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Curiouser and Curiouser

Curiouser and Curiouser


A war has begun in the eccentric Wonderland.

1,676 readers have visited Curiouser and Curiouser since M'ange created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Curiouser – A Wonderland Roleplay
All in the golden afternoon
Full leisurely we glide;
For both our oars, with little skill,
By little arms are plied,
While little hands make vain pretense
Our wanderings to guide.
Thus grew the tale of Wonderland:
Thus slowly, one by one,
Its quaint events were hammered out —
And now our tale is done
And home we steer, a merry crew,
Beneath the setting sun.
Alice! a childish story take,
And with a gentle hand
Lay it where Childhood's dreams are twined
In Memory's mystic band,
Like pilgrim's withered wreath of flowers
Plucked in a far-off land.

-“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”

Wonderland used to be a place of harmony. Everyone, except the Queen of Hearts of course, were kind and eccentric. Colorful flowers the size of an elephant’s head would dance among the singing trees and the wind would gently caress the faces of passersby’s. Wonderland was a place of love. It was proof that unknown was possible if you just believed. Every resident of Wonderland was beautiful and captivating. But, then came the day when darkness entered the tranquility of Wonderland.
At the same time as the darkness began to come, somehow a select few of humans were able to access the realm of Wonderland. Unable to return at the current moment, the humans are wandering aimlessly, trying to find assistance in the strange world they have happened upon.
The Queen of Hearts has successfully created mutated creatures to assist her in the war against the White Queen. These beasts now roam the forests of Wonder, trying to murder innocents. The White Queen is in the process of retaliating. What will happen next in this war? Could Wonderland become a place a sadness and despair?

Creatures of Wonderland

I added a few extra creatures. This role play is different than the actual book or movie. We can have multiple of each character kind.

Chesire Cats: Shape shifters who can transform into anything that is alive, such as a plant or animal.

Mad Hatter: An eccentric being with a fascination with tea and flashy clothing. Good at handling weapons.

Warrior: A person who appears normal, but can can control one element. Fights for either the Queen of Hearts of the White Queen.

Elves: Mystical beings who assist the White Queen. Often are expert generals and good at refining armor. Very beautiful.

Dark Elves: The same as regular elves, but they assist the Queen of Hearts.

Humans: A human is someone who has stumbled into the realm of Wonderland from the regular world. They have no idea where they are. They posses no magical abilities.

White Queen: Only one. I'm going to be strict about who gets this since it's important. Make your character detailed.

Character Skeleton:

Age: (16-25)
Sexual Orientation:
Type of Creature:(ex: human, mad hatter)
Appearance: (Having a picture is slightly preferred)
Supporter of the White Queen (good) or the Queen of Hearts (evil) or Neutral:

Queen of Hearts:Only one. I'm going to be strict about who gets this since it's important. Make your character detailed.

Think of any other character types you want? Ask me about it in the OOC.

Toggle Rules

1) No godmodding
2) Cursing is OK
3) Try to post at least a 4 line paragraph while role playing.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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As she kept walking, she heard a slight rustle coming from the trees. A slight girl came out from them, stumbling slightly. She stopped, looked around, and caught sight of Alice. "Oh... Hey there. Where is this?"


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Alice was busy daydreaming away as she walked until a voice interrupted her thoughts. She pauses, turning to the girl very slowly. Alice looked up at the girl, could this be? She was clearly someone sent from the Red Queen to kill her. Everyone here knew Wonderland. This person was a trap, to lead her to the Red Queen so Alice would be beheaded and Wonderland would forever be hers. Of course, this made perfect sense... The Red Queen wanted everyone beheaded...

Her eyes narrow and her ten year old body shakes as her fists clench, "Who. Are. You."


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The small girl stumbled backwards. She looked nervous. "Hey. Um, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm sorry. I'm Lysette Brooklynn." She held out a hand awkwardly, not daring to meet Alice's eyes.


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"Lysette... Brooklyn..." Alice frowns, "You're one of the queen's subjects... yes.... yes...." She cackles and shakes her hand, but latches on with a dead man's grip and yanks the girl to her height, "Look here. You tell that Red Queen that she has something coming for her. That she will pay for what she has done to my Wonderland... You got it?" She asks, her crazed eyes locking with Lysette's.


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Lysette's eyes grew wide and she gasped, "Queen? I don't know anything... I just fell down this hole... I don't know anything! What Queen?" She struggled, but couldn't break free. "Let me go!"


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#, as written by Tonks
Once Hatter and Casey walk back to their tea shop. Once inside casey turns to Hatter " Hatter, dear. Please don't be mad at me." She says not looking him in the eye, the last time she ran off his madness got the better of him. That was a traumatizing exsperance, one she does not want to repeat. Hatter very stiffly hangs up his hat and pulls off his jacket before turning to her and a straned voice says " What gave you the insane idea to run off like that?"

"I just needed to get out of the shop.." She says shrugging. " I didn't pay attention to where I was going, I'm a wanderer, you know this."

He pours himselp some tea his hands shaking keep it together Hatter, she is in the right and doesn't need to see the madness he thinks. " I know I'm sorry, it's just with this war and all I worry."

She smiles "I know you do." just then the bell to the front door rings. " Come in to the back" Hatter calls. In tromp some of the Red Queens soldiers. " Ah, what can I do for you gents?" Hatter asks

" You are here by bound by law, for treason to the red crown. You will come quietly to the trial, and if chosen the exicution." The leader says tying hatters hands together.

" Run Casey, get help!" He says before he is knocked out.

Casey focuses on any friend they have and pops there. She apears infront of a Jassamines home, she runs in " Hello? Anyone? Jassamine?"


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"I don't know anything... I just fell down this hole!" Alice listened to the girl ramble on, she was obviously terrified. Alice giggles quietly.

"Fear smells good on you." She pushes Lysette away from her and looks around, hearing the Hatter cry out for help. Alice waves to Lysette.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." She disappears in a cloud of smoke, like Cheshire used to and reappears to see the Hatter being tied up by the Red Queen.

"Hatter?" She asks, frowning, he wasn't the original, but he had the same strange qualities and she examines the Red Queen's soldiers.

"GET HER!" They cry pointing at Alice and Alice lets out a small giggle, grabbing the first soldier who came towards her by the wrist and his uniform and weapon turned into snakes. The soldier lets out a shrill scream and backs away from Alice as she laughs maniacally.


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Lysette stood rooted to the ground, scared. Fear smelled good on her? What kind of place was this? I've really gotten into trouble now...
She looked around. Any road will take you there? Take me where? She decided to try her luck and walked off at a fast pace, away from the forest. I hope I find someone sane...


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Allie heard the commotion from hatter's campsite and turned around sharply. "Cheshire get Casey out of here I'm helping the hatter!" she called out running. Chasire did as she commanded and ran off to find the girl. He found Casey and smiled at her "Allie requests you to follow me. She will save your brother hatter. You can count on that." he said smiling more. "If you truly wish to wait for the other hatter l'll accompany you here he said to her. "Allie will be waiting wait for us in the Valley Of Tears." He said his smile stretching from ear to ear.

Allie bolted into the campsite and broke down the door to the hatters place. She'd pay for the damage she promised herself then seeing the red queens men she smiled. "Honey I'm home." She giggled her madness taking over. "Oh pretty's Your presence is unwelcome. You'll have to die now. Let's play a game huh? Allie will kill you and you get to beg for life." She said giggling more her sing song voice back to sounded creepy and child like. Her eyes were orange and she smiled happily. Upon seeing her in this state you would never guess that she was anything but mad. Even if you had seen her when she was her normal sane self. She took out both her Vorpal Blades. "Your pain will fit nicely in this world pretty." She said skipping over to Tonks. She began singing the same tune she sung when she first met tonks. The one to the tune of star light star bright as She smiled and put one foot on a nearby table doing a flip in the air she kicked one of the men sending him into the wall with a Boom. She kept singing as if nothing had happened. Four guards ran over to her and she giggled as she jumped into the air dodging there attacks perfectly and came down spinning her arms extended with the vorpal blades in each hand slicing the men in half. "Poor pretty's dying in vein for a queen with such a big head." She said giggling.


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Allie bolts in and Alice shakes her head as she babbles nonsense. She was taking Alice's place. Shaking her blonde hair her eyes swirl into a mad purple and she growls. Allie was taking over her land. Allie... All her fault everyone is dead. Not hers. Allie's fault. Allie was put up to this by the Red Queen.

Everyone is an impostor.

Everyone is after you, Alice.

People just want your Wonderland, Alice.

The voices swarmed in her head and she lets out a shriek, breaking the sound barrier and she falls to her knees, pounding her fists on the floor, the floor cracks, and fire spits out from the crack, which continued to grow in size.

"YOU SHALL NOT WIN." She cackles, her eyes slowly adjusting up towards Allie, and she begins to giggle, her ten year old body shaking from the manic laughter, "You... You are not my sister.... You are one sent by the Red Queen... You created these impostors.... You. It's all your fault Wonderland is so messed up. All. Your. Fault."

She points a jagged nail at Allie, her face contorting, a grin reaching from ear to ear, just like Cheshire. She laughs as mad as the Mad Hatter and her eyes were as mesmerizing as the white rabbit's pocket watch.


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(Dont you dare control my charr. I am so serious. My charr is MY charr which means I control her. If you wanted my charr to talk to you charr you should've asked. Not control my charr.)

Allie looks at Alice "And they call me mad." She said shaking her head a hint of a smile on her lips. Her madness was gone now tucked away in the little box in her mind. "Alice if you think I did this then your observantly out of your damn mind." She said in a hiss and touched the ground softly. The floor minded and the fire stopped, flowers and grass grew where the floor had cracked. "Your annoying me in more ways then one kid and I won't fight a child who doesn't know left from right. You turned your body to that of a child's? Were 16 not 10 Alice. She said pinching the bridge of her nose and leaning on the wall her arms crosses one leg bent, foot resting upon the wall, in a sort of cool kid pose. "But if you want to go back to ten then let me tell you about our life as a ten year old." Her eyes took on a sudden chill and her smile faded. "At ten on our birthday no less our mother had baked a nice cake for us. It looked so yummy. Had all the fixins too. Half was chocolate for you and half was vanilla for me. I've always hated chocolate and mum knew that she lit the candles on our birthday and we began to sing the song the day was perfect. We went to go play outside not realizing mum had forgotten to let out the match and then we both smelled smoke. I remember you looking at me and me bolting to the house that was ablaze with fire. You were never a fast runner and so before you could catch up I ran inside our house to find mum and dad. I heard dad and mom shrieking in agony, I ran but I was to late, I watched our parent burn to death and I smelled there flesh burning as well a awful smell I assure you. I watched helpless as the fire took our parents and went mad at that very moment. Corse no one blamed me and when you heard the news and saw what was left of our parents you went mad too. They separated us and took us to the insane asylum. And then one day I found myself here. In wonderland. It used to be a beautiful land. So magical. Then the red queen made her attack it started in lower parts of the region and then spread out in waves. Cheshire had grown fond of me and he used to be such a fluffy kitty until she began to deform wonderland. I saw for the first time how destructive she was. And we fought many times. But I knew I could not do it while tied to the other world so I decided i would become one with wonderland. Cheshire had told me what I would have to give up but I didnt care. You see dear Alice you cant become apart of another dimension unless you give up the right to the first dimension, the one you were born in. My body died on earth and I was born again here. Your right in a way. The sister you lived with on earth died a long time ago. So that I could save Wonderland. I choose not to fight you. I choose to walk away." Allie said to her sister and she walked away.


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(I wasn't....)


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(oki whatever >.> jus reply.)

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Wonderland by M'ange


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Character Portrait: Jinxie Tricks
0 sightings Jinxie Tricks played by Lux_Disraeli
How fine you look when dressed in rage. Your enemies are fortunate your condition is not permanent. You're lucky, too. Red eyes suit so few.
Character Portrait: March Hare
0 sightings March Hare played by CharlesWinchester
Would you like some tea?
Character Portrait: Lysette
0 sightings Lysette played by TaniaSoulEater
Wonderland? Never heard of it...

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Hatter
Character Portrait: Jessamine Bowen
Character Portrait: Mirana The White Queen
Character Portrait: Casey
Character Portrait: Alice


Character Portrait: Alice

I HAVE gone mad..... Heeheehee

Character Portrait: Casey

We are all quite mad here

Character Portrait: Mirana The White Queen
Mirana The White Queen

Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

Character Portrait: Jessamine Bowen
Jessamine Bowen

A very eccentric Mad Hatter

Character Portrait: Hatter

His real name is The Mad Hatter, but don't let him hear you call him that


Character Portrait: Alice

I HAVE gone mad..... Heeheehee

Character Portrait: Hatter

His real name is The Mad Hatter, but don't let him hear you call him that

Character Portrait: Casey

We are all quite mad here

Character Portrait: Jessamine Bowen
Jessamine Bowen

A very eccentric Mad Hatter

Character Portrait: Mirana The White Queen
Mirana The White Queen

Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mirana The White Queen
Mirana The White Queen

Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

Character Portrait: Jessamine Bowen
Jessamine Bowen

A very eccentric Mad Hatter

Character Portrait: Casey

We are all quite mad here

Character Portrait: Hatter

His real name is The Mad Hatter, but don't let him hear you call him that

Character Portrait: Alice

I HAVE gone mad..... Heeheehee

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Re: [OOC] Curiouser and Curiouser

Hi to all my fellow Wonderlandians!
If you've noticed, we haven't being posting much so far. I'm trying to let Lysette do something, anyone have any idea? Please tell, all ideas will be considered. I know this is dumb but she's a girl who's too tiny for her age, and I have no idea what she's supposed to do. Either that or you can post the next one and give a scenario for Lysette to enter. Thanks!

Re: [OOC] Curiouser and Curiouser

I'm sorry for any confusion/anger. I can not participate in this RP.

Re: [OOC] Curiouser and Curiouser

Hullo all!
Just trying to figure out when to enter the White Queen. I was thinking she could put a summons out for those Wonderlandians, though I'm not sure where to start.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd like to hear them. ^^'

Re: [OOC] Curiouser and Curiouser

When will this RP start exactly? Just curious :)

Re: [OOC] Curiouser and Curiouser

CharlesWinchester- Yes. I believe I accepted your character. :D

Re: [OOC] Curiouser and Curiouser

Hey! Can I make a March Hare that's a Hatter? Thanks! I'll have a character in by tonight, regardless!

(P.S. My comp. is a little messed up so I might not be on tomorrow or the day after. Sorry.)

Re: [OOC] Curiouser and Curiouser

Hello everyone! :)
Tonks- I accepted your Mad Hatter
Esa- Just do anything you can imagine with the Queen of Hearts. And, I've decided to remove the rule about making a male and female character. You can make one character, or as many as you'd like.
Ziddie- I really liked your White Queen. I accepted it.

Re: [OOC] Curiouser and Curiouser

I am going to try my best to give you a very detailed White Queen to consider.

Re: [OOC] Curiouser and Curiouser

Hi, is there anything in particular that you'd like for the Queen of Hearts? And do we have to make a girl and guy character?

~ Esa

Re: [OOC] Curiouser and Curiouser

Can I resurve the mad hatter?

[OOC] Curiouser and Curiouser

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Curiouser and Curiouser"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.