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Charlotte Rhodes

Girl Vampire

0 · 583 views · located in Earth

a character in “Elemental Connections Saga”, as played by ShadtheWerepire


Classic Brown hair Brown Eyes hottie with a good figure and alluring eyes.

Everything about her loses color and she seems to be shrouded in darkness except for a pair of blood red eyes and a pearly white set of fangs.

1. Earth Name- Charlotte Rhodes
2. Original Name- Nyx
3. Gender- Female
4. Species- Vampire
5. Age- 19 but she has a fake ID that says otherwise ;)
6. Class Rank- 2nd year Freshman

7. Personality- She is the life of the party, with a taste for alcohol. A bit slutty at times Charlotte enjoys the attention of anyone and everyone making her flirtatious and particularly greedy. Anything stopping her from reaching her goals is eliminated quickly and efficiently even if there are some shed tears or broken hearts. While most would think she’s a party bimbo she’s usually the one running the show and enjoys plotting out her nights and who she sleeps with like it’s a guaranteed thing, in the end everything always goes her way.

8. Symbol Position- Neck…duh. It’s kind of like a really cute hicky.

9. Magic Abilities- Shadow manipulation, night vision, and the ability to turn self into a shadow that is highly damaged by light but resistant to physical harm.
10. Psychic Abilities- Charm: the ability to be more attractive than most while letting off an air that makes people more likely to be compelled to listen. It also makes it very difficult for others to reject you or disagree.

11. History- You know that girl that everyone thinks is going to be totally successful and then she meets college and her head goes right to the gutter? Well here’s that girl! Straight from the get go she got way too involved in partying way to fast in college and with Mommy and Daddy’s money it hasn’t been too hard to get her hands on a fake ID and plenty of Alcohol. Forgetting about studies and skipping class becomes a theme in her life as grades go down the toilet in her first semester. It appeared that going to clubs late at night and then sleeping with a different guy every few days may have had something to do with her lack of sleep and inability to function during the day. But as a night owl she thrived and was well known at all the frat parties.

Second semester the threat of no more money from her parents forced her to hit the books. This time around she passed barely, and she still doesn’t have enough credits to be considered a sophomore making her a second year freshman. Expecting things will be easier second time through the same classes she isn’t planning on studying and is ready to go back to having a good time after a summer of partying.

And I'm pretty sure she's going to HAVE FUN here.

So begins...

Charlotte Rhodes's Story


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Character Portrait: Charlotte Rhodes Character Portrait: Alex Kowalski
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Charlotte led the way out the door with swagger to her step letting her tight pants do all the talking to the jealous pack of wolves as she left the gym with Alex. She noticed Alex’s last look at the guys and smiled, this boy might have guts after all.

“So Alex, you’re a transfer student? Don’t tell me you got kicked out of your last school! If you did I can keep a secret.” Charlotte asked standing close and whispering the last bit. Bad boys were hard to come by around here so a transfer student with a bad reputation would be some fresh air, but considering Alex was on the fencing team and had barely thrown a pick-up line at her or let his eyes wander to places where they shouldn’t be she doubted this boy was anything less than a gentleman or the usual well-behaved jock.


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Character Portrait: Charlotte Rhodes Character Portrait: Alex Kowalski
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Alex followed Charlotte down to the sandwich place that she had mentioned. She asked him about why he had transfered, whispering the last bit in his ear, almost seductively. The effect was quite interesting. The mark on Alex's neck went crazy, now almost pulsing on his neck with the weird feeling. It would have sent a shiver down his spine, had Alex not been focused on keeping his cool. She is certainly leaving quite the impression, Alex thought to himself. This time, though, Alex was determined not to lose his composure again, and decided to just go with the flow on this, like he always did when not in a competition.

Alex simply laughed a bit at the statement. "No, not really." he replied. "I left on my own. The school here offered a better fencing team, so I took it. I'm trying to get into the 2016 Olympics." Normally, he wouldn't have continued and told her his other reason for leaving, but for some reason, he couldn't stop it from tumbling out of his mouth against his will. "Also, though I'd appreciate it if you don't tell anyone, I also left because my grades were starting to take a dip. I'm a bit of a night owl, so I spent a bit too much time at parties and stuff. I figured I could get a fresh start here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Rhodes Character Portrait: Alex Kowalski
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"Ambitious!" Charlotte proclaimed at his mention of the Olympics and stepped up to the counter to order her sandwich before returning to him after his brief pause to hear the rest of his story. She shuddered, the "fresh start" deal made her sick, this is college you're supposed to have a little fun so what if your grades "took a dip" this kid wanted to be a fencing champion too he didn't even need the brains to match his athletic skill. She did her best to hide herself rolling her eyes, she was suddenly turned off to Alex, he was a hopeless case if all he wanted was to get a fresh start.

Charlotte's receipt had lucky number thirteen on it she sighed, the superstitious would call it bad luck and that's what she just got with this Alex guy. Cute, fit, and unnaturally magnetic guy that made her feel surprisingly drawn to him but it turns out he wants to be a good boy. She could always convince him to go out anyways transferring schools already made him smarter than her maybe it was something other than partying that made him unsuccessful at his old school, it wasn't like partying was her problem.

"Everyone's grades take a dip sometime that doesn't mean you should stop having fun!" She smiled. "You know, I might have the same problem, what if we went out and partied tonight and see if your grades take another dip" Charlotte said seductively and left him to pick up her sandwich before returning to his side.


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Character Portrait: Charlotte Rhodes Character Portrait: Alex Kowalski
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Alex discreetly kept an eye on Charlotte's facial expressions as he told his story. Most fencer naturally developed a greater sense of awareness out of practice from the sport, and Alex was no exception. He certainly had her attention at the word "Olympics", as he stepped up to order his sandwich. Of course, he also noticed the discreet eyeroll at the phrase "fresh start". Clearly, it was not what she wanted to hear. Great job, Alex., he thought to himself. You just bombed any chance you had with this girl. Congratulations, idiot.. However, he made sure his own face betrayed no sign of blowing it while she returned her own rather seductive comment. Maybe the situation could still be salvaged, he wondered. As he got up to get his sandwich, he figured he would explain why he had been told he needed said "fresh start".

As Alex sat back down, he told Charlotte "Who said I would stop having fun? The world would probably end before I stop going to a party at least once a week. This whole 'fresh start' thing is not my idea. It's my parents idea, who are both crazy about grades, and happen to help pay for my rather expensive hobby here." He shook his rather large, strangely shaped bag a bit at this to make it clear just what this hobby was. "The sword by itself costs about seventy bucks, if it's any good, and any fencer who tells you he has never broken a sword is either a liar or new to the sport." Alex new this fact from personal expierience. Since he had started when he was young, he had gone through about eight swords. "That's just the sword. For some reason, everything else also seems to break at the worst possible times as well. But, I'm getting off topic here. I heard you say party earlier. Where and when? Thats all I need to know."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Rhodes Character Portrait: Alex Kowalski
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"I don't know if I can trust you, this party is pretty exclusive." Charlotte flat out lied, it was the first night of a new semester of course the biggest frat on campus would be hosting quite a welcome back bash. Usually they frowned on crashing but that never stopped anyone, the parties usually got so out of hand there was no stopping them, and as a non-sorority girl Charlotte found herself crashing the small school frat's parties frequently. So getting him in wasn't a problem at all but Charlotte had to be sure he wouldn't be wishy-washy about this, she had plenty of friendships turn sour when she discovered they couldn't handle alcohol or they worried too much about getting caught.

She moved her hair to the side and moved out the door of the sandwich shop heading in the direction of the park.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Rhodes Character Portrait: Alex Kowalski
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Alex followed a bit behind as they walked through the park. He was a little confused by Charlotte's comment. Why would she try to convince me to go to this party, and then turn around and say that?, he wondered. Is she playing hard to get or something? I certainly don't know. Alex was never sure about any of this stuff, so he just followed his incredibly good intuition, as usual. He decided to just take the comment literally, and roll with it however he had to.

"Does that mean we're crashing it?" he asked amiably. "If that's what you're worried about, don't be. I haven't done it too often, but I have definitely gotten away with it before." The only time Alex had ever been caught crashing a party, he was already in his dorm by the time they figured it out, and it was only because there were two people there who knew him. As a transfer student, this would be a cakewalk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Rhodes Character Portrait: Alex Kowalski
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"I'm not worried!" Charlotte replied in awe that he would suggest that, smart kid. "I've gotten away with it too so it's not a big deal." She bragged and found a bench for the two of them to sit on while eating.

She unwrapped her first sandwich daintily and took a bite, sweet and gooey peanut butter, honey, and banana, the only sandwich found exclusively on the kids menu, without the crust she had to get two just so she felt full. She loved sweet things too much and this was one of the semi-healthy sweet things she could eat without feeling guilty. After a few bites she put down the sandwich and opened her skim milk to wash away the nuttiness stuck to the roof of her mouth.

"It's a big party, no one will notice two freshman even with my sparkling reputation of party crashing they won't bother kicking me out." Charlotte smiled. "Because they know I'll come back even if they do" she thought to herself deciding not to share that bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Rhodes Character Portrait: Alex Kowalski
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"I guess we have nothing to worry about than." Alex responded. "Which is fine with me. Worrying isn't really my style anyway." This was very true for Alex. Even when he was in his competitive frame of mind, he tended to just take things as they came, living in the moment and changing up his methods as he needed to.

Alex unwrapped his roast beef and swiss cheese sandwich, and took his first bite. Alex wasn't necessarilly a sandwich person, but it certainly tasted good. "Mmm" he said to no one in particular after he swallowed. "Good sandwich." Alex took a few more bites, and washed it down with some Gatorade. His stomach was certainly happy now that it was getting some real food.

"Well," he said to Charlotte. "Back to what I asked before. When and where is this big back to school party you mentioned? I'm interested in seeing how the parties here compare to the ones back in Pennsylvania."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Rhodes Character Portrait: Alex Kowalski
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"I used to do that a little bit." he answered. "I didn't do it too much though, because none of my old friends were creative about it. They just kept saying everyone was a serial killer." He chuckled to himself at that. "They once even said that an old lady in a wheel chair was one." Alex listened as Charlotte pointed out the creepy pale guy, and kept himself from unconciously shivering at the word vampire. As she said it, his mind immediatly flicked to his dream from the night before. Though he placed no stock in the supernatural, he couldn't help but wonder sometimes why so many coincidences seemed to center around him.

Shaking the feeling off, Alex took another look at the pale guy. He certainly looked like a vampire, that was for sure. "Now there is a serial killer if I ever saw one!" he said, laughing to himself. "The guys back in Pennsylvania would love to see this." Suddenly, a thought spontainiously came into his mind. Normally he would have pursued it, be he didn't think it was a good idea. Going back to his sandwich, he said "Normally, I'd say we should follow him and get a laugh out of it, but I have class after this and it's the only one I actually like." The one class he liked was a creative writing elective. Outside of fencing, Alex enjoyed writing stories. "Well, my turn." he continued. Looking around the park, he noticed a guy sitting on a bench a bit down the path writing something in a notepad. He was wearing oddly large sunglasses, and looked up every once in a while to glance around. "Now that guy," he said, "is an undercover cop on cracking down on the stolen blood bags. So far he has hit nothing but dead ends but... he will probably continue to do so, because if he doesn't suspect Mr. Vampire over there now, he probably never will. "