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Dr. Y (v2)

The White Platoon's... Glorious... Leader is back!

0 · 782 views · located in Black Platoon Space Station

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by Alexander von Koopa


Theme - Institute Menu


Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Gloom Soldier, appears Human

Alignment: Lawful Good (technically)


Physical Description: Dr. Y dresses in all black - trench, hat, boots, vest, everything. He also wears sunglasses and has short red hair. However, his true form of a Gloom (living hungry darkness) is pure black, with the same clothes (tattered, if he even keeps them) and pure green eyes. The sunglasses, skin, and hair are all to cover this so people won't freak when they see him.

Personality: Dr. Y believes that the world is full of hate, lies, and cowards, and has adapted himself as such. He often withholds information from those he doesn't trust (everyone), is often abrasive and spiteful, and is willing to do "what needs to be done" no matter what the cost. Life as a monster and an outcast has filled him with self-loathing and paranoia, and he believes that the world would hate and fear him if they knew what he was. While he has allies, they are often reluctant and wouldn't consider themselves "friends" - but he's still strong-willed enough to keep men of all shapes and sizes in line and following him. While he may be good, he is anything but nice, self-righteous, or naive.

History: Dr. Y was created as an experiment by The Shade, an eldritch god and creator of the Gloom (hordes of living hungry darkness), to see if he could make a subject without having it need to feed on light and be in constant pain. He succeeded, but at the same time gave his new creation a great deal more time to think and be aware than his fellows. Gloom, weakened by light, devour it to kill themselves and end their suffering - but without suffering the creation saw that the Shade would only continue the cycle of misery. Determined to destroy the Shade, and with him all the other Gloom (because the urge to destroy himself was still there), the subject escaped, disguised himself as a human, and called himself Dr. Y, luring in heroes of all shapes and sizes into a group known as the White Platoon, to take down baddies (but mostly the Gloom, though they never got to that). Convinced that his new allies would kill him if they found out what he was, Dr. Y kept them in the dark and at arm's length at all times, until he had to engage in diplomacy with The Shade, who revealed his true form to his comrades and kept Dr. Y around to torture him. Escaping once again by threatening to destroy the world (long story), Dr. Y found a new body but lost even more trust for humanity, believing they would leave him behind in a heartbeat. Still holding a grudge against The Shade, the doctor now works in the shadows, trying to build the White Platoon anew...

Equipment: Dr. Y carries a broadsword and a shotgun, enchanted with energy (so he never needs to reload).

Abilities: Dr. Y and other Gloom soldiers have superhuman agility and durability, shrugging off blows that would kill an average adult male. They can also devour light and absorb shadow, but this would kill them in too high a dose - besides, Dr. Y hates using his Gloom powers. Being a Gloom Soldier, Dr. Y doesn't need to eat, sleep, or breathe.

Other: While Dr. Y is a massive jerk and during his worst moments has threatened to shoot his comrades, he always has a clear idea of who is an ally and who is an enemy. While not friendly and often rude, he can't comprehend that people don't "officially" consider him allies even if they aren't members of his Platoon.

So begins...

Dr. Y (v2)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Black Jack (V2) Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2)
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"Bah, words! Show me action!" Brimir retorted.

"Alright, ENOUGH! Both of you!!" Lucas shouted to Dr. Y and Brimir. "It wasn't either of us that spooked them ultimately. It was Majestic's little scams - the guys in charge played on everyone's fears and led them to this! And it looks like they succeeded at pushing our buttons, too...So let's cut it out, okay? The heart of this conflict is Majestic, not us."

"..." These words really stopped Brimir's lip.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Black Jack (V2) Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2)
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Good thing Lucas intervened because Dr. Y was this close to pulling out his shotgun and blasting Brimir.

"... Save me from the stubbornness of dwarves," spat Dr. Y.

With that, Dr. Y looked around. His plan for refuge in Coronach was obviously a failure, since it seemed no one in Coronach liked him either. So he signaled for his boys to move back to the shipyard. Fantasma wasn't that far away, and they liked Alex fine - it was entirely possible they'd at least tolerate Dr. Y. no telling what would stop them from leaving though...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Black Jack (V2) Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2)
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Dr. Y and company travel unopposed to the shipyards. They soon encounter Feathertop holding Umbra at knife point.

"... Feathertop," said Dr. Y.

"Doctor," said Feathertop.

"You know each other?" asked John.

"You're not my first Platoon," said Dr. Y.

"Wait, what?" asked Patches. "Doc, why didn't you mention-"

"You didn't need to know," interrupted Dr. Y, harshly. He turned back to Feathertop and asked "Why are you holding the shadow?"

"Everyone finds reasons to assault me," said Umbra. "Some of them have to be prodded on."

Feathertop tosses her phone to Dr. Y who proceeds to crank call the shit out of people. He opens it to a series of pictures of Umbra, disguised as a series of young women.

"She's seen my daughter somewhere," said Feathertop. "That's the only way she could recognize her form. I want to find out where."

"And I told her I can hardly keep track of every girl that comes to my door-" began Umbra.

Dr. Y, however, is not interested in the picture of the young elf that is apparently Feathertop's daughter. He instead is staring at the picture of the young woman in a labcoat and blonde hair. He looks up at Feathertop quickly.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" asked Dr. Y.

"I can find my daughter without your help," spat Feathertop.

"Do you have any idea how long I've been looking for this girl?" asked Dr. Y.

He pulled out his shotgun and aimed it at Umbra.

"Where is she?" asked Dr. Y.

Umbra just laughed.

"Now her, I remember," said Umbra. "Good luck finding her. Last I saw her she was sailing up into space for some fancy-pants research mission."

Dr. Y fired, blowing a hole in Umbra's head... which quickly regenerated. She then transformed into the girl.

"My, my," chuckled Umbra. "A girl able to get such a reaction in the 'unflappable' doctor? I'm intrigued..."

Dr. Y just fired again and Umbra transformed back to normal, frowning.

"Doc, what's goin' on?" asked Patches.

"... We're going to need a rocket ship," said Dr. Y, looking around the shipyard to see if anything there is theoretically capable of space travel.


Black Jack stays where he is, lost in thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Black Jack (V2) Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2)
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As was Brimir. Rarely has he been chewed out so deeply by a human, much less a young man. But...something about Lucas's voice seemed...familiar to the dwarf.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Black Jack (V2) Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2)
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Ten years ago, Dr. Mary Archer suddenly disappeared from the White Platoon. If she had still been around, maybe they could have...

No. The doctor couldn't think about that right now. Black Jack made his choice. And he doubted he could save Tempestra.

But five years ago, immediately before the Platoon was to go on trial for crimes against humanity, Dr. Y received a letter. It held a picture of Mary Archer, taken very recently, and the simple message "go after us and she dies".

He still spoke out against Majestic, of course, but the courts didn't believe him. He thought doing so would lead someone - anyone - to Mary, someone who could save her. But there was no word... until today.


Dr. Y was almost too lost in thought to notice that there's still one spaceship left in Fontin. It doesn't look as well-built or advanced as something from Haven, but going back there for a spaceship was tantamount to suicide.

"There," said Dr. Y, pointing it out. "John, Nikolai, Patches, go get that ship ready to fly."

Nikolai and John nod and head off towards the spaceship. Patches stays where she is, but a long glare from Dr. Y finally convinces her to follow the two. Dr. Y then turns to Umbra, still in glare mode.

"You're coming with us," said Dr. Y.

"You all want to join the miles-high club?" asked Umbra. "I'm flattered you think I can take all of you..."

"You're the only one who saw where Mary went," said Dr. Y. "So maybe you can identify the spaceship she took off in."

"Out of the question, doctor," said Feathertop. "She hasn't answered my questions."

"She has a bad habit of not answering anybody's questions," countered Dr. Y.

"I pride myself on customer secrecy," giggled Umbra.

"She's staying with me," said Feathertop with a glare to match Dr. Y's.

"She's coming with me," reiterated Dr. Y.

"Why can't you go with the doctor and still be with her?" asked Terrus.

A brief pause. Both the elf and the doctor consider the idea.

"Well?" asked Dr. Y.

"... This doesn't mean I'm joining your little Platoon," said Feathertop, moving behind Umbra so her daggers are at her back.

"After you ran off last time I wouldn't ask you, anyway," said Dr. Y.

The White Platoon members hear the sound of a rocket jet activating, about to take off... before it suddenly stops.

"SORRY!" shouted John, peeking out from a hatch in the spaceship. "I haven't exactly flown one of these before!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Black Jack (V2) Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2)
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"So..." Lucas said to Black Jack, breaking the silence, "what do you plan to do now?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Black Jack (V2) Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2)
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"In all likelihood you're going to toss me into prison," said Black Jack. "Which rather limits any plans I might have. Though, in all honesty... I'm not entirely sure. I'm a soldier. My duty is to fight for my employers. Given that they tried to kill me, I don't know what I'm supposed to do."


Eventually, the members of the White Platoon pile into the spaceship.

"Now how sure are you that this thing won't explode?" asked Dr. Y.

"... Not very," admitted John.

"I can 'old it togevver," said Patches.

"Good girl," said Dr. Y.

"What exactly are you trying to do, again?" asked Umbra.

"We're going to launch into space," said Dr. Y. "And you're going to identify which spaceship you saw that scientist leave in."

"If I don't?" asked Umbra with a smile.

"We'll see how you handle the cold vacuum of space," said Dr. Y.

"And you drift around lost," laughed Umbra. "You didn't think your plan through, did you?"

Dr. Y says nothing.

"So..." said John. "Engage?"

"Engage," sighed Dr. Y.

John, Patches, and Nikolai flick numerous switches, engaging the rocket ship and sending it flying into the atmosphere...

The setting changes from Fontin to Black Platoon Space Station

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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Another spacecraft, this one experimental and from Corona, drifts up to the space station, with an odd mixture of passengers on board...

"There!" said Umbra, pointing to the first spaceship. "That's the one!"

"... Strangely cooperative of you," muttered Dr. Y.

"You're welcome," giggled Umbra.

Dr. Y doesn't respond to her laughter, staring at the other ship. Terrus, Duma, and Patches follow his gaze, looking equally worried. John just looks confused.

"What's the big deal?" asked John.

"That's a Majestic ship," said Dr. Y.

"What now, doc?" asked Patches.

Dr. Y is silent for a while.

"... I'm not going to leave her with them," said Dr. Y. "Abraham, cut the power to this station."

Sparks fly out of the generator attached to Duma's back as Abraham goes flying off.

"Once the lights go out," said Dr. Y. "We're going to split up and search the station. Take out anyone besides us that you find."

"What if I find your girl and take her out?" asked Umbra, tauntingly.

"You won't want to do that," said Dr. Y, anger starting to rise in his voice.


With a descending hum, the lights throughout the station.

"MARY!" shouted Dom. "What did you do?"

"It wasn't me!" protested Mary.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Y (v2) Character Portrait: Nikolai (V2) Character Portrait: John Connor Character Portrait: Patches (v2) Character Portrait: Terrus (V2) Character Portrait: Duma (v2)
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With a wave of his hand, Dr. Y rushes out of the Corona spaceship, the rest of his Platoon following.


"Can you hear me?" said Dom into his communicator.

"Loud and clear," came another voice on the comm.

"We didn't do anything that would shut off the power, would we?" asked Dom.

"Negative, sir," said the voice.

"Then something else is on board," said Dom. "So split up and find it!"

"Are you sure that's a good idea, sir?" asked the voice. "It's dark, and we'd do a lot better in a group so whatever's onboard can't pick us off..."

"... Point taken," said Dom. "Split into teams of two and fan out!"

"Is that much better, sir?" asked the voice.

"And one of you head for the generator room and get the damn lights back on!" continued Dom.