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Blood Money



a part of Blood Money, by lovemebroken.

Belrose is a large island off the cost, it's only has one entrance in and out of the city. Which is the bridge, Belrose is the perfect city for the Mafia to hide, which is why they do, although the do business all over the world, and are feared.

lovemebroken holds sovereignty over Belrose, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,568 readers have been here.


The City Belrose

Upper East Belrose

West Belrose

Rosebrooke High School

Some Of Upper East Belrose Homes

The Bosses Office

The Warehouse
(Where most of the contraband is kept, faces the ocean)
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Belrose is a large island off the cost, it's only has one entrance in and out of the city. Which is the bridge, Belrose is the perfect city for the Mafia to hide, which is why they do, although the do business all over the world, and are feared.


Belrose is a part of Blood Money.

11 Characters Here

Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco [22] "We were both dropped on our head as babies. That should explain everything."
Adrianna VanCamp [19] I'm not a demon but I sure as hell am not a Angel
Bambi Da'Marco [16] Dont fuck with me sweetheart, you dont know who my daddy is.
Adrian VanCamp [16] "Just stay away from my family, and we'll get along just fine."
Vinny Da'Marco [13] "Yeah I have money, but my life ain't any fucking easier."
Ethan Crowe [12] Call me a hitman, contract killer, hired killer, or hired gun. At the end of the day, no matter wnat you call me, I'm still the guy who just killed you for money.
River Holstone [9] "Please... lets not do this in front of the children"
Carrie Delfavero [7] "Hey! just don't get yourself killed okay"
Aubrey RavenWood [4] "Yea,so,I'm rich get over it."
Faina Mariya Zarya [2] Mother Russia has trained me well

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Adrian just nodded and yawned a little his eye's surveyed the crowd resting on his sister, "my guess two hours minimum... Or more." he looked back at Daniella as she texted her friend back. "Hey no need to apologize." he put his hand in his pockets and frowned. "But I'm not sure if I'll stay for dinner... I have three good excuse's to 'leave.' I mean what's there to do here?"


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Danny was smiling at Gio in that annoying way that said “Ooooh you have a girlfriend, I’m so going to use this against you”. You know, that smile sisters give their brothers when they now have something to tease you about? Yeah, that one. A house worker came up to her then and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Mam, one of your friends is at the door…” he whispered to her. She looked at him curiously but confused all the same. “What do you mean my friend? None of my friends would come here, they have other plans…”

“Yes, well, a young lady is at the door and she… well, she looks like what your usual friends look like.” He whispered then winced as he noticed his mistake.

Danny’s eyes glazed over in ice as she steadily and coldly looked at the man. She no longer held her loose relaxed posture; instead she stood straight, rigid and imposing. It may not have been much due to her rather small stature compared to the man but she was a Da’Marco, if she stood that way, she was bound to look menacing. “And pray tell, what do my friends normally look like?” The man gulped and took a step back but she matched him with a step forward. “Go on, say it.” She ordered him harshly. “Like vagabonds…” he whispered.

Danny was a pretty mellow person, not so much like her brother Giovanni but close. Still, if there was one thing she wasn’t mellow about it was her friends being hurt, betrayed or insulted. She smiled a sickingly sweet smile at him before dumping the rest of her drink on his head. “You can take that as a sign of your lack of a job from now on.” She leaned in and yelled in his ear, “Now who’s a vagabond, huh?” Then just because she could she whispered, “I’m going to make your life a living hell. You see that man over there, he’s my father. Do you know what he does to men who touch his little girls?”

His eyebrows raised and he gulped. “B-but I haven’t touched a-a-any of y-you?”

“Yeah, well, who do you think he’s going to believe?” she asked sweetly. He staggered back and she glared at him as he retreated. Taking a deep breath, she remembered the whole reason he’d come to her and she made her way to the door without a glance toward the VanCamp siblings or her brother. Danny wasn’t often mean or evil but when she was she was often embarrassed if it ever happened when her family or friends were around. Opening the door she noticed a girl there. She appraised her clothes and smiled even though the guy had mistaken her for one of her friends. “Man that sucks. I wish I could wear pants; mom would bust a blood vein if I did though. Love your look though.” She said her voice friendly and light; a very big contrast to the one she’d used with the guy before. She motioned her hand for the girl to come inside.


Giovanni laughed at Adrianna’s question but answered anyway, “I wish it would end now but we still have dinner and then a bit more.” He shook his head. “Though I’m not really sure I can last that long; people will probably leave before that. I might just shoot myself.” He muttered. He looked to where she was looking at before shaking his head in bewilderment. “I have no idea… You think they’re using some of the stuff they’re dealing? I never pegged mom like that…” he said but wasn’t really serious about the drug thing. He smiled at her to show her this then noticed Danny talking with one of the house workers… or more like arguing.

He frowned and tried to hear what they were saying but Danny was whispering mostly so he had no idea what was going on. When she poured her drink over him he jolted slightly in place. Danny wasn’t one to… humiliate people publically or at all. She must have a reason. She has to. He watched them a bit surprised and then watched silently as she walked off. Blinking he coughed uncomfortably as the surrounding people began to murmur about his sisters actions.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Faina Mariya Zarya
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~Faina Mariya Zarya~

Faina gave a nod straightening up standing at her almost 6 foot tall height. She was a hard one to miss in a place that she was. if it was not for her height it was the way she talked....if not for that it was the violin that she always had with her. walking in side she looked around some no emotion coming a cross her face it was if it was carved from ice. "You have...very lovely home yes." that heavy Russian accent showing she was long ways from home. She moved the gift bag to her other hand. "is your host of party here?" Faina was meaning Danny's father and mother but was unsure how to ask. She held the bag in a some what lazy way. She was unsure of what to say or do at this point and that kind of showed. Her other hand griped tightly at the violin case that was something that she would not leave her side.

"I am Faina" She moved the gift bag back to her hand with the Violin so she could hold a free hand out to Danny. "I am honored to have invite to holiday get together"


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Daniella smiled at the girls compliment. “Thanks, I’d wish it was a bit smaller. It has so many unused rooms we hardly use. Still, it is a piece of work…” she trailed off looking at her own house. It was true, the place was huge and could hardly be called a house. More like a mansion. Still, it was her home. The place she grew up in and was raised and it would always be just that to her. She turned back to the girl and smiled again. “Oh, well, you could say I’m one of the host here since I’m their daughter.”
she rolled her eyes but laughed slightly. “Well, if you mean my parents, their sort of mingling with their crowd you know? Um, over there.” She said pointing over to her parents in the middle of a bunch of old rich men and ladies.
“Oh, I’m Daniella but you can call me Danny if you like.” She said as she took Faina’s hand in her own and gave it a good strong handshake. “I’m glad you’re honored. You’ll probably change your mind after a while, it boring in there.” She laughed and shrugged eyeing the violin case. “You play?” she asked curiously.


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~Faina Mariya Zarya~

"big homes some times feel empty and yet small homes some times feel to full ether way home is home." Faina studied every thing that she could see, the colors the art the why things where set up. She had a respect for nice thing but where she lived was nothing like this, the way she lived was nothing like this. On top of it this was the first time she was not travailing.

Faina gave a nod to Danny "I should give to parents but the seem busy I leave some where with note" She returned the firm hand shack putting the same amount of power in to it. Her fingers where long and slender the only way to describe them was elf like.

She never mind things like this it gave her a chance to people watch. To study how people moved and talked and interacted. She chuckled some at Danny's committees and nodded when asked about the Violin. "yes I find playing to be rather fun and relaxing so i make sure to play every day be it Violin or something with strings." She smiled some "Yena thinks it makes me a bit of a loner"