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Castaway and Forgotten

Castaway and Forgotten


From all around the country, only two thousand teenagers were granted the opportunity to travel on the Leadership Cruise. Sadly, when the ship sinks, only a small percentage of the teens survive, washing up on an uninhabited island. Will help arrive?

2,178 readers have visited Castaway and Forgotten since Lucky created it.


Welcome to the Leadership Cruise

"There is magic in the ability to lead. You're lucky enough to have this opportunity to learn that ability. Enjoy your conference."


They say this is a once in a life time opportunity. You're the "lucky one." It doesn't matter how you were chosen, whether it be because of social status, academics, scholarship, raffle, or recognition for athletics. The founder of the Leaders of Tomorrow foundation decided that a ten day cruise would be the perfect way to spread ideology to today's young people... and more importantly, spread his good name across the country. This is the fourth annual Leadership Cruise, and things couldn't be running smoother. Alexander Jace, CEO of Jace Enterprises and the founder of Leaders of Tomorrow, has once again thanked every ex-wife he has that he doesn't have any kids. As teenagers begin to flood the boat, he straightens his designer suit as the captain, Lander Swanson, smiles brightly at all the young faces. Alexander Jace may take credit for this expedition, but he in no way participates... except for the farewell good-wishes speech at the beginning. Of course, her really just reuses the same speech over and over again.

"Welcome everybody, it's fantastic to see all of your enthusiastic faces on board today. It's a wonderful day to kick off the rest of your lives. While we all come from different backgrounds and experiences, let's remember that we do have one commonality: We want to create a better future. Now I'm delighted to explain..." Of course, no one really listened to the tired and rehearsed speech. Despite the two hour seminar that each floor was required to attend per night, they were really all just able to roam and party. The true excitement on ship was all the amenities offered.


On board the cruise ship, each cabin will be paired up with a roommate. Girls and guys have separate rooms, and rooming assignments will be made randomly. Inside the room there were two beds, a desk, closet space, a bathroom, and some were lucky for a wonderful view of the open ocean.


There were three pools. Two large ones on the main deck, and one smaller one on the upper deck. And if you don't like being in the water, there are plenty of chairs to relax out in the sun. Also, there are ping-pong tables, miniature golf, a running/walking track on the upper deck, a weight room, a spa, and much more offered on the ship.


And for the first three days, everything seemed... perfect. The keynote speakers were funny, informational, entertaining. The comedians brought down the house, the musical performances were phenomenal, and the food was to die for.



It was the third night, around 9:15 when the boat started to shift. The seas were growing rougher and restless. Eventually, it began to downpour and all outside activities were cancelled. At 10:35, Captain Lander Swanson demanded to receive updates about the storm, but all communication was down. Not wanting to cause a panic, the information of the ship's loss of ability to communicate with the outside world never left the control room. Captain Swanson remained awake all night as the storm grew worse and more violent. It was impossible to tell the direction they were traveling in as waves thrashed against the boat. The next day didn't offer sun, just more rain and lightning. It appeared a tropical storm had formed right on top of them, or they were riding through one, the captain wasn't sure. Meanwhile, people grew anxious as their televisions no longer worked with the cable, only running the internal channels. A cruise ship filled with two-thousand teenagers didn't help the matters, as the kids far out numbered the adults. As 4:22 pm rolled around on the fourth day at sea, the ship blew an engine. It was a fiery explosion that caught everyone's attention. Sadly still in the heart of a storm, there was too much chaos for any sort of organization. People panicked. Without one engine, another soon blew from being over worked. Now without any ability to steer or keep the ship out of some of the worst waves, Captain Swanson was forced to face the worst case scenario. A massive wave crashed into the boat, followed by another, and another. They began to tip... they began to sink.


The captain was frozen as the Mayday signal was sent out. Their distress would be short lived as the boat sunk faster than it should have, the storm quickly pouncing on the weakened ship. Luckily, life boats were cast off... but the wicked waves of mother nature destroyed many within ten minutes of open sea. Even as little life rafts may survive, some of the teens would be violently tossed out and lost at sea.

The treacherous sea had thrown its fury, and mother nature expended her wrath. But even as this happened, some teens found themselves on the sandy beaches or the rocky cape of an island. This island was quiet, and deserted. There were no other people.


Now you're stuck here, trying to survive the elements, animals, and each other. As the storm calms, so does the water. It returns to a picturesque blue, allowing you a crystal clear look into the shark infested water. The island is hot and humid, but there are bananas and other fruit growing around. Besides sharks, there are snakes, alligators in the swampy portions, vicious monkeys, and even a few leopards.


There is in fact, an abandoned research facility further into the island. It might take an hour hike from the shore, but it should provide some small sheltering from the elements, some first aid supplies, and even some other items: such as some clothing and kitchen knives, wood splitting axe, tools... etc. Either way, it's up to you whether you stick with a group, go solo, try to build a raft to escape, or wait until someone comes looking for you. Either way, you're only help for now are the other teenagers from the cruise. Hopefully you survive long enough to make it back home.

Character Sheet Format:

Code: Select all
[center][size=200][b][i]CHARACTER NAME[/i][/b][/size][/center]

[center][img]CHARACTER PICTURE[/img][/center]



[b]Age:[/b]  (Between 14-18)



[b]Relationship Status:[/b] (They are all still in high school... so this is still important to them)


[center][img]INSERT PICTURE HERE[/img][/center]




[b]Eye Color:[/b]

[b]Hair Color:[/b]

[b]Physical Description:[/b]

[b]Equipment/Items from Wreck:[/b] (You may take up to four items from the ship that you "carried with you" or "found" on the beach. Cannot be guns or weapons above a pocket knife that was sneaked onto the ship. Keep it realistic.)


[center][img]INSERT PICTURE HERE[/img][/center]






[b]History/Biography:[/b] (There must be something actually written for this.)

[center][b][size=150]The Ship[/size][/b][/center]

[center][img]INSERT PICTURE HERE[/img][/center]

[b]How you got on the ship:[/b]

[b]How you got off the ship/ What you remember:[/b]

[b] Other Information:[/b]

Toggle Rules

Castaway and Forgotten Rules

  • No God-Modding.
  • Keep all arguments/fighting IC not OOC.
  • It's okay to be creative, but no finding absurd amounts of food or weapons.
  • There is one freshwater river that runs through the island, and there will be a well near an abandoned small research facility they will find.
  • No guns
  • Can't kill off other characters unless discussed with that character's owner.
  • Have fun!
  • If someone is breaking these rules, let me know.
  • Lastly, I may change the rules if issues arise and that is necessary.

You will have one warning. If you continue to disregard/ break these rules, I reserve the right to kick you from the group. Also, I will not tolerate any bullying. Thank you, and enjoy the RP!

Taking place in...

Castaway Island our primary setting

Nobody may ever find out what happened to these kids... or will they?

Castaway Island

Castaway Island by Lucky

Nobody may ever find out what happened to these kids... or will they?

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylie Jordon Krixx
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#, as written by Lucky
Rylie Jordon Krixx


Rylie scooped up the plastic water bottle from the sand, peeling off her red plaid button up, shaking the sea salt loose from the clothing. Her body felt scratchy from the sand and salt, but she couldn't shake the feeling of water crashing into her, or the uncontrollable churning of the waves. Even though she was on the white, sandy beach, Rylie saw dark blue water every time she closed her eyes. Falling back onto the sand, she laid there just allowing her body to sink deeper into the warm grainy sand. Exhaustion was finally catching up to her, and her ribs ached. Glancing around, Rylie quickly lifted her black tank to reveal her black and blue ribs. Breathing hurt, and she grimaced at the dark coloring. "Fucking great..."

Being relatively used to injuries, she picked herself up, dusting her jeans off of some sand and limping up the beach and towards the shady treeline. Her over shirt was in one hand and the water bottle was in the other. Rylie could thankfully still feel her grandfather's pocket knife still in her back pocket, next to the lighter. She picked a direction and began to walk, hoping to find others that had survived the shipwreck, or possible debris that could prove useful. Either way, there had to be something useful on the island, or others out there. Rylie just hoped others survived.


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Thomas awoke with a throbbing head ache. Felt as though someone was driving a chisel through his skull. He hasn't remembered drinking the night before, or remembered the night before at all. The last thing he could recall was talking to his roommate on the ship Ralph, just before dinner. Something about 'Let loose man, you have to enjoy yourself here!'. If only he knew where here was, as his eyes adjusted to the bright sun he peered around the beach. "What the fuck" he said as he saw that he was the only one there. His clothes were coated in salt and soaked through. He noticed his hiking backpack under the seat in front of him. It was a special addition survival backpack, waterproof. As well as a tin crate screwed on to the inside of the boat. It required a key, which he obviously didnt have. 'This is a fucked up joke' he thought to himself before standing and looking around once more.

"Anyone here?" He called out, to which was no reply. Panic began to swell up as he recalled the storm they had entered was rough and made him sick to his stomach being a land lover, he had gone to lie down and eventually fell asleep. He frantically searched through his memory and could faintly recall waking up to a thunderous explosion. But then feeling a great pain seconds later and losing consciousness. He must've been knocked unconscious. "Is anyone else here!?" He yelled once more to the top of his lungs, his voice was hoarse and raspy from dehydration, lips chapped and burning from the seas salt. He finally sat down slowing his breathing, focusing on it to get his heart rate under control. Just like he had trained to do so many times before. As reason came again he strengthened his resolve 'If this isn't a joke, it's real, start acting like it' he searched his bag for anything of use. In the outermost pocket he found his multi-tool. Having worked construction with his friends father and friend, he never left home without it. Something always needed fixing wherever he had gone.

Pocketing that he continued his search finding a dry clean pair of socks and underwear which he chose to hold off on wearing. He took his current pair off, rolling up his pant legs and taking off then subsequently tying his shoes to the pack. He planned to walk down the beach a ways barefoot, maybe he'd find a fishing village. Hopefully he'd find someone. Remembering the box he took his multi-tool out, it was a limited edition kurshaw multi-tool having all sorts of odds and ends ranging from a pair of pliers to a bottle open. In this case he changed it out to reveal a Philips screwdriver which he used to jimmy the lock. After his success it revealed a small sturdy hatchet. 'Jackpot' he thought to himself as he hoisted it up. Most of the weight was in the head but it was balanced slightly by some weight in the pummel. Luckily it had a rope that you could put your hand through whilst holding the shaft. It gave your wrist more support and it'd be harder to lose. Instead Thomas improvised tying it to his pack alongside his shoes. After he put his old pair of salt crusted socks in the secondary pocket, and his fresh pair plus underware with his hoody in the main pocket.

He jumped from the boat, but before heading off he decided to pull the life boat itself to the tree line. Which was about 50 yards off. So after a tiring hour or so of pushing and pulling he was confident enough that high tide would not pull it out to sea, he was off. His legs and arms burned with lack of water and he was hungry. Pushing the thought of wants into the depth of his mind, he walked down the coast absorbing the afternoons suns rays.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Rawley Character Portrait: Thomas Alexander
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Sensing that the violent rocking of the lifeboat had finally stopped, Lilly opened her eyes and looked around. She was on what appeared to be a deserted island, so at least the storm had brought her somewhere safe-ish. Lilly slowly relaxed her death grip on the safety handle in the life boat and stood up. She took a few minutes to carefully stretch out her cramped muscles before attempting anything too strenuous, like walking. When she felt a little more comfortable, Lilly got out of the lifeboat and began walking down the beach line. Surprisingly, the strap on her purse had held, but it felt a lot lighter. Some of her stuff must have been thrown out in the ocean. All that was left now was a pen, lotion, and a pack of gum. "Well, at least not all is lost!" Lilly quickly grabbed a piece and began chewing. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that gum would not substitute for food unfortunately. Lilly scanned the area around her, hoping to see people nearby, but there was nobody in sight.

"Anyone here?" Lilly stopped in her tracks and spun towards the direction of the voice. There was a bend in the island, so the forest blocked her view. It was just a faint echo, but that had to be better than nothing. She began to walk towards the sound, but didn't respond as of yet. For all she knew, there could be people that already lived on this island. Maybe it was just a trap to catch unsuspecting storm victims. Lilly slowly turned the corner and nearly collapsed with relief. There was an older boy walking down the beach that she vaguely remembered seeing on the cruise. She began running now, worried that he'd magically disappear if she waited too long. "Hey, wait!" Lilly skidded to a stop in front of him. "Thank goodness there's someone else here!" She smiled and held out her hand. "My name is Lilly. Do you have any idea where we are?"


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Tom was suddenly confronted by a girl younger then himself by a few years. "Hey wait!" She shouted, the shout ringing in his mind as though he were in a church bell. Causing him to wince as she stood before him hand out in a welcoming motion. Tom made note that her name was Lilly and that he too was glad to see someone here. He took her hand in his callused work laden hand, shaking it before going on himself "Thomas, and I have no idea". Relief filled him, he wasn't the most social person but he didnt want to be the king of coconuts for the rest of his days. If there happened to be cannibals he bet himself that he could outrun Lilly for that matter. He laughed a little to himself before continuing. "Did the boat sink? I don't even remember getting onto the life boat, did you happen to see a short ginger kid with aviator sun glasses?"

If there were no one older then himself on the island, or any natives, or anyone else. He wouldn't know what to do besides follow the three rules of survival. Finding fresh water, which could be obtained via coconuts. Food, again coconuts or fish. Shelter, which he could easily make, but where is the question. The sun was at about one in the afternoon covering his eyes he scanned the horizon for any other life boats. The current would pull them in, hopefully. He couldn't imagine being lost at sea.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Rawley Character Portrait: Rylie Jordon Krixx Character Portrait: Thomas Alexander
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lucky
Rylie Jordan Krixx

Rylie swore she'd just heard voices as she continued walking along the treeline of the beach. With a pained sigh, she propped herself against a tree, wheezing for breath as her ribs continued their intense ache. The sun still seemed so high, like it was right above her. Swallowing her sandy throat, Ry closed her eyes for a second. "Hey wait!" Rylie's eyes shot open, and she shot forwards, immediately regretting it as she curled up in pain. The voice was feminine and not too far away. Breathing through the pain, Rylie sat up and pushed herself to her feet. Walking forwards with more vigor, Ry continued to listen for voices. They seemed to be getting closer, and sounded like different people.

Rylie was tired of the thick sand, deciding to abandon the beach for a more direct route throughout the lush forest. The long vines kept flapping against her body as she trudged deeper into the shadowed woods. As another vine smacked her in the face, Rylie could see the exit just ten feet ahead. In frustration, she snatched the vine, pulling out her grandfather's pocket knife, Rylie then proceeded to slash the four inch knife into the vine. With another heavy stroke that left her gasping, the vine fell and liquid drenched her.

"Fucking great!" She shouted in frustration, wiping the liquid off her face. It had a sweet familiar taste that was on her lips. Her eyes lit up in fascination, opening another vine and tipping it into her mouth. It was water! With the salt removed from her throat, Rylie staggered out of the woods, stumbling in the sand, with her pocket knife out and drenched in water. She was panting as she glanced at the guy and girl in front of her. I swear I've seen them around... They must be from the ship.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Rawley Character Portrait: Rylie Jordon Krixx Character Portrait: Thomas Alexander
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Lilly grinned. "It's nice to meet you. Although I would have preferred to have done it somewhere nicer than this." At least now she didn't have to worry about being alone forever. Of course, being stuck on an island wasn't really what she would consider a good time. Lilly pulled on a strand of her hair as she thought over Thomas' questions. "I think it sunk. It was going down when I finally got into a lifeboat. And sorry, no I didn't see anyone like that. A friend of yours?" She licked her lips, and all at once realized how thirsty she was. This could be a problem. A few years ago, Lilly had read The Swiss Family Robinson. Her memory was hazy, but she knew that finding food and shelter- and water, her lips reminded her- were a priority. She studied the forest carefully. There had to be coconuts and other fruits on some of the trees, right?

At that moment, she heard a muffled shout coming from the forest. Some of the vines nearest the beach began swaying, and Lilly backed up a little. If a hungry native came flying out, she was done for. There was no way she could outrun Thomas, and he probably wouldn't risk his life to save someone he just met. Not that she would blame him. She would probably do the same thing. Her only defense was her purse, but it gave her a small sense of comfort. Maybe she could throw it at the person's face and disorient them long enough for her to get a head start! Lilly was winding up to throw when a girl close to her age stumbled out. She breathed a huge sigh of relief and then laughed. "I swear, if there is one more scare today, I'm going to die of a heart attack."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Rawley Character Portrait: Rylie Jordon Krixx Character Portrait: Thomas Alexander
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lucky
Rylie Jordan Krixx

"I swear, if there is one more scare today, I'm going to die of a heart attack." Rylie chuckled, sticking her hands up in surrender as she saw the girl had her purse poised to... uh, attack. With a grin, Ry glanced at her pocket knife before sheepishly tucking it away as she panted for breath. Eyeing the bag with an amused smirk, Rylie finally spoke.

"My bad. Just please, don't hit me with your purse." Rylie teased, glancing around. "So, I'm pretty sure I saw you on the ship... unless, of course, you live here. If that's the case, mind if I reserve a room or something. Feels like my cellphone and phone service didn't make it off the ship." Ry patted her pockets for added humor. As she did so, she winced from her ribs.


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Lilly was suddenly startled and brought up her purse as her only defense.
Thomas somehow didnt care at this point his headache was a full on migraine.
Booming as it were he'd be able to dodge anything besides a gun if he needed to,
but he was to lazy at this junction to go into a stance. He did however curve his feet inwards.
It would be a start and only take half a second or him to get into a one of his choosing.
Then he saw Rylie, the girl his cabin mate had a crush on.

Her joke would have normally been funny but Tom was in no mood, though she did look wet.
It sparked Tom's interest, "Did you just come from the sea? Why are you wet?" He asked being
one who goes straight to the point. Especially in a situation like this. He hasn't used his working
tone all trip because it was usually off putting and not good for social occasions but in this
case, there was a job to get done. A very important job of survival. She had winced, her body language
spoke of a physical injury, he beat himself up for not being considerate "Where do you hurt?" he
continued pointing. He has some basic experience with injuries having obtained and given so many of
his own in the past. But he'd only help if he could and her injury could hinder them.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Rawley Character Portrait: Rylie Jordon Krixx Character Portrait: Thomas Alexander
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0.00 INK

Lilly stuck her tongue out at the girl and let the purse drop to her side. "Okay, so it probably wouldn't have done anything to you. But you would have been surprised, right?" she nodded at the girl's question. "Yeah, my room was down the hall from yours. I'm Lilly." Just then, Tom seemed to realize that someone else had just entered the picture and began asking her questions. Dude, Lilly hadn't even noticed that she was wet. "Did you swim all the way here? That would suck," she frowned slightly. The girl had winced. But again, Tom had noticed before her and already asked her about it. "Well, since he's asked all the important questions... What's your name?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Rawley Character Portrait: Rylie Jordon Krixx Character Portrait: Thomas Alexander
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lucky
Rylie Jordan Krixx

"I'm fine, really." Rylie offered a blinding smirk that she'd use on all the of her dad's work friends to win them over. It was a bit of a habit now. "What a pleasure to put such a mesmerizing name to such a beautiful face, Lilly. Especially on such a freaking amazing island." The last bit was muttered sarcastically, as Rylie rolled her eyes with an easygoing, flirtatious grin. "I'm not sure if I'd call it swimming though. Pretty sure I just flailed around to keep my head above the damn waves." Rylie also chuckled at the guy's serious face. He seemed like a straight to the point person. But also was caring, considering he was so quick to spot her slight slip up. "Anyways, I'm Rylie. And today, I'll be your tour guide." With a smirk and a wink, Ry also held her hand out to the guy. "Did you take a swim as well?"

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Castaway Island

Castaway Island by Lucky

Nobody may ever find out what happened to these kids... or will they?

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Character Portrait: Emily Heart
0 sightings Emily Heart played by Sweetiebelle
Wait, stop, I can help

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rylie Jordon Krixx
Character Portrait: Lilly Rawley
Character Portrait: Thomas Alexander
Character Portrait: Judah Kyler


Character Portrait: Judah Kyler
Judah Kyler

American Caucasian that has an intent interest in the nocturnal life and unsettling habits.

Character Portrait: Lilly Rawley
Lilly Rawley

"At least I'm not by myself."

Character Portrait: Rylie Jordon Krixx
Rylie Jordon Krixx

I'll stop pretending to be fine when you stop pretending to actually care.


Character Portrait: Judah Kyler
Judah Kyler

American Caucasian that has an intent interest in the nocturnal life and unsettling habits.

Character Portrait: Lilly Rawley
Lilly Rawley

"At least I'm not by myself."

Character Portrait: Rylie Jordon Krixx
Rylie Jordon Krixx

I'll stop pretending to be fine when you stop pretending to actually care.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Rylie Jordon Krixx
Rylie Jordon Krixx

I'll stop pretending to be fine when you stop pretending to actually care.

Character Portrait: Lilly Rawley
Lilly Rawley

"At least I'm not by myself."

Character Portrait: Judah Kyler
Judah Kyler

American Caucasian that has an intent interest in the nocturnal life and unsettling habits.

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Castaway Island

Castaway Island by Lucky

Nobody may ever find out what happened to these kids... or will they?

Castaway Island

Nobody may ever find out what happened to these kids... or will they?

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Re: Castaway and Forgotten

Hey I've just posted if you don't mind, tell me how you like it. I have to use my iphone being that I don't have a computer haha so it's a bit rough! Looking forward to this role play, survival is a hobby of mine!

Re: Castaway and Forgotten

Pantheran wrote:I like to reserve a character. I will do it by tomorrow :)

EDIT: Sorry but I can't submit my character atm. My internet keeps lagging and it won't be fixed until Thursday. But if there's still a free spot left then, I will definitely join ^^

No problem :) I totally understand internet problems, and I can't wait for Thursday. ^.^

Re: Castaway and Forgotten

I like to reserve a character. I will do it by tomorrow :)

EDIT: Sorry but I can't submit my character atm. My internet keeps lagging and it won't be fixed until Thursday. But if there's still a free spot left then, I will definitely join ^^

Re: Castaway and Forgotten

Hey! I'd like to reserve a female character. I'll have her up quite shortly

Re: Castaway and Forgotten

Hey! Really interested in this RP, I'm currently writing up a character now. :)

Castaway and Forgotten

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Castaway and Forgotten"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.