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Experimental Love

Laboratory in an Unknown Location


a part of Experimental Love, by cass-isnt-here.


cass-isnt-here holds sovereignty over Laboratory in an Unknown Location, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Laboratory in an Unknown Location is a part of Experimental Love.

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Akitra [8] Eating dark chocolate is a stress reliever, but so are a few...other....things.

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Character Portrait: October Sterling
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October silently followed behind the man in the white outfit-the man continued to tug on the blondes chains that tightly warped around his writs and attached to his purple collar.
'keep moving.' The man called as he tugged on his chains. It grew silent as They walked down the empty halls of the Laboratory. October had been passed on from one lab to another because no one was able to seem to find the right genes to make this neko more blunt and sexual like he needed to be and was made for. Something had gone wrong when he was made and it cased him to be innocent-yet still have a craving for his sexual needs. The people in the lab and the people trying to sell the creatures that were being made didnt think that people wanted a shy innocent neko- but wanted a dominate neko who was blunt.
October blinked a few times as the man before him opened a door to the lab where bright lights placed around the room. The blonde began to shake utterly scared of everything, he tried pulling back but was yanked hardly by the chines and continued to be dragged to the other side of the room.

(OCC- is this okay?I didnt know if they are kept in cages or anything so idk)

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Character Portrait: Akitra
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Akitra stared at the white ceiling then at the white-coated doctor who seemed to be waiting the arrival of someone else. The doctor, Mr. Snuffles as he has formally dubbed him, was writing furiously on a clipboard. Akitra jumped up from where he was lying on the ground and started poking Mr. Snuffles. "Hey. Hey. Whatcha writin~?" he asked in an irritating tone of voice and a huge mischievous grin spread across his handsome face.

Mr. Snuffles glared at him and attempted to kick him, but he was no match for Akitra's speed. They really needed to remember to chain Akitra up when he's around his "superiors". Then again, he could probably just brake out of them if he really tried. Lost in thought, Akitra didn't notice that doctor approaching him, until he felt impact collide with his precious head.

Bastard cheated. He ended up staring at the ceiling again, but his will wasn't broken. No. He was going to keep annoying Mr. Snuffles until he actually said something. It was a fun, but dangerous game for him to play. "Hey, Mr. Snuffles. You should paint the ceiling blue....or purple or green or-"

He was cut off short when a blonde neko was forced into the white room, Akitra watched in interest as the poor neko was pushed against the opposite side as him. He also watched Mr. Snuffles walk over to the neko, holding he clipboard of doom. He tilted his head and skipped over to the boy before sitting on the ground next to him saying "Hello~ I'm Akitra, that's Mr. Snuffles," pointing to the glaring man, "Well, I don't know what his name is, but whatever! So what's your name?" he smiled, deep blue eyes alight with curiosity.

((it's fine, I think they're in small rooms))

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Character Portrait: October Sterling
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October was roughly shoved to the ground before being unchained. Some man with a clip board walked up to him making the blonde cringe away. He didnt know what to do but try moving away before some random dark long haired ma skipped over to him and began chatting.

October blinked and looked at the Mr. Snuffles guy then back to the tall boy before him. His automatic thought was Mr.Snuffles was one of the doctors and then the Akitra man was a creature just like him. His eyes glanced around the room for cages like his old lab...But to his graduated there were non. October looked back up to the Akitra man after a minuet of silence before biting his lip.
"o...Oc..October.Ni..Nice to meet" he mumbled shyly biting down on his bottom lip.

Octobers eyes once again moved away before darting around the room taking in everything.he hoped he wouldn't have to be chained up like the Akitra man who seemed to be able to run around freely.October's ears gently perked up as he ran his thin hand over his light blonde tail that wrapped around his thin waist. His deep blue eyes going back to meet Akitra before blushing shyly.

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Akitra was about to say something, before Mr. Snuffles rudely interrupted him for once and actually spoke, "Welcome, as you may know, we shall be testing on both of you so you may become fit to be auctioned off and finally be rid of you..." he trailed off glaring at the fairy. The said fairy winked, while smiling evilly, causing the doctor to sputter indignantly and go back to all that doctor stuff.

Turning away from Mr. Snuffles, Akitra surveyed the small neko. The poor thing was so timid! No wonder he was at this particular lab, where all the failed experiments went to be "fixed". He looked at October's tail and ears and automatically started petting his tail. "It's so soft!!" he shouted causing Mr. Snuffles to glare at him for the umpteenth time of the day.

"Okay~ Since the doctor doesn't feel like tellin ya anything about this lovely lab....I shall be your mentor," Akitra said with a wink at the end. His eyes were filled with a sparkling mischief that spelled trouble for everyone. "Well, first things first are that most of the guards are hard asses, some of the docs are pretty cool, but Mr. Sunffles not. I think he has wife issues at home~ Or maybe husband issues!"

He started laughing obnoxiously as the doctor stared him with, eyes wide with horror. Mr. Snuffles, however, quickly snapped out of it and threw his clipboard at aimed for his head. Too bad for him, Akitra caught it and started reading everything he had written down on the board. It was mainly insults towards Akitra, his boss, and lots of other people. He handed the clipboard to October while laughing uncontrollable. Tears of amusement pricked the edges of his eyes as he watched Mr. Snuffles face turn red. He looked like he was going to kill someone. Akitra stood up, in front of the neko just in case the doctor did snap.

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Character Portrait: October Sterling
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October watched as Akitra continued talking before Mr.snuffles mentioned something about being auctioned off the blonde let out a.soft hiss.he had no desire to be sold. October jumped as Akitra began petting his tale-onky getting a soft purr like moan from October. October even if he had been here less than 5anything minutes could s ee the two did not like each other.

As Akitra continued rambling on October just watched confused.He was very grotesque from being dragged around all day and wanted to sleep.But October doubted with Akitras bubbly personality it would be impossibal. It seemed the man was the kind to always play around and flirt. October had seen this trait in many if the Neil's back at the other lab.

October only looked even more confused as the clip board was passed on to him. Random things were written down on the paper some mostly about the hatred towards Akitra.the blonde let out a soft giggle as he read some of the insults which to him seemed more like a joke. His eyes watched as Akitra began protecting him from Mr.snuffles who seemed like he could blow any decline.second

He prayed Mr.snuffles wasn't a freaky doctor like some he had back at the other lab that tried to touch October. All the Neil's loved it but him-theblonde only smiled at the feeling he was getting because someone was protecting him.he hoped that Akitra would continue to do so and they would be friends."he...he do.dosent Akitra. "The blonde giggled.from behind Akitra

OC-sorry I'm on my phone so sorry for the bad crammed ectt

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Character Portrait: Akitra
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Akitra heard a soft mummer come from the neko and turned away from Mr. Snuffles, sitting on the ground in front of him. "Nope~ He hates me~ I find great joy in angering the doc~" he spoke in a sing song tempo, ignoring the menacing presence behind him. He shuddered slightly, the presence was too menacing for his comfort, so he swiveled around staying on the ground and looked up at the angry Mr. Snuffles.

"Hey Mr. Snuffles! Ya over here to tell me you're going to paint the ceiling? Right?" he asked all the while grinning widely. Akitra shrugged off his beloved, black jacket and folded it neatly before placing it on the ground. Mr. Snuffles backed off a bit as his purple and black wings stretched themselves out. He groaned in relief as his wings completely unfolded.

"Hey~ Hey~ Mr. Snuffles~ Say something!!!!" Akitra whined as he gracefully stood up from where he was sitting. The doctor took him standing up as a threat and back away again. On the inside Akitra was laughing manically, stupid doctor, thinking he was going to hurt him~! He was too nice to hurt anyone. That is a lie. But meh. He was bored. And boredom lead to him act like a bi-polar mental patient. He laughed to himself causing the doctor to relax and glare at him again.

"You impudent child, how dare you play around with me," Mr. Snuffles said in a cold tone of voice, his beady eyes were filled with ugly anger, "And my name isn't Mr. Snuffles!! You idiot!"

"But its a great name!" Akitra cried out before flopping on the floor again. He liked standing up and then sitting back down on the floor. Why did he keep doing that? The doctor let out a grunt of frustration and stormed out of the white room, leaving the two of them only. With the exception of a few cameras.

He stared at the ceiling again before saying, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Yay~ I got him to leave in record time! He's a slacker doctor~ You'll learn that he'd do anything to get out of work~"

Akitra rolled to his side facing October, his wings were fanned out behind him on the ground. He waved, smiling lazily. "Sooooooooo~ What's your favorite....hmmm....insult?" he asked out of the blue.

((It's fine, that sucks XD My phone is too much a dinosaur to do anything close to like that~))

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Character Portrait: October Sterling
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October ignored.the twos bickering as his eyes focused on Akitras wings. He has never seen anything like them before...prehaps Akitra 2aswould an angel?or a butterfly?maybe a fairy?

"Wow..."he purred watching the winds before jumping when Mr.snuffles walked out slamming the door. Akitra must have really pissed him off to make him leave like that. October blushed as he looked at Akitra who asked him things.

"In..insults?I..I don't I usably never say they they are mean."he stated shyly. October innocently shy nature totally obvious.the blonde unknowingly licked his lips as he focused on the mans wings again. He wanted really bad do touch them but felt embarrassed to asked.

" long have be..been in here?"October asked as his tail moved and brushed ovr Akitra s wings. October jumped at the sudden feeling and backed away reaching for his tail.

" so..sorry. tail sometimes dose its own thing and touch or brush up on tungsten because...because I really don't know why.."October he muttered embarrassed.
"Sorry Akitra .."he blushed looking at the man As he pulled his tiny shorts he was forced into.

CC-hahaha I'm sorry

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Character Portrait: Akitra
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Akitra gasped when he felt October's soft tail brushed against his insect-like wings. His cheeks were tainted with a light blush, which only occurred when his wings were touched. His purple and black wings were surprisingly receptive to touch, causing him both immense pleasure and pain, oh well. It was a price he was willing to pay for being able to fly. Remember that the neko asked him a question, he quickly answered, "I've been here for like....four years? Yeah~ Nothings actually wrong with me, except my personality! But my personality is so awesome to be changed by any experiments~ Plus I am very talented at scaring away potential buyers! So if they ever bother ya, find me and I'll protect you~" He winked flirtatiously.

Akitra started rolling around on the ground after a few minutes out of sheer boredom caused by his lack of an attention span. He winced when he rolled over his wings improperly, sitting up. He flexed his wings, turning his head to see if anything was damaged. They always looked damaged with the edges all tattered and gross. He yawned, suddenly tired.

Tilting his head, Akitra took in October's state of clothing. Which was very much, was the clothing trying to be seductive? Why yes. It was. "Aren't ya cold?" he asked slightly concerned. The neko was wearing such little clothing and the lab tended to be pretty damn cold. He rolled his eyes, annoying people don't give nekos in general adequate clothing. Just because they are meant to be used as sex dolls doesn't mean they don't get cold or sick. Weirdos. Forgetting that their experiments were people too.

He sighed, before smiling again and spots his neatly folded jacket. Lunging for the clothing, he hands it to October. "Here~ You can use that until I annoy one of the assistants into giving you a jacket~!" Akitra grinned brightly.

((>.< It's 2 am over here, so night!))

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Character Portrait: October Sterling
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October smiled listening to Akitra talk - even if he had just git here he trusted Akitra and would definitely run to the boy off he ever needed anything.It was to have made a.friend so quickly and that he was offering to protect the memo despite him being shy and innocent..

"Well its sort of.good in a way then..."October 9october stated not studering anymore as he relaxed and Laird on his stinky watching Akitra and who rolled on the ground. His eyes watched his wings still amazed by them.

"I love your wings....they are beautiful."October blushed as his tail gently swayed back and forth above him.

October nodded and draped himself in Akitra s jacket purring loudly at the warmth it gave him. He smiled softly."they don't like me wearing cloths that don't make me look beautiful.if I wear a jacket or anything I become ugly...I am sorry I am being ugly infront of you."October blushed thinking back to in the old lab. Where he was told if he didn't wear reveling cloths that he would be ugly And an outcast.being one already he tried his best to fit in

"Akita?"October purred watching Akitra who watched him.

Oc-same lol!Nighttt

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Akitra looked at the neko, who was now bundled up in his jacket. How can wearing normal clothing make October ugly? He was absolutely adorable draped in Akitra's jacket. He blinked when he heard the neko call his name. "Hn? Hi! You don't look ugly, ya look adorable in my jacket," he said bluntly all the while sticking out his tongue.

Stupid people saying things to October that are completely untrue.

Akitra laid down on the ground again before saying, "I'm wearing a ton of clothing and I still look like my sexy self. Besides it's better to be warm that beautiful~" He smirked lazily up at the ceiling. Stupid ceiling needs to be less white. This whole room was white and irritating. Akitra wondered why exactly the two of them were in this room together. He shrugged to himself, assuming it was because they both didn't have the proper personality for what they were made for.

"I wonder what the outside world is like~ Ya know? To be a normal human~ That'd be awesome! To be a human for a day~ I like being a fairy too much to be a human for a really long time though," he trailed off, getting lost in thought again.

His wings tingled in anger towards Akitra for not using them properly. Well he couldn't fly in this tiny room, he would end up destroying everything. Not a good idea. He yawned widely, causing his already narrow eyes to narrow even more. Water pricked the edges of his eyes as he felt the familiar pressure behind his eyes, alerting him that his body needed sleep. Too bad the cold floor wasn't as comfy as a bed. He's only actually slept on a bed a few times, the people were trying to make him more agreeable when buyers came around. Hah, that sure didn't help him at all.

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Character Portrait: October Sterling
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“Maybe if were good they will let us paint it like you want? Or you could try bribing Mr. Snuffles.” October stated looking at Akitra and lay down next to Akitra looking up at the ceiling. he had to agree-all the white was sure depressing and boring. Maybe he could paint little clouds with smiley faces on the roof! That would surley be cute~

October continued to snuggle in Akitras jacket as he watched the boy lay down near him. “If I were a human for a day id buy all these experiments like you and I and let them free.” October smiled biting his lip. “So they don’t have to be stuck in cages or white rooms or sold and treated poorly…” There was a soft sigh before October looked away embarrassed. "Or maybe i would try stopping all the expirements, going on...Maybe i would just stay human forever so i dont have to be a neko-who really isnt a neko because im not fixed." October let his face form a cute pout.

“Are you tired Akitra? You can go to sleep if you want…You can have your jacket back if you want it.” October smiled as he unwrapped the jacket and placed it over Akitra with a blush—before letting out a soft yawn and curling up next to Akitra his tail latched on to his waist.

October just stared at Akitra taking in every detail-he wanted to remember Akitra his only friend, just in case he or Akitra were to be sold. Memories then would be the only thing the blonde could have to keep him smiling. October thought it was surprisingly easy to make friends with other people—then again Akirta did do most of the talking. October just sighed and continued to watch Akirta smiling softly-to him he though Akitra was very goodlooking...What would he look like as a neko. October smiled as he formed a cute photo of Akirta with black ears and a tail. Only making October giggle with excitment. Akitra would surley make a good looking neko.

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When October handed him back his jacket, Akitra chuckled and just laid it back on the neko's curled up form. He didn't need it, he wasn't the one who was wearing short. They did look good on October, but how is he not a frozen icicle? He'll have to pull a few strings in order for the blondy have normal clothing. Akitra wondered when he was going to get to take a shower again. Hopefully soon because he hated feeling dirty and gross. He was surprisingly occ about things like cleanliness and such.

Akitra blinked in amusement when the boy started giggling in excitement, he arched a delicate eyebrow questioningly. "What's so funny, Oc-to-ber~?" he enunciated the neko's name in a sing song tone of voice. Was there something on his face? He quickly brought his hands up to his face and rubbed imaginary dirt off.

He yawned again while trying to figure what time it was, it was difficult seeing as to how there were no windows or clocks in this white room. Akitra wondered if October has eaten anything today, he sure hasn't. On cue, his lovely stomach growled its anger towards him. "Hey October~ Ya wanna help me get outta here and find food?" he asked, grinning evilly.

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October only blushed when Akitra called him out on his giggling. He wasthinking about the best way to awnser the older man. "Well i was thiking of you~" He smiled innocently. "And i imagined you were a neko!" October only giggled more as he smiled at Akitra. He hoped Akitra wouldnt get upset with him thinking about him like that. October snuggled deeper into the jacket. The jacket was only able to cover he torso and some of his waist and hips. But October was fine enough because he felt bad for Akitra who had no warmth.

Octobers eyes went wide as he looked at Akitra. "Well get in trouble!" His tummy made a soft growl as to disagree. October pouted again and nodded "Okay i guess but as long as we can try finding cookies..." October smiled as he got up putting on the jacket and fixing his shorts whith a smile.

"How are we going to get out?" October asked softly as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Im pretty sure they locked the door and there are no windows...and there are cameras!" October pointed out embarrassed for being such a baby. He ran a hand through hir hair and looked at AKita. "Im sorry i am being a big baby." He blushed looking down

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Akitra blushed slightly when the neko said he was picturing him as a neko, "Well, I must be one good lookin neko that~" he stated, sticking out his tongue childishly, completely contrast to his naturally serious-looking image. Jumping up, he watched the neko fix his slightly rumpled appearance.

He smirked at his logical worries and said "It's okay~ You aren't being a big baby!" Akitra ruffled the neko's hair playfully.

"I'm gonna kick the door down~ If it's locked~ Mr. Snuffles is really bad at his job," he chuckled loudly before strolling toward the iron door, kicking down doors is a ritual for him. He's made this lab replace all the doors at least once. Kicking doors is just too much fun to pass up! Putting a lot of power into his right leg, Akitra swung his leg out and successfully kicked the door down.

"One point for Akitra! Zero for doors all over the world~" he laughed happily before walking out of the room. Turning back, he called "Ya coming with~?"

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Character Portrait: October Sterling
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A purr escaped his lips as Akitra gentaly ran his hand over the blondes hair.October loved being touched and petted-ecspesally on his ears and tail. It was his weakness and when rubbed he would do anything to continue being rubbed.I guess since nekos bodys are so sensitive to touch they make great partners for sexual things...But in Octobers case were hes so innocent and dosent know what to do when he was being touched.

October looked shocked as AKita stated he would be kicking the doors down. "Your not serious right?"He blushed watching as Akitra walked up and knocked the door off its hinges. "OMO!! YOU BROKE THE DOOR!" October went into a giggle fit before running up next to Akitra.

October shyly grabed Akitras hand and looked down blushing. "So i dont get lost..."He mummbled shyly before walking out the door smiling. The hall was empty and if he hadnt known better he would have though everyoe was dead. " ifeel like a spy!' october smiled as he walked down the hallway hoping he was going in the right direction. October, since he wasnt being pulled by chains, took in everything. He tried peeking into every door he could and jumping up to see if he coul touch the roof. His playfullness getting the best of him.
"Where will we find food AKitra?What if the find us?"October suddenly asked as he looked at the older man still holding onto his hand.

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Akitra's hand tingled slightly at the warm contact when the neko grabbed his hand expectantly. He tried not to show any reaction to the touch, but it was irritating. HIs narrow, ocean blue eyes watched in amusement as October loosed up and acted like a kid. Surprisingly, there wasn't very many people around to reprimand them, then again they were probably all going home to there lovely families who know very little about what they actually did. They continued walking along blank hallways, past doors that probably held other experiments. Akitra should let them loose, but his stomach demanded that he paid attention to it first. How was he going to fix the door before they all came back? Eh. He always could just get in trouble, not like he really cares.

He stopped in front of a huge pair of double doors and said with a grin, "Beyond these doors is the cafeteria and the ladies to serve people are really nice and wouldn't tell anyone we were there~ They serve wonderful food that will make your mouth water in delight and your stomach will be happy with you for days~!"

He winked before pushing open the doors, dragging October along with him.

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Ocotber smiled at akitra and let go of his hand smiling as he peaked in through the door. His tail swinging behind him softly as he watched the cafeteria ladies moved around chating and smiling together. October stayed silent as he watched them smiling, he looked back at Akitra. He followed behinde the older man shyly and when everyone looked at them he blushed a bright red color. The ladies smiled at the two boys who walked in.

October shyly clung to Akitras side as he smiled shyly. He really hoped the didnt mind him touching him-because October liked being able to touch someone. When he was around people like himself he would become a little touchy-scared to be separated.

The ladies stopped and said 'hellos' to the two men in the room-October just smiled shyly and whispered a soft hello and bowed politely.