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Drugs: A Love Story

Drugs: A Love Story


A dark love story based on drugs and life. [[TWO MALE ROLES LEFT, PLEASE FILL]]

1,800 readers have visited Drugs: A Love Story since kissmekillme created it.


I didn't wanna to need you, no
I didn't wanna want you like I do
I didn't mean to fall
Didn't wanna care at all
I didn't wanna need you
Like I need you now

Samantha Pilot grew up in a small town, with the same people. She was popular, rich, and living the life. But, on her sixteenth birthday, her parents drop the bomb that they are getting a divorce and her and her mother will be moving half way across the country to New York city with her grandmother who’s she’s never meet. Less than thrilled she has no choice.

The big city school is not impressed by her and her small town popularity. Soon she finds herself hanging out with the bad kids. She meets the dark an mysterious boy, who lives with his older sister and her boyfriend and she can’t help but find herself drawn to him even though all his future hold is gang violence and jail time. She also become close with one of the girls in the group who doesn’t have a much of a promising future herself, she becomes intrigued by this new world of danger. Then she takes a leap of danger and she soon finds herself consumed by a need for drugs, danger and that mysterious boy.

Samantha Pilot|Crush on Boy 1|Age: 16|TAKEN
Winifred 'Fred' et Violaine |Becomes Samantha’s Best friend| Dating Boy 2|Age: (16-17)|TAKEN
Lola DeAngelo|Boy 1’s older sister| On again off again with boy 3, has a daughter by him|Age 22|TAKEN

Boy 1|Younger brother of girl 2, in gang with boy 2 & 3|Likes Samantha| Age: (17-18)|OPEN
Boy 2|In gang with boy 1 & 3| Dating girl 1|Age: 18|OPEN
Duke Luther|Second in command of gang| Father of Girl 2’s Daughter, their relationship is complicated| Age 25|TAKEN

I won’t spend a lot of time on the rules. RPG rules apply, but this is an adult RP so there will be violence, abusive relationships, cussing, lots drugs and gang violence. No anime all real photos, you may use a celebrity if you want I prefer someone unknown. Reservations in the OCC.

Also you may make a character that is not up for reservation, a gang member or a friend of any of the other characters, but you are not guaranteed a love interest.

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Add at least 3 photos for apperence. Also please be creative with you sheet.
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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Character Portrait: Sam Anthony Monroe
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Sam walked around town, he hadn't yet had anything since waking from where he had been laying in the park last night and his ADD was kicking in heavy today. Looking around he noticed he was near the trailer that was home to Lola, Duke, and Charlie. He smiled happily and darted across the street. Having to hop over and slide across the hood of a van that honked angrily at him as he flipped them off without looking. Making his way to the door he nearly skipped over. He was to excited for a reason he didn't know and lit a cigarette that only had about two drags left in it as he walked away from the door for a moment. Once taking a hit he took in a deep breath before quickly turning back around, going back to the door as he placed the ciggy between his lips. Lifting his arms up as he quickly began banging on the door to make rapid thuds as the smoke stayed in between his tightly pressed together lips. Smirking as he did so and really enjoyed the loud sound he was making against the trailer door. Not even hearing any sounds within the home over his own noise as he started to yell out to them in a goofy yet naturally somewhat deep voice. "He-ay!.. Open up!.." Coming up with shit as he yelled from outside the house. "I'll get you my pretty, and your little shit fucking dog too!" Smoke coming from his mouth as he slightly inhaled and the lit end of the cigarette came closer to the orange Newport butt.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lola DeAngelo Character Portrait: Sam Anthony Monroe Character Portrait: Charles Douglas Character Portrait: Duke Luther
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Duke sighed, smoke slowly falling from between his lips. He felt calmer, and he could tell Taryn did too. Perhaps their steam was running out, the initial rush of the drugs calming down. He placed the pipe back in his lock box, his private stash full of meth crystals, cocaine, weed, and his pipes and money, and replaced it under the couch. He glanced over at Taryn, sliding down the wall and folding into herself. The comments about her selling her body and how he wasn't perfect sort of stung. "I never asked you to strip. And I never said I was perfect." His voice was at a lack of emotion, not wanting to feel anything anymore. "Some respect would be nice, however." She stood and looked over at him. He could see her eyes were red and tear rimmed. It tore at his heart, but he would never say anything. It was seen as weakness, and he saw it as the cause for his mother's murder. He cared too much for her, so she died in revenge for something he had done. He held his head in his bloody hands and tried to shake the thought. It was constantly eating at him, the reason he never slept. It had been a year, but it still haunted him.

He watched as he made her way to the kitchen and made herself a shot. He stood and joined her. He stood directly behind her, his arms on either side of her and poured himself a shot then knocked it back. He placed the shot glass back on the counter and gently kissed her on the shoulder. He glanced up and saw Charles peeking through his bedroom window, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. He left the kitchen and looked out of the window. It was Sam, probably the youngest of the gang. He opened the door, but didn't let him inside. Instead, he joined Sam outside, patting Wolf on the head. He lit up his own cigarette and took a long drag. "What's up, Sam? Why aren't you in school?" It wasn't as if he really cared, but anything to take his mind off of the Hulk-like rage fest he just had and the death of his mother was welcome at the moment.


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Character Portrait: Sam Anthony Monroe Character Portrait: Duke Luther
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Sam stopped his banging as the door opened and Duke walked out, taking the burn out butt from his mouth as he opened his arms wide as if expecting a hug though he knew he wouldn't get one. A wide grin on his face as he moved out of Duke's way with his arms still open before forgetting that foolish attempt and tossed the but into the grass as he sat down beside his older friend, if that was what they could all call each other. He chuckled at Duke's question of school as he pulled out another cigarette and lit it before speaking. Taking in a breath before saying. "You know, I've decided to drop." Looking at the street as he had first spoken before looking back at Duke with a smirk. "Fuck school. I got other shit to worry about besides that." When he spoke of dropping it simply meant that he just wasn't going any longer. Feeling that his trouble making and drugs were more important for the time being. Taking a drag before exhaling and asking after a moment. "Hey, you seen Fred?"


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The fight was over, for now. Charlie decided to leave now to find Jimmy. He grabbed his knife, not planning on using it, but he was going on quite a journey to find Jimmy. He didn't say anything to Lola on his way out, but he watched her, not too upset from the fight. Charlie exited the trailer, and threw his cigarette on the ground. He saw Duke and Sam talking. He wanted to take a moment to smoke with them, but he wanted to find Jimmy sooner then later. "I'm off to find Jimmy, see you guys later." Charlie walked off in the direction of the school. He thought of where Jimmy might be, and it didn't take too long for him to know where it was. Either way he went to the school and walked over to the bike rack. Sometimes he would get lucky here, today the luckiest he got was a blue bike wired to the rack, instead of chained.

In less then 5 minutes, Charlie was riding on the blue bike. He smiled as he got closer and closer to the bridge Jimmy always mentioned, one way or another. He had been there before, but it was always to crowded, a good place to get in a fight, a bad place to go unnoticed. He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket with one hand. He reached for a lighter but it wasn't there. He looked down for it and when he looked back up he was right in the middle of a cars headlights. He quickly swerved out of the way, but the car hit the back wheel. The car had definitely hit him on purpose, but Charlie could have avoided it. Charlie flew backwards, his body skid across the street. He pulled his bike, less damaged then him, to the side of the road before another car came by. His upper arm was scraped, pretty bad, and he had a large, bloody scrape on his cheek. "Fuck!" Charlie shouted to himself. He pulled out his lighter, and another cigarette and lid it. He got back on the bike, now scraped but luckily not damaged much more than that. He began to ride towards the bridge once again.

He finally got to the bridge and sighed. He threw his cigarette on the ground and let his bike drop too. He reached up to his still bleeding cheek and shuddered. His arm wasn't bleeding but the scrape wasn't that bad. Charlie was pissed at the car who hit him, even thought it's real easy to just hit a poor boy riding his bike in the road, but the guy, or girl, still swerved in his direction. He saw Jimmy sitting next to Daisy, but they were facing the other way. He breathed heavy then sat down on the ground, and waited for him to catch his breath.


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Character Portrait: Samantha Pilot
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Hey mind cutting that tapping the fuck out. The words still echoed through her head, even though they'd been said almost twenty minutes ago. It was funny though, as she still hadn't stopped the tapping. But now that she really took a moment to think about it, she did. By now it had to be annoying more than just that idiot kid behind her. Or well, he wasn't behind her anymore. Him and that girl had ran out almost right after he'd spoken to her. With a loud sigh, she closed her notebook and stuffed it back into her mailbag. The teacher, a older looking guy named Mr. Hale[or as she had heard], gave her a suspicious look. And then she got up, throwing the bag over her shoulder and weaving through the desks. At first the teacher just stared at her, and even halfway down the hall she could hear his heavy sigh. "Make that three detentions. Not even past first..." But she didn't get to hear the rest, because she swung down another hallway and Mr. Hale's words were no longer loud enough. Reaching her locker, she pulled it open and threw her bag inside, and then shut it quietly.

Putting her back to the lockers, she slid down until she hit the ground. Taking a shaky breath, she pulled up her knees and hugged them to her chest. It was a nervous habit, as if she could shield herself from the world by getting as small as she could. Like she could shrink away and no one would ever find her. It was silly. But it was also silly that she had to sleep with blankets covering her completely and a stupid horse her father gave her when she was little, but she still did, didn't she? It seemed like forever until the bell rang, but finally it did and she got up and got her bag, ignoring the questioning stares from other students. Chemistry, that was next. At least she was good at Chemistry, anything science-related came easy to her. Looking up and down the hallway, she searched for the room. And when she found it, she didn't waste a second. More and more people were looking at her, and being the center of attention was never something she wanted. Taking a seat somewhere in the middle of the classroom, at one of the two-person tables, she set her bag beside her and waited for the teacher to come back.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jimmy Strong Character Portrait: Lola DeAngelo Character Portrait: Sam Anthony Monroe Character Portrait: Daisy Lament Character Portrait: Duke Luther
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His lips stung her skin where he had kissed her shoulder, the moment ended far too soon. She knew he was still in pain over his mother, Taryn was never quite the same after that night, she had loved his mother like her own she actually cared about Taryn, unlike her own mother had. She lend against the counter thoughts plaguing her mind. She could hear Duke ask why Sam wasn’t at school, they were practically parents to all these kids. Lola made her way back into the living room, pulling out her cell phone and dialing a the number of Jeanette an older widowed women who lived in the trailer park who had acted as a grandmother to Taryn and Charlie their entire childhood. β€œHey Ms. May, would you be able to watch Tegan for the night?” she asked softly. β€œOf course dear, you know I’d do anything for that little angle and you and your brother of course.” The woman said happily. Lola hardly ever asked her unless they were having a party and the women never judged. β€œThank you, you have no idea how much this means to me.” She said talking for a bit longer before hanging up the phone.
She peeked outside smiling to the two boys β€œHey Sam, you hungry? Why don’t you guys come inside and I’ll make you something to eat” She smiled, she was very good at hiding her emotions ad pretending nothing was wrong. β€œBy the way Ms. May is going to babysit Tegan tonight.” Lola said glancing to Duke before making her way back inside the house.
Jimmy held her for a moment, before gently picking her up and placing her on the couch before making his way over to one of the spots on the bridge and grabbing one of the half full cans of spray paint, most of the time the paint was left their for other β€œartists” he began the paint can making a click as he shook it and returned to his painting, a half an hour of silence and he had finished with a girl that resemble Daisy. He signed the bottom he his portrait β€œSaint Jimmy” and then glanced back to her β€œWhat do you think, she’s pretty right?” he teased. He offered his hand to her β€œCome one we better get over to Duke’s see if they need us to do anything” he said as they made their way back up the hill.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jimmy Strong Character Portrait: Lola DeAngelo Character Portrait: Sam Anthony Monroe Character Portrait: Daisy Lament Character Portrait: Charles Douglas Character Portrait: Duke Luther
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Duke raised an eyebrow at Sam. "Where do you think Fred is? At school, where you have decided to ditch." He took another drag off his cigarette and rolled his eyes playfully, his mood calming down. The fresh air was clearing his mind. He looked back at Taryn as she peeked her head out of the door, asking if Sam was hungry and announcing that Ms May would watch Tegan for the night. He gave a sigh of relief, hoping that she would be able to medicate her properly, curing her of that cough she's had. He stood, finishing his cigarette before dropping it in the ashtray and returning inside. He could tell that something was bothering Taryn, but he knew it was probably similar things that were bothering him. Besides, they weren't exactly the kind of couple to talk about their feelings, especially with company. He sat at the bar awaiting Taryn to finish making the meal. He wasn't particularly hungry, but appreciated the gesture. He got up to get Tegan to have her join the family for lunch. He slowly opened her bedroom door and peeked inside. "Tegan, honey, lunch is almost ready." He was almost afraid of his own daughter in a way. Afraid she was afraid of him, afraid she wouldn't love him. He gently extended a hand and she came to him, placing her small hand in his. He knelt down and looked her in the eyes and gave her a weak smile, patting her head gently before rising to his feet and leading her to the kitchen. He hoisted her up into a chair just as Taryn was placing plates on the bar.

Daisy watched Jimmy paint, each stroke providing more information to what he was creating. It wasn't long before she realized what he was making, an image of her. She smiled. "Yes, Jimmy, it's just about as lovely as watching you make it." She took his hand as he pulled her off the couch and followed him back up the hill. Upon reaching the top, they found Charlie laying next to a bike, all scratched up and bloody. "Oh, my god, Charlie, what happened?" She hurried over to him, examining his wounds. They didn't look too bad, nothing a member of Duke's gang couldn't handle. "We're heading over to Duke and Lola's to see if they need any help for the party. Would you care to join?" She grabbed Jimmy's hand and stood close, hoping that tonight wouldn't be just another anger fueled chaotic mess that it almost always ended up being.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lola DeAngelo Character Portrait: Sam Anthony Monroe Character Portrait: Duke Luther
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Nodding he shrugged, keeping himself from frowning at not having gotten the chance to see her yet today. "Maybe she'll drop by." He said before Sam turned and smiled to Lola as a greeting as he heard the door open and looked back to see her. "I'm always hungry for your cooking." He said with a smile before standing and taking a drag of his cigarette before entering the home after her. "Speaking of the little princess.." He said as he started looking around the living room for Duke and Lola's daughter. "Where is she?" He said loudly before walking quickly over to the kitchen.Somehow managing to sneak up to her from where she sat.Yelling from behind her chair. "Rawr!" A high pitched scream coming from her as she jumped and he started tickling her and they both were laughing as she tried to tickle him back but his larger hands were to quick for her to keep from getting blocked each time. "I've got you now my pretty!" He said with a rather movie worthy cackle as he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. He wasn't sure why but he was using quite a bit of Wizard of Oz related quotes today, oh well. They worked. Standing properly as her legs kicked near his face and against his chest he held her over his shoulder as he spun and walked her around the kitchen playfully and made sure with his left arm that despite her squirming she wasn't going to fall as he went towards Lola with a grin. "Excuse me ma'am.." He said with a fake Southern cowboy accent. "But i recon you've misplaced somethin'."


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Thusly did Mr. Hale's first period English class wind itself down to a quiet, ineffectual end. No one had learnt anything they hadn't already known; there sure as hell were no 'literary insights' being shared about the assigned reading. Folks just did whatever they wanted to-- talked, played 'round, gossiped, bailed out on the class halfway through. By the end of it, there were a lot of empty seats. And not just the seats that'd been empty to begin with.

By this time, however, Fred had run through the length of Bergson's Discourse, and, for lack of anybody else to talk about it with, fell to talkin' about it with herself. Internally, of course, internally. Didn't want people thinkin' she was some sorta lunatic or somethin'. "Naw, that wouldn't do one whit, would it?" she mused to herself as she began to pack her belongings up into her backpack. "Wouldn't want that. Wouldn't want people..." She glanced up in time to catch the guy two desks to her right gawkin' at her with an eyebrow raised. "Heh." Fred gave an awkward chuckle, sheepishly scratched the back of her head, and tried to stand up and escape the awkward situation, only to realise her leg was caught in one of her backpack's straps. A fact which came to her attention halfway through her journey down to the floor, during which she managed to slam her head on at least three different, painfully tangible surfaces before the trip met an unceremonious end at the floor. "Okay, that coulda gone better," she admitted to herself, still face-flat on the ground, before with a grunt she clambered back on up to her feet, just in time for the ringing of the bell that signalled the transition from first to second period.

Which, for Fred, was an advanced chemistry class, which was one of two science classes she was takin' this year, the other being an advanced physics class. Redundant at face value, perhaps, seeing as you only needed four years of science classes to graduate and she'd hit those credits last year already. But hell, she needed all the credits she could get if she was gonna stand a chance at a decent university. She was ridin' on that hope with nothin' but her grades, seein' as she didn't exactly have money or standing to get her any further, and she was competin' against plenty'a folks who had the grades and the money.

And anyway, she liked chemistry class. You got to blow things up sometimes. And c'mon, who doesn't like blowin' shit up sometimes?

Why, the very thought alone pepped Fred up a bit, and a bit of a spring slipped into her step as she began to hum a 'lil song to herself, makin' it up as she went along. Always time and room for a good mood, y'know. She'd taken a long time understandin' that fact'a life, but once she did, she...

...stopped short in her tracks.

At the end of the hall was the new girl. Samantha, her name was. Shoved up against the wall, sitting on the ground with her knees hugged up to her chest, lookin' just as dejected as a puppy on a rainy day. Like she was tryin' to shrink into nothin', escape the pryin' eyes of the world, sink into herself and not come back out. Fred knew what that was like. For different reasons, maybe. She didn't know where Samantha'd come from, but it had to be a splash'a ice cold water in the face comin' to a place like this no matter where you were from. Unless you were from the slums of Detroit or something. Then it was probably just same ol'. Which... totally was not the point.

The point was that Fred wanted to go and talk to her. She really did. But... "But what?" she demanded of herself harshly, turning away from the girl. Well, as harshly as one could demand of oneself talkin' in a quiet murmur. "Heck, why shouldn't I go 'n talk to her?" she said resolutely, gaining some heart in the idea. "I mean, sure, I don't know her, and she might think I'm a freak, and she might laugh in my face, or call me weird, or point at me, or get mad at me an' go stompin' off or somethin', but... that's... okay. Right? Uh.... yeah. That's totally okay. No skin off my nasal cavity. I'll jus' pretend t'not care like I always do. I'm good at that, right? Sure I am. And I mean, she don't look... I mean, she doesn't look like she's one'a those boorish types. With their egos 'n their belligerence 'n their yellin' 'n their acrimony 'n their... their... well, not the point either. Point is, I'm gonna go talk to her. Right? I am. And I ain't go-- I'm not gonna be all nervous about it. I'm gonna be every bit as confident as I look. Right!" She turned around with a wide smile prepared on her face, her will steeled for the ever-daunting task of meeting a stranger, only to find that Samantha had long since gotten up and left.

"... well, that coulda gone better too," Fred decided with a frown, before she sighed, half-put out and half-relieved, and began making her way to her chemistry class.

But it seemed fate was on her side that day. Or, depending on how she looked at it, it was dead set against her. 'cause soon's she walked through the door into the advanced chemistry class, who did she see sittin' there, right next to Fred's own seat no less, than Samantha Pilot. Whelp, there wouldn'ta been much avoidin' it now even if Fred had wanted to, seein' as Samantha'd sat herself right on next to her seat. Which was fine by Fred, 'course. Her last lab partner had requested to be moved after a while. Something about distractions. Which Fred had also been a-okay with, 'cause her last lab partner had been dumber'n a sack'a bricks.

"Whelp. Go time." And with such inspiring anthems, Fred put on her confident face, adopted an easygoing stride, and approached the two-person desk at which Samantha had taken a seat.

"Hey!" Fred greeted the new girl brightly. But not too brightly. Didn't wanna overdo it, y'know. Didn't do no good, that. So bright. Friendly. All that stuff. But not, like... creepy bright 'n friendly. 'cause then Samantha'd think she was a freakazoid. I mean, she might think I'm a freakazoid either way. Not if I keep it together like I always do, though. Well, I mean, even then she might think I'm weird. People 'round here are always a bit weird about people talkin' to them. Then again, she's not from around here. I'm overthinking things again, aren't I? I gotta stop doin' that. 'least I'm not talkin' to myse... aw hell, now that I've thought it, I'm gonna start. I better just shut up now. Er, shut up internally. Having accomplished that, she took her own seat beside Samantha, and turned to her. "Nice t'meet ya. I'm Fred."


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Charlie smiled as Jimmy and daisy walked up the hill. He waved a little with the injured arm, but the straining hurt a little so he stopped. Daisy mentioned his wounds, and Charlie just looked down at his arm. "Oh, not much." And it wasn't, it was just a few scrapes. Charlie stood up, and picked the bike up too. Then he heard them mention the party. "Yeah, I was sent to get you." He said, pointing at Jimmy. "We need to get stuff for the party, Duke said you'd know what to get." Still looking towards Jimmy, he bent down next to his bike and looked at it. The chain had been loose and if it had fallen off while he was riding it... That wouldn't be good.

Charlie took off the chain then put it on again and after that his hands were covered in oil and the black dust accumulated on it. He wiped his hands on his pants then stood back up. He kind of liked the bike, maybe he would keep it. He usually was pretty good at returning things like bikes and cars, he never had much of an interest to own one himself when he could just "borrow" one from someone else. He figured the kid who left his bike wired to the rack would have to learn his lesson, next time he would chain it to the rack. Charlie looked up at Jimmy and Daisy. "Jimmy if you want I can pick up the stuff, just tell me what we need. You can have fun with Daisy." He said smiling.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jimmy Strong Character Portrait: Lola DeAngelo Character Portrait: Sam Anthony Monroe Character Portrait: Daisy Lament Character Portrait: Charles Douglas Character Portrait: Duke Luther
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Taryn laughed as she took Tegan from Sam β€œWhy thank you, I’ve been so worried looking for her.” She said as Tegan giggled latching on to her mother. Taryn was a pro at carrying around Tegan and bustling around the kitchen, she was used to having her little girl attached to her. β€œHey Sam why don’t you invited that pretty girlfriend of yours to the party tonight, feels like your hiding her away.” Lola smirked β€œPromise we won’t scare her off.” She teased. She stood at the counter with a plate in front of her not eating very much picking at the food mostly, Tegan helping her eat.

After cleaning the kitchen, she called into, her boss not happy but she played it off as if she was sick. She packed Tegan’s bag with some books, her favorite cloths, her pjs, and a change of cloths. She knew that there was no way she’d pick her up at four or five in the morning and that was about the time their parties always ended. β€œAlright, I’ll be back I’m going to take her to Ms. May’s.” she said passing the guys on her way out kissing Duke on the cheek, Tegan hugging his leg β€œBye Bye daddy.” She giggled. Ms. May’s house was on the other side of the trailer park, which was a bit of a walk, but Taryn enjoyed the walk. After a few moments she reached the house the women greeting them, her home was beautifully decorated and as far as Taryn knew she had no family that came to visit her. She stayed for a bit, Tegan always loved going to the women’s house.

β€œThank you again, I really appreciate it. I should be heading out though.” Lola said hugging the old women. β€œOf course dear, you know I’m always here I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.” She said hugging Taryn back kissing her cheek in a motherly way. Taryn exited the trailer and started back to her own home. She had a lot on her mind and was too lost in thought to realize a car had pulled up behind her. β€œDuke's baby momma all alone, he finally let you out of the tower hu?” the Spanish accent was think and she knew exactly who it was, a shiver ran down her spine as she felt someone grab her hand, with in a moment she was looking into familiar eyes. β€œRicky?” she swallowed hard, her breathing picked up. β€œLooking good these days Lola.” He smirked pulling her close, she was completely stunned. She finally processed what was going on enough to push him always as he was pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

Ricky, was the son of another local gang lord, the most violent and brutal Hispanic gang in the united states and a rival gang to Duke’s gang. There was something else that Due hadn’t known all these years and right now she was thinking she should have probably told them when they first meet. β€œWh…what the hell are you doing on this side of town?” she managed to get out. β€œHad to take care of some business mi amor, I didn’t think I’d see you. After you fucking took off with that bastard.” He said irritated Taryn glanced up seeing the group of guys he had with him. She knew well enough that he wouldn’t do anything on Duke’s turf in broad daylight that was suicide, half the people in this trΓ‘iler park were Duke’s gang members. The slaming of a near by door made her jump and Ricky frowned gently. β€œNice seeing you again, I hear your having a party tonight, maybe i’ll stop by.” He gave her one las look over before jumping back in his chevelle and speeding off with the rest of the guys. She stood frozen for a moment, before reality caught up with her and she quickly made her way back home. She lend against her car not exactly ready to go back inside after that, she need to calm down. Her and Ricky had a thing long before her and Duke, in Ricky’s eyes Duke stole her, but Duke hadn’t known about her and Ricky, she didn’t think it was important and it hadn’t been until now.

Jimmy smirked seeing Charlie β€œAlways getting in to trouble Char, you ever think you’re going to give your poor sister a break” he chuckled a bit β€œSent to get us, or you ran cause Jekyll and Hyde were at it again?” he said offering his hand to help up his friend. He ran his fingers through his dark spiked hair. β€œYea I know what the bastered wants, gotta deal with my dad for that shit though.” He sighed β€œDaisy, why don’t I drop you and Charlie and Charlie’s nice bike off at Duke’s and I’ll head home to talk to the sergeant.” He said referring to his father. The three of them heading to Duke’s. β€œSo Lola tells me this is going to be a pretty bomb ass party, but when aren’t their parties.” He said lighting up a blunt and taking a puff off passing it Daisy, as they sped down the street.


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Charlie got in the car with Jimmy and Daisy, after putting his bike in too. He couldn't believe he was actually planning on taking the bike. Charlie lit a cigarette in the back seat, hoping Jimmy didn't mind. "Yeah, I don't know. Hopefully it'll be a nice, calm party." Charlie laughed just at the thought of a calm party. Something always happened, something would happen again. "While your out try and pick up some chicks." Charlie said, remembering Daisy. "Not for you of course, you already got one." He watched as they approached the trailer. "You sure you don't need any help Jim?" He asked getting ready to exit the car when they got a bit closer. He looked at the bike again, he honestly felt a little bad for the kid he took it from, he didn't feel as bad as to want to give it back, but what if the kid wasn't a rich kid? What if the kid couldn't buy a new bike? He had wired his bike to the rack. He probably thought his bike would be there when he got back, why wouldn't it? Charlie pushed the thoughts out of his head. He didn't need all this.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jimmy Strong Character Portrait: Lola DeAngelo Character Portrait: Sam Anthony Monroe Character Portrait: Daisy Lament Character Portrait: Charles Douglas Character Portrait: Duke Luther Character Portrait: Winifred 'Fred' et Violaine
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Duke watched Sam swing Tegan around the small living room, Tegan’s smile bright; however Duke’s expression remained unresponsive. He had too much on his mind to smile. Lola took Tegan from Sam’s grasp and Tegan latched on to her mother, just like she did as a baby. She mentioned inviting Sam’s girlfriend to the party they were hosting later on in the evening. β€œYeah, you should bring her along. I can’t imagine that if she’s dating you that it would be anything she couldn’t handle.” He gave a small chuckle, knowing very little about his girlfriend. But what β€œnormal” girl in her right mind would date a guy in one of the most known gangs in New York?

After Lola was done cleaning the kitchen, she called her boss. He could tell that he was pissed at Lola for not coming in. β€œYou know I can deal with that prick if you need me to, Lola.” His eyes were narrow, knowing the sorts of things he would say to her, but not knowing the full extent. Lola never shared that much with Duke, probably because he would end up killing the guy.

Lola finally left to take Tegan to Ms May’s house. Duke sat alone in the trailer, other than Sam of course. He plopped down on the couch, and dragged his lockbox from under the couch. Very few people knew of its existence, only those he truly trusted, and he had known Sam long enough to know he wasn’t going to take it or anything. He wouldn’t dare. He pushed in the key and entered the code, and it popped open. He pulled out the bag of meth and his pipe. He loaded a bowl and began to heat the contents. β€œWant a hit?” He inhaled the hot smoke first, feeling the euphoria sweep over him almost instantly before exhaling and offering the pipe over.

Daisy giggled when Jimmy referred to Duke as Jekyll and Hyde. He really did seem to be two people in one body. Calm one minute, then a rage monster the next. It was always a surprise when he flipped, too. You never really knew what would set him off and what wouldn’t. Lola was sort of the same way, but you could usually tell what got under her skin. It was usually Duke or a lack of drugs and sleep, or perhaps more a combination of the three. She frowned when he mentioned leaving her and Charlie and Duke and Lola’s house while he went off to deal with business. She never liked it when he went alone, even though he usually did. She was always afraid that one time, he wouldn’t come back, that something horrible would happen, but she knew that it was pointless to protest.

She climbed in the front seat of the sports car as they headed to the trailer park. Jimmy mentioned how amazing the party was supposed to be, and she knew it would be. She always enjoyed the parties they threw. Full of every drug imaginable, plenty of people to talk to and things to do, however it almost always ended up having a handful of fights, but somehow, that just made it that much more exciting. She knew no one would be seriously injured to the point of hospitalization, and it was always gratifying to walk into school that Monday, both her and Jimmy covered with cuts and bruises and huge smiles on their faces as everyone gawked and wondered what the hell happened to them.

She laughed when Charlie said he hoped it was calm. β€œCalm? It’s Duke and Lola we’re talking about here, two of the probably worst hotheads in this city. You can expect it to get pretty damn exciting.” She frowned at the mention of other females. She knew Jimmy only had eyes for her, but the thought of him inviting other girls for the party got under her skin. β€œYou know, you should really talk to Sam about that one. He’s the one with the goody-goody girlfriend. I bet she’d have someone to tag along to this party to protect her.” She laughed. She always wondered why Sam had picked to date that bookworm, but she wasn’t about to judge. To each their own.

They finally arrived at the trailer and Lola was sitting outside of the trailer, something obviously bothering her. She got out of the car, kissed Jimmy goodbye, told him to be careful and stay in touch, then hurried to her side. β€œLola, sweetie, is everything okay?” She noticed that she was alone and wondered if Duke had finally crossed the line.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sam Anthony Monroe Character Portrait: Duke Luther Character Portrait: Winifred 'Fred' et Violaine
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Sam smiled and laughed as the girls dad. Letting a gitty grin form on his face as both Lola and Duke told him to bring Fred with him to the party later tonight. "Will do." He said as he grabbed an apple from the fridge and bit down on it. Eating as he waved Lola and Tegan goodbye when they left to the neighbors. Moving to sit on the counter as he watched Duke for a moment before feeling it wouldn't be wise to stare at anyone for to long and looking around the room.The sound of his crunchy apple was the main thing being heard in the house once they were gone and it made him a bit uneasy until he finished and tossed it in the trash. That being about the time Duke rose and went to the couch, hopping down from the counter before walking casually over to the couch as well he watched briefly as Duke unlocked the box and revealed its contents. Smirking he raised a brow to Duke as Sam was asked it he wanted a hit from the pipe. "When don't i want some?" He asked before asking as he took the pipe in his hand and inspected it a moment. "Damn, think it's coming time for a new one don't you?" He asked with a chuckle before taking a nice long hit. Inhaling to fill his lungs fully before slowly exhaling as he passed it back to Duke and leaned his arms on his legs a moment before they started to bounce out of habit. He never liked laying or sitting still for too long unless he couldn't control it, mostly when he was to fucked up for his muscles to control themselves well. He pulled out his crappy little Walmart paypal phone and dialed the number Fred had given him a while back to get a hold of her. Getting up from the couch as he walked farther away from Duke the longer he waited for her to pick up. It rang for a while before going to voice mail and instead of hanging up he chose to just leave a message. "Hey babe, let me know if you want to go to this party tonight okay? Everyone wants to meet you and i'd love to see you there. Bye." He said before clicking the little red phone button on his cell phone before going back over to Duke and sitting down with a smile.


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Charlie jumped out of Jimmy's car as it was slowing down. He walked around to the trunk and took out the bike. He saw it was pretty busted up, more than he thought. He rolled the bike alongside him and gave Jimmy a wave that said thanks and good bye. Daisy was sitting next to Lola, who looked like she was in a crappy mood. He wondered if the fight with Duke was what got to her. She didn't have any new scars, so it couldn't have been that bad. Charlie walked his bike to a toolbox lying next to the trailer and got out a wrench. He loosened some bolts and adjusted the seat and handle bars. He noticed there were no hand brakes on the bike and that it wasn't a bike like one of those rich kids have, with hand brakes, cool paint jobs, and other shit. Charlie liked the bike though, it was simple, and he would get a few good runs out of it.

Charlie remembered his wounds and felt dried blood and scars on both of them. Then he looked over to Daisy and Lola again. How long had she been sitting there for? And where was Duke? And wasn't Sam here before? All these thoughts crossed his mind, but he didn't want to get up to go ask Lola. If she was upset Daisy would probably help her feel better, and if she didn't help a couple hours and some beers would do the trick.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Samantha Pilot
Character Portrait: Duke Luther
Character Portrait: Lola DeAngelo
Character Portrait: Charles Douglas
Character Portrait: Jimmy Strong
Character Portrait: Sam Anthony Monroe
Character Portrait: Daisy Lament


Character Portrait: Daisy Lament
Daisy Lament

You make me want to die.

Character Portrait: Jimmy Strong
Jimmy Strong

"This city is my city."

Character Portrait: Charles Douglas
Charles Douglas

"I have street smarts and I'm strong. I can get by just fine here."

Character Portrait: Lola DeAngelo
Lola DeAngelo

Little girls grow up fast where I come from.

Character Portrait: Duke Luther
Duke Luther

When I find you, I WILL kill you.


Character Portrait: Jimmy Strong
Jimmy Strong

"This city is my city."

Character Portrait: Daisy Lament
Daisy Lament

You make me want to die.

Character Portrait: Charles Douglas
Charles Douglas

"I have street smarts and I'm strong. I can get by just fine here."

Character Portrait: Duke Luther
Duke Luther

When I find you, I WILL kill you.

Character Portrait: Lola DeAngelo
Lola DeAngelo

Little girls grow up fast where I come from.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Duke Luther
Duke Luther

When I find you, I WILL kill you.

Character Portrait: Charles Douglas
Charles Douglas

"I have street smarts and I'm strong. I can get by just fine here."

Character Portrait: Daisy Lament
Daisy Lament

You make me want to die.

Character Portrait: Jimmy Strong
Jimmy Strong

"This city is my city."

Character Portrait: Lola DeAngelo
Lola DeAngelo

Little girls grow up fast where I come from.

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Most recent OOC posts in Drugs: A Love Story

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

I feel like things are about to get really interesting once the party starts based on kissmekill me's last post, plus her announcement of something big going to happen at the party. Can't wait until everyone gets together and things really start taking off!

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Works for me, bandgeek. Hope that makes it work. That should give Fred 'n Samantha something to do along with everyone else until the party :v

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Hey Comrade, if I had checked OOC before I posted I wouldn't have posted that. xD I needed to have Sam get detention somehow. But maybe Fred can have the same next class as Sam, and she could go over to her or something..I don't know. :P

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Just so everyone knows I'm planning something huge and really sad! SO we need to gather everyone at the party, soon lol I can't wait!

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

That sounds good. Currently, Jimmy and Daisy are at the bridge that the gang and friends go to frequently, and it just so happens to be close to Duke and Lola's trailer.

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Was planning on making Charlie chase after Jimmy, wherever he might be.

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

I think Charlie is either going to go to school (where he and Fred can meet up and discuss the party, perhaps) or chase after Jimmy outside of school.

Sorry for posting so much, I just think a couple of us get so excited or whatever, especially if all the characters that they are interacting with have posted. We will try to slow it down a bit(:

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Not to be an ass, guys, but can we slow the posting down a bit? Maybe wait for bandgeek and UDWK94 to make a second post? I'm only just getting around to working on mine, and I doubt they wanna be left behind with fifteen new posts.

I reckon having the party tonight would be a pretty good idea. Bring the characters together and whatnot. I can kinda have Fred doin' her own thing in class in the meantime-- maybe she can end up talking to Samantha (they're the only two still in class as I recall) whilst the other characters are doin' their own thing.

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

@kissmekillme Is the party at Duke and Lola's tonight or tomorrow night? I figured we could do it sooner rather than later, that way we can get everyone in the same place earlier, and have them all interact with each other. Just my two cents.

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

@kissmekillme I believe everyone has posted. I'm just waiting for Jimmy and Lola to react to Duke and Daisy to continue xP

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Once everyone has made their first post it's a free for all :D

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Loving everyone's first post(: I love reading so many different writing styles c:

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Hey there UDWK94. Yep, best abbreviation I could come up with.

You can't actually send messages until you've made-- as I recall-- ten forum posts. It's kind of a safeguard against spammers, y'know. I guess you could just be particularly active on this OOC 'til then? :v Once that happens, to send PMs, click on somebody's profile, and under the banner 'Contact *person's name*' you'll find the PM option.

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Hello i have just found this OCC and am having troubles getting around this website as it is so much different than any others ive been on that i dont even know how to send messages. So if there is anything anyone would like to tell me before i post on the actual RP i am open to all.

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Also posted, sorry for the shortness.

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Posted! Sorry Duke's is so long but Daisy's is so short ><

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Intro is up you can start posting!

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Okay, that works. I'm thinking about creating another character myself, but don't know what to make him/her. Any ideas?

Re: Drugs: A Love Story

Actually someone else submitted a character for the role so I'm going to let them take it as Fred's Boyfriend, but I'm going to keep jimmy cause I really love him! Ill edit him up a bit when I get home! So just to clarify jimmy will be single, the other character that was submitted will be Fred's boyfriend! Jimmy is now going to be an extra charter, he canned the resident drug dealer :D