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Four Gods-remake



a part of Four Gods-remake, by AshFisher.


AshFisher holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Earth is a part of Four Gods-remake.

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Taya [0]
Trysil [0]
Riocha [0] "I need nothing more than the earth beneath my feet..."
Xiao Huang [0] "These flames are my only family now..."
Lily [0] "May the winds always guide you."

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The wind blew through a small cave near a huge cliff, and inside something stirred for the first time in ages.

Lily opened her eyes to the darkness of the cave she had lain in so many years ago. She stood and stretched, finding that she only felt a little stiff. How long has it been this time? And how has the world changed? She walked out of the small cave, and went to the edge of the cliff that was so close. She looked down on what used to be a forest, and was now a city. Ah, the world has changed much....I wonder what the danger is this time? to find out she would have to mingle with the humans. She inspected herself the best she could without some sort of reflective surface. Her clothes were intact, which she deemed good, though she knew the style would be old fashioned. She would have to get a new outfit once in the city below.

Lily looked down again, judging distance to the ground. Then she concentrated for a few seconds, after which giant white dragon wings sprouted from her birthmark, and through hidden slits in the back of her clothes. She flapped the wings a few times, stretching them out after a long period of not using them. Then she lept off the cliff, diving down towards the ground. At the last second she leveled herself out, and glided to the edge of the city. She landed on the far outskirts, making sure that no human saw her and let her wings go back into her body. She walked towards the city, thinking she would have to find a human partner. First though she would have to see what type of clothes the humans now wore, and see if she would have to change her look like she did the last time she woke.


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It was a calm and beautiful day, like so many others. High in the mountains, there was a stone shrine. A great, majestic kirin poised to strike lay just beyond a tori gate and small fountain. Flower petals blew about in the wind, drifting off the surrounding bushes and trees. Finding this spot would be a feat indeed. Many had long forgotten it.
The water in the fountain gently rippled as the earth's energy sent a surge into the stone kirin. Something stirred. Something called the God of Earth.
And then she answered. The stone kirin brightened from a dull grey to a bright white as it began to move and break free of its pose. The god stretched and groaned in delight.
Riocha soon returned from her beast form, and gently stepped down from the pedestal. She looked around. The world looked much the same to her, but why had she been awakened? Her thick white hair blew in the breeze. She turned her head up toward the sun and bathed in the warm light.
She felt full of life, just as before. But something was different. Something had prompted the magic of the earth to waken her. Something had to be wrong.
Riocha bounded up a tall, sturdy tree. She stood high in its strong boughs, looking down the mountains and to the lands beyond. Oh, but the world had changed. She saw cities, towns, thousands more humans than she ever remembered.
She jumped from the tree and took off in a sprint towards the nearest city. She would discover why she had awakened.


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Something in the waves changed...Trysil opened a blue eye, suddenly aware of the layer of silt he's covered in. What had woken him? How long had he been gone from the world of mortals, per say? He rises, causing the silt to fall around him as he does so. Muscles twisting and turning, he takes his hydra form and slices through the water, heading for the surface. The lights of a city that wasn't there the last time he remembers coming to this area catches his attention. Good as place any he thinks, taking his human form in the shallows of the beach, looking for a way into the city.
Cursing like a sailor, Taya made her way to her home at the outskirts of the city. Though she had grown up on the sea, indeed surviving many storms that many male sailors flinch, she could not find work, and she's running low on coin. Her pleated skirts swish around her boots as she makes her way through the city she had taken to calling home. If asked, Taya would have laughed and called the inquirer insane if asked if she thought gods got involved with the lives of mere mortals. At this moment though, she praying to any of the gods that are willing to listen, pausing to lean against a crumbling brick wall. Her hands finds the scallop shell that resides around her neck, a rememberence of her parents.


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Lily walked through the city, and found that there were all types of ways to dress. No one even gave her old outfit a second glance, so she had decided she would keep it for now, it was always a hassle to make slits for her wings anyways. She was now looking for a human that could tell her more about the current world. That and she couldn't access some of her power without a human close by. She had never seen the point of being a god and having unnatural powers if you couldn't use all of them without a human. Shaking her head, she found she had wandered to a older part of the city, and saw a female human leaning against a wall and holding a shell.

Lily instantly felt a connection to this woman, and knew that the woman was one that she could be paired with. Lily walked up to her "Excuse me lass, could you perhaps tell me the date?"


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Taya stopped her musing, looking up to see a white haired lady in old fashioned robes question her about the the date. She raised an eyebrow, this lady must be from a different part of the world, but then why ask the date? "T'is summer of the year 2011 AD, madam." Taya drops her hand, ready to fetch her pocket knife out of her skirt if need be, wary of this stranger.

Trysil wanders along the beach, headed for the docks for the older part of the city. There's a tugging sensation leading him that direction that tells him other gods have woken, and he wants to seek them out and find out what has caused them to rouse from their slumber.


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Riocha came to a sudden stop at the edge of the forest. She stepped out with caution, not knowing how long she had slumbered. Her clothes were regal, yet barbaric, and definitely dated. The horn protruding from her head would not be easy to deal with, either. The white hair she could deal with; that was the least strange aspect about her.
She needed to find out the times she was in. A few miles in front of her lay the massive structures of a city, unlike anything she had seen. Closer, though, were large houses with cut grass in front of them. Strange metallic contraptions were beside many of the homes, and Riocha gasped to find a hard, unnatural black surface covering her earth.
She had been asleep a very long time, she mused.
Past the city, Riocha noticed the blue hues of the ocean. Boats dotted the waters and the edges of the land. She did not recall boats so big, nor of those colors or material.
Riocha judged it to be a bad idea to simply walk down between the houses on the strange black surface. She didn't want to touch it; it was profane to her. Instead, she navigated around the edge of the forest, coming to an open field of crops. She continued her sprint around the bulk of the large buildings, finally stopping in a place less crowded, closer to the water. Some areas here did not have the black surfaces covering them, so she decided here was a better place for her to seek a partner, someone to tell her what she needed to know.


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"It has been that long?" Lily thought to herself...the last time she and the others had woken it was in the 1800's. "So very long...I cannot even count the years in my head." she had never been good at adding or subtracting. She looked back to the young girl, who seemed to be reaching for something. "I thank you for this information lass...would you mind giving me a brief layout of what has happened since 1820 AD?"


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Taya couldn't help it. She gaped. 1820? She had always sucked in history in school.. "Um, there's been a civil war in the United States and Spain, and a couple world wars, and um, we sent men to the moon...and uh, Wilber and Orville right invented the air plane", She rambles, knowing her facts aren't in chronological order. But really, who was this crazy person who didn't know basic social studies? "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name..."

Strange metal objects litter the path way leading from the docks, and the sea is heavy with a scent that Trysil doesn't recognize. This is a very different world than what he remembers from when he woke last, and decides it would be wise to seek out the others and observe current human culture, though he's guessing he's going to need a change of clothes.


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"I am known as Lily." she was still processing the fact that the gods had missed several wars. To not be woken during such times, there must not have been danger to the Earth itself. "Can you tell me more of the world today?" she knew these questions would probably make the human ask even more questions, but she needed an inkling to why she had woken now of all times.


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Something, very faintly, tugged at the back of Taya's mind. Lily? The woman looked familiar, the name rang a bell, where had she seen this woman before? It vexed her that should could not remember. "Uh... We no longer use horses, we've got these things called cars and trucks we use for transportation, and um, well, we have alot more manufacturing than they did in the eighteen hundreds, which isn't exactly healthy for the planet," You're rambling again, Tay, she thinks to herself, slowly becoming aware of the aura of power Lily is giving off. It's only when a blue haired man dressed in armor and carrying a trident, like Posiedon from the little mermaid steps into view does Taya remember why the the name Lily held such meaning.


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Lily looked over to Trysil, giving her old friend a smile. "Greeting Trysil, I see we have both found each other well." She looked back to the human, trying to hold in laughter at the girls expression. "This lass here has told me that it is now 2011, we have missed several wars and much more it seems." She looked back to the god of water, a frown on her face "She has also told me of plants that are not healthy for the planet....though I doubt that is the reason we woke this time."


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Trysil bows in greeting to his fellow god. "Greetings to you as well, Lily. I wish to know what has woken us as well. There was something in the waves that woke me from my slumber." He turns to Taya, and mentally smiles. "Saluations to you to, Lass."

If it where possible, Taya's jaw would have hit the ground. Lily, goddess of Air, and Trysil, god of Water, standing around with her inquiring about the current century... She made note to be more careful in what asked for. "My name isn't lass. It's Taya," she squeaks.


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A faint shock went through the ground. The Earth was telling her something, as if often did. She knew she must reach the edge of the water. Why, she didn't yet know. The Earth only signaled a need; it didn't speak words.
Riocha was close. She sprinted the rest of the way, soon seeing why the Earth wanted her here. The other gods were meeting, Lily and Trysil. Riocha came to a sudden halt, drawing up dirt and dust. Her body was stronger than the lithe form of Lily, but not as well muscled at Trysil. Each was a manifestation of their charge. Riocha did not hesitate to speak with her fellow gods.
"Lily, Trysil," she looked to them in greeting. For her, such a nonchalant greeting was hardly unusual. "How long have we slumbered?"