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Archer Kennedy

"Time to kick some ass!"

0 · 901 views · located in Demigod University

a character in “Demigod Academy”, as played by ReaperGirl4


Archer Scott Kennedy

Nickname: Arch, but not Archie. But really, he likes being called by his real name the most. "Don't call me Archie. Archie is what you call a fat old guy with a cigar in his mouth sitting in a reclining chair watching the news all day. That is an Archie."

Age: 16 (and a half) "Six months. Six months..."


Sexuality: Bisexual "Laugh it up, douchebags."

Parent: Zeus "God of the fucking gods."

Appearance: Image

Hair color: Blue-black "A little bit of this, a little bit of that."

Eye color: Brown "At least my eyes are normal."

Personality: Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks, Archer always had a closed-minded outlook on the world. He sees people as one way or the other. Good guys or bad guys. Except for himself. But that's because he knows who he is, or rather, he doesn't. He often has an intimidating effect on many people, even through really he's a fun guy to be around. He's got a great sense of humor and can make anyone laugh. Problem is, he has a temper like hellfire. He's very, very hot-headed, and can blow up at any time. Archer hates being bound by rules, preferring to keep to his own style of operation. He often does things without thinking about the consequences his actions could bring, and it more often than not ends him up in trouble of some sort. "Yep. That's me alright." Image

Likes: Fighting, boxing, roller-blading, running, arm-wrestling, cracking jokes, his two half-siblings, his mom "Awesome stuff."

Dislikes: Being told what to do, old people, "bitches", losing, people who get in his way "Douchebags take note."

Greatest Flaws: His hot temper and his impulsivity "HEY! That is a LIE!"

Element: Air "Meh. I guess it's okay."

Crush: TBA

Roommate: Roy Notus, Cali Rivers

Weapon: Electrified brass knuckles "All the better to beat your ass with."

History: Archer grew up in the slums of a city, in an old dilapidated house that barely had enough room for the family. His mother always encouraged him to be strong and not take any shit from anyone. Thus, he grew up full of fighting spirit. Of course, this wasn't always a good thing. He got into fights almost daily and came home with fresh cuts and bruises way too often. His younger half-siblings, two twin boys named Austin and Dustin, as well as his mother, were constantly worried about him not coming home at all someday. Although he tried his best to assure them that he'll be fine, they can't help but feel a little afraid for him. After all, when your brother/son is one of the most hot-tempered kids in the neighborhood, you've got a right to be worried. 

Another thing that worries his family to death: his influences. Archer's friends are constantly getting into trouble with the law and Archer is getting gradually sucked into it as well. One night he came home smelling like marijuana, and his mother almost had a heart attack right then and there. It was then that Archer realized how worried his family is about his well being, and from that point forward, he's been doing all he can to avoid getting into too much trouble. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out. Once you dig a hole deep enough for yourself, you find it very difficult to climb back out again. But he's trying. Better late than never, is what he tells himself. The road to recovery may be bumpy, but Archer is as sure as hell on his way, even though he's got a hell of a ways to go. "Road to recovery my ass! Eh. Sorry." Image


c: <--- my smiley face 

So begins...

Archer Kennedy's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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Sapphira lay motionless. Her eyes staring out at nothing. The five gashes created by the hound ran from her left hip to her right shoulder and were bleeding more than should have been safe. The front of her white gown was both torn open and stained a dark red. The girl was completely useless.

"Ashe!" Hestia yelled and quickly knelt by the girl's side, "She's in shock. I need you and your brother, though. Wait here!" she ran and was back in three seconds with two quivers of pale white arrows. "These things are hard to kill. Take these. Once a student immobilizes one," she looked to the one Seth had injured and shot an arrow through it's eye with her own bow. It helped and then disappeared into a cloud of black mist that settled and was gone. "These will send them back once they are injured. They can't die. They're already dead. You all need to work together. Distract, attack,and then shoot at them. Understand? You're a team here!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo Character Portrait: Ashley & Alexander
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In no time flat, Hestia arrived, disappeared and came back with a pair of quivers, demonstrating how they worked on the beast Seth nearly incapacitated. Strapping one to her back alongside her original and thanking Hestia for the arrows, Ashley tossed the other to Alex, who surprisingly wasn't too busy hanging onto the demon dog like a bullrider, and caught it in one hand before sliding it over his back. Almost immediately, he ripped an arrow out of the sack and started stabbing into the horrendous hellhound's spine.

After a few seconds of jabbing the beast, which was responded to with howls and even stronger bucks, it exploded in a cloud of smoke before dissipating completely. Alex, left floating in mid-air for just a moment, hit the ground on all fours.

"Awesome." Getting back to Ashe's side, another bow materialized into his grasp. "You ready?" The pair readied their arrows; one swift and fluid movement from the quiver to the bow as they took their aim at the hound Archer skirmished with.

"As I'll ever be." And they released, Hades' little minion getting back up from the beating Archer delivered. Alex's hit first, nailing the leg the monster was primarily supporting itself with. Ashe's went higher and landed almost instantly afterwards, clean in the neck. Breaking the beast in pieces, it fell apart yelping and disappeared in the same black mist as the other two.

"Nice shot," he added. "I'm gonna go behind 'em." Rushing through the cloud they caused, Alex stopped at the first corner he hit, turning around and getting another arrow ready for the first one he saw knocked about. Ashe prepped herself as well, looking around to find Cali occupied with a dog of her own. Sadly, it was still too strong at the moment. Siren and Victoria were on a two-on-one with another remaining beast, just a staredown. For now, the archer pair had to wait.