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Shelby Peters

"If you think i'm going to comply you're wrong"

0 · 883 views · located in Distant future America

a character in “Captive in a Chemical Garden”, originally authored by KiraArsenic, as played by RolePlayGateway


Shelby Peters
Face Claim:
Emma Roberts
• Cooking “Because nothing says “yes master” like a well cooked steak”
• Reading “Why not get lost in another world?”
• Fresh air “Considering I haven’t had any since I was 14”
• Exercising “Keeps my mind AND body busy”
• Rain “If only I could feel it again”
• Children “but don’t tell anyone”
• Being forced into marrying “Surprised? Not everyone loves the married life.”
• Being alone except for the most part “except when my “husband” visits me for reproduction purposes. Oh yeah. I feel cherished.”
• Feeling stuck or trapped “like being held captive in a floor of a house? Yeah.”
• Having her clothing chosen for her “What I’m not big enough to choose what I wear?”
• Needles “Don’t get anywhere near me with those”
• Taking Medication “I’m not drugging myself with ANYTHING”
• Her sister dying “I don’t feel like talking about it…”
• The idea of pregnancy “I may like children but I’m not looking forward to producing one”
Shelby has honey blonde hair and grey-green eyes. She stands at about 5’5” and is quite fit for her age because she spends most of her ‘alone time’ exercising. If she got to choose her clothing, her style would look like this:
Shelby pierced her own ears 3 times. So she has 6 piercings on her ears total, though she had to remove 4 of them when she was given to the governor. It wasn’t “proper” for a wife to look so “trashy”.
Shelby is very headstrong. She refuses to be ordered around like a small child, but responds well to kind requests. She HATES the idea of being forced to be a wife to make more children, and resists the idea with all that she is. If she doesn’t like something she isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and she prides herself on that part of personality. Even though Shelby comes off extremely independent she actually becomes quite depressed when she’s left alone for a long period of time. She thrives on human interaction, and she will do what she has to for attention if she feels lonely. Shelby CAN be a very kind person but she has to feel close to and trust that person before she will show them any kind of warmth. Thus far in her life, her sister is the only one she had ever shown warmth and kindness to.
Shelby is a fighter. She will defend what she believes in even if she knows it could result in a beating (sometimes she will defend her point just to make someone angry if she doesn’t like them).
Shelby’s mother had her when she was 20, and her father was ecstatic to be having a little girl. Then when Shelby was 6 her mother became pregnant again, but lost the baby at 7 months along. Her mother went into a serious depression, quit her job, and slept all day. Shelby’s father didn’t know what to do or say to help his wife. About 2 years later her mother was pregnant again and Cassidy was born. The family was happy again for awhile but when Cassidy was 2 they found out that she had a fatal form of Leukemia. This time Shelby’s mother dove into a depression, and a few months later she killed herself. Their father went mad with grief and abused Shelby verbally, physically, and sexually. She was 9 at the time. The abuse went on for 5 more years, and Shelby’s personality turned from sweet little girl to seemingly cold and heartless. But Shelby started learning how to deflect the abuse, keep herself out of the house when her father was home, or busy herself taking care of Cassidy. She knew Cassidy was safe because all her father wanted to do was help her. He worked 2 jobs and long hours to pay for her medical bills, but Cassidy started taking a turn for the worse. Her father arranged for Shelby’s kidnapping in exchange for some money for Cassidy’s medical expenses. So, in the middle of the night 2 men came to the house paid of her father and stormed her room. They bound and gagged her and threw her into a van. Shelby was unsure of what was happening but she knew the rumors. Girls being sold to men in high status for reproduction purposes. She readied herself for what she’d see when the van doors opened again.

So begins...

Shelby Peters's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters
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Valentina nodded, smiling weakly at Shelby.
"Don't worry, I won't..." She said quietly, then made her way over to Shelby's bed. She then sat down, gently smoothing out the bedsheets as she did so. "...He won't do anything, you know...I mean...with regards to consummation...not to you or me, anyway..." She looked down at her hands, feeling a small amount of guilt. She'd been so keen on setting Decker up with Raven, but...what if Raven felt the same as she did? The same as Shelby? What if she was just too afraid to let it show?
Pulling herself out of her thoughts, she looked back over at Shelby. "I mean, I basically said no to him downstairs regarding it, and he just took that as his answer...he didn't push or try to force me like my mother told me some Governors do...which is good, because...there's no way I want some wealthy pretty boy rolling around on top of me without my full consent..." She gave a small laugh, possibly because she found the remark funny, but possible to hide the slight wavering in her voice as she spoke. She couldn't really tell. It wasn't that she was jealous or either Raven or Lacey...because, in reality, she had no need to be...Decker had complimented her beauty, showed he cared about her like he did with his other brides, and even made a few small advances...all of which Valentina had rejected, but...they were still what they were...
It was just that...looking around, she could see the conditions she'd be living in for the rest of her life. Albeit, they were pretty, and decorated, and fancy, and made to look like they were special...but she just saw all the pretty as an attempted cover up for all the ugly things Governor Decker and the rest of this establishment had done to bring her and her sister wives here. She didn't want to be here...she wanted to be home. She wanted to see her parents again...even just for a little while...just enough time to tell them she was safe, and she loved them. But that was one thing she'd never get to do. As far as her mother and father knew, she could be lying dead at the side of a road somewhere...or working at a brothel a few towns away...or here. And, although they'd be able to keep up high spirits that she was okay...they'd never fully know. Just like she'd never fully know if they still cared about her, or if they still loved her and were going to try and find her. No more hugs, no more of her mother coming into her bedroom at night and gently curling her hair as they discussed that days events, no more of her father who, on days that he would actually talk to her, would tell her stories of all the animals that had since become extinct, like tigers, lions, flamingoes, cheetas...and of all the countries, with their different languages and cultures and ways of life. Sometimes he would try to teach Valentina part of a new language...but he'd always forget some parts of it or, at least, say he'd this day she wasn't sure if that was the case, or if he found himself actually showing a little bit of care and had to push her away...and so she'd only know a few words. Right now, in the current situation, she couldn't even think of one thing she'd discussed with either of them...and that frightened her. She wasn't ready to forget them. Although, looking around, she'd probably have to. She was going to die here, with no family around her.
And that feeling of loneliness, the feeling that completely took over her and made her almost start to completely shut down at the thought of never feeling that level of love and care again, began to make it's way up and consume her, starting from her fingers and her toes, and making it's way up into her system, her blood turning cold along with it.

The setting changes from Decker's Mansion to Distant future America

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters
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"He was serious about that? The good-guy routine? It's hard to believe what's real and what's not." she said in a huff. Shelby laughed at her next comment but then quickly stopped. The girl was serious but it had a mocking edge to it. "there's no way I want some wealthy pretty boy rolling around on top of me without my full consent" "I've got to say, I have no desire to consummate at all..." she paused momentarily, wondering if she should continue. "But at this point I really have no choice in the matter unless Governor Decker is serious about his offer."

Shelby thought about her sister and wondered how she was actually doing. Was her father paid the right amount of money? Were her medical expenses being taken care of? Was she happy right now? 'Does she miss me?' she thought sadly. Late at night when she couldn't sleep, either from pain or nightmares, Shelby would sneak into her bedroom and sing her a lullaby. Something soft and cheerful. Sometimes she would fall asleep with her sister and her father would make her pay for it the next morning. He always told her to stay out of Cassidy's room at night, because "If she was having a nightmare she can grow up and deal with it". Just item on the long list of things her father didn't understand. In fact, one night he caught Shelby sneaking into Cassidy's room, and the smell of southern comfort was oozing out of his pores. Shelby tried to run but he caught her by the arm and wouldn't let go. The rest of the night seemed to be in a haze but she remembered waking up on her bedroom floor with a bleeding welt on her head, a cigarette burn on her temple, and a sprained arm. The memory made shelby shudder but she never regretted trying to sneak into Cassidy's room. She would do anything for her sister.

The setting changes from Distant future America to Decker's Mansion

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters
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When she eventually came back out of her thoughts, Valentina looked back up and at Shelby, slightly dazed from thinking so much.
"Um...well, yeah...he seemed serious enough..." She said quietly, giving a small nod as she confirmed that fact in her head. Yes...he had to have been being serious.
Opening her mouth to speak again, she hesitated slightly. Should she tell Shelby about how confused Decker had been earlier? How it seemed like he didn't know they'd all been brought here? Glancing at her again and biting cautiously on her bottom lip, she gulped quietly.
"...I don't think he even knows, you know..." She said almost silently, not quite a whisper, but only just loud enough to be heard. "About the Gatherers kidnapping us all...I mean...when I was talking to him earlier, he...well...he told me he could see something between when I rejected him, he seemed...well...puzzled, y'know? he thought we'd all come here willingly, and that we'd all want him..."
She wasn't sure whether she should have told her or not, felt too huge to keep to herself. She couldn't have let it stay a secret.
"I-I...I...I mean, please...don't tell him, or anyone else that I told you that..." She added after a slight pause, stumbling slightly over her words. "I mean, because...even if he doesn't know...someone in this place will...and since I told you, I could get into deep shit if anyone who shouldn't know finds out..."

The setting changes from Decker's Mansion to Distant future America

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters
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"Um...well, yeah...he seemed serious enough..." Valentina said. Shelby could tell she had more to say and she was about to ask her what else she knew when she started talking again. "I don't think he even knows, you know...about the Gatherers kidnapping us all...I mean...when I was talking to him earlier, he...well...he told me he could see something between when I rejected him, he seemed...well...puzzled, y'know? he thought we'd all come here willingly, and that we'd all want him." Shelby nodded, she could see that being a possibility, considering the ladies in waiting did NOT want her revealing anything personal to him. "I won't tell anyone. But I can see where you're coming from. When I came here I was forced to keep my personal life to myself, and I was told to behave and act womanly." she paused. "One of my family member's life hangs in the balance. If I mess up she's dead." she said softly, almost inaudibly. She was relieved that she could tell someone. 'Hey maybe talking to Valentina will help me get through the night with Decker...or at least part of the night...until he moves on to his other brides...' she thought. "Someone here DEFINITELY knows about everything, and it seems as though someone is purposely lying to Decker."

The setting changes from Distant future America to Decker's Mansion

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters
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Valentina blinked and looked at Shelby, the colour draining from her face even more than it already had since coming upstairs. That poor girl...
"...Hey...I won't let you mess up..." She said quietly, giving her a small smile. "Cross my heart. I mean...I'm already trying to just slip through the cracks in this place, anyway...just stay in the back with me, and you and your family will be fine." Her smile faded slightly when the next thought crossed her mind. "...You don' him, do you? You far as romance goes?" She said, slightly quieter than she'd said the things before. "I-it's just because...well...I'm not keen on getting involved romantically with him, 'cause...let's face's not love if it's forced..." Her smile began to slowly fade more. "But...I guess I was just hoping to find that little bit of comfort and security from someone else here...someone who felt the same about things as I do...and...we seemed to be on the same page with a few things, and...well, I guess I was just wondering if you maybe...wanted to be...friends...?"
She gave another, more nervous and less convincing smile. It made her sound like a child. And she hated that. But...she just wanted someone that she knew she'd be able to talk to, far as she could tell, Shelby was kind at heart.

The setting changes from Decker's Mansion to Distant future America

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters
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"Thanks" Shelby said quietly, though she didn't hold the woman to it. "I never planned on being in the forefront anyway. I don't want to be seen or heard. I fear that if I speak i'll say something wrong and my family will pay for it." she said even more quietly than before.

Shelby paused at her next question. "...You don' him, do you? You far as romance goes?" Shelby almost laughed. "No, I'd rather have nothing to do with the man, but now that i'm here I have to act like he's my everything and I don't know how to do that." she said, speaking her mind. Valentina went on to ask if she wanted to be friends. "Sure" Shelby smiled awkwardly. "I guess one can never have too many friends. Besides, it's nice to have someone to talk to about this stuff. Maybe who ever is running the show is okay with us talking about it together so we don't explode one of these days" she smirked at the idea. If her sister wasn't hanging in the balance she would've decked someone and tried to escape a multitude of times by now.