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Dark Tale

Rebellion HQ


a part of Dark Tale, by Sonata.

Secret hideout of The White Order.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Rebellion HQ, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

417 readers have been here.


The secret hideout of The White Order.
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Rebellion HQ

Secret hideout of The White Order.


Rebellion HQ is a part of Dark Tale.

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Baby Bear [7] "Who's been here?"
Gretel (Bloody Gretel) [6] "Together, we'll find her, kill her and bathe in her blood. Together, Hansel."
Hansel [6] "If Gretel says so."

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#, as written by Sonata
The Rebellion


Not many are aware of the whereabouts or even the existence of a rebellion. Beneath the streets of Brogdin exists a faction whose sole purpose is to end the tyranny of the queen. This faction calls itself The White Order. The Order is a group of mercenaries, assassins, refugees, and skilled hands. Each member shares the same purpose, but there are some with a craving for bloody vengeance.

Throughout Brogdin, there exist several entrances into The Orderā€™s hideout: a storage cellar, a false wall, the sewersā€¦outside the burg there exist others. The most common and safest entrance is through a wet cave five miles from the town.

The White Orderā€™s hideout not only acts as a base of operations but a safe haven for the oppressed fauna.

The Cave Entrance

If one was to enter the hideout through the cave, one would first enter it and tread through ankle-deep water that seems to grow deeper and deeper. The adventurer would then soon be forced to dive into a hollow below, and emerge within a cavern on the other side. Guarding the cavern, one will find two human guards assisted by fairies. The guards are dressed in light armors consisting of chitin, fur, or boiled-leather and the fairies that are with them not only keep them company but to act as alarms and messengers. The fairies relay the messages back and forth between the leader and the guardsmen and also can sense ominous presences.

Only ones with the brand of The White Order and the password, which is an answer to the question posed by one of the guards:

Who sent you?

Answer: A no one with a hood

The guards will ask the password from anyone even from members of The Order. By order of Red Riding Hood, if anyone was to forget or not know the password, then they are to be killed immediately. No exceptions made.

The Rebellionā€™s hideout isnā€™t as tightly secure as the queenā€™s castle once one enters into the heart of the organization, but almost every member or resident within the hideout deals in a dangerous trade.

GM Notes: Iā€™m sure after reading this, youā€™re probably thinking, ā€œWow, The White Order doesnā€™t have much.ā€ In truth, they donā€™t. It is hard to acquire things in a world governed by the evil queen, so they have to be careful and smart with how they run things.


Within The Order are tons of storage crates filled with gear, food, and equipment for the members and residents. The lighting is dim provided by candles and oil lamps, and striding about the place are humans, dwarves, talking animals, and fairies. Everyone is at work, trying to benefit the growing organization any way they can.

The bedrooms are wooden bunks with blankets and furs. The shower rooms are empty stalls with a pump that one would use to pump water into a wooden bucket. Refugees and their children are given the largest chamber of The Order. It keeps them and their children in one place, and out of The Orders way. It also allows them to gather an easy census.

The members of The Order will share a room. The men all reside in the same room separated from the females. The leader, Red, is given her own personal room where she can be alone and at peace.

Interior List

  • Refugee Chamber
  • Male Order Chamber (includes a bathroom)
  • Female Order Chamber (includes a bathroom)
  • Storage Room
  • Kitchen & Dining Area (a den with stairs leading down into it)
  • Training Room (the dining area when not in use is cleared to be used as a training ground for the members of The Order)
  • Baths (unisex bath ā€“ Leader is given privacy if ever she is to bathe)

List of NPCs

Any NPC created by the player, and who plays an active role in this town will be listed here.

GM Notes: As I said, The Order isnā€™t going to have much, but as the RP progresses, they can gain more. I also want to explain how the toilet works since I might have people wondering. Itā€™s like an outhouse. Go inside, close the door, thereā€™s a hole, use it, and the ground water that is naturally rolling through gets it. Yes, I feel sorry for any farmers who live out in the middle of nowhere and who uses a well. But itā€™s all for a good cause. The baths are unisex meaning males may be bathing amongst females and vice versa. There isnā€™t much room to be expecting everyone to have their own room or bathroom. So by setting it up this way, I want everyone to get a feeling for how life is in The Order. Itā€™s not richly.

There wonā€™t be an exterior list, so if your characters ever leave or enter The Order, they can do so by numerous ways. I previously mentioned about there being entrances all over Brogdin and also outside in the Fairy Woods. The fairies, talking animals, dwarves, and humans can all be NPCed to your convenience.

Basic Rules

1. No OOC Bubbles. Keep OOC in the OOC, and if you need to privately speak with a certain player, then do so by using the PMs.
2. RP Speed. Remember, I said at least once a day or 2 to 3 times per week. If someone hasnā€™t posted for 4 days straight and gave no notice of their absence, then feel free to skip them and improvise.
3. Do not post for the hell of it. If you canā€™t think of anything to post, then donā€™t post. Or if you are eagerly waiting for someone to post, and just want to post to satisfy that anxious urge, donā€™t. Just go find something to do. Please only post something that moves your character along or the story or whatever. Donā€™t write pointless posts. They donā€™t accomplish anything.
4. 200 words minimum. I do not like one-lining so at least try to meet that limit.
5. Do not post pics in the IC. Usually people post ridiculously, huge pictures in the IC. Please do your best to describe what youā€™re talking about. No pictures please. If you want to share a picture for a certain scene, use the OOC thread to post it up. Not the IC thread please.
6. Post your Location. Be sure to write where you are. Like a little note at the top of your post or something.

GM Recommended Notes

1) This section I made for those who are role playing Leaders to help assist him or her in guiding the RP. I suggest since this is the beginning of the RP to begin rounding up all the members of The White Order. Perhaps Red Riding Hood had sent out secret invitations to certain mercenaries, warriors, etc. and that is how they players will arrive at the hideout because it will show the seal of The Order on it and give them the password that is mentioned in the description above. Once they are all within the room of meeting, you can begin saying whatever plans you might have.
2) The Queen doesnā€™t know that there is a rebellion. You want to keep this fact a secret no matter what.
3) You should have your members branded with the seal of The Order. If they go through with the branding, then they are loyal members, if not, then they obviously would be killed. You canā€™t reveal all that information for nothing.
4) Know what The Order has and doesnā€™t have. Think of what the Order would need to improve its defense. Once youā€™ve thought of that, then you know your next plan of action.

Chapter Summaries

This is where I will post a summary for concluded chapters/events to keep new and away players up to date.


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Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood
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Little Red Riding Hood rubbed her temples, wishing she had a cup of tea. However, tea supplies were low, and she couldn't afford to seem garish as the leader of the White Order. Thankfully, she had already sent out the invitations to the promising new resistance recruits. She would evaluate them in Brogdin, nearby. These people were supposedly trustworthy, however, if anything came up, she would deal with it personally. They probably wouldn't disclose the location of the base even if she had included it in the invitation, but it wouldn't hurt to be safe. The given location was The Tipsy Fairy Pub, just outside one of the entrances to the White Order HQ.

For now, it would be a bit until they arrived. Red - for that was what she commanded everyone called her, to save time - slouched back in her seat. Her orders had been for everyone to leave her alone, except for the messenger bringing the news of the arrival of the potential recruits. She gave a quick look around, just in case, before pulling open a drawer in her desk, and withdrawing a small, well-worn book. "Heehee...I get to find out what happens now.." Red quietly laughed to herself, trying to keep her mind off of the huge amount of work she had piled up. She would deal with it later, anyway.


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Just then, a black bear lumbered in. It straightened up on its hind legs and turned into a teenage girl. This was Baby Bear, alias Lexi, a good friend of Red's. A bear that could transform into a girl, her disguise came in handy for digging up information on the Queen and the Dark Court. Sneaky and quiet by nature, Lexi was the Rebellion's spy. She was known only as Lexi among her fellow recruits, and not many knew about her human form. Although not strong physically, she was mentally resistant and able to hang on, even in the toughest of times.

Lexi nodded shortly to Red. "Hey," she greeted, her face devoid of expression. She sank into a chair opposite Red. "Sorry, I couldn't find any info today. You've sent out the letters for the recruits, I believe? I was thinking that you should consider a certain person, her name is Princess Pearl. She's a mermaid, but she's mute. She's not chosen a side, but I believe that we can convince her to join us. Apparently, she's running a flower shop now. I've heard from some that she has trust issues, but that can easily be fixed. What do you say?"

Placing a hand on the table, she winced and touched her inner left elbow, where she had been branded with the seal of the Order. "I got slashed today. Some crazies who were drunk, apparently. Do you want me to go with you to the evaluation of the new recruits or should I stay here to guard and do some work?"


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#, as written by Sonata
Time Skip

The scenes with the meeting of the White Order have been concluded. All White Order characters are officially White Order members. We have decided to move that SL along because it was lagging behind the other threads, and taking too long to conclude. All White Order players now know where the HQ is and should have been informed of The Talking Animal rebellion by the mouse Ro. The White Order members are now here in the HQ having learned of The Talking Animal Rebellion. Red Riding Hood needs to make her decisions on who she would like to send to the rebellion and who to send where on special orders. The Talking Animal Rebellion plot has now begun, so the focus is on that. Once that plot has concluded, then I can write a Chapter Summary because then that will be the conclusion of the first chapter of this game.


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Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
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#, as written by Wraith
Aurora wasn't particularly comfortable. A painted nail reached up to flick something that may or may not have been a crawling creature from the more luxurious material of her hooded cloak; except she knew it was not a creature, for the lack of life energy she could sense. Dirt, then..or some equally barbaric reminder that she was well and truly out of her comfort zone. Caverns in the heart of the forest were not her idea, partiularly of a good time and she found herself faintly envying the barkeep that she had granted access to the Tumbler with her gifted token earlier. He was probably enjoying his evening more than she.

It was all Anton's fault, she'd decided. He'd known what she would run into in that pub, and that it would lead her here, to this. Which only begged the question why? She didn't particularly care for the plight of Fantasia, or its talking animals or about anything beyond her own comfort and pleasure..making a profit, and if she was lucky, landing a prince. Rebellions were entirely beyond anything that she had on her list of priorities, and yet here she was.

Was she really so desperate for access to the Queen's court that she would submit to playing wheel on a wobbly wagon fated to fall apart, if reason and logic were to be upheld? It would seem the answer was yes. At some time, and some point..their little game would lead them right to the lion's den as it were..and it might be far easier and quicker to get there as a group, than alone. So far she had made pitiful progress trying to find end him, alone.

Aurora could not help the reflexive twitch to her hands when she thought of Emanuel. It was still so hard to accept that he had slipped beyond reach to a monster's body and soul; perhaps made more so by the fact that the frog prince was so elusive. More rumored than seen, his minions more evident, at least in the circles in which she worked, than the creature himself. Sometimes even she could not believe what she knew in her heart to be true; could not believe what he had become.

Distateful as it might be, she was tied to this fledgling attempt at revolt. That did not mean, however, that she could not do what she could to mitigate its cost to her interests.

"While I appreciate the drama of huddling away in the forest to whisper enigmatically of strategy.." she murmured dryly into the gloom. "It might be of interest to some present to know that the situation of our forest companions has escalated somewhat past the bounds of what might be survivable without some measure of intervention.." It had been powerful and clear, when it came, the vision of that attack and the animals fleeing in chaos.

"The queen, it seems was expecting trouble. There are reinforcements at the camp. Big ones..with arrows.." Her fingers waggled idly to demonstrate their flight.

Aurora was no front line soldier, but there was something to be said for the tactical advantage of knowing what and how the enemy was prepared to act.


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Character Portrait: Thumbelina Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
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#, as written by Yorda
As she sat on the table next to Ro, Thumbelina tried to sooth her friend. She ran her fingers through his fur as she spoke to him. "Do not fear, Ro dear. I'm sure she'll try to save them all.. Or we shall try until we fall." It was worrying to know that their animal friends where in so much trouble. She had spent so much time with them in the forest. And poor Ro... they were his friends and family as well. The tiny girl hoped she would be able to go with the group. She was sure, weather it was by healing them or snooping around a little, that she could help free her friends.

Ro was curled up next to thumbelina like a guard dog. His head was up, eyes and ears alert for anything unusual. Even in the HQ, one could never bee too careful. It was something the still Slightly Naive Thumbelina needed to learn.. and learn quickly. Both of the little creatures looked up when Aurora spoke. She was an Odd one, in Ro's mind. Her information would be useful though. At least if it turned out to be true. New recruits, any new faces in the HQ, where always suspicious at first. However, Ro trusted Hood's judgment. "A head on assault would be folly in any case. We'll need a way to take out as many as we can as we can. As quickly and quietly as possible." Best to put off their being noticed as long as they could. Though a distraction of some sort as a smaller group crept in could also... Well, surly Red would have something planned. Ro was smart, he'd like to think so at least, but he was not a strategist.

Thumbelina didn't say much now as she listened to the others. This was a whole new world to her. She never thought things would end as they did If someone had ever told her that she would be helping a rebellion while her mother and prince where alive, that darkness would over take their happy land, the tiny girl would have thought them mad. They had to win though. They had to stop to stop this evil before more innocents were hurt.. Freeing the animals was a good start. And, as many of thumbelina's friends were animals, she couldn't think of a better place to start.
NPC's : Ro, the gray mouse scout.


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Character Portrait: Baby Bear
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Lexi stopped at the entrance, flanked by two guards. The secret question was asked, and Lexi rolled her eyes. Seriously, who else could pose as her? Rolling up her sleeve to show her brand, she replied, "A no one with a hood." The guards stood aside, and Lexi walked in without another word.

Sitting at the table, Lexi waited for Red to come back in. For some reason, she had been faster than Red. Closing her eyes, Lexi thought back to the time when she trailed Hansel and Gretel from the Tipsy Fairy Pub.

Lexi had found the siblings very intriguing. Although they were brother and sister, that did not stop their love for each other. Under any other circumstances, their relationship would have been considered incest. But really, who cared? In this world of chaos, no one cared about those things anymore. Only when she was bored, would Lexi play back and forth with her words like that.

Perhaps I am going mad... Lexi mused. She'd never believed in this madness that came with the witch, but it seemed that she herself was falling under its spell.

Bored, Lexi got up and started to walk around the HQ, looking in all the cupboards, tables, and drawers. She ignored the other members of the Rebellion, and they didn't take any notice of her either.


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Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel) Character Portrait: Hansel
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Hansel & Gretel
Rebellion HQ

After the siblings had finished their drink they'd left the Tipsy Fairy and wandered the streets of Brogdin for a while, however, neither of them had been able to bring themselves to go near Le Bon Bon. Having found nothing of interest they had decided to make their way to where the White Order was situated. Even with the directions it hadn't been easy but eventually they had made it.

Hansel now sat in a corner with Gretel in his arms, taking the time to enjoy the feeling of closeness as she lightly trailed the tip of a knife along one of his scars. He was sure that she'd memorised each and every one, the same way he'd memorised hers. No one in the world could hope to match the closeness that the two felt.

Gretel closed her eyes breathing in the scent of her brother. Ever since birth, Hansel had been there to look after her, there was no doubt in her mind that they were soul mate. Gently she nuzzled into his neck, slipping her hand under his shirt to trace the scar that ran across his body, the feeling of his skin sent tingles running up her fingers and arms. She smiled, content as he began to play with her hair.

Suddenly she felt something inside her mind, it was like a prescence...a familiar prescence. She was here. Somewhere in the woods, Gretel knew that she would find Matilda. Silently she gazed into her brothers eyes and instantly knew that he understood.

"The first chance that we get, we'll go after her," whispered Hansel.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Thumbelina Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess) Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel) Character Portrait: Baby Bear Character Portrait: Hansel
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#, as written by Sonata
Red Riding Hood

As Ro had told her of The Talking Animalā€™s plight, just after, two butterflies with glowing-pink wings fluttered over next to her ear and whispered a similar message. A black unicorn named Midnight was in danger and so were his forces.

Her blue eyes darted to two shining fairiesā€”one was blue and the other green.

ā€œLet me see,ā€ she told them.

The two fairies dove toward the ground before the feet of the Rebellion members and began flying in a rapid circle. A greenish-blue ring formed and from the fairy magic appeared a scene. Animals were pushing over ladders as demons, ogres, and dwarves tried to scale their way into Goldilockā€™s mansion. They had managed to barricade the doors and windows, but the dark forces were ruthlessly hacking away at the foundation. They were determined to reach the animals even if they had to bring the house down to do it.

Next in the spell circle appeared a seemingly-innocent child. Anyone who knew her knew that she was hardly the princess; the angel; she feigned to be. Red unintentionally glanced to Lexi. The face of Goldilocks surely must have been unsettling for the bear. The murderer of her parents was right there. It was disturbing how many years had passed. When Red had met Lexi, she was a girl and she a cub. Now they were both grown and yet Goldilocks still looked the same. Did she not age? The Queen be damned if she was immortal.

Red bowed her head, the sight of Goldilocks bringing only anger to her spirit. Her face was swallowed by the shadows of her hood as she mused in silence. The fairies stopped their whirling to rise before Red with expectant blue and green stares.

ā€œWe will help them,ā€ her words escaped smoothly from her hood. ā€œLexi, I know you desire Goldieā€™s head, but do not make her death your sole priority.ā€ She looked up to regard the bear sternly. ā€œWe have to save these animals first. This is not the day to seek your revenge. If it had not been Goldilocks, but The Wolf who had appeared, I expect you to have told me the same.ā€

Red raised her hands to lower her hood, revealing her red head, her downy, wavy layers pulled back into a French braid held together by an ebony clasp.

ā€œWe will flank them. Lexi, I want you to lead Formation Alpha in the woods. We will take the enemy from the side. Thumbelina, you will go with Hansel, Gretel, and Aurora and take the mansion from behind. You must get inside and heal any wounded. I will lead Formation Bravo to attack the woods unit from behind.ā€

And meā€¦?

Red glanced to the black-hooded assassin sitting on a stack of barrels. How could she have missed his sweet scent? She had managed to follow him to the HQ yet even within the HQ he was still elusive. The Gingerbread Man was probably the most odd on her team. A walking and talking cookie; biscuit; pastry; whatever one liked to call him. Giving a cookie orders felt so strange, but he had once been a man. She noticed his candy corn grin from the shadows of his cowl and couldnā€™t hide the amused smile such a ridiculous expression brought to her lips.

ā€œI hope you donā€™t mind going first,ā€ Red said.

ā€œGladly,ā€ he replied.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Thumbelina Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess) Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel) Character Portrait: Baby Bear Character Portrait: Hansel
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#, as written by Yorda
Thumbelina and Ro Both looked up when The fairies entered to whisper in Red's ear. It was a bitter sweet thing to see other fairies. The girl was glad to see so many still alive and helping to fight evil along side the White Order, but they reminded her of the family and the home she had lost. When the fairies flew to the feet of the others, Thumbelina and Ro moved to the edge of the table they were perched on for a look.

The first few images were honorable. So many animals in danger! Ro was stiff and obviously agitated, causing Thumbelina to rest a hand on his head. The little girl in the last image got a snort from Ro, but only a confused tilt of the head from Thumbelina. At first the tiny girl thought Goldie a prisoner of the queen, but when Red spoke up, she realized the girl was an enemy. How strange that a little girl like that could be working for the evil queen...

It was her name being spoken that snapped Thumbelina out of her thoughts. Get inside and heal the wounded. Thumbelina was nervous at the thought of going out into an active battle field for the first time, but she was determined to help despite her fears. The tiny girl stood and faced Red before bowing. "As you wish miss Hood. It is understood." Ro was loath to be left behind while Thumbelina was sent into battle, but he held his tongue in front of Red. The mouse was a scout, not a fighter or a healer. He would no doubt be sent out on his own mission soon enough.

"Stay safe, Princess." Ro whispered sadly.

Not knowing how soon they would be sent out and seeing the worry on her friend's face, Thumbelina took a moment to kiss Ro's nose. "Do not be afraid. They need our aid." She said softly, trying to hide the sadness and fear in her own voice. "Such a good friend you've been. We'll see each other again." The tiny girl tried to comfort her friend before spreading her wings and hopping into the air. Thumbelina fluttered over to hover above Auroa's head. This way she could join the woman in making any preparations that were needed with the other two before they were sent out.

The tiny girl couldn't help glancing at the siblings. They seemed a little... gross to Thumbelina in all honesty. Yet the tiny girl wasn't one to be cruel. No one deserved to be treated badly. So The girl would keep her thoughts on their strange relationship to herself and try to focus on other things, like the others in the room and their role in Red's plan. Lexi and Red would come in from the side and the delicious smelling biscuit in a hood would be attacking head on. Thumbelina repeated the plan nervously in her mind. They could do this! they had to! At least that's what the tiny girl was going to keep telling herself.
NPC: Ro, The Gray mouse scout.


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Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Thumbelina Character Portrait: Goldielocks Character Portrait: Baby Bear
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Lexi stiffened as she heard the commotion. Raising her head, she sniffed at the air. Yep - that's the bitch's scent all right. Her eyes widened in triumph. Finally, Goldilocks was here. Today would be the girl's downfall. How many years had she been without her parents, all thanks to that girl? She would bring her down today.

Sensing that Red had something to say, Lexi faced her squarely. "I know you desire Goldieā€™s head, but do not make her death your sole priority. We have to save these animals first. This is not the day to seek your revenge. If it had not been Goldilocks, but The Wolf who had appeared, I expect you to have told me the same." Lexi scowled, but replied stiffly, "I will be sure to keep myself in check. If I get too out of hand, do not hesitate to restrain me. I understand that these animals are more important to you - to us."

Reaching up, she twisted her chestnut brown hair into a bun, then let it loose about her shoulders. Though she did not show it, Lexi was actually very worried. She knew Goldilocks' power, and she wasn't sure if she could save all the animals. I could never live it down if I let them die. "We will flank them. Lexi, I want you to lead Formation Alpha in the woods." Red gave her command. Lexi nodded. She turned to Ro and Thumbelina. "Now, you two, you'd better make sure any wounded are safe. Every one of them are indisposable to us. You are the most important of us all, you understand?" Quick and to the point, she hoped they would do as she asked.

"Formation Alpha, let's go!" With those last words, Lexi started circling around the back.


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#, as written by Wraith
Aurora didn't need to lean forward to look into the scene that the fairies revealed by magical means, the apprentice psion had borne witness to the mayhem in the up close and personal vision that had played out in her own mind, even before that urgent report had come in. That would account for the slightly paler cast to her face and the slight tension that gripped her frame. She was no front line soldier..and had certainly not joined the rag tag band of rebels for any faithfulness to their cause. The mistress had needed an access point into what little of 'good' there was left in Fantasia..and this had seemed the most viable point. She hadn't expected to be sucked into a war.. and she certainly wasn't going to -fight- in one. But how to avoid getting blood on her hands and still not trigger suspicion of her committment to their cause? Hell, she wasn't even dressed for the occasion.

The woman flickered a cool look in the direction of the siblings and fairy, a cross of her legs settling her more deeply into her current seat. "I'm afraid you'd find me hopelessly inept in the heat of battle.." she murmured with a dry half smile. "But I might be able to provide you with a..tactical advantage of sorts, if you can get me close enough for a reading.." If she was close enough to see the future course of the enemy's strategy, she might be able to help guide the flow of the action. She hesitated. It was a skill she had been attempting to hone with her mentor, but she'd not attempted to form the bond with another as of yet. "And in an emergency I might be able to get a message through to someone inside, provided I could manage the connection.." It would be difficult, but if she could see and focus on a soul from a vision, she could attempt to forge the bond. One of their leaders would be their best bet.

Aurora moved to stand. "I'll need someplace close to the action..but quiet enough to focus." And who knew where that might be in a warzone. "They attack from the front currently..there is a chance we may find what we need in the back woods..caves and caverns such as this one, abound.."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Thumbelina Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess) Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel) Character Portrait: Baby Bear Character Portrait: Hansel
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"The first chance that we get, we'll go after her," whispered Hansel.

"Of course we will." Gretel replied, a smile emerged from her pale lips. A finger stopped, pressing down just slightly above his navel. "We'll maim, tear her guts from the inside and shred her to pieces so small there will be nothing left." Oh sweet misery, the beautiful hymns it played were worth every single pain the the wretched world.

"Your mind works wonders, my dear." Hansel inhaled his sister's intoxicating aroma. These moments were what they held dearly, neither would leave their sight. To know the other was safe in arms. He shifted his weight so Gretel would be more comfortable on his lap.

This meeting was becoming such a bore. Two fairies had come and now, Red had begun to speak about Animals. The Talking kind. Gretel had nothing against them, as long as none stood in her way. Images bore on, that Goldilocks had killed so many and Gretel could only stop the tug of the corner of her lips. Deaths were so intriguing, such fun to watch them suffer.

There was going to be battle for these forsaken creatures. Hansel's hand squeezed Gretel's waist as he could feel her body tense. Red was the leader but a battle now was just ridiculous. But so much blood would be spilt. Think of that joy.

"Thumbelina, you will go with Hansel, Gretel, and Aurora and take the mansion from behind."

"What about Matilda?" The young maiden's tongue spoke out, leaving her brother's grip much to his dismay. "While half of you are muttering about Animal Rights, there is a bitch running around, cannibalizing young children everywhere with disgusting sweets." She glanced at the Gingerbread Man for a quick second, snarled. With every word muttered, her voice rose and took a step forward. There was anger for all the ignorance in this stupid meeting.

Her fingers grasped a knife from her belt, rubbing against the cool sharp object. "I don't believe you care so much." It was all a blur then. In a swift motion, her knife was thrown across he room and her brother's arms wrapped around her chest. A finger trailed along her cheek, soothing her as he nuzzled his chin on her slender shoulder.

"Hansel and I will go." Gretel said after her little fiasco. "But we'll fight til' the enemy dies. We will kill, not harm. So if you want this battle to be won, let us stay together without them. The tiny one and 'princess' will slow us."

Gretel's hand touched her brother's scruffy face. "We'd rather take chances with each other."


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Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man
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#, as written by Sonata
Red narrowed her eyes at Gretelā€™s insubordination. She wasnā€™t in the mood to argue with the girl, and she wasnā€™t one to try and force another to do what she wanted. If she didnā€™t feel she needed the siblings, they would have been dead long ago. Gretel had hinted who she and her brother were truly after. They would have to learn that there are obstacles to face before they could reach the center of the labyrinth.

ā€œFine. Do what you want,ā€ said Red firmly.

They could try to kill Goldilocks, but she knew that Baby would kill her way before they would if the chance was given.


The Gingerbread Man stepped forward from behind Red to stand next to her. Last she saw him, he had been perched atop of some barrels. He was rather elusive for a treat. The knife Gretel had thrown was within his gloved hands (never can have too many). His finger was poking lightly at the tip.

ā€œCannibalizing young children everywhere with disgusting treatsā€¦ā€ he repeated one of Gretelā€™s statements. ā€œMatilda you sayā€¦I think I might know where you can start looking for her. I will be glad to show you after the battle for you seeā€¦I like candy. I also have an itch that needs to be scratched, and I think if we work together, I just might be able to reach the spot. Think about itā€¦I got a job to do.ā€

A gust of wind filled the HQ as The Gingerbread Man took his leave.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Thumbelina Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess) Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel) Character Portrait: Baby Bear Character Portrait: Hansel
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#, as written by Yorda
Lexi's words had Thumbelina looking back at the woman. Though still hovering in the air, the tiny healer bowed. "I will do my best. Just put me to the test!" She assured the woman. Thumbelina was scared but the animals needed their help! She wasn't about to let them down! How could the tiny girl forgive herself if so many innocent lives were lost? Especially when the forest creatures had been her friends for so long.

The winged girl continued to hover close to Aurora as the woman spoke. She Certainly didn't -look- like a warrior... Thumbelina was just wandering if it would be the siblings alone fighting in their little group When Gretel had her outburst. Thumbelina dove behind Aurora's head when the knife was thrown and waited for a few moments before peeking out again. They were crazy!

Thumbelina couldn't say she was sad that The two had been allowed to go off on their own. If Gretel was going to go throwing knives in a room full of allies at the HQ, who knew what the siblings would do to allies on a battle field? Yes, the farther those two were from Thumbelina the better. Though.. with Aurora unable to fight and the siblings abandoning them... How were she and Aurora suppose to get close?

Thumbelina listened as The Ginger Bread Man left spoke to the twins but she waited until after he left to float from behind Aurora's head. "Uh... Miss Hood? Forgive me, I want to do good... But while I may be able to sneak inside, surely Aurora would be spied. How could she get near, with so many enemies to fear?" At her size thumbelina at least had a chance of sneaking about... but Aurora would be totally unprotected, even with the other units distracting the enemy, if they stuck to Red's original plan without the siblings. Thumbelina just worried that Aurora would be forced to Sneak about alone.. She was a much bigger target!


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thumbelina Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess) Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel) Character Portrait: Hansel
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#, as written by Wraith
"I have no intention of getting near darling.." the mistress' voice floated idly into the suddenly hyperactive scene, and she lifted a slender hand with a bent wrist in invitation for Thumbelina to find a perch. "And do stop flitting about, it's terribly distracting.." Aurora, despite appearances to the contrary, was rather moved by the concern of the tiny thing for her safety, as she tended to be with anything that made her the center of attention. "I'll need somewhere quiet, and away from the chaos of engagement to see clearly.." In the event that they had not yet come to be aware of her gift she'd qualify without vanity. " If you get me close enough, I may be able to see their intended course of action in attack plan. But it will be useless without muscle on the front line, and a way to communicate what I've seen to those agents."

The woman's amber gaze drifted to the place where the siblings sat, before murmuring again to the fairy. "They are coming..fear not. The thrill of the hunt runs too deep for such a pair, to be denied." Aurora stood to her feet. "We'll get no further sitting around and talking about it..And every minute we delay the situation becomes more dire." Her gaze flickered Hansel and Gretel's way. "If you both are quite done in taking comfort from each seems we have a mission to complete."

The sweep of her body toward the entrance of the headquarters would be their only warning that she was prepared to go, and few might be attentive enough the see the slight glaze to her golden gaze as she sought with her ability, to see that place which could be the perfect base of her operation.

"We head North.."