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Bloodlust: Rivalry

New York City


a part of Bloodlust: Rivalry, by desire99600.


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New York City is a part of Bloodlust: Rivalry.

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Tigerlily De'lune [12] "Haven't you heard what they say about me? I'm heartless."
Michael Variette [11] "Please...don't ignore the defile moments of love."

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Character Portrait: Tigerlily De'lune
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After hours of picking through the wreckage of what was once her home, Tiger sighed deeply and sat on the stairs that lead down from the store above into the werewolve's headquarters and looked over the large circular shaped room, trying to ignore the stench of blood on the air, or the way bodies lay everywhere, some so mangled, it was impossible to identify them. She'd been out that night. Hunting. Tracking down a vampire that had killed a friend of her sisters, trying to right the wrong he'd done by taking his life in return for her pack member's.

And she had. She'd succeeded. Only to return home and find this. She'd slipped into the little clothing store the pack pretended to run, shifted into her human form, getting dressed, and then went to the back of the store, opened the door to the basement and their living quarters, and that's when it had hit her. The smell of blood wafted up from the room like nothing else, so strong she knew it was more than one dead. She'd stood there for a long time. In utter shock, her mind unable to comprehend what she knew she'd find down those stairs.

They couldn't be dead. They just couldn't. Not all of them. They were her family. Her pack. If they'd all been killed, wouldn't she have felt it? Wouldn't she be able to feel her connection with them sever? Probably not, but she was so close to them, it certainly felt like she should have.

When she'd finally managed to make her feet move, she'd made her way down the stairs, following the long blood streak on the wall into the depths of the building to find that she was right. They were all dead. Every last one. The main room, a large circular room with a maze of doors and halls branching off it, was littered with body after body. Blood was everywhere. On the furniture, on the floors, on the walls, as she walked through the rooms, it was on the mirrors, on the bedsheets, it appeared that not a single surface was spared of it's crimson stain.

These were the people she loved. The people who'd taken her in when she'd had no one. She would have fallen to her knees and sobbed right there, except her heart was still in shock. She couldn't seem to understand yet. Seeing so many dead had her running in survival mode, rather than sorrow mode. She was forced to pick over every body and count and identify them, so she could see if there were any survivors. Some of the bodies were so badly mangled, they couldn't be identified, but she still counted them.

When she finally finished, there was a shortage of bodies. Which gave her hope that some had gotten away from the massacre, but the fact that she couldn't identify some of the bodies meant that it was impossible to tell who might still be alive. And they might not even be alive. They might be held prisoner. She'd have been able to tell apart the members of her pack alone, had there not been so may dead. There was too much blood in the air for her to properly identify by scent. It followed her everywhere she went, threatening to close her throat with tears.

Everything inside Tiger hurt as she sat there on those steps and the realization that she was suddenly, utterly alone sunk in at last. The reality of the situation was finally settling upon her, and a hundred thousand emotions were flooding her at once. Guilt, sorrow, mourning, anger. Anger. Tiger held onto that one. She forced herself to swallow down the others for now and allowed them to feed her anger. Because otherwise, she feared, she'd cry. Something she hadn't done in ages.

She was angry. Angry at whoever had done this, as well at herself for not being there, but, for the time being, Ty directed her anger at whoever had slaughtered her family. Who was it? She thought for a while, but the only thing she could come up with was the vampires. She was reluctant to lay the blame on them, because their two sides had been feuding for centuries, and yet they were bot equally matched. This sort of destruction shouldn't be possible for either side.

And yet it was there. In front of her.

It was the only thing that made sense, and, at this point, her anger was so high, she leaped to her feet and flew swiftly up the stairs, through the store, and into the street, emerging from the store's entrance as a small, sleek black wolf, white-tipped tail swaying dangerously, ears laying flat against her head as she slipped into the shadows and took off towards the vampire coven at top speed, not caring if the place was full. She'd take down as many as she could and then die. With the rest of her pack.

The closer she got, the stronger the smell got. Blood. Again. Was her scared mind just remembering that coppery smell and using it to fuel her anger? Or was it really there. By the time Tiger finally slipped through the back door to the vampire's home, she found that it was, in fact, real. Before her, was a similar sight to that which she'd just left.

Bodies and blood. Everywhere. Tiger slipped into the shadows near the walls as she made her way through the house, looking for someone alive, whom she could take her anger out, but there was no one. Everyone was dead. It was utterly confusing, and Tiger slipped into the room of a female vampire and changed back into her human form, quickly slipping on some of the woman's clothes, thankful that, whoever she'd been, she preferred black.

What had happened here? How had her race, and the vampires both been obliterated in one night? Who could have done it? Who was strong enough to do it? A pack or coven from out of town maybe? Tiger's mind spun in circles as she started to make her way through the eerily silent building again, the only sound, the sound of her feet against the floor as she looked for clues as to what had happened and who had done it.


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Character Portrait: Tigerlily De'lune Character Portrait: Michael Variette
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He had been alive for hundreds of years. Each decade a new change. From Horses to Cars, Ink to Print, Mozart to Lil Wayne. Until now, nothing would ever be the same for Michael Variette.

Michael looked through the glass window waiting for his minions return. He had sent them out to make peace with the wolves and resolve the conflict. Something was highly strange, had it taken them that long to finish the deed and return with the awaited great news ? Or had their been a bloodshed of violence and no peace ? Michael left his loft and exited the building going to the location he had sent them out to find.

As he had been walking towards the house he smelled blood. His eyes turned dark yellow and his veins sprouted out as his fangs were ready to extend. But as he got closer he retracted and recognized the blood.

It was the blood of his most trusted and powerful minions. He opened the front door and walked around, looking at the horror of the blood on all the walls. It was a horrific scene, blood on all of walls. He walked towards the stairs and looked upstairs. It was the scent of blood running. Perhaps a hearbeat ? it was beating rapidly as Michael walked towards the door to see the young girl..Her.

She was amazingly stunning. He believed so, but he walked towards her and sprouted his fangs. "What are you doing here mut?" He crouched down and was ready to pounce awaiting her next move.


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Character Portrait: Tigerlily De'lune Character Portrait: Michael Variette
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Ty was so distracted by the smell of blood and the awful sights of carnage before her, she didn't realize there was someone else in the house with her. Someone living. Had she not been so distressed, and had the air not been thick with the blood of the dead, she'd have noticed him instantly, and recognized him as well, for his scent was unmistakable.

But she was too busy picking over bodies for clues as to who'd slaughtered both races to notice. Not until he was just behind her. She spun quickly, and he was already crouched, glaring at her. "What are you doing here mut?" He asked and she glanced around her, knowing what it had to look like to him. That her and the werewolves had destroyed his coven, and she was a straggler.

Tiger took a step back, putting space between them. She knew who he was. He was their King. You couldn't have an ongoing feud with the vampires without knowing their leader. He was bound to be strong. All vampires were, but as the King, he was most likely the strongest. Which was dangerous to her. She had speed and stamina, but little strength. If he managed to get ahold of her, she wouldn't be able to slip his grip.

It couldn't have been him who'd killed her pack. Especially not if he hadn't even been aware his own coven was dead. But she didn't care. She hated the vampires, and she needed someone to take her anger out on. The only other alternative was crying. And she wasn't going to let that happen. Tiger let a smirk come to her lips as she took another step back, contemplating on whether or not she should shift. "Fuck off, mosquito." She spat with a laugh, not wanting to tell him, just yet, that her pack had been destroyed.

If he wanted to fight, it was better if he thought he was at the disadvantage because he no longer had a coven, while she had a pack.


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Character Portrait: Tigerlily De'lune Character Portrait: Michael Variette
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As Michael crouched, she took a step back. She quickly smirked and spat laughing."Fuck off, mosquito."Michael smiled at the girls joke, smirking with confidene. "Oh..I thought little doggies were meant to stay in the pound..with all the other leaches to fest with."

He looked down at the body infront of him and kicked it away with his foot, as the body hit the wall. "Oh..I believe that was my favorite second in command..may he rest in peace." Michael laughed. His claws grew sharp as he started to walk around looking at the walls, scratching off the paint. "So..I believe it was you who did this little party of bodies ? I'm don't look like much of a fight."

He fixed his shirt and picked up a body from one her pack he so believed. He sunk his teeth upon the side of the neck, as the blood rolled down his lips,dripping as the body dropped unto the floor. He stood tall whipping the blood from his lips with his arm.

"You know..I never found dog blood so exciting until now, the taste is so different, so unique from that of humans. But the thing is, as you might already know. Blood is much better when the host is alive..and beautiful." He smiled but quickly faded it away as he walked towards her.

He landed a strike towards her, hoping it would land perfectly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tigerlily De'lune Character Portrait: Michael Variette
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"Oh..I thought little doggies were meant to stay in the pound..with all the other leaches to fest with." He smirked back at her, causing her fists to clench at her sides. She watched as he kicked a body away casually, like it hadn't been someone he cared about not too long ago. "Oh..I believe that was my favorite second in command..may he rest in peace." He laughed as he walked around, scratching paint from the walls, and she didn't relax, she stayed on alert, waiting for him to make a move, able to tell he was agitated, even through his casual demeanor. "So..I believe it was you who did this little party of bodies ? I'm don't look like much of a fight." Tiger smirked at that because she was constantly being underestimated. If he was planning on fighting her, which she was willing to bet he was, he would be in for a surprise.

Tiger watched as he fed from the body of a dead werewolf, making her jaw clench tightly in anger before he dropped the body again and wiped his mouth clean. "You know..I never found dog blood so exciting until now, the taste is so different, so unique from that of humans. But the thing is, as you might already know. Blood is much better when the host is alive..and beautiful." Ty watched as his smile slipped from his lips and she took that at her signal. He moved towards her quickly, and threw a blow.

But she'd seen it coming, and she was faster. She smirked as she ducked quickly, his blow gliding right over her head as she rolled out of the way and shifted mid-roll into her wolf form. She came back to a standing position on all four paws, but didn't stay there long. She didn't want to give him a chance to defend himself or realize what she was doing, so she didn't hesitate, merely lunged forward, knocking him the ground and pinning him, snarling down at him with a smirk. I'm flattered that you think I could have done all this. She growled telepathically to him. As a wolf, she couldn't speak like a human, so she had to send messages through the mind. And even though I'd like to take credit, I can't. Someone else killed your worthless coven. She sent a cold laughter skittering through his mind. And I may not look like much of a fight, but keep that in mind as I kill you.

Tiger's ear twitched as she made a lunge for his throat, intending to tear it out and be done with him.


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Character Portrait: Tigerlily De'lune Character Portrait: Michael Variette
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As the girl turned into a large wolf and knocked Michael onto the ground, He laid still as the wolf told him telepathically. "I'm flattered that you think I could have done all this. And even though I'd like to take credit, I can't. Someone else killed your worthless coven. She sent a cold laughter skittering through his mind. And I may not look like much of a fight, but keep that in mind as I kill you." He smiled at the wolf. "Well,well,well..the big bad wolf speaks..what about the ears of course ?

I once knew the leader of your kind..he showed me all of your secrets..with the ears..and how the weaknesses do apply." He grabbed her by the ears and threw her off, standing back up straight. "Well..i'm impressed, I haven't seen such a wolf in a while..oh by the you need a spare change of clothes after your shift ? I would love to see the naked wonders of such a wolf ill wait till you rip me to pieces first."

He laughed and whipped dust from the front of his shirt. "You really thought you would kill me right ? i'm the vampire king of New York. I'm practically the leader of my...of my.He sat down and sulked in. A small tear rolled down from his cheeks as he looked at the wolf girl and growled."If I find out that you did better believe there's gonna be hell to pay."

Michael was now alone..and there was no title of being a ruler if there's nothing to rule.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tigerlily De'lune Character Portrait: Michael Variette
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"Well,well,well..the big bad wolf speaks..what about the ears of course? I once knew the leader of your kind..he showed me all of your secrets..with the ears..and how the weaknesses do apply." He said as he grabbed her by the ears and threw her to the side. She swallowed a pained whimper as she slid across the floor, but quickly caught herself, leaping back to her paws, head low as she snarled at him and slunk forward, shoulders rotating, ready to spring again. "Well.. I'm impressed, I haven't seen such a wolf in a while..oh by the you need a spare change of clothes after your shift ? I would love to see the naked wonders of such a wolf ill wait till you rip me to pieces first." He said, causing her to flip he eyes back up to his, though her body didn't relax, she remained tense, ready to leap as she watched him, a growl low in her throat.

"You really thought you would kill me right ? i'm the vampire king of New York. I'm practically the leader of my...of my." She was shocked when he sat, and watched as it seemed to really hit him what had happened, as a tear fell from his eye and his eyes flicked to hers, growling, causing her to growl back. "If I find out that you did better believe there's gonna be hell to pay." He said.

She was actually rather shocked the fight had ended so quickly. Tiger didn't say anything else, she pulled out of her fighting stance and whirled around, slipping into one of the bedrooms as she'd done before and heading for the closet. She shifted and dressed before coming back out into the hall where he was sitting, looking down at him. She wasn't fully relaxed yet. He was a vampire. He could still try to kill her again. She didn't trust him. Not even a little.

But he was in the same position she was. "As much as I wish I had, I didn't kill your coven of monsters." She said, leaning on the wall, appearing casual, though she was really alert, waiting for him to make another strike. "My pack was destroyed too. Something else did this."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tigerlily De'lune Character Portrait: Michael Variette
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He looked up at her in amazement, still surprised that she was not attacking him."As much as I wish I had, I didn't kill your coven of monsters.""Coven of monsters ? If I so do remember your kind are the rabid least my kind could have a fair dinner with the president." He laughed holding onto his other hand."My pack was destroyed too. Something else did this."He laughed and walked over to the wolf girl, waiting for her moment to strike him and likewise, tear his throat out.

"Your pack ? You can't be an alpha of course..I mean your beautiful but seriously ? I expected a bit more of a challenge, and possibly a bit stronger." He observed the objects in the room and leaned down on one of the wolves, sniffing repeatedly. "The scent leaves no sign of vampire or werewolf alike. But, the marks were made to look like one of your kind planned it out. I wonder."

He stood back up and walked towards a candle picking it up. "We must burn the bodies and leave the evidence of our kind..but something tells me if we do that..they will know we are alive..And that dear wolf girl, is exactly what we want.

He poured the candle liquid on the dead vampire as the fire engulfed the bodies swiftly. He walked over to the girl and grunted. "I'm Michael..I would shake your hand but first I must know if you are willing to help me hunt them down..They were hunters." Michael started to walk down the stairs feeling refreshed, and bloodthirsty.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tigerlily De'lune Character Portrait: Michael Variette
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Tiger stiffened some when he walked over near her, but kept her eyes on him, and didn't attack, just watched. "Your pack ? You can't be an alpha of course..I mean your beautiful but seriously? I expected a bit more of a challenge, and possibly a bit stronger." He said and she was about to slap him across the face when he moved away from her some, looking like he was smelling the air. "The scent leaves no sign of vampire or werewolf alike. But, the marks were made to look like one of your kind planned it out. I wonder." He spoke, thinking out loud and Ty kept her eyes on him as she too smelled the air to find he was right. The air was thick with the smell of death, but also of something else. Something that was neither werewolf, nor vampire, and that made absolutely no sense.

She watched as he picked up a candle. "We must burn the bodies and leave the evidence of our kind..but something tells me if we do that..they will know we are alive..And that dear wolf girl, is exactly what we want." She sighed as he dropped the burning candle and the bodies quickly started to burn, causing the air to fill with the sickening scent of death. Burning death.

"I'm Michael..I would shake your hand but first I must know if you are willing to help me hunt them down..They were hunters." Ty watched as he headed down the stairs, giving one more glance at the burning bodies before following him, not only not wanting to let him out of her sigh, but also eager to get away from that smell.

He wanted to work with her? That shocked her. Vampires and werewolves couldn't get along for the life of them. It was bound to be a disaster. She was practically raised to hate vampires. It was in her bloodstream. She wanted to walk off and leave him. Tell him he was insane, but she wasn't sure she could. If the hunters were strong enough to, not only wipe out her pack, but his coven, she'd be dead in a week if she was alone. And, if she was being honest with herself, she didn't want to be alone. Not again.

"I'm Tigerlily." She finally said. "Tiger for short." She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "You're right, I wasn't the alpha of my pack. I was the beta." She shrugged and smirked. "Apparently, if you want to be alpha, people have to like you." She rolled her eyes. "My sister and her mate were the alphas, and pretty much never did shit. If they needed something done, they sent me." It hurt to speak in the past tense. She hadn't seen her sister or her mate's bodies in the wreckage, but that didn't mean they were alive or safe.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tigerlily De'lune Character Portrait: Michael Variette
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"I'm Tigerlily. Tiger for short." He smiled. "Oh your a tiger I see, fits your wolfy style." He looked at her with pain and sighed."Apparently, if you want to be alpha, people have to like you." Well you fit the description of that..I mean your stunningly beautiful even with your kicking attitude..I find it entertaining."

"My sister and her mate were the alphas, and pretty much never did shit. If they needed something done, they sent me." He nodded in approval. "Well this is both good news and bad news. Now without your pack your an omega, so you've been weakened as of now. I can't just let you go back there..after the fire burns this whole place down they will know we are still alive. So, you may stay at my place for as long as you want."

He left the house as the fire started to burn down. "Hey as much as I hate the dogs around here, it's in no good form for you to stay this way. You need to start turning the humans here, and become the new alpha. We might have a greater chance of finding the odds here and there."

He looked down, hitting a stick in the mud.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tigerlily De'lune Character Portrait: Michael Variette
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"Well this is both good news and bad news. Now without your pack you're an omega, so you've been weakened as of now. I can't just let you go back there..after the fire burns this whole place down they will know we are still alive. So, you may stay at my place for as long as you want." Tiger sighed because he was right. The hunters would know that there had been survivors. If they went their separate ways, they're both end up dead.

These hunters were clearly strong, for they'd taken down both sides in a single night, and managed to stay under the radar for god only knew how long. For all she knew, the hunters had been killing the vampires and the werewolves for ages, right under their noses, without being detected.

He left the house and she followed him. "Hey as much as I hate the dogs around here, it's in no good form for you to stay this way. You need to start turning the humans here, and become the new alpha. We might have a greater chance of finding the odds here and there." Tiger raised her eyebrows and sighed as she watched him.

"I'm not a vampire." She said simply. "Us werewolves actually value human life." She shrugged. "To turn a human would be to take away their mortality." She shook her head. "I'm not going to do that to them. If you want to work together to destroy these hunters, we do it alone." She smirked, knowing he'd probably call her insane. These hunters were clearly stronger than both his coven and her pack, but that was what made Ty the beta. she took on the tasks everyone else thought were impossible.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tigerlily De'lune Character Portrait: Michael Variette
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As they were walking towards Michael's loft, Tiger replied."I'm not a vampire." It was highly obvious she was not of Michael's kind, but of course he would hear her out for whatever she had to say, for she and him had just witnessed a massacre of a pack and a coven, by human forces. To Michael, this was simply impossible."Us werewolves actually value human life."

He laughed. "Would you look at that ? it's a wolf with a heart of gold. You turn into a giant wolf that could kill a regular wolf in a second and you say you value human life ? whats the point of human life if your not human ?" He smirked and kept walking, almost tripping over a broken branch that had fallen from the burned tree.

"To turn a human would be to take away their mortality. I'm not going to do that to them. If you want to work together to destroy these hunters, we do it alone.""And so, I would compel them to believe they want to be one..but nonetheless. If you want us to take them on no worries. Just let them kill us and be off with our heads that simple..we need a plan and a good one if were gonna do this."

As soon as they reached his loft he opened the front door and guided her to his guest room. "This should be perfect for you as the time ensues. The hot water lasts forever, oh and just remember. Your safe here among me, I can protect you Lily."

And so, he left the room walking towards his bedroom.