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Markus Wright

"No restraint. No remorse. No regrets."

0 · 802 views · located in The Isle

a character in “Bloodlines”, originally authored by pieluver, as played by RolePlayGateway


Markus Johnathan Wright
The Mori Bloodline


At A Glance
Full Name: Markus Johnathan Wright
Age: 20
Birthdate: March 18th
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Bloodline: Mori (The Infernal Brood)

Likes: Feeling unique x Attention x That look in a body's eyes just before their anger boils over x Fire: the smell, the sound, the sight, and the uses x The colour blue x The sun; being warm x Knowledge: contemporary and about specific people x Beautiful/Handsome people x Money x Indulging x Scaring/Surprising/Playing tricks on people x Ingenious plans x Compliments x Ice Cream x Chocolate
Dislikes: Being ignored x Being forced to do something x Being ordered around x Loudmouths x Failed plans x Televisions x Cheese x The cold x Snow x Lakes/Streams/Oceans/Waterfalls x Feeling stupid/uneducated/uninformed/In the dark x People who tell him that he's wrong/needs to change x Being scared/surprised/tricked x Religion x Politics x Leaders x Whiny people x The color orange x Feeling afraid/things that make him afraid x His name
Fears: Water. Namely drowning x Death/Being bound by a holy instrument x Losing his powers/becoming a regular human again
Goals: Becoming powerful and meaningful, to put it simply. As he lives in the moment and for the moment, he really has no grand scheme or specific plan

Mark is quite the fetching face, at a glance. He seemed open like a book. An array of emotions leak across his face from infectious grins to doleful looks of brooding. Anger doesn't seem to fit on such a face at all. Anger doesn't seem to fit on the personality either. So polite and soft spoken. So well bred. But if one cut the chap open, they'd see something else entirely. A sticky black substance taints all of Mark's organs, from his mind to his heart to even his stomach. This becoming, well trained young man can turn on a dime, at the slightest of stimuli into one's worst nightmare. Of course, it's more of a release of true self, a baring of his mind and... metaphorical soul. He's like a bottle of cola, delicious to drink, but if you shake it up just enough it'll explode in your face. It had the carbonation in it all along, but it jut took one foul move to send the devious little bubbles into a crazed frenzy. All in all the facade of a well brought up boy, courteous, polite, and perhaps rather attractive, last anywhere from ten minutes to an hour. The longer he spends with a given person, the more that person will see the blackened creature that is Mark John Wright.

Markus's motto is 'No restraint, no remorse, no regrets' and he lives it to the fullest. He's a day by day sort of man, and he isn't afraid to indulge in something he wants, or even go so far as to take a coveted item by force. One could say that he lives his daemon creed a bit too vigorously. The inner shell of the ugly creature will start out small, planning. Anything from a simple trick, a bit of a fright, to the array of ways in which he could destroy the people in his company. Usually he does not act on his latter plans, but they do amuse him quite a bit. Sometimes, in his plot to frighten someone he might make mention of them though. Then he'll progress to quiet insults and unsettling comments. 'Oh, that's your pet? He's rather nice.....I wonder what dog guts look like in this light.' Heavy sarcasm usually follows, but sometimes he misses that step. Then he might carry out a minor plan, while trying to act intimidating. He has a cool, deadly quiet voice when he's in the first couple stages, but when he grows extremely angry he'll most likely raise his tone.

He loves being a daemon, he uses it as an excuse to act like a living terror. And he loves the sense of power it gives him. He is quite imbalanced, a combination of his upbringing and his discovery of what he was. He's actually contemplated things like cannibalism and adopting masochistic tendencies in his quest to become as much of a daemon as possible, but he can't bring himself to actually kill anyone, and he refuses to be a vulture, and he can't bring himself to destroy his own body either. Of course, his dietary habits, and the way he lets his emotions run his body might just do the job for him if he isn't careful. Also, despite his repelling actions, he is quite desirous of approval from his peers, and he wishes to be well liked, which sometimes creates juxtaposition in his actions and words. Like he's trying to hurt someone, but he's trying to make them adore him at the same time. Needless to say, it never really works out for him. He doesn't seem to be able to put two and two together, however.

Quite an array of things will set the young chap into a spiral, or at least, a steeper freefall than before. Some of them are entirely inconsequential or things that his peers have no control over. Particularly bad moods will set him off on anyone around him, so weather, the last time he's had something to eat, how much work he's got to do, play factors. If someone mentions something that he doesn't like, or lumps him together with other people, which would mean that he's nothing special, would most likely set him off as well. Feeling afraid would send him off the deep end. being forced to do something that he's afraid of doing, or really doesn't like to do will make him go berserk. Mentioning anything that has to do with his parents as well will make him irritated, but there are various levels to that irritation.

A calm Markus would most likely revert back to the seemingly polite boy, but perhaps with a few snide comments and sarcastic titches thrown in for effect. He's actually quite outwardly courteous when he's wont to be. And he's rather apt at controlling his expressed emotions, thanks to a strict upbringing. This Markus can appear just as quickly as his wild twin, because his emotions do turn on a dime. As the duration of his presence among others rises, this Markus becomes exceedingly rare, depending on how well he thinks he knows the people around him. But when he wants something, and somewhere in that twisted little mind of his he realizes that his usual course of actions isn't going to cut it, this Markus appears in a flash, and usually persists until the boyo has attained what he wants.

Overall, Makrus is a little devil with a mask, but the mask often ends up burning, leaving the boy in the light, in which he'll gleefully do whatever it is that takes his fancy with no regards to anyone else. But of course, he can't ignore his mask completely, Mommy and Daddy taught him right, so the two entities battle each other for the prime position on his face and in his life. He loathes feeling plain, and will go to great efforts to achieve the opposite, even going to such lengths to reap revenge on those he feels are 'too similar to himself' and the like.

Bloodline Gift: Infernal Vestments -- Manifesting demonic features. Mark's gift is a haphazard piecemeal, but he does rather like it. He can burst weakish wings from his back, which look an absolute fright because he can't seem to persuade them to come out with some kind of skin or scales on them. So they are bones and joints covered in raw flesh, and the webbing between each pale bone is covered in a sickly mucus. Sadly, he cannot bear the wings for too long because they refuse to fold against his back because of the pain of touching other things, and they drip with blood occasionally, especially if they are touched with something, and that causes him to feel faint, or actually lose consciousness from blood loss. He teeth will, if he concentrates long enough, elongate into snaggle-tooth fangs, not unlike a row of shark teeth, He's showing the beginning of being able to force claws onto his personage, but he can't get them over a fourth of an inch. Coupled with the darkening of his eyes as if his pupils have swallowed his entire eye, it does put off a rather frightening picture, so it is the only thing Markus is wont to use his gift for. A rather frustrating aspect of his gift, in Markus's opinion, is his failure to properly turn himself into an actual daemon, rather than a guy with some freaky daemon limbs attached to himself. He knows that there's more in him than he can pull out, he can feel it, but he simply can't succeed. Also, his gift has a penchant for making itself known when he's particularly enraged, but having the demonic features appear not by conscious thought is much more painful than summoning them to himself. Much, much more painful, but not a damper on his anger in the slightest.
Bloodline Weakness: Demonic Taint. Not only do the holy symbols and such harm him, but merely keying into the idea that one could do such a thing to him might send him into an incapacitated state of mingled fear and anger.
Other Skills: Markus isn't really good at anything. Thanks to Mummy and Daddy, he's participated in quite a few sports, and taken many different musical lesson, so hes somewhat skilled at many things, but he never really excelled at anything. But on the less physical side, he's quite good at worming out those little things that make people tick, and he's very skilled at keeping secrets and acting sly.


Markus was born in Kircaldy Scotland in the presence of his mother's side of the family, but he spent his youth in a sprawling manor just north of Petersburg in England, where his grandfather lived. After his step-grandmother's death they returned to Kircaldy, but just two years later they sold their homes in Scotland and moved to the United States, to Hartford Connecticut.

Markus Johnathan Wright was born to Timothy Wright Jr. and Elizabeth Stevenson a week before they were to be married. He was premature by two weeks, but was still an average weight for a newborn child, despite the smallness of his body. His parents didn't wonder, however, they loved their little child dearly. They had no clue what he'd grow up to be thanks primarily to his mother's side of the family. The taint hadn't touched any of the children of the line for quite a while, the last being a century ago, in which one young woman, as the records put it, 'went mad, murdered her family, and promptly hung herself.' The father had trace amounts of the taint as well, but his particular lineage hadn't interbred with his new wife's in a bit of time. The two lines were, however, known for sharing blood on quite a couple occasions. it had started out with a reason, but now the two lineages thought it tradition, and carried on their procreation as had their parents, and their parents before them et cetera.

The Wright family had been slowly losing their great wealth, but thankfully two years before Little Mark John's birth, an outsider pushed her way into the family, marrying the Senior Wright and infusing the 'heathen' family with her own strictly religious laws. Gramma Ellen was a vicious entity in little Markus's life, and she was, in fact, the one who'd pushed for his name. Of course, Tim and Lizzy weren't completely sold on the idea, so they made the names their own, much to Ellen's disapproval.

When Markus was two years of age, Papa Tim gave up fighting for life, and Gramma Ellen moved in with the trio, bringing her still substantial wealth with her, closer to the young family. Which was when things started to change. Perhaps Markus had a bad effect on his parents, that there was something unconscious in the little toddler that drove his parents to act like greedy, strict creatures, or perhaps it was Gramma Ellen's money. Or perhaps both. either way, however, the growing little boy quickly found himself squashed under the thumb of his parents, who began regulating everything from how he dressed to how many words he could speak in a day, and how happy he needed to look. This was much to Gramma Ellen's approval, and she began drilling her Catholic rigor into her grandson's little head until she died unexpectedly when he was seven.

If Markus expected her death to change something, he was sadly mistaken. He was still an almost nonentity, the puppet of his parents. They still loved him, they loved him so, but perhaps they loved him a bit too much. Or they weren't loving him the right way. The boy grew into a young man, floating through private school with grades his parents expected him to attain and keep wile internally struggling to find out who he was. Which was when everything started to turn south.

it started out with little lies. Markus lied about going places, and he learned quickly how to lie well so his parents wouldn't catch him. Instead of trotting over to a friend's house during his single hour of free time every Saturday he fled into the city, wandering the streets and learning how to be a man. Learning that he wanted freedom from his parents, and he wanted it now. Which was what triggered the fits of anger. He wasn't dark yet, but it was on the verge of his mind, it was that entity in the back of his mind that prevented him from sleeping at night, prevented him from listening in class. He was punished for his grades slipping, he was punished when they discovered his lies, he was punished for talking back, but to him he was being punished for nothing at all. That they just liked punishing him so much that they didn't need a reason to anymore. And he began to strike back.

At first his little schemes, little bits of destruction, were tempered with remorse. But everything changed suddenly upon a huge discovery. The destruction altar-esque scene above the mantle would show them, he decided. The gangly fifteen year old reached up and grabbed the heavy cross from the center of the little construction, and immediately recoiled, a loud wail bubbling in his throat. It had not been wielded against him, but set like a trap, set with the utmost conviction of it's truth by his unknowing grandmother those years ago. Markus didn't know that though, know what it was doing to him. Perhaps he was just imaging things, he decided as the stinging pain in his hand faded, not even leaving a mark. So he reached up again, on tiptoe. Again the invisible fire screamed across his flesh, evoking another exclamation of pain from the boy. He jerked his hand back, accidentally bringing the heavy item down on himself.

After many cries of sheer pain and much struggling, the singed boy managed to escape the wrath of the object. He had faint burn marks on his hands, and a bit of a burn on his chin, but the rest of the places the evil item had touched returned to their natural pallor quickly. He quickly retreated back to his room to lick his wounds and sulk, disappointed that his plan hadn't worked. His parents, on the other hand, were more than disappointed. They were thoroughly angry. And as Gramma Ellen used to say 'Spare the rod and spoil the child.' Punishment was quite due, even if nothing been harmed. They two didn't even need an admittance of guilt, they knew that their boy was trying to destroy their mantle piece, and they promptly went after him.

That didn't make Mark too happy. Okay, he sort of deserved punishment, but he felt that the whole strange burning episode was enough. And he hadn't actually broken anything like he'd planned. When his parents came at him, trapping the youth in the far corner of his large room. The boy could feel the resentment and anger moving in his stomach, but it didn't just stay there like it usually did. An intense pain spread across the seams of his body, and budded out of his back where the skin was thin. His eyes went dark, and his body hunched over, both attempting to regain control and allow this fantastical yet painful happenstance to continue. A pushing in his gums gave way to teeth, but then the pain quelled, to his disappointment. The feeling of change within his body persisted, but it was too week to push itself outside his skin.

His parents were absolutely appalled at creature in front of them. His mother covered her eyes, letting out a strangled sound of horror, and his father stumbled back a few paces, staring at the creature that had been his son only moments ago. Delighted by their horror, Markus examined his wings, flexed the new found muscles, and moved to appraise himself in the mirror. The utter darkness of his eyes pleased him as well. The sharpness of his teeth was then tested. He looked nothing like their sun now, with his face stretched to fit the new teeth, and his body hunched under the weight of the bloody, slime covered wings.

He couldn't hold on to his new appendages and features for very long, though. Once his parents fled the room he fell to his knees, exhausted. The black faded from his eyes, replaced by a mournful disappointment. He brooded quietly for a couple moments, then noticed the door opening in the reflection of his mirror. His father entered the room again, wielding something heavy. The cross, the boy realized just a moment too late. He moved to flee, but his shirt, which had been torn to rags in the dual effort of his fingers and the wings forcing their way through, tripped him up. The cross collided with his side, and he was sent rolling onto his back. Where the cross had slammed into his body the flesh felt as if it was bubbling in agony. Now said cross was pointed at his throat, as if it was a sword. The son's eyes met his father's. The man looked more scared than Markus felt. He knew his father wouldn't have the guts to do it, and he'd just realized how powerful he was. The boy forced crocodile tears and pleading words until the man let up slightly, pulling the holy weapon far enough away from his son's throat that the boy could roll away and flee.

The boy fled his parent's house, deigning instead to live in the nearby city. He was a rat at first, but he managed to steal and frighten up enough to rent his own apartment at the age of seventeen. He strove to do everything and anything that his parents would disprove of, he forced himself to become someone else, someone who hadn't lived under the thumb of his parents. He began consorting with boys as well as girls, even though he found now sexual attraction in the former.

He began moving around quite a bit, landing his name in the paper several times, but never being caught in any acts, never being sent to jail. It took him a while to begin exploring the powers he'd discovered again, he was caught up in his scene, one night stands all around, bullying people for money, stealing. He was just beginning to build up a reputation when he met a man who claimed himself a guardian. He promised things that Mark found very enthralling, that he'd be able to hone his power, telling him how special he was, and how rare someone like him was. But then the man made a mistake. He told Mark that he'd be among more people like him. Which turned him off to the idea on the spot. It took quite a couple months of persuasion before Mark began thinking kindly of the idea again, and finally agreed to accept the invitation.

He arrived at the Isle less than a month ago, and really has yet to start establishing himself. Hes been wont of late to ignore other unless they speak to him first, and wander aimlessly. He hasn't had any fits of true rage yet, but he's grown snappish a couple times.



So begins...

Markus Wright's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Silver Alier Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Markus Wright Character Portrait: Daniel Sanderson
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#, as written by Mela
The Woman Trapped In Ice

“You really should stop fucking birds, Markus. It’s highly unbecoming.” Erin noted dryly, well aware that it was merely a nickname of his, supposedly describing women. Some may consider it an endearment, but this blonde knew better. It was entirely degrading on so many levels, especially from one such as Markus. Other men may think it sweet, but Markus wasn’t a sweet guy. Nor was he the romantic. Nope, this Mori assessed women much like a man in the 16 hundreds would. Women were delicate, weak creatures, or something along those lines. That’s why they were “birdies”. Or maybe Erin was over-analyzing things. She couldn’t say she cared much for that, or the ‘nickname’ in itself all that much, so she managed by throwing in a dry comment or two when they were practically handed to her – like just now. She was not in any way a fan of men who regarded women with such carelessness. Then again
 wasn’t most of the males she talked to, like that? Did she feel comfortable because she knew she’d never fall for them? Here we go again.. over-analyzing, she chastised herself, ignoring Markus’ eyes on her body all the while.

At his ‘offer’ of carrying her, Erin smiled sweetly – so sweetly that it was in all ways, and very deliberately so, fake. “Oh, honey,” she drawled, voice liquid honey before it immediately fell away, leaving the same icy exterior as before and she snapped, “my inches are just fine.” Then she pulled her heel out of a particularly soft patch of earth and glared at the shoe. Oh, this was just great. She heard Irayah snicker in her head, and Erin’s eyes snapped up to glare at the cat too. ”Just stop being so moody – it’s only going to amuse him more. And you know that the more annoyed you get, the worse he’s going to become.” Irayah’s female voice rang smugly. Oh, if Erin could strangle the demon kitten right now, she would. ”I’m sending you back to hell, you unruly little demon spawn.” Erin telepathically snapped back at the black thing. She wasn’t going to, of course. For some reason, Erin couldn’t make herself part with Irayah, no matter how annoying she was at times. Maybe because she Erin’s only guarantee of not ending up completely alone for the rest of her life.

She followed Markus onto firmer ground and almost sighed in relief. She wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction, though. No way. Markus was a dickhead and you didn’t give dickheads ammunition. Gods, did that sounds wrong or what? The music from the ‘revelry’ fainted with the covered distance and Erin was suddenly very, very grateful for Markus and her being likeminded on this particular topic. If everyone was going to act like Aaron, she would have ended up killing herself in defeat. Or most likely drowning herself in a last, desperate attempt to swim away from all the insanity. She looked around her as Markus said something about them being free. She didn’t really pay attention. Erin wasn’t usually beyond the compound. She was in her room or with her guardian most of the time. Sometimes she was out and about to get fresh air, and then she’s usually end up socializing with one group or the other, depending on her mood. She’d been in the forest only twice since she’d arrived 7 months ago. She didn’t really have time to wander off like that. Wandering off didn’t help quiet her darkness. Panting did, and she didn’t have her things in the forest.

Then Markus spoke again and she smiled wryly – couldn’t help herself. He was such an idiot. Yet he was dead-on. Something was on her mind, even if it had nothing to do with whether or not to fuck him. Geez. She raised an eyebrow, the mocking smile still in place. Then she took a step towards him, bringing them just close enough for them to be able to proper distinguish each others’ eye colours and crossed her arms, making her chest pop. “Someone’s-“ she began, her voice that classical “you’re about to be bitch-slapped verbally”-tone she donned on most occasions with Markus. She was stopped, both verbally and physically when he held out his hand and spoke though, and Erin tilted her head slightly, regarding him with bored interest. She didn’t say anything, but she did stop, and watched – merely looked at him. Nothing more, nothing less, her face giving away nothing. He was up to something. She had a feeling this was what he’d intended when he’d first asked her to join him for a walk, but she still had no clue what it was.

Soon, Markus was leaping off the ground, wings of bloody skin shooting from his back to carry him to the top of the rock before her. Erin merely raised her eyebrows in subtle surprise. Inwardly, though, the cogs in the blonde’s head were turning as she assessed the situation. Alright, her current companion had just assumed demonic features. She hadn’t really wondered much about what Markus could or couldn’t do. She hadn’t really cared, either. It wasn’t like she went around telling people what she could do. In fact, Erin was fairly certain only Daniel and the guardians knew exactly what her power was. Others might have educated guesses of some kind or another, but that was their deal. Erin felt no need to advertise. She was surprised at Markus’ little show, but she wasn’t disgusted, nor was she scared. She’d honestly seen much, much worse. What was a little blood compared to what she saw in her nightmares? Hell, compared to what she’d already seen in waken condition. People having had their hearts ripped right out of their chests, blood soaking their surroundings – the heart completely gone.

Erin had gone down memory lane when Markus spoke, and she had to blink a couple of times to zone back in on the world she was currently in. She shook herself out of it; it was in the past. She hadn’t seen a dead body since before she came to the Isle. So, deciding that the now was more important, Erin looked up at her fellow Mori. She regarded his outstretched hand with suspicion, however. Markus was a jerk, no disguising that fact. It would be like him to take the hand back if she tried to take it; childish as could be. Then again, he was curious. She could tell as much, so he might just behave
 as much as Markus was able, anyway. Then she smiled wryly and shook her head as she walked over to him. Erin stopped beside his hand, considering. Did she really want to do this? Then another thought hit her. What if he left her up there? She’d be able to get down, sure, but
 it’d take longer and she’d have to find her way back alone. She hadn’t really noticed their path. She tilted her head a little, watching him thoughfully. Then she sighed, reluctant, and took Markus’ hand, letting him drag her up if he wanted to. Irayah jumped easily off her shoulder and began making her way up the rocky formation. “My ‘pretty little noggin’ usually likes to keep its ‘miscreations’ to itself. What makes you think it’ll suddenly start sharing now? And don’t say it’s because of your winning charm, because you have none.” Erin noted dryly.

Holding Markus’ hand was weird. She didn’t usually have physical contact with people who weren’t Daniel. Not in a very long time, anyway, and then with Markus of all people? She could almost hear her darkness cheering her on, wanting as much of a connection with the other Mori as possible. When she touched Daniel, it practically screamed in protest and she hadn’t even done more than a short hug. Well, on her part. Daniel touched her more often than she did him. Little things, but they told her he cared in a way he shouldn’t. Not with her. He deserved to live; he deserved so much better than her and she was going to make sure he got it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Silver Alier Character Portrait: Markus Wright
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The Smiling Fiend

He could see the thoughts running through that head as he examined his blonde companion with obsidian eyes. His wings flicked, impatient, as if they had a life of their own. Which very well could be true. Then she finally decided to take his hand, and he grinned. It was a shame that he hadn't phased her yet, but the night was still young, and he was adept at his game. Of course, Erin was a Mori. Which made the challenge all the more difficult; all the more appealing. The man gripped her hand in one of his, bracing himself with his other hand against the rock. Once he got her halfway up the rest would be easy, his wings counterbalancing her weight and the force of gravity. As he pulled her up he shifted into a crouch until she was sitting next to him on the rock.

He sighed triumphantly, For a couple moments there he'd thought that he was going to drop her, but he hadn't. Before he answered her snark/question, he made an examination of his wings. He hadn't tried too particularly hard, and the results of that were showing. he poked the raw flesh with an irritated finger, and it pulsed back at him. No scales today. They were heavier though. Pros and cons to that. Pros and cons. The Mori turned his attention back to Erin, quirking a self assured grin. He was stabbing into the dark, but once Markus got something in his head there was no doubt in the forefront of his mind that he was wrong.

"Well, sweetheart. I know you. We're alike, you and I. And I wouldn't follow anyone into the woods unless I was going to get something out of it. And don't tell me that it's just because you didn't like Aaron's music or some bull like that, darling, because then you could have just skulked back inside. I'm sure your precious puppy Daniel would have followed you." As the man spoke, his wings were busy withering, a gangrene black spreading across them, shrinking them until they melded seamlessly into his back again. He pulled his shirt back on, the bloody cold was starting to get to him, followed by his jacket, before continuing. "You want something that I can give you." He leaned back against the tree, folding his arms of his chest lazily, his blue eyes fixed on Erin like he was hunting her.

"Of course, if you don't want to tell me for nothing, we can make a trade. I'll tell you a story, then you tell me what's on your mind, eh?" Phase two initiated. Markus dug in his pockets to see if he had anything to make his little story more interesting. It was quite clear that he was going to tell his story whether she liked it or not. It was her fault for dallying. Aha! From his coat, Markus withdrew his lighter. One of his lighters. He had many, even though he didn't smoke very often. he just liked lighters. And fire. Of course.

"Once upon a time," The man began as he pulled the lighter apart, looking quite serious except for the gleam of amusement in his eye. "there was a little boy. He had two parents that loved each other, and they loved God. They carefully taught their little boy everything they wanted him to know, everything they wanted him to do so he could be perfect." As he spoke, Markus's eyes dropped from Erin and onto the stone between them. In a quick motion he spread lighter fluid in his desired pattern and began to reassemble the silver object with sure fingers. "They didn't know that his very blood was tainted. But they discovered their son's deformity when he, trapped in the corner of his room, about to be punished for something he didn't do, discovered his blood and transformed into an amazing monster." Markus reached down and lit his lighter fluid cross on fire. The fire spread across it's allotted area quickly, then disappeared, its fuel eaten away all too quickly. "They fled, but returned when the little boy couldn't hold the body any longer. The father wielded a cross, struck the boy down, holding it to his son's throat, intent on forcing the young lad's head to part company with his body. If they couldn't have their perfect son, they were perfectly fine with having no son at all. The boy wasn't too pleased with that."

Markus leaned back again, returning his lighter to his pocket. "He taught them why they shouldn't mess with a Mori." He said darkly, quite aware of the lie he was implying. Then he stretched and grinned. "Then end. Now it's your turn, doll." he said as he folded his arms behind his head, looking pleased with himself. It was quite a good rendition, if he did say so himself. He'd need more lighter fluid though, he'd nearly exhausted his supply with his pretty little drawing. "And if you don't tell me, then I'll have to irritate you out of your mind until you do." He said cheerfully. "And you and I both know that I'm quite good at that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Silver Alier Character Portrait: Markus Wright
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#, as written by Mela
The Woman Trapped In Ice

"Well, sweetheart. I know you. We're alike, you and I. And I wouldn't follow anyone into the woods unless I was going to get something out of it. And don't tell me that it's just because you didn't like Aaron's music or some bull like that, darling, because then you could have just skulked back inside. I'm sure your precious puppy Daniel would have followed you." Markus began after he’d pulled her up and Erin rolled her eyes. She’d been a little surprised he’d even pulled her all the way. Of course she’d tried to help, but from this angle there wasn’t much for her to use as support, which mean that she’d been completely at Markus’ ‘mercy’ so to speak, and she hated it. “Something that you can give me, huh?” Erin said after he’d added the last bit, her voice dry. “Well, that certainly sounds interesting, doesn’t it?” She was baiting him, and she didn’t give two shits. Erin moved to sit with her legs folded under her, watching him. “And what if I don’t want Daniel to follow me? What then?” she raised an eyebrow expectantly.

Then he proposed a trait and Erin merely looked at him impassively. What was he up to now, the big oaf? She didn’t doubt he’d tell her regardless of what she said, so she kept quiet. Erin wasn’t a big talker anyway, so she supposed it was a good thing that Markus did
 if one didn’t like silence. However, it just so happened that Erin did indeed like silence. Very much so. A little change was alright once in a while though, so she could deal with Markus in small dosages without going mental. Nope, wait, she was already pretty mental. Suppose she was just generally screwed then. As Markus began putting forth lighters, Erin mulled the situation over. What the hell was he trying to do, here? Irayah had settled down next to Erin, watching Markus intently, which to Erin meant that it at least wouldn’t be bothering her. She shook her head and moved a little more, scooting so that she could lean against the tree next to the rock and watch Markus at the same time. Might as well get settled in; it appeared this would be one of his notorious speeches. Irayah stayed where she was.

As Markus began telling his story, Erin listened only with half an ear. He hadn’t been at the Island for very long, true, but in the time he had, Erin had gotten used to Markus spouting bullshit on a daily basis. It was sort of his thing. When he began spreading lighter fluid on the rock, she cocked her head to the side a little, wondering what he was doing. Irayah moved in the next second, quickly settling herself in on Erin’s lap, which again made her wonder. She glanced the kitten, and a familiar voice sounded in her head, ”cross” was all she said, the sound shaky and downright terrified. Erin almost frowned, but managed to remain completely impassive as she watched Markus. What the hell was he making a cross for? Then the fire came and Erin visibly frowned, scooting a little further away by pure instinct. Irayah, for one, wailed and scrambled onto Erin’s shoulder again, trying to hide itself in her hair. She could always put that down to a cat scared of fire
 or maybe that it had merely been surprised. Erin knew it was the image projected though, and that’s when she figured it out. He was trying to scare her?

His story had been dark and she’d sensed bits of truth in there, but she had a feeling – it was Markus after all – that a lot of it was also over dramatized. So was it his own story then? With a bit of glitter added? Or someone else’s? His power fit from what she’d seen
 more or less. Although his wings had seemed kind of puny, especially the way they’d sort of
 withered away. It was weird. Not particularly scary to her – probably due to past experiences – but ugly all the same. Then again, demonic features had a tendency to be. She didn’t miss the glint of amusement in his eyes and she shook her head at him as he finished his story. She quietly took Irayah in her hands and put her into her lap, running her fingers through the black fur to calm down the creature. It was still shivering in fear. She sent a pointed stare in Markus’ direction, completely ignoring his words. He talked too much anyways. She couldn’t be expected to actually listen all the time.

Irayah slowly unwound in her lap, and Erin remained silent for a few seconds until she looked at Markus once more. “You scared my cat,” she said matter of factly, her features completely expressionless. “You really shouldn’t do that.” Erin’s eyes flashed black for a second there as she used her connection with Irayah to instill calm in the kitten. It visibly relaxed with a soft purr, looking over at Markus. Then Erin finally smiled wryly, looking up at him, her momentary anger gone – she didn’t like Irayah being scared like that. It made her uncomfortable as she could feel it through their bond. “Now, if I didn’t know better, Markus, I’d say you were trying to scare me.” She said, her voice filled with dry humor, “it’s not going to work.” Then she put Irayah down and stood, wrapping an arm around the tree she’d been sitting against, and leaned her side against it, watching Markus intently. “As for what I want,” she then added, still not sure how to phrase it but deciding that it didn’t really matter.

How much worse could Markus really get? “You don’t need to ‘irritate me out of my mind’, even if you’re quite able in that department.” She shot him a wry smile at that. “I’d like to get rid of Daniel, and I’m going to need your help for that.” Irayah purred and flexed her little claws before she padded over to Markus, evidently over her moment of fear, and hopped onto his lap, curling up there. Erin rolled her eyes at the thing before looking at Markus’ face again, “I’ve tried everything to shove him away but he keeps coming back.” She wasn’t going to explain to Markus why she wanted Daniel gone, or the fact that the very words were hurting her already. She merely kept it to superficial facts. “I think I’ve worked out how to make him want to stay away from me, and that’s where you come in.” She paused, waiting to gauge his reaction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Silver Alier Character Portrait: Markus Wright
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The Smiling Fiend

Well damn, that was no fun. Perhaps this was best a task for another day, a phase three left for another moment's devising. He would get her someday though. Silly him, he hadn't meant to scare the kitty-cat though, Irayah looked downright terrified there for a little while. He pondered for a moment whether a cross drawn by one of the infernal kin was potent or not. It could have as easily been a plus sign or a little t or well, anything really, if not for the intention and all that rot. And it hadn't made him burst into flames just by drawing it, although that wasn't the best indicator.

"I'm sorry, kitty, I forgot that little black cats and holy items don't get on too well." he responded, ignoring the latter bit of her words. Nevertheless a wry little grin curled up on his face. Oh, they's see about that. He propped up his chin with one elbow, looking up at his icy companion, meeting her intent gaze with his vaguely amused countenance. Vaguely amused was a good place to be in Markus's book. His fingers skittered of their own accord across the stone beneath him, fingernails rutting into a groove and uprooting little shoots of grass that had taken residence there. When Erin spoke again, his body visibly straightened with interest, but his eyes had dipped down to examine his meager palmful of tiny little pieces of grass. He moved them with his thumb as he listened the the blonde before him.

He didn't look back up until she mentioned Daniel. Namely, getting rid of Daniel. Ooh, were they going to kill him? Wait, why would Erin ask him to kill Daniel...that would be frowned upon, much like cannibalism and pursuing meaningful relationships with whores. Mm-hmm. Irayah settled into his lap, and he absentmindedly scratched her head, murmuring something about how sweet a cat she was as he was prone to when his body was on autopilot and his mind busy with thoughts. Mostly of killing Daniel, but he had stopped to consider how fetching Erin looked leaning against the tree with that dress and those shoes. It was probably mostly because of the angle he was currently at, looking up at her from his seat on the rock.

He studied her face as she spoke, a look of musing spreading out over his own features. Well, well, well, she was tired of the puppy dog? Her elaboration made it clear that it was to dissuade the young man from talking to her in a way that wasn't murdering him, but what? If her sharp bluntness hadn't gotten rid of him, then how did she expect him to help? Roughing him up a bit wouldn't help matters much... hmmm.

"So... to clear things up a touch.... when you say 'get rid of' Danny-boy, you don't mean bury him in the woods, right?" He said, his tone mock serious. "Although, it's a viable option. What better way to get rid of annoying people?" His voice grew bright with the last couple words. Then he turned his hand upside down so the grass would fall out of it, then rubbed his face with the selfsame hand, which now smelled like grass. To be honest, his whole personage probably smelled like a mix between grass and smoke right now, thanks to his exploits in the great outdoors on the fine, warm day. Oh, and blood, because of the wings.

"Hmm, how could our little Erin want me to help her get rid of Danny-boy since her stunning personality hasn't scared the lad off already?" He asked Irayah as if he expected an answer from the little black creature.

"Pray tell, Sweetheart, what is your plan?" He asked sweetly, folding both hands under his chin and lifting an eyebrow as he looked up at her again."I'm dying to know what I can do for you, Sunflower." He grinned lopsidedly, his eyes riveted with interest. Whatever it was that she had planned would surely be a tasty game. And it would also be something to bring up later. A favor traded for a bit of holding it over her head, perhaps worming out something in return unless whatever this was proved to be extraordinarily fun. Although, whenever 'getting rid of' Danny-boy was involved, fun was never far behind, Markus guessed. It'd take some serious work to get that silly little puppy to stay away from Erin. Markus wasn't one to do work lightly. Perhaps he could make an exception... Erin was probably one of the only creatures he could pass of as a 'friend' on this little hellish island. Oh sure, he talked to others, but Erin had seen more of the...truer side of him. The nasty little creature, and yet she still hung around.

Perhaps later he'd tease her for hanging around so much. Yes, that would be fun. But for now, he needed to focus on now, not the future snarks and retorts. The man stroked Irayah's head, he really did like this cat, more than he usually liked the little feline beasts. She was a clever little thing, that was for sure. Just like her owner.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Silver Alier Character Portrait: Markus Wright Character Portrait: Daniel Sanderson
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#, as written by Mela
The Woman Trapped In Ice

Erin watched Markus’ countenance change, hinting that she’d definitely caught his interest. But she hadn’t doubted that she would. In fact, Erin was certain Markus would agree to her ‘plan’, because it was completely his thing, which was why he was the first guy she’d thought of acting it out with. Or, maybe it was also partly due to Daniel’s returned ill feelings towards Markus. Really, in all ways, Markus was the perfect candidate in every way. Which of course had nothing to do with the fact that she was also physically attracted to him at all. Nope, not at all. She watched him thinking as he considered her words. She was certain she could see those little cogs turning in that head of his. Interest was mixing with contemplation in his eyes, and if she read his correctly, they were lit with excitement. Oh, this was going to be much easier than she’d expected it to. She more or less ignored his murmuring to Irayah. The little demon, however, was quite enjoying the praise and the petting as she relaxed in Markus’ lap, purring softly all the while.

When he actually spoke, Erin raised an eyebrow, regarding him with a sceptical, almost exasperated look in her eyes. Much how a parent would look upon a misbehaving child. She was doing this exactly because she didn’t want Daniel to die, but wasn’t that just so very typical of Markus? Get used to it, Erin, she told herself, shaking her head with a now impassive look on her face. “Ever kill anyone, Markus?” She asked him coldly, her voice quiet and deadly, her eyes completely inanimate again. There was no joke in dead people. Hell, she’d been the fault of way to many already, whether she’d wanted them or not. If he had killed someone, it wasn’t like she was going to hold it against him, much like she didn’t hold anything else against anyone. Well, except for Hazel’s flirting with Daniel. She very much held that against the girl, however petty and immature that was. If he hadn’t though, he shouldn’t make jokes about it. Erin could deal with a lot of Markus’ morbid humour, but deaths weren’t funny. Never.

She began fiddling with the bark of the tree as Markus talked to Irayah. She didn’t really give it much mind. He was being his usual, patronizing self. It rarely bothered her anymore. Besides, he was talking to the demon, not Erin, so she couldn’t say she had to reply to his question, and Irayah wasn’t going to either, even though could. The cat did send Erin a look though, her telepathic voice sounding in the blonde’s mind soon after, ”oh, just tell him and get on with it, would you?” Erin’s lips twitched slightly. “Always the charmer, Markus,” she remarked dryly at his words now. She supposed she’d have to converse
 or something. Besides, he was just begging for it with his comments on her personality. She didn’t try to be lively or nice. Ever. She just wasn’t that kind of girl. She’d never been among the nicest of people, and after everything
 well, things had just sort of gone downhill.

When he spoke again, asking her to tell him what she was intending, Erin smiled wryly at him, eyes expressive once more, but completely unreadable. She pushed herself gracefully from the tree, her boot heels clicking on the stone as she took two little steps to reach him before she squatted down before him, watching his face with those unreadable, purposefully knowing eyes for a little while, silent, before she spoke, her voice calm and quiet, but not a whisper. “The thing is
 the feelings Daniel has for me are some stubborn little things, but they’re also what’s going to hurt him enough to stay away. I’m going to need to show that sort of interest towards someone else.” She shrugged, “pure and simple jealousy and betrayal. Which will hopefully make him hate me.”

With that, Erin cocked her head to the side a little, eyes still focused on him. “And you’re perfect for it. Why? You hate Daniel. Daniel hates you. Plus,” she ended the sentence by moving her head closer to his just as Irayah hopped off of Markus, Erin’s lips so close to his he’d actually be able to feel her breath while her eyes were still intensely on his, “attraction does make things easier.” With that, Erin drew her head back to its former position as she watched him, still squatted down in front of him, her arms now coming to rest on her knees, hands on elbows as she waited for him to react. He'd figure it out from here himself. He was a smart guy, after all and with Markus things just worked better if he got to work things out himself.