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Don't go into the Forest.

Don't go into the Forest.


The Forest has always held a dark aura to it... but who knew it was a home to an even more sinister species?

1,039 readers have visited Don't go into the Forest. since Ever created it.



The world, our modern society, has always been operated and driven from behind the scenes...and it hasn’t always been manipulated by the most honest or most pure of heart as the fairytales like to portray. A fragment not visible to the everyday civilian, 3 major factions of criminally-inclined families puppeted the structure of humanity, ensuring both peace and chaos with their existence. Sitting atop the throne of the great 3 were the Lancasters, a British family with a wide variety of assets (schools, finances, technology, etc) and unspeakable connections. Next in line were the Fausts, a Russian-oriented brood that played a heavy hand in the developments and distributions of military weapons. Following in as the least influential and the newest to the alliance, the Yakuza syndicate under the name of Torai...the latter producing in trade with high-end assassinations. As long as each branch followed their settled codes, their world was to be kept hidden and at peace. But harmony is never truly achievable, is it?


Greed. Lust. Envy. Spite. Each of those human emotions carry the weight that, eventually, ends up carving their path into our history.. and they usually spout from a single cancerous sore. That sore, within this continent, was the entire line of the Lancasters, a power-lusting pedigree who wished to seize control over this Earthly plane. And it was these heedless desires, these dangerous whispers of plotting in the night, that would forever taint all of the families in their own lifeforce; crimson. At first, it was merely training a handful of young people to become fluent murders...but that quickly shifted into creating academies and facilities dedicated to crafting the perfect spies.

Within a few years of oppressing the younger generations (namely orphans) onto the path of destruction, the head of the Lancasters set out on a quest to further expand his dominance over the Fausts and Torais. Implanting heavy β€˜loyalty taxes’ on the Russian and Japanese branches, the Lancasters were appalled when the aforementioned refused to bow down. Apparently tired of the tyrants, the front boss of the Faust lineage declined the demand and broke away from their alliance….and that’s when everything fell apart. Forbidding his own kin and subordinates to have any smidge of a relation to their former Russian comrades, the Lancaster don initiated plans on how to destroy the rebels.

Unfortunately, fate is quite cruel and had no intentions on playing by newly implanted rules. The eldest daughter of the Fausts, a mere child of 19, fell in love with the consiglieri and brother of the enemy...needless to say, the inclination was returned. Eloping into her country, the couple quickly consummated their devotion with a child. Viewed not only as a traitor but as filth, the runaway counselor was pegged as an enemy to the Front Boss of Britain and was annihilated upon a single attack on the Faust compound .


Only a single individual survived that horrid night… the child of mixed hertiages. Having been protected by her mother’s last strand of strength, the little girl was smuggled out of the war-riddled house and into the streets. There, it was a close family friend that became the 6 year old’s guardian, protecting and sheltering her from the searching gazes of the Lancasters. Bent on destroying the existence of the impurely-blooded offspring, the wealthy party has demanded multiple attempts on her life….all reaping nothing apart from failure.

Now, at the age of 16, the girl behind so much destruction has wormed her way into one of their academies under a different identification. After all, typically in plain sight is the best place to hide. Transferred into the notorious β€˜Black Class’ of Lancaster Private Academy, a rather different game than the one from 6 years ago is about to be set into motion.


⌈Class StructureβŒ‹
Within Lancaster Private Academy, the levels of your competence is divided up by colours; White being the lowest while the order follows as Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, and ending with Red. The highest class, the one that was merely a rumour a few weeks ago, is reserved for the smartest and the most talented; the Black.

⌈The StudentsβŒ‹
Preferring not to make a scene of her disposal, the Lancaster Board Administrators have acted upon their CEO’s orders; transfer in 8 other students into the class….except, these can’t be normal teenagers. Every single one of her peers have a top notch lineage regarding the peculiar; they are all either thieves, serial killers or assassins. Yet, despite this, another catch was thrown in; they made her death into a classic cat and mouse game.

⌈The RulesβŒ‹
β™— Any and all outsiders must remain oblivious and separate from the Black Class in every way. β™—.
β™— The first person to eliminate the target will be granted whatever he/she desires, no matter the cost or the levels of unreasonablity β™—
β™— There is only a single chance granted per participant. Each player is given a note that must be given to said target before an attack is initiated. Upon receival of said note, the instigator has 48 hours to execute their plan of attack. Time may overlap with another’s set time. β™—
β™— If found violating rule no. 1, the said student is to be immediately expelled. Upon failure of rule no. 3, said student is to also be expelledβ™—



Role | Age | Gender | Weapon | FC: | Reserved for: |


Prodigy | 17 | Male | Melee [mainly knives] | FC: | Reserved for: |
Distant and cold, this was the youngest heir out of all of his siblings within the Torai household. When his father passed on, a duel was held between the 4 siblings and this was the young man who came out on top. Quite feared and well-respected by every assassin, most found it shocking to see him within the Black Class and participating within the games. However, unlike his opponents, he has come to rebel against the Lancasters and has defected to protecting the target from the others. In all honesty, he doesn’t view the Target as a human {more or less like his plaything} though he is quite protective of her as property...for now. However, he does have some redeeming qualities {quite caring at times and loves to tease the Target} but those are often lost when his abusive traits come into light.

Orphan | 16 | Male | Bullwhip | FC: | Reserved for: |
The orphan trained directly under a Lancaster facility, he showed promise from day one. Charming and snarky with a brilliant mind, many would say that his cocky trait is an asset. However, he has quite violent fits due to his temper and holds the greatest disgust for the Torai lineage….though he wouldn’t dare voice his opinion straight to the Prodigy’s face. In regards to the Target, he believes there to be something off with her and is quite eager to find out what secrets she is hiding.

Thief | 15 | Male | Dual Pistols | FC: | Reserved for: |
Always humming to himself and wandering about, one would think that this constantly smiling young man is quite content with his life and person. In fact, he seems abnormally normal. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Behind his sunny demeanor, he actually harbors a dark past as a thief. From banks to museums, there is hardly anything that can remain out of his reach and kept under safelock.

Flirt | 17 | Male | Shurikens | FC: | Reserved for: |
The slacker of the class, there isn’t a single care on this young man’s mind. Flirty, overly sexual and a fond lover of women and alcohol, it doesn’t take much more than a pretty face to catch his attention. Despite the Prodigy’s warnings, the Flirt has taken an interest in the Target, excited to have a new plaything different from the other girls...of course, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t pay the other girl’s any attention (especially the Seductive girl). Knowing the Orphan personally, he was in the same facility as his comrade...though his promise was lacking before.

Princess | 16 | Female | Poisons | FC: | Reserved for: |
Shy and soft-spoken, she has practically won her way into everyone's hearts…even the teachers. Your typical star citizen, her outward appearance exudes that she would never dream of doing anything illegal or indulge herself in the usual teenage fact, she hasn't even so much as had her first kiss or boyfriend! Yet, despite her mousy and meek demeanor, she has rapidly become best friends with the Target and is becoming quite bold in expressing her feelings towards the Prodigy…though whether she actually has good intentions has yet to be revealed.

Tomboy | 17 | Female | Iron Plated Gloves | FC: | Reserved for: |
The tomboyish yet fashionable girl who is always shown eating snacks, she can always be count on to lighten up the mood. Typically quite the lazy student, she can often be found sleeping during lectures or skipping the period entirely. Almost always looking for thrills, she is quick to drag others into her schemes and is a team player. Coming from a rather large family with an ill mother, this girl has taken it upon herself to provide for them through hiring herself out as an assassin. As such, she is extremely sensitive about her family's safety and will go to great lengths to ensure it remains stable.

Calm | 17 | Female | Compound Bow | FC: | Reserved for: Gyrfledgeling |
Calm is the voice of reason within the Black Class, often quite mellow and logical about everything. Usually, others will gravitate towards her during times of stress and anxiety for her soothing nature..but don’t let that comfort fool you. Almost always plotting her next move, the world is merely a giant chessboard in her eyes. Notably, she is quite tough on herself when something goes wrong and isn’t afraid to critique her actions when this happens.

Seductive | 16 | Female | Bombs | FC: | Reserved for: |
The seductive member of the Black Class, there isn't a single guy that can resist her charms...well, any normal guy. Taking in such, you can only imagine how much fun she has with the Flirt. However, that is merely one side of her. Truly a sadistic girl, it should be noted that she is also very blunt and quick to express her opinion on every little matter. Easily annoyed by the trivial things, some may find it unbearable to be with her longer than 10 minutes. Side bit; she also doesn't care about school work or helping others.

Target | 16 | Female | N/A | FC: | Reserved for: Ever |
The Target is shown to be a bright and cheerful girl, oblivious and innocent to the world. She aims to become friends with everyone and is often kind to her peers without fail. Quite brave and fearless for a human, she has an adventurous air to her person and quite enjoys exploring new places. Not one for dwelling on the negative, it has become her personal job to constantly smile and conceal depressing emotions, always hoping for that to spread to her classmates. Truly a ray of sunshine.

Spy | 17 | Male | N/A | FC: | Reserved for: |
A sly snake, the Spy is responsible for providing communication and orders to the Black Class from the Board of Administrators. Quite a complex personality, he is extremely bipolar with his mood swings and switching personas. Though, despite his unstable moods, one can’t deny the fact he has a real gift for discovering other’s secrets or finding out their information.


Please feel free to rearrange it~ Just remember; the prettier it is, the more likely I'll accept it~

Code: Select all
[center][img]IMAGE OF NAME GOES HERE[/img][/center]
[center][img]Image or Gif Goes Here[/img][/center]
[center][font=font of choice][size=120]⌈[color=first color]Quote Goes Here[/color]βŒ‹[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=avenir light][color=first color]✦[u]Theme[/u][/color][/font][/center]
[left][url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[/left][right][url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url][/right]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]βŒ‹[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Nickname[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Age[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Gender[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Role[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Face Claim[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹
[center][font=font of choice][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote.[/color]βŒ‹[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Hair Color[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹
hair color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Eye Color[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹
eye color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Skin Tone[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹
skin color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Height[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹
height (preferably in feet and inches)

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Weight[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹
weight (preferably in lbs)

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Physical Description[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹
description (1-2 paragraphs please!)[/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote.[/color]βŒ‹[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Potential Interest[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹
potential here

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Skills[/b][/u][/color]βŒ‹
[list]✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining.
✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining.
✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining. {you can add more skills}[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Weapon[/b][/u][/color]βŒ‹
[list]βœ” [b]talent[/b] || explain
βœ” [b]talent[/b] || explain
βœ” [b]talent[/b] || explain {continue this format for more weapon abilities}[/list][/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]βŒ‹[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Other[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹
Any other important information

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Habits[/b][/u][/color]βŒ‹
[list]❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain
❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain
❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain {continue format for more habits}[/list][/font]

[font=avenir light]⌈[color=first color][b][u]Likes[/b][/u][/color]βŒ‹
[list]β™₯ [b]like[/b] || explain
β™₯ [b]like[/b] || explain
β™₯ [b]like[/b] || explain {continue format for more likes}[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Dislikes[/b][/u][/color]βŒ‹
[list]✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain
✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain
✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain {continue for more dislikes}[/list][/font]

[font=avenir light]⌈[color=first color][b][u]Strengths[/b][/u][/color]βŒ‹
[list]βœͺ [b]strength[/b] || explain
βœͺ [b]strength[/b] || explain
βœͺ [b]strength[/b] || explain {continue format for more strengths}[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Weaknesses[/b][/u][/color]βŒ‹
[list]⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain
⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain
⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain {continue format for more weaknesses}[/list][/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]βŒ‹[/size][/font][/center]
[font=avenir light]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Personality[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹
[center][u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u][/center]
1-2 paragraphs explaining the traits.[/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]βŒ‹[/size][/font][/center]
[font=avenir light]⌈[color=second color][i][b]History[/i][/b][/color]βŒ‹
1-2 paragraphs[/font]
[center][img]Image or Gif Goes here[/img]
[font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]βŒ‹[/size][/font][/center]

  1. {Reservations} || Please reserve characters in the OOC. I won't accept a random submission, no matter how awesome they are. So please, just reserve~ Also, this is not a first come, first serve role-play and you might have to compete for your spot should another person show interest. If you find this tedious and unnecessary, you are free to leave this role-play at any time. And, although you reserve a character, they will be chosen based on creativity, depth, length, and originality. The more creative and detailed your character sheet, the more likely you'll get accepted~

  2. {Two Days} || You only have two {2} days to submit your characters, and four {4} to complete it. If not complete by day four {4}, I will give your position away... unless you contact me beforehand with a good excuse for not being finished, that is.

  3. {Literacy} || Not only will I be looking for details in your character sheet, but proper grammar and spelling as well. This role-play is to be literate, meaning posts are to be kept at a minimum of 150+ words.. Now, I know we are not perfect and we all make mistakes but if you cannot use a proper spell check, it will reflect within your character sheet! So please, be at least semi-literate with the capability to post at minimum one hundred and fifty words {150}.

  4. {Explicit Content & Etc.} || Of course Romance is is the best thing ever! Gore may also pop up in here a few times. Drama is allowed in character >but not in the OOC...unless it is playful< Yes, Swearing can be used, but please don't go overboard..also, that includes "intimate" relationships. Please, take it to the PMs if you wish.. just don't blind us~

  5. {Anime} || Yes, Anime. I will not accept a character if it isn't in anime-style. And please don't use different pictures for a character, I want it to look neat. If you have a problem finding a FC, just ask me for help. Also..while we are on the topic about anime, put down the last anime you've watched and bold the third {3rd} letter in it's title when reserving to show you have read the rules.

  6. {Commitment} || I am aware that we all have lives outside of role-playing and our computer screens. Some of us either attend school or have a full-time job, sometimes both. All I ask is that you post at least twice a week. If, for any reason, you find yourself unable to post for x-amount of time, please notify me. I do not bite, I do not get angry, however; should you fail to notify me of your departure, I will boot you out of the role-play. I am also aware that some of us may be in other role-plays, and I understand those come first. Notification of departure and how much time you'll be gone is all I ask for.

  7. {One Last Thing} || Also add your speaking text colour (both the code and it's appearance in text) alongside the earlier passwords for reserving.

Toggle Rules

You may reserve a character. In the event you happen to reserve a character, your reservation will last only twenty-four hours. This is not a first come, first serve and you might have to compete for your spot should another person show interest. If you find this tedious and unnecessary, you are free to leave this role-play. Although you reserve a character, they will be chosen based on creativity, depth, length, and originality. Basically, details. The more creative and detailed your character sheet, the likely you'll get accepted. Please post all reservations in the OOC thread or by PMing me.

Not only will I be looking for details in your character sheet, but proper grammar and spelling as well. This role-play is to be a literate role-play, meaning posts are to be kept at a minimum of 250+ words per post, averaged at about two paragraphs. Now I know we are not perfect, and we all make mistakes but if you cannot use a proper spell checks, it will reflect within your character sheet, so please be at least semi-literate with the capability to post at minimum three hundred words.

|Commitment| | I am aware that we all have lives outside of role-playing. Some of us either attend school or have a full-time job, sometimes both. All I ask is that you post at least twice a week. If, for any reason, you find yourself unable to post for x-amount of time, please notify me. I do not bite, I do not get angry, however; should you fail to notify me of your departure, I will boot you out of the role-play. I am also aware that some of us may be in other role-plays, and I understand those come first. Notification of departure and how much time you'll be gone is all I ask for.

Be polite to your fellow role-players. Mischief in the IC is allowed, and so is rivalry and drama, however; should you have a problem with another role-player, keep it in the OOC or the PM's. Should I need to be involved, I will be. Should it become a constant problem, I will boot both of you out of the role-play. Let's all get along and try to create a story worth reading without causing bloodshed okay?

|Imagery/Rules| I will know if you read me. No seriously though, read the rules. They are few and simple. Should you have any questions or need something answered, feel free to ask/tell me via PM or OOC. I am a pretty easy person to get along so don't be afraid. ^w^ When creating your character, images are to be anime or semi-realistic. I do not want to see a photo of a live person. If you cannot find a picture of your character, a detailed description will suffice, or if you need help, I would be happy to help you.
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Erona by Ever


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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Kairi Spirit
Character Portrait: Tychas Varrak
Character Portrait: Celio Ferdir


Character Portrait: Celio Ferdir
Celio Ferdir

"..." WIP

Character Portrait: Tychas Varrak
Tychas Varrak

"Hey, perhaps we can get along..."

Character Portrait: Kairi Spirit
Kairi Spirit



Character Portrait: Tychas Varrak
Tychas Varrak

"Hey, perhaps we can get along..."

Character Portrait: Celio Ferdir
Celio Ferdir

"..." WIP

Character Portrait: Kairi Spirit
Kairi Spirit


Most Followed

Character Portrait: Tychas Varrak
Tychas Varrak

"Hey, perhaps we can get along..."

Character Portrait: Celio Ferdir
Celio Ferdir

"..." WIP

Character Portrait: Kairi Spirit
Kairi Spirit


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