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Dark Souls

Dark Souls


A couple years ago in the land of Kabira, a phenomenon called the darkness swallowed almost an entire village. The survivors had a change in appearance and got a dark aura. Now they are looking for acceptance but only find hate.

1,711 readers have visited Dark Souls since Aniihya created it.


Two years ago the village of Zhinaea was known for its hospitality, its great archers and horsemen and its unique culture. But then the darkness swallowed the people living in the village. The Darkness is a black fog that appears every 500 years only taking the lives of 100 to 200 people. It burns houses with a black fire. But the fate of those who survive the darkness is said to be worse than death. Their hair turns white, blue or silver and their eyes turn red. The dark souls, as people call them, have a dark aura that makes anyone shiver. They have unnatural magical power given to them by the darkness such as summoning black fires. It is a common superstition that dark souls consume human souls and bring death to everywhere they go. All the good dark souls want is acceptance but they only encounter hate, fear and aggression. The only ones who dont know about dark souls are the peoples of the desert mountains in the south. But that is a far way and dark souls are often killed before they even reach their destination. It is uncertain if the dark souls will even find acceptance there or if they will turn to wage war against the humans to force them to accept dark souls.

Kabira: Kabira is a large land with flatlands and forests in the north and mountains in the south. In the west is the Endless Sea and in the east is no mans land, a place where people believe dark souls live. Near the no mans land lie the ruins of the village Zhinaea. In the center of the land is the capital of Virgos.

Races of Kabira:
-Humans: Known to live in the flatlands and plains of Kabira.
-Dark souls: Human like beings with red eyes. They are assumed to come from No Mans Land. They often want to be friendly but have an instinct to kill and still their blood lust.
-Nekos: Known to live in villages in the forests of Kabira.
-Elves: The people of the mountains.

-If you want a different race, just ask. As long as it isnt dragons, vampires or werebeasts.

Basic character sheet:

Clothing (medieval and fantasy type clothing)
Abilities (spells, weapon skills, inhuman attributes etc.)
Alignment (Describes if you are good or evil. You can also describe your alignment)

Toggle Rules

No godmodding
There can be good and evil factions. Dark souls tend to be more dangerous and evil than humans.
This is a medieval fantasy setting, so no guns, just bows, magic, swords, etc.
No one liners

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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#, as written by Aniihya
"Okay, you two. Just follow me." Karin said and began to wander towards Suicide Point where she had a hut. She wandered into a dark part of the forest where corpses hung from trees. In a treeless spot, there was a hut. Well, it was more like a small house. Karin went into the house where she lit the crystal lights with a wave of her hand. It was a house with a small kitchen, with a kettle hanging over a fire. There was a couch made of bear fur. A head on the wall with the inscription "Legion Captain Sernius" under it. Up a couple steps were two beds. Next to them a third one appears out of a black fog. The windows were made out of a thick clear crystal glass. "Make yourself at home." Karin said and turned to the elf. "And who are you?".


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After Zer'tul went to search for some firewood, Elena got to work on a good place to camp for the night. Not too far from where she was standing, she noticed a tree that had fallen over onto another tree. The tree was still fresh and was still full of green leaves. It would be the perfect place to start. Elena crawled through all the branches and twigs around the tree and began to brake them apart. When she was done with that she used the twigs she had pulled off by lacing them on the outside of the fallen tree. She then gathered some more pine tree-like leaves and placed them over top of the branches. Just as she was finishing, she herd Zer'tul coming with the fire wood.


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#, as written by Dandan
Warren stared at the surroundings "my name is Warren. He tested the bed. He sat on it and whistled. Cath a large grizzly bear comes trotting out the woods "And this is Cath my companion."


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"I am back "bringing the firewood and their dinner " I hope you're hungry mylady." he smiled to her starting the fire and preparing the meat for her. It had been awhile since he'd camped with someone before , let alone a female he smiles to himself at his predicament. He wanted to discuss their next move but felt he should wait until she was full and brought it up, or if they'd part ways


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"Looks good!" she said directing herself to the dead animal in his hands. She then went over to grab the wood and start a fire. "How do you like you're food cooked?"


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" well just as long as it's cooked I don't mind" he thought maybe he should help her cook it. " want me to help? Putting his weapons and cloak against the tree.


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"Uhh, I guess you can cook yours the way you like it. I'll cook mine." She set the wood down and started to make a fire. SHe couldn't seem to get a good spark though. "Are you any good at this?" SHe looked over to him.


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"Yea i am....with a certain tool" He had a flint and stone in his carrying sack Manages to start a fire for her and then places the cut carcass over the flame. "So where will you go after this? back to that town?" He wondered what she would do about her pursuers, it seems like she was outnumbered and the idea of her be captured and tortured didn't seem like the best outcome for her. " I only ask...because i'd like you..end...those who would hunt you.... The only thing is that we'd need to either kill them or make them think you've been killed. Preferably i like the idea of going to where they reside and killing as many of them as possible mylady." As he did say that his eyes did seem to glow a brighter, as if to say that he enjoyed that thought.


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The fire was glowing with intensity now and Elena got closer to the fire witch was as warm as her new smile. "I was just planning on running until I could run no more. I do like the idea's you've come up with though." She took a strong twig from on the ground and stuck in in the ground so the tip of it lay over the fire. She then took her meat and squared it onto the stick. "If it were only 10 people, I could probably take them on, but with you're help I could probably triple that. We will let them come to us. With their tracking abilities, they will find us by noon tomorrow so we'll have a bit to prepare. Hope you like getting up early."


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"Oh i am quite the early riser ma'am, however will this be all of them? there more who'd see to your capture?...I mean if we kill these who seek you this evening will that end your problem?" He bit the boar, and it was tender. "Food's done."


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Elena grabbed a piece of the meat, well enough to satisfy her hunger that is. she took a bite of it and thought about how she would word her answer. When she swallowed, she said, "Well, there would be a few five man groups wandering around for me. They wont be a problem, but what I worry about is one man. You've probably herd of him." She took another bite. She hadn't had anything to eat since very early in the morning. "He is known for killing four Dark Souls single handily. Best Dark Soul hunter I've ever seen." She became distracted for a brief second before saying, "Anyways, he's decided to give up hunting Dark Souls for a while to go after me. He is probably one of the only ones that would kill me on spot." She then took another bite out of her boar. It was a little tasteless, but she didn't really care all that much at the moment.


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"Well....if i could bring you to this man...wouldnt he probably have all the other people looking for you come to see him....'torture you slowly?' as you said?" He gives her another piece of meat. He felt that if he could get into the heart of those who pursued her he could end her problem in a single night. Besides it'd be nice to test himself against this "fantastic slayer of hers". But he then said, "Again it is your choice, on what we do, I will do as you command."


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Raechel would look around the small building with a smile on her face. It wasn't her ideal place for the night, but it sure beat the hell from the inns she had been staying at; those people shooting funny looks at her, like she was crazy.... Plus her hospitible host was not bad looking. She pushed such thoughts from her head as she would rest her weapon by the door. "I cannot thank you enough, Ka'arin. I would gladly return the favor if I had a home." She would say, not knowing what exactly to say. "It's a very quaint place."


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"I'm not sure I understood what you said," Elena said, "Now correct me if I'm wrong, but is you're plan to bring me to this man and turn me in?" Elena accepted the meat and ate some more.

((Sorry, this post would be longer, but I am swamped with homework and I'm trying to stay healthy. I will make sure my next post is longer))


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(no worries I'm swamped with midterms) he looked at her and grins " how are you at acting" he stood up now and looked at his sword. " I won't abandon you if that's what you're thinking mylady ". He walked around and waited for her response, to him it seemed like a good plan, but he understood how she felt. However he truly meant her no harm and only wanted to help, whatever she wanted to do he would agree with.


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#, as written by Aniihya
"Thank you." Karin said. She went and made some basil soup in the kettle. She throw spices into the soup that were unknown to humans. It wasnt like she was poisoning the soup. Only a paranoid person would think that. The spices just were unknown to human taste. "Who wants some soup?" Karin asked. She poured the soup into a pot and brought some bowls to her small table. "Dont worry about my neighbors." Karin said pointing out the window to the forest demons and the undead. "They are friendly." She opened the window and called to a half rotten corpse. "Hey! You need help with that wood?" "No. Thanks." The corpse said. The others might have trouble following her or even knowing if shes sane because she called out to an undead who was now behind the trees and this was a place where there was no living being in the forest. Well except for the undead.


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Elena was starting to understand what he wanted to do. It was a risky plan, but it could very possibly work. "It's a good plan and I think it might work. The only problem is the fact that I would be turning myself into one of the most fearful Dark Soul hunter." She said. It was starting to get late though. She wanted to get some sleep soon. It would be a long day. "Let's do it anyways. I don't think we will be able to take him out, but the rest of the people looking for me will be easy to take care of if the plan works out." She smiled and then yawned.


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He agreed and sat beside one of the trees in their 'camp". Keeping his sword at his side he closed his eyes." Until tomorrow..."


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Elena watched as Zer'tul quickly went to sleep. When he was finally asleep, Elena got up. The fire had began to die, so she found a few loose twigs on the forest floor and threw it onto the fire. Soon enough, the fire was back up and good for the night. Elena went back into the camp, and she quickly fell to sleep.


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The next morning he awakes early he begins to cook the rest of the meat for her breakfast of she went with his plan she would need it. He awaited for her to wake with the prepared food. He walked around the camp slowly, he then slowly started to practice his sword fighting form. As he laid each stroke he moved incredibly fast. If someone were to watch, they'd only see him clearly after he made his strike, but as he made it he appeared almost as a blur. He made sure to keep his form proper, as to not insult those who'd trained him. After about 30 min of this 'sparring' he retired back to his tree and sat. He wondered how their plan would go.

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Kabira by Aniihya


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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ka'arin the Bloodarcher
Character Portrait: Ix Carmel
Character Portrait: Raechel Pravsane
Character Portrait: Zer'tul of Antioch


Character Portrait: Zer'tul of Antioch
Zer'tul of Antioch

A young man who has been persecuted from his home and now must try to redeem himself

Character Portrait: Raechel Pravsane
Raechel Pravsane

An ill treated Dark Soul whom only wishes to fit in with the rest of humanity.

Character Portrait: Ix Carmel
Ix Carmel

A gentle merchant with an iron will and a mission to find her friends

Character Portrait: Ka'arin the Bloodarcher
Ka'arin the Bloodarcher

Ka'arin or Karin is just looking for friends and a place to live.


Character Portrait: Raechel Pravsane
Raechel Pravsane

An ill treated Dark Soul whom only wishes to fit in with the rest of humanity.

Character Portrait: Ka'arin the Bloodarcher
Ka'arin the Bloodarcher

Ka'arin or Karin is just looking for friends and a place to live.

Character Portrait: Zer'tul of Antioch
Zer'tul of Antioch

A young man who has been persecuted from his home and now must try to redeem himself

Character Portrait: Ix Carmel
Ix Carmel

A gentle merchant with an iron will and a mission to find her friends

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ka'arin the Bloodarcher
Ka'arin the Bloodarcher

Ka'arin or Karin is just looking for friends and a place to live.

Character Portrait: Raechel Pravsane
Raechel Pravsane

An ill treated Dark Soul whom only wishes to fit in with the rest of humanity.

Character Portrait: Zer'tul of Antioch
Zer'tul of Antioch

A young man who has been persecuted from his home and now must try to redeem himself

Character Portrait: Ix Carmel
Ix Carmel

A gentle merchant with an iron will and a mission to find her friends

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    by Aniihya on Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:39 pm
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    on Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:45 pm

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Re: [OOC] Dark Souls

Shapeshifters no. Approved races: Trolls, Orcs, Kitsunes, Nekos, Elves, Dark souls, Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes. And yes we can start.

Re: [OOC] Dark Souls

Just submitted a character. If approved when do we start?

Re: [OOC] Dark Souls

can we have shapeshifters?

[OOC] Dark Souls

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