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a part of Delirious, by restlessyouth.


restlessyouth holds sovereignty over America, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

352 readers have been here.

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America is a part of Delirious.

2 Characters Here

Arizona Halloway [14] "The cure WILL make this end.. right?"
Oliver Lewis [14] "Love is not about how much you say 'I love you,' but how much you can prove it's true."

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Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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Time. Apparently time loves to go slowly. 'I guess they are right, time is a slut. She screws everybody.' Arizona thought to herself. It was mid-May and already hotter than Hades in the community she lived in, the high today was 101 degrees. Sure enough everyone felt all 101% of that heat. Thankfully the air conditioning in the store was working well, and it provided some relief from the heat. The soft scraping of the straw broom Arizona held in her hand was the only sound other then the comforting whir of the air conditioner. Oddly, the store had been pretty void of human life today. I guess not even the starving people will face the heat wave. The loose hair from her pony tale tickled at her cheek and she brushed the strand behind her ear. The red smock felt like it as choking her, it was a size to small and her uncle was to stingy to replace it. Arizona heard a faint male voice. That was odd, she hadn't heard anyone enter the store. Then again she was one to always pay attention. Often her mind wandered. It sounded as if the voice was having a conversation with another voice, a chill ran down her spine when she stopped sweeping long enough to catch one clear word. "Invalids", now the curious Arizona leaned her broom up against the shelf, but than quickly grabbed it again for protection encase it was two trouble makers. Quietly she padded over to the next aisle was located and tucked her small enough self into a hiding spot behind some cans and peaked out from her spot. 'Vigilance is important, stay still and don't be n- aw damnit!' her broom knocked against a can as she slightly shifted in her area causing the canned hiding spot to be destroyed. She felt her cheeks burn, and fear consume her being.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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ImageOliver turned his head from the other male he was speaking to. His blue eyes caught sight of a rumble of cans and a young woman with a broom. He was going to play this off. He walked over, grabbed a can and looked at her starting to hand it to her. "I'm going to give you this can and we are going to talk quietly. You are then going to follow me and my friend out of the store. No questions. Just do what I say." He explained then picked up a few more cans, setting them up on the shelf. The male he was speaking to walked out and then the girl then himself but he saluted a good bye to the shop owner with a smirk. Now was the time to start running. He grabbed both of their hands and ran into the streets, avoiding avid streets and busy ones as not to be seen.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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Arizona barely had any time to react before she was being drug out of the store by a strange male. 'Male, oh no!' this was bad. Very, Very bad. She couldn't scream, if the officials found them they'd be thrown into the crypts and be good as dead. Talking to the male was definitely out of the question because you simply can't reason with a crazy person. So, helplessly Arizona was rushed towards her demise. Her grave. Her ending breath! Okay so maybe that last one was a little dramatic but it's fear or drama, take your pick! Yet there was something else Arizona noticed, it was that her hand felt as if it were being attacked by electricity. It was a pleasant, yet scary feeling. Never before had she experienced the sensation before. But then again she had never been touched by a male before. She watched the landscape change around them and suddenly she had a very good idea where they were headed. To the Wilds. The thought made her gulp.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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ImageOliver enjoyed the rush of running. He made it to the outskirts of the city, right before they entered the wilds. The wilds was a mixture of long flowing plains, a deep forest and a shimmering lake. They made their way out of the city and they slowed down as they found themselves closer to the forest than the city. He turned to the male that walked behind him and gave him a kiss on the lips. For Oliver, it was a sign of gratitude. Most people didn't understand but people didn't complain when he acted this way. He didn't mind the girl following behind him. He would teach her the truth just like he had for all the other Invalids.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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As soon as they slowed to a walking pace in the forests, Arizona wrenched her wrist from the strange boy's grip. She held her wrist in her hand, the tingly feeling of electrically gone. She was surprised of the sadness that creeped up her spine when the touch was disconnected. It scared her. She watched the boy kiss the other one, and quirked an eyebrow only slightly. She had heard of stuff like this before, the kissing, it was supposed to be scary. It looked beautiful. What was wrong?! What was happening to her!? The panic finally seeped into her brain and took root. Realizing the danger of the situation. Before she could speak she reached over and slapped the boy that brought her here. Her hand connected to his cheek, she was surprised by the softness of it. Arizona highly doubted that he was pained by the physical movement, as she wasn't one to slap or hit very hard. Most just laughed at her when she became violent or enraged. "Who are you!? Why did you drag me here!? Are you mentally insane!?" she half shouted finally finding her voice.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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ImageOliver still winced at the sudden impact even though he had been hit harder. He brought his face back up, the other larger boy looking at him with concern. She stared dead at the girl. "Well? Go on." He stated, turning his head to allow her to hit him again. He was used to being hit after taking someone out of the city. He didn't mind though because letting people know that this beautiful world needs love was good enough for him. His blue eyes burned with a firey passion and when she didn't drawn back again, he grabbed her hand again then grabbed the other boy's hand. "You can feel it. The jolt that you get when someone grabs your hand?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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She tried jerking her hand away again but this time he had a really firm grip on it. After a minute of wildness like a scared animal, she tamed and allowed her body to relax. The entire time her blue-grey orbs never leaving the image of their hands. After a good minute or so her breathing was normal and heart beat steady. She feeling was there, she nodded slowly and then shyly looked up to meet his gaze. "I feel it. But...." she wanted to continue, maybe this was actually a test set by the government. In that case she couldn't tell the stranger she enjoyed the feeling, that kissing looked beautiful, that she didn't understand anymore why love was bad. No, a few minutes of the wilds and she had already lost her mind! Great!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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ImageOliver let go of her hand then walked with the other. "I'm not part of the government and if you go back, you'll be killed. Wouldn't you rather live out here?" He called back to her as they continued through the forest. She inevitably followed and behind the large forest was a large house. Big enough to hold at least 100 people. But all of the Invalids didn't live here. Some lived in their own little houses but the majority of them stayed in this house. As they made their way inside it was decorated just like a normal house. Even had a piano. Invalids were just like other people, why couldn't people see that?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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To belive an invaild would be insane, but if that is what Arizona felt. She was completly mad. She wanted to belive him she really did, to see if anything out there was actually better. The touching was amazing and kissing looked strange, but beautiful. Her own lips tingled, it was aginst the rules but she did want to try the kissing. Her middle and index finger trailed across her bottom lip as she looked around the room. The chaos looked beautiful, not scary. And there was a piano! She had heard one a few times and her uncle gave her a lesson or two. She picked up the talent quiclly like she did with most things. "It's.... beautiful.." she whispered the hushed word.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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To belive an invaild would be insane, but if that is what Arizona felt. She was completly mad. She wanted to belive him she really did, to see if anything out there was actually better. The touching was amazing and kissing looked strange, but beautiful. Her own lips tingled, it was aginst the rules but she did want to try the kissing. Her middle and index finger trailed across her bottom lip as she looked around the room. The chaos looked beautiful, not scary. And there was a piano! She had heard one a few times and her uncle gave her a lesson or two. She picked up the talent quiclly like she did with most things. "It's.... beautiful.." she whispered the hushed word.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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ImageOliver proceeded inside as the other male did as well. They sat at the piano, Oliver's hand on top of the others as the other male set his chin on Oliver's shoulder. It was the position for two on the piano and it showed a loving embrace. The beautiful pose was meant for two and the other Invalids that strode through the house seemed not to care. Some smiling as they passed, happy to see that display of affection.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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Arizona smilled to herself. So this was rule breaking? Didn't look as deadly as it should have been. Infact it looked very intriguing. Maybe the goverment had been wrong all along and she hadn't realized that. Silently she wondered what else was kept from them. "So here your... free?" Arizona questioned with disbelife. "Why would this get hidden from us?" Arizona couldn't belive it. She streched a hand out to the keys of the piano and played a few notes. Still she kept her distance away so she would not touch them. A rule seared onto her brain from birth.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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Oliver smiled at her. "Rule breaking is fun. It let's you do whatever you want." He replied then turned to his piano partner. He then stood up again and let her sit down next to the male. The male pulled her close and then set her hand on his. "Stay here and be free."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arizona Halloway Character Portrait: Oliver Lewis
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Arizona thought about it for a minute, silent. Weighing her information and choices. She took both of the males hands and softly squeezed. "I think I'll stay here... i can't go back anyways... thank you." She smiled slightly. "So, I did not catch your names earlier. I'm Arizona."