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Dr. Y

The White Platoon's... Glorious... Leader is back!

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a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, originally authored by Alexander von Koopa, as played by RolePlayGateway


Theme - Institute Menu


Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Gloom Soldier, appears Human

Alignment: Lawful Good


Physical Description: Dr. Y dresses in all black - trench, hat, boots, vest, everything. He also wears sunglasses and has short red hair. However, his true form of a Gloom (living hungry darkness) is pure black, with the same clothes (tattered, if he even keeps them) and pure green eyes. The sunglasses, skin, and hair are all to cover this so people won't freak when they see him.

Personality: Dr. Y believes that the world is full of hate, lies, and cowards, and has adapted himself as such. He often withholds information from those he doesn't trust (everyone), is often abrasive and spiteful, and is willing to do "what needs to be done" no matter what the cost. Life as a monster and an outcast has filled him with self-loathing and paranoia, and he believes that the world would hate and fear him if they knew what he was. While he has allies, they are often reluctant and wouldn't consider themselves "friends" - but he's still strong-willed enough to keep men of all shapes and sizes in line and following him. While he may be good, he is anything but nice, self-righteous, or naive.

History: Dr. Y was created as an experiment by The Shade, an eldritch god and creator of the Gloom (hordes of living hungry darkness), to see if he could make a subject without having it need to feed on light and be in constant pain. He succeeded, but at the same time gave his new creation a great deal more time to think and be aware than his fellows. Gloom, weakened by light, devour it to kill themselves and end their suffering - but without suffering the creation saw that the Shade would only continue the cycle of misery. Determined to destroy the Shade, and with him all the other Gloom (because the urge to destroy himself was still there), the subject escaped, disguised himself as a human, and called himself Dr. Y, luring in heroes of all shapes and sizes into a group known as the White Platoon, to take down baddies (but mostly the Gloom, though they never got to that). Convinced that his new allies would kill him if they found out what he was, Dr. Y kept them in the dark and at arm's length at all times, until he had to engage in diplomacy with The Shade, who revealed his true form to his comrades and kept Dr. Y around to torture him. Escaping once again by threatening to destroy the world (long story), Dr. Y found a new body but lost even more trust for humanity, believing they would leave him behind in a heartbeat. Still holding a grudge against The Shade, the doctor now works in the shadows, trying to build the White Platoon anew...

Equipment: Dr. Y carries a broadsword and a shotgun, enchanted with energy (so he never needs to reload).

Abilities: Dr. Y and other Gloom soldiers have superhuman agility and durability, shrugging off blows that would kill an average adult male. They can also devour light, but this would kill them in too high a dose - besides, Dr. Y hates using his Gloom powers.

Other: While Dr. Y is a massive jerk and during his worst moments has threatened to shoot his comrades, he always has a clear idea of who is an ally and who is an enemy. While not friendly and often rude, he can't comprehend that people don't "officially" consider him allies even if they aren't members of his Platoon.

So begins...

Dr. Y's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
As the flare goes down, something hits the "bottom". It seems that the light is showing ground in the tunnel. It's not only that, but the fountain is there too. The Heavy raised his eyebrows in surprise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

"So," asked Ramses. "Who's going down first?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
"Your turn to be leader." The Heavy picks up Ramses and drops him down into the tunnel. He follows Ramses because he drops Ramses in first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

Ramses quickly activates his jet pack and slows what would be a crippling descent to the bottom as Dr. Y jumps in after the two.

The setting changes from Teja Citadel to Barroden


Characters Present

Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
Falling from the sky, the RED Heavy crashes down face flat on the fountain. He pulls his head out of the ground and crack his neck a little bit. He barely survived, but what about his minigun? The Heavy checks his minigun to see if there's a dent on it. There's one dent that hurts its quality, and the Heavy seems disappointed.

"I am sorry, Sasha," Heavy speaks to his minigun, "I should be more careful next time."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

Dr. Y comes crashing to the ground after the Heavy, landing with a "crack!" and getting twisted into an unnatural position. Ramses arrives after him, his fall slowed by a jet pack.

"Word of advice, big guy," said Ramses. "I'm being paid to find Qwark. Keeping you alive is optional. So try anything like that again and it'll be worth it to just shoot you then and there."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
"My bad!" Heavy chuckled nervously.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

Dr. Y cracks various joints, snapping back to a standing position like no normal human should be able to do.

"If you two are done," said Dr. Y. "We've got business."

Dr. Y sets off, following Qwark's muddy tracks even though he's wearing sunglasses underground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
The Heavy notices the Underdweller's burned corpse, and he seems surprised to see this. He scratches his head and thinks that Captain Qwark probably needs help from his ally. There he sees Qwark and Zenmei in the distance, and turns to Dr. Y. with a shook on his head.

"No. He is not dead." Heavy said with disappointment, "I cannot believe it! He is still alive."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

Dr. Y looks into the distance and sees Qwark and Zenmei as well.

"Might as well let 'em know we're here," said Dr. Y.

Dr. Y whistles sharply to get their attention.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

In response to Dr. Y's call, Zenmei quickly turns around to his group, holding a glowing Rekinen forth like a flashlight. "What now - ?!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

"Take it easy," said Dr. Y. "We're not here to hurt you. We just..."

"Made bets as to whether or not Qwark would be alive or dead within an hour after leaving the Rotten Rabbit Tavern," said Ramses. "They lost the bet, incidentally.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
"You guys were betting on my life whether I live or die?" Qwark raised his eyebrow, "What kind of sicko would thought of that?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

"That would be the good doctor here," said Ramses. "Apparently he thinks you're not qualified enough to go hunting for treasure. In fact I would guess he feels so unqualified that you'd kill yourself somehow."

"That's quite enough," said Dr. Y.

"Would you rather I ratted out the big man?" asked Ramses. "He thought Qwark would die within seconds."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
"Well, that wasn't nice..." Qwark frowns greatly upon Dr. Y, "I thought I was better than before."

"But ye better be off dead, laddie!!!" Then came an ambush; lots and lots of dwarves point their shotguns and spears at the group, and they are very angry at the intruders. "Welcome to Barroden, Outsiders! Drop ye weapons down or we'll turn ya all into haggis!"

"What is this? We are surrounded by tiny baby men?! HAH! It is joke, right?" RED Heavy scoffs at the dwarves.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

While Dr. Y and Ramses were talking about the wager:

"Really? I don't think even Qwark here is THAT incompetent," Zenmei remarked.

Now come the dwarves.

"(!) Oh great... {to Heavy} Watch it, now! Dwarves may be tiny, but they're very strong!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

"Plus they've got shotguns aimed at us," whispers Ramses. "Now I'm not a betting man, I prefer getting paid to wagering money. But I'm going to bet none of us are quick enough on the draw to out-shoot all of these dwarves. So, fearless leader, what do we do now?"

Dr. Y is silent for a few seconds before drawing his sword and shotgun and dropping them to the ground. Ramses shrugs and follows suit, but given that he's got much more hidden weaponry than Dr. Y, this takes a bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
"I am sorry again, Sasha..." Heavy drops his minigun. Qwark does the same.

"That goes the same to you, wolf. Drop your weapons like a good little puppy." said the scowling Dwarf.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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0.00 INK

"Ahehehe...Right, right, I'll just..." Zenmei dropped Rekinen to the ground, putting his hands behind his head...and then yanking his head right off!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Jurgen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
"What in blazes?! THAT WOLF IS A DEMON!!!"

The dwarves scream and flee from the group and gone into hiding. When the ruler of Barroden and his dwarf minions arrive, he is appalled that his dwarf minions hide in their homes.

"Dumkuffs.." Skinnyhammer snaps his fingers, and the cowering dwarves peek out and pull out their weapons, "I suppose you intruders want to make this situation a little easier, ja?"

"Yes." Heavy said.

"Say, aren't you supposed to be stubby like the rest of them?" Captain Qwark asks.

"It's a... growth spurt! Do not question my body! I am ze ruler of Barroden!" Skinnyhammer hisses, "And you are welcome to stay with us for all eternity... Mwah hah hah hah hah hah!"
