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Bloody Satisfaction



a part of Bloody Satisfaction, by Aniihya.


Aniihya holds sovereignty over Lakeview, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Lakeview is a part of Bloody Satisfaction.

7 Characters Here

Melodie Jenson [4] "This guy thinks he can outsmart us? Thinks himself superior? He obviously hasn't met me."
Karea Vilnessen [3] A worthy but dangerous ally.
Katherine Vinson [1] I just want this all to be over.
Demos Kine [1] "It will be okay......I'm sure."
Yi Iownya [0] "Look I got priorities and unless you got something to make me change em i'm gone"
Doll [0]

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#, as written by Aniihya
It was morning and Karea was on her way to work. She was a teacher at the local high school. Karea had long silvery-white hair with a small braid hanging down the side. The rest of her hair was open. Her eyes were red. You would think she would be an albino, though she wasnt pale enough for one. She wore a white blouse with a black skirt and sneakers (I know it seems unfitting). On her way, she noticed half an arm laying on the ground from behind a wall. She walked around the wall to find a man laying on the ground with blood coming from his neck. Karea gave him a push with her foot. "Hey, do you need me to get you an ambulance?" She said but then she noticed two holes in the mans neck. No knife could have made such round holes and the holes were to small to be bullet wounds. "Whoever did this with pay with their life." She said to herself. Karea pulled out a phone and called the police and an ambulance.


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Character Portrait: Demos Kine
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Demos lazily strolled into the bar, his cloak hiding his whole body from the sun since it was day. He let out a heavy sigh and removed his cloak once he was behind the counter before getting started on cleaning the place up before the place open at 10. He grunted, he liked his job, it was the humans he couldn't stand. They always wanted to talk and get drunk. Which mad them loud, and which makes him snap at everyone. He had a reputation for being "a major dick" as some people call him, but that strangely doesn't keep the lonely, drunk woman from trying to get him to take them home. He had wiped down the counters and had started to clean the glasses which took most of the time, being there millions of different cup in a thousand different shapes and sizes. His grey eyes scanned over the bar that seemed to attract A LOT of people at night and was reminded of his last victim. "Hm, for a man he was quite a screamer." she said to himself in the empty bar, running a hand through his white hair.


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Character Portrait: Katherine Vinson
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#, as written by Lyndie
Katherine slowly walked to school. She was running a bit late, but she didn't care. She knew that having a good education was important and all, but she has math first and it bores her to tears. So she was trying to take as much time getting to school as possible, but she was still going too fast for her liking. She decides to stop at a gas station, grab a hot chocolate or something and make sure she still looks okay. It's a little windy out, so she had to be careful with her hair. She walks into a BP station and goes to the restroom first. She looked pretty good, but her hair... She pulled it into a ponytail to show off her streak and keep it under control.


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#, as written by Aniihya
Soon the police and the ambulance came. A policeman inspected the corpse and said: "This is the fourth one this month and the only clue we have is that all corpses had two wounds on their necks." "Really? Sounds like someone thinks they are a vampire. I think I will have to look into this." Karea said. The policeman then answered: "You will have to watch out because if someone finds you sniffing around, you could be next." Karea then chuckled and said: "If someone attacks me, I will give them a hard time bringing me down." "Well, that mountain cannibal might still be around, if the previous corpses were from being murdered. So there is that one too." The policeman said. Karea then answered: "Dont worry about me. I can watch out for myself. See ya." Karea then left the scene and went on to the school. There the word had already spread about the murders and a short school day with police helping the students home was planned. Karea then sat down at a bench and pulled out a sandwich with meat on it and started to eat.


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Character Portrait: Melodie Jenson
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Melodie was in her office, bare feet atop her desk, when the call came in. Sighing, she reached over and reluctantly lifted the phone off the reciever.

"Melodie Jenson speaking." The voice on the other end was silent for a moment, before explaining the situation at hand.

"I see," She mumbled into the speaker, "Another body's been found with the same markings, but is there anything NEW?"

"Nothing else, Mel." Melodie rolled her eyes.

"Then please give me a call when you find something that's actually helpful." With that, she tossed down the phone and missed the reciever by a long shot. Instead, it landed in the wastepaper basket by the window. She didn't even bother to pick it up. She laid back against the plush office chair and ran both hands through her long hair. The constant attacks by the local press and the calls from her supervisor were enough to drive anyone crazy.

The case papers were scattered about the room, thirty-seven to be exact. In all her years as a part of the Lakeview Investigation Force, she'd never had more than one incident left unsolved at a time. Yet somehow, a madman was able to walk free, killing tourists and leaving two holes on their necks. Soon enough, reporters began to regard the man behind it as "The Vampire Killer".

Melodie laughed humorlessly at the notion and stood, grabbing her shoes before leaving the office. It was time to examine yet another crime scene.

Pulling up in her beat-up car, she could tell that it wasn't going to be a good day. Despite how early it was, there were already swarms of reporters at the scene. Melodie did little to hide her irritation when they surrounded her vehicle.

"Mrs. Jenson! This is the fourth murder that you've been called to investigate this month with no obvious leads; would you say that this is due to the intelligence of the culprit or an error on the part of the police handling the case?"

"Rest assured, the Lakeview PD is doing everything in their power to see this criminal brought to justice." She replied through gritted teeth. Even though Melodie wanted nothing more than to knock every single press reporter to the ground, there was a certain professionalism that had to be maintained. The questions only became worse as they progressed.

"Is it true that the department is bringing in a senior investigator that they believe to be more capable of tracking down a suspect?" Turning on her heels, she faced the questioner.

With icy glare, she replied for a final time. "No comment. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a job that needs attending to." Pushing her way through the crowd, she finally reached the taped off crime scene.

What she saw was predictable. A middle-aged man was sprawled out on the floor, a few drips of blood splattered across the pavement by his head. She slowly crouched down by the victim to get a closer look. Scenes like this no longer shocked her. She reached out to move the head, but was stopped by a nearby officer.

"We're still photographing the body, Mrs. Jenson. Please refrain from moving it for now." Seeing the face she gave him, he pulled a pair of latex gloves out of his bag and handed them to her. "You can take a look at the rest of the scene though. Not that there's much to see." Melodie sighed and stood. She didn't need to see the body, they were all the same anyways.

Her search of the rest of the scene turned up nothing new. There were no footprints, no fingerprint, not a single thing that could be used to track a culprit. Calling over her shoulder, she shouted, "Call me when I can get a look at him."

As Melodie crawled under the yellow caution tape, she was relieved to notice that all the press agents had been shooed away. She stopped for a moment to fix a stray strand from her ponytail and was approached by one of the force's senior officers.

"Nothing new to report on?" He asked cautiously. Everyone knew better than to mess with Melodie after a failed investigation.


He nodded thoughtfully and was silent for a moment. Thinking aloud, he sighed, "What sane person feels the need to mutilate a body after a murder? It's cult activity if you ask me."

Melodie sighed, "Probably."

With that, she found her car and crawled into it. Before she could even muster up the strength to stick the key in the ignition, all of the anger that she'd been concealing for months came pouring back out. "Dammit!" She shrieked, pounding her hand against the dashboard. She could see her fellow officers watching in shock, but she no longer cared. "I'll find you eventually, you bastard!"


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Slowly rolling around in his bed Yi sighs and mutters "School why why, do you haunt me so I just wanna sleep." Dressing himself in a plain black coat with a white t-shirt underneath with black pants on. "Another day another penny." Yi says swiping a bun from his apartments counter. Yi steps out from the apartment knowing he doesn't have enough money to rent it for another day. Walking to school he notices a commotion around an alley, "Another murder what a waste, whatever I just need to get to school." he mutters under his voice


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#, as written by Aniihya
Karea noticed the investigator and that there wasn't any proof for a suspect. She noticed the woman ranting in her car. So Karea walked up to the car and said: "Its a shame that there is no evidence. I have heard of lots of deaths here in Lakeview. But I do not think this could be the work of the mountain cannibal but rather a new killer or a copycat killer. Did you check the distance of the marks between each other. With that you could eventually find out what size and eventually what age the suspect is, then you could check if the victim struggled or not against its attacker. If you need help, I can help you. I may be only a teacher but I have seen these situations a couple of times."


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Character Portrait: Melodie Jenson Character Portrait: Karea Vilnessen
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Melodie looked up at the woman in disbelief. The thought of another person assisting her in the investigation wasn't exactly thrilling.

"The details of this case are classified to the public, so I don't see any room for a schoolteacher to get involved." She muttered grumpily. "But suppose that I DID do all that. Like with the teeth marks and stuff." All traces of professionalism faded as she clutched desperately to the steering wheel for support. "What do you suppose my next course of action is, get a dentist to measure the mouth of every damn person in this town?" She sighed for a moment, staring silently at the woman for a moment and regaining her composure.

Looking around to see if there were any other officers around, she leaned out the car window and whispered. "Look, we already know it isn't the mountain cannibal. We actually ruled that out a while ago. The problem is finding a guy that punches two holes into the necks of his victims. Probably some sort of cult thing." She peeked over at the crime scene before continuing, "There's no way that human teeth could do something like that, so right now we're searching for some sort of artificial fangs." Melodie wasn't permitted to share these facts with anyone outside of the case, and she wasn't exactly sure what possessed her to do it now.

Leaning back against the seat, she silently thought to herself, 'Measuring the distance between them might not work so well, but if I measured the depth of the puncture wound I might be able to track it with with a specialist.'

Melodie glanced over at the teacher once more before starting the car. Suspicious of the woman, she spoke once more before pulling out of the lot.

"How do you know so much? This is classified information."


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#, as written by Aniihya
"I know so much because I take insight into it and the first case of the mountain cannibal, I was the one who found a half eaten body during my frequent walks in the forest. This town isn't so big, so if someone normally walks to work, they might notice something. I have seen shadows moving around in this area before and until now most of the murders have been in a radius of a kilometer, meaning that the culprit or maybe culprits are from this area or pass by recently. Maybe it could be a real vampire. In my home country we had many things that people here would called fictional." Karea said.

Karea took out a beef jerky like snack but it wasn't beef. It gave off an unique smell, a smell that somehow wouldn't feel good to a normal human. Karea took a bite from it. Her teeth bit the dry meat so clean as if it had been cut with an extremely sharp knife.


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Character Portrait: Melodie Jenson Character Portrait: Karea Vilnessen
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She wasn't sure why, but Melodie suddenly felt sick to her stomach.

"So, you think the force will take me seriously if I suggest that the murderer is a vampire?" She asked, trying her very best to avoid the nausea. "I believe in those creatures about as much as I believe in Bigfoot and aliens. People like to claim that they're real, but there's just no substantial evidence." She sighed for what felt like the hundredth time in the past hour, "I DO believe that the culprit might think he is a vampire. Like I said before, some sort of cult is probably involved."

Melodie glared down at the jerky in the woman's hand. "That thing smells disgusting." Plugging her nose, she continued on the subject, "Anyways, even if you have been the one to discover many of the bodies, I don't see how that qualifies you to give insight on an investigation. Thank you for your input though." Shutting her eyes, she began to roll up the window, but stopped halfway.

"Didn't you say that you were a teacher? I imagine you'll be late if you stick around here for too long." Melodie just wanted to get back to her office and look over the case files. She needed to find some other plausible motive. The idea that vampires existed was just too insane to accept.


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#, as written by Aniihya
"Didn't you say that you were a teacher? I imagine you'll be late if you stick around here for too long." The woman said. Karea then took out a pocket watch and said: "You are right. Well I have to get to work. Just call me if you need assistance. The name is Karea Vilnessen. You can find my number in the phone book." Karea then waved and headed towards the school. She then arrived just on time. "Good morning students. Today we will be looking into philosophical works particularly from Franz Kafka. Does anyone know another important author and philosopher?" Karea began.


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Character Portrait: Melodie Jenson Character Portrait: Karea Vilnessen
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Melodie watched the woman walk away before jotting the name 'Karea Vilnessen' down in her pocketbook. Although she didn't plan on calling the teacher, her intentions did include keeping an eye on Miss Vilnessen. Exhausted, she drove back to her office.

The rest of the day was anything but relaxing. From the moment she returned up to the very moment that the sun disappeared, she sat on the floor rifling through old case papers. There had been nothing drastic, as she expected. All of the victim's had the same cause of death; loss of blood. In addition, every single one had two puncture marks visible on their necks. At one point, Melodie was convinced that somebody in the station had messed up and photocopied the same report thirty times.

Although she'd spent an enormous amount of time going through piles of paperwork, a majority of it was actually spent trying to find out more about Karea Vilnessen. While it was true that she could be found in the phone book, Melodie found it nearly impossible to locate any other information on her. There was a record of employment from a local high school, but that was about it.

"So you teach literature, huh?" Melodie mumbled to herself, leaning over her laptop. With great disappointment and heavy sarcasm, she added, "That REALLY helps me find 'The Vampire'." She let out a humorless laugh, "If only you had some sort of criminal past, that would've at least made things a little more interesting for me."

Conversations with herself actually seemed to be the only thing keeping Melodie sane on days like these. After a seemingly-endless day, she finally drove to her empty home.