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"Sometimes people are just victims of inescapable circumstances."

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a character in “Character Storage”, as played by PacW






XXXX ▐║ NAME : Herja XX {devastate}
XXXX ▐║ HUMAN ALIAS: Herja Agnarsdottir, Heather Agnar
XXXX ▐║ AGE : Three hundred and thirty-four
XXXX ▐║ BIRTH DATE: 30th May, 1681
XXXX ▐║ COURT : Unseelie
XXXX ▐║ ETHNICITY : Norse; Scandinavian
XXXX ▐║ SEXUALITY : Demisexual




X ▐║ SPECIES : Valkyrie; chooser of the slain
XXXXXWhen death strikes fae and humans alike, it is Valkyries that determine which souls will be brought to Valhalla, the afterlife hall of the slain. In ancient times the battle field was a Valkyrie's hunting ground, where the host of female figures would descend and choose who lived, and who died. Those selected souls became einherjar, and trained for the prophesied RagnorΓΆk. Myths frequently paint Valkyries as the lovers of Norse heroes and other mortals, as daughters of royalty, and sometimes accompanied by ravens. Though they may not be related by blood, they refer to their fellow Valkyries as sisters. Their blood is bound by secrecy, their knowledge of the other-worlds and the after-life discussed with none save their own.

XXXXXAs with all fae, Valkyries are gifted with longevity, their appearance never ageing past a young woman in her twenties. Beyond that their powers enable them to create doubt and confusion in their targets. Large wings gift them with flight, and every Valkyrie possesses the innate ability to travel between realms. All valkyries are also born with the ability to see and commune with souls, the power to absorb and contain souls as they ferry them to Valhalla, and the ability to sense those close to death. Their ability to distinguish between souls meant for Valhalla and those not, is seemingly more of a feeling than any particular list of traits or actions. While the older valkyries can cause someone to die simply by willing it, Herja is thus far only able to tip someone already close to death across the line. The fighting prowess of valkyries also seems to increase with age, though even the youngest possess agility and resistance far superior to the average human.



      X HEIGHT : 1.75m; 5'9" XXXXiXXXX EYES: Ice blue
      X WEIGHT : 54kg; 119lbs XXXXXXX HAIR: Blonde

      XXFor a fae as old as she, Herja has had a long time to perfect the glamour that makes her appear human, though for valkyries this is an easy task. Valkyries appear largely human, with few features, when not using their powers, that distinguish themselves from the mortals they pray upon. Tall, lean, with striking bone structure and intense eyes, it's hard to miss the blonde beauty in a crowd. A smile might warm her face, but those are few and far between, or tainted by the hint of a condescending smirk.

      XXWhile Herja can easily pass as human with little glamour, there are a few features to her appearance that are decidedly supernatural. Most prominently are the large, feathery wings which protrude from her back when she calls on them. Every valkryie's wings are different, and Herja's are a mottled painting of golden brown, and inky-black. They can unfurl at a whim, or disappear to leave her back naked of a single feather. The other tell-tale sign occurs when Herja influences death and interacts with souls, her features turning gaunt, skull-like as her cheeks hollow out, and her eye sockets darken.


XXXXXCombat, valkyries do not fear iron as some fae do, instead they wield it and other metal weapons with precision. Like her sisters, Herja is skilled with a sword and shield in her hands. Her centuries spent ferrying warriors to the halls of Valhalla have not left her naive to such arts.
XXXXXFlight, while every valkyrie has the ability to soar through the air, Herja has always had a particular talent for aerodynamic acrobatics. Heights are nothing to fear, and Herja loves nothing more than the exhilaration that comes with diving through the air.
XXXXXResourceful, skilled at utilising whatever is at hand to meet her needs, Herja is rarely left wanting. She knows what she wants, and more often than not she knows exactly how to get it or what to do to realise her goals.

XXXXXBound by Odin, while some fae are free to pursue their heart's desire, Herja and her valkyrie sisters are bound by vows to serve Odin. While Herja might differ in how she goes about collecting souls for the ancient being, she nevertheless continues to do so. Failure to comply could mean banishment or death. Certainly, discussing the after-life with any but her sisters would result in the same punishment.
XXXXXHer wings, if anything is vulnerable to attack it is the feathered wings sprouting from between Herja's shoulder blades. They are more sensitive than the rest of her body, strong in flight, yet fragile under assault. Travelling between realms would not be impossible without her wings, but it would be significantly more time and energy consuming too.
XXXXXWater, a creature of the air, water is not a natural or comfortable element for the valkyrie. She can barely swim, and should her wings become soaked in the liquid, flight would become an impossibility.

XXXXXBanishment, the fear of abandonment and isolation weighs heavily on Herja. While honour is not as important to her as those in the Seelie court, she still believes that to be struck from the rolls of Valkyries and banished from Valhalla would be a fate worse than death.
XXXXXDrowning, to be pulled underwater, blocked off from the air she needs to live is a fear Herja wishes to avoid. While death itself is no mystery to her and not something to fear, she doesn't want her final moments of life to be trapped beneath the waves and begging for air.


XXXXValkyries are not creatures of light merriment and flippant ease. They deal in death, haunting battle fields and leading souls to the afterlife. It's no surprise then that Herja's jokes are more biting sarcasm than playful teasing, her demeanour dignified grace over energetic charisma. Reservation precedes amiable openness, the woman more likely to hold her tongue and watch with judgemental eyes than offer her opinion unasked. When her opinion is given, it's often spoken bluntly, Herja unconcerned whether her derision or honesty injures the recipient.

XXXXIt's not that the valkyrie is particularly malicious or purposefully insulting. She merely has no time to concern herself with those who are easily offended by the truth. Though extremely patient in most aspects of her life, any individuals she doesn't deem worth her time will rarely receive more than cursory inspection. Herja knows her value, and if she believes her energy is wasted with someone, why stick around? There is a confidence in the fae, a knowledge and acceptance of her strengths and faults that at times can border on arrogance. She has no time for irrelevant squabbles, deems mundane human affairs beneath her, and is as likely to turn away from someone she has no wish to speak with as she is to give them a condescending smile and a snarky insult.

XXXXHerja's sense of humour, for she does have one, is biting and sarcastic. Her quick mind rarely has trouble coming up with snappy retorts, though as mentioned previously, she's more likely to turn her back on an irritating conversation than perpetuate it with replies. Among friends a more vocal side of the valkyrie emerges and that same sharp tongue is used to trade cutting banter with rapid ease. Her friends are also more aware of the protective aspect of the woman, for she will defend those she holds close with all her strength. Her loyalty, though rare, is given unconditionally to a precious few. Herja values her own life highly, yet her valkyrie sisters, even those within the Seelie court, have earned her support.

XXXXWhile honour is not high on any unseelie's list, there is a discipline and dedication to Herja that is almost similar to it. She takes her duties as a Valkyrie seriously, the consequences of not doing so weighing heavily on her. Though her methods may be questionable, for Herja isn't against pushing living souls over the edge before their time, she never fails in ferrying those deceased beings to the halls of the slain. She's concise and punctual in her endeavours, seeking out those souls whom she knows to be destined for Valhalla with intuitive precision. More than a few mortals have met death early at her hands, especially those who need only a small nudge to see their lives end. Empathy for those souls ripped prematurely from their bodies is not an emotion often felt by Herja, for she sees the action as part of her job.


XXXXXIt has been centuries since the Norse gods were worshipped by mortals as a religion rather than discussed as tales and mythologies. Yet, just because their names weren't being whispered in reverence, does not mean that they faded into oblivion. Valkyries, the servants of Odin, did not stop prowling battle fields merely because mortals stopped calling their names. They persisted with their fellow fae, their purpose never diminishing despite a lack of belief in them, for death does not stop when belief dies.

XXXXXIt seems appropriate that Herja was born on the day festivals were once held to honour those who had fallen in battle and ascended to Valhalla. By the time of Herja's birth, 1681, these festivals had dwindled to small ceremonies held by fae alone, humans having long since turned away from what they considered 'pagan mythology'. Not that this rejection by mortal men had any impact on Herja's early life. Wars are common among mortals, and where there is conflict and loss of life, valkyries will descend to make their pick.

XXXXXBrought into the world to serve Odin, Herja was one among many, her fellow valkyries considered sisters despite being of no blood relation. Closest in age to her with only a year difference was Svipul, who was once her closest friend and confidant. It was rare for the two to be separated; they trained together, performed their duties together, and enjoyed their free time together. Yet, as the years went by it became apparent that the pair had different ideals and morals.

XXXXXThree-hundred and thirty-four years might seem like an age to a mortal, yet this is nothing out of the ordinary for fae. Even so three centuries of dealing in death and ferrying souls to valhalla can have an impact on any being. For Herja this manifested in a growing indifference to human life. They died so easily, their lives guttering at the merest pressure. It is said that Valkyries hold men's fate in their hands, inciting death on the battle field and taking worthy souls to Odin's hall. To pull a soul prematurely from its earthly body is not often done, yet this is exactly what Herja began doing.

XXXXXWhat difference would a few years make to a mortal man? Death would still come for them in the blink of an eye, Herja was merely bringing forward their glorious ascension to Valhalla. Her sister Svipul, who valued honour and never dreamed of straying from the set laws, did not see it this way. Svipul, who had long been privy to all Herja's secrets, could not remain silent as Herja took such liberties. Their superior saw no problem with Herja's actions, yet they still did not sit well with Svipul.

XXXXXThe rift created by their differing values was too much, and despite centuries of strong friendship the past few decades have seen the pair dropping contact. Despite this Herja continues as she always has, enjoying life within the Unseelie court and her duties ferrying souls to the afterlife.


XXX▐║ FACE CLAIM : Sasha Pivovarova


So begins...

RF's Story