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Elemental Spirits Reborn

Omnipotens Caelestis Forestam


a part of Elemental Spirits Reborn, by AuroraDawn.


AuroraDawn holds sovereignty over Omnipotens Caelestis Forestam, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Omnipotens Caelestis Forestam is a part of Elemental Spirits Reborn.

13 Characters Here

Dawn Carter [215] " People say i have a pure heart....they have no idea how pure tho"
Terra Alkaine [192] "i may look scary but im not that bad"
Heath Ablaze [39] "....."
Luna Kryne [38] "Sometimes I feel like a raven in a grave.. does that makes sense?"
Aqua and Kanya Rivers [35] " Ya were twins got a problem with it?"
Olive Howard [26] "I just want to read..."
Adaire Mathieu [25] "Here to brighten up our lives!"
Hayden James [24] "Why fight for power when you already have it?"
~Jeliina Yurkihara~ [16] "One thing I know, that I know nothing. This is the source of my wisdom."
Hunter Fields [10] " Trees are awesome.......not"

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers
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Dawn nodded to then looked back at Zeus who had a worried expression on his face.

"whats the matter Zeus?" Dawn asked
"its just that.....when i was your age and went threw this just same training i could hit that tree in seconds im just wondering if this is to much for your delicate female self" Zeus explained. Anger flared in Dawn.

"Delicate female self?! Dawn snarled " Just because i'm small and shy with a soft personality doesnt mean i am delicate! How dare you doubt me and my abilities!" Dawn growled. She hated being looked upon as a little breakable girl she was 16! 17 in a few weeks.
Her body shook with anger and she looked away from Zeus 'HOW DARE HE!!'
She didnt mind his or Terra's nickname for her but she didnt want to be looked at as weak by Zeus or seen as a little girl in front of Terra. Clenching her fists she stormed away from Zeus, keeping her face down so no one could see it. Dark storm clouds gathered over the field, the wind picked up and blew hard whipped her white hair wildly and thunder booming to life.

Once Dawn reached a fare distance away from all of them she looked up, her red eyes now glowing whitish gold.

"I'll show you weak" she growled lowly and lightning struck. Multiple blots. But they all hit a certain target as Dawn pointed to it. She hit the tree Zeus had assigned her to do, then she hit another and another and to prove her point she aimed at a target board 400 yards away from where she was standing, hit it with a bulls eye. Glaring at Zeus she dismissed the storm and the skies were clear again. The trees she hit burnt to a crisp, not even a spark of fire lived in the ashes of the remains.

"Happy oh great and powerful Zeus?" Dawn snapped sarcastically. Zeus was in shock at the power she had just shown.

"hell ya that was awesome! hot chicks rule" Kanya the male Poseidon twin popped out of no where and wrapped his arms around Dawn's small waist and kissed her on the cheek. Dawn looked at him in shock.

"where did...." she stopped as the female twin Aqua ran up to Terra and hugged him before kissing him full on the lips. It only lasted a second but jealousy flared in Dawn.

"No way bro tall, dark and handsome here is the one that awesome not some albino chick!" Aqua shouted back, winking at Terra.
Twin Pov:

Their evil plan was working. The twins had seen how Dawn and Terra were getting close and the twins made a plan to cause havoc. So they would flirt with the Dawn and Terra and see how they reacted. They both grinned evilly at their plan.

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Character Portrait: ~Jeliina Yurkihara~
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Jeliina sighed as she turned, leaning against a tree; she slide down until she was kneeling on the ground. She ran her fingers through the lush grass, her eyes hardening as her inner turmoil began. Since she was a child she had known that her snakes had the ability to speak to her. In her ultra form they could be heard by anyone around her. Chanting, persuading her to kill just one more person. Do it...they'd push her. Push her until she snapped. Her current conflict was no different. Hayden had trusted her..She...She...--

Killing him is easssy. Ssseduce him, make him want you. BEG for you. Get him in your grasssp, ssshow him your true sssside. He is just nearly a male, malesss alwayssss fall to beauty and corruption. Esssspecially the element of Hadessss.

"He..he is so much more..." Jeliina whispered, gripping the grass harshly in her grasp. When she was a child, raised with Hayden, she remembered the day they were finally permitted to see each other. The promise she had made to him as a child was never forgotten to her. Unlike Hayden; he had probably far forgotten the words she had spoke to him. Precious words wasted..the promise echoed in her head, her glared hardening.

"Hayden...I promise to rule beside you when you become the ruler in place of Hades! I promise to be really, really powerful and pretty too! just wait for me ok?"

"I was such a silly girl...." She muttered as she leaned her head back on the trunk. Just wait...

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Character Portrait: Hayden James Character Portrait: ~Jeliina Yurkihara~ Character Portrait: Hunter Fields
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Hunter (Hayden) growled in annoyance when he had to return to the temple.
Fuck he hated doing shit like this, sometime's he felt like Hades was using him, treating him like a dog.
Hunter saw Jeliian's snake and smiled, knowing she was around.

'meet in her the woods tonight' it hissed, glaring at Hunter.
"why tonight no one is around just come out now Jeliian" Hunter called into the shadows. He and Jellian had known each other for years, even though they were evil he'd like think they were good friends. A picture of her popped into his head, she really was beautiful and sexy but then a picture of Dawn popped in there to. Fuck she's hot to and innocence and sweet and.....Hayden you are becoming a softy you stop that right now! He growled at himself.
Shaking his head to get rid of the images he turn to the shadow the snake had retreated to. Once he entered the shadow he was transported to the woods.


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Jeliina heard rustling and was quickly snapped out of her thoughts, disappearing into the tree on alert. She relaxed when she heard Hayden's voice and appeared in front of him; leaning against a tree. She kept her gaze on the ground. She truthfully couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze. 'Weakness....'. The dagger strapped to her leg suddenly felt 10 times heavier.

"Hey...I see your mission is going..well. I'm sure with your looks and charms, the girl will fall right into your hands..." Jeliina said, trailing off at the end. Her snake had its steady glare on Hayden.

"I hope I can continue to be of use...though it seems you have it all under control, Hayden...." She muttered, leaning her head back to look up at the sky to distract herself. He was in that...false form. It was sickening to see the future ruler of Hell brought down to such a form. She just wanted to see his actual face...

"Perhaps I should request to go back to the under world and tend to..other things..."

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Olive Howard Character Portrait: Hunter Fields
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Olive was taken to a building where nurses bustled to and fro taking care of the others who had been in battle. She felt fine and saw no reason to be here and snuck out before being examined. She walked around trying to find Athena who had disappeared after they had been transported here. Olive assumed that she had gone with the other gods to form a new strategy against Hades and his element. She had nearly walked into Terra and Dawn's tickle fight. Not wanting to interrupt, she turned around and nearly ran into Artemis's element. She didn't remember seeing him before but shrugged and walked past him.

She soon found Athena and they began discussing battle strategies. Olive was a great strategist when it came to an actual battleground, but when it came to thinking of the enemy's movement behind the scenes, she had no clue. After some time,Zeus had called them to the training grounds and they were gone in a flash of light. Olive was in a state of disbelief at the sight of the training grounds. Fields of all kinds were abound, from a field of snow, to a field of metal that was obviously meant for her.

Athena led her quietly to the metal field. Olive's first task was to harness the metal. Olive has no idea how to go about doing this, so she just experimented with it. She pushed large metal cylinders here and there not really doing much.

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Character Portrait: Hayden James Character Portrait: ~Jeliina Yurkihara~
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Hayden laughed as he noticed Jellian couldnt look at him
"I know right this form is disgusting" he growled shifting back to his normal form, he frowned at her comment about Dawn
"i dont know Jellian she seems to have a thing for that Earth boy.....beside i already got you i dont need anyone else, if you dont remember you promised me you would rule by my side once i ruled the underworld.....i mean we ruled the underworld" Hayden grinned easily but frowned when she requested to go back
"but you dont have to go stay here" he growled smoothly, walking up to her and encircling her waist in his arms nuzzling her neck.
"stay with me" he purred into her ear.

He trusted Jellian with his life, he would do almost anything to make her happy.
Even if it meant killling Hades once Hayden got all his power

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Hearing of her promise caused her to look up at him. He...he did remember...? She looked up at him as he walked towards her, and held her. He didn't need that annoying girl, huh? The dagger...she..she could just do it so easily right now.. Jeliinas hand went towards it but stopped. 'I...can't...' Sighing she wrapped her arms around him, placing her head on his chest. Her snake hissed loudly in disapproval but she ignored it.

"...Fine. I will stay..." She promised. "If you need me just summon me or meet me here." Medusa was going to be...very displeased. She hadn't failed yet...Medusa never did give her a specific time..

"You're going to make a wonderful ruler, Hayden..." She said chuckling quietly. "You're quite the smooth talker."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers
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Terra Alkaine

he let out a low whistle at Dawn's anger and she was right of course, she wasnt some delicate china doll he knew that from already seeing her mad but now he knew Dawn was really mad. Terra looked on in awe at how well Dawn destryed all her targets, leaving nothing but the charred ashes of them.

suddenly one of the twins came out of no where and kissed Dawn on the cheek and Terra stepped forwards about to protest when he too was hugged by the other twin and was kissed. on the lips at that, at forst Terra was shocked then blushed slightly mainly from the fact that that was his first kiss and that this girl stole it from him. "what the hell?" was all he could manage to say when Aqua winked at him. Terra simply shook his head at her compliment on his appearance, for the most part he managed to keep a straight face but frowned just a little. not even realizing it Terra's hand snaked up to his lips he could still feel Aqua's kiss even though it was nothing more than a peck.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter
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Dawn was still mad about Zeus and that girl kissing Terra didnt make it any better.
'why are you so jealous he didnt seem to mind' she scolded himself. Dawn could feel the boys hands trail down her waist and she stiffened when he placed them on her hips, nuzzling her neck with his face. Dawn growled feeling extremely uncomfortable with the strangers.
"Get your hands off me!" she growled but the boy didnt let go. An idea popped into Dawn's head and she turned in his arms, pulled down his collar so they were eye level and she whispered in his ear.

"dont you know what lightning does to water?" she snapped and the boy paled. He had forgot she was stronger them him and had an element that could cause him damage, Kanya knew this was a harmless threat but it didnt make him any less nervous. He gulped and let her go. Dawn smiled sweetly then walked away. She couldnt deal with all this right now.

Dawn ran into the woods, taking in the cool air. Running always seemed to calm her but as she made her way closer she could hear voices. As she made her way closer something grabbed her on the back of her collar and lifted her up and started walking away from the noises. Her heart quickened in frighten as she thought someone had caught her.....someone bad.
The thing put her down once they were closer the the edge of the forest and Dawn quickly turned around to face it. Her eyes widened in surprise at what she saw. It was a glowing white deer.

The deers eye's looked like full moons and it looked at Luna with kindness.
'what is that.....' she stopped herself as she looked down and saw plants and flowers growing wherever the deer stepped. Dawn looked up in shock she knew who this was.

'its the forest spirit.....the spirit of Artemis'

"w..why are you here? should you not be with your element?" Dawn questioned and it just shook its head then stepped closer to Dawn. Leaning its head down to Dawns eye level it licked her forehead the spoke.

'my dear i have giving you a power that only the element of myself should possess dont that can not be now....i have giving you the small amount of power i have left it is not great and probalby will not help much but now you can wield my bow in times of need use these powers wisely Daughter of Zeus and Ameissis...' the deer slowly vanished and Dawn looked down in shock but then a small glow emitted from the underside of her wrist and Dawn glanced at it to see the mark of Artemis there. Which was just a simple cresent moon.

Dawn looked at it in shock her brain not being able to figure out what to do next.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers
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Terra Alkaine

he watched as Dawn ran off into the forest to blow off some steam, and so Terra returned to his training. Apiatan followed his gaze and laughed a little then he walked up to Aqua "now. now my dear if you could I wish to continue my elements training so if you could just run along now with your brother" giving her a gentle yet firm smile, his tone left no room for protest as he turned his back on her to face Terra and smiled at him. "so shall we begin my dear boy?" clasping Terra on the shoulder as he led him away to a more secluded spot in his field.

"alright so what do you want me to do" he asked.

"well why not try building a wall again like last time before you were interrupted by the girl"

Terra blushed slightly at this but complied and once again he placed his palms to the ground and concentrated hard. soon he could feel his fingertips sink into the ground almost like it was liquid, he felt the earth rumble around him as a stone wall began to rise from the ground,it encircled the both of them partially in the shape of a crescent moon.

"ah good job Terra you did excellent" nodding at his element which caused Terra to grin.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Once all Dawn's thought were clear she yelled in joy. The sound echoed off the trees and circled her.

"i need to go tell Zeus...." instant anger flashed in her but she ignored it as the happiness of what just happen filled her. Giggling she ran as fast as she could threw the rest of the trees which was faster then she can remeber going in. She burst threw the tree's she wasnt were she started but a distance away she could see Terra and Apaitan. Smiling brightly she walked over to them as Terra made another wall.

"Hey!" she waved at them and Apaintan looked up from his student and at Dawn. His eyes widened as he took in her appearance.

"Daughter of Zeus you have.....ears and a tail" Apaitan looked shocked as her stared at Dawn. Dawn gave him a questioning look before reaching above and behind her. Her hands hit soft ears and a tail and she looked behind her to see she had a white fox tail. I stared at it in shock.

"Oh my goodness" she whimpered

(Dawn with tail and ears; there not permanent)

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

he looked up when he heard Dawn called out to them, it took all he could to keep a straight face as he walked up to her and grabbed at her ears, then her tail like he was examining something, the entire time he had been frowning in just the slightest way.

Terra who seemed satisfied by his quick examination of Dawns new features he sat down on the ground, sitting indian style. he placed one hand on his knee while the other stroked his chin, his eye closed in deep thought. finally his blue eye snapped open as he placed his fist into his palm a look of "ah-ha" on his face.

he then looked up at Dawn "are your sure your Dawn, because the last time I checked you didn't have a tail or ear's for that matter" raising his arms fro emphasis.

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Dawn gave Terra a weary smile and nodded
"yes i'm Dawn, who else calls you the jolly green giant?" Dawn looked at him questionable and shook her head.

"ok you see i ran into the woods because i was.....umm angry and as i was walking i hear voices so i wanted to know what they were you know i was curious but then something picked me up and took me away from the noises. When i looked at what it was it was the spirit of the forest or the spirit of Artemis it...she gave me the little remaining powers she had and i guess cause she's also the goddess of beast i got ears and a i know why i ran so much faster.... never mind that but see look" Dawn put out her arm and showed Terra the underside of her forearm were the symbol of Artemis was. The crescent moon.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

"wait seriously lucky so now you have two elements in you" he said with disbelief but was soon proved wrong when he saw the symbol of Artemis on the underside of her forearm.

"hmm that is indeed rather indeed an interesting story my dear, did you see where Artemis went or is she gone" a hint of sadness in Apiatans voice.

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"No Apaitan i'm sorry she was to weak she disappeared once she gave me the rest of her powers" Dawn said sadly.
Trying to lighten up the mood Dawn looked to Terra who had a look of awe on his face, Dawn giggled

"so how's training going?" She asked

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Terra Alkaine

it seemed that Apiatan visibly deflated a little before speaking again "well I must discuss this with Zeus now I shall leave it up to you Terra whether you wish to continue or not with your training for today" and he walked away towards Zeus.

"well training is going well I guess though its a bit boring only being able to move the earth" a frown coming on his face before suddenly he sat up quickly and stood up a smile on his face. "oh that's right hey I want you to meet someone" he placed his hand on her shoulder and led her away a bit before walking back.

Terra took the small pouch from his neck and opened it to drop its contents to the ground. s ingle glowing rock fell out, the moment it touched the ground it sank into the earth. a low rumbling could be heard as the earth began to shift and move, a mound had begun to form where the rock had been.

soon the mound broke free from the rest of the ground as limbs became distinguishable from the rest of its huge body its craggy head had two small glowing eyes of lava. the ground stopped rumbling and what stood before them was a 10foot monster of earth. Terra grinned like a child and waved his hand fro dawn to come closer "don't worry he wont hurt you, Dawn this is Golem, Golem this is Dawn a friend".

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Dawn looked in awe at the creature.
"wow" she said quietly and without thinking about it ,grabbed onto Terra's hand for support.
"he's.....amazing" she stood there, her mouth hung open in shock. Gulping she slightly stood behind Terra, even though he said he wouldnt hurt he it was still huge and kinda scary.

"hello" she whispered

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Olive Howard
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Olive stepped back from the block of metal that she had been shaping. With a bit of willpower and some powerful punches, it had begun to take on the shape of a wolf. She had heard the low grumble of the earth moving and then the sound of excited voices. Deciding now was a stood a time as any to take a break, and dusted the metal shavings from her clothes.

She walked to the earth training grounds and peered around the crescent wall Terra had made and saw Dawn with ears and a tail. "Wish, how'd you get those?" Olive exclaimed having missed the conversation in which Dawn explained.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Olive Howard
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Dawn looked over to see Olive staring at her ears and tail, making Dawn blush
"ummm well you see i ran into the woods because i was angry and as i was walking i hear voices so i wanted to know what they were you know i was curious but then something picked me up and took me away from the noises. When i looked at what it was it was the spirit of the forest or the spirit of Artemis it...she gave me the little remaining powers she had and i guess cause she's also the goddess of beast i got ears and a tail, see look i have the mark of Artemis" Dawn explained showing Olive her marking.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Olive Howard
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Terra Alkaine

he squeezed her hand as a sign of reassurance before he gently pushed her towards Golem, but it seemed in her nervousness tripped Golem who in turn appeared to have bent down a little a large earthy hand reached out to Dawn, placing one large finger against her chest to keep her from falling. his head then opened up as he spoke "Hello....Friend" his voice sounded like rocks grinding against each other. the way he spoke sounded very slow as if it was difficult for him to speak in the human tongue without actually having a tongue.

Terra then heard a voice behind him and turned his head to see Olive. he waved at her to join them giving her a welcoming smile in hopes she wouldn't run away from the sight of Golem.

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Dawn watched Golem, fasianted by his appearance and how he magically formed from rock. Smiling shyly at it she let go of Terra's hand and placed both of her hands on its one. Feeling the dirt and rock beneath her fingers she noted that he was warm and not cold like she expected.

"Hello Golem its nice to meet you" Dawn spoke softly her shyness had returned. Golem moved a little and the earth rumbled and shook and Dawn let go of him and went back to Terra, wrapping her arms around his waist to steady herself and make sure she didnt fall. Once the shaking stopped Dawn blushed as she noted that she was hanging onto Terra. She quickly let go.

"Sorry" she said quickly

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Terra Alkaine

he smiled kindly at how well Golem interacted with Dawn and he could tell that Golem liked Dawn. Golem began to move a bit to look at Olive, so Dawn walked over to him hugging his waist to keep her balance. Terra raised his arms as he didn't expect her to do this but put them down again, but by then she released him blushing a little as she apologized.

"sorry for what, there's no need to apologize" patting her head. Golem seeing this was curious and reached out and patted Terra on the head but because of his huge size and unbelievable strength he made Terra fall backwards. at this Golem drew back his hand surprisingly fast and let out a low rumble that sounded sad " sorry" looking back at Terra.

Terra smiled his hand reached up towards Golems as he drew his own hand back, he chuckled lightly "ah don't worry Golem there's no need to apologize big guy your fine" standing back up Terra brushed himself off. then turning towards Olive "so how has training gone for you Olive"

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Olive Howard
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Dawn giggled at Golem's reaction. She knew he would never hurt Terra and seeing Terra smile so happy made Dawn happy. She looked back at Golem to see he looked sad and guilt cause he thought he hurt Terra.

"its alright Golem you didnt hurt him, Terra's a big boy" Dawn smiled sweetly at the creature and walked over to him. He was so tall. Gently she hugged his leg then quickly let go. Her white shirt was now dirty with dirt but she didnt care. She then looked at Golem in more detail and she spoke her mind.

"I would love to try and paint a picture of you.....that is if you wouldnt mind Terra" she blushed at her childish behavior and turned to Terra and smiled. The Zeus booming voice echoed threw the skies.

"Children it is getting late practice is over, we will have dinner then you should all get an early nights sleep" Zeus commanded looking down at Dawn.

"and Dawn darling about the ears and tail, Apaitan explained to me what happened and all you need to do is visualize your normal form" Zeus said softly. After Dawn getting mad at him he didnt want a repeat, he knew she was strong and scolded himself for doubting her.

"Alright" Dawn nodded and focus, visualizing herself normal. It took a good 5 minutes but soon Dawn could here the sounds of cracking bone, she got a head ache and a sharp pain ran up her spine. She bit her lip until the pain disappeared and she opened her eyes and looked at Zeus.

"there gone and we should be going to, come children the temple is just up the hill if Terra or Golem dont mind you may ride him there and Golem may come into the temple" Zeus said then started walking to the temple.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Olive Howard
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"Oh, that sounds curius." Olive said at Dawn's explanation. Something was going on here that was strange, and.Olive's all consuming thirst for knowledge wouldn't let it rest. She pushed it to the back of her mind assuring herself that she would investigate later and focused on what was going on in front of her.

The Golem in front of her garbled as he spoke and she, seeing no harm in this creature, said hello to him and shook his rock hand. It seemed to like her and she smiled. Terra asked how her training was going and she responded. "Athena's teaching me to shale the metal now," she said pointing to her field where her metal rendition could be seen. " I think the wolf's snout is a bit off really." She said studying it from afar.

As she was talking, Zeus announced it was time to eat. She was starving, so she welcomed the dinner invitation . She waited for Dawn to change back and they all headed to the temple together.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Olive Howard
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Terra Alkaine

he looked to where Olive pointed seeing the metal wolf "thats cool maybe i should try that and i think it looks fine so no worries" patting her on the shoulder as he let the girls ead the way to the dining hall.

the dining hall was huge with colomns lining the open sides, so one could see outside. the ceiling well there didnt seem to be a ceiling of any kind but the sky despite the fact that it had begun to rain gently outside there wasnt a single drop of water in the grand hall. "whoa" was all Terra could say as his gaze swept across the room and spoted a mini waterfall that made a pool of shimmering clear water, that a woman stopped at filling goblets full of the sparkling water.

Terra sat besides Apiatan, like everyone else who sat next to their god. he grabbed a plate of food and began to eat watching the others as they ate, the room was buzzing with activity as the elements talked with their god or the person across from them.