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Cron Vulus

"If the thread count is under six-hundred I'm not sleeping under it."

0 · 930 views · located in Astrasis

a character in “Echoes of the Past: Astrasis”, as played by RageKage


Cron Vulus




The Basics



Mancer Type:

The Sidekick.

With a name as short as Cron, he doesn't really get branded with any.


Face Claim:
Cu Chulainn(Caster) Fate/Grand Order.


The Visuals

Height: Six foot, one inch.


Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Both ears are, quite obviously pierced. They each house one of his great-great-great grandfather's earrings. Supposedly talismans of good luck, Cron just thinks they make him look cool. No. Seriously. That's it. Otherwise he's surprisingly straight edge. Also has one scar, it's dead-center on his left eyebrow. Other than that his lower stomach, hands, feet, and even lips to a small extent are covered in fading burn marks.

Handsome, daring, dashing, and just a touch rugged! Who's dream am I not, hmm?"
Tall, thin, and overly dressed in clothing that went out of style about two-hundred years ago(Including wooden sandals), Cron would stand out in a crowd even if it wasn't for his strangely dyed Deep-sea blue hair. Which of course has annoyed his family for years. He thinks it draw more attention to his blaze-red eyes though. Right. Totally not to annoy mommy and daddy. If you really want to annoy him though, mention the time he painted his nales.

Preferred Clothing:
Traditional Vulus. There was a time, thousands of years ago that the Vulus family was the chief priest family for the Church of the Radiant Dawn. As such the clan has kept their priestly vestments around as best they can. Vulus' are only required to wear them during birthdays and other clan-centric holidays and burials though. He's just. Weird like that.


The Outer Workings

His families ornate wooden staff, and a handy haversack, filled with sake, tobacco, his pj's, a sewing kit, a spare kimono, and his Sunday finest. Other than that, he keeps his silk-lined sleeping bag with him. What. You've never seen a silk lined sleeping bag before?

Skills/Mancer Abilities:
BREATH OF THE DRAGON: While many pyromancers focus on conjuring flame from within, Cron specializes in igniting existing things. Including, if not especially, air. Almost all of his abilities come from within. Literally. Fireballs, gouts, whips, and even small tornadoes all come from his breath. Except lighting his pipe. cigarettes. That's done traditionally.

Sarphy's Fists: When forced into pure melee combat the air around his fists will ignite, adding murderous heat to his punches and engulfing a target if they make contact.
Burn It Away: Fireflies. Made of quite literal fire. Pour out of his mouth. They will seek out any and ALL life in the vicinity that isn't their conjurer and land on them. Whatever's unfortunate enough to have on alight upon them will, instantly, burst into a pillar of fire.

Path Of Ruin: It's a simple enough tactic, but. Cron ignites the air disbursed with each step, leaving a trail of fire.

Gambling skills.

Both incredibly physically hardy and mentally stable, it takes a bit to shake him. He also has exceedingly good life skills, and fashion sense.
His control over his fire is natural. His nature syncs up well with the very nature of the element. Giving them a "bond" if you will.

Addiction. Sloth. Inability to lead or truly decide what's best in a crisis for himself. Unable to focus for long.


The Inner Workings

He's always wished he had a reason to wear an eye patch.

Blowing smoke rings.
Caelfalls only gambling house.
Malestrom Clan's famous, secret herbs and spices Sake.
Six-hundred thread count sheets.
Silk kimonos.

High-pitched voices.
Anyone trying to wake him up before midday.
Disappointing anybody he cares about.

Pretending to train.
Pretending to hit on women.
Pretending he's well adjusted.

Spiders. And Toffee. Yeah, it's weird.


Free spirit. Wild man. Loose cannon. Whatever cute way you want to phrase it, believe me. It falls short of Cron. He's incredibly reliable in terms of not doing anything productive, helpful, asked of him, demanded of him, order to, or even threatened to. That said, there's almost nothing he wouldn't do for a friend without asking. The problem lies somewhere dead center in his very being. He simply can't..Make most choices. Obey, disobey, hurt, enjoy. It usually just doesn't register with him. Unless it comes to helping nice people. He's one giant bleeding heart.

However, he's always followed leads. Mostly Zephyr's, sometimes others. It doesn't always lead him to good places.

Not to say he's devoid of a personality, mind you. He's got an astonishingly addictive nature, and seems to actively seek out anything and everything with the potential to take a hold of him. Maybe the nagging, gnawing physical and psychological needs they instill give him a sense of direction. Maybe he's actually a master escapist. Maybe he's unhappy. No matter the case, if you ask him, even he won't know. What he does know is there's an unburied, undying, ever burning need to be consumed by something. Anything. Sake, tobacco, gambling debt, sewing. If it can occupy his hands, mind, wallet, and isn't physically taxing, he's in.

Oh yeah, that's another hugely important thing. Effort is bad. He's immensely naturally talented in both his manara arts, and his mundane crafts. Both of which are quite possibly the root of his inability to apply himself. If it takes effort or work, it's not worth the energy to him.

Don't be fooled, though. Cron cares deeply for those he considers friends, and has a very low standard for qualifying people as such. There are problem some people in Caelfall that don't even know him, yet he thinks of as friends and would go far out of his way for. It's just hard to show it when you're hungover.


The Past

Family Status:
Kalek Vulus: Patriarch. Distinguished. Elegant. Disinterested. A pillar of the community and a Council member heading up all archiving and historical records he's a very. Brisk man. To the outside world his dead gaze is authority incarnate, and the deep boom of his voice would haunt the staunchest solider's nightmares. He's actually someone understanding, and even compassionate to his family. He tries to understand Cron's....Nature, but there's a massive tension between the two. As the last male of the main Vulus line, if Cron doesn't wed, and have children, the family dies with him.

Anara Vulus: Cron's mother. Sweet, welcoming, beautiful, and seemingly happy. Most of the town knows her as a sort of mother figure. She runs the Dawn Kiln bakery, of all things. She's always giving out as much product(Cookies, cakes, fresh breads, even bread-puddings) as she sells. Though she does seem to shower Zephyr with pastry goodness more than anyone else. Much to Kalek's unending migraines. She accepts Cron for who he is, and understands why he needs his space. Though in truth, his choice to live with his "Oba" wounds her deeply.

Enella & Casla: Cron's twin elder sisters. They're both..Well. He would describe them in not-so-pleasant ways despite the good relationship they have. They're very alike. Dutiful, punctual, respectful, disciplined. They both work as town guards.

Galia "Granny" Maelstrom: Cron's Oba. Sort of. Jokingly adopted by her mostly due to the fact he could single-handedly fund her gambling house with his vices. She's probably the one person that could order him around effectively, though she doesn't. They both seem to have a strange respect for each other. She's even the one who taught him how to sew, and has by far been the most accepting about who he is. Though at times his massive tab can bring up snags in their relationship..

Personal History:
He's lived with his "Oba" since he turned seventeen, and was briefly kicked out of his home for being gay. His father apologized within the week but it was too late for Cron. They'd always had a strained relationship due to how lazy, unmotivated, and recently prone to vices he was. He sort of came out of his shell a bit at this point. Partly because he feel deeply into liquor and cigarettes, but also because of Granny. She knew what to do to make him into..Someone.

This was the good period for Cron. This was when he began to work for Granny to earn his keep, which helped him socialize and come to to terms with himself. He did plenty of cleaning, learned how to sew, served tables and generally made friends with anyone who came to the Lucky Spoon. He even tried to cook but...Granny gave up on that after the forth sick costumer. Surprisingly enough the distance between him and his father even seemed to be taking some of the strain off their relationship. Though it was brief as the old man decided to pull some strings to have his son assigned to someone he felt could cure his lazy streak.


Cron and his teacher never got along, but he did open up the path for him become friends with Pyrrha, and by extension Cassie. He took the latter's loss pretty roughly, though he never showed that to anyone but Granny. Who by now was practically family. He felt it wouldn't be right for him to go around all broken up about her when Pyrrha was her close friend, not him. Besides, Pyrrha needed somebody who was willing to look at her, and smile instead of wish condolences or fall uncomfortably silent. Whether she knew it or not. This birthed the brief period where he applied himself, too.

He was older than his fellow students, and only still a part of Guardian Training because of how lazy he was, and how often he found ways out. For awhile he tried, and was able to graduate pretty quickly, since his skill did surpass even what was expected of someone his age.

Since then he's been coasting though, to his father's misery. Doing what he does best. Working for Granny, trying to cheer up Pyrrha, and following Zephyr around like a lost puppy.


So begins...

Cron Vulus's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska
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  1. shoot how do I untag someone,,,,

    by Cinto

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#, as written by Cinto
When he heard the four note whistle, the agreed-upon signal, Mei couldn’t help a slight grin. Finally, they were about to get started. As concerned as Mei had been about the absurdly dangerous plan at first, the young scientist had actually become quite excited about the upcoming venture into the temple. After all, there were bound to be new and exciting things to study in there (not that he expected Zeph to give him any time to actually examine anything). Given the fact that nobody had set foot in the temple for hundreds of years, he’d probably be able to learn a lot about the past that hadn’t been recorded. As a scholar, it made him all tingly with excitement.

To be honest, Mei’s mind had been wandering as they made their way down the steep path to the temple, only snapping back to reality when he heard Cron wheezing with laughter. He was about to inquire into the pyromancer’s sudden laughing fit, but then closed his mouth when the guard’s pose shifted slightly and it became apparent that it was Cron’s sister. Lips turning up into a smile he couldn’t hold back, Mei hopped out from behind the greenery he had been hiding in and patted Cron on the back after she had left. ”Way to go, man.” He said in his usual calm tone, but his friends would probably be able to pick up on the uncharacteristic excitement coloring his demeanor.

Then turning to look at the temple itself, Mei found himself craning his neck to see the top. The temple really was absurdly large; having only seen it from a distance in the past only made it seem larger. An appreciative whistle slipped from between his teeth as the aeromancer gazed at the temple’s ornate walls and pillars. This was history right here, he thought. Hopefully, it would be good history.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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#, as written by Alcidus
Roland Varithmas

Sighing slightly to himself as he hears the signal whistle, Roland finishes off his fourth drink before making his way to the front door, stepping over a large number of passed out festive goers as he thinks to himself "This temple better hole the answer I'm after, or something to point me in the right direction..."

After grabbing Titan and making his way to the temple casually, only stopping after watching Cron's sister pass and continue into the night, shaking his head slightly before continuing. After getting to the back gate and noticing the small trail, moving to the side of Titan and tacking the two large packs off and throwing them over his shoulder, he slaps Titan's hind "Go home, the twins will freak if both of us aren't there in the morning" With a snort, and a slight nod, Titan turns around and makes his way back home through the night.

After descending the trail, much small then what he had preferred, even going so far as to widen certain places in the trail down, he finally makes it to the group, as Roland can start to feel himself tremble in excitement and anticipation he grins a large grin, something that rarely appears on his normally solemn and calm face. "So, we good to go?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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#, as written by Zetta
Anton Wulfram

For the most part, Anton had spent the party listening to Mikhail (drunkenly) play through a variety of songs. Somehow, his little brother's talent with the mandolin wasn't dulled by his lack of sobriety. Considering that the party had just began, however, Anton was largely surprised at how quickly his family members had gotten drunk.

Well, all things considered, it really wasn't that surprising. Anton was the first Gaiamancer in the family for three whole generations, and he had actually made his place as one of the new Guardians, too. So, naturally, the Wulfram family felt it was entirely necessary to drunkenly sing about how Anton was...

♪ And tha's my brother, the Gaiamancer! ♪
♪ An'... An'... What rhymes w'th 'mancer? ♪

Anton sighed, at Mikhails now-faltering rhyming, and eventually managed to get himself out of his drunken family's midst, only to turn around and spot Zephyr, of all people, on one of the boats.

Damnit! He was the one who told us not to get drunk!

Anton sighed, and folded his arms to watch Zeph try to move the boat - all the while his crowd of fangirls went wild. Taking a sip from his flagon of mead, Anton watched as their "esteemed" leader managed to zig zag and stumble - or the boat equivalent of a stumble, at least - its way to the finish line. Anton's left eyelid couldn't help but twitch at this.

He was the one who came up with the damn plan, and yet he's the one that gets drunk? Talk about unreliable.

As much as Anton was frustrated with Zephyr, it was time to head out for their intrusion excursion into the temple. Anton followed the group to where he had hidden his haversack and Mari's medicine bag, and slung his pack over his left shoulder. Following along quietly, he paused when they spotted a guard. Fortunately, Cron - of all people - recognized his sister, and... somehow managed to convince her to head off.

All Anton could tell himself, of course, was that there was no possible way this day could get any stranger.

Now that Roland had joined up with them, the group was ready to venture into the temple.

"So, are we just going to walk in as a group, or do we have a formation?" Anton asked.

The setting changes from Astrasis to Onryx Temple


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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Zephyr Maelstrom


Marina Fontaine

Zephyr was racking his brain for something... Anything! Anything that would remedy the situation. He honestly hadn't thought there would be a guard tonight. Especially one as uptight as Cron's sister... However, he was left in awe as Cron dispatched his sister so easily! Although, that didn't leave the group much time in terms of exploring...

"Cron you're a genius! Let's go everyone!" Zephyr called out. He turned towards Anton and grinned.

"Formation? Naw, let's just go," he replied dismissing his rather valid inquiry. Zephyr led the way through the tunnel leading to the main gate. Down and down they spiraled until finally the path opened up to a decent sized cavern. Large stalagmites hung from the ceiling looking intimidatingly sharp and small noises and echoes could be heard around them. At the back of the cavern lay the massive obsidian gate of Onryx Temple. Stairs of polished crystal led up to a rather intricate door with a mural of a ferocious black dragon.

Marina couldn't believe her eyes. The temple must be massive. The gate alone seemed to be larger than her family's home. The massive pillars and detail work were absolutely beautiful, and yet... a sinister aura hung in the air like a miasma. Something was horrible wrong. She was half tempted to pipe up and suggest we abandon this quest and go home, but Zephyr was already up the stairs and at the large intimidating door. He gave it an experimental nudge, but the door remained firmly locked in place. He tried again except this time using his wind for additional force. Nothing.

"Hmm... odd." Despite Zephyr's idiotic activities, he loved a good puzzle. He thoroughly enjoyed mulling over a challenge until he had successfully solved it. This temple was no different.

"Perhaps there's a mechanism somewhere..." Zeph was in full thinker mode now. None could stop him until that door was opened. Glancing around, he saw a waist high pedestal standing about twenty paces away from the massive door. He approached it and found a strange round disc embedded into the top of it made purely of crystal. An inscription lay below it in an unknown language. Marina came up behind Zephyr curious as to what he was looking at.

"What an odd language... If that's what it is. I've never seen anything like it before. Too bad we can't read it... Oh well, might as well head back. Great trip everyone now let's get-" She was cut off by Zephyr's glowing eyes and the sound of him translating the sentence.

"Jutar's Sight..." Zephyr had the rare gift of Jutar's Sight. A unique Aeromancy ability that allowed one to see the unseen. As Manara channeled through his eyes, the ancient words slowly began unraveling until he could make out the sentence.

"Only those born of the gods may traverse here. Prove thy heritage upon this altar. Huh. Well, if that's the case that's pretty self-explanatory." Zephyr blasted the pedestal with his wind, and Marina immediately interjected.

"Um, Zeph.. Not to burst your bubble or anything, but nothing's happen-" she was once again cut off by a loud click and the sound of grinding stone. The unmovable door was pulling back to reveal an elaborate, and rather wicked looking, entry hall. Zephyr grinned at Marina and blew her a kiss as he sauntered through the door and into the temple. Marina reluctantly followed seeing as the others were following after him. As soon as the last person stepped through, the door immediately shut behind them bathing them in darkness. Marina yelped.

"Where are the torches! Quick! Pyrrha! Cron! Give us some light! I can't see- Oh. Oh wow..." Marina's panicking was quickly forgotten as the room took on an iridescent glow from hundreds of clusters of light blue crystals. Pillars and statues lay lined up on either side of the Guardians; their features highlighted by the ethereal glow. Zephyr marveled as well at the scene. How could the Council keep us from such a magnificent place... He took one step before stopping dead in his tracks. Somewhere, down below, moans and growls and unholy noises drifted through the halls of gods only knows what. He turned to Mei and clapping a hand on his shoulder tapped his forehead in a silent request of assisting him with telepathy. With some mild concentration, Zephyr established a group mind conference link with the whole group.

"If you didn't hear, there are loud noises coming from unknown beasties. So, with Mei's help, we're going to be talking through telepathy from now on. I suggest you be careful what you think-I heard that!" With a nod of his head at the other Guardians, Zephyr led the way down into the spiraling labyrinth that is Onryx Temple.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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  1. Not the best post, but I'm so effing busy with the move...

    by ElusiveAuthor

0.00 INK


Pyrrha rolled her eyes at the group's antics. Nevertheless she felt a bit mischievous herself, and as soon as the mental link went up she pretended she had been ranting about Zephyr all along.

["...and that dogspawned cuntsucking cur of a Granny-fucker still wants to go on..?"], and with that she finished her supposed string of curses and insults.

At Zephyr's mind-yelped reply she slyly continued, ["You were meant to, Granny-fucker."]

At that he probably figured out she was joking, as he nodded at the group and led them down.

She followed the others into the labyrinth.

["Can you mark the way we're going Mei?"], she asked the scientist, not wanting to get lost.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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Leon Dalmascer

When the door open Leon simply shrugged off the sounds that emerged from the temple which made him curious growing up wild he knew about quite afew creatures but none made the sounds that came from this place. "Guess we're not going to be alone down there." he said ignoring what Marina had said while fighting back the urge to move ahead of every one else. Instead he moved up to the door and began sniffing the air 'damp earth various fungi nothing special on the surface but it seems things will change when we go farther in.' he thought looking around.

Met with crystals lighting the entrance of the temple Leon could see far enough to notice that the walls seem to have been naturally carved out with some damp moss lining the cracks and the crystals lighting up most of the tunnel making it easy to see probably better then what the torches would have provided. "Looks like no one's even opened this place in a century, maybe even longer." he stated before moving through the door doing his best not to disturb what ever ecosystem has been developing over the years while still keeping up with the rest of the group.

Hearing Zephyr in his mind Leon looked back after passing him shortly when he stopped. "Since we have no clue what's waiting for us in here might I suggest a scouting party. Which should consist of myself, air head, metal man, and fire pit." He said pointing at Zephyr, Pyrrha, and Anton individually. "Every one else should follow after but keep a good distance back." he added before adding onto his train of thought. "These three have a better chance of not getting caught then every one else here. Although air head here is pushing that line." he stated adding sarcasm to the last sentence while tapping Zephyr on the forehead with the knuckle of his left hands index finger.

"As much as I respect you rain drop I honestly don't think you could keep up, Fire breath there doesn't exactly look ready to be sneaking around, Stone face makes too much noise with the armor he carries with him at all times, and we need the mad scientist here to make sure you guys get the message that it's safe to move." He stated picking up a small stone and juggling it in his palm afew times before putting it in his back pocket. "I'm just throwing that out there, I may not be one for parties and such, but I know a thing or two about survival." He said moving farther into darkness before his form vanished. "But if that's too much to ask I can go on ahead and scout the place out myself." Leon continued waiting to see who would pick up that he just made himself invisible. "All you'd have to do is follow the markings I leave behind."

The setting changes from Onryx Temple to Astrasis


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus Character Portrait: Anton Wulfram
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Cron Vulus

In all honestly Cron hadn't been paying the slightest bit of attention since they passed the ancient temple's threshold. Ever since the door had opened, exposing them all to the dust of bygone eras his lungs had gone into revolt. It took all his focus to breath without gasping, and a lot more willpower than he usually could muster to keep the pain in his chest for seeping into the telepathic bond. It was an adventure after all! Fun, excitement. It was rebellion. It was for all of them, and if Zeph could sense his pain, he knew his friend's resolve would waiver. Which in turn meant the others who were barely willing to come here to begin with would use it as an excuse to leave. Leon and Roland might stay, but the night would be ruined for everyone else.

So he sucked it up and trudged, until of course someone had to make a scene.

Leon's drama and desire for a scouting party had caused the procession to grind to a halt behind him. Between the pain, laziness, and sheer fact he was in the rear of the group it meant that Cron leaned up against the old, smooth stone wall. It was the perfect way to ease his body and drone out the theatrics of the rag-tag band. Of course the problem with that was that eventually theatrics come to end. It wasn't until Leon started his vanishing act that Cron had any reason to move at all, pushing himself away from the wall. With the faintest of clicks, and a groan that nearly drowned it out.

"U...Uhhh gu-" Before he could even finish his sentence a twang echoed, and then a slight clattering sound as a thin dart bounced off the wall just behind the person standing in front of him. A trap had been sprung. Simple, elegant. Old school. A dart, thin and released at a high-velocity chest-height. Likely tipped with some sort of poison. This was a very, very bad sign..

With a weary smile and a shrug of the shoulders Cron offered his best to the group. "Maybe....We should stick together."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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Zephyr Maelstrom


Marina Fontaine

"Hmmm.... Scouting party huh." Zephyr considered Leon's suggestion. It wouldn't be a terrible idea. The four of us were faster and could prove to be more safe...

"Not a bad idea, mutt. I suppose we could do that-" Zephyr's message was cut short by the sound of a twang and a dart wedging itself into the wall somewhere behind him. He turned around slowly giving Marina an incredulous look. Marina glanced around seeing as everyone was staring at her and blushed crimson. She had been fascinated by a mushroom growing out of the wall with white and orange spots covering it's ruffled cap that she had failed to notice the hidden string at her feet. Fortunately, thanks to her Guardian training and quick instincts, was able to activate her Hydroskin and liquefy her body allowing the dart to pass safely though and wedge into the wall rather than her neck.

"Oops... Heheh... Sorry about that everyone..." she fidgeted under everyone's collective sigh. She turned to the trap in question and plucked the piece of metal from the wall to examine it as everyone continued moving down the winding hallways. She twirled it between her fingers and took a apprehensive sniff; her eyes widening at what she discovered.

"Everyone stop! Wait a second!" she echoed out through their mind link. Zephyr turned and raised an eyebrow urging her to continue.

"This poison.... This isn't some ancient blend from thousands of years ago! This comes from a Hades' Tongue plant! Extremely poisonous and results in paralysis!" she said rather frantically. Zephyr gave her a blank look.

"Okay... So they used a poison that's still known today. I don't see how that's a big deal Mari."

"No! You don't understand! Hades' Tongue is a hybrid plant. It was developed about fifteen years ago or so in an experiment for a new medicine, but instead of being helpful it was found to be the opposite! This isn't a thousand year old poison! It's a modern poison! Do you get what I'm saying now?" Zephyr stared at Marina's hysterical expression; cogs turning in his mind as he processed the implications of what she was saying. Then it clicked.

"We aren't the first ones to have entered this temple. There's been other visitors. Recent visitors. These new residents also didn't want anyone to walk away knowing this either so they set traps. Not traps that would kill... but immobilize." All mirth and excitement was pushed to the background as a new, more unsettling reality set in.

"Guys, we aren't the only ones in this temple. In fact, there's a good chance they're here now... Okay, scratch the scouting plan. We need to stick together. Let's keep moving. If the temple is compromised, it's our job to take care of it now. Come on." Zephyr pushed on ahead scanning the ceiling, floor, and walls for any more signs of traps. Marina sighed quietly and mumbled to herself.

"Says the man who led an expedition to compromise the temple..." She continued anyway being far more cautious this time with her steps. The group came across a couple forks, and Zephyr each time picking which way they'd turn nodding to Anton to keep track. Finally, they reached what appeared to be a dead end. A moderate sized room with four statues of robed figures lining the wall. A few feet of space between them.

"Oh nooo! Not a dead end... Sigh, I guess we'll have to turn around..." She made to leave the room when Zephyr held up his hand telling everyone to wait.

"Not so fast. Something is... off." Zeph walked up to the strange marble statues and ran his hands across each looking for secret switches or levers. Nothing. He used his Sight to see if there was something hidden in the walls. Still nothing. He thoughtfully taped the side of his face as he studied the room. Absently, he blew out a decent gust of wind from his mouth towards one of the statues in a sigh, and was met by a slight whistling noise. Intrigued, he did it again except with more force causing a louder whistling noise to resound. He tried this with each statue, but the noise only happened with the second statue from the left. He put his ear to the wall on the side of the figure and tapped the wall. A hollow tapping graced his ear. Zephyr smirked.

"Hey, Anton. Why don't you make use of that fancy telekinesis of yours and try shifting this statue over. We might be surprised."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zetta
Anton Wulfram

Before they entered the catacombs, Anton had modified his gauntlet to be mostly a flat surface, barring the joints at his wrist. While they were moving, he'd been creating grooves on the surface of his gauntlet, indicating the direction they had traveled. Overall, it wasn't an ideal method, but it meant that he could always read the map without lighting, and it was honestly kind of cool to have a gauntlet-map.

Still, the fact that there was someone who had been in the temple recently bothered Anton. Zephyr was right that whoever this was, they didn't want anyone interfering in here. But what bothered him more was that someone had used poison for the dart. There really weren't all that many people in Caelfall who had that sort of expertise...

Before he could really continue, however, Anton was interrupted by Zephyr, who had led them into a room with four statues. One of them made a whistling noise when

"I can do that," Anton said, stepping up to the statue and taking a deep breath. In that moment, an idea struck - instead of moving the statue, Anton could instead change it to a slab of marble. Glancing at the statue, Anton settled in a stance, and drew his outstretched hands back towards himself. There was a rumbling noise from the statue for a few seconds, but suddenly, the marble shifted towards Anton, and eventually formed a vertical barrier lying against the side of the door. Through it, the group would be able to see a sparsely-lit passageway leading further downwards.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Anton turned to Marina. Now that the way was clear, he could ask the question that had been bothering him during their prior navigation.

"Say, Mari, out of curiosity, how many people in Caelfall know how to extract the poison from that plant?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Alcidus
Roland Varithmas

Roland watches as the marble statue opens up cautiously, as his hand grips his sword hilt tightly. As he takes a step toward the newly found door, a loud, non-human sounding groan came from the door, and relatively close to the group already. "That is not a good sound." Drawing his sword, Roland steps through the doorway, taking the lead "From here on out, we move in order, Zephyr and Pyrrha, you two are behind me, Mei, Cron and Marina, you three are in the middle, don't think some of us haven't noticed you're lack of noise and enthusiasm Cron. Anton and Leon, you two are the rear guard. Before you protest Leon, you've got the best senses out of all of us, I need to make sure that we're not going to be snuck up from behind, and I'd like to know well before it happens." His voice rings finishes ringing through there heads with a tone that gives off the impression that he was commanding them, not asking them.

Roland starts to move cautiously through the door at first, making sure nothing is nearby that will spring out at them, while he uses his Gaiamancy to try and get a sense of anything alive and moving in front of them, once he's sure that there's no immediate danger, he quickens his pace, moving surprisingly quiet with his large size and bulk.

After travelling about 50 feet into through the door, the group comes to an intersection in the road, with hallways to either side of them and one continuing to the front of them. Unsure as to which way to go, Roland removes his vambrace and glove, he puts his hand flat on the ground, trying to get a read of the terrain in the nearby vicinity, or anything alive and moving.

Roland quickly pulls his hand up and moves to the corner of the left hallway, signalling everyone else to get into the shadow, once everyone is hidden, Roland summons a few of the temple fungi as to try and hide their smell slightly.

Just after the fungi are grown, and Lizardman walks through the hallway into the intersection, it's head twisting and craning from side to side as it's nostrils flair open while it starts to snarl, showing off sharp 2 inch long teeth, as it can tell that something isn't quite right. The Lizardman stands about 5 feet tall, though slightly hunched over with bent knees, it has elongated arms followed by larges hands with 4 inch claws, that could easily tear through leather and cloth and low quality metal, dragging across the ground is a 4 foot long powerful tail, which looks like it could effortlessly break rock and bone. The only piece of equipment, if you could call it that, was a 2 foot long sword, which was nothing more that a chunk of sharpened iron, as it doesn't need armour due to the dark green scales that cover the majority of it's body, with more pale green scales on it's underside.

"No one move or breathe." Roland slowly raises his hand and curls his hand into a fist as vines start to snake there way down from the roof, right above the Lizardman, before the Lizardman can react or move, the vines strike at the creature, snaking around it's neck and tightening strangling the life out of it. With a flick of his wrist the vines snap the Lizardmans neck, lowering it's lifeless husk onto the ground silently before they retreat back into the surface.

Moving towards the corpse, Roland picks up it's sword, looking over it once before motioning to Anton, "Anton, see if you can get any idea how this was made, we already know other people are in here, let's see if they're arming the local wildlife." but before the group can move, to groups of Lizardmen come from either side of them, Roland jumps back in surprise, cursing to himself.

"It's do or die people, no holding back!" Looking at the horde of Lizardmen, Roland figures that there must be roughly 13-15 of the little creatures.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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  1. will tag later, I gotta run x.x

    by Cinto

0.00 INK

#, as written by Cinto
Mei Kaska

Mei listed to Marina’s explanation of the Hades’ Tongue plant with half an ear, as his concentration was mainly on keeping the telepathy link stable. Zephyr, while a powerful telepath, didn’t have the most stable of links (especially amongst so many people), mainly because of that same power. For a telepathic-capable aeromancer, a thought link amongst multiple people is harder to hold steady the more people involved, especially if the linked people have differing types of strength. In any case, the Hades’ Tongue plant interested a scientist like him very much, but it wasn’t until Marina’s outburst that its importance clicked. He bit back a curse, wondering what they would be up against if there were people other than them in the temple. But…

Something had been bothering him ever since they had entered the temple. Zephyr’s sudden, easy use of Jutar’s Sight, a power that came and went and usually left the user drained afterwards, had been used with barely any backlash. And Marina, who had instinctively used her Hydroskin in less than a second. Then there was Cron, who he could tell was attempting to hide his pain, but Mei’s keen senses picked it up anyway – there was clearly something affecting the pyromancer’s lungs. From what Mei knew, Cron’s lungs hurt the most during and after use of his pyromancer abilities. The others were probably experiencing similar effects, he thought. Mei himself was finding it easier than usual to maintain the telepathic link as well. He felt…powerful. And that was the problem. There was obviously a huge amount of manara in the air, but it was problematic – it didn’t feel like natural manara, the kind one would expect to have settled in an ages-old temple.

As Mei considered this troubling development, a screech broke through his concentration, nearly slashing the mind link. Roland had made quick work of the first lizardman, but at a quick glance, Mei could see that there were at least ten more coming to back up the scout. Not now, dammit! He thought. This was a terrible time to be attacked, especially with so many mysteries hanging in the air, not to mention the powerful and strange manara presence. If they fought with their mancer abilities, they could easily lose control of their sane selves in the presence of so much manara. It had happened before in the pages of history that Mei had studied growing up, and he hypothesized that it could happen again.

But there really was nothing else, it was fight or die. The creatures were armed as well, and they certainly didn’t look capable of parleying or speaking. Mei’s thoughts shut off as he as he focused as he had been taught, emptying his mind other than the link as his mouth turned down in a grimace. Try not to use your mancer powers too much. I’ll explain afterwards! He passed the message along the thought link, then cut it off altogether. They’d reestablish it later, but for the time being, they’d lost the element of silence. And now, everyone needed to focus on their own without being bombarded by everyone else’s thoughts.

Mei quickly drew back his arm as light green wisps began to rise from his body. He rapid fired precision shots of high velocity, concentrated wind at the three lizardmen closest to him, aiming his air cannon right for their jugular veins. Spurts of blood erupted from each creature’s throat region, and one by one they collapsed with a clean hole the size of a coin shot all the way through to the other side. Mei couldn’t help a grin, it had been a long time since he’d been in a fight like this – it was, despite his reservations, exciting to use his aeromancer powers to their fullest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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0.00 INK

Pyrrha rolled her eyes at Mei. The Kaska had been saying not to use their mancer powers too much, but here he was, using them to the fullest anyway. Pyrrha merely enhanced her blade slightly, and the sword cut through the two of the Lizardmen without much effort.

Pyrrha winced, not at the carnage... But at how hot her blade had become. It was far hotter than what she had aimed for. Not that it was at the point that it could harm her blade, but still, this was probably what Mei had tried to warn them for.

She neverthless rushed forward towards three of the other lizardmen, resembling a whirlwind most when she started cutting, despite her blades size. She may not be enhancing her blade anymore and neither was she about to enhance her body, with her powers as out of whack as they were, but her blade had a fine sharpness of it's own, and she had been training to wield it since she was six. The first lizardman had it's arm cut off, and she left it to one of the group to finish it off. The second she 'nicked' in the neck, not just causing it to bleed out rapidly, but also severing it's spine. The third she used the flat of her sword on, causing him to be flung back, and stumble back into the last two, creating a neat pile.

Not one to let this chance slide, she send a large fireball that way. She had originally planned to keep them alive and finish them off with her sword, but it seemed it wasn't needed. Both the size and the heat, which she had already aimed to be impressively large and high respectively, were boosted even further than she thought by the Manara emanating from the crystals around them.

When she looked back, having killed the fire, the one she had 'disarmed' had been impaled on another weapon, and the two lizardmen that had been out of her reach on her charge were in their death throes too.

She flicked her blade, removing most of the blood and gore from it by the movement. After that she heated it momentarily, causing the remaining blood to dry. She ran her glove across her blade, causing the dried blood to flake off.

"Well", she said sarcastically, "That was a nice spot of exercise."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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0.00 INK

Leon Dalmascer

Turning to Rolan Leon shook his head "I wasn't going to protest Stone Face I'm not that ignorant." He stated with a bit of a huff before going to his assigned position. "I know I have to make sure you guys don't get stabbed in the back you don't have to tell me about it." Leon added sarcastically falling behind everyone else.

Keeping an eye out Leon missed out on Pyrrha annihilating all the lizardmen in a single go. 'Ah I wanted beat some to a pulp.' Letting out a sigh he looked back into the tunnel they came from catching glimpse of what he could make out as fire flickering while on a quick moving rodent. "That's all well and good but we need to get moving... Now!!!" He yelled while launching several aquatic blades towards the rats taking out a few in the process. But upon seeing that there are more of them then he could handle Leon placed his hands to the ground.

Beneath him the ground began to shake and water erupted in front of where Leon was standing concentrating Leon aimed the steaming geyser towards the horde effectively forming a temporary barrier between them and the rest of the group. "Quick my Thermal Geyser isn't going to last long we need to get out of here or we're literally rat food." He said running past everyone guiding them deeper into the temple.

With out stopping Leon kept looking back only to look forward and slide to a stop at the edge of a deep fall. Looking around he noticed that the room was carved out and the hole stretched from one end of the room to the other with no cliffs to sidle across. "Dead end crap! Hey Stone face, Metal man think you guys can make a bridge or something across while I keep those things away from us." Pointing to the pit Leon took a deep breath making quick strides looking at Zephyr "Say Air head think you could whip up a cyclone and help keep these things away from our bridge builders while they do their magic." He said concentrating his energy into making another geyser.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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0.00 INK

Zephyr Maelstrom


Marina Fontaine

Zephyr whistled as Anton cleared the statue. Nice. The group continued onward with Roland taking the lead this time. Zeph was starting to sweat and breath heavier as he funneled more and more Manara into the Mind link. Even with Mei's help, it was exhausting. Although, he realized half way through the temple that the connection was surprisingly stable. Normally such a link would be shaky, but all communication was crisp and clear. Odd. Not to mention he was not nearly as worn out as he should be. Perhaps Mei was more helpful than he thought, or maybe it's something else.

Marina considered Anton's question thoughtfully for a moment.

"Hmm. Well, the only people who would know would be Aquamancers. A Gaiamancer might know, but I doubt it. I don't know of any Gaiamancers that study plants quite like that. As for specific Aquamancers, well... My family for sure. The Raynes, the Sais, the Fimbulvetrs probably would too... Honestly, there's quite a few that could possibly know how... Sorry if that's not very helpful..." she pouted a bit sad she couldn't supply anything more helpful.

Zephyr scowled when Roland started barking out orders, but, before he could retort, a lizardman had appeared and Roland strangled it with a vine.

"What on Astrasis was that." But before he could get an answer a whole group of the... lizards were pouring out of the nearby hallways. He heard Mei give a quick warning not to overuse our Mancer abilities before he snapped the mind link. Zephyr grinned wildly and took a battle stance.

"Oh yeah! Time to filet some lizards-" Unfortunately, before Zephyr could even muster one gust of wind, Mei, Roland, and Pyrrha had taken down the lizardmen.

"Wow Pyrrha, and you call ME a showoff. I mean, could you not have at least left one for me?" Zephyr rolled his eyes annoyed that he had missed out on the action. Marina, on the other hand, was relieved that the horrifying humanoids with the intimidating teeth had been cut down. But before the group could recover, Leon was shouting for everyone to run. Zephyr was once again going to rant that he didn't take orders he gave them, but once again cut himself off when he saw a massive tidal wave of flaming rats scurrying towards them by the dozens.

"Oh fu-" Marina let out an ear-bleeding scream as one of the rats latched onto her ankle giving her a solid bite. Marina went ballistic trying to irrationally shake the rodent off her ankle. Zephyr quickly blasted the rat off with gust of wind sending it flying backwards into a nearby wall. He grabbed the hysterical Marina who was frozen in shock and bolted down the hallway with the others. The group came to a grinding halt as they were met by a rather large pit with no bottom in sight. Leon made a wall out of his geysers in a desperate attempt to keep the hundreds of flaming rats at bay while he pleaded with Roland and Anton to quickly form a bridge. Zephyr was torn between tending to the panicking Marina and helping Leon keep the rats at bay. Although Marina was known to be skittish around rodents, he'd never seen such a severe reaction from her. She wasn't even speaking just mumbling out gibberish as she pointed shakily at the swarm of fire rats. Zeph cursed and cursed again as he finally released her and summoned a whirlwind to help push back the rats. It was helping the rats were being forced back further down the hallway.

Marina, on the other hand, was still far from calm and she stepped backwards and activated yet another trap. This one, was a pressure plate. The room shook violently knocking everyone off balance before the floor collapsed altogether dumping all eight Mancers into the large pit. Zephyr's whirlwind dissipated as soon as his concentration was lost, but the rats were smart enough to not dive head-first into the pit and flowed back from which they came. The group fell and fell the light above them fading more as the plummeted. Looking down, a dimly lit mosaic floor was rapidly approaching them. Zephyr quickly grabbed Marina and Cron who both happened to be nearby and used up a significant portion of his Manara to summon a massive gust of wind to slow their decent. They hit the ground with a moderate thud that didn't break any bones but would most definitely leave a nasty bruise. He glanced around groaning seeing that the others had broken their falls in other ways.

Zephyr finally pulled himself up and dusted himself off.

"Well, that was... rough. I think we found the heart of the Onryx guys..." He glanced around and saw a large circular room lit with torches and a passageway leading into it. At the front was a massive twenty foot tall statue of a wicked looking man with the lower half of a dragon. The statue was made of pure obsidian with massive rubies for eyes. The whole thing screamed evil and sent shivers down his spine. He glanced at Marina who looked like she had slightly recovered from her panic attack, but was still worse for wear and not speaking. He groaned inwardly at this. Hopefully she wasn't scarred for life...

Absently he strolled around the room finally taking note of the giant mosaic covering the floor. The scene it depicted was... strange. It showcased what appeared to be Mancers of all types using their Manara to fight a massive being that looked eerily like the one the statue depicted. On the Mancers' side, the ground was lush and full of life with green grass and trees and a clear blue sky, but on the demon's side... the ground was black with decay and the sky was blood red. The scene was very clear, but oddly enough it was completely unfamiliar. He had never heard a story like this before. What did it mean? Zephyr was also overcome with a strong sense of... something. It felt like someone was telling him that a secret was here. He was going to speak up when he heard what sounded like squeaking.

"Damn it all! Quick, I think this is a trick room too! Don't ask me how I know, but I do! Everyone spread out and find a switch, a mechanism, something! Before we become roasted rat food!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus Character Portrait: Anton Wulfram
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0.00 INK

Cron Vulus

There was something about the pit. About the whole temple, that was just. Wrong. You could feel it the deeper you got, and here in the heart is was almost oppressive. For Cron anyway. The dust, mold, blood, smoke, and the very atmosphere of the place had been hell on him. His silence wasn't by choice, it was forced. His breaths grew more and more shallow with every step until it felt like something was actively squeezing his lungs.

He wanted out. Badly. His feet had kept moving this far. Loyalty to Zeph he figured. This pit though. This pit trained even that. They weren't supposed to be here. No one was. Not to mention the fall was leaving him feeling even worse-off. Shaking his head, Cron's trade mark smile faded and he slumped down against the nearest wall. "Zeph.." He didn't even bother using the telepathy anymore. What did it matter. "We shouldn't be here, man. We need to bolt. Can't you feel it?" His head fell into his hands. An unusual feeling, mixed with anxiety was welling inside him. It was so thick, so harsh..

"We need to LEAVE!" A gout of flame shout out of Cron's mouth instinctively. It shoot through the room and burst, high up on a wall. Embers rained on the whole group and the wicked statue. The statue that now moved, ruby eyes blazing brightly as it absorbed the tiny, manara-born embers. With an echoing laugh, shrill and menacing it exploded, violently.

Dust, ash, and jagged shards of Onyx shot forth, but as it all settled down it revealed one thing. In the crater it left behind there was a small earthen tunnel.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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0.00 INK

Pyrrha frowned at Zeph's question. "I left two and a half lizardman for you guys. Just because you didn't get it before the others..."

She decided to remain silent about the fact that she felt the question was one in ill humor. Well, that was what she had thought, but unknowingly her mouth had moved anyway. "What if they had gotten through? What if they had hurt one of us? This isn't a contest after all, this is our lives!"

And then came the rats! Oh god... The RATS!, what doesn't die when it's on fire? It's unnatural!

As they fell down the pit, Pyrrha called upon her blazing phoenix ability. With a few wingbeats she had steadied herself, and she automatically went to Leon, who was almost the nearest to her. The nearest was actually Roland, but what kind of Gaiamancer can't break their own fall in a temple made of earth and rock?

"Damn, you're heavy...", She wheezed out as they landed, "Stop eating so much meat, damnit!"

Ofcourse she knew that part of her hurting arms had to do with the velocity at which Leon had been falling, and her attempt at humor was rather bad, but she didn't care much at the moment.With a pop and a wince she set the dislocated bone back in it's socket. "Do you need help too, Leon?"

Zephyr's voice suddenly rang through the chamber. "Damn it all! Quick, I think this is a trick room too! Don't ask me how I know, but I do! Everyone spread out and find a switch, a mechanism, something! Before we become roasted rat food!"

She was about to roll her eyes at Cron, for finally honing into the obvious, but then she saw how bad he looked.

"Cron, are you..."

"We need to LEAVE"

Well... That solved one problem. But it brought a new one.

"That laugh...", she shuddered...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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0.00 INK

Leon Dalmascer

Despite his best effort some of the rats were able to get past Leon's geysers and latch on to him before Zephyr put up his own wind wall to help push them back which seemed to work. Without noticing Marina moving Leon was shaking the rats off himself only to have them to scurry right back on and begin chewing on him again and leaving considerable burns on his legs, chest, and arms. "Ouch stupid rats get the hell.... he was cut off when another trap was triggered.

As the room shook Leon was thrown off balance falling into the pit along with every one else. With the rats still on he quickly pulled them off one by one not caring about the possible third degree burns he would get by holding something with straight fire on them. "Your more trouble then your worth." he growled throwing each one into the wall and watching their bodies twist and break from the impact.

Expecting to land heavily on the swift approaching floor into a quick death Leon was gladly surprised to find Pyrrha was able to catch him in time despite her bad attempt at humor. "If we get out of here alive I'll be sure to double my work out regiments." he said breathing a sigh of relief before landing but was holding in a scream of pain as the burn she was touching when he was caught began to cause his nerves to scream.

When he was finally able to catch his breath Leon hissed in pain looking at the burns left behind by the flaming rats. "Those rats are so going to drown for that." he growled as water began to envelope his form mending the damage done to his body. By the time it was finished the burns he had recieved were little more then pink spots on his skin and his clothes were filled with holes and singed as though he was hit with a torch and was briskly patted out to keep it from spreading.

Looking around Leon caught a glimpse of a large almost humanoid like draconic statue loomed over head before Zephyr's voice rang out telling every one to fan out. "Why look for a lever why not just have us look for a button or cut ourselves and bleed into an alter or something." He said growling heading to the far right.

Moving along the wall Leon kept close attention to each piece looking to see if there was anything loose or an indentation. "Nothing so far wait... I think there's something here!" he called out hooking his finger into a small indentation seeing if it would do anything. 'Maybe something should be set here.' he thought pulling hard at it but to no avail. "Nope I think we may need to place something here it's not budging." he added stepping away from the indent.

All the while Leon was doing that he hadn't realized Cron had accidentally opened a tunnel cleverly hidden beneath the statue. "Wait Fire breath actually did something useful besides getting his sister out of the way?" Leon said quizzically with genuine amazement behind his words. "Guess my opinion of you is starting to change but you're still fire breath no matter how impressive you luck might be." He stated sarcastically.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Alcidus
Roland Varithmas

Being caught off guard, Roland didn't exactly respond the best way, only just managing to create a slope from him to roll onto instead of slamming against the rock floor. Despite the meager slop he had made, Roland still landed rather heavily onto it, and from the momentum, hitting the wall nearest to it. "Ow..." Standing up and stretching, a few loud cracks coming from his shoulders and neck, he looks around the room quietly.

"From one hiccup to another... This what you call an adventure Airhead?" Roland places a hand on the wall as he starts to casually walk around it, staying away from the Onyx statue, for no better reason than, it didn't feel right.

"Yeah, whatever the reason, this place doesn't feel right." Before he was able to figure out why, he heard Cron shout and a gush of flame from behind him, turning around just in time to see the opening behind the statue open up, "Great, that's not ominous at all." Gripping his sword tighter, he makes his way back to the group, stopping next to Zephyr, "Alright genius, this was your idea, you can go first this time."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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0.00 INK

Zephyr Maelstrom


Marina Fontaine

Zephyr was knocked back as soon as the statue exploded and covered his face as onyx shrapnel went flying in all directions. He beamed at the newly revealed passageway, and was going to voice his excitement but stopped when he saw the expressions of his friends. Marina had finally snapped out of her paranoia and was making rounds checking the others for wounds and damage she could heal quickly. She stopped when she reached Cron, and, without asking, put her hands to his chest to evaluate the status of his lungs.

"Cron... How overdue are you for your lung replacement? It's a wonder you're even breathing..." she began funneling Manara into his lungs in an attempt to purge as much smoke and embers from the organs as possible. She was able to remove some, but in order to completely fix him, she'd have to be in her office so she could perform surgery. This was just a temporary fix.

Anton and Roland were looking at Zephyr with apprehensive expressions obviously not wanting to go much further. Zeph had even lost the unwavering support of his best friend. Deep down, Zephyr knew they should turn back and leave. Hell, even he wanted to! But, the pull... The pull he had been feeling for a few days now was so unbearably strong he couldn't stop himself from stepping forward. So, even further downward they traveled, and before long the tunnel opened up into a chamber that would mark the start of their destinies.

Inside, on either side, stood two large winged gargoyles. He hoped those were merely decoration. In the back lie four separate pedestals each holding an artifact radiating power. However, by far, the most unusual piece was the large glowing orb surrounded by complex incantations that encircled it in the air, floor, ceiling, and stretched to cover the entirety of the walls. Clearly ancient having been written in a language long since lost, yet so much more advanced than anything in Caelfall.

Zephyr carefully walked around the giant circle to examine the objects in the back. There was a necklace with a creepy, and oddly realistic, eyeball pendant that moved and shifted, a presumed quill made from a finger with a long black nail, a dagger with a menacing razor sharp claw as its blade, and finally a blank grimoire bounded with shiny iridescent scales. Without a word, Zephyr pulled out a few velvet bags and carefully placed the objects in each one. Marina, who had been frozen at the entrance by the overwhelming aura of Manara in the air, was snapped out of her reverie when she saw what he was doing.

"Zephyr Maelstrom! What are you doing!" she hissed. It was too late though. The objects were already stowed away in his bag.

"I'm taking souvenirs. We can't leave empty-handed. Which leaves one more thing..." Zephyr glanced toward the orb in the center of the room. Marina followed his line of sight and nearly had a stroke.

"Absolutely not! Are you insane!?" she screamed.

"I just want to understand how it works... No harm in that..." Zephyr carefully stepped over in runes on the floor until he stood directly in front of the orb. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he carefully raised his hands to touch the orb. The Sight clouded his vision as soon as he made contact. Immediately, millions of images flooded his mind at once flitting by so fast he couldn't process any of them. He screamed out in pain as his mind was assaulted. Marina started crying and yelling in the background to get away, but it was far too late. The orb shattered.

Several things happened at once. Everyone in the room was knocked back by a massive shock wave while massive amounts of Manara began flowing out of the confines of the temple into the outside world. Marina yelped as she was flung backward, but was left unharmed due to landing into Anton. Zephyr wasn't so lucky and hit his head directly on the wall effectively knocking him out.

Marina gasped and ran to his side and touched his bleeding temple.

"He has a concussion! Can someone help me carry him out of here?" she pleaded already slinging one of his long arms over her shoulder in an attempt to hoist him up. The temple was shaking violently making it very difficult to stand.

"The temple is going to collapse! Let's get out of here!"


Mavrik Maelstrom was overlooking the horizon watching the sun peak above Okdos' Teeth and leak light over the landscape. Granny was happily passed out sleeping off her intoxication. He sighed to himself. Some things never changed. He frowned deeply. The High Elder had been getting very dark and foreboding visions as of late, but he couldn't make anything useful out. All he knew was that his grandson and the other new Guardians were interwoven in a very twisted fate. Mavrik took another swig of sake. If only he could make something out! Perhaps then he could take steps to prevent it but- Mavrik's thoughts were interrupted by an earth-shattering explosion followed by a earthquake that caused him to stumble and grab the nearby railing of his balcony.

"What in the hell...?" Mavrik gaped when he saw it and clutched his chest in shock. A massive bubble of raw Manara was growing above the temple. It grew larger and larger before it exploded outward in all directions for hundreds of miles. Another wave of tremors hit, but this time the Gaiamancer Guardians were already taking steps to stabilize the village and minimize the destruction. Mavrik needed to jump to action as well. He closed his eyes and telepathically called for an emergency Council meeting.

"All Council members are to meet in the hall at once for an emergency meeting. All must attend no exceptions. Also, all active Guardians are to mobilize to the Temple! Make sure you get the kids!" As soon as his message was sent, he quickly began pulling on his clothes and headed out leaving an oblivious passed out Granny behind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
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Pyrrha wasn't going to say it out loud, but she was glad Zephyr knocked himself out to be honest. This had been a bad idea from the start, and it got worse and worse with every single turn. She had to admit she would have knocked him out herself before long, if things continued as they had.

Especially after he began looting the place! Honestly...

"Anton, Roland, can you guys make a slope to the road we came from?", she asked, but it was more of an order.

"I can fly one person out, and I think it will be either Zeph or Cron, seeing how they're in the worst shape. I have to say preferably Zeph, no offense Cron, but you're a bit to big for me..."

She paused and annoyedly continued, "I will BURN anyone who had dirty thoughts upon hearing that. Marina, Leon, take care of the fire rats please, so that the others can come through. You have the elemental advantage. Use it!"

She didn't hesitate, and took Zeph from Marina, after the aquamancer had finished healing what she could. Igniting her wings with a burst of Manara, she made them larger to make the lift off easier. Once she was in the air the wings shrank slightly again, until they were wide enough to just fit through the tunnel. She had been glad the Temple Hallways were pretty big, so it was somewhat easy to fly past the obstacles.

Her luck soon ran out though, as her wings sputtered out midflight. She turned in mid-air, shielding Zeph when they crash-landed.

She heard voices from the direction of the entrance. "Over here!", she yelled.