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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


a part of Diffindo!, by Saint Crash.


Saint Crash holds sovereignty over Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a part of Diffindo!.

16 Characters Here

Lily Wood [4] Ravenclaw's resident over-achiever.
Vulpecula Malfoy [3] "Definitely not your average Gryffindor. But I was sorted here for a reason."
Collette Finnigan [2] "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?"
Juney Mei Park [2] Why should I care about appearances and labels anyway? It's what's on the inside that counts."
Adrian Locke [1] 'Bring on Seventh Year!'
Thomas Browne [1] Yeah I know.... I'm pretty cool.
Alexandria Knox [1] 'Just call me Dria'
Raine Xeno Chang [0] "May I help you?"
Gabriel Greyback [0] Mudblood has a whole new meaning.
Rebekah Malfoy [0] "Not your average Gryffindor."

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It wasn't long before final goodbyes and first hellos were said on Platform Nine and Three Quarters as students boarded the Hogwarts Express to head to another humdrum year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Aside from the usual riling between houses, the usual banter between classmates, and several unfortunate incidents that involved mainly muggle-born first years, the trip from London to the remote Scottish wizarding town of Hogsmeade was an uneventful one.

The same could be said for the carriages that brought the older students up to the castle and even the Sorting of first-years. Despite a prank that involved an outbreak of cornish pixies when the Headmaster started his speech, the start of term feast also went brilliantly. Despite the weekend ahead, it wasn't long before students started filtering up to their dorms, full, warm and tired out from their journeys. A long school term lies ahead, and it is best to face Potions class with as much sleep as is magically possible. 

Dawn broke early this morning, and like in every other place in the world, some students rose early to meet it, while others still remain in bed. It is currently half nine in the morning. Breakfast is still being served in the Great Hall, as today is Saturday. There are no classes scheduled for today or tomorrow, but the library is open for those wishing to study before classes officially start. The Quidditch Pitches have yet to be booked, so it's a case of first come, first served... Unless you have a signed slip of course. 

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Character Portrait: Thomas Browne
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#, as written by Onuwa

It had been a pretty hectic past few days for Thomas. Things had gone missing at home that were needed and he wasn't even done packing by the time the day came to leave for the Hogwarts Express, alas he and his parents managed to get everything that was needed and once it was packed away he held tight to his fathers arm and felt the pull and tug of Apparation. It was not his favourite feeling in the whole wide world as it felt as if his insides were being rearranged, but he managed to swallow back the nausea and before he knew it they were standing in front of the train.
He bid his parents farewell and once he was boarded he caught up with his friends Finn and Reece and they found themselves a compartment and spent the whole trip talking about their summers. They reached school in no time at all, and with the crowds of students it did take some time for all of them to get seated. Eventually they were seated, sorted and pranked by someone letting out pixies. Thomas had thought it a bloody good joke until one of the darn things took his goblet of juice and had poured it all over his freshly cleaned robes.

This of course had caused a bit of a ruckus between him and his friends and Tom knew that this would be a story told for a long while still. When the time came for bed, He peeled himself out of his sticky clothes and fell into bed tired. He was asleep almost instantly.

The next morning Thomas let himself sleep in, he knew that once the school year started Sleep would be scarce and so he would enjoy it while he could, but eventually he did indeed get up and slip into some fresh new robes. They were a little large on him as they had once been his fathers. they were old and frayed, but helped him feel closer to home. He went on out to the sitting area and saw his owl Hermes sitting on the end of a chair picking at his feet. Tom whistled to him and Hermes lifted his head and hooted at him making Thomas smile. He sat himself down and saw that he was one of the first few up, other students milled around quietly in respect of those who were still sleeping. Hermes landed on his knee and Thomas gave him a few fond pats. He smiled at his friend and let his head lean back against the head rest.

It was good to be back at school.

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Character Portrait: Alexandria Knox Character Portrait: Adrian Locke
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#, as written by Issa
Alexandria 'Dria' Knox


Adrian Locke

Adrian strode down the stone corridor, his feet making soft padded thuds with each step. He had been up since dawn, having been called for an early meeting with the Headmaster and now, his stomach rumbling, he was heading towards a well deserved breakfast. He could smell the delicious scents of fresh bread and his feet quickened almost without thought.

Stepping into the hall he was greeted with a sight that had met him every morning for the past six years, the Hogwarts Great Hall. The ceiling was lit with the morning sun, clouds seeming to float just below the ceiling. He turned his gaze from the welcome sight to take in the house tables and the students that had pulled themselves out of bed for an early breakfast. Well, early for a Saturday. He spotted a familiar face and walked towards her, a friendly grin on his face.

"Good morning Miss Knox" He greeted his long time friend, plonking himself opposite her. He cared little that he was a Gryffindor sitting at the Ravenclaw table, besides this early in the morning the tables were far from crowded so there was plenty of room for him. "Long time no see." He added, picking up a croissant and ripping into it.

Dria, focused on her copy of the Daily Prophet, glanced up as Adrian took his seat. A smile appeared on her face, she hadn't seen Adrian in two months since her family had taken a trip to Peru over the holidays. The trip had given the Knox family to explore the ancient homes of Peruvian witches and wizards as well as visit Dria's older brother who had recently moved over there. He worked in the Amazon collecting dangerous plant-life, a job that Dria was decidedly against. Adira had changed little in the two months they hadn't seen each other, he had the same easy smile and messy blonde hair but now he proudly displayed a shiny Head Boy badge on his chest alongside his prefect badge.
"The legendary Head Boy!" Dria said, her own grin spread across her face. "I'm honoured by your presence." The sarcasm was clear in her voice but Adrian knew it was a joke. He laughed and gave a small bow in his seat.

"What are you doing up so early?" He asked as he poured himself a glass of orange juice. He would have thought that any sane person who could, would be sleeping in before early morning classes began on Monday.
"I wanted to have a go on the Quidditch pitch before it gets booked out." Dria replied, helping herself to his poured glass of juice. "I didn't get to do much flying on holiday."
Adrian poured himself another glass, not minding in the least that his first glass had been stolen. He shrugged as he replied,
"I doubt a few months off has done you any harm. You fly like you were born on a broom."
Adrian gave a sigh, he had long since given up any hope of ever being a talented flyer. The best he could do was cheer for his house, his friends and Puddlemere United.

Dria was, if anything, a perfectionist when it came to quidditch and she knew that she wouldn't be happy until she was certain her skill was where it should be. Besides, she missed flying on a broom and was eager to get in the air again.
"You wanna come?" Dria asked as she spread jam onto her toast.
"Sure," Adrian agreed, "I've got a bit of spare time before I'm needed for official Head Boy duties"
As he said Head Boy he puffed his chest out, his badge glimming in the light. Dria snorted and shook her head, honestly for a Head Boy Adrian could be pretty immature sometimes. She took a bite of her toast to stop herself from laughing further, sometimes you just had to let Adrian have his moments.

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Lilith 'Lily' Wood

Lily was amongst the first to stir in her dorm. Her bed was the closest to the window, and the early morning sunshine woke her from her sleep long before her roommates. Untangling herself from the sheets, 
she didn't put herself in much of a hurry to shower and dress. First day back or not, today was a Saturday and she would have the castle grounds to virtually to herself for a few hours at least. She dressed comfortably, and seeing as she intended on flying, threw on last years robes to avoid a scolding from Harpies. She slipped down the staircase to the common room, and Lily found herself just a tad disappointed that nobody was there. Oh well; news would spread quickly enough about her appointment.  

The long, twisting descent down into the castle was as relaxed as the rest of the witch's morning. Breakfast was waiting in the Great Hall, but despite four groaning tables, the number of students eating was sorrowful. She thought briefly about the world of Muggles; a life without enchantments to keep food hot and delicious for hours. Such large amounts of food would go to waste, purely because of the laziness of students. Such a pity.

Breakfast was a hearty fare. Lilith was never one to skip meals or eat girlishly. Scrambled egg, brown toast, fruit salad, sausage and three goblets of orange juice would stave off hunger until lunchtime. Breakfast was followed by a stroll around the grounds, enjoying the peace and serenity, and absent-mindedly noting the remaining dew on the grass. She had a feeling that it was going to a good day.

It was still early for a weekend when she arrived at the quidditch pitch, again finding no sign of life. She cleared her throat, produced her wand and with an element movement of the wrist cast a summoning spell. Her broom and her goggles. 

Her broom was the latest Firebolt; her eldest brother had bought it on impulse, only to find that it was the wrong broom for a Keeper. She'd been dying to try it out properly, without fear of muggles spotting her. 

Teammates or no, Lily didn't wait to launch up into the sky, running through basics to looser up and test the broom. 
It wasn't until she saw figures below that she realized any degree of time had passed. She descended to the ground, in order to pass as sociable, offer them the use of the Quidditch passes either. 

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Character Portrait: Lily Wood Character Portrait: Vulpecula Malfoy
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#, as written by Vix


“How did she get Head Girl? I thought for sure it would be Ophelia Larson from Ravenclaw. Or even Dawn Ingleston.”

Two girls - Heaven Lee, a sixth year and Tasha Ainscow, a fifth year – were talking quite loudly at Gryffindor's table in the Great Hall, gossiping with their group of friends as usual. The conversation went on in its usual direction, not a good thing to be said of Vulpecula. Of course, there were maybe twelve or fourteen muggle-born and half-blood students out of the thousand or so at Hogwarts that could say a single nice thing about the Malfoy girl. If you asked the others to say something nice about her, they would most likely compliment her Quidditch skills. But then they would mention that she cheats sometimes. She was a hard person to like and she didn't make it any easier.

As Lee and Ainscow went on with their chatter, their group suddenly fell silent and their eyes were cast downwards. The two girls looked confused until they saw the shadow cast over them from behind and immediately stopped talking. After a few moments of silence, a voice that was soft and kind broke into the air with grace. “Why so quiet? You two were quite the chatterboxes on a few moments ago. Please do go on.” The shadow moved and the girls that were facing the young woman followed them closely with their eyes as she maneuvered her way between the two gossips.

“Really – I was quite enjoying your stories. I've learned so much about myself that I didn't even know. Strange to hear it coming from people who I wouldn't allow my House Elf to associate with. Pray tell – How is it that you know so much about me?”

Vulpecula “The Vixen” Malfoy smiled with perfect teeth, her voice so sweet and gentle that you'd imagine honey to be oozing from her lips soon enough with each word she spoke. Her tone was sincere and her blue eyes filled with kindness as she put her arms around the girls and pulled them closer as if they were best friends readying for a group picture. But neither of them could find the words to say and their friends had quickly abandoned them as soon as the blonde girl's arms had began to shift. Sometimes, despite the fact that she did want to make friends, she couldn't help but to feel a bit of glee at the fear she inspired.

It was a family trait.

“Well. Seems I've struck you dumb. Allow me to do the talking, then.”, she purred, scrunching her nose for a brief second in a cute gesture. “Your mothers are friends, right? Don't they work for the Ministry in the Department of Magical Games and Sports, yeah?” She looked to them both as they nodded solemnly and mumbled something about having met that way. “What a coincidence! My mother works there, too! She's actually Head of the Department! Isn't that just too funny? I mean, what are the odds?” Her laughter was taunting and light-hearted as she removed her arms from the girls and threw them up slightly in mock surprise.

She then rose from the table, adjusting her black robe and her Head Girl badge. “Well, my darling little brats, if you intend on your mothers keeping their jobs – I suggest you keep my name out of your mouth unless you are expressing praise and compliments. Are we clear?” Her voice was kind and gentle the entire time she spoke, not once a sour or otherwise foul expression crossing her features. The two girls nodded solemnly once more and Vulpecula watched as a tear trickled down Heaven's cheek. How weak and pathetic is that?, she thought to herself as she walked away, hushed whispers and daring glances following her. That and a few snickers from Slytherin's table as Tasha comforted Heaven.

That was maybe thirty or forty minutes ago. Vulpecula had grabbed a muffin and two apples from the table before leaving the Great Hall with her messenger bag and was soon on her way to begin her weekend ritual. She had passed by a few people from Slytherin who had asked her to hang out with them, but she simply expressed a deep disinterest by giving the famous Malfoy scowl, leading them to assume she was in a foul mood. That would put them off of her for the rest of the day. Being a Malfoy did have its perks here and there. Though not enough of them, it seemed.

She generally would meet Flora at the Quidditch Pitch on weekend mornings before heading to Hogsmeade Village. Gryffindor had the cup for nine years, but last year Hufflepuff won it from them. Of course, Vulpecula wasn't particularly happy about that. She would have been fine had she lost it to Slytherin or Ravenclaw – They had formidable Captains and great teams. But Hufflepuff? What was so great about Hufflepuff anyways? Unacceptable. They would not have another fluke this year – Not to Hufflepuff and not to any other House.

She had stopped by Professor Kingsley's office on her way there and had gotten the snitch from him as well as booked the field for Sunday through Friday from 9am to 2pm. No better way to start off the year than to piss off all the other teams, right? But, it was first come first serve and it wasn't her fault their Captains were being slow. Her next stop was to get her broom from the Girls' Dormitory and change into something more suitable for zipping around hundreds of feet from the ground. She decided on her usual practice outfit consisting of a tight crimson tank top with Gryffindor's emblem, comfortable white washed denim daisy dukes, and a pair of black mid-calf boots lacking in heels. Otherwise known as Robin Hood or Elf Boots.

It was the weekend. Nobody was going to get her into school robes or any other piece of her school uniform without having a fight on their hands. Weekends seemed like the only time she got to wear anything she liked and she made sure her mother did not shop in vain whenever she received new packages with clothes.

She was soon sitting on her broom, her careful blue eyes watching behind goggles as the snitch flitted about. Fast little thing, it was. It was much easier for Seekers (or at least her) on sunny days when she could easily catch the sunlight gleaming off of the golden sphere. She would let the charmed metal ball have its time flying around, as she had her own things to do. She pulled her slender wand out from the sheathe in her left boot, taking a moment to admire the intricate spiral and floral designs before aiming her wand to her hair. She could feel the strands moving quickly as they formed a French-Braid soon enough, getting her hair mostly out of her way for when she would take to the skies. She had spent her entire break practicing non-verbal spells as she was taught with the other Sixth Years only the previous year. She had gotten pretty good at them, though mostly the smaller spells. Like doing her hair.

Hair done, she sheathed her wand and was soon on her broom, taking to the skies. She still had her Firebolt 3.2 from her second year when it was brand new. The Firebolt 3.4 was out now and her mother insisted on buying it for her, but she was rather attached to White Lightning. Unfortunately, she couldn't think of a better name, as she wasn't quite versed in naming inanimate objects. But, the ivory broom was her very first and it was fast enough for her, as was proven as she clung to it, performing various maneuvers in the air. Her single practices were much like shadow boxing – She would pretend their were others there and proceed to duck, weave, drop, and otherwise dodge her invisible adversaries.

Hanging upside by her knees on her broom, she caught a glimmer of gold from the corner of her eye and quickly hauled herself back onto her broom properly before zooming off after it. She came close to catching it a few times, but she was content with just chasing it for now. She enjoyed the flying and it was a great way to brush up on her agility. She remembered her first try outs – She attempted to follow the snitch and was unable to compete with its maneuvers and eventually crashed. She had dedicated much of her precious time afterward to being able to keep up with a snitch. And now? She did it with ease and for the pure pleasure of it.

The snitch, however, was not wanting to stay within the pitch and she found herself flying around the castle. Not that she minded. She moved quickly on her broom, guiding the snitch back towards the pitch where she followed it near the ground and snagged it before landing, adrenaline shooting through her. She then looked up and noticed Lilly as well as a few others. “Care for a little friendly practice?” Unlike most people in her family, she didn't speak with a sneer. She genuinely sounded rather kind. Which usually surprised people when she did something rather mean because her voice nor facial expressions ever matched the moment.

She realized that Lily must have arrived shortly after she had chased after the snitch beyond the pitch. Which was fine by her. That just meant that she had others to practice with. She wasn't against practicing with people from other teams – Even though she may (or may not) cheat and think herself the greatest Seeker of her generation because she probably was, she was still a bit kinder to Quidditch players than other students. Call it good sportsmanship or whatever you please, but that was simply her way.

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Character Portrait: Collette Finnigan
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Collette yawned and stretched her arms out, she could feel her whole body screaming awake from the stretch and she smiled. The sun had yet to come up, but she could feel that not another wink of sleep would come so she pulled on a sweater over her pajama shirt and pants on. No shoes were intended as she sneaked out of the dorm, a book in hand and her wand twisted in her hair like usual. Cole knew she could put on her robes if needed later, but who would be up at this hour to catch her? She looked out the window in the common room and could still see morning mist blanketing the area. She loved the mist, it made everything seem that much more if going to a school to practice charms and potions, where flying a broom was a sport, and creatures from legends roamed the grounds weren't enough.

She ran outside, saying a quick hello to Peeves as he tried to dump a bucket of water on her. She took her wand and created an invisible umbrella over her head make Peeves stomp around in disappointment. The two of them had a very odd relationship, though both considered the other a friend. How they got to this point was that Peeves pulled a prank on Cole when she first got to Hogwarts. She could tell he enjoyed doing stuff like that, so being the thoughtful and nervous girl she was she made a deal with him. They would have a prank off for the whole time she was at Hogwarts and keep points; Cole had to persuade Peeves though that since he was a ghost if she 'hit him', so to speak, then she would earn a point and vice versa. At first Cole wasn't allowed to use magic to protect herself though eventually Peeves allowed it so she could practice new defensive spells and it would give him a bigger challenge. The count so far was six hundred and seventy to six hundred and twenty in Peeves's favor, no surprise there.

Cole ran outside to the Black lake to sit under her favorite tree. This had become her spot after so many years; it's where she went to draw, read, or practice new spells that needed perfecting before class. She decided to read for a bit before heading to breakfast as it took her a while after she first woken to get hungry; and what better way to pass the time than to sit by a lake in the morning mist and read a book? The book she had grabbed was none other than the Tales of Beedle the Bard. Sure they were stories that were considered "childish" and yes she had grown up with these stories along with the muggle ones, but these stories have always held a special place in her heart that made it enjoyable to read even when she had two years left of school. Part of it too was that she loved taking the stories apart, seeing the finer details and what they represent. Her copy wasn't a family copy that had been passed down or anything, she had actually bought this copy three years ago, but it was still special. All the pages were covered in side notes of things that she discovered about the story that was being scrutinized, some even had extra pages put in since there was no more room to write in the margins.

It was a peaceful morning for Collette as she read her favorite stories, still finding more things about them she had never noticed before. It was quiet out on the lake, small ripples being the only noise that came to her. Though eventually she did start to hear talking as the grounds started to fill up with more students. It seemed to the young witch that her time alone was up and according to her stomach it was time for breakfast. She put her book away in one of the pockets of her pants, which she was proud to say could hold nearly anything, and made her way to the Great Hall. Her bare feet squished under the dewy grass as the mist had begun to disappear from the sun, though the ground was still very cold. In the Great Hall she sat down in a random empty place and grabbed some sausages and eggs and a bit of milk. Sure almost everyone would have juice, but she found it was too acidic for morning and rather preferred the creamy goodness of milk. She took out her book again, expecting no one to talk to her, and resumed her reading. Her legs were folded and crossed on the chair, her feet cold and muddy, hair pulled up by her wand, eggs surrounded her mouth a little, and a book in her hand; such was the true image of Collette Kathleen Finnigan.

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Juney Mei Park

Juney eyes cracked open when she felt herself start to slide over the edge of the bed. She caught herself and unconsciously did a backwards handspring as her hands made contact with floor. She was the first one awake of all her roommates, even if she had the darkest corner of the room. With a lazy hand she ran her fingers through her hair and stared a bit at the bed of her roommate she had almost crashed into because of the handspring. "I swear the dorm gets smaller every year..." A fellow roommate snickered. "Your just growing dummy." A voice called across the room. However, Jun was already heading off to shower before the girl could finish teasing her. Awhile later she was dressed in a baby blue pullover over a white t-shirt, dark grey jeans, a green beanie with a Slytherin crest. This was her usual outfit for lazy days. Soon she was walking down to the eerie common room, it's light green from the lake. It was empty and her friends weren't awake yet. She threw herself onto an arm chair and proceeded to pull on her trusty green converse. The girl smiled how much the shoes had gone through over the years. Her feet hadn't grown since second year and they got her everywhere. Just last year was the best year for her shoes. In charms she had been given permission to enchant them and now if she was ever pissed off or the shoes stepped on, they hissed. It had other reactions as well, but it depended in her mood. With her reminiscing done, the girl walked off to breakfast.

As a favored student, she got a bit of special treatment and teachers didn't mind her not wearing a robe. If they said otherwise, she could get out of it. Her stomach rumbled at the promise of food but she didn't increase her pace as she was still tired. When she finally sat down she wolfed down an entire plate of bacon, egg, and pancakes stacked to the height of five thick texts. Breakfast was lonely for her though and it gnawed at the back of her mind since most Slytherin were sleeping in there silk pajamas or off on devious plots and gossip. "Damn rich people." She mumbled through a piece of bacon. After downing two goblets of hot chocolate, Jun was off to practice for Quidditch. However when she reached the pitch, it was occupied. Her eyes focused on the two people.

An all to familiar head of pale blonde hair identified one flyer as Reece's sister, Vulpecula. The other one the ground socializing with others was...probably Lilith Woods. Jun had no problem with either of them, but in the past years Wood seemed to have some problem with her. She pinned it down to jealousy at best, but sometimes she wondered if it were more. With Vulpecula, she had no idea what they thought of each other. However the problem now was the burning feeling to shoot into the sky. A bright flash of gold zooming around indicated the snitch, and she found herself reaching for it. It wasn't surprising she could find the snitch. She was the teams old seeker, but beater was more of a position she favored. The overbearing weight of expectations was always one her shoulders because of that job. The danger of that position always teased her senses though. The golden snitch was captured by Vulpecula by the time Jun had made up he mind to summon her own broom and she felt a tug of disappointment.

The older Malfoy was now talking to Lilith and her group, making up her mind, Jun approached them. "Good Morning, this is out of the blue. But, I was wondering if I could "practice" with you?" The green shoes started to imitate the rattle of a rattlesnake. It was a warning. Jun wanted a challenge and just for this morning, she would get into her old position as seeker. She was usually passive, but right now with such a worthy opponent in front of her all she wanted was little competition. Not for pride or a title, but to see where she truly stood and the exhilaration.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Wood Character Portrait: Vulpecula Malfoy Character Portrait: Juney Mei Park Character Portrait: Collette Finnigan
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#, as written by Démon
Gabriel Greyback
While many of the castle's residents awoke to a peaceful, glorious morning, with misty grounds and dew coated grass, Gabriel Greyback's morning was far less romantic. No being woken by morning sunlight, or the instinctive desire to rise early to get to the pitches before anyone else.
The feeling of something soft impacting on the back of head served as his alarm clock.
"Will you shut the hell up, Greyback!"
The part giant, sprawled on his stomach in a tangle of bed clothing, looked up briefly to see the curtains of his four poster bed wide open, and a disgruntled roommate slinking back into bed. There was a brief moment of confusion, before he remembered where he was, and that he snored something terrible. Somebody had forgotten to cast a noise-canceling charm on his bed again.

Since he was awake, there was no point in trying to go back to sleep. Gabriel rose stiffly from his bed, banging his head as he did. He hissed in pain, grumbling to himself and rubbing his head as he clumsily found some clothes and ran a hand through his hair to brush it. He grabbed his broom on the way out, not expecting anyone except his dearest captain to be on the pitches this early. He wasn't surprised to find the common room deserted, and instead stumbled down the spiral staircase in search of some food and perhaps, some company before he headed out to the pitches.

The Great Hall was starting to fill up a little by the time Gabriel got down, sitting alone with his broom on his knees and enjoying what to most seemed like an enormous breakfast; eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, cereal, fruit and endless other tidbits and whatnot. It was a middling meal for the still growing teenager; he didn't want to get sick or get cramps on a broom now, did he?

He was just getting up when he saw a pretty blonde sit down a little bit down from him. He grinned as he [tried to] sneak up on the cooky Ravenclaw Beater currently absorbed in a book. He blew on her ear softly to get her attention and stood well back, the grin stretching all the way across his face now. "Fancy coming outside for a fly about, m'lady?"

Regardless of his teammates reply, he would head outside towards the pitches, where a small group had already assembled together. He was wrong about Lily being the only one up; Vulpecula Malfoy and Juney Park and one or two others were there as well. Gabriel's lips twitched into a smirk as he came within earshot of the girls. Whatever about the Malfoy, he knew his best friend disliked the Slytherin girl for her own reasons. Last time it had come up, Lily had muttered something about a bludger coming from her direction that broke a rib, and knocked her off her broomstick hard enough to break her collarbone and left arm in three places. This could get interesting.
He paused beside his teammate, noting her new broom to match her shiny new Captain's badge, before grinning up again.
"Did I hear the word practice, ladies? I do hope you're not too rusty after the summer."
Now, as was known to most people, Gabriel couldn't resist a bit of teasing. "I do have that bet with Edgar Bell to win."
All present would know the English Quidditch team's keeper, who just so happened to arrive into the Wood's sitting room the one morning Gabriel had been wandering around in there in nothing but his underwear.

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Raine Xeno Chang

A light breeze tugged at Raine's black hair as he sat on the roof admiring the view below him. He had been up here since the crack of dawn and all he did was think. He was team captain. The team would need a new strategy. New member tryouts needed to be done. He stretched lazily, almost sliding off the roof. It wasn't doing him any good to just sit up here. He needed a shower. Hopping back onto his Firebolt, he zoomed off to his dormitory. A quick shower and changing into a emerald green tank top and jeans woke him up. Absentmindedly as he walked downstairs he put his odd assortment of earrings in his right ear. He scanned the common room. No one awake in the Slytherin house that he knew yet. A group of third year girls waved at him from their table. They were giggling furiously and he figured he should have waited a little later before coming downstairs. He didn't have time for this tripe at the moment. He began drying his hair with the towel around his neck and went off to breakfast.

The usual scene and smell greeted him. The Great Hall was not as busy on a Saturday and much of the Slytherin table was empty. Raine sat down just as he saw Juney leave the table. She was their Quidditch team's beater and he knew she was pretty scary. He smirked thinking how useful it was to have her on the team. With his morning going considerably he helped himself to the plethora of food choices. As he was polishing off his last bite of eggs he heard a few students talking again. "Hey the Gryffindors booked the field for the whole weekend. It's kinda unfair since we can't all be early risers. Why not draw lots."

Raine sighed at this, not even bothering to look at the fool who was talking. The student was from his house and sometimes he didn't get how the house had more than enough idiots. The only reason the staff made captains book the field is so they learn to take responsibility. "Also to fan the flames of competition." He remembered how everytime he wanted to book the field, another team argued with them about having the same days. When it came time for Quidditch, it was war. But that made it fun no? Also..who ever won would earn the bragging rights.

Now finished with breakfast, he was off to book Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for practice. He wanted the team to at least get started and by giving them one day breaks it allowed time for school work. Madame Dubois assured him they would get the days and he left satisfied for the weekend.

Nothing was left to do, so why not visit old Quidditch pitch? Raine stopped briefly at the dorms to grab his broom. It was the same since his 1st year when he got it as a gift. He couldn't participate in Quidditch yet, but he received it before the year started and it was kept at his house til he could use it. The polished wood had cracks where a bludger had smashed into his broom. He wouldn't let that happen again and he continued off to the Quidditch pitch. A group was already there. Most of the group looked to by Ravenclaw, one Gryffindor the Head Girl, and Juney. He didn't approach them, but just stood there. It was better to watch the scene play out for now.