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Crimson Phoenix

Crimson Phoenix


Many years have past many calamities have been avoided in Fiore as always. New guilds of Mages form everyday hoping for fame and fortune. This is the Tale of the new Crimson Phoenix.(Obviously based off fairy tail).

3,296 readers have visited Crimson Phoenix since William Brion created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

fairy tail.


It is Now the Year X928, July 15th in Fiore. Today is not particularly important for Everyone, but for Makka Hono this is a very important day. Today she and her grandsons open the new Crimson Phoenix guild. She hopes to see her Grandsons and guild members flourish and move towards the future.
This story will follow Makka Hono's younger Grandson primarily, but I will create locations on demand for individual jobs and other peoples stories so they can independently develop characters.
Locations created on demand will Include homes mission areas and city hotspots, just ask and I'll most probably create it for you.
For any questions ask me on the OOC.


S-class:I would prefer people to move their way up to S-class from lower levels. To start I only want three S-class.
A-class:Represented by Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel during grand magic games. When starting I only want about five A-class at most.
B-class:Represented by Natsu at the beginning of the Show. At most five to begin with.
C-class:Represented by Max(guy who uses sand) before time skip.
D-class:Represented by jet and droy (Levi's personal cheer squad.
E-class:Represented by the guys who don't have names that get blown away under ten seconds.
F-class:Your a worthless piece of shit that can't fight worth a dam.
Image"I rock!" says S
"I suck..." says F. (doesn't want to show his face).


Physical description:(words or pic)
Magic:(limitations, and main components, include any weopons here)
Personality quirks:(if any)
History:(can be left blank if you choose).
Do you have a home:(Yes or no) If yes I'll make the Location calledso and so's home. (Also do you live with anyone else?).

Feel free to add anything else you find to be important or more pics.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo Character Portrait: Makka Honnoo Character Portrait: Sethesis Honoo
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0.00 INK

"You think people will actually bring requests to this shabby old place. During the day it looks abandoned and at night it just looks plain creepy," said Seth.
"Watch your mouth Dumb-ass this is the only place I could afford," said Makka honoo.
"Grandma, Seth, it doesn't matter how it looks what matters is that it's ours," said Tadaiki.
"Your right buddy, it ain't a beauty, but it's ours," Replied Seth patting Taidaiki on the head.
"Well when you to are done talking like little girls help me put up the Tables, I'm not getting any younger,"
"Sure thing Grandma," said Seth then pat her head.
"u..." said Seth falling to the ground.
Makka had given him a nice punch right into hi gut.
"Get to work Idiot," said Makka.
"Yes, Ma'am," said Seth.
They set up the tables. One had a sign above it saying 'admission' for people who wanted to join the guild. The other table had a sign that said 'Job requests' for people who wanted to hire the guild. Seth sat with Tadaiki at the request table while Makka sat at the request table.
They had been advertising the opening of their guild for a few weeks now, but some people passed by and before they new it was noon and no jobs or admission had been asked for.
Then an lady came to the request table
"I would like to have-"
"I'll take the job!" yelled Tadaiki
"I've been sitting here all day so I'll take it! Plus I'm the top wizard around here!"
"Why would we open a guild if our best wizard was a C-class like you?" said Seth smiling and patting Tadaiki's head.
"I'll show you! Let's go lady!" Tadaiki said grabbing the ladies hand and running off dragging her along.
"That idiot doesn't even know what the job is," said Makka then sighed heavily.
"Well, that's just the way he is. At least he's optimistic," replied Seth.
Makka looked at Seth then looked back in front of her and sighed even more heavily than before.

The setting changes from Guild Headquarters to Fiore


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo Character Portrait: Makka Honnoo Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo Character Portrait: Sethesis Honoo
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0.00 INK

Tatsu wandered slowly through town taking in the sights as he went. 'It's been so long since I've been around other people... I wonder what they'll think of me.' He continued walking through the small city feeling more and more odd as people began pointing at him and muttering to their friends. 'What's all of this? Am I really that different from these people?' He shrugged and continued walking through the city when he heard his stomach grumbling. "Oh damn I haven't eaten since I left! I need to find some food!... But, I don't have any money..." His stomach grumbled again louder than before. "I know, but there's nothing I can do without money. I need to find the guild in this town and see if they'll accept me. Maybe they'll even feed me!" He picked up his pace running through the streets until he came across a rather run down looking building. He slowed his pace and peered inside. "Hey. There's something in there I wonder what it is..."

He slowly wandered into the building and was surprised at what he saw. There were a few banners with a fiery seal emblazed on them as well as 2 tables. The signs above which read. 'Job Requests' and the other 'Admission' "This must be the guild I've heard about. The Crimson Phoenix isn't it?" He walked further into the building to see a rather short boy pulling an older woman around as well as an older looking woman with a boy who looked to be around the same age as himself. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything..." Tatsu took a deep breath to steady himself. "I was hoping that I would be able to join your guild." His stomach growled loudly, and his face turned a pale shade of red. "And I was also hoping that I might be able to get some food... I don't have any money but I'd be glad to work for it." He tried to smile without showing how pointed his teeth were. "Oh! I almost forgot. My name is Tatsu Ryuo it is a pleasure to meet you all." He bowed slightly to the older woman assuming that she would be the guild master.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makka Honnoo Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo Character Portrait: Sethesis Honoo
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0.00 INK

Seth began to talk "No way someone actually wants to join, I-" He stopped when makka Raised her palm at him. "Oh, Come on Gran, I didn't-" The magic circle appeared, It had the guild symbol at the center of the spell "Phoenix blast," said Makka as a small pillar of fire blasted Seth through the wall.
"Man Gran, you ruined my shirt," said Seth as he got up from the rubble. He had a red mark where the Pillar had hit him on his chest, and his shirt was gone(that is, it turned to Ashes). His guild Mark was now visible on his shoulder and blue.
"Plus you're going soft if that's all you ca-" "Phoenix blast," was all he heard and was blasted away again, this time he didn't get back up.
Then Makka looked to Tatsou, "Just grab a stamp and Get your mark," said a now young looking Makka (since she did use her magic just now). There was a variety of stamps on the admission table of different colors and shades.
"Dumb-ass get this guy some food," said Makka.
Seth was up on his feet instantly, this time his whole upper body, was red and steaming. Seth went to the kitchen and came back very quickly with some pork in a plate.
"Little heat, please," Said Seth to Makka who simply put her hand under it and heated it up she then placed it on the table.
"Thanks, Dumb-ass," Then she uppercut Seth knocking him out cold.
"By the way I'm Makka Honoo, this is my grandson Seth. What's name?" asked Makka to Tatsou.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Napsat Character Portrait: Makka Honnoo Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo Character Portrait: Sethesis Honoo
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0.00 INK

Peter walked into the momentous guildhall, a beautiful young woman walks up to him, "Peter, the master wants to speak with you. He's in his office. It sounded serious." she said to him, Peter blushed slightly and manged to stutter out a response. "Uh... ye... yeah ok, I'll g... go see him." The girl simply smiled and walked back to a group of other mages.

Peter knocks on the door to his masters office and enters. "You wanted to see me sir." He said respectfully. "Ah yes Peter, please come in and take a seat." The old man said motioning to a chair in front of his desk. "I completed my last job with no problems sir, so pardon the offensiveness, but why am I here?" he asks. "Peter you are a strong mage, I have asked you three times to complete the S-Class trials and you have never even attempted them, honestly I'm not sure you are ready for them, but any other mage your age would jump at the chance to attempt the trials, so tell me, why don't you want to succeed?" Peter paused and thought about his reply for a moment. "I don't do well in teams, I like to work alone, S-class requests are generally taken by a team containing an S-class mage. So there is no reason for me to be an S-class if I can't do the requests on my own." The master was completely unfazed by Peter's response. "That's what I thought. Peter it pains me greatly to say this, as you are a strong mage and a good person, but I think it would be best for you, if you left my guild and joined another one. It will give you a chance to grow as a person. I have heard that a new guild is opening on the other side of Fiore, the Crimson Phoenix, I believe. You should check there." The master said and Peter thought for a moment, "Master you might be right, although I've no plans to form a team in this new guild, new experiences are often good for the soul." Peter's response seemed to please the master. "Good bye Peter, I am sure you will grow to be a powerful. I look forward to hearing of the glory you bring to the Crimson Phoenix." The master said as Peter walked out of his office.

When Peter returned to the tavern portion of the guildhall that same girl he talked to earlier walked up to him, "Peter? Where's your guild mark?" Peter's original guild mark was on his face over his left eye in a highly visible location and as a result it was quite clear it was missing. "Yeah, I uh... kind of... uh... left the guild." Peter said as he quickly left before she could say more.

After a rather long journey Peter came across Fiore and he happened upon a mid sized town and located the Crimson Phoenix's guildhall. He walked in and found two tables, one that read "Requests" and one that read "Admissions", at the admissions table Peter saw an old lady who appeared to be the guildmaster, and a young man about his age dressed in rather traditional wares. "I don't like him, there is just something about him that doesn't seem right." he thought to himself as he approached the table. "I apologize if I am interrupting, My name is Peter Napsat, I hail from a respectable guild on the other side of Fiore, although I have left the guild to join yours. I would rather not discuss my past, I am here for work, and to help a new guild grow and prosper." He said explaining himself and offering his hand to the old lady. He completed ignored the young man.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo Character Portrait: Peter Napsat Character Portrait: Makka Honnoo Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo Character Portrait: Sethesis Honoo
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0.00 INK

"Man you sure do talk a lot," said Makka ignoring Peter's hand. "Grab a stamp and your in," said makka pointing at the Stamps.
"Hey Gran I know we are desperate for members, but are you going to accept anyone, we don't even know how strong they are," said Seth.
"If they aren't stong they better become strong or I'll personally 'help' them to get stronger," Makka's face was fairly passive, but she just had an air about her that would scare everyone while saying that sentence.
Just that moment Taidaki came back and put 10 jewel on the table.
"Um... what's that Taidaki?" asked Seth.
"It's the reward for my mission. I caught a cat," replied Taidaki.
"Oh, that's so cute I'm glad for you," Seth said while patting Taidaki on the head.
"Hello" said a new voice from over by the door. It was a middle aged looking man with, brown hair, and a mustache. He wore a dark suit.
"Mr. Mayor, Been a while since we last talked," said Makka.
"Yes, it has been a while, but enough with the past. I'll cut straight to the chase," said the Mayor walking up to Makka.
He handed her a paper.
Makka read the paper. Then said "a request to take out the bandits at the west side of town. Here" she handed the job to Taidaki. "You two," she said looking at peter and Tatsou. "Go on this mission with Taidaki" she throung two stamps at them for the guild crest.
"All right let's get going," yelled Taidaki running out the door.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo Character Portrait: Peter Napsat Character Portrait: Makka Honnoo Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo Character Portrait: Sethesis Honoo
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0.00 INK

Tatsou was looking over the various guild stamps that were laid out for him to choose from. After a while He'd decided on a medium sized pure white stamp. He smiled to himself as he looked at the color. 'Reminds me of my teacher. Of home' He smiled as he opened the front of his shirt pressing the stamp over his heart. "This is my new home and everyone here will be my new family." He nodded and turned around just as someone else walked into the guild.

The new person walked right up to Makka and started spouting some stupid story about coming from some noble well known guild to help build the reputation of this newly formed guild. Tatsou started muttering to him self. "What kind of second rate mage thinks he can help build a reputation for a new guild. He probably got kicked out of his old guild and sent away. Something about this guy just isn't right how can he be so full of himself?" He started walking over to the table but froze in his tracks as he heard Makka accept him into the guild. "What? Really?" His complaints were cut short as yet another person burst into the guild. It was a young boy who Tatsou quickly realized was another of Makka's grandsons. He was returning from a mission of catching a cat. 'Good for you Taidaki.'

During the celebration yet another man walked into the guild hall this one in a suit. Apparently he was the mayor of the city with a mission for the guild. In no time at all Makka had taken the request and given it to Taidaki with the request of himself and the other new guy to follow him on the mission. Tatsou quickly bowed to his guildmaster. "I'd be glad to tag along and give Taidaki some back up." He started jogging off following Taidaki as he ran through the city. "Hey wait up Taidaki! Before we rush off into a fight don't you think we should learn something about each other's powers so we can work together better? I'll let you take the lead but I want to be able to help you as best I can during the fight with the bandits." Tatsou offered a bright smile displaying his slightly pointed teeth. "Plus we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Tatsou Ryuo, and I'm a White Dragon Slayer." He smiled again and listened to what Taidaki had to say before they headed off towards the bandits not bothering to wait up for Peter.

The setting changes from Fiore to Deafeting thieves mission

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo Character Portrait: Peter Napsat Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo
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0.00 INK

"Yeah I guess we should know a little bit about each other magic," said Taidaki slowing. "I saw a dragon slayer once before. He was awesome. He used this one technique, he called it dragon force, and another one dragon fist, and well lots of dragon stuff. He was one of the few people who ever gave my Grandma any trouble in a fight, but he still lost, still she was very tired after the fight," said Taidaki.
"Well I'm gonna be a great wizard, better than anyone some day, way stronger than Gran. Oh right I'm getting off track, my magic is Phoenix magic, but I'm not able to use the phoenix blast, or Phoenix form, but I'll figure it out," he smiled broadly
"Oh, and my name is Taidaki Honoo, but I guess you already new that,"

The setting changes from Deafeting thieves mission to Fiore


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo Character Portrait: Peter Napsat Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo
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0.00 INK

The old lady rudely ignored Peter's hand and simply told him that he talks too much. "How in the world did such a rude woman become a guild leader?" Peter thought to himself as he grabbed a black stamp and placed his guild mark on his face over his left eye, the same place he had it in his old guild. Just then the kid spoke up "Hey Gran I know we are desperate for members, but are you going to accept anyone, we don't even know how strong they are?" the kid said, Peter looked at the kid and smiled, "My young friend I can assure you that I am stronger than I appear. You need not doubt my abilities." he said to the kid, after which the old lady spouted some nonsense about how she will make people stronger, Peter wasn't really listening.

The mayor walked in with a request for the guild. He wanted the guild to take out a group of bandits. The old lady accepted the request and gave it to the kid, that's when the weird stuff happens. She tells Peter and the other man his age to tag along. "This is absurd I could handle this request without trying, why is she sending us?" he thought to himself and by the time he left dream world the kid and other man were gone. "Great" he mumbled under his breath and ran after them.

When he caught up they had stopped and were talking. He overheard that the young man was a dragon slayer, and the kid used phoenix magic. He walked up to them "I specialize in Dark Ecriture, but I can utilize any all rune magic." he said explaining his own magic. "Now that we all know each other's magic, why don't you guys relax and I'll go take out these bandits." He said with a smile.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo Character Portrait: Peter Napsat Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo
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0.00 INK

"NO WAY! I'm gonna be the greatest mage ever, that won't happen if all I do is let other people do all the work," said Taidaki.
"and if you aren't happy with working with us then you can just leave. Anyway I'll bet Tatsou's a lot stronger than you, that Rune stuff sounds like a weak geeks magic," said Taidaki.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo Character Portrait: Peter Napsat Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo
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0.00 INK

Tatsou laughed at Taidaki's enthusiasm as he turned to start walking again they were interrupted by Peter. "I specialize in Dark Ecriture, but I can utilize any all rune magic. Now that we all know each other's magic, why don't you guys relax and I'll go take out these bandits."

Tatsou again laughed following Peter's introduction. Only to laugh harder at Taidaki's rebuttal. "You tell him Taidaki. Besides Peter Makka gave this mission to Taidaki we're just here to make sure that he doesn't hurt. We don't even have to do anything unless he needs our help." He smiled and patted Taidaki's head lightly. "And for the record I am stronger than you." With that Tatsou turned and followed Taidaki towards the bandit's hideout.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo Character Portrait: Peter Napsat Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo
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0.00 INK

"Now I you and Seth patting my head." said Taidaki
"By the way, it's not that Gran thought I might get hurt. It's probably because she has always told me what makes a guild strong is the friendship between the members, or something like that," said Taidaki smiling.
Taidaki pulled out the request. A map was on the request of the area the thieves were believed to be. It should have been up ahead, but suddenly "Quake Strike!"
The earth began to shake violently, Taidaki said "Phoenix wings!" as flaming wings appeared on his back and he took to the sky.
"Tornado Strike!" another voice said as small raging tornadoes striking at Peter, Taidaki and Tatsou. Taidaki dodged them, but one managed to hit his right arm. He flinched from the pain. Flames began to burn where he was hurt, and after the flames disappeared so to did his injury.

The setting changes from Fiore to Deafeting thieves mission

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo Character Portrait: Peter Napsat Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo
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0.00 INK

Tatsou mentioned that the mission was Taidaki's not their own and that the two of them were merely back up. "I suppose you're right, we are just back up, alright fine kid, the mission is yours."

"By the way, it's not that Gran thought I might get hurt. It's probably because she has always told me what makes a guild strong is the friendship between the members, or something like that" Taidaki said, but before anyone could respond the ground began to shake and Taidaki responded by taking to the sky. "I have a wonderful idea" Peter thought to himself as he pulled his Violin out and prepared to play it. Before he could however he noticed a small tornado flying towards Taidaki he dodged most of them, but one hit him, his arm looked hurt but shortly after his arm was on fire, and then it looked fine. "Neat trick kid. Now take care of these losers." Peter said as he began to play his violin. As he played symbols exited the f holes of his violin and flew through the air, the symbols formed box around Taidaki and the bandits, twenty feet in length and width, sixty feet high. "There, Taidaki can leave the barrier, but they can't, if the kid runs into trouble, you can enter and leave as well." Peter said to Tatsou. "Hey Kid! You run into trouble fly high, they can't leave my runes." he informed Taidaki. "Hope this kid is as strong as he claims." he thought as the fight commenced.

The setting changes from Deafeting thieves mission to Fiore


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo Character Portrait: Peter Napsat Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo
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0.00 INK

Tatsou looked at Peter in disbelief. "How could you do something like that?! Fighting like that is cheating! Taidaki don't worry I'm on my way!" Tatsou charged into the barrier his fist beginning to glow with a bright white light. He charged at the nearest bandit the apparent earth magic user who'd caused the earth to quake. As he charged the earth's quaking began to intensify causing rocks to launch up in his path. He rolled out of the way dodging and jumping into the air. "White Dragon Light Fist!" Tatsou crashed his fist into the bandit's face launching him into the wall of the barrier which flashed brightly as he slumped down into the ground.

He jumped up smiling as the bandit fell. "Alright that's one of them. How are you doing Taidaki?" His answer fell short as he was struck in the side of the head by a burst of fire. He hit the ground rolling and jumped back up onto his feet. "What the hell man?" Tatsou looked at the man who'd thrown the fireball at him. "More than one person can throw stuff!" Tatsou held his left fist in front of himself and began collecting light around his fist. "Holy Dragon's Blast!" Tatsou launched the orb of light at the bandit who'd hit him. The guy was a bit to quick and was able to dodge the blast and began charging another blast of fire. "Taidaki let's finish these guys off quick!"

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While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Peter's house

Peter's house by William Brion

Peter's house

Deafeting thieves mission

Deafeting thieves mission by William Brion

Taidaki, Tatsou and Peter. Job to defeat thieves.

Ami's House

Ami's House by William Brion

Ami's house.

Guild Headquarters

Guild Headquarters by William Brion

Crimson Phoenix Guild

Makka Honoo's house

Makka Honoo's house by William Brion

Makka Honoo's house

Azu`s House

Azu`s House by William Brion

Azu`s house.

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Character Portrait: Brinn Angelon
0 sightings Brinn Angelon played by dreammuffin

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo
Character Portrait: Makka Honnoo
Character Portrait: Sethesis Honoo
Character Portrait: Azuryan Kirimaru
Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo
Character Portrait: Catrina (Cat) Baurdrin
Character Portrait: Peter Napsat


Character Portrait: Peter Napsat
Peter Napsat

Let's just do this, I have rent to pay.

Character Portrait: Catrina (Cat) Baurdrin
Catrina (Cat) Baurdrin

I'm watching. And I'm judging. But I'll always give you a chance.

Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo
Tatsou Ryuo

"I'm really not interested in whatever it is your talking about..."

Character Portrait: Makka Honnoo
Makka Honnoo

Just get your asses moving.

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo
Tadaiki Honoo

I'll become a great Wizard, You'll see!


Character Portrait: Peter Napsat
Peter Napsat

Let's just do this, I have rent to pay.

Character Portrait: Makka Honnoo
Makka Honnoo

Just get your asses moving.

Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo
Tatsou Ryuo

"I'm really not interested in whatever it is your talking about..."

Character Portrait: Catrina (Cat) Baurdrin
Catrina (Cat) Baurdrin

I'm watching. And I'm judging. But I'll always give you a chance.

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo
Tadaiki Honoo

I'll become a great Wizard, You'll see!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Tadaiki Honoo
Tadaiki Honoo

I'll become a great Wizard, You'll see!

Character Portrait: Peter Napsat
Peter Napsat

Let's just do this, I have rent to pay.

Character Portrait: Makka Honnoo
Makka Honnoo

Just get your asses moving.

Character Portrait: Tatsou Ryuo
Tatsou Ryuo

"I'm really not interested in whatever it is your talking about..."

Character Portrait: Catrina (Cat) Baurdrin
Catrina (Cat) Baurdrin

I'm watching. And I'm judging. But I'll always give you a chance.

View All » Places

Peter's house

Peter's house by William Brion

Peter's house

Deafeting thieves mission

Deafeting thieves mission by William Brion

Taidaki, Tatsou and Peter. Job to defeat thieves.

Ami's House

Ami's House by William Brion

Ami's house.

Guild Headquarters

Guild Headquarters by William Brion

Crimson Phoenix Guild

Makka Honoo's house

Makka Honoo's house by William Brion

Makka Honoo's house

Azu`s House

Azu`s House by William Brion

Azu`s house.

Deafeting thieves mission

Taidaki, Tatsou and Peter. Job to defeat thieves.

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Re: Crimson Phoenix

Terribly sorry for my current span of lazyness. I'm working on my character now and it should be up in 30 min to an hour depending on my though process

Re: Crimson Phoenix

Laxnchill20, if you and MegaCheeseyMonkey both make an A-rank mage that would be fine, but after those two I won't accept any more A-ranks.

Re: Crimson Phoenix

HEY! So my good buddy Venom told me about this roleplay, could I possibly make an A or B class mage? I'll get started on the CS now, and will modify the powers to fit A or B depending on which you would prefer I take.

Re: Crimson Phoenix

I'm still willing to accept one or two more A-class wizards.

Re: Crimson Phoenix

Is it too late to make an A-Class character? I missed the call out by not knowing about this amazingness!


Re: Crimson Phoenix

Huh, you're right. Azu is a lot like Mira....

Thanks for letting me join!

Re: Crimson Phoenix

It`s good I like Azu, but I`ll still consider him in the S-class even though he doesn`t take missions like Mira she was an S-class that didn`t take mission for a while.


Re: Crimson Phoenix

I just sent in a male F-class mage, please let me know if anything needs to be changed :)

Re: Crimson Phoenix

Yes you can reserve an A class female mage.

Re: Crimson Phoenix

May I reserve an A class female Mage?

Crimson Phoenix

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