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Alice Rose Athers

Her skin is pale, her hair as white as the snow. She's been a vampire for a few years now; turned at 15. But, what's different about her is that her heart never stopped beating. She's found with a violin at her back at all times.

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a character in “Darkness Arises”, as played by EternalBliss


Her skin is very pale and cool to the touch.
Her eyes are blood red but she occasionally shows the true color of what her eyes were, a silvery-blue.
She's petite, at 5'4 (163 cm)
She has long silvery-white hair that flows in soft curls and waves to her waist.
With her heart still beating, her cheeks and lips remain rosy and easily blush.
Her eyelashes are long and black despite her white hair.
She's usually seen wearing Victorian-Goth type clothing but occasionally wears something considered "normal"
but still dark.


She's very shy and timid.
She blushes very easily.
With her beating heart, her cheeks still have the ability to blush and heat up at absolutely anything. Even a mere compliment.
When she plays her violin, she looks fierce yet calm.
Once she is close to someone, she tends to grow a bit louder.
She was always an outcast because of her heart so she tends to be cold-hearted at times but insecure all at once.
She doesn't like to smile much but very easily cries.


A pure white violin- It was originally her mother's who she killed from her own thirst.
She took the violin with her and escaped from the town which ended in ruins. It was burned down by enemies.
They say the only remains of the town is the violin that she took which makes it precious. It's also the last white violin ever made.
Seeing them in white is very rare.

White and Black Katana- She's mastered it for defense purposes. It was at her feet when she first awakened as a vampire. It has never broken.
It's blade is silvery-white and the handle is mostly white with black diamonds down the center on both sides.


She lived around the Victorian Era which affects her sense of style.
She wasn't poor but not of high class either.
Her brother Adrian had been killed before her and she was nearly dead when a stranger bit her and she awoke as a vampire a few days after with a sword at her feet.
She had not known what she was until she returned home and saw her mother which made her realize her thirst. She killed her mother and ran, taking the sword and her mother's white violin along with her. She'd found a small clan of vampires and was accepted for years and years... Until they found out about her heart when her love interest Aiden had figured out her pulse was still going.
She had nearly killed Aiden for it but she ran once more to where she is today.
She's yet to meet anyone but refuses to speak to anyone unless completely necessary.
The day's she's been there, she's always walked up and down the area alone.
No one talks to her and she doesn't try to talk to them.

So begins...

Alice Rose Athers's Story


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Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Casper Knight Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Casper appeared pointedly concerned, "If you honestly believe that leaving caused that, then I believe you," He sighed, offering a weak smile. "I can't image what it could be like, reading emotions, I just- humans are- shitty?...Sometimes. Vampires aren't much better but..." Cas trailed off, shrugging casually, his gaze lower unconsciously to his now intertwined fingers, resting in his lap. "Um, a cup of water would be nice actually," He replied, Twisting a strand of red hair that fell across his cheek, with an obvious decrease in his tell-tale stuttering.


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Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers Character Portrait: Kitsune
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#, as written by darkfox
Kitsune could feel alice emontions. He followed her along with robin."my name is kitsune and u dont have to feel so down." he says to alice as he pulls her into a hug. He felt for the girl. He didnt want her walking off like this. "Besides u cant just leave ur new friends."He whispers and nuzzles her cheek and tickles her cheek with tail.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Casper Knight Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers Character Portrait: Kitsune Character Portrait: Robin Pierce
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Alice sighed when she was hugged, her cheeks growing red. "I don't want to feel like this... Tell the orange-haired boy it was nice meeting him. Really nice... and as for the green-haired girl... Tell her I'm sorry I ignored her. But, I'm out of her sights now... And with me being so different, my beating heart like a human, my fangs and thirst for blood like a vampire... My screwed up emotions... I was never meant to be around anybody. I was meant to be alone. Purely alone... As pure as the color of my violin. White, no color to interrupt it's being.. Like myself. I am white. They are color. You are color... I shouldn't have come... I should have stayed by that damned lake..." Alice went on and on and on, nonstop. She poured her emotions out loudly, unaware that the whole club probably heard her, It's very unlike her. She stared at the fox boy who's name she had just learned, her blush increasing as she realized how close the boy was. "Kitsune... I really should just... Disappear. Wipe my memories of what happened here and just disappear. I am a runaway after all... No one would miss me." she smiled, her words still as loud. She glanced at Robin and gave her a weary smile which was obviously fake. "I'm sorry, Robin. In a group of five I am the lonely. I am the outcast. Actually... I was never a part of that group. When that green-haired girl left, I sensed her jealousy. But, now I'm out of her way. She can be happy now." her voice trembled a little but she spoke as loud as ever, taking out her black and white sword from her back, pulling something from it and smashing it to the ground, causing smoke to form. Alice took her weapon and violin and ran to the lake, resting against a tree after arriving. "Just what is wrong with me?" Alice thought to herself, her inside voice trembling like her voice had before when she was talking to both Robin and Kitsune. "Perhaps I'm just being silly and emotional... Silly Alice, what were you thinking? It was probably the spur of the moment... Could be... No that must be it... It simply must. Alice.. you are very stupid..." she spoke to herself in her mind, her head spinning. She decided to let her feelings out once more through her beloved white instrument. She carefully opened the violin's case after setting it on the grass and pulled the violin out along with the bow, setting it below her chin. She begged the world around her, along with herself, that she doesn't play so loud or that anyone hears her and approaches her. Alice's violin played a soft, slow tune, her eyes shut as she focused on the playing of the instrument in her hand, sliding the white bow across the strings slowly, her fingers dancing across the strings once again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Alice sighed, her playing slowing down yet keeping a steady pace. "I should stop playing... They can probably track me down like this..." she thought, playing one last note and holding it out for some time, then resting the bow at her side, smiling ever so slightly. "I doubt any of them came for me... But if they did.. Oh well..." her thoughts continued on and on after she set her white violin and it's matching bow in it's case, laying against the tree she lie against previously. Alice began humming a soft tune, similar to the one she had played at the bar, shutting her eyes slowly. She began to drift off, the day had been long for Alice and way out of the ordinary. Vampires don't usually dream, but at that time, Alice did. Perhaps because she is similar to a human. She dreamed of a boy holding the green-haired girl securely in his arms. The boy had spoken useless words to her, he had formed the shapes for the words and taken the breaths to speak them, but there was no sound, and it scared the hell out of her. Alice held the violin case tightly between her fingers. It's a very rare occasion when a vampire dreams, let alone when they have a nightmare. But, Alice is already part of those rarities. Her heart pounded with fear, a feeling she knows more of than she should. Her eyes tightened and her face cringed as she watched the boy in her nightmare approach her, and take her wrists, holding them tightly. It seemed so real until she woke up, her hand gliding quickly to her chest as she sighed. "That's never happened before..." Alice mumbled, rubbing her wrists to feel a slight pain, she stared down at them, seeing light bruises on them as if someone had grabbed her by her wrists forcefully. She remembered the boy in her nightmare and stared at her wrists then shivered. "Was that supposed to be some sort of warning...?" She continued to ask herself, her mind flowing with similar thoughts. She felt like her head would explode soon, it pounded as if someone had punched her, like a massive headache, or a bomb that would explode any second. She held her wrists up to get a better look at them. Despite being light bruises, her skin was very sensitive and it hurt her easily. Her cool finger pressed against the bruise as she cringed in pain, sighing. Alice's white teeth bit into her lower lip, showing how nervous she was. She had remembered something she had heard long, long ago. "Vampires have dreams and/or nightmares to create warning... or predict future... Although, sometimes predictions can be wrong..." Alice quoted, remembering every pause, every word. She didn't know if it was true, it was a myth. "Well... We'll just have to find out..." Alice trembled at the thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Casper Knight Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers Character Portrait: Kitsune Character Portrait: Robin Pierce
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Alice bit her lip noticing how dark it was getting. She had no choice but to get out of the forest. It grew far to dangerous and Alice felt sick, her head spinning. She held the violin against her chest then slipped it to her back, holding the black and white sword in front of her as night neared more, causing her to tremble. She's never been afraid of the dark, in fact she loved it. But, that nightmare just caused her heart to pound loud enough for the world to hear, her cheeks rosy. She approached the club and sighed. "Just why am I here again?" she asked herself, her words silently whispered. She looked into it just slightly, noticing Kitsune and Robin weren't there. "Did they go out for me? They couldn't have... They have to be with... What's her name... Lilith?" she thought, hoping it was true. She stepped into the club and sighed, her heart still pounding enough to have some people glance or stare directly at her. She tried to ignore the stares as she sat beside a boy who didn't seem to notice her which made her figure it's safe to sit beside him. Alice took one small glance at the boy and sighed, then looked at him once more, realizing he was the boy from her dream. She got up so quickly that she tripped over his lap, catching her violin and pressing it to her chest tightly before any harm was able to be done to it. Her eyes shut tightly in fear and embarrassment. "Second time already, Alice! So clumsy..." she thought, opening her crimson red eyes, cheeks matching her eye's color. "S-Sorry..." she mumbled, nervously gripping the strap of the black violin case. She couldn't even move, she was too stunned, her fingers wrapped tightly around the violin's strap, eyes focused on the boy's face, hoping there was no anger hidden in his expression. There was just something about the boy that made her nervous. "He's from my dream... And I tripped over him... On him, actually... I hope he isn't mad... He's a bit scary... I can't even move... Alice, you idiot!" She thought, not realizing that once again she was thinking out loud, her words loud enough for just the boy to hear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Rhiley blinked and looked at the white haired girl. "Hello there... Nice to see you could make yourself so comfortable in such a tight space..." he said, his voice quiet and guarded. He wasn't sure why, but he felt calmer now that this mystery girl was out of the dark. "Wait... You're the girl that was playing that beautiful music I heard out in the forest... Lovely by the way... You were having a nightmare, by the thrashing you were doing... What was it about... If I may ask... And how did those bruises come to be on your wrists..." he rambled out rather unneeded. It wasn't very often that he got to talk to anyone, let alone a woman so beautiful as the pale woman in his lap. This was possibly the only way that Lilith and he were alike, they never got involved in relationships. He calmly, and quite gracefully placed Alice back on her stool and carefully placed her violin case on the bar in front of her. "Sorry if I'm rambling... I.. Don't talk to people except for Lilith when I see her really..." he explains and runs his fingers over the black case.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Alice trembled as the boy spoke, his deep-sounding voice flowed through her ears. She bit her lip when the boy had told her she heard her and asked of the nightmare, she went into slight panic, her heart beating quickly. She looked at him, her eyes flashing from it's original silvery-blue to red over and over again. Alice wondered if the boy had thought she was human, her blush increasing more and more. She admitted to herself how handsome he was despite being a bit scary when it came to his natural glare. She stared at him dumbstruck after he set her on the stool, reaching for the violin as he set it on the bar, their hands touching. She blushed wildly, letting her hand stay there, against his as he spoke. "Wow... He's just like me... Well, I haven't really spoken to anyone since they found out about my heart..." Alice thought to herself, looking down but catching slight glances at the boy, his slim figure, the way his hair was just long enough to cover his pale red eyes. "The... Dream...? Well... Um... V-Vampires don't usually dream... Let alone do they ever have a nightmare... It's rare. But... I guess it's because my heart still beats like a human... And I still have a pulse..." she went on and on and on, her voice low and gentle, as if it were about to break. But, she then stared at the boy, her cheeks flushed, keeping her hand beside his as she gently stroked her violin's case. "I had.. a nightmare about... You... You were holding that.. green-haired girl... And she seemed to be passed out or something... And then you put her down and came to me and grabbed my wrists... And I don't know where the bruises came from... They were just there when I woke up..." Alice mumbled, her voice going into a whisper, her eyes locked on the boy, waiting for his reaction impatiently. "Do you know what that dream could mean?" her voice cracked as she stared at the boy, her hand unconsciously tightening around his fingers, revealing how small her hands were compared to his.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Rhiley stayed quiet through Alice's entire explanation. He looked down at her small hand as she tightened her fingers around his. He could hear the fear in her voice, and wanted to soothe. it. He stroked his thumb over her fingers softly, over and over. "Well, a heart-beat and pulse are on truly uncommon, it just really depends on which type of vampire turned you. Like in Lilith and my-self's case, we were born of an elder and a neko-vampire. Because we are BORN vampires, we have a heart-beat, a pulse, we can still blush..." he went on, a very light tint of red covering his cheeks. He was not used to explaining anything to anyone, aside from Lilith. He continued stroking her fingers. "And you ARE right... MOST vampires don't dream, let alone have a nightmare... I think you saw a vision... When our parents were killed, Lilith was left alone for a very long time. When I was finally able to get to her, she was unconscious... So you must have seen when I had carried her back to my home... As for me grabbing your wrists? I give you my word, and if I am lying, you may slay me here, that I DID NOT TOUCH YOU... I simply watched as you thrashed... It sent a fear through me, not knowing what I should do to help you... When I saw the bruises, and saw you awakening, I just continued on..." he said, as a small sense of fear filled his eyes, but he then smiled fondly. "You know, Lilith's hair is not truly green, it's white, just like mine... But she just LOVES to mess with colors, and is constantly dying it..." he said with a little smile. He stopped stroking her fingers, gauging her reaction, and unsure if she wanted him to continue or not.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Alice blushed at the feeling of his thumb rubbing against her small fingers. "I'm sorry about your parents..." she sighed, her fingers tightening around his to show him it's okay to soothe her in that way. "My... name is Alice... By the way... Alice Rose Athers... You are?" Alice blushed, watching him, his cheeks turning a light shade of red. Her hand unconsciously slipped to his cheek as she spoke, "You do blush... Wow... That's amazing... I've never met someone like that..." She smiled, her cheeks rosier than before once she noticed what she was doing. "I'm sorry..." she looked down, moving her hand from his cheek, biting her lower lip, expecting to be yelled at or the sort. She had no idea what she was doing, her hand still wrapped tightly around his fingers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Casper Knight Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Casper silently watched the brother and sister converse, becoming increasing unsettled as he could sense Lilith’s eyes were trailed on him, though he daren’t glance across at her. His hands tightened into fists when she returned from her short trip to the fridge, taking a seat much closer to himself than before. Yes, it was disconcerting to Cas, but that was simply his natural reaction to all relations with vampires, but if he was perfectly honest, he revelled in the close proximity. At Rhiley’s warning Casper was frankly worried, for Lilith, the pale haired girl, and anyone who happened to leave the bar less than sober and less aware, the concern evident on his freckled face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Casper Knight Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Rhiley smiled lightly. "Alice... That is a beautiful name... My name is Rhiley Nightbane..." he said quietly. He closed his eyes as she touched his cheek, trying not to scare her by leaning into it. His head unconsciously tilted into her hand a little before feeling it move away. He reopened his now pale red eyes. "Please do not feel sad about my parents end... It was very untimely, but they went peacefully, or that's what Lilith said it looked like to her. She was very young when it happened, and she was left for dead..." he said, a lone bloody tear rolling down his cheek at the memory he'd had to watch when she couldn't fully tell him what had happened when he had found her. He shook his head to try and clear it and sighed. "Don't bite your lip... You'll make it bleed... I'm not going to scold you for touching me... I'm not used to physical contact... But I am also not one to judge someone by their actions at a first meeting..." he said lightly.

Lilith sighed watching her brother leave. She looked down at Casper's balled fists. "I... I'm sorry..." she whispered and moved back to the other side of the couch, not wanting to make him any more uncomfortable than he already was. A few tears streaked down her cheeks as Rhiley's warning. "Oh god.... It's happening again..." she whispered, more to herself than to him. She could feel the presence of the hunters in the woods, and she knew that smell. It was the hunters that killed her parents, and left her for dead. A shudder rippled throughout her body as a hideous thought crossed her mind. "Oh fuck..... They're.... They... They can't be looking for me... Can they..." she thought to herself, whimpering softly as her eyes grew wide and glistened with unshed tears.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Alice looked up at Rhiley to see the crimson tear. "Oh... My don't... Please... P-Please don't cry" her voice cracked and she quickly kissed away the crimson tear before noticing what she was doing. "Oh.. I used to... Do that a lot back then... Guess it's kind of my instinct now.." she sighed, caressing his cheek in her hand once more. "I don't... necessarily... like physical contact... But, when it comes to moments like these... You have to make sacrifices." she mumbled, hoping to reduce Rhiley's sadness. He was more like her than she would have thought, she still trembled at the thought of him nearly becoming violent with her in her dream, but she still gave the boy a smile. "Don't get uncomfortable..." she mumbled as she wrapped her arms around Rhiley, "I'm not used to this kind of thing... But I've been told sometimes we just need a hug... For whatever reason?" Alice's heart pounded hard and her cheeks flushed a lot more, her hands pressed against Rhiley's back, pulling him towards her weakly. She felt hurt as the boy also did. She could somewhat feel the lie due to the expression he gave but she'd preferred not asking about it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Casper Knight Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers Character Portrait: Kitsune Character Portrait: Felix Darknight
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Rhiley's eyes widened slightly as he felt Alice's lips upon his cheek. He had never before felt anything so warm yet so chilling at the same time. It made him feel odd, at the least, but it also made something within him stir that had lain dormant for many years. He closed his eyes as he felt her warm hand on his cheek once more, carefully leaning his head into her hand. "Most people that have habits as humans adopt them as instinct when they're turned..." he explained in a hushed tone. He gasped as he felt her arms wrap around to his back, her head laying on his chest. At a loss of what to do, he instinctively wrapped his arms around Alice's back and held her close to him. "It is true... That sometimes EVERYONE needs a hug... But if this makes you uncomfortable... Why do it..." he asked, puzzled by her actions.

Felix gasped silently and looked over at Sune. He had never actually seen him up close, and to see him, there wasn't much of a difference. He wondered idly what Sune would look like if he had his own body. Felix tilted his head to the side, his voice quiet. "Well, I live here... Have for a while... Just usually hide..." he says and casts his head downward, his cheeks reddening more. He wasn't sure if he should stay or run.

Lilith gasped and laid her head on his chest pulling her knees tightly into hers. "The... The hunters are the one's that killed my parents..." she whispered as quiet sobs wracked her body. She was never one to cry in front of others, but being wrapped in Casper's warm and tight embrace, it pushed her to her breaking point. She balled her delicate hands into fists and laid them on his strong chest, unsure of whether she should move away or just stay where she was. "I never leave the club... Not unless I have to check on the hotel or the bar..." she whispers sniffling softly, trying to stop crying, worried it was making him uncomfortable.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Alice blushed, her hand gently rubbing against Rhiley's back. She couldn't help but smile when he had returned the gesture, her head gently pressed against his chest. She used her other hand to make Rhiley look down at her as she looked up at him and spoke, "Why...? I barely know why myself... But... But..." She bit her lip, trying to think of a proper response while into the boy's pale red eyes with her own, her blush increasing. She wrapped her fingers around his shirt nervously. "Because... When I see someone... like this.... I make sacrifices..." she mumbled, keeping her gaze locked on his, hoping he had understood what she was talking about and that she was not talking pure gibberish. Alice smiled at him uncomfortably, noticing just how tall he is compared to her. "You're... Very... T-Tall..." Alice stuttered a bit, trying to release the tension that she felt building up between them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Casper Knight Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers Character Portrait: Kitsune Character Portrait: Felix Darknight
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Felix watched Sune as he circled around him, unsure of whether he should be afraid or nervous. "I don't hind from anything, I just don't like being seen. Some humans, vampires, werewolves, demons, and even other nekos... They are relentless on the abuse they dish out..." he whispered as a shudder ran through his body. He remembered the last time that he was attacked. It was dark and they came up behind him and they had knives and guns. Had it not been for Lilith, he would of been dead. "I found your performance breath taking and intriguing..." he whispered as the blush crept back onto his cheeks.

Lilith closed her eyes as she was held in Casper's embrace, listening intently to his kind words. "You have no reason to be unsure of yourself, Casper... Nor does the burden of protecting me fall on you... I have already had too many sacrifice themselves to save me... I would really prefer you didn't, I really enjoy your company." she said in a rushed whisper. She felt the nervousness rolling off of him in waves, and could hear his heartbeat. It was actually relaxing. "You have such a rhythmic heartbeat, you know that?" she said, trying to lighten the mood a little, her own heart beating a little bit quicker, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Rhiley felt his eyes closing as Alice rubbed his back, and he felt it was only right to return the favor as his hand instinctively traced soothing patterns on her back with one hand, the other running very slowly and gently through her soft hair. As she made him look down at him, he couldn't help but smile fondly. She seemed so small and shy, yet so very strong. He eased her lip from between her teeth. "Don't bite your lip, Alice. You may make it bleed..." he said, though inwardly he was panicking. "Sacrifices? Alice, you have lost me on that part.." he muttered softly, trying to understand the meaning behind her words. He was brought out of his revere once more by the sound of her voice. "Hmm, I am quite tall.. would you prefer to sit in a booth, or move up to one of the VIP rooms, where we could sit, and i wouldn't seem as tall?" he asked softly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Alice thought for a bit and continued staring up at the boy smiling warmly. She felt Rhiley's hand trailing across her back which sent shivers down it. She glided her fingers through her white hair along with Rhiley's hand, their fingers touching once more. "Sacrifices... to make someone happy despite being uncomfortable.. It's the right thing to do.. Is it not...?" she mused, her eyes still locked on the boy's features, cautiously watching for any sign of sadness. "I suppose.. the VIP rooms would be nice..." she mumbled, her fingers still gliding along her hair with Rhiley's. "Let's go now?" she suggested, not waiting for an answer before she took Rhiley's hand and stood him up, noticing how much taller he really is compared to her. It shook her a bit and reminded her much of Aiden who was similar in height, though his hair was white, not black. She gripped onto Rhiley's hand, her small fingers wrapped around his as she remembered Aiden, her lips quivering, but she continued walking, pulling Rhiley along with her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Casper Knight Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Rhiley listened to her words and let them sink in. "I suppose that if it makes someone happy, the discomfort is bearable. But, why worry about what would make someone you just met happy? Wouldn't you rather try to keep yourself happy first..?" he muses out loud, listening to the people around the club and their thoughts. What he was picking up from ALL of them was disgusting to him. He took the lead and pulled Alice into the main VIP room where Lilith and Casper were in an embrace. He wanted to break them apart, and it showed on his face, but he refrained and continued on his way into the next room which was empty. He left the door open for her to decide on whether or not to close. He wandered right over into the bar and made a Strawberry Daiquiri.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Casper Knight Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Alice followed Rhiley, barely able to keep up as he rushed by Casper and Lilith. When they finally reached the next VIP room, Alice shut the door behind her, settling down on the couch, biting her lips once more, this time making them bleed. "Ah..." she mumbled and licked her lips, the scent of blood filling the air. "I... I cut it..." she sighed, looking up at the white-haired boy, noticing his seemingly angry expression. She stood up and took the boy's wrists gently in her small hands. "Breathe deeply... and count back from ten... It'll calm you down..." She said in the calmest voice she could put on, her thumbs gently rubbing each of Rhiley's wrists, feeling his fast pulse. She smiled up at him and licked her still-bleeding lip. "I'm sorry... I didn't listen to you and I ended up cutting it..." she sighed, licking her lips again, her eyes locked on his features once more, hoping his expression would calm even in the slightest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Rhiley sighed deeply and closed his eyes. "I am not angry that you cut your lip... I am.... Very overprotective of Lilith... She is the only family I have left..." he explains sadly, taking a deep breath to calm himself and doing as she requested and counting back from 10. "I do wish you would stop biting you lip though... Such delicate skin should not be broken in such a way..." he says quietly and runs a finger over her lower lip, blood spreading across it. He popped it into his mouth and flushed slightly realizing what he did and instantly looked down. "I'm... Sorry.... If that made you uncomfortable..." he whispers as a wave of sadness comes over him as he remembers his ex lover and how she would do what he had just done to Alice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Nightbane Character Portrait: Rhiley Nightbane Character Portrait: Casper Knight Character Portrait: Alice Rose Athers
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Alice shut her eyes when Rhiley had glided his finger across her lower lip, opening them once more to see the finger in his mouth. It made her blush to the extreme, her pale skin letting the rosy color show more than ever. "Oh, no... It felt nice..." she mumbled, staring at the boy from where he looked down. "Hey now...! Don't make a face like that!" she said in a hushed voice as she leaned up just enough to touch her lips to his cheek. "Rhiley..." she whispered in his ear, her voice as calm and soothing as she could make it, "Lilith is fine with Casper... you were angry for that but..." She pressed her fingers against his lips and slid the corners upwards, her voice a hushed whisper, "Why are you sad? Why do you frown? Please tell me..." She didn't know why she cared so much for Rhiley but she knew he was much like her. Alice stared up into the boys eyes, her cheeks rosy, along with her lips and blood-red eyes, as she waited for Rhiley to reply.