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a character in “Character Storage”, as played by PacW



Sebastian Isaiah Kipling

Bast; [preferred]
Seb; [accepted]
Sebby; [disliked]


September 29th, 1996


Italian, English

Heterosexual ; Heteroromantic

Dialogue: #99A894
Thoughts: #D1D9D0

Image ▐
xx Cyberkinesis; controlled by incantations, complex hand movements, reading from dusty tomes, and understanding the movements of the planets or the potency of various herbs. In stories, those with such gifts are called magicians, wizards, mages, and praised or hunted for their powers. They possess the potential to alter the world with the wave of their hand, speaking an almighty word to make the ground shake... But those are stories, and Toby lives in the real world.

In essence, Toby's power gives him the potential to live up to the title of sorcerer, yet for various reasons he's more likely to be considered a street act, and a bad one at that. Toby's magic relies on spoken spells, where the words used gain power and traction when combined appropriately. Hand movements too often help the young man channel his power. Toby could -if he found the right spells- charm a rock to illuminate a room, spell an invisible barrier around himself, enchant the brooms to sweep the apartment themselves. But there lies part of his problem.

For, in the 21st century, proper spells are hard to come by. The internet is a minefield of information, yet for every correct spell one finds, there will be a hundred or more that are pure fantasy. Toby has to spend hours on the internet or at alternate books stores (like the one he works at) to find even half a spell that will work, and then spend more pain-staking hours learning the words, the movements, and correcting any small errors in the spell itself. One day, perhaps, Toby will be able to create spells on the spot, but for now he relies on these scarce sources.

Magic also relies heavily on will power. One has to want to perform the task for it to be completed. A certain lack of confidence in himself and his spell-casting abilities often has Toby stumbling over his words, his fingers twitching as they attempt their intricate movements, and then the spell falling apart. With confidence and practice will come that ease of control that Toby desires.


      XXHeight: 1.84m; 6'0" XXXXiXXXXEyes: Kaleidoscope Green
      XXWeight: 78kg; 172lbs XXXXXXXHair: Dark brown

      XXOnce upon a time there would have been nothing to distinguish Toby from his identical twin. He and Bast were mirror images of each other, down to the last freckle. They share the same eyes, a forest of greens with warm browns around the core. Their left eyebrow has a kink in the same place. Yet, as they've grown and made different choices, it has become somewhat easier to tell one from the other. For instance, Toby stands slightly shorter than his brother, an almost indistinguishable difference of 1cm. Toby also weighs less, his body toned and lean from days spent working out at the gym or jogging outside. Other differences are even more evident, such as the light scar that runs from collar bone to halfway up the left side of Toby's neck - a reminder of a spell gone wrong.

      XXTheir differences would be negligible if the twins were to dress alike, yet Toby has honed a very different style of dressing to his brother as well as maintaining a higher standard of person care. Toby likes to look good. Fitted jeans, attractive jackets, and complimenting shirts fill his closet. His style is far from showy, yet one would never say that he didn't care about his clothing or his appearance. Toby's hair is usually styled, his face often clean-shaven. Toby may be a bundle of nerves on the inside, but at least outwardly he looks presentable.

XXXChews his lip, typically this occurs when Toby is nervous or concentrating hard. Whenever he's studying you can best bet he'll be either biting his lip or the end of a pen.
XXXRolls his eyes, particularly when irritated or exasperated by whatever idiotic thing his brother has just said. Toby loves the guy, but could Bast please just think before he spoke for once?

XXXSinging, you'd never guess it given that Toby spends more time silently watching than talking, but he has a surprisingly sweet singing voice. He rarely sings out of the shower, shyness often getting the better of him, but perhaps being convinced to sing karaoke might one day enable him to let others know this little secret.
XXXSteady hand, as a budding architect, Toby has spent many nights bent over paper with a pencil and ruler, sketching up designs. He's adept at transferring ideas from his head onto paper, as well as sketching real life scenes. Though Toby would never consider himself an artist, his talent and care with drawing does give him a leg up.
XXXPatience, a trait Toby makes use of frequently, particularly when searching for spells. He doesn't feel the need to rush, or stress over having to wait. What will happen, will happen. Though sometimes he does wish that some things would happen faster.
XXXPlanning, Toby is logical and, for the most part, well organised. Planning, whether it be his university work or something else, comes relatively easy to him. Though he hasn't had much chance to put it into practice, Toby's able to understand others' strengths and know where best to play them.

XXXLacks confidence, while some individuals have confidence in spades, Toby often doubts himself and his actions. Whether it's because Toby thinks he's not good enough, doesn't know enough, or something else, he'll usually defer to anyone who shows more assertiveness and assurance than himself.
XXXDoormat, while Toby will stand up for himself if he's pushed too far, that threshold is rather high. He's not the best at speaking his mind or protesting unfair treatment, usually finding himself talked over or biting his tongue. It goes with the lack of confidence, Toby doesn't think he has the right to argue, and finds it easier to avoid fights and merely do as requested.
XXXDancing, Toby has two left feet and will absolutely look like a total dweeb on the dance floor if left to his own devices. He can kickbox with fairly decent coordination, but play a beat and suddenly Toby's half tripping over his own feet.
XXXSpelling, thank goodness for spell check on computers, because otherwise Toby's university essays would be riddled with misspelled words. Toby is beyond a doubt intelligent, but not so much when it comes to getting letters in the correct order. Can't win them all.

XXXHis parents, growing up in the Kipling household was not easy, especially when Toby first discovered his powers and then realised that he was gay. His mother and father's many rants about such 'perverted and dangerous' individuals have not left Toby unscathed, and he still fears their retribution even though he hasn't seen either since he and Bast left home.
XXXLosing Bast, Bast may be a complete loser with a poor idea of when it's appropriate to go pantless, but he's Toby's twin and the person that Toby holds dearest in the world. To be without Bast would be to be without half of himself. Bast is his world.

━━━━━━━━ LIKES ━━━━━━━━
Early morning runs, when no one is on the street and his breath fogs the air. Quiet work days, ideally where no one comes into the bookstore where Toby works part-time. Sunday dinner, where Toby and Bast get takeout and simply chill. The Lion King, it's his favourite movie, okay? Singing along to The Lion King, a guilty pleasure Toby and one Toby doesn't indulge in when in company. Pizza, and Vietnamese are Toby's favourite foods, while The Lord of the Rings is his favourite book.
━━━━━━━ DISLIKES ━━━━━━━
Finding dorito stains on his clothes, after his twin brother has 'borrowed' Toby's clothes and failed to clean off the evidence. Gifted intolerance, coming from a household where Gifted were viewed as monsters, Toby is all too aware of how people consider gifted. Being the centre of attention, Toby gets nervous, as simple as that really. Smoking, Toby tried once and ended up coughing for a good five minutes. False spells, fairly frequently found on the internet and endlessly frustrating. He'll snooze through a crime documentary, and an opera, and can't stand tuna.

XXXXWhile Toby and Bast Kipling might be identical in appearance, when it comes to their personalities they are truly unique. Aside from a few shared qualities, big hearts and evident intellect, Toby is very much his own person. He's the quieter twin, the soft-spoken one who prefers to watch rather than put himself in the centre of attention. Introverted undoubtedly, Toby functions much better alone or in a small group of trusted friends. He's been described as shy more than once, and that's not far from the truth. Reserved, contemplative, Toby is very much one to think before he speaks. Or even to keep his thoughts to himself.

XXXXConfidence is definitely a trait this young man lacks. Toby often fails to put proper value in himself, choosing to defer to more assertive personalities. It is hopefully not an inherent quality, and in fact in certain areas - like Toby's architecture studies - Toby does show an unusual confidence, yet in other aspects of his life there is still much room for improvement. Toby finds saying 'no' to others difficult, and in fact towards some individuals words entirely escape him. It's no secret where Toby's preferences lie, yet the actual act of speaking with any boy who catches his attention is sometimes too much for him. Toby is much more likely to bite his tongue as he blushes, or ramble as he gets flustered.

XXXXHowever, towards those individuals with whom Toby is comfortable with the young man can be open and easy. While still quiet, there is a sharp wit and definite humour to him. His close friends are few, yet Toby is not one to need more than a handful. Those few who he counts in his inner circle are treated with respect and kindness. More than once he has been a shoulder to cry on, offering a patient ear and sound advice. Patience has always been one of Toby's traits, for he does not mind waiting. He doesn't rely on instant gratification, perhaps one reason why studying has always been fairly straight forward for the young man.

XXXXIntelligence is evident in both Kipling twins. Toby favours subjects related to architecture, which he studies. He's quick to gasp concepts which interest him and has an eye for patterns and calculations. Though languages aren't a natural talent for the boy, Toby isn't scared of hitting the books in order to learn a skill that will benefit himself, such as Latin. Though the majority of the spells Toby finds online are made-up rubbish, there are a few genuine incantations, many of these feature Latin words. So, Toby has been painstakingly teaching himself the dead language, showing a dogged determination and unquestionable perseverance.

XXXXIn essence Toby is a quiet young man, compassionate and hard-working. He's undoubtedly a reliable friend, even if that friendship is slow to develop. He may be slow to open up to others, but have patience, for Toby is well worth the effort,


XXXXXAmos Kipling | Father | Non-Gifted | Estranged
XXXXXRebecca Kipling | Mother | Non-Gifted | Estranged
XXXXXSebastian Kipling | Twin Brother | Gifted, Technomancy | 19

XXXXXToby remembers little of Oklahoma, his birthplace and home for the first few years of his life. He and Bast were young when their father got reassigned to the New York branch of his business, relocating their small family to the thriving metropolis. For most of his early childhood Toby might just as well have stayed in the small, religious community they had once lived amongst in Oklahoma, for his parents - strict, devout Christians - rarely let the twins off the figurative tight leash that kept them in line.

XXXXX'Repressed' might be the word one would use to describe Toby's younger years. The television was monitored and timed, outside play was frowned upon in case they should mess up their clothes, and anything vaguely out of line with their parents' morals was punished swiftly and harshly. Their parents' life lessons and verbal rants regarding anything and everything from 'anti-christ' gifteds to homosexuals certainly left an impression on the boy, and for years Toby lived in fear of these apparent monsters.

XXXXXAccidentally discovering he was gifted was enough to make the boy physically sick. Toby still remembers running into Bast's room, white and shaking with fear that his parents would find out. For young boys raised to fear these supernatural individuals, learning that they themselves possessed this 'devil's power' turned their world upside-down. Only a handful of times did his mother or father walk in to see him experimenting with his power, yet each time is heavily engraved on his memory. Punishment would involve hours of kneeling in prayer to beg the Lord's mercy on his soul. Thankfully, it was only ever small tricks that saw him discovered, small enough that his parents could convince themselves that their 'treatment' would work to suppress his powers.

XXXXXDespite the risk of punishment, Toby and Bast still did all they could to learn of their powers. The twins looked out for each other and it wasn't uncommon for Toby to sneak a broken radio into the house or for Bast to spend his hard-earned pocket money on a tatty spell-book. Not only did their personal discovery of their powers help to open the twins' eyes, but also the move from a private Christian school to the local public school. It became quickly apparent to both Kipling boys that their upbringing was the exception, not the norm. Their parents attempted to tighten their control over the boys, yet Toby and Bast would not now let freedom slip from their hands. While fear of their parents still kept Toby largely in line, independence was within grasp and new, personal discoveries threatened to upturn his world once again.

XXXXXThe realisation that Toby was gay had been subdued within the boy for years. Scared to admit even to himself that he preferred the attention of other boys to girls, he had suppressed it as best he could as the twins progressed through high school. Gifted and homosexual, surely this was some joke being played on his parents. It seemed like a poor one to Toby. For years he had already felt like the least favoured twin, the one his father would glance at and shake his head, the child told to toughen up, forced to stay in prayer for an extra because his power involved witchcraft. Perhaps this favouritism effected Toby's personality, perhaps not. He never blamed Bast, for Bast was always his biggest champion. Instead he often took his parents' criticisms to heart.

XXXXXYet, of all his short-comings, in the eyes of his parents nothing would be as bad as being homosexual. Needless to say Toby kept this secret to himself, only admitting it to Bast who he told everything to. That secret didn't remain so for long. There was shouting and tears, and finally an order; leave their house and never return. For all their faults, Toby still loved his parents and being exiled from their home and hearts hurt more than anything. Bast declined to stay in the house, leaving with Toby without a second thought. Toby is forever grateful to his twin, for he would be lost without him. Not only was Bast able to offer emotional support, but his abilities allowed him to tap into his parents' bank accounts and withdraw enough money to see the twins settled in a comfortable, if not slightly dingy, apartment within weeks of eviction.

XXXXXWhile the reason for their emancipation from their parents was not ideal, liberation was sweet. The twins were able to fully embrace freedom. Within their small apartment Toby and Bast were able to openly practice their powers and indulge in everyday activities their parents had banned from the Kipling household. They finished school, Toby receiving good enough grades to get into an Architecture course at a local university. Along with his studies, the older Kipling twin works part-time at an alternate bookstore. The store specialises in incense, crystals, and books on new age witchcraft, with the occasional text on old mythology. Originally Toby had hoped employment at the store would allow him to peruse through books in search of actual spells, yet the reality was that he spent the majority of his time flicking through magazines rather than learning spells.

XXXXXOutside of work and school, his social circle is small, yet close. Though he is not the most active, Toby has also recently become involved in Gifted movements. Recent events have left the shy boy seeking ways to help, and there our story begins.


XXX ▐║ PLAYED BY : Cloud
XXX ▐║ FACE CLAIM : Matthew Daddario



So begins...

HP RP's Story