which brings me back to the argument last week. I'm still marrying Rob. It's decided." Bella stuck her finger in her mouth as if she was about to force herself to barf and Tori's nose wrinkled. Lateefah chuckled before peeling away from the curb and driving down the road. "Okay, ew! Second, it's Kylie Jenner. At the end of the day, I'm not starstruck over some chick who honestly hasn't done much. If she is a student or isn't, it honestly doesn't matter at this point." Lateefah didn't have a problem with Kylie, liked the family name and all, but Kylie was still Kylie. And that was a Kylie her mom would never permit her to hang out with even if the youngest of the Kardashian-Jenner clan decided to become Mother Teresa over night.

After a few minutes of perousing through her online shopping link via her phone, Bella glanced back at Karina with a grin. "Soooo...what color are you wearing, Karina?" Lateefah glanced back at her best friend through the rear view mirror with a bright smile. "Oooooh, red. Definitely red, maybe pink and red."

T R I S T A N ~ E L L I O T
"Man, this party's about to be sick."

Location|| His Residence
iPod|| GDFR by Flo Rida (Theory K Remix)
Mood|| Excited


By the time Tristan heard the roar of an engine in his driveway, he had already decided upon wearing orange for gluttony instead of being the stereotypical blue for lust like Aaliyah thought he would be. It was a split second decision, but with his stuff spread out on his bed, he had walked back to the kitchen and began preparing his own lunch like Tim. Well, at least, he was preparing it. Tim had staff to do that and Tristan knew he could get that if he wanted to, but it honestly wasn't necessary. A cheesy chicken and bacon melt sandwich wasn't a hard thing to make and as he let the pan cool on the stove before he placed it in the dishwasher, Tristan scooped up one half of his sandwich with paper towel and went to open the door. Friedrich had already rung the bell and he didn't want to keep the guy waiting outside.

"Hey, man. Wassup? How was your summer?" He greeted and let the Royal male inside. Lexi came poked her head out of the kitchen, but then went back to drinking her water. No surprise there. Once she got used to certain people's scents, it was a wrap. Unless you were one of her faves, she didn't always come out to greet you. A very decisive dog, his mom had joked once, but Tristan just saw her as another one of his girls. She was just as picky about her people as both Aaliyah and his own mother. As he led Fritz to the downstairs lounge and man cave areas since both had the video game systems, he nodded towards the bar and miniature fridge. "Want anything to drink or something? I invited Tim, but he might be over a bit later." While Tristan normally told his friends that they basically lived in his house and that they could raid his stuff on their own, spending time with his mother two weeks ago brought out his manners and well...there they were. Taking a bite of his sandwich, he also sent a text to a few friends.

To: Rhia, Cas, Angel
None of u r allowed 2 skip my shit. I'm cuttin mofos if u do