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A stone cold operative of red hot proportions.

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a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by MrAuthor3DS



The sole survivor of Last Hope, a group dedicated to bioengineering and reconnaissance. She also has ties to the unscrupulous Anti-Skullgirl Lab Zero, and was the one who personally created Painwheel. She was recently seen aiding the Skullgirl in intel and sabotage.

As expected from a ninja-nurse, she wields all sorts of weaponized hospital apparatus, including her personal bonesaw ninjaken, Christmas's kunai scalpels, Hallow's art of syringes and venoms, Patty's IV-stand yari, and Easter's body bag arts. She also has an enchanted defibrillator that, with enough charge, can resuscitate any mortal injuries.

She loathes the concept of weakness, so it's hard for her to take pity on just anyone. It's uncertain whether or not she has truly abandoned her oath to protect against the threat of the Skullgirl...

So begins...

Valentine's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ramses
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#, as written by Karasz
"Welp, your funeral, Hoodie" Claptrap watches Red's demise, "I'm gonna stay out of it. And you guys should think the same way as I--"

Qwark and Leilanie ignored Claptrap and followed Red and Valentine.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?!" asked Claptrap.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ramses
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Ganymede got up and dusted himself off before looking at the group... moving towards the chaos serpent? Well, that seems... counterproductive. Still, a plan, even one that seemed suicidal, was better than nothing, and he began to walk straight for Cessare.

"Just so you know," said Ramses, touching down. "You're all crazy."

Despite this naysaying, Ramses followed them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ramses
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Cessare just stared back at the group that was just calmly approaching it. It decided to take them by surprise - it did so by creating another portal in front, spewing more tentacles!

"Stay firm, everyone...!" Valentine whispered. Red nearly lost her breath at the sudden attack, but remembered that they're on a mission. She didn't freeze up, she didn't strike back - she just leaned away from the tentacles that lunged toward her. Wario ducked under them, teeth slightly clattering for just a second before fiercely gritting.

Rainbow Dash saw this, and decided to take another action to save Spike. "Hey, tentacles! Put the kid down - I'm the one you want!"

"(!) R-Rainbow, what are you - ?!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ramses
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#, as written by Karasz
"Forget that rainbow pegasus!" Claptrap shouted, "I'm the one you want. I can do what you like... CLAPTRAP DUBSTEP!" He does his moves in front of Cessare by sounding like a dubstep, "Wubwubwub wuuub wubwubwub! Woooorrrb wubwubwub! Wuuuub!"

"Oh please... Nobody will take you anyway." Leilanie sighed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ramses
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Ramses leans ever so slightly to the left whenever the tentacles come near. Ganymede follows Wario's lead by ducking under the tentacles when they come near.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ramses
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The clump of tentacles paused for a moment, then let go of Spike and wrapped around Rainbow Dash and Claptrap, keeping a tight grip.

"!!!" Red flinched in shock, seeing the two being taken captive like that. "H-Hang on, I'll - !"

"No!" Valentine stopped Red, grabbing her by the arm. "Don't lose it. Just stay...calm."


"'s...okay..." Rainbow Dash said as more tentacles wrapped around her and Claptrap. Spike was too shocked from the experience to move, but he wished he could help the two.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ramses
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#, as written by Karasz
"Oh god! Be gentle; I'm fragile...!!" Claptrap shakes while trapped by the tentacles.

Leilanie and Captain Qwark will man up and approach Cessare. But Pete is still cowering in fear. He's in his fetal position while sucking his own thumb.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ramses
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Ganymede briefly shows a look of surprise, but regains his composure and keeps walking. Ramses doesn't care who gets grabbed, or whether or not they'll be okay, and keeps walking unflinchingly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ramses
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"Alright, come on..." Wario muttered to himself. "Show me whatcha got...!" Seemingly in response, a portal opened right behind Wario, lashing tentacles around him. "Gack - ! Okay...not-a bad...!"

More portals appeared, snatching the others, pulling them in and constricting tightly to prevent escape.

"(!) Oh no...!" Red gasped.

Know fear...for the last time.

"...Sounds good to me," Valentine replied.

Rainbow Dash didn't seem to be conscious as she and Claptrap are almost completely swallowed by their portal. Spike snapped out of his shock, determined to save Rainbow Dash. ", I'm not gonna leave you guys!!" With that, he reached in to grab Rainbow's hoof, but wasn't close enough. So, he leaned in closer...and ended up slipping into the portal, being consumed by the tentacles as well!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ramses
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"What the-?" asked Ganymede, struggling in vain against the tentacles.

"Oh, stop it," said Ramses. "You know that's not going to work."

"But I have to-"

"I SAID," interrupted Ramses. "That's not. Going. To work."

"... I see," said Ganymede, much calmer now and not struggling. "Then I invite you, Cessare of the Chaos - do your worst."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ramses
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#, as written by Karasz
Leilanie concentrates in her thoughts than being scared of her fate.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

"Is this gonna sting?" Captain Qwark whispers to Claptrap.

"You think? I'm gonna die as a virgin!" Claptrap groaned, which Qwark raised his eyebrow in confusion. Claptrap is being stared at by Qwark, "What? Was it something I said?"

"Mommy!!!!" Pete cries like a baby.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ramses
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Only despair seemed to await - the eleven intrepid treasure hunters were being pulled deeper and deeper into the darkness within the portals. Slowly, they slipped into unconsciousness...losing sight of their surroundings...falling into...a deep sleep...

(...Fear not the dark...) Red thought in the last moments awake, (...await...the light...)

And just like that...not a one was left...

The setting changes from Praeniteo to Bell Tower


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Jagger Herz
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Outside, a bright flash can be seen from the inside of the tower, in a floor near the zenith.


Inside, the group that was on Galinia appeared - Zenmei, Twilight Sparkle, Jagger, Dr. Y, Steve, Peacock, Heavy, and Ted. They floated down from midair, touching the floor.

"Nnn...?" Jagger, like the others, was slightly disoriented by the sudden warp, but soon snapped to his senses. "...Wait, what is this place? Weren't we on the moon a moment ago...?"

"This...? Wait, this must be...!" Zenmei realized where they were. "(!) The window...!"

Zenmei went to the window to check, as did Twilight. Meanwhile, Peacock noticed another group collapsed and unconscious on the ground nearby - Leilanie, Red, Qwark, Claptrap, Ganymede, Ramses, Valentine, Rainbow Dash, and Spike.

"(!) The seas of Yuyake all around!" Twilight exclaimed. "So this really's the Bell Tower!" It's then that Twilight noticed the spaceship outside. "(?) What - ?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Jagger Herz
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Dr. Y notices the spaceship outside as well.

"Ah, crap," said Dr. Y.

He then goes over to Ramses and kicks him.

"Get up," demanded Dr. Y.

Ramses slowly regains consciousness as Dr. Y goes over to Ganymede and starts shaking him - with more care than he did Ramses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Toniyo Zaritoni Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
"The Treasure Hunters!!" Karasz and Toniyo exclaimed.

"Steve! Boy am I glad to see you!" Claptrap greets Steve, "I thought you were dead!"

"Heyoo..." Steve hugs Claptrap real tight and starts sobbing.

"HEY! HEY! HEY!!!!" Claptrap screamed, "PERSONAL SPACE, BANDIT!!"

"Well, talk about a brilliant puzzle! It was just a test after all." Qwark dusts his hips, "But we haven't got the pieces yet... or have we?"

"That was too close." RED Heavy chuckled, "No puzzle is too great for Heavy Weapons Guy.. Hah hah hah!!!"

Leilanie noticed that Karasz and Toniyo are there. She gets up and have a little chat with the two. "Oh, I suppose you two found out about the Bell Tower? You should know that the treasure belongs to me~"

"Leilanie, thank goodness..." Karasz sighed, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah- I'm fine. Ya don't have to worry about me. I'm fine! Really."

"Okay... at least there is still time to get away from that Bell Tower." Karasz warned, "Please, hear me out-"

"You want to tell us to leave and you want the treasure for yourself." Leilanie thinks that Karasz wants the treasure for himself, "Yeah- I know your story. And to think we've been together for months now? Hah~ What do you know about the Bell Tower? Nothing."

"LEILANIE! EVERYONE! LISTEN TO US!" Toniyo screamed, "The Bell Tower does NOT contain any treasure."

"Whatchutalkin' about human!?" Claptrap asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Toniyo Zaritoni Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock
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Red, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Valentine also came to, just as Karasz and Toniyo arrived. It's about here that Toniyo says that there's no treasure.

"...Well, of course there isn't," Valentine said. "But we are NOT evacuating this tower!"

"Whatcha talkin' about, nurse?" Peacock asked skeptically.

"Had a feeling about that..." Red added, still a bit drowsy from Cessare's test.

"But...if there's nothing here..." Spike asked, "then why are we staying?"

"Simple. The tower needs our help."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Toniyo Zaritoni Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mgtwan
Ted ignores them talking, as he can't understand it anyway and looks outside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Toniyo Zaritoni Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock
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0.00 INK

"Nothing in the Bell Tower," said Dr. Y. "Oh yes, that seems very important. How dare I think it was otherwise."

Ganymede gets up right around the time Toniyo says there is no treasure.

"How do YOU know?" said Ganymede. "And what IS in the tower if not treasure?"

"Ganymede, we've got bigger problems," pointed out Dr. Y.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Toniyo Zaritoni Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
"Inside the Bell Tower, there is a--" Toniyo is then interrupted by Claptrap, "Wha--?!"

"Aw- who cares what's in the Bell Tower! No matter what's in that Bell Tower, it has to be valuable! And as anyone knows that I, Claptrap, finally reached thy destiny! If it wasn't for my minions, I wouldn't be able to make it in the first place."

"You don't understand--! There is no treasure!" Karasz repeated.

"And you two are just there to stall us!" Claptrap accused, "So forget your 'so-called' warning, kid! I'm about to find out what's in that---"

There is a low growl coming from the Bell Tower. Leilanie, Qwark, and Claptrap hear it, but they think their stomaches are growling.

"Errr............" Claptrap shrugs, "I'm sure everyone is hungry... FOR TREASURE!" Then he runs over to the doors in front the Bell Tower. With the seven tower keys, the door should be opening.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!!" Toniyo screamed at Claptrap.

"Look, if you guys are trying to scare us, it isn't working." Leilanie follows Claptrap, "I know your gigs, guys. Just drop the act and let me collect the treasure so that talking toaster won't have anything left."

"Oh god..." Karasz facepalmed, "GUYS??? ANYONE?"

"Nyet. I'm going." The Heavy followed Leilanie and Claptrap.

"I promised Zenmei that I would share the treasure for his hard work." Qwark did the same.

"Heyoo?" Steve actually stays with Ted.

"Not working, Karatcake!" Leilanie taunts at her boyfriend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Toniyo Zaritoni Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock
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"No, you don't!" Jagger applied a magnetic grip on Leilanie, Claptrap, Heavy, and Qwark, dragging them back to the group. "Think rationally - the Tower Key appears once every 500 years, likely for a reusable purpose. And I doubt that purpose is treasure, which I'm also sure ISN'T something that Ortus was just testing our self-control for!"

"Obviously!" Red added. "Cessare tested us on what it means to not fear even death. If we were talking about gold and baubles, it would have tested fear of bankruptcy."

"You serious? Wow...there must be somethin' bigger going on if THAT'S what our tests were like," Peacock said.

"...Actually, why not let them proceed with their greedy egos," Valentine remarked. "They've worked hard to come this far, right? And I'd like to see how big a splash they can make."

"Eh - ?" Peacock responded. It's kinda hard to hear what Valentine muttered there.

"Anyway, the barrier seems to be fading fast," Twilight noted. "Let's hurry to the floor above!"

"Our final test of the quest..." Zenmei said. "Bring it on!"