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Zenmei Gekkani

All is crystal-clear for this werewolf.

0 · 2,084 views · located in Taiyomashi Temple

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by MrAuthor3DS


ZENMEI GEKKANI -Ninmenjushin-

Karma - Tekken 6

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Specie: Werewolf Ninmenjushin/Angel

Physical Description: As a human, he has shaggy brown hair and wears a white hoodie (with short back sleeves adorned with a golden 日 (sun) and a silvery 月 (moon), and a red back with an overlapping sun/moon on it), black spiked bracers (adorned with 木 (wood) and 金 (metal)), and slacks emblazoned with 火 (fire) and 水 (water). In his Yokai form, he takes the form of a humanoid wolf, same color as his hair. His hoodie comes unzipped, exposing the 全 (zen) tattoo on his chest. Crystal wings levitated very close to his back, their base shaped like a five-pointed star.

Personality: He's well-meaning and has a stable head on his shoulders (even when it physically isn't). As a young journalist-to-be, finding the truth in things is his biggest interest. However, he's a bit on the shy side, which often leads him to keep secrets or not ask for help (but this part is mostly to protect those close to him).

History: A youth of Iwaki, and part of Nakoso High School's journalism group. He has a bit of a secret - he's actually a Ninmenjushin, a human/Yokai (specifically a Werewolf Yokai)! He first realized this when he was eight, when his transformation was first triggered. That was also the same night that his mother had mysteriously vanished, so the ordeal was even more shocking for him than it should have been. For a long time, he tried to not let anyone outside of his family know anything about his true self, so they wouldn't get hurt. However, when a rising Akuma threat is poised on attacking all of human- and Yokai-kind, he couldn't keep his secret shut for long. Thankfully, this is what got his life saved by his childhood friend, Ekiyu Nyuuwa. After many other trials, he proved himself worthy of the greatest honor to Yokaikind - becoming an Angel.

Equipment: Rekinen, a channel for projecting a blade of pure chi. The phantasmal blade's damage capabilities is only limited by the user's will. This model is infused with veins of silver, a purifying metal, making it effective for exorcising evil spirits. Also, the Wolf's Mirror, a mysterious relic that first triggered Zenmei's Yokai side, has become part of Zenmei. He can project it out as a shield.

Abilities: Using Rekinen as a focus, Zenmei can channel different elements of chi in the form of chakra. So far, it seems he can conjure chakra of Fire, Water, Thunder, Earth, Wind, Shadow, Light, and Moon. Also, as a powerful Yokai aligned with Earth, his body has taken on a bizarre property - his very flesh has become crystalline! He can harden his limbs to increase impact, and even detach parts of himself, especially his head. His crystal wings act like blades, and can fire beams of raw chi. He can use this technique to treat the wings like a jetpack, allowing some degree of flight.

Other: Being half-Yokai (a fairy creature), he's very vulnerable to damage from iron weapons. A strike from an iron weapon would normally be fatal for a Yokai, but since a Ninmenjushin is half-human (with iron-rich blood), Zenmei is merely just weak to it.

Specific Moves
  • Pyrosphere: Fire chakra in the form of a fireball that bursts on contact. Can be launched, set in place, or sent on a bouncing path.
  • Waterflow: Water chakra in the form of a rushing wave of water. Good for pushing foes back.
  • Wrathstorm: Thunder chakra in the form of a swath of thunderbolts around himself falling down. Electrifies metal for a while.
  • Rock Wrecker: Earth chakra that turns Rekinen's phantasmal blade into a large crystal club.
  • Fissure: Earth chakra that sends a burst of energy along the ground.
  • Zen Idol: Solidifies his whole body in a statue-like form, crashing downward.
  • Grass-Cutter: Wind chakra that sends several homing blades of air forth.
  • Twister: Wind chakra that conjures a tornado around himself. Fends off projectiles.
  • Crescent Wave: Moon chakra in the form of a large blade of lunar energy. Sometimes befuddles the senses.
  • Psycho Zone: Moon chakra that projects a spherical lunar field around himself. Sometimes befuddles the senses.
  • Black Blade: Shadow chakra in the form of a large, short-range shockwave of darkness.
  • Shadow Guard: Shadow chakra that makes him resistant to flinching. The dark membrane around himself also counters direct attacks.
  • Ascension: Light chakra in the form of a pillar surrounding himself.
  • Radiant Pulse: Light chakra that casts a homing wave. Pierces guards, but can be cleaved apart.
  • Crystal Beam: Fires a chi shot from his wings. Can be charged for greater size and power.
  • Crystal Jet: Propels forth with his wings' chi thrust, tackling into foes at a sonic speed.
  • Subspace Slip: Fortune power that lets Zenmei slip through a portal to a nearby spot.
  • Shadow of Doom: Materializes objects from Fortune energy above foes and sends them crashing down. Can range from small, noggin-rattling object to large, crushing objects.
  • Yokai Sense: Slows the surroundings with Fortune energy. May dodge an incoming hit automatically, but this will end the effect.
  • Silver Aura: Increases his strength with the mystic essence of silver.
  • Golden Aura: Improves his endurance and healing factor with the mystic essence of gold.
  • Idai Suishonoken: Shapes his wings into a double-barrel laser cannon, firing a giant beam of chi.
  • 7 Yoso Toboe: Jams his wings' crystals into the ground in a circle and lets out a piercing howl, conjuring from them a sphere of fire, water, lightning, wind, sand, and lunar energy.

  • Youkai folklore
  • Okami
  • The werewolf (Ouendan! 2)
  • Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Marvel comics)
  • Hercules (Disney)
  • Alisa Bosconovitch (Tekken)
  • Ms. Fortune (Skullgirls)
  • Peacock (Skullgirls)
  • The Soul Calibur
  • The Crystal Empire (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
  • Comic Jumper

  • "Zenmei" is Japanese for "another name", and contains the word "zen", the attainment of enlightenment or insight of one's true nature. "Gekkani" means "in the moonlight".
  • The main reason that he's a werewolf was a play on how socially, werewolves may be shy or distant to keep others from getting hurt, or to keep from being judged for what they really are. Ironically, it later comes to symbolize that a wolf, being a pack animal, ought not be lone.
  • Also, the wolf was regarded in Japan as a harvest deity of the late year (whereas the fox is a harvest deity of the spring), and Zenmei's journey began in autumn.
  • Zenmei's channel uses the essence of silver, which may seem ironic, since he's a werewolf. However, silver is traditionally effective in cleansing evil energies, like curses. That's the real reason that silver weapons were effective on the typical werewolf back in the day. But, Zenmei's werewolf state isn't from any curse, so silver doesn't really hurt him.
  • Zenmei's Fortune abilities, Subspace Slip and Shadow of Doom, are both drawn from specials used by Peacock in Skullgirls, namely The Hole Idea and Shadow of Impending Doom (respectively).
  • Zenmei tends to outright ignore the fourth wall, and sometimes lampshades certain tropes.

Aigis's Theme - Persona 4 Arena

So begins...

Zenmei Gekkani's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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"That would be the good doctor here," said Ramses. "Apparently he thinks you're not qualified enough to go hunting for treasure. In fact I would guess he feels so unqualified that you'd kill yourself somehow."

"That's quite enough," said Dr. Y.

"Would you rather I ratted out the big man?" asked Ramses. "He thought Qwark would die within seconds."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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#, as written by Karasz
"Well, that wasn't nice..." Qwark frowns greatly upon Dr. Y, "I thought I was better than before."

"But ye better be off dead, laddie!!!" Then came an ambush; lots and lots of dwarves point their shotguns and spears at the group, and they are very angry at the intruders. "Welcome to Barroden, Outsiders! Drop ye weapons down or we'll turn ya all into haggis!"

"What is this? We are surrounded by tiny baby men?! HAH! It is joke, right?" RED Heavy scoffs at the dwarves.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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While Dr. Y and Ramses were talking about the wager:

"Really? I don't think even Qwark here is THAT incompetent," Zenmei remarked.

Now come the dwarves.

"(!) Oh great... {to Heavy} Watch it, now! Dwarves may be tiny, but they're very strong!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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"Plus they've got shotguns aimed at us," whispers Ramses. "Now I'm not a betting man, I prefer getting paid to wagering money. But I'm going to bet none of us are quick enough on the draw to out-shoot all of these dwarves. So, fearless leader, what do we do now?"

Dr. Y is silent for a few seconds before drawing his sword and shotgun and dropping them to the ground. Ramses shrugs and follows suit, but given that he's got much more hidden weaponry than Dr. Y, this takes a bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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#, as written by Karasz
"I am sorry again, Sasha..." Heavy drops his minigun. Qwark does the same.

"That goes the same to you, wolf. Drop your weapons like a good little puppy." said the scowling Dwarf.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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"Ahehehe...Right, right, I'll just..." Zenmei dropped Rekinen to the ground, putting his hands behind his head...and then yanking his head right off!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Jurgen
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#, as written by Karasz
"What in blazes?! THAT WOLF IS A DEMON!!!"

The dwarves scream and flee from the group and gone into hiding. When the ruler of Barroden and his dwarf minions arrive, he is appalled that his dwarf minions hide in their homes.

"Dumkuffs.." Skinnyhammer snaps his fingers, and the cowering dwarves peek out and pull out their weapons, "I suppose you intruders want to make this situation a little easier, ja?"

"Yes." Heavy said.

"Say, aren't you supposed to be stubby like the rest of them?" Captain Qwark asks.

"It's a... growth spurt! Do not question my body! I am ze ruler of Barroden!" Skinnyhammer hisses, "And you are welcome to stay with us for all eternity... Mwah hah hah hah hah hah!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Jurgen
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Zenmei turns his head toward Skinnyhammer while grabbing Rekinen off the ground. "What about your beard? What happened to that?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Jurgen
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Dr. Y picks up his weapons as well. Ramses only has the time to pick up his gauntlets and put them back on.

"In fact, I'd say you look more elvish than dwarvish," said Dr. Y. "No beard, tall and thin, pale complexion... those sound like elf traits to me."

OOC: While they may be obvious vampire traits to others, Dr. Y is trying to play on dwarf/elf hatred. and there may be other reasons


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Jurgen
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#, as written by Karasz
"An elf...?" The dwarves look at Jurgen, "We were worshiping an elf the entire time?! Gahhh!!"

"Now wait just a minute. Let's not get--" Skinnyhammer gulped, "Uhmm.. hasty there. Oh no..!! They're on to me!"

"I don't remember elves speaking German... right? I thought they speak Elvish.... or Elven?" Qwark scratches his head, "I don't know, both accents sound the same."

The Heavy picks up his minigun and starts spinning in front of Skinnyhammer. Skinnyhammer gulps again and screams like a little girl. He makes a run for it.

"THAT'D BE AN ELF! WE'VE BEEN DUPED!!" one dwarf screamed, "Of all the things we hate, it had to be those bloody elves! KILL THE IMPOSTER!!" The Dwarves chase Skinnyhammer and try to attack him. But all of a sudden, Skinnyhammer vanished. "Where did that blasted elf go?! Damn teleportin' magic powers."

"Who would've thought that dwarf king turn out to be a pale elf with a german accent?" Qwark chuckled, "Ooh boy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Jurgen
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Zenmei reattached his head to his neck, the crystal rims sealing up. "Lucky him..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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"Now then," said Dr. Y to Qwark and Zenmei. "The least we can do is get you out of here. After getting whatever you came for, of course."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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"Well, we WERE here to find a key..." Zenmei said. "Someone said it fell somewhere around Teja."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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#, as written by Karasz
The Heavy smells again, only this time he smells something... garlic scented.

"Hmm... garlic scented smoke?" RED Heavy scratches chin, "I smell.... VAMPIRE!!!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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"Vampires tend to know a lot," said Dr. Y.

"Then maybe this one knows where the key is," said Ramses, finally having picked up his gear. "Lead on, big man."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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#, as written by Karasz
"Hah hah hah~ This is best idea." The Heavy take out his minigun again, "Where are you, vampire?! I know you are here hiding like baby."

The Heavy follows Jurgen's tracks as Qwark follows.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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Zenmei follows. "He couldn't have gone too far...!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses
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Dr. Y and Ramses hurry after the group.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Jurgen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
Entering the dwarven treasure chambers, they find Hade and Jurgen in the same room together. Jurgen is unaware that Hades is behind him, and he picks up the key from the symbol.

"What is this thing? I never seen this before..." Jurgen scratches his head.

"Hey! Hold it right here!" Qwark screams, "Drop the key!"

"KEY?" Jurgen yelps and he does it anyway, "Uh... Can I help you with--" Then he sees Hades again, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" The cowardly vampire makes a run for it, but he ends up crashing into the wall and falls on his back, "Nieeenn! It's not fair! I thought I had it all. A dwarven army to worship my greatness.""


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Copernicus Leslie Qwark Character Portrait: RED Heavy Character Portrait: Dr. Y Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Jurgen
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"And now..." said a voice from the smoke as it cleared, "you got NOTHING."

The figure revealed is Hades, lord of the dead! Zenmei skidded to a stop upon seeing this.

"You've been runnin' away for long enough, Jurgen - and you know, the Underworld has rules against fugitives..." Hades conjured a ring of blue fire around Jurgen, blocking off any kind of magic transmission from him (including teleportation).