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Elenia: The Journey Begins Anew

Elenia: The Journey Begins Anew


When the land of Elenia turns to a legend of 6 gems of power, will those chosen by the gems be able to end this dark period, or will they just become more victims to an unforgiving war?

1,408 readers have visited Elenia: The Journey Begins Anew since Magix created it.


**Co-GM: Aufeis**


The continent of Elenia was once a peaceful land.‭ ‬The races that inhabit it had their own kingdoms and people,‭ ‬but the land was generally at peace with itself.‭ ‬While the kingdoms may not have been on the best of terms,‭ ‬there was only the occasional border squabble or some such thing.‭ ‬Each land had its own problems that remained within its borders in an unspoken truce.‭ ‬Rumors and stories often floated amongst taverns,‭ ‬but no kingdom made to help their neighbors much.‭ ‬Among the six,‭ ‬Zevlya,‭ ‬the land of the Shadelians,‭ ‬had it the worst.‭ ‬The lands were barren from constant drought,‭ ‬livestock could not feed.‭ ‬But the King,‭ ‬King Desmond Rune,‭ ‬refused to request aid.‭ ‬He was β€œβ€¬relieved” ‬of his duty by assassins,‭ ‬and his only son,‭ ‬Drake Rune,‭ ‬took the throne.‭ ‬Drake had a much darker plan for Elenia.

Overnight,‭ ‬the land within the Zevlya began to change.‭ ‬Plants sprouted from the ground and water began to run again.‭ ‬While the people were overjoyed at this,‭ ‬they could not figure out why these things would happen.‭ ‬Drake began to spread lies and rumors of his father using dark magic to kill the land.‭ ‬But it was the opposite; ‬Drake was using a ancient and evil relic to make his lands rich.‭ ‬With the Zevlya now restored,‭ ‬Drake announced his breaking of the truce; ‬he had declared war on the rest of Elenia.

Under normal circumstances,‭ ‬this would not be a problem.‭ ‬Surely the five other kingdoms of Elenia could take one? ‬But this was not the case.‭ ‬Rune had brought about an artifact known as the Chaos Gem,‭ ‬which had been sealed away long ago.‭ ‬How he came to acquire it was a mystery,‭ ‬but his intentions were clear.‭ ‬With his now magically powered army,‭ ‬he would begin his march on Elenia.‭ ‬Pyranous was the first to come to head with the Shadelians,‭ ‬the normally matched military forces clashing.‭ ‬But it’s only a matter of time before Zevlya’s army overtakes them.‭ ‬And then the rest of Elenia will fall.
With the Pyrians occupied with Zevlya,‭ ‬the other four lands,‭ ‬Aquaria,‭ ‬Yarevon,‭ ‬Terramoure,‭ ‬and Tyfonas held a council to attempt to form a unified army against the impending threat,‭ ‬but the council met with many an obstacle,‭ ‬the most prevalent being the lack of a single leader.‭ ‬Each country thought that they were best suited to lead the army,‭ ‬and no-one seemed willing to compromise.‭ ‬This lack of unity was the one thing that would keep the lands from successfully defeating Zevlya.‭ ‬Negotiations degenerated quickly,‭ ‬and continue to degenerate now.‭ ‬Little hope remains for a unified army,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬a rise against Zevlya.

However,‭ ‬there are some within the highest groups of scholars and mages who speak of the Legend of the Gems.‭ ‬They believe that all hope may not be lost.‭ ‬Rumor has it,‭ ‬as the mages tell,‭ ‬that the gems do exist,‭ ‬and that they were indeed specifically meant to combat the Chaos Gem.‭ ‬Some believe it as just that,‭ ‬a myth that only fools speak of as truth.‭ ‬To some,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬it is a beacon of hope as the dark fog continues to roll over Elenia and her people.


‭The Legend of the Gems

Long ago,‭ ‬there was a Sorcerer,‭ ‬a wise and revered prodigy of magic by the name of ‬Harran.‭ Harran ‬was hell bent on taming the greatest of magics,‭ ‬but his quest for power corrupted him.‭ ‬He saw the world as a canvas upon which he alone could paint.‭ ‬Summoning demons and other fouls magics,‭ ‬he began his conquest on Elenia.‭ ‬Fearing their annihilation,‭ ‬the six lands called upon their greatest mages to confront the threat.‭ ‬Despite their greatest magics,‭ ‬the mages could not best the man who now answered only to Chaos.‭ ‬Laying wounded and dying,‭ ‬the mage Dalthesor summoned up the essences of his fallen comrades,‭ ‬binding them within six gems,‭ ‬the army of mages embodied in the six gemstones.‭ ‬With dying breath,‭ ‬Dalthesor scattered the gems,‭ ‬hoping that they would be picked up one day and used to defeat Chaos.‭ ‬Years after Chaos‭’ ‬reign was in full,‭ ‬the gems were picked up once more,‭ ‬by warriors who claimed to have been drawn to them; ‬the first wielders.‭ ‬The wielders,‭ ‬after many trials and one final battle,‭ ‬slew Chaos though not before he too imbued a gemstone,‭ ‬with his demonic aura.‭ ‬Try as they might,‭ ‬the wielders could neither destroy nor dispel the gem.‭ ‬So the sealed it away in a place only they knew about and only they could open.‭ ‬They thought the world was rid of it.‭ ‬But they knew there was always a possibility of the Chaos Gem reemerging to cause havoc once more.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬as their deaths approached,‭ ‬they constructed a tomb,‭ ‬inside which they would sleep eternally,‭ ‬lest the Chaos Gem ever rise again.‭




The world of Elenia is divided into six countries,‭ ‬in which a different type of race calls home.‭ ‬Each land is divided by terrains that differ from the others.‭ ‬But universally,‭ ‬as the darkness seems to spread over Elenia,‭ ‬plants wither and die,‭ ‬rivers slow or stop flowing altogether,‭ ‬as though the land itself was plagued with a disease,‭ ‬brought about in the miasma that is the coming war.‭

Zevlya,‭ ‬once made barren by drought,‭ ‬is now lush and well forested.‭ ‬While most of the kingdom sits in the shadow of the mountains to the north,‭ ‬it is flourishing now.‭ ‬It has open access to the seas outside of Elenia,‭ ‬and has some port cities to accommodate its needs.‭ ‬The land in general is a valley,‭ ‬with the west side etched in a low row of mountains,‭ ‬just north of Schivnar.‭

Pyranous‭’ ‬burnt and desert landscape makes the land harsh an uninhabitable to people who would survive off of plant life.‭ ‬The Pyrians,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬are able to live mostly off of trade goods,‭ ‬and what food they cannot trade for,‭ ‬they can sell.‭ ‬Livestock that only flourishes within it’s burning borders can be found in almost every town or city,‭ ‬ready to be traded off or eaten to preserve.

Tyfonas is the exact opposite.‭ ‬Filled with expansive jungles and forests,‭ ‬with the occasional grassy plain makes Tyfonas a vastly wondrous place,‭ ‬but also quite dangerous.‭ ‬Hungry predators prowl the forests,‭ ‬and the Sorians live above the floor,‭ ‬in veritable cities atop the trees,‭ ‬made of exotic looking metals and materials.‭ ‬While it is Pyranous‭’ ‬neighbor,‭ ‬it is split between the two by a vast mountain range,‭ ‬which can either be climbed,‭ ‬which suffers from avalanches,‭ ‬blizzards,‭ ‬rock slides,‭ ‬and other such hazards,‭ ‬or spelunked,‭ ‬with caves inhabited by monsters,‭ ‬highwaymen,‭ ‬and other dangers.‭ ‬Needless to say,‭ ‬travel between the two is scarce.

Aquaria is mostly made of water,‭ ‬with vast cities being build both upon the ocean floors as well as floating on it’s surface.‭ ‬What little of the kingdom is above water is lush enough to support life,‭ ‬but not nearly as lush as Tyfonas.‭ ‬This however,‭ ‬suits its inhabitant’s just fine.‭ ‬Across the islands land are many rivers and lakes,‭ ‬cut into the earth both naturally and by hand.

Terramoure is a rocky and somewhat deserted landscape,‭ ‬but once you head underground or check the cliffs,‭ ‬you will find vast cities that are carves into the landscape itself,‭ ‬making Terramoure the literal home of the Terrans.‭ ‬Rich in both minerals and ores,‭ ‬Terramoure’s main resource is trade of aforementioned materials.‭ ‬That is not to say that the denizens of the caves cannot fend for themselves.‭ ‬Along with wildlife to hunt,‭ ‬there are certain vegetations,‭ ‬such as mushrooms and mosses,‭ ‬that can be eaten quite safely,‭ ‬and often with quite a few delectable flavors.

Lastly and not least is Yarevon.‭ ‬While it’s lands are mostly grasslands,‭ ‬it is dotted with it’s own share of lush forests and lakes,‭ ‬both teaming with life.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬the main resource is farmland.‭ ‬Yarevon specializes in a grand amount of farming,‭ ‬to the point of surplus,‭ ‬giving it plenty to trade for other necessary resources.


Terrans- ‬Residing in the land of Terramoure,‭ ‬they are the race that bonds with the Earth.‭ ‬They are by far the race with the most in brute strength and power.‭ ‬Living at home in the mountains and rocky terrains,‭ ‬they live off of work like mining,‭ ‬blacksmithing,‭ ‬and other hard labor jobs.‭ ‬They stand much taller then the other races,‭ ‬at an average height of ‬7‭ ‬feet.‭ ‬They have a low population size.‭

The Terran armies are trained to endure.‭ ‬They don't have the population of some of the bigger kingdoms such as Zevlya or Yarevon,‭ ‬although that doesn't stop them from holding their own.‭ ‬They are built to withstand on little resources and aim to outlast the other armies assault until they can launch a counter attack.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬the more brutal Kingdoms would be able to take them early on,‭ ‬usually before they really knew it.
Aquarians-‬ Residing in Aquaria,‭ ‬they are the race that bonds with the Sea.‭ ‬They are a race known for their speed in the water and incredible knowledge.‭ ‬Living at home in the shores and river beds,‭ ‬they live off of working in the water,‭ ‬by fishing and sailing.‭ ‬They also are known to have a large library,‭ ‬well known for their vast collection of knowledge.‭ ‬They also have fins along the side of their arms and behind their legs,‭ ‬used for swimming.‭ ‬The race is populated more by females than males.‭ ‬They have an average population size.

The Aquarian armies‭ ‬outmatch nearly everything on and in the water.‭ ‬One on one,‭ ‬any nation would fall to them in a battle on the water.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬their skills lack for the most part on land.‭ ‬They are more support types then front line warriors.‭ ‬Their wisdom is invaluable on the battlefield,‭ ‬for many of them posses a vast amount of knowledge in the fields of medicine.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬without a good front line army for land tactics,‭ ‬if the enemy can infiltrate their Naval defenses and reach dry land,‭ ‬they will most likely be taken apart quickly.
Pyrains- Residing in Pyranous,‭ ‬they are the‭ ‬race that bonds with Flames.‭ ‬They are a race known for their pride and fighting strength,‭ ‬living at home in the desert regions,‭ ‬they live off of military and marketing businesses,‭ ‬as well as being the mercenaries of choice when a mercenary group is needed.‭ ‬A feature they all have though is a high resistance to UV rays as well as high heat.‭ ‬You won't ever see them with a sunburn,‭ ‬and they are affected very little by intense heat.‭ ‬It's the cold that get's them since they aren't used to it.‭ ‬There are more males then females in their race.‭ ‬They have a lower then average population size.‭

The Pyrians are the most brutal when it comes to military might.‭ ‬Even with their lower population size,‭ ‬they can hold off quite well against any nation for quite a while.‭ ‬They use sneak attacks and gurellia tactics to hit their enemies hard and fast undetected.‭ ‬Enemies must be wary about them,‭ ‬especially when they fight in terrain that they know.‭ ‬The desert land doesn't affect their battle prowess,‭ ‬in fact it helps them by hindering the enemy.‭ ‬Even when straight up fighting,‭ ‬they are brutal.‭ [‬i]There is no honor in dying a death that could have been avoided.‭[‬/i‭] ‬That is drilled into each Pyrian from early childhood.‭ About ‬80%‭ ‬of the men are sent straight into the army,‭ ‬while the woman get more of a choice.‭ ‬They can join the army or become a merchant.‭ ‬Either way,‭ ‬unless from a noble home,‭ ‬most Pyrians can fight quite well.
Sorians-‬ Residing in Tyfonas,‭ ‬they are the race that bonds with the Sky.‭ ‬They are a race known for their speed and agility.‭ ‬Living at home in the jungle and forest,‭ ‬they live off of hunting,‭ ‬planting,‭ ‬and natural herbs for medication.‭ ‬A feature their body has is a pair of wings on their backs,‭ ‬just big enough for ‬flying short distances,‭ and ‬fin-like wings on the side of their arms.‭ ‬The have an average population size.

They are masters of aerial combat.‭ ‬A tactic they use is loading a few rocks and boulders into a net and flying it between ‬5‭ ‬or ‬6‭ ‬of them.‭ ‬Then they fly above the enemy and drop it on them like an airstrike.‭ ‬A somewhat effective technique,‭ ‬but with the invention of catapults and a rise in Bow and Crossbow usage,‭ ‬it becomes more and more riskier.

‭Shadelians- ‬Residing in Zevla,‭ ‬they are the race that bonds with the darkness.‭ ‬Shadelians have a general dark look to them.‭ ‬Dark hair and dark shaded eyes,‭ ‬along with more tanned skin generally.‭ ‬They have the biggest population size.‭

The Shadelians are the most strategic of the Kingdoms.‭ ‬Not that the other Kingdoms don't have good tactics playing to their strengths,‭ ‬the Shadelians just have the strategic prowess to see through them.‭ ‬It may take them a while,‭ ‬but one on one the Shadelians have the ability to overtake any kingdom.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬without the chaos gem's power,‭ ‬it would take many,‭ ‬many years to take over any single kingdom,‭ ‬let alone their current goal of them all.

‭Lethlians- ‬Residing in Yarevon,‭ ‬they are the race that bonds with the light.‭ ‬The opposites of Shadelians,‭ ‬Lethlians have a general bright look to them,‭ ‬bright hair and eyes,‭ ‬as well as vibrant skin.‭ ‬They have an above average population size,‭ ‬the second largest overall.

The Lethlians are the most honor based fighters.‭ ‬The warriors they train usually are knights.‭ ‬Warriors that believe in head on combat,‭ ‬and to die on the battlefield to be the most honorable death.‭ ‬They are the most well rounded fighters,‭ ‬being able to compete with all of the other kingdoms on their terms.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬without bringing in specialists on battling their specific enemy,‭ ‬they may fail overall.‭ ‬Many knights are front line men or woman,‭ ‬but without the proper support they are in for a rough time.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬this kingdom also has the most noble families.‭ ‬Noble Families that specialize in their own teachings,‭ ‬many of them working as mercenaries that aren't trained as the knights are.

‭Noble Families (‬more will be added as time goes on,‭ ‬if you'd like to add one specifically for your character,‭ ‬please PM me with the details and we can work something out)‬:

Krovi‭ (‬restricted,‭ ‬characters cannot be made from this clan)‬:‭

A noble family of Yarevon.‭ ‬They have been around longer then the ‬Yarevon ‬Kingdom,‭ ‬being one of the founding houses of the nation.‭ ‬To say they were wealthy,‭ ‬would be a vast understatement.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬all isn't right with the Krovi clan.‭ ‬The Krovi clan all posses magic abilities regarding blood in some way shape or form.‭ ‬However the story doesn't end there.‭ ‬About every ‬125‭ ‬years a Krovi is born with an extra ability.‭ ‬This ability bestows great power upon the one who possess it,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬it's not easy to activate.‭ ‬The possessor must be covered in blood,‭ ‬either his own or someone he's slain.‭ ‬He can't just cover himself in it either,‭ ‬it has to be done naturally.‭ ‬This ability is known only as Krovian Durability.

About ‬100‭ ‬years before the present time,‭ ‬there was an incident.‭ ‬An incident that would disgrace the Krovi name indefinitely.‭ ‬A Krovi man,‭ ‬of about ‬25‭ ‬years old,‭ ‬was a noble knight (‬as many of the Krovi were back then)‬.‭ ‬A noble knight,‭ ‬with the However,‭ ‬on one fateful day,‭ ‬the stories tell of him loosing his mind.‭ ‬He began to slay his own comrades,‭ ‬just to be covered in their blood.‭ ‬In the end the enemies were dead,‭ ‬but at the cost of nearly the entire troop sent.‭ ‬Those who lived,‭ ‬spread the story of his traitorous nature.‭ ‬When asked his side of the story,‭ ‬they say he just stood there with a blank stare.‭ ‬Like a soulless shell of a person.

Soon after the trial process the Krovi man was sentenced to death,‭ ‬and publicly executed by guillotine.‭ ‬The Krovi's stature,‭ ‬despite being a clan who helped found the kingdom,‭ ‬was tarnished.‭ ‬Their good reputation destroyed.‭ ‬They were started to be looked upon as scum of the kingdom.‭ ‬It was also ruled that they could never formally militarize again,‭ ‬as well as a complete ban from the Knighthood.‭ ‬Currently some Krovi's do act as mercenaries,‭ ‬however they work in small groups of Krovi's only.‭ ‬Today,‭ ‬a new heir to Krovian Durability has been born; ‬one hoping to clean the tarnished name of Krovi,‭ ‬and restore the honor the family once had.


A noble family of the‭ ‬Pyranous‭ ‬Kingdom.‭ ‬The Zaions have been around for only ‬200‭ ‬years or so.‭ ‬In the world of Elenia,‭ ‬they are a pretty new family.‭ ‬They seemed to sprout up overnight,‭ ‬however all wealthy families seem to become nobles.‭ ‬It is unclear as to where the family obtained such wealth however.‭ ‬It's a well kept secret,‭ ‬that only a few of the Elders of the Zaion's know.‭ ‬Overall they are a very overprotective Clan.‭ ‬The males are taught to fight.‭ ‬Some sent off to join the armies,‭ ‬others staying to protect the clan,‭ ‬and a few even becoming mercenaries or thieves themselves.‭ ‬The females on the other hand,‭ ‬are not allowed to learn more then basic defense (‬which being Pyrians,‭ ‬is quite a bit of fighting knowledge by most other race's standards‭)‬.‭ ‬They are meant to stay within the walls and get married,‭ ‬having children to carry on the Zaion name.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬despite the woman being treated that way,‭ ‬times are changing.‭ ‬More and more want to learn to fight,‭ ‬just as many of their Pyrian brethren whom aren't in the family are.‭ ‬It's even common to find woman on the front lines,‭ ‬fighting on par with the men (‬something the Pyrian's used to believe wasn't plausible)‬.‭ ‬One has to wonder though,‭ ‬how this overprotective clan would react to the clan leaders' ‬daughter being chosen over their son to be a gem host.‭ ‬Old habit and old ways of thinking,‭ ‬are hard to get rid of after all.


The Sartagus name is not one of extreme wealth,‭ ‬but of power; ‬religious power,‭ ‬to be more exact.‭ ‬The Sartagus ministries have reigned over Tyfonus‭’ ‬church for many years,‭ ‬and while the family is not incredibly wealthy,‭ ‬it is by no means poor.‭ ‬The current minister of Tyfonus,‭ ‬Bairick Sartagus,‭ ‬is a well known man within the Tyfonus church.‭ ‬The family,‭ ‬when not within the ministry,‭ ‬is one of intellectual pursuits,‭ ‬though this mostly applies to the women of the family.‭ ‬The men,‭ ‬especially the first born of each generation,‭ ‬go into the ministry.‭ ‬That chain,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬was recently broken.‭ ‬Ventaro Sartagus,‭ ‬Bairick’s oldest son,‭ ‬refused to go into the ministry,‭ ‬and instead left to go and explore the wonders of the industrial sweepings of the world.‭ ‬While Bairick’s feelings upon the matter were those of anger,‭ ‬something in the back of his mind tells him that Ven is destined for much greater things than those the ministry can offer.


Character Sheet

Appearance: (image and description if image isn't enough)
Race: (look under "races" for details)
Power: (for the Hosts of the Gems)
Skills: (for those non Gem abilities)


Character List

Gem Hosts

Light - Jet Vareli Played By - Magix
Dark - Arienna Intuneric Played By - Aufeis
Earth - Elise Tertarun Played By - ChaosWolf
Wind - Ava Martel Played By - blargman239
Water - Marina Caspian Played By - angelwolfchild
Fire - Scarlet Zaion Played By - Magix


Man Fighting for Honor - Zetisuke Krovi Played By - Magix
The Hapless Inventor - Ventaro Sartagus Played By - Aufeis
The Combat Medic - Nadanna Ember Played By - blargman239
Robin Hoodlum - Drindill Shontoll Played By - ChaosWolf
The Cleric - Lilianna Kyril - Played By Dephantasia
The Knight Losing Sight of.... Everything - Gallum Tetri - Played By Dephantasia

Toggle Rules

- All Plots, Sub-Plots, Side Stories, ect that are intended to be traversed in the story, MUST be run by the GM/Co-GM first. We have no problem including side trips and whatnot, we just need to know what you'd like to do this way we can incorporate it into the storyline.
- Romance is allowed and a bit encouraged. Since in my point of view it adds emotion to an RP.
- If your going to be gone for a while let us know. We have no problem bringing you along, we just like to know that your still with us.
- Be creative
- No Godmodding Of Course (Now I don’t think any of us care if you place a hand on someone’s shoulder just no crazy stuff. I’m sure you know what I mean)
- Have Fun
- Credit for the idea of this RP goes to Oblivian. He started it, and was nice enough to let us use the idea.
- A 100 word minimum Per post. This isn't asking for much, just please try and fluff the short posts up to 100 words.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Marina frowned at what Jet said.
He had been told to kill something? What kind of task was that? And what could it possibly prove? Her task had seemed to be a test of her intelligence... no, it had called her wise.
It was her wisdom that was being tested.
β€œChildren’s fairy tale? What do you mean?”
For some reason that line caught her off guard, and something else came through to her mind. An old rhyme that had been written on the back page in a book of Aquarian fairy tales, no one knew who had done it or why but it had always been there. Many of the scholars dismissed it as some nonsense scribbling but now that she thought about it, that rhyme suddenly seemed significant, but she couldn’t sa
β€œThe goblin shrouded in darkened form, spreading poison across the lands, is frightened by the crystal light, cast by six hearts and six hands...”
Marina was only half aware she had recited the rhyme out loud. She looked about her, doing a quick count around the room. Twelve people, nearly all different races. Twelve... six and six... six hearts and six hands... but who was who? As for the goblin in darkened form spreading poison... the Shadelian Prince. She may have lived a sheltered life but her father had informed her of what was happening to the lands. The darkened form was because this power acted through the shadelians, the poison was the pollution and environmental damage which spread throughout the land. Part of her couldn't believe it, an old rhyme that none could make sense of before suddenly sounded like the situation they were in? Surely that was too fantastic.
Maybe... or maybe it was the simple truth.
At Zet’s words she turned to him, broken from her train of thought.
β€œYes, I think that all of us have endured a task for a purpose... this isn’t coincidence. I think someone, or something, has planned all of this.” She looked at him. β€œThese tasks seem to be tests. When you were given yours, did you hear a voice at all? Telling you what your task was supposed to prove or what was going to happen to you afterwards?"


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#, as written by Magix
Zet thought to himself as Marina spoke the rhyme, or whatever it was. It had similarities to their situation, but he’d never heard of it before. Not like that would surprise him, Nursery Rhymes and Bedtime Stories weren’t exactly the normal for the Krovi house. As Marina spoke to him however, he couldn’t help but fight back the smile that he wanted to show. This girl was different from any girl he had met before, and not just because she was an aquarian either. β€œA voice? Now that you mention it, I did. It explained my so called task, but I’m not sure that completing it got me anywhere better then I was before. I was sent to this room with all of you, stuck in the same mess with no explanation.”

Jet laughed a bit as Arienna became so defensive. β€œOi, dontcha be worryin yerself o’er there. I’d not be killin anyone unless in a fair fight. Sides, I don’t be thinkin it was the real you, unless you got hurt after gettin in these caves.” Turning back to the conversation with Marina and Zet, he scoffed a bit. β€œOi, I heard that voice too, but he be wantin me to kill that lass o’er there, and dishonorably to boot. It said we’re supposed to be gem somethings, like the Gem Fairy tale. A bunch of horse shit if ye be askin me. Some damn fool has a sick sense a humor and is trying to toy with us. We’ll be getting outta ’ere once he o’ she get’s bored.” Jet finished up his statement, sitting back against the nearest wall, and relaxing. No use staying stressed in this kind of situation. May as well relax and catch a nap or something.


Scarlet checked her feet and sure enough, they were sand free as the Sorian had suggested. Deep down, she assumed the same thing, though for the small chance he wasn’t an illusion, she couldn’t stop looking. β€œI see... Well even if that’s so, until we’re certain, I can’t stop looking. Thank you for your help Mr... Umm.. Sorian fellow. I can’t leave the chance of the baby being out there and in need of help, up to assumption though, ya know?”


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#, as written by Aufeis
Ari let out a snort as Jet β€˜reassured’ her, β€œI would like to see you try…” She muttered to herself before talk of a voice came up, β€œI heard the voice as well, and it spoke to me of the myth as well.” This she spoke loud enough for all of them to hear. She crossed her arms and frowned, leaning against one of the pillars with her bag at her feet.

Ven frowned a little before shrugging, β€œSuit yourself, although I must say that even if the child were real, he is clearly not here. Someone would have noticed a baby by this point.” He was trying to be helpful, but he realized that he probably sounded condescending, β€œAllow me to introduce myself, the name is Ventaro, ma’am. Ventaro Sartagus. Or Ven if you like. I’m a traveling machinist. ”

Suddenly, everyone in the group felt a rumbling. It didn’t come from any direction, but simply everywhere. It was as if they were at the epicenter of an earthquake. Then, suddenly, it stopped. There was a moment of relative silence before what seemed like an explosion ripped the cavern’s air in two, the sound echoing off of every rock. When it stopped, the cavern was much more majestic than it had been, and the wall at the β€˜head’ of the chamber had quite literally ripped open. Torches adorned every pocket of darkness that had existed moments before, and the wall’s now looked less like a cavern and more like a man-made structure, though it was akin to the cave before, in that the structure looked perfect, as if someone had simply molded the earth itself. High above them, about forty feet or so, was a gigantic chandelier, made not of glass, but of ice, as well as containing fire, though neither the ice nor the fire seemed to acknowledge the other’s presence. A gentle breeze flew through the chamber, though there was no source for it to come from. Both Ven and Ari looked up from their place on the ground, both having been there for different reasons. Ven had hit the deck, as he knew quite well the effects of an explosion. Ari had simply fallen there on her wounded leg, and now looked irritated both at the explosion and herself. The wall that had blown itself out (yet there was no rubble) now shifted, revealing a series of staircases. And atop each of the six separate staircases were massive plateaus of stone, the likes of which Ari had never seen. Upon each plateau was a structure about three feet tall and at least twice that in length. They looked like…tombs. This was a burial chamber, a grand one at that, for six people. Displayed on each tomb was a gem, not grand and alluring, but actually quite small. They were roughly the size of a doorknob each, maybe smaller. One could easily close their hand around it should they hold it in their palm. The chamber itself was even grander than the one they were standing in at the moment, though it seemed to compress, matching itself against the wall until the tombs themselves had pressed into the room, and the wall where they had entered was sealed. Again there was a moment of silence, broken only by Ven raising a hand to draw attention before saying, β€œI just wanna say, for the record, that I had nothing to do with this, whatsoever. Just saying.”

A voice that was familiar to each person standing in the room now spoke, or laughed, actually, as it split into six separate voices. As the voice split completely, figures appeared upon the tombs, some standing as if ready for confrontation, others sitting loftily, as if expecting company. Three men and three women, all looking down from atop the tombs at the people they had gathered. Finally, a man with great wings upon his back spoke, his voice serious but also very lighthearted, β€œPretty good turn out, wouldn’t you say, Eliya.” He shifted slightly where he was leaning on the tomb, but other than that, he made no move.

The woman, clearly an Aquarian, sitting atop the second tomb nodded, β€œIndeed. We have but six hosts, thankfully. Do we not, Balaan?”

The man sitting on her left, occupying the fourth tomb, nodded, though his eyes were locked on Ari, β€œIndeed, though they do not look like they will be able to handle what we have in store for them.”

The first tomb’s man now spoke, his arms crossed and his stance akin to that of a Pyrian battle stance, β€œI don’t want to hear it, Balaan. At least yours looks like she can hold a weapon without dropping it. Look at mine! A wee little girl who lost her brain when an illusion baby goes missing. Sheesh. She’ll be real scary when the Chaos Gem’s new master is snacking on her. And what is with all the women!? Are there no men capable in taking up our task? β€˜Tis a sad, sad day and age indeed.”

The woman kneeling atop the third tomb held up her hand, β€œCorton, hush. You need not intimidate them before their journey begins. It will be difficult enough as it is.” She spoke, her voice both soft, yet strangely commanding. She turned to look at the last to speak, β€œWhat say you, Daliea?”

The final woman, easily taller than the rest of her fellows, was giving the group below her an appraising look, β€œThey will grow and adapt, with time, Serenity. The trials chose well, I think.” She said this with a kind smile.

Serenity now turned to look at the Sorian who had spoken first, β€œThere you have it, Tamlin.”

Tamlin smiled, β€œIndeed. There I have it. So, I think we ought to fill these folks in on the actual reason they’re here, instead of bantering back and forth like a bunch of crazy people, yes?” The group sounded in agreement and Tamlin smirked, β€œAva Martel, please step forward.” As he spoke, he stood up, crossing his arms.

Daliea stood next, β€œElise Tertarun, please step forward.”

Next stood Balaan, β€œArienna Intuneric. Step forward.”

Serenity hopped off the tomb and stood, β€œJet Vareli, please step forward.”

Eliya stood next, her eyes on Marina, β€œMarina Caspian, please step forward.”

Finally, Corton stood begrudgingly, β€œScarlet Zaion, step forward now.”

The first five cast a small glare in Corton’s direction, but other than that they did not speak to him. Instead, they turned and waited until the six they had called out stood before them before speaking again, their voices blending together almost into one, β€œThe six of you have been chosen to protect Elenia from a great evil, the power of the Chaos Gem. The trials that you accomplished to set you in this very room were nothing compared to the trials that you will face along your journey. But do not fear, as you will be gifted a great power of your own, with which you will be able to defeat the Chaos Gem, but only so long as you work in conjunction. Should you turn on one another, or separate, the power of the gems we give to you shall be naught against the might of the Chaos Gem.”

They then turned to those who had not stepped forward, β€œThose of you we did not call. Zetisuke Krovi. Ventaro Sartagus. Drindiil Shontoll, and Nadanna Ember. You have all been chosen for your various abilities. Some of you will protect the Gem Hosts with your blades; others with your mind. Some shall fulfill roles you never thought possible. But all of you have one thing in common. You must work together to end the reign of Drake Rune, the present wielder of the Chaos Gem. He is your greatest enemy. And if you should fail, then the world shall be plunged into a darkness so deep, it will consume every light. If you fail…you will all die.” The six paused for a moment, letting everything sink in before they continued, β€œWe will be there to guide you should you truly need it. We, and all those before us, will be with you always. Do any of you have any questions before we bequeath the hosts with their gems, and we give the guardians their Oath of Guardianship?” They asked, all six pairs of eyes scanning the crowd.


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Elise blinked. She couldn't have been out very long. Her limbs were still sore, but she heard her name, voiced by a woman. Blearily, she turned her head upwards and saw the room. She could faintly remember the room being much different, not so large, not to light. She saw the six figures, standing high above them. With a rough grunt, she moved her aching limbs, standing up. She stepped forward, legs shaking. She stared up at the tallest figure above them, the one that was obviously Terran. Questions. Questions? Yeah, she had a ton of questions. But magic was involved. All this magic. It would probably be wrapped in bullshit riddles, vague anecdotes. She didn't want to deal with any more bullshit than she had to. She just wanted to do this... mission thing. Whatever, this would be just like one of her more... questionable jobs. She shook her head, showing she had no questions while trying to clear her head. She felt so sluggish. She hated it.


Drindiil, however, was not about to go quietly into the night. With cocky confidence, he strode forward slightly, clapping his hands together once. "Well, this sounds like an excellent adventure, and one worthy of my skill. So, my mystical guardians of good and magic, how should we tell the people of our mission? Do we do it loud and proud, with bards and parades, or use subtlety and shadows, telling the urchins vague riddles and rhymes that only come to fruition when our mission is complete?" Drindiil was not exactly the sharpest needle in the haystack, but he would definitely be the shiniest.


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#, as written by Aufeis
Balaan, looking at Drindiil with slight irritation, crossed his arms, "Yes, hiding in shadows and boasting seem to be two of your strong suits, Drindiil; let us see if protecting the real heroes of this tale is also within your ability range, shall we?" He said, clearly not impressed with Drindiil's cocky outburst, "One would have thought that the shouting you already received would be enough to curb you flamboyant nature, though that is clearly not the case. Just know that your necessity for irrelevant flare and yearning for fame could get you or your charges killed. How you go about convincing the people is not our concern, you must instead look to their leaders and convince them to rally together against this threat. The gems should be a good symbol to stand behind for them, but it will not make your success in this endeavor automatic. No doubt you will have to do something to earn their trust and respect, as well as to show your strength. And by strength, I do not necessarily mean strength of arm. There is also strength of heart and mind. Remember that in your travels."

Daliea looked at Elise for a moment before smiling gently at her, "Do not fear, young Terran. When we bestow upon you the gems, your weariness from the trial will be removed. I apologize personally for that, you were my responsibility as the prospective Earth Gem wielder. It was a harsh lesson, but a necessary one at that. Not all problems may be solved by running away, and it was necessary to show you your strength. I assure you that you were never in any real danger; none of you were in any real danger. The perception of danger was simply to get true trial results."


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Ava scoffed as the spirit called her name. She slowly got up from her rock and walked to Tamlin. β€œAny chance I could switch with one of the other people here? I have shit to do and I do not need some epic quest to save the world.” Her voice mocked Tamlin and everyone there. β€œOut of everyone in the world you pick me? Why?!” She was angry now. β€œYou have no right to do this!” The only thing that came out from her robes was her hand, covered by a leather glove and pointing at Tamlin.

Nadanna stayed silent as the spirits talked. 'I have to protect these people? What about the war? I am needed there more than here.' Nadanna continued to think to herself and hold half of her attention to what was going on. She was never one for believing in spirits and ghost in the frist place. 'Maybe I just fell asleep in my tent again after a long day. Yeah thats it.'


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#, as written by Aufeis
Tamlin shrugged, "You could have failed your test if you did not think you were fit for this, or if you did not want the responsibility. As it stands, you either accept this burden we give to you, or perish. The choice is yours to make." He said with a shrug. He didn't mean to sound heartless, but to say that they had no right was somewhat of an arrogant thing to say, "You are saying that your petty tasks are more important than the safety and well-being of the entire world? Who are you to assume such things. Your life seems all the important, doesn't it? You've done so much with it, haven't you? What great accomplishments have you achieved? This is not a matter of fame or glory, it is of survival. Let me be frank with you, if you do not take this quest, all of you in this room, as well as everyone in Elenia, and eventually beyond, will perish. Do you understand, Miss Martel? This is bigger than each of you, bigger than anything you could possibly hope to achieve in your lifetimes otherwise. Would you condemn everyone in the world to a fate worse than death? If you can bear that burden, then by all means...The only way out of here is by our allowance, so if you would like us to send you back to your cave, then we can do so. Just say the word."

Corton looked at Nadanna, "Hey! You wanna-be doctor. Pay attention to what we're saying. We aren't here flapping our dead gums for nothing, and if you've got the audacity to ignore us while we're talking, I'm gonna come down there and shove my ghostly boot up your ass."

Serenity's eyes flashed, "Corton. Enough."

Corton shook his head, "This is what we're resting the fate of Elenia and beyond on? Really? You gotta be shitting me. They barely understand the severity of the situation they're all in, let alone what happens if they fail." He turned to face Ava, "We have more power than you could hope to possess, girl, and your mocking tone is not appreciated. Know your place, lest the consequences befall you. We have been quite accommodating for you to take such a tone with us. We are not here to argue, and we would much rather allow you to walk freely from this place, but should you choose to continue to act as you are, we will show you your place. You remember what that is like, do you not? We are not your enemies. We are your allies in this endeavor. Treat us as such and you shall receive in kind. The illusion of choice in this matter is broken now by my words. You will not be able to leave, any of you, until you chosen have taken your gems and those chosen have taken their oaths to protect. You speak of right. There is no right; we are shattering your predefined illusion of choice. You are destined to take these gems, just as we were before you."

Serenity closed her eyes and breathed for a moment, a calming energy circulating through the room for a moment before it faded, "We will show you what will happen should you fail, or should you choose not to take this task now. For now, suffice to say that the consequences of either will result in your deaths, if not now, then very soon. Are there any others among you who have questions."

Arienna took a step forward, "You expect us to fight an army, but what chance do we stand, fairy-tale gems or no. Will they protect us from arrows or blades? We will still bleed as any mortal does, and we will still die should a bit of steel find the right place. I have seen first hand the horrors you put us up against, I have marched in their ranks. I fled from them the first chance I had, and you expect me to simply march back with an even larger target on my back? I barely survived my first encounter with Rune's army, I shall not chance my luck by doing it again."

Balaan laughed, "This is the embodiment of tenacity, is it not? Would you back down from this challenge? The chance to defeat him?" He asked, and Ari's eyes widened as she cringed back a little. She knew who he was talking about alright, and her eyes immediately dropped to the cave's floor.

Ven was watching the others with curiosity. A doctor, an inventor, an assassin, and a thief. These were the people picked to protect the legendary gem hosts? Ven had his head in the clouds sometimes, but did these people really expect them to protect them, "Uh, excuse me, spooky ghost things? are we four supposed to protect all six of them? I mean...I dunno about you all, but I'm not exactly a fighter."

Ari scoffed, "I do not need your protection, Sorian, and you had best believe it."

Ven nodded slightly, "As I'm sure, Miss, uh...Intuneric? You appear to be wounded as it is, I might add. My point remains, there are those among us who are not trained to fight. How can we possibly be expected to triumph in this battle?"

Tamlin crossed his arms, "Some of you are here to fight. Others, to care for and nurture. As you journey, there are those that will join you. Allies that will come from the most unexpected places. You simply need to find them. Unfortunately, we do not have the strength outside these walls we once had, and we had to choose the most imperative of those. Well...there was one that we were to bring before you before all others, but she is close enough for you to find on your own. Nadanna Ember, your dedication to the arts of medicine and the well being of your allies shall be your greatest asset. Zetisuke Krovi, your blade shall keep the gem hosts safe when they are at their weakest, and you shall tutor them in the way of close-quarters fighting. Drindill Shontoll, despite your cocky nature, your stealth and agility shall benefit these hosts, and you will help them embrace the way of the bow should they choose it. And lastly, Ventaro Sartagus, your knowledge of chemistry and mechanics will keep your allies well armed and supplied. You guardians are just as important to the success of this quest as the hosts themselves, for they will not always be able to carry themselves on their own feet. They need allies to support them."


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Ava held her tongue. How did this stupid ghost know her past. She swore under her breath and glared back at all of the ghosts. β€œFine, I will do what you want.” After speaking, Ava turned her head to the side and whispered to herself, β€œWhatever gets me the hell out of here.”

Nadanna, jumped up when Corton spoke to her. β€œHey! I am one of the best damn field doctors in the army. I am not some wanna-be doctor!” At this moment, Nadanna's eyes fell upon Arienna's wound. 'Yes she is my enemy but I am not going to be a damn hypocrite.' She slowly moved up to Ari and spoke as kindly as I could. β€œMs. may I take a look at your wound before they become infected or worse?”


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#, as written by Aufeis
Corton laughed a little when Nadanna defended herself, "Much better. Glad you could rejoin the party. Do pay attention, and we can get through this without more senseless name calling."

Tamlin wanted to say something to Ava, but decided against it. There was too much hate and anger in her now. She would have to learn to trust the other hosts and the guardians sooner or later. As the thought crossed his 'mind', Arienna turned to Nadanna, "I am fine. I do not require your, or anyone else's, assistance. I may not be your enemy, but I am also not your friend. If we are to be allies on this suicidal mission, then we are merely that. Allies of circumstance."

Balaan shook his head and sighed, "Trust. Unity. Survival. All of you must trust one another, become more than allies. You are all now comrades in arms. Together, you will survive. If you forget that, then you will fall, and with you, so will the world."


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Drindiil had been having trouble finding his words. Okay, he should have remembered his little trial but really now, it's not like he was just going to change just like that. It would be gradual. Yeah. As everyone argued and bickered again, Drindiil straightened himself. "Come now, great guardian! I know of strength of mind and heart, of course I do. And sure, I could help my..." He glanced around at the others, flashing his teeth in a grin. "Compatriots in the ways of the vagabond, but come now, it's not as if that's all I have to offer." He moved to Elise and gave her back a gentle pat. "After all, long time partners will need more than just regular comfort after some time, am I right?"

Elise glared at the Shadelian, and gave his gut a quick elbow. She stood a little straighter and walked away from him, closer to the others. Drindiil, rubbing his gut, kept his smile. "Of course, I don't mean just me."

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Elenia by Magix


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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Zetisuke Krovi
Character Portrait: Scarlet Zaion
Character Portrait: Nadanna Ember
Character Portrait: Elise Tertarun
Character Portrait: Drindiil Shontoll
Character Portrait: Arienna Intuneric
Character Portrait: Ventaro Sartagus
Character Portrait: Marian Caspian
Character Portrait: Jet Vareli


Character Portrait: Jet Vareli
Jet Vareli

Oi, ain't this gonna be a hella'va 'venture?

Character Portrait: Marian Caspian
Marian Caspian

"Knowledge is power but power is nothing without harmony..."

Character Portrait: Ventaro Sartagus
Ventaro Sartagus

"Ven Sartagus, roving inventor extraordinaire, at your service."

Character Portrait: Arienna Intuneric
Arienna Intuneric

"To save the world, must I throw myself into darkness?"

Character Portrait: Drindiil Shontoll
Drindiil Shontoll

"A skip 'long the rooftops, and the whisper of a cloak, and I've already stolen the pants from your legs. You can chase me all you want, but you'll just get tired."

Character Portrait: Elise Tertarun
Elise Tertarun

"The best way to beat the world is to keep running ahead of it."

Character Portrait: Nadanna Ember
Nadanna Ember

"I promise to never let my allies fall to anything, and I will fight the gods to keep my promise."

Character Portrait: Scarlet Zaion
Scarlet Zaion

"Sometimes everyone needs to have a good time, ya know?"

Character Portrait: Zetisuke Krovi
Zetisuke Krovi

"My kin are dishonored because of one man. Can I make a difference to reverse that?"


Character Portrait: Arienna Intuneric
Arienna Intuneric

"To save the world, must I throw myself into darkness?"

Character Portrait: Elise Tertarun
Elise Tertarun

"The best way to beat the world is to keep running ahead of it."

Character Portrait: Jet Vareli
Jet Vareli

Oi, ain't this gonna be a hella'va 'venture?

Character Portrait: Drindiil Shontoll
Drindiil Shontoll

"A skip 'long the rooftops, and the whisper of a cloak, and I've already stolen the pants from your legs. You can chase me all you want, but you'll just get tired."

Character Portrait: Nadanna Ember
Nadanna Ember

"I promise to never let my allies fall to anything, and I will fight the gods to keep my promise."

Character Portrait: Zetisuke Krovi
Zetisuke Krovi

"My kin are dishonored because of one man. Can I make a difference to reverse that?"

Character Portrait: Ventaro Sartagus
Ventaro Sartagus

"Ven Sartagus, roving inventor extraordinaire, at your service."

Character Portrait: Marian Caspian
Marian Caspian

"Knowledge is power but power is nothing without harmony..."

Character Portrait: Scarlet Zaion
Scarlet Zaion

"Sometimes everyone needs to have a good time, ya know?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jet Vareli
Jet Vareli

Oi, ain't this gonna be a hella'va 'venture?

Character Portrait: Elise Tertarun
Elise Tertarun

"The best way to beat the world is to keep running ahead of it."

Character Portrait: Ventaro Sartagus
Ventaro Sartagus

"Ven Sartagus, roving inventor extraordinaire, at your service."

Character Portrait: Zetisuke Krovi
Zetisuke Krovi

"My kin are dishonored because of one man. Can I make a difference to reverse that?"

Character Portrait: Scarlet Zaion
Scarlet Zaion

"Sometimes everyone needs to have a good time, ya know?"

Character Portrait: Arienna Intuneric
Arienna Intuneric

"To save the world, must I throw myself into darkness?"

Character Portrait: Drindiil Shontoll
Drindiil Shontoll

"A skip 'long the rooftops, and the whisper of a cloak, and I've already stolen the pants from your legs. You can chase me all you want, but you'll just get tired."

Character Portrait: Nadanna Ember
Nadanna Ember

"I promise to never let my allies fall to anything, and I will fight the gods to keep my promise."

Character Portrait: Marian Caspian
Marian Caspian

"Knowledge is power but power is nothing without harmony..."

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Most recent OOC posts in Elenia: The Journey Begins Anew

Re: [OOC] Elenia: The Journey Begins Anew

alright, Magix, My character that was denied the light gem status has been turned into a guardian. Sorry, between 8 classes in school, and massive chores that i admittedly let slide for awhile at home, Ive not been able to do much online >.<

Re: [OOC] Elenia: The Journey Begins Anew

*pooooooooooke* Is there anyone here? Posting?

It's so cold here...

Re: [OOC] Elenia: The Journey Begins Anew

oh my god, That was the longest connection problem ive ever had. I couldnt access anything remotely tied to the internet. Thats the reason I couldnt get on. im wondering if any of my rps are still active. hmm. anyway, how is everyone? hopefully not too pissed at me for not replying.

EDIT:: If it would be alright, could both of my characters be guardians? I can make changes to Gallum, as he was the Earth Gem wielder before.

Re: [OOC] Elenia: The Journey Begins Anew

Alright everyone, first posts are up, and put Ven and Ari in the magical roomly chamber of magical roomliness. Go ahead and do the same for your characters, new and old, and we can get this rolling at normal speeds.

((Except for Magix, who is a lazy bum.))

[OOC] Elenia: The Journey Begins Anew

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Elenia: The Journey Begins Anew"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.


After a few restarts of this, we've decided to go with all major roles fulfilled by the majority of the faithful crew so far. That's not saying that no one can submit a new character, and it's not saying that said character won't be important to the story. Guardian roles are unlimited in amount, and can (and will be if necessary) written/killed off. If you'd like to make a guardian, please supply us with some sort of writing example (we're not looking for anything specific, we just want to know that you're capable of actually being a literate rper. Please also only look to join if you know you'll stay with it. We understand sometimes things just come up, but please make sure everything that isn't a surprise won't stop you from posting.