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Jade Robin Milo

"No money? What if I asked a bit more kindly?"

0 · 469 views · located in Carmanio

a character in “Creatures of Humans”, as played by RiotTerritory


Jade Robin Milo

The Gypsy
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Hair Color: Dirty brown with an undertone of muddy blond
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5’
Normal Clothing: Jay normally wears bright “gypsy clothing”, or she wears mute colors with crazy designs. She is always found wearing feathers in her hair (sometimes those that her Creature sheds) and a lot of rings, necklaces, bracelet, etc. She also has a brown cloak that she only puts on when she goes to market or when she sees the authorities.
Personality: Jay is always laid back and sarcastic and is rarely ever serious. She loves to fool around with the authorities and get them angry. The only time she is ever not joking around is when she is angry. When she gets angry Jay seems as though she is about to kill someone. Though she cannot fight due to her height and the fact she has no upper body strength, she instead uses her words to get back at people with harsh, sarcastic jokes that always have that little hint of truth. Jay also has a major problem with lying. She only tells the truth when she has to or when she knows someone else knows the truth.
Major Fault: Major trust issues and problems with lying through her teeth
Likes: Gold, dancing, music, Birdie, life, romance, pissing people off, Nessa, her brother Carter, his wife Rosaline, and their twins Robin and Selena
Dislikes: People that lie to her (she is a bit of a hypocrite), people touching her or Birdie (she has a look, don’t touch policy), people being stressed around her
Major Fear: Her major fear is dying alone. She absolutely loves romance and true love and it is her one wish to find true love.
Skills: Dancing, “acrobatics”, beauty (makeup, hair, clothing, etc.)
History: Jay’s mother, father, and older brother, Carter lived in the small town of Lefton before Jay was born. They loved the little town and never wished to move. However, when Jay’s mother was pregnant with Jay, her mother and father got extremely sick which was passed on to both of their Creatures. They could no longer work to support the family, and Carter, who was only five at the time, was too young to support the family and Jay, his newborn sister. Jay’s father made the quick decision to move to the royal city of Nika where jobs seemed plentiful. Unfortunately, Jay’s mother, father, and their two Creatures died on the last stretch of the road to Nika. Instead, Carter carried five-month-old Jay into the city where they found a lonely, kind, motherly cook. She took the both of them in and has cared for them ever since. Now Jay is a 19-year-old gypsy, and Carter is a 23-year-old traveling merchant. He still lives in Nika with his large falcon Creature, his beautiful wife, Rosaline and her Creature, and his year-old twins, Robin and Selena.
Love Interest: TBA
Other: Purple

S’ifa Carata Maraji

Gender: Male
Ability: Camouflage with any non-moving item
Unique Body Parts: He stands on all fours at about 4’8 and is 5’ in length (including tail). He has wings that are about 4’10 in length when they are folded with feathers that are a shade lighter than the color of his fur. He rarely uses these other than to keep Jay warm because if takes a lot of energy to carry his huge body. In addition, his lighter feathers mix on his body with his rusty fur.
Personality: Birdie loves to have fun with Jay, but is slightly more serious than her in order for the two to balance each other out. Birdie seems to be able to sense when Jay is angry and usually matches her anger, but is sometimes the more reasonable of the two. As many Creatures are, Birdie is extremely protective of Jay. When he is around, no one touches her without her permission.
Likes: Jay, gold, life, Carter, children, music
Dislikes: Jay’s job (because it attracts a lot of creeps to her), humans and Creatures that he doesn’t know,
Other Skills: He carries heavy loads with ease
How they help their human: Birdie comforts Jay, carries almost everything for her, and carries her when she is too tired to stand (though she usually insists on walking)
History: Jay was walking along the Reha Plains, passing a few Creatures that she did not bond with. She was about to enter Staphern Forest when a smallish, fluffy body slammed into her side. She lay for a moment before she sat up and looked around for what had hit her. A few feet away, young S’ifa Carata Maraji was rolling on the ground. To Jay, it seemed to be laughing at her. Jay smiled sadly at the Creature, thinking that once it looked up, it would walk away as the others had. However, when the wolfish Creature sat up and looked into her eyes, Jay felt a rush of feelings toward the cub. The Creature ran toward her and began to lick her face with small, excited yips. Jay was sitting in the grass, petting the Creature when she felt something strange on its back. She looked down and found tiny wings that were not even strong enough for the Creature to flap yet. That is where the nickname, Birdie, came from.

So begins...

Jade Robin Milo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Robin Milo Character Portrait: Tessla Leanne Chevalier
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Tessla glanced down at the herb as Jewel crawled down her dress enough to try to sniff it. The Creature gave a disappointed sneeze and ran for cover underneath the noble's cloak. "Th...thank you," Tess accepted the herb, trying not to show the doubt on her face. While the girl did seem a little...rough around the edges, Tess was trying to convince herself that she probably knew the best (and cheapest) ways of keeping herself and her creature healthy. She raised her arm and dug around under the cloak, frowning in annoyance. "Jewel! Come on out! Just think of the trouble we would be in if I came home and your hair had fallen out because of mange...or whatever that horrible man could have." A rebellious chirp sounded from somewhere within the folds of the fabric and Tess groaned, looking up to the sky before shaking her head. "I will give it to her later, thank you. Please...would you accept some payment? I really did mean to come down and show my appreciation for your dancing. I wish I could play as fast as you move."

((Sorry! Finals are fast approaching and I got buried in papers to write.))