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Falling Down The Rabbit Hole.



a part of Falling Down The Rabbit Hole., by littlebirddogmint.


littlebirddogmint holds sovereignty over Wonderland, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Wonderland is a part of Falling Down The Rabbit Hole..

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Nezumi [4] Twinkle, twinkle little Bat. How I wonder where your at.
Morden Hare [1] "Hmm... I seem to be missing my head."
Alysandra "Alice" Aubright [1] Follow me to the wonderland of my dreams. I might kill you, I might not.
Lewis Carroll [0] "Have I gone mad?"
Jessica Knight [0] To Find The Truth One Must Think Of The Impossible.
Nemuh and Remuh [0] We are the same, yet different.
Madigan Hyde [0] "I'm mad..... mad..... Madigan...."
Chess "Cheshire" Cat [0] This way or that way?
Sienna Quirke [0] Off with their heads!

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Jessica rubbed her tired eyes, wandering why it was she was being cursed like this. First, put on a case that she could hardly even decipher, and second, being plagued by nightmares every single time she closed her eyes, and thirdly, earlier that day she had seen something very odd. Two girls in odd clothing talking to each other, then suddenly dissapearing as if they had never been there.

"Are you listening Sealie?" A voice snapped her to attention, belonging to an older woman with a shock of bright red hair and forest green eyes. "Dont call me Sealie." Jessica insisted, "And yes, I am Listening to you Leigh." She growled irritatingly. Leigh rolled her eyes, examaning her nails, "You need sleep Jessica its not good for you to be awake for days and days." She insisted, Jessica merely snorted, "Just tell me what you know already, or I'm leaving." she snapped. Leigh flinched from the harsh tone but began to speak again.

"Well, me and Kismet were walking around earlier, we had some. . Er, business to attend to. We saw something a bit. . Odd. Besides the dead body of Cody Taylor that is. We saw Abigail." She finished, somewhat awkwardly. Jessica bolted to attention, "Brightwen?" Leigh nodded, "Where!?" Jessica demanded loudly, "Why didn't you stop her!"

Leigh sighed, "She dissapeared before we could, we saw her head into the woods, we followed her a little ways, then all of a sudden she was gone." she answered. Jessica paled, "The woods. . .The ones close to my apartment?" She asked, timidly. Leigh nodded, "Can I go now Sealie? Its really cramped in here and I have people to meet." Numbly, Jessica nodded, not even bothered by being called Sealie.

Once Leigh had left Jessica stood, heading outside the building.

"Looks like I have no choice." She mumbled to herself, setting off towards the woods, where all her nightmares centered around.


"Theres nothing here!" She mumbled, a moment later, kicking a nearby tree angrily. "Nothing at--" She paused, eyes widening, "All" She squeaked out at last, staring at the hole in the ground, the one from her nightmare. Just a second before she had walked on solid ground exactly where the hole was, and now, it was there. Jessica inhaled sharply, crouching down and putting a hand into the large hole, tilting her head as she leaned over it, examining how far in it was.

After a moment she grabbed a penny from her pocket, and dropped it down, somewhat afraid of what would happen. She sat for a while, listening for the bottom. When it seemed there was none she sighed, looking around before standing. "I'm so stupid for doing this" She commented to herself, sitting at the edge, holding the dagger tight. She knew if Abigail could get out then she could, so she launched herself in, bracing herself for impact.


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"Alys!" Madigan's hat flew back into his hand, and he rushed to her side as she collapsed, checking her heartbeat. He sighed in relief; it was weak, but she was still alive. Unconscious, but alive. On Madigan's head, his hat was slowly knitting itself back together.
It really wasn't necessary to check Alys's pulse. She was the keeper of the dream called Wonderland. If she died without another Alice to replace her, Madigan, and all of Wonderland would cease to exist.
"Oh Alys...." Madigan begged, "Please be all right, and please.... forgive me...."
Even though Madigan could think of no other way to stop Alice, it didn't make what he had done any easier. He was supposed to protect Alys. He had promised her, and yet just now, he had almost strangled her to death.
He couldn't even forgive himself.
Keeping a calm face, he lifted Alys up, and placed her gently by Nezumi and Hare. From Alice's last order, Cheshire, Nemuh, and nearly any other Wonderlanders that could hear her would try to kill Hatter now. Nezumi and Hare were the only people he could trust to keep Alys safe.
"Take care of her," He smiled sadly. As he stood up, he took off his, now-mended hat, and turned to face Cheshire and Nemuh. Silently, he vowed not to let any more harm come to Alys. Holding his hat out to his side, he watched Chess and Nemuh with a piercing glace, waiting for them to attack. He might be able to defeat them if he was lucky, but if not, he could at least buy some time for Alys's escape.
"Alys," He whispered, not knowing if she could hear, "Until the day this crimson heartbeat fails, and Imagination itself runs dry, I shall protect you. Remember, that no matter what happens, you can always find me on the other side of the Looking Glass."


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"Did you feel that" Remuh spoke aloud, the feeling of a shift in wonderland causing her to grab her sisters sleeve, pulling her away. Both girls were slightly stunned, as if they had both felt it. "Someone enterred wonderland?" Nemuh questioned as if it were impossible. "It cant be, people cant get in without a wonderlander with them, or unless they are pushed in by one." She exclaimed, glancing morbidly around. "But this feels different. . .familiar. Nemuh answered, "As if this presence has been here before."

Cheshire had also felt the shift, but chose to ignore it. He glared dangerously at the reatreating figures of Nezumi and Morden, with an unconscious Alys/Alice with them. He turned to Hatter, "I wont fight you, I remember a time when you were a friend, but I suggest you leave, I am influenced by Alice alone not Alys, meaning her order is the one I take, wether I like it or not." He told Hatter.

Remuh looked at Nemuh, she knew that if the white twin found a human in wonderland that he/she would be killed immediatly, she detached herself from her sister, bending down and whispering in the white clad twins ear. The other looked shock, eyes wide. Remuh headed towards hatter, "There is something wrong!" The black twin concluded, tugging at Hatters arm. She was a neutral force, and was not controlled by the black imagination, meaning she was not an enemy of either the black or white imagination. "Come on Hatter!" She growled, "I'm not siding with my sister, so I'm going with you." She told him defiantly.


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Alys and Alice could breath. they weren't dying. Looking at each other, they wondered who was going to take over. Neither one could really move. The body wasn't quite able to wake up yet, they were stuck in a dream with each other. Alice and Alys were stuck next to each other, both trying to recover from the trauma, the black wasn't sucking everything up, the mind was back to normal with it split between the two personalities. The dream was nothing more than them next to each, both wondering why Madigan would attempt to harm Alice if it meant hurting Alys. They both knew that Madigan was to caring about Alys to harm her.

Aside from the swirling thoughts of 'why' and 'what if' there was nothing going on inside their head. The near death experience had left them both to paralyzed to do anything. Wondering what was going on outside in Wonderland, but not being able to move ad find out. They were frustrated. Neither understood what was going on, or why. All they could do is feel a shift, there was something new in Wonderland, and they could do nothing about it.


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A new force had entered Wonderland! It was most likely a human, but how did it get here? Humans could only come with aid or force of a Wonderlander. Was it possible that a human had a link to the Great Imagination that fueled and sustained Wonderland? Questions raced through Madigan's mind; why was it here? What are it's skills and abilities? Even with the Flow of Imagination around him, Madigan couldn't tell if it was a threat. It would have to be investigated.
"Come on Hatter!" Remuh growled, "I'm not siding with my sister, so I'm going with you."
Madigan turned briefly to watch Nezumi and Hare run off with Alys's unconscious body. They were the only ones he could trust to keep Alys safe. Silently, he hoped Alys would understand his actions. Hare's life was at stake, and there was no other way, but Madigan knew what he had done was inexcusable.
He had broken his promise.
He had harmed Alys.
He, Hatter Madigan Hyde, had harmed Alys. It was beyond inexcusable, it was insane; mad....
For a moment, he considered chasing after her, but the new force in the Great Imagination had to be looked at. Even after all that happened, Alys's safety was still his first priority. If the one who entered Wonderland proved to be a threat to her, then human or not, he would eliminate it without mercy.
"Let's go. Just follow the Imagination Flow," He instructed Remuh, as they ran off, "Make sure you're careful though. Imagination is never what you think."


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"This isn't happening." Jessica breathed in sharply, staring around her in confusion. Her vision was blurred, most likely from hitting her head, but it seemed as if she had entered some strange land, one she could not even fathom. For one she could have sworn she had fallen down into a hole, wich meant there was a Sky, UNDERGROUND. Slowly she stood, touching the sore spot at the back of her head as she watched light and shadows dance across her vision. "This is most definantly not happening." She mumbled to herself, wandering why such a thing would happen in the first place.

She sighed, "Might as well humor this--" She paused, feeling as if her chest were constricting. "This is weird." She choked out, "Whats happening!" She shouted, glancing around with crazed violet eyes. she watched as shadows began to surge around her, engulfing her until at last the constricting feeling dissapeared, and she blinked her eyes to see her vision had been cleared.

Unfortunantly though the raven haired girl still had no clue as to where she was, and considered as well that she may have hit her head a little to hard, and was possibly laying at the bottom of a hole, dying, with no escape. But she tried her hardest to expel that thought, beggining to move around, taking one step, then another, until at last she had broken into the tree line, wandering just how it was she had come to such a strange land.


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Remuh nodded, keeping her mind focused on the flow of imagination. She felt at a loss with out her twin, but the choice she had made was for the best, after all, without Remuh, Nemuh would be mostly powerless, unable to enter the human world. They arrived at the tree line, Remuh stayed hidden to the best extent, watching cautiously as a human broke through the tree line. "That woman. . ." Remuh murmured, as if a memory had stirred within. But in a blink of an eye the feeling was gone, watching the violet eyes human walk about. "This is. . strange." She mumbled.


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Hatter's eyes carefully watched the woman. From what he could tell, she seemed like she could handle herself. She was probably strong, for a human at least, in emotion if not in body. She seemed confused though, but most humans would be in such a situation.
At least she didn't seem to be a threat. Hatter let out a small sigh of relief. Killing was never enjoyable.
Slowly, Madigan moved forward, silently approaching the woman. Who was she, and how was she linked to the Grand Imagination? With luck, she might be able to help Alys, but at the very least, Madigan might be able to help her.
Strolling up behind her, he tapped her on the shoulder, "Excuse me," He said, "But who might you be?"


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Jessica didnt give any indication of fear, or even a little bit of surprise as she noticed Madigan. She did edge away though, eyes hardening as she gave him a long stare. "I'll ask the questions." She answered, as if she had not even heard Madigan speak at all.

"First off, where am I? Who are you?" She asked, obviously not focusing on the main point. Her initial thought was the ask the not needed questions first, and work her way to breaking through to ask about the missing people, who had to be in this strange land.

As an investigator she was more attuned to asking questions first, then answering later. But she realized that she was being a little rude, and this man before her, though odd looking in her eyes, had not been rude to her at all. Though she also knew it wasnt hard to hide a true nature behind a different and practiced face. So before she could say anything else that could determine her as rude, she answered the earlier question. "Jessica Knight." she told him firmly, "Thats my name."

Even if her real name had been forgotten in the tide of time she was still legally Jessica Knight, her old name changed as to further stray from the past that had tore through her childhood as if it were flimsy fabric. Of course, there were still people from her past, whom knew the name she so clearly wanted to forget.


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"Jessica Knight...." Madigan repeated, "Jessica.... the knight?"
He nodded as if in approval. A knight would be most helpful to Alys, especially in defending against The Queen of Redd, and the recent growth of Black Imagination.
"As for your questions, young knight," Madigan bowed slightly, tipping his hat, "I am Hatter Madigan Hyde, and you are in Wonderland, the land of wonder." He grinned madly, "Enter down the Rabbit Hole or through the Looking Glass, but only who imagines true, shall ever truly pass."
"Tell me knight," Madigan leaned in just a little too close for anyone normal, "Just how did you arrive here? What is your link to the Great Imagination?"


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Jessica's confusion was clear. Madigan thought she was a Knight, but she didnt deny it, if that got her closer to solving this she could play the part. As long as she didnt have to fight anyone. "Wonderland?" She shook her head, holding back a laugh. She knew of wonderland, but wasnt it only a story? A wonderous bed time story that over the many years became old and people forgot all about it, mainly because kids these days were more interested in story books that had blood and gore, rather then anythin else.

"My connection?" She thought for a moment, crossing her arms in slight exasperation as he was a little too close for personal comfort, though Jessica ignored the closeness for the moment not bothered by such trivial things. She didnt even know what the great imagination was, she didnt know how she could have a connection at all. But she noted that Madigan seemed to think of the imagination as a person, leading Jessica to beleive that she could easily get passed this. "Um. I was visited in a dream." She only half lied, she didnt think her dream the other night had anything to do with this imagination thing.

"Anyways, have you. . .Seen any people that look similar to me here? I mean." She paused to mentally slap herself, "Have you seen any kids, or perhaps older people." Jessica knew how ridiculous she sounded, and indeed, she was trying not to sound so, but it was hard to explain her situation, escpecially when her trust fell short in strangers. "Actually." She dug in her back pocket, closing a fist around a photograph that was old, and tearing a bit, but it would suffice.

"Have you seen this girl?" She asked, protruding the picture of a teenager, her hair hanging in brunette curls around her face, golden brown eyes glaring dangerously at the camera. The girl was one of the teenagers who had gone missing, but she did not elaborate on that fact.


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Alys moved towards taking control, Alice didn't try to stop her. At the moment there was an unspoken, and very uneasy truce between the two of them. As Alys began to wake up the body, taking over control, she looked back at Alice and smiled. This was the first time they weren't fighting, and Alys and Alice both enjoyed it.

It was easier this way, no matter how much Alice's instincts pushed her towards throwing the weakling out of the way and going back out there to give everyone a piece of her mind, she knew she couldn't. It wouldn't be pleasant, and she didn't want to die. Alice was sure that if she showed up again that she would get them both killed, and as much as Alice dislike Alys and all the rest of the disgustingly pleasant wonderland gang, it wasn't worth dying over.

Alys opened her eyes and looked around. Moving her hand up to her throat she wrapped her hand around it, feeling it. There was a mark going all the way around her neck. It hurt, breathing hurt, everything hurt. She was in pain, her body was stressed, and as much as she felt she couldn't deal with it, there was no pressure of Alice taking over. Alys got up and dusted herself off. The feeling made her dizzy, tizzily dizzy. She thought about sitting on a soft comfortable object, and right behind her a mushroom with a lovely soft cap sprouted. It was just the size for Alys.

She sat down and looked at the mayhem of the scene. Sobbing, Alys hung her head and curled up into a ball. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. Wonderland was supposed to be a peaceful and awe inspiring place, but Madigan had tried to kill her. Alys was in pain, emotionally and physically, she was breaking apart and Alice wouldn't stop it, Alice wouldn't come out; and now was definitely a time for Alice.

The weather was turning rainy, and Alys wanted to return to the real world. Wonderland just wasn't nice today and it was supposed to be nice, wasn't it? Alice was bad, but as far as Alys was concerned, she wasn't the problem. Alice was just a part of Alys that helped her, even when she didn't want it. Why was nothing turning out wonderfully wonderful? It didn't make sense to Alys.


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Nezumi ran with Morden while he carried Alys. She then woke up and went to Madigan and she started to cry. "Alys, right? We have to get out of here. Madigan told us." Nezumi eagerly said to the blonde girl. The mouse girl than sat down on the dirt next to Alys. She held Alys' hand and lightly pulled her to Morden. "We have to hurry." Nezumi said. "Alys' now." Said Morden