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Dani Rhorer

0 · 599 views · located in New York?

a character in “Chaos City”, as played by Sepokku


Name: Dani Rhorer
Nickname: Mimi
Species: Human
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4
Weight: Average

Occupation: Student/Cashier at Victoria's Secret

Birthday: March 6th
Astrological Sign/Zodiac: Pisces
Body Build: Curvy
Skin color: White
Hair style: Varies
Hair colour: Dirty Blonde
Eye colour: Cerulean
Preferred Clothing: Varies heavily with mood, usually minimalist

Likes: New Clothing, expensive cars, attention, teasing people, school dances, Pizza
Dislikes: Dullards, long monologues, books, crickets, classical music, noodles, birds

Hobbies: Dancing to music, bullying people, poetry, singing, Assistant Student Body
Habits: Re-applying chapstick, completely zoning out, doodling

Personality: Dani has been left to her own devices by her very distant parents, to this end she's loud, outspoken, and overly energetic. She can barely contain herself most of the time and is prone to outbursts. Underlying her boisterous exterior, she can be very manipulative and enjoys acting like top dog at her school.

So begins...

Dani Rhorer's Story


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind
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#, as written by Sepokku
Letting out a laugh, Dani reached into the same cooler she had gotten Cola from and pulled out a zip gun. Pulling back the tab she put a .38 caliber bullet into the demon. It seemed to take exception at that, and it charged Dani. Becoming deadly serious Dani twirled the knives in her hands and waited. As the demon approached, it crawled low onto the ground, but leaped forward to clamp its jaws around Dani's neck.

At that moment she jammed both her knives into the creature's eyes and slid onto her knees. The demon soared over her and crashed into a wall, its tail thrashing wildly as it did. Dani barked out a laugh, "Bastard's blind, let em have it." Within a moment, all the strangers in the clubhouse were attacking the monster. Pipes, knives, and firearms let loose their full fury on the creature and it was dead in seconds.


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer
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Luto laughed "Holy crap, been years since thats happened" She smiled "You guys are all.." She stopped for a second
She stopped moving and moved her eye to the side, glancing at the shadow. Not a second to waste she ran out, chasing after the shadowy women. Luto was acting very strange, normally she would have charged back at the demon, but instead it was like she zoned out, she slid out, almost falling, the girl got away and she was just standing outside "shit..." She mumbled under her breath
She just stared at the foot prints, like it was something important, but it didn't make sense.


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind
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#, as written by Sepokku
Dani followed slowly after Luto, a smile on her face. "Miss her?" She looked at Luto with a sly expression while putting new knives in her boots. "You shouldn't. Shell be back"


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer
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Luto looked at her, then back at the prints "Dammit...Almost" she sighed and looked up "5 goddamn years... 5 years and she was right there" She turned back to Dani "Hey Dani, i have a surprise" she smiled, changing the subject "How long can you and your friends walk, Can they go a few kilometers?" She gave a small laugh, speed walking back into the wall, looking at everyone. Her smile seemed fake, but she also seemed excited


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind
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#, as written by Sepokku
Dani snorted and exclaimed, "Of course. Were basically paramilitary at this point." Her expression suddenly grew serious, "But are you telling me what to do? I hate taking orders." Flicking her wrist, a knife found its way into Dani's hand and she brandished it with a snarl.

"I'm Queen in the York. Dont challenge that."


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer
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Luto glared "Dani..You may have a big house and knives, but your not the queen of york, ya got that?" She stared down at her, pissed, then started walking away, expecting her to follow.

She yelled back "Now you can listen to me and get motorcycles and bombs, or sit here and get murdered, your choice.."
Luto was upset, and very short tempered, it was obvious she was about to attack Dani if she looked at her any longer. "Im gonna go get my bike, and find Eliza"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind
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#, as written by Sepokku
With a sly smile Dani pretended to be worried, "Eliza left. You can chase her to your heart's content. Doesn't change the fact." Luto was strong, but she was still just human, the past 24 hours proved that. "You can act out, but what makes you think I didn't stitch your hand together wrong, knowing you would?"

"Or even worse, perhaps I sewed something explosive into your hand as a precaution?" Rubbing her nose, Dani smiled. "Maybe I even put acids into your hand, to ensure your healing factor was moot?" Snarling, Dani's free hand suddenly had a zip gun in it, "That's why I'm Queen and you're street trash. That's why Eliza left."


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer
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She stopped, she cracked her knuckles, inhaling through her teeth. "Your a bitchy kid. Your not a queen, your a fucking brat, you know nothing, Eliza wants to kill you and me. You...Why did i ever help you?" She scoffed, walking away "Go die in a pit or something, i dont give a shit, im leaving.." Her hand was twitching, she looked at Dani. "Your not a queen, your not royal, your not cool, your just a lame ass kid who cant accept the fact that she will never be important to anything or anyone..I know im street trash, but at least i serve purpose!" She started to storm off, she was clearly shaking as she walked though "I loved eliza. but she hates us, everyone, and she will kill you, and me..the kid with the stupid green hair, your friends and family, the cops, everyone, enjoy hell, im going to try and stop it" Lutos face turned intimidating and angry, besides her shaking, her posture turned fierce, and she didnt seem jokingly or happy, but she seemed angry, confused, she was like a different person. Blood dripped down from her nose and mouth, falling on the ground, leaving a small trail.
She seemed unfazed by her broke rib though "I dont care if you sabotaged my hand.. it.." she stopped, not meaning to say that, and not going forward with what she was about to say. It was hard to tell if Luto was looking out for Dani's safety still, or just mocking, or just warning for no damn reason. Luto was hard to understand, but Luto still seemed like she wanted to protect Dani, but tried to hide it.. "Im going, im getting a bike, im getting a bomb and brass knuckles, im getting drunk, then im going to save all your asses by ruining mine, i will order you around however i fucking please, just say thanks when your not having your veins ate as pasta by a psycho girl"


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind
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#, as written by Sepokku
Dani's lips cocked up into a smile and she taunted Luto further, "I don't give a fuck about your opinion. I've known Eliza just as long as you have." She became suddenly aware that her 'friends' were angling toward Luto. She held out her hand, "Let her go."

As Luto left the clubhouse, Dani called out one last thing, "You're strong, but not too bright. That's why Eliza beats you, every time. If you want to live, you know where to find us." Scoffing, Dani turned back to her friends and started relaying orders. Pointing towards the demon, she said, "Flense that thing, I want to see exactly how its insides work." Raising her left palm to the sky she turned towards Jamie and asked, "Can you make some pipe bombs? There should be SolidOx on the storage rack. Cap em with shrapnel. We're going to war it seems."


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer
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Luto wandered down the streets, till she heard someone laughing, she looked behind her to see a note on the ground with cursive writing "Shit" She sped back to an alleyway, hiding. She slid down the wall, watching the wall infront of her. She was the only one who knew what was going on, and she couldnt tell anyone, was this hell, or just life. She has been through hell her whole life, but is she cowardly enough to just walk away from Dani without a "goodbye gift". Maybe she could just give her the things anyways. She couldnt think straight and her vision was blury.. The girl from the shadows looked from the corner, laughing at dani with a crazy laugh, she was back quick when luto left.


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind
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#, as written by Sepokku
Jamie hurriedly ground up the SolidOx and put the resulting powder into a PVC pipe, then she put flecks of steel on top of the powder, creating a rudimentary grenade. With a frown she turned her head to look at Dani. Their leader was sitting cross-legged on the ground, seemingly meditating. It had been years since Dani had gotten so serious, and it was slightly troubling.

Dani worked hard to clear her mind. The demons seemed to have two hearts but needed their hearts just as much as any other creature did. Eliza had somehow infiltrated the clubhouse and remained among them for at least twenty-four hours. She must have some sort of preternatural ability like Luto did. Luto was running away, but she had to come back, otherwise, she would die. Dani's eyes shot open and she held a knife against the neck of the man who had approached her. "What?"

The green haired man cleared his throat and spoke, "She's back. I'm not sure where, but there is one more of us than there should be."

Dani closed her eyes again. Eliza was in the room, the question was where.


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer
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When eliza spoke, it sounded like it was all around "Wooow your so lame!! My royalty and wealth is being damaged just by your aura Dani!! Heehee~! Say hey! Where should we have Luto's funeral??? How about your shitty ass houses backyard~!!" She laughed, the sound of running echoing in circles was in the air before it went silent again. Her voice had a russian accent


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind
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#, as written by Sepokku
Dani smirked, "That's funny. Because your aura is exactly why you're going to die." In a flash, Dani was standing up and she flung a knife directly at Eliza's head. "Mark!"

Jamie watched her leader and the moment her leader threw a knife, Jamie lit the pipe bomb she had in her hands and tossed it in the same direction, "Live bomb!"

With the discipline that Dani had drilled into them everyone within range of the bomb dove for cover, the others grabbed their guns and opened fire. At this point, they were basically spraying and praying to land a hit, but Dani was scary good at marking targets, and none of the team doubted her.


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer
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She moved, so it didnt kill her, but it did stab her in the eye, she giggled and laughed like a psycho "Awww yes!! Blood!!!! The serum of life and death!! The most tasty elixir!!" she blushed and sighed "Its a shame i must kill a bright girl like you.." she spun in a circle and out of the shadows, she was pretty, but something was odd. She had a very tight black leather outfit with high platform boots, she had a large fur coat that covered her whole body, it was a very fluffy linx coat, but now blood was on it. Her left arm had a band that was very tight over the jacket near the top of her shoulder, and the right arm had bandages, just like lutos on her wrist over the jacket. She had black hair with pink highlights, and her eyes were black, she wore eyeliner and red lipstick. She had blood on her face, but was it even her own?
She put the bandages near her mouth and sniffed "Ahhh Luto...." Eliza was very weird, and seemed to be infactuated with Luto "Too bad we will never meet again...That dirty alleyway isnt a good resting place for you" she sighed, but then had a huge smile, she drooled "I have been watching you dani~!!!" she laughed as she yelled that "Im so happy i can talk to you!! hey maybe i can hang your ugly face in my wall after i rip out all your organs slowly!!" she smirked "My precious little demons...Thank you for your service!"

Luto hand was shaking as she puked out blood, she decided as she stood up and grabbed a knife from her pant pocket. She tried to get up, she needed to protect Dani, if she dies, then Luto fails...Again...
"N-no....Not again...I-I cant...lose, i have to go..back" She fell down again, was she gonna die? She felt light headed, it was hard to move...what was the point...she had no friends, no family, no purpose...She heard Eliza, and she looked up, she crawled towards the edge, using the wall to get up. "You can do this Luto.."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind
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#, as written by Sepokku
Dani snorted out a laugh, "I'm not impressed. You bleed just like any other monster. And since you bleed," Dani's grin grew wider, "I can kill you." The dingy green of Eliza's aura hung in Dani's mind's eye. "You think youre special? You're just a hoe that the demons tricked out."

Jamie stared at her leader and other girl who had knife in the eye but acted like it was nothing. The pipe bomb seemed to hit her, but no visible damage went through. Jamie muttered under her breath, "Protect us Lord Paimon."

Dani let out a vicious groan, "Paimon's my bitch. And Eliza will soon follow suit." Dani threw the knife in her other hand, "Mark." Gunfire lit up the warehouse, aimed directly at Eliza. This time, Dani didn't sit still, instead she ran to one of the ammo boxes scattered around the warehouse and pulled out a can she had put together weeks ago.


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer
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Eliza dodged every bullet like it was nothing threw her jacket at them, causing a diversion, and smoke bombs went off.
Eliza's laugh echoed through the entire place, like a ghost. She would appear in odd places and smack someone with a baseball bat. Her shoes squeaked with every move, she seemed over powered, but every villain has a weakness, that was what had to be found out.


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind
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#, as written by Sepokku
Try as she might to hide it, Eliza's aura hung in the air. Dani watched keenly as Eliza darted about the warehouse. The second she slowed down, Dani tossed the can she was holding. It was full of halothane and the moment it hit the ground, the gas began to pour out if it. "You have to breathe, I can see your respiration, two breaths of that will land you on your ass."

Dani's fist raised into the air, and on command, three of her friends created a phalanx around her, holding tungsten steel shields in their hands. "You don't get it, do you? You lose this fight. We've been training to kill you for years now, and you just put your neck on the chopping block."


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer
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Eliza looked pissed,her eyes teared up and she started shaking her head, squeezing her hands so hard you could start to see her veins. She sat down and flipped them off before breathing. Eliza had lost, but she didnt wanna expect that, she couldnt, she wouldnt, she lost, and it pissed her off, she was wealthy, powerful, royal, how could have this happened?!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind
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#, as written by Sepokku
Sneering, Dani reminded Eliza, "I'm the motherfucking Queen in York." The halothane started working its way through Eliza's system, much to the pleasure of Dani. "You should've shoved off. You'd have been fine, had you not pissed me off." The phalanx maintained its position around Dani, refusing to acknowledge victory until it was assured.

"Its funny, really. Luto was just here, but you scared her off."


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Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer
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Eliza couldnt care less "I hate her...But i love her...Whatever...shes about to die anyway....." Eliza gave a weak glare, before smirking "you lost...I may have lost, but thats only one battle, and you just lost your most valuable assets" She smiled, not saying anything else

"L.....l..loser" she was scared, and it was hard to hide, but was she telling the truth?